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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  July 31, 2024 10:00am-11:00am EDT

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stuart: i like music that goes back to my generation, back to the 60s and 70s. this is "varney and company" and we have this. any moment now, the senate committee will hold a hearing on the future of electric vehicles. we will see if we can bring you any headlines. just look at the nasdaq, chipmakers rallying big time, look at the nasdaq's big winners, nvidia, amd,
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constellation energy, micron technology. chipmakers hammering the nasdaq big time, the 10 year treasury yield is down, 4.10%. %. as for oil reacting to the latest news of assassinations in the middle east, price of oil is up $77 a barrel, no response from bitcoin start $66 a coin. nukes from the real estate business, the latest read on pending home sales. lauren: the deal is not close to. inventory is up. there is more out there. stuart: the real estate market is in a slump. lauren: i would agree. this is only the ending. stuart: now this. the top hamas political leader
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has been as fascinated, visiting his patrons for the inauguration of iran's new president. he was staying in a guesthouse which was hit by a missile. the strike showed the vulnerability of terror leaders and the ability to take them out no matter where they are. a top hezbollah commander was killed in a strike near beirut, lebanon. he planned the rocket attack in israel that killed 12 children. we have two strikes on two organizations both of which are clients of iran. iran says their response will be painful and harsh. hezbollah according to jack keane has over 100,000 rockets in lebanon poised for a mass attack on israel. iran itself runs a terror network with tentacles reaching into the united states. clear escalation of real politics. he was a submit submit -- significant pro hamas block.
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that was a must win state and the election. hard to see biden delivering for military and diplomatic support for israel and vice president harris meeting prime minister netanyahu, called for a cease-fire deal in gaza. any chance of that went out the window with these assassinations. harris will not be pleased but she leading democrats into her election, this is her first foreign policy test. one last point. any people conclude none of this would be happening if donald trump or president. is the president who crippled iran. biden and harris let them recover. "varney and company" about to get started. liz peek is with us, democrats split on his you. how will harris respond to
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these assassinations? >> we have to remind our viewers that president biden and kamala harris allow this to happen by funding iran during the last several years they didn't enforce the sanctions donald trump, oil production exports, the biggest increment on the world market because gasoline prices had to stay low to reelect president biden and in order to help the 2022 election. that is driven foreign policy in the middle east where they have allowed iran to flourish and funded the attacks on israel and on our troops through the houthis you have been attacking shipping and naval vessels. it is unconscionable.
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it is a clear policy priority they not allow gasoline prices to go up particularly in an election year. i don't know what she's going to do about this. she's been bending far to the left in support of the palestinian minority or palestinian protesters and 100,000 muslim votes in michigan. it is appalling. stuart: stay with me. kamala harris is backing away from several policies she wants promoted. listen to how she touted extreme views over the years. >> we've got to re-examine ice when we think about starting from scratch. >> i'm ready to get rid of the filibuster. >> no question i'm in favor of banning fracking. i feel strongly that we need to have medicare for all. >> assault weapons already in
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circulation. >> there are 5 million to your point. we have to have a buyback program. stuart: do you think the media is out to create a new and improved kamala harris? >> i followed the immaculate kamala. she's never been seen before. everything about her past has been rewritten, re-scripted. she is a totally newly invented to person. voters must be confused because a nanosecond ago senior democrats were trying to get her off the ballot, they didn't want her to replace joe biden even as they were freaked out that joe biden wasn't doing well. anybody but kamala was the mantra among the democrats but now she's the leading light and there's a morning poll out, bloomberg poll showing they are running even, kamala harris and
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donald trump in the swing states. if you go through that paul they have outed themselves. one of the questions is have you heard a lot about kamala harris lately, positive or negative, overwhelmingly positive and it has reached a lot of people because the entire liberal media establishment is trying to create a new kamala harris. interest - haven't heard much about donald trump later, overwhelmingly negative for the same reason. very hard to to fight this, thank heaven for social media, thank heaven for twitter and elon musk's x because he's one of the few places people can actually find out what is real and what is not and what is going on. stuart: we don't hear from president biden, he's got to say something about these assassinations. >> we haven't heard anything from president biden except the supreme court. they are doing the same thing to kamala harris.
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she's not had a serious interview shouldn't she became the democratic nominee, back to the basement. is she going to have a press conference? serious interviews, not sure anyone will do that anyway but can they really full all the voters again? i surely hope not. stuart: they are going to try. you are all right, thanks for joining us. the harris campaign spent nearly $30 million in its first week on what? lauren: digital ads. 28 billion dropped on facebook and instagram, google and youtube, there add last week was a political record, screen, $27 million more than the trump campaign spent. she spent 27 million more on digital ads. she's trying to faint -- paint herself as we 've been discussing also as young and
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hip, fearless prosecutor ready to take down an old felon. did you hear what eric swallwell call them? don old trump. but biden was fine. stuart: desperately get to on markets. the nasdaq composite, 400 points. the chipmakers are up today making serious progress. i want to get back to microsoft. show me the stock, only down $3. yesterday after the earnings report down 40. do you think the drop in microsoft was an overreaction? it is going down where it was yesterday again but because of the momentum from the semiconductor, the deal of
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south korea and japan giving life to the whole space and microsoft with that. that softness would be down $25 today. and so overpriced. nvidia was down 25% coming into today, 60 one times earnings after being down 20%. the fundamentals have been good. there's 1/4 where they miss expectations. stuart: we've got meta after the closing bell, apple and amazon, will that affect these stocks? >> not saying it will happen this quarter or next quarter. all these overpriced stocks revert to the mean. they cannot grow in these
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valuations. they will correct. stuart: they are all, should i saw microsoft? >> the tax basis is so low i can't imagine what your tax bill would sell. stuart: my retirement account, capital gains. >> i would be tripping. stuart: you never mentioned a rate cut which is surely on the table for september. does that matter to you? >> it is priced in one hundred% priced into the market and there will be two rate cuts before the end of the year. in september, more likely they do 1/4 september, quarter december, the market is fully priced in, i said 20 times this year, and overrated actor in markets, the market was expecting six rate cuts starting in march, market is up 15%.
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markets shrugging off. stuart: stay for the our. look at the big move various and start with humana. lauren: their costs were elevated. a major medicare provider, those 65 and upcoming humana says it rose above expectations and continuing into this month. they race will your profit forecasts 5%. they are seeing stronger demand, stoked by a i updates in the electronics. stuart: the match group, the parent of tender. why is it up? lauren: a 6-month high, they announced plans to cut jobs, 6% of staff because they are paying users that have fallen by 8%. stuart: stocks up 11%.
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stuart: coming up, morning joe panelists made a wild claim about j.d. vance's childless lady comments. >> this comes from an authoritarian playbook, there need to be more white children. him wanting more children, you wants a certain kind of racist thing. stuart: what? there is a small problem with that and we are going to explain it all. missouri sued the administration for allegedly fighting illegal migrants into the state. the attorney general of missouri says dhs is withholding crucial information related to those flights. you wants to see the documents. the attorney general is next.
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it's stuart: the markets show a surprisingly strong gain for the nasdaq composite. the s&p up 80. check mastercard, customers continue to spend heavily, mastercard is up 3.5%. one political analyst getting back lash for her comments on j the vance after his childless can't lady remark. >> the republican ticket is racist. watch here. >> what is interesting is this comes from an authoritarian
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playbook, that there need to be more white children. that's the idea, this is about white replacement theory, that is what this is, don't misunderstand him wanting more children, he wants a certain kind or of racist thing. >> last i checked, his wife born in california but to hindu/indian immigrants and they have three children and i believe those three children would be biracial since his wife is of indian heritage, just pointing it out, not completely white children. stuart: no wonder she got some back lash for that, they will do anything to rub people down. jd vance announced plans to visit the southern border. good morning, where and when is he going? ashley: scheduled to visit the southern border in arizona tomorrow in co-cheese county, it is a key state in the presidential race.
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trump and vance making it a priority to highlight how kamala harris has contributed to the unpopular policies of the current administration especially the vp's role in tackling the root causes of illegal migration at its one of the key issues of the campaign. 50% of us adults wanting to see immigration levels reduced, the first time in 20 years americans have expressed a preference for less immigration. a big hot topic. diane: attorney general of missouri filed a lawsuit against the admin iteration, he wants documents related to migrant flights into his state. missouri attorney general andrew betty joined me now. what do you want to know about migrant flights, what is in documents that you want to see? >> border czar kamala harris
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owes the people of missouri an expert nation as to how many her government has trafficked into our state. we know there has been reports by the center of immigration studies and house committee that confirm 45 reports being used by federal officials to traffic these illegal aliens in the state of missouri. there's been 1100 reporting incidents of traveling through the state, 1500 fentanyl tests. those are directly attributable to which kamala harris is directing responsible so the government owes us answers as to why they are bringing illegal aliens into these communities and making the state less safe. stuart: why are they bringing them in and how many they are bringing in, what are they doing about it? >> filing a lawsuit, felony offense in the state of missouri to knowingly transport illegal aliens into the state, anti-human trafficking measure, this is about protecting the people of the state of missouri for being trafficked into the state not to mention the
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fentanyl crisis, 1500 deaths attributable to the open border and the failed border policy under kamala harris. we won meta and google have been accused of centering donald trump's iconic photo with his fists in the air. trump is urging his supporters to go after the two companies because of this, censorship. meta has apologized for censoring but i want to know how come this only seems to happen to republicans. >> there's a bias within the big tech oligarchy protected by section 230 of the communications decency act which they use as a sword and shield. it shields them from civil liability but it is a sword in that it authorizes them to censor speech, these companies are changing american culture in dangerous ways and they are looking at this from a consumer protection angle and trying to stop the censorship and allow people access to the information uncensored.
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stuart: we are talking content moderation. how do you do that in a fair and balanced way? >> it can't be done in a fair and violence way. the counter speech, not censorship. i submit to you the censorship in the big tech oligarchy is more dangerous than at any point. when king george shutdown a printing press the world knew he had done it and he was only silencing written speech but here it is clandestine but if you are shadow band, not only is the speaker not going to know but listeners to its multidimensional communication being suppressed. stuart: thank you for joining us. appreciate it. still had the arm of the administration wants major changes to the supreme court, we will speak to a trump surrogate who clerked for neil gorsuch. donald trump promises in november young people can buy a home again. role tape.
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>> what do you say to young people, i'm going to give up on buying a house? >> vote for trump. interest rates coming down, you will be able to buy a home again. stuart: how is he going to do that? how do you bring interest rates down? presumably you've got to bring house prices down as well. we will be in touch with our real estate guy. ♪ ♪ meet the jennifers. jen x. jen y. and jen z. each planning their future through the chase mobile app. jen x is planning a summer in portugal with some help from j.p. morgan wealth plan. let's go whiskers. jen y is working with a banker to budget for her birthday. you only turn 30 once.
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feeling alert, energized and focused is really the key to success. get in the game. 100%. mind and body. try five hour energy today. stuart: cryptos on the downside, a downside move for ethereum. kelly o'grady will anchor a half-hour special called crypto campaign. it is this friday at 8 p.m. pm eastern on fox business. the dividend pics, i'm surprised to see starbucks. >> they pay 3% dividend yields. you talk about s&p 500, a 2% yield, stocks, 2.5 times that. we don't care what the yield
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is. we care about the growth of the dividend over time. starbucks, the cash flow to do it. now you have a 3% handle, interest rates coming down and the s&p well below 1.5%. stuart: hard to get excited. >> you don't want to hear me on the growth of the dividend story. have to focus on getting this message to your viewers because you won't listen. stuart: next one is chevron. >> they grow the dividend a lot, 4%. and $8. over time, the yield on when they purchased it is 20% a year.
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stuart: you have convinced me. donald trump has a message for young people who have given up on buying a home. >> interest rates coming down. there' s so many regulations in the federal government, a big percentage of the cost of the home. >> biden says he will have rent control at 55% rate. >> once you do that you end up in a depression, we will end up in a depression. stuart: if he does ring interest rates down. the affordability crisis would
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continue. >> you are correct, we have supply and demand problem if we lower interest rates. i like what the president said, the former president said about the regulation. we need more incentives for builders to build. this is a fiscal policy problem. if we can do reagan era incentives, we can solve the problem by creating affordable homes. anything we do that stimulates demand would cause prices to go up with the supply market. stuart: we are a long way from getting a supply of new homes up. that's not a process that takes months but takes a couple years. >> there are ways to build homes better, faster, and cheaper, that homebuilders have
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been building the last century. the portfolio companies that do that, as donald trump said, heavily regulated environment, a lot of builders are reluctant to do so to fear the redtape will slow them down. stuart: properties valued at $1 million. that's the only category to show sales, what does that tell you about the state of the housing market? >> goes back to what we were talking about in the million dollar plus category. they pay cash, less interest rate sensitive but also a supply constraint market. stuart: there's an awful lot of
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people, borrowing money against stock gains putting that into the real estate market. 60% of million dollar homes. >> some of that cash is borrowed from mortgage accounts. the last two years the cost of borrowing, at the short end of the treasury curve and that is where the rates skyrocketed with the fed raising rates but as the hope the fed cuts to stimulate that size. with response to the first question, the million dollar plus category if borrowing cost from the brokerage account go down you will see a flood of buyers in the market. stuart: america's hottest market is in fort wayne, indiana. why the shift away from the coast?
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>> it is interesting. when you look at job openings are those sites, the most common word, there's more remote work. people get shot away, and more people see the virtue of holding in the middle of the country as opposed to the coast and markets like fort wayne, indiana, blowing up. if those houses go up $75,000 they could start freezing people out. stuart: it would make a sensational headline. southern california to fort wayne, indiana. that would be a sensation. we will see you again soon. david barneson, is a argumentative?
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he's a bycoastal guy. >> i'm argumentative? i am never argumentative. i'm here to be persuasive and helpful. the bicoastal thing has a lot to do with price, and a lot of these areas. let's also point out florida is on the coast, red state, a lot of jobs. high tax, high regulation, different dynamics even though they are both coastal. going to fort wayne, indiana we've already seen it. they went to austin, phoenix, franklin, tennessee. they have blue states en masse to go where there are jobs, the builders went to north carolina. the high regulation donald trump referred to is not a federal regulation problem but states and certain state allowing builders to do that.
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stuart: certain counties. thank you. americans are reportedly buying more homes in europe. where in europe are they buying it? ashley: you will have some company, americans hiking the cost of real estate in southern europe. for the european lifestyle behind the surge thanks to strong local demand and lack of supply, the best-performing market in the and higher world. data shows portugal's capital city of lisbon, for luxury home prices and in the second place comes amsterdam and that was in northern europe. in madrid and athens, the demand is not expected to slow
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down in the second half of the year especially in lisbon, barcelona. stuart: influential pollster nate silver predicting a big trump win in the electoral college. pennsylvania swat team leader says the secret service, as another secret service sniper says we should inspect another assassination before november. cb cotton in butler, pennsylvania.
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and if you call now, you will also receive a free 5 year warranty valued at over $500. the call is free, the quote is free, and there's no obligation to buy. call or go online now, so the next time there's a power outage, your home powers up. power your life with generac. call or go online to request your free quote today. stuart: the story on the market as a rally for chipmakers, nasdaq up 480 points, the dow
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is up 460 points. nvidia is up 10%. amd 6%. %. a snl 6%. doing some job cuts. supermicrocomputer is up 5%. series gains, big gains for the nasdaq. pennsylvania, a pennsylvania swat team leader claims the secret service never told his team to man the roofer the gunman was located. it has been three weeks. do we know anything about a motive? >> reporter: federal investigators say they still don't have a clear indication of what the government's motive may be. the figure pointing continues and it starts with congressional testimony from ronald rowe who said the buck stops with his agency but the
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secret service felt local officers were monitoring the roof the gunman used. >> the gold arrow indicates where the shooter fired from. looking left, why was the assailant not seen? when we were told the building was going to be covered. >> local officials who organize snipers told fox rowe is entirely wrong about their assignment. but the secret service showed a window right here looking to the roof. >> we were assigned over here. >> reporter: he's wrong about the assignment. >> this is actually just a map that indicates where the
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suspect was spotted and where the butler stampede is. and again, they are looking down this direction as tasked by secret service. >> reporter: the local district attorney says local snipers working the rally have been demeaned and everyone is trying to clarify the record. he says if the secret service placed snipers on the roof they would have. he does take responsibility and moving forward the secret service will be more direct with law enforcement partners on what it wants. stuart: the fbi is not ruling out a possible connection between iran and donald trump's assassination attempt. ashley: the fbi told the senate committee has no information
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that there are any co-conspirators, foreign or the mystic including iran related to the assassination attempt. it is open to all possibilities and continues to investigate. the irani and supreme leader but bounties on the heads of trump, john bolton for their roles for irani and terrorists in 2020. to what cb cotton said trying to uncover the gunman thomas crooke's motive, still unclear at this moment. we went today trump will be in chicago to speak with the national association of black journalists. the co-chair of that organization has stepped down. kamala harris trying to cover up soft on crime policies,
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wanted to to defund the police. leo terrell has first-hand experience next. 15% return with zero risk? - just ignore that, son sounds way too good to be true definitely do a background check does this seem right? i got a random message from my investment firm asking me to wire money - they wouldn't do that seems like a scam - [narrator] no matter your age we can all learn something about investing so explore our resources at - does this seem right? (laughter) - hi!
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stuart: the nasdaq holding onto a spectacular gain, the dow is up 176 points. dow winners, amazon, apple, boeing, big names on the winners list, s&p, chipmakers, top of the list is the match group with nvidia now up 10%. caesar's entertainment and day 4. chip zoom makers are there. a snl holdings, micron and advanced micro devices. chipmakers are making the day for the nasdaq. the cochair of the national association of black journalists step down after hearing trump will speak at their convention in chicago. leo terrell joins us, how can someone be a journalist and not have a discussion with someone they disagree with. >> she's not a journalist.
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this is proof this organization is a propaganda machine for the democrats like the naacp. she doesn't want donald trump to talk to black journalists because they are connection to the black population. she wants the organization to remain in the democratic pocket. stuart: she calls trump, don't know, directly, a racist about somebody in the organization. that's at the heart of it. >> my friend harris faulkner is going there, he made inroads in the black community, he went to the bronx, went to detroit, went to black churches, this organization is afraid of the inroad donald trump is making in the black community and hispanic community. he is going to get record numbers, this organization is nothing but a shield for the
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democrat party just like the naacp. stuart: hats off to all the other people who did not walk away. only one person has gone after them, the rest are staying in. >> these individuals are getting pressure. they will be very pressurized by the democrats. how they write up the story is very key. this organization does not want the black population of this country to know about donald trump. they don't want him to make inroads because it hurts the party and it is changing. that's why trump is getting record numbers and black votes for the coming year. we have this ongoing that. it's going to happen. stuart: kamala harris trying to cover up her soft on crime policies.
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here's harris in 2020. >> one third of their entire city budget, on policing. the right way to achieve safety. and reflects the right priorities. we have generations now. defunding public schools. militarizing police departments is not working. it has to be about forcing change. stuart: you had personal knowledge and experience of her record on crime. >> california criminal justice system sucks. not because of kamala harris. she has destroyed the colonel justice system. let me run by the receipt. she's in favor of defunding the police. she wants to decriminalize illegal immigration. she has san francisco as a sanctuary city.
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i want your viewers to know the name of officer isaac espinoza. he was murdered. kamala harris did not pursue the death penalty. even dianne feinstein was opposed to her decision and the police union shunned her. prop 47, the bill that allows people to go in and rob for $940 and never ca jl. she is responsible. violent predators are being released from jail early. this woman is the goat of progressive prosecutors, she endorsed george gascon. she's done everything possible to destroy the criminal justice system. as bad in california, it would be worse in this nation, the justice department as president. stuart: i want you to listen to
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harris bragging about getting taxpayer-funded gender reassignment surgeries to prison inmates. >> i worked behind the scenes to make sure that transgender woman got the services she was deserving, they change the policy in the state of california. every transgender inmate in the prison system would have access to the medical care they desired in me. maybe one of the first if not the first in the country where i pushed for the policy in a department of corrections. stuart: can you hold your response to 20 seconds? >> how about 19. you can go out and break the law, become a criminal, come inside a prison and get government taxpayer funding for transgender surgery. the government taxpayer money reused for the wrong reason,
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not for supporting the police but to basically benefit prisoners who broke the law, she is bad for america, bad for california. stuart: we are going to leave it right there. we will be back soon. thanks. thank you very much for joining us for the entire hour. still ahead, concerns over a war in the middle east. still struggling to get into encrypted apps. john harris trying to the script on the border crisis, the 11:00 hour is next. ♪
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[door creaks open] [floor creaks] [door creaks shut]
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(♪) (♪) (♪) relax, you booked a vrbo. (♪)
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>> it does come down to those key six states or so. it's going to be a battle right up until the very end. donald trump has a chance to actually have a major blowout. >> voters must be kind of confused and anybody that kamala was kind of th


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