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tv   Kudlow  FOX Business  July 30, 2024 7:00pm-8:00pm EDT

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larry: hello, folks. welcome to kudlow, i'm l arry kudlow. so senate held hearing on trump assassination attempt. we have senator eric schmitt on that and other topics. but first, hillary vaughn is on capitol hill. with the whole story. it is quite a story. reporter: we have a lot of new information about the hearing we learned that acting secret service director ronald rowe went back to the scene of crime in butler, pennsylvania, something that former director cheatle never did, he went to rooftop and laid down in the same spot as crooks fired from at former president trump. he said that feeling he fell in that moment was quote, shame. he also said it was indefensible that secret service did not protect president trump.
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new details about timeline show that law enforcement had crooks on their radar before the assassination attempt happened. they flagged crooks as a suspicious person, an hour before he fired his first shot at former president trump. but that alert was sent over text. not on the radio. keeping snipers and trumps detail out of the loop, secret service snipers did not know that crooks had a gun until they heard gunshots they didn't see crooks until he pulled trigger targeting trump. >> when did the snipers first see him. >> as soon as he presented himself as a target and threat to president. >> when was that? >> he fires initially -- i know. >> what is the answer. >> they did not see him. >> they never saw him. >> no, sir. >> how could they not, he was there big as dallas with's gun.
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pointed at the president. how could they not. >> i believe he was obscured by the roof. >> roof is flat. with ridges. reporter: rowe could not explain who is to blame for putting trump on stage, with a suspicious person roaming or why he was not pulled off the stage once it was more concerning before the shots were fired. and he also could not explain why no one has been fired yet. >> my question, why don't you relief everyone of duty who made bad judgment, i am zeroing in on someone. >> i acknowledge this was a failure -- >> someone has failed. >> sir this could been our texas school book depose torey i lost sleep over that. >> then fire someone. >> i will tell you, i will not rush to judgment and put people. >> i can't that you are -- i
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cannot -- unfairly persecuted. >> unfairly persecuted. >> people are dead. >> have have to have a proper investigation. reporter: there is mayor quesmajor questions about shootser's motive. fbi is scrubbing social media they believe they identified a few accounting that crooks may have uses one from between 19 with anti-semitic and race ichts cracist comments, they have not confirmed that these profiles belong to crooks. larry: regarding senate side, what happens next? reporter: they have more questions, we'll probably hear from secret service agentses on the ground with trump. the director committed to do
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to give the lawmakers a chance to talk with someone who was there in person. larry: joining us now missouri senator eric schmitt. welcome back. you watched hearing, what was your take, off of the top of your head. what did you take from this. >> still a lot of unanswered questions, as everyone watched and became aware it was a catastrophic failure. president trump by the grace of god turned one direction. which saves his life. how that building was not in the perimeter, there are no good answers yet. and these folks should have a press conference daily, in my view, to inform people, telling us what they know, they need to answer questions in fronts of congress, but i don't
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understand the lack of communication only feeds you know theories, that are either true or not. and i just think they need to be more c communicate more, and the they were aware of the guy an hour ahead of time, lost him, as far as we can figure out, until about 6 minutes before, some believe they had eyes on him a couple of minutes before, this is all conflicting information that has to be cleared up. they have to be open for american people to have any semblance of faith, another point this is a tale of two parts, secret service agents who jumped on president trump were heroic, they did their job, but planning for this, and lack of communications and not having you know, the communication devices. larry: one thing. mr. trump said the same thing, people that fell all
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over him, assume usual role of secret service. which is if they had to put themselves in front of a blbullet. one thing that strikes me, as lay person, i have been following this, we had a lot of discussion on the show. there seems to have been a severe lack of cooperation between the local police authorities and the secret service. i don't understand that. there are some people, a lot of rumming ons to your point -- rumors, to your point, that the secret service don't respect the local authorities, they did not show up for meetings with local authorities, then other rumors with respect to fbi they don't get along, there is bad blood, fbi thinks it is superior. if we can't work with state and local authorities, who know the turf better, that is you know all is lost it seems, they had their eyes on this guy, quite a few minutes before the actual
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shooting. >> you have that dynamic in play, then you have the on the ground of s is supposedly maybe. that is a huge break down. there is -- i think all the way this is a confluence of a bunch of failures, planning, execution of the at the time. there -- american people deserve answers. this was a -- thankfully a failed as aassassination attempt, we speculated what could have happened. i think that they need to become clean, and there is speculation that maybe secret service has not even interviewed the local folks in the investigation or fbi interview peoples in the investigation, we have to diagnose what happened. making sure it never happens again. larry: no one seems to know
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why the secret service did not run a drone covering the area. >> well, shooter did, he ran a drone. this is -- you know we have to get to bottom of, the trump's team, in his detail asking for more help, and that was denied. why was that denied? how much times, clearly, y you don't have to be a professional in law enforcement to could that punderstand that president trump is at risk all of the time. we need to get to the bottom of that too. larry: at least, again, from this hearing at least the new head or acting head of secret service acknowledged that it was a huge mistake. he said there are no excuses. that is a lot better than the cheatle woman who would not give out that much, at least there is humility creeping into the story, maybe some urgencey into the investigation, one can only hope, i saw that as slightly
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positive sign. >> yeah, i think they have to give more updates. you know, american people deserve it. larry: let me jump off that to a different topic. joe biden would have run against the supreme court if he were running for president. but i think kamala harris agrees with him. he wants to, no matter what they say senator eric schmitt, my take they want to stack the court. fdr style, that is joe biden's hero. no matter what they say, they want to stack the court, if they had the senate vote to break the filibuster they would do that. what do you think? you are a distinguished former state attorney general you might be a future u.s. attorney general for all i know. it may fall into your lap. is that what they want to do stack the bloody court. >> absolutely, this is not -- they are not even trying to hide it whole purpose of them undermining cred b
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ibility of the court because they don't like a couple of decisions is to pack the court, you are right, if they get to 51, in -- without m manchin and kyrsten sinema, they or record saying they will destroy the filibuster and adjust is to u.s. supreme court and add dcas a state to have ter permanent power, that is ha this is bproposals are unconstitutional. that i want to continue to -- it is shameful, joe biden was chairman of judiciary committee in senate, fact that he is become what me is now, in you know again, claiming that others are a threat to democracy, again we have seen what the threat to democracy is, it is biden and harris. larry: you have to -- i was doing to. do you have any doubt that kamala harris agrees with joe biden, whatever she may say, like fracking. i didn't say a ban on
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fracking, well, yes yes, you did ma'am, this is -- to some, extent. the supreme court game g -- gave the president immunity. really, how petulant is that. >> i think they are trying to gin up enthusiasm, i think that american people will be left with a choice that is prosperity and peace under president trump and also most radical progressive nominated by any in country, kamala harris. they dive to her support for green new deal, and court packing and deciding vote on a lot of inflation policies
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that joe biden got through, the senate, she was tie breaking vote. her you know soft on crime stance, american people will pick president trump. they have this time period right now they are trying to generate enthusiasm for kamala harris now i guess running again supreme court. we'll see how that plays out, that say cynical play. it is dangerous. by the way, if you want to get to 13, why not 25? why not 50. why not 100? there is no limiting principle to this if just about power and control, and getting results you want. larry: all right si senator eric schmitt thank you. >> thank you, larry. >> we'll take a break from this, put some economics into, that we'll cover israel attack on lebanon in just a moment. but, i just -- change gears. i want to tell you how silly economists can be, the subject of the riff.
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so economic can be strange game. now follow me, take for example conference boards consumer confidence index just out today, for month of july. overall index up slightly from june lower than may, most important down 12% from a year ago. today the index is around 100, during the trump years it was 140, consumer confidence one of most important measures of kitchen table sentiment among ordinary typical working class families, they are not con c confident. consumer confidence is an election year indicator, even though very few economists understand it. frankly it is more important than gdp or host of other economic agraget, confidence
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in present situation is down 13% from a year ago, expecting for future down 11% from a year ago, today's present situation about 133 on the index, during trump years, it was close to 180. think of that. now, let's look at venezuela for a moment. total economic basket case. even though it has huge oil reserves under the ground, it as economy has been wrecked by former president of whachavez what turned part time capitalism to ful full time socialism and made more my president maduro who may have stolen the recent election, venezuela is a communist vassell of cuba, a strong ally of russia, iran
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and china. but as a committee to unleash prosperity hot line alerts us "new york times" has su sunk to new low by saying, socialist movement that swept the power in vez venezuela in 1999, founded by former president chavez, the movement promised to lift millions out of property, if a time -- poverty, for a time it did. quote, this socialist model, he once hailed, has given way to brutal economy -- new brutal capitalism,. economists say, with a small state connected minority. controlling. much of the nations wealth, brutal capitalism, really, it has been socialism and more socialism, to more
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authoritarian socialism that looks like communism. i would not be surprised it was a "new york times" e editorial, it is a "new york times" news story. all this news that is not fit to print, was written by reporters -- bureau chief are in "new york times." just saying, there is a small group connected with minority control of the economy, that is called the corrupt -- run by a close circle of friends of president maduro. all right, sorry "new york times." had to do it news story. really? more economic goofiness, fed meets today and tomorrow, to figure out monetary policy, always about interest rates or labor markets or gdp .
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however, former governor kevin warsh deserves kudos for his "wall street journal" op-ed yesterday, he was on this show last evening. he wrotes high priest of central bank dogma might consider is blasphemy, monetary policy has something to do with money. imagine. practice ofo mr. warsh. he points out that fed's balance sheet remains near record highs. since money has something to do with inflation, progress on inflation lately may knnot be sustain able because of the fed's balance sheet, and mr. warsh might have added they should look at commodity prices including gold to determine value and quantity of money. but v central bank never
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does that either, not all of the dummies work for "new york times," that is my riff. we will be right back. coming up, israel strikes back at the heart of hezbollah in p pay route -- beirut, next on kudlow. n acid for twice as long as pepcid. get all-day and all-night heartburn acid prevention with just one pill a day. choose acid prevention. choose nexium. (bell ringing) someone needs to customize and save hundreds with liberty mutual! (inaudible sounds) (elevator doors opening) wait, there's an elevator? only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, ♪ ♪ liberty. ♪ (♪) car, this isn't the way home. that's right james, it isn't.
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larry: a huge story today, israel strikes back at hezbollah, trey yingst is live in tel aviv with the latest. reporter: thank you, major development as israelis struck back against the hezbollah. in beirut. lebanese capital, a significant development for reasons it comes as a direct response to the hezbollah rocket attack on saturday, that killed 12 children and teens in the northern part of the golan heights. we were there for after fact. it was an emotional time, the israelis struck a senior
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hezbollah commander in beirut, there are mixed reports if he was killed in the strikes we're waiting for confirmation. this does take it up a notch on the escalation ladder for reg region. raisrob h-- raising questions about what comes next, this is about sending a message saying israel does not want war but now it is in the hands of hezbollah, there are questions if his death is confirmed if iran-backed group will respond, country remains on high alert. you could hear israeli fighter jets over israel second largest city of tel aviv. larry: do you think that the israeli, response, military response, is finished for now? or do you think later tonight or tomorrow, they hit against?
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reporter: for now it appears to be finished there are reports tonight of some places in iraq. with a hezbollah off chute much shia militia backed by iran targeted. it wouldn't be surprise figure there are further israeli strikes appears it was the major response for now. but, forces remain on high alert across the country. understanding that this strike could lead to a broader conflict. larry: all right trey thank you so much. for that,. >> joining me now, florida congressman greg steube and my pal general keith kellogg, greg steube, u.s. government never gives israel full backing. you know. the rhetoric out of biden or harris. yeah we think that israel should defend itself, but, but. somewhere in middle of those buts, hezbollah decided to
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strike and take out children playing soccer. up north in israel. for heaven's sake almost like what do you expect to happen, happened. >> yeah, when we're all funding lebanon, i filed amendment to withdraw some of, that this congressman and republican house stands with israel, but administration does not, they are trying to weave a political position to kept far left progressive part of the party that support palestinians, and support you know opening up 6 billion dollar to iranians, from the more jewish part of the party, that supporting israel. but you saw this snub by vice president harris on bibi netanyahu speech last week. and i think that says a lot about her position and support for israel, republican house supports them.
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i think this was a very measured response for the attack that hezbollah had on israel. larry: general keith kellogg welcome back, it soundsl like a triumph of israeli intelligence if they got the commander with the price on his head back to 1983. if they got him terrific. of what he has done to this country through the years and israel. what do you think about it? >> thank you larry. he was number two in hezbollah, if they got him. this is clear we're in a path of escalation. because what israelis had to do when that attack occurred, on the druce children, it is part of arab population they had to
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respond, it was against the kids. this was an appropriate response, now it is up to hezbollah, where do you want to go with it. you look at -- there are 3 people who are part of war cabinet that netanyahu has. they will go full bore. the option to stand down or to respond, if he does that. within the next 24 to 48 hours, you will see a major escalation in the region against hezbollah there are reports that minister of defense, really thinked to go after hezbollah first. -- really wanted to go after hezbollah first before hamas. they have no option but do, that i think this is one of these we go okay we're okay right now take a chill pill, that is not happening we're
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on a real risk of greater escalation. i think the israelis a have the right to do that, we should back them 100%, only concern i have after 9 months of war against hamas how much equipment do they have to go up against hezbollah, this would be a third war in lebanon. a significant war, the state of hezbollah is largest nonstate military accurate in the world. they have plenty of munitions it would be a heavy fight, but i think that u isr u israelis would do it. larry: bibi netanyahu comes to u.s. goes before congress gives a tremendous speech we win, they lose. we win they lose, there is a difference between good and evil. i diisrael did did not pick the fight on
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october 7 with hamas and hezbollah again. israel is trying to defend its over state hood and livelihood and jewish hood, and u.s. should be strang -- stronger in his backing, there is a moral issue, difference between good and evil. is anyone listening at 1600 pennsylvania? >> nobody there right now is listening president trump is listening and supported israel, i support israel 100%, you are correct. israel has every right to defend themselves, against terrorists, globally recognize known terrorists. in hamas and hezbollah. and has every right to respond in kind. 12 children were murdered by rocket attack in israel, i think that sends a strong signal that they decide to attack the hezbollah leader in beirut. and saying we can attack all of way to your capital if necessary.
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but we're doing this in measure way to take out one of hezbollah's leader, that they could do more. and i think that united states should d do everything we can to support our allies in middle east. >> the i iranian-backed terrorists are cowards. least the united states should do, i have to get out. i'm running up against a hard break, li least we could do have unconditional sanctions on iran restored stop oil production and oil sales, you cut that off you cut off a lot of things, i'm sorry. congressman greg steube thank you my friend general keith kellogg. larry: consumer confidence is down, is anyone watching, do we have too much debt,
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steve moore and art laffer will true to stlait inthe straighten the whole story out, i'm kudlow, we'll be right back.
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larry: simple question, does economic profession know how to getting any right. let's ask steve moore, host of moore money, art laffer,i reagan economist. let's start with debt. debt is not my favorite thing. but 35 trillion in debt steve moore, you obsess about these, only 27 1/2 trillion, marketable debt. but we have a chart that looks ugly, moving toward 120% of gdp and higher in far out years that cannot be a good thing, don't ask me what is really means i don't know. i just know it can't be good. what do you think?
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>> well, debt in and of itself is not bad, as we have been taught depends on what you are buying with your debt, show me anything good we have for this spending and debt over last three years, we have not rebuilt our military or economy we have windmills and solar panels and bankrupt battery plants there is no payoff for this, this not something that will make america richer overtime. i want to see lower tax rates, see, less regulation. your friend and mine, larry, kcmumelugin came out with a new study biden's regulatory policy caused every family 50 thousand on average. >> about 2 trillion. that put that chart up.
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debt in hands of the public. taking away the inner governmental transferred. that say nice upward slope. we got a lot of spending, what d didn't we get, no tax cuts. you want spending as a share of gdfdp to come down and debt as well, is that not the metric. >> you do -- >> hang on. jack kemp, late great jack kemp said, with spending or borrowing, you want to lower the numerator but increase the denominator, that is gdp . we might live happily ever after, this is how i learned judge jack kemp over 40 years ago, you wrote about it too.
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>> when you look at debt, steve was correct on debt. what are you spending that money owe increase debt in first few years of reagan administration. and we did it to lower taxes and create defense spending do as you things that was necessary, we're borrows cheap and invested wisely andthe economy boomed, to use debt to pay people not to work and tax people if they do work and shrink the economy, makes no sense that is what they have been doing, clinton retired debt, we have a good economy under clinton then you got w and obama doing opposite, now you have biden and kamala harris, doing opposite. paying people to not work, paying for them to not be productive. taxing them if you are productive. that is the opposite of what you want. to you want to lower tax rates and broaden tax base.
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and lower regulations, you are after to the races. larry: a couple morsals for you, steve from our hot line. janet yellen our treasury secretary, wants a clean, economy, pennies and nickels. the transition to a clean economy in her view will cost 3 trillion per year. >> per year. larry: hang on. the best is yet to come. that will leave us with a bill of 78 trillion dollars by the year 2050, 78 trillion. the most fun part, bjorn lomborg and some others have already proven they have spent whole community of
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nations, i sound like a u.n., all this global warming nations have already spent 12 trillion dollars in last -- i don't know steve, 10 or 20 years. i don't follow this garbage. but, what is happened carbon has gone up not down, i understand that. but they spent 12 trillion, yellen wants to spend 78 trillion do you think that results will be better. >> only 25 trillion is our money. larry: mo oh oh, no problem. >> let me think about it with a ti a 10 of that we could end hunger in the world and al alleviate every disease. these are same people who can't fix the potholes in the roads, they can't secure the border and solve the crime problem. they think that spending 78
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trillion will somehow lower the temperature of the planet. i don't think that too many people buy that. larry: this is a former fed chairman. from berkeley economics department. san francisco fed president. now treasury secretary, and art laffer, other one that came out of hot lean today, that i loved. is venezuela story. get this, chavez and maduro were actually successful socialists but lately, maduro who may be stealing the latest election, hold it, wait for it is guilty of brutal capitalism, and the best part of this story, is that a new york timings article. but wait, it was not an editorial. which i would have expected this is news story covering
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venezuela, news story, brutal capitalism, under maduro. what do you think of that art? by the way brutal capitalism would help venezuela. >> right. >> how dare -- how dare you attack the "new york times" larry. this is just -- here luk look, you asked yourself why are people leaving venezuela because of maduro and chavez economics, they don't get any incomes, ask a venezuelan how capitalists and free market and free enterprise to venezuela, you get a different story. you get truth story. larry: that is a great point. >> if i find a venezuelan buying "new york times," i would rollover and spit wooden nickels. larry: they are all escaping venezuela because of havoc reaped upon them by chavez and maduro, not capitalism,
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this is not an editorial. this is news story written by local regional editor of the andes. >> they called about the triumph of democracy in south america, they didn't talk about argentina, where they are moving -- >> i don't have time for argentina. i am already overtime. i'll just say cut taxes and deregulate the economy. that is so hard, that is the trouble. steve moore and art laffer thank you, kids. >> up next, democrats focused on identity politics, mr. trump is focused on thes issues, we have charlie hurt and batya ungar-sargon right here on set when kudlow returns. (luke) so... i hear some of you are concerned about the fact that i'm taking over the company. well, rest assured, company's in great hands.
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larry: democrats focused on idaho politics mr. trump focused on issues, joining us now charlie hurt, washington times opinion editor, fox news contributor, co-host of b "the bottom line" at fox business. and batya ungar-sargon journalist and author of second class, thank you.
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i'm too old for this, i don't understand this, i'm a child of 1950s, white women for kamala harris, qwhite dudes identity politics, batya i believe you are a woman, white woman, i don't know, are you as oppressed as white menu tell me, what is this -- now does this enhance anything to do with kamala harris victory? >> this is so disgusts and racist, they want you to think that because they are divided themselves by race to help a democrat it is not racist, it is, it, it say smoke screen for class divide -- versus the elites, where you see people trying to racialize things they are trying to get you lose sight of fundamental truth that is americans more
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unites than divides us and working class has been abandoned by both sides and democrats have nothing to offer them that is why they are trying to racialize it and make it about identity because they'd have no policy to run on. >> that is good, that's it. >> i can leave. larry: i'm c kudlow. >> she has a few good points. by the way, issue politics will win out anyway, not this identity politics. >> i think without a doubt, we talked about it 2016 of most issue based election of our lifetime. and i think this will be outdo that one, for the reasons that you mentioned. and there is you know, they want to distract. kamala harris had the best week of -- politically speaking of her life. last week. jd vance probably had the worst week of his life. in terms of the political coverage and media coverage
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at the end of the week the polls are where they were to begin with. therthere is so much you can do about it people will get back to the issues. when they do, oflation, border, economy, and all these things, it is -- we'll get back to a big race. larry: "wall street journal," immigration trump 53, kamala harris 40. "wall street journal" poll, economy trump 52, kamala harris 40. crime, trump 48, kamala harris 43. this is just taken a couple of days ago, this stuff is not working. the other thing, all these people are fleeing a sinking ship, none of the governors want to be on ticket cooper from north carolina, whitmer, they do they are fleeing a sinking ship. >> that is most hidden big story of last two weeks you have two most promising democrats, who said, i'm out, i don't want to be on
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your ticket. who turns down vice presidency, they are doing it they don't think she can win. charlie: she will be left with buttigieg. larry: that is white dude, i don't know what he is. i am -- i will get in trouble. the trumps are putting outcome pain out, saying she is too -- what the write word super pac. 32 million, the campaign is putting out 10 million, just for battle group states calling her dangerously liberal. taking a look at her record, her record as a presidential candidate, 4 year ago sure, her record with joe biden now, they are putting, they will remind the voters on the issues that is very smart. >> all right word. >> kamala harris is a factory settings democrat, she has no real viewings, she will change her views from one race to the next based on what she thinks is popular, i encourage
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larry: that's it for kudlow, thanks for watching, folks.


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