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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  July 31, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm EDT

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>> it does come down to those key six states or so. it's going to be a battle right up until the very end. donald trump has a chance to actually have a major blowout. >> voters must be kind of confused and anybody that kamala was kind of the mantra amongst
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the democrats and now is the leading light. >> it's a big mess in the middle east and show weakness and involve enemies. >> two rate cuts before the end of the year and markets are priced out and shrugging off the fed talk all year. >> this direction has not run its full course and we're not going to see much more of a dip. >> it's a great opportunity to own microsoft and unbelievable the numbers we're talking about. stuart: i like this song. i like the rhythm of this song. it gets me moving. moving forward. shania twain. i like modern music. >> is that modern? that was like the 90s. stuart: that's modern to me. lauren: welcome to 2024.
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stuart: anything after 1 1960s s modern. it's august tomorrow. do you realize that? we have a nice rally too. look at this. nasdaq composite up 400 points and dow up 145 and s&p up 1.5%. pretty solid and show me big tech. they're all up except for m mississippi. amazon, meta, apple and microsoft now down five points and 10-year treasury yield going down today and it's down 4.10 -- 11% right now. now this. kamala harris has a far left extremism history that makes her hard to like. as vice president, she's been an abject failure and campaign goes back todays as california attorney general and claims border success for her in that
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office. >> i went after transnational gangs, drug cartels and human traffickers that came into our country illegally. and i prosecuted them in case after case and i won. donald trump on the other hand has been talking a big game about securing our border. but he does not walk the walk. stuart: excuse me? trump doesn't walk the walk? that's absurd and ignores the flood of drug and spread of dangerous gangs that developed in her 3.5 years as border czar. in a campaign ad, she tries to flip the script on trump. watch this. >> kamala harris supports increasing the number of border patrol agents. donald trump blocked a bill to increase the number of agents. stuart: they've been watching the media coverage of the
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boarder and if you've not been watching fox, you wouldn't know the extent of the crisis. the media is actively helping harris and it always will because they hate trump. we're going to flip-flop watch. so far we've seen the following. she no longer wants to ban fracking, no longer supports signal payoff healthcare and mandatory gun buy backs and needs a basement strategy. no real interviews and answering probing questions and just campaign ads packaged, sanitized, misleading spin. third hour of varney starts now. stuart: the gentleman on the right hand side of the screen is carl rowe. carl, with voters buy this?
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>> reality matters more than pretense and we have a very strong body of evidence that the american people understand there is a problem at the border and that the problem has been made worse by the biden administration. if the question in this election comes down to who's going to do a better job and cares more deeply alaska the border, trump will win hands down. harris campaign gone with this ad trying to fluff it up, but the trump campaign is now spending, i think it's $16 million in six battleground states on an ad that i think is very effective and uses her words and her actions and reality that america has gone through over the last four years saying the biden harris administration failed on the border and very effective ad in my opinion. stuart: nate silva gives a slight edge to harris in the popular vote, and trump is expected to dominate the
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electoral college. are you surprise that had harris is in the lead in the popular vote, albeit a small lead? surprises you? >> in 2016, on election day, hillary clinton led by 2.1% and nearly 3 million votes in the popular vote and lost the election. there is an electoral college advantage for the republican candidate. slight but important so look, it'll be a close election, let's not kid ours and things have dramatically changed since the withdraw of joe biden on the 21st of july. the real clear politics average, they have trump up by 1.9% in the nine poles that have been conducted since joe biden withdraw. there's one there that i think is an outlier and has trump 7:by 7 and everybody else down 2 to up 4 and take that outlier out and he's up by 1.25%.
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that includes polls in the immediate aftermath of biden's withdraw and harris did a darn good rollout and likely to have the convention bounce that candidates normally get after having a successful convention and trump was in a matt congressperson long came the race where it was tossed up and restructured and as a result his bump was sort of canceled. but we're likely to have by labor day, not surprised to see her in the lead in the popular vote but two points and she's got a lead by two or three or four points in order to win. because of oturu electoral college advantage and too many democrats in places like massachusetts, new york, new jersey and washington state, and two, this election will be a wild one because it is so weakly anchored and new things are flowing and how the candidates conduct themselves have a huge impact we may see the leads seesaw back and forth several times.
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stuart: everything changes several times and seems that way to me. carl roe, thank you for the white board. i was missing it. >> thank you. stuart: the markets, nasdaq up 415 points and dow up nearly 200 and s&p up 1.6%. mark tepper with me for this hour. mark, when microsoft earnings came out late yesterday, all hell broke loose. the stock was down 8%. okay, it's come back a bit since then, but are we -- are investors overreacting and what was basically a positive report? >> yeah, i think so. initially investors were overly concerned about the fact that as azure, which is microsoft's cloud division saw 29% revenue growth and only 8 of the 29% came from ai and the barfs set so high for ai expectations and that was the let down and as you start to really read through the ragaini port and listen to the call, their cap x spending on data centers up 78% year over
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year. that's the ai story. they obviously believe in it and putting money towards it. ai will take a bit of time to play out. stuart: now, everybody is waiting for the fed's rate decision coming this afternoon. are you expecting -- most people expect one rate cut or two rate cuts later this year. you have a rate cut today. does it matter to the market at all or is it baked in? >> what's not baked in is the overnight finance rate up to december of 2025, that implied 6-7 cuts between now and december of next year. that's not a fed trying to make things easier for the american people. that's a fed that is trying to block a recession. that's recession natural rights approach numbers and that's not priced in and look at rotation we've seen in july, out of tech stocks in small caps, i
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understand why people like small caps and should benefit and 44% of them don't make any money will not benefit if we enter a recession. stuart: tepper, stay with maine lauren is back looking at big tech. lauren: top chip pick saying should have bought the tip yesterday on nvidia and expect nvidia to maintain market share based on future orders that they're getting. nvidia is up also, i don't know if i should say because of or inspite of amd. a fellow chip maker that has an ai chip and, yes, amd is ever so slightly eating into the market share and it's up it for them and just nvidia and adds to the whole ai spending spree
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popularity that's going on market wise. lauren: that's a key gauge of the growth and citing softer demand and look at mariotte, down on a day where the market is flying so high, up 6% decline, it's significant and the other hotels: hilton, hyatt, also down too. stuart: pinterest way down at 14%. lauren: yeah, image sharing platform. they face competition from tiktok and instagram so they cut their revenue forecast for this quarter, and they're flagging weakness from the advertisers, particularly when it comes to the consumer brands like food brands, drink brands. stuart: got it. thanks, lauren. coming up, political leader of hamas killed in teheran. now iran is promising to take revenge in israel. for the second day in a row,
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biden has no public events on his schedule and begs the question, what exactly is he doing and who's running the country? lucas tomlin sson has that story from the white house next. ♪ everywhere but the seat. the seat is leather. alan, we get it. you love your bike. we do, too. that's why we're america's number-one motorcycle insurer. but do you have to wedge it into everything? what? i don't do that. this reminds me of my bike. the wolf was about the size of my new motorcycle. have you seen it, by the way? happy birthday, grandma! really? look how the brushstrokes follow the line of the gas tank. -hey! -hey! brought my plus-one. jamie?
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bring on the good stuff. stuart: senate budget committee holding a hearing on future of electric vehicles and opening statements conc concluded and questioning has begun. senator grassley called biden's electric vehicle goals unattainable and says evs are better for the wealthy people in urban areas. senator graham says energy
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demand on electric grid going through the roof if evs replace gas cars and where all the power comes from. right now just not sustainable. that's what we know and more as we develop. second day in a row, president biden has no public events on his schedule. lucas tomlinson at the white house. where is biden and what's he doing? reporter: stuart, the president is right behind me at the white house. in terms of what he's doing, well, has a few events on the schedule today but all closed press. see what the schedule is for the president today. stuart, i believe you have that slide. there's no public events on the schedule. his day started at 10:00 a.m. with the presidential daily briefing and that's his intelligence briefing. at 11, the president received a briefing on implementation of important provisions of inflation reduction act. 12:45, the president and vice president are scheduled to have lunch here at the white house in the president's private dining room. at 2:30, the president will receive a briefing on the
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administration's new action to crack down on drug smuggler including fentanyl and at 3:45, the president meets with u.s. special representative for ukraine's economic recovery and that's penny pritzker, the older sister of illinois governor and some think on the short list to be kamala harris' running mate. karine jean-pierre and the newfound free time since dropping out of the race. >> yes, there's a bit of recalibrating here. that is the honest truth. we're trying to figure out what that's going to look like. the president is thinking about this in a way that he does; right. reporter: the last time we saw the president, stuart, was when he landed on the south lawn early tuesday morning and coming up from austin and outlined proposed changes to the supreme court at lbj library and lbj, the last democratic president to not seek a second term.
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[inaudible] reporter: so, stuart, beside that trip to austin, there's very few events on the president's public schedule of this week. perhaps that'll give him more time here at the white house behind me and to watch the olympics perhaps. stuart. stuart: got it. thank you, lucas. now this, donald trump responded to the democrat's claims that he's a threat to democracy. watch this. >> the opposite of a threat to knock seizure disorders. they're a threat to democracy and look at what they just did. they just took over the presidency from a president. this was a coup. biden is a very angry man right now. you know that. they took the presidency away. his wife didn't want it to happen. they took the presidency away like he was a child. stuart: okay, trump surrogate mike davis joins me now. trump as a threat to democracy. address it.
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>> nothing screams democracy like president biden and vice president kamala harris trying to bankrupt trump, trying to throw him in prison for the rest of his life and trying to thousand him off the ballot, and when the supreme court somes them from this an -- stops them from this antidemocratic attack, what did biden and harris do? they underfunded trump's secret service detail almost getting him killed and now they're trying to destroy the supreme court of the united states. stuart: mike, that sounds like underfunding of the secret service almost deliberate. i don't think you want to say that, do you? >> well, let's just put it this way, you had president biden is vice president kamala harris with a campaign strike thaty that trump is an -- strategy that tram subpoena a existential threat to democracy and dictator that must be stopped at all cost and lawfare failing and trump secret service detail requesting from the biden harris
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administration more resources to protect trump in the threats against trump and they denied these requests yet they beef up requests for president zelensky and not president trump and it's recklessness at best. stuart: i think we should leave it at recklessness. that's where we should put it. next, biden is harris are pushing for radical change at the supreme court. you clerked the justice gorsuch, i believe. do you think any kind of reform, any kind at all is needed at the supreme court? >> so let's get this straight, the president of the united states who's been in public office for like 50 years is calling for term limits on a supreme court -- on the supreme court and the president of the united states who has his own vast corruption problems is pretending like the supreme court is corrupt because supreme court justice's wife is flying patriotic flags? i think president biden and vice president kamala harris should get their own house in order.
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remember, this is the same vice president who's been lying to the american people about president biden's mental fitness; right. so i think they should look within instead of at the supreme court. stuart: mike davis, we'll leave it there. trump surrogate, thank you for joining us, mike. see you again soon. thank you, sir. >> thank you. stuart: administration just announced a new plan for student loan bailout. ashley, is this yet another student loan bailout? another one? ashley: it is. at least another attempt. tomorrow the department of education is going to begin e-mailing borrows that have at least one outstanding federal student loan to let them know about potential upcoming relief and if they prefer to opt out of it. if they decide to opt out, they'll not be able to reverse the decision and borrower temporarily removed from any loan forgiveness programs. now, if the administration's plan is approved, the total number of borrowers eligible for
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student debt relief could total more than p.o. $30 million. you're wondering about the cost? eye warting $1.4 trillion. they can pay off my mortgage too, stu. stuart: that's a lot of money to spend. ashley: it is. stuart: i'm being sarcastic. thank yous, ashley. lauren issue the markets continue to roll accident shall we say. nasdaq up 431 points. that's 2.5%. down 1% yesterday, up 2.5% today. the chip makers that are making the running here. they're all up sharply. show me cryptos, please. we have the bitcoin now at 66.4. small gain for ethereum. mark tepper is with me. what do you make of trump wanting to develop and establish a bitcoin national reserve? >> i think it's very smart. politically it's very smart because i done know if it was
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nova or sailor and i haven't confirmed which one is accurate and they said there's more crypto owners in the world than pet owners. maybe, maybe not. in any event, there's more and more crypto owners day-by-day with the introductions of etfs especially and it's smart politically for trump to want to win over that crowd. now, from a monetary standpoint, bitcoin is really going to be used at some point in time. if you don't embrace it, you'll be left behind. stuart: you sure? >> absolutely. stuart: in what way will it be used in not used as currency and can't buy -- well, you can. >> there's a former president essentially endorsing it and probably going to come sooner than later, i would think. i don't have a crystal ball and you'll see increased adoption over the course of the next few years. stuart: mark, thank you. tune into the crypto campaign. that's a special and air at 8:0y right here on fox business. the crypto campaign.
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still ahead, it's hard to mistake a classic new york city accent. roll it. >> i am your biggest fan. >> oh, thank you. you really do talk like them. i wouldn't make this up. stuart: oh, boy. it turns out, ai has a very hard time understanding new yorkers. we'll explain. antony blinken said foreign policy is kamala harris' forte. does her record back that up? we'll dig into it for sure and we'll be back. ♪
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call unitedhealthcare today for your free decision guide. so if you have this and want less out-of-pocket costs... and more peace of mind... consider adding this. an aarp medicare supplement plan. take charge of your health care today. just use this...or this to call unitedhealthcare about an aarp medicare supplement plan. stuart: look at that green. the dow is up 200, the nasdaq is up 400, and the s&p is up 90 points. id call that a modest rally. mark temer is with me and yet again brought -- mark tepper is with me and yet again brought stock picks and yet again suggests the match group is a good stock pick. second or third time you've been back to this. >> i know.
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i think i was a little early to be completely honest. it's a turn around story. when you look at this number one app, which is tinder, tinder had a huge pull forward of users during the pandemic and for the last seven quarters, they've lost users. next quaternary expecting to finally begin adding users again. when that happens, that's when stocks begin to do really well and up 12% today. furthermore, this thing is expected to grow earnings over the next five years at a slightly faster pace than the s&p 500. but it's trading at a 35% discount as far as valuation goes. there's plenty of room for this thing to catch up. we happen to get in a quarter or two early and stuart: not one of the stock picks before. >> correct. there was an earnings miss last week and earnings disappointment and selloff in reaction to that. only issue in the aerospace
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division and this is a defense and aerospace company. within their aerospace division, their gulf supreme private jets are very, very profitable. they didn't deliver as many as people can wanted and however, it was not a demand issue. it was merely a timing issue. those things will get delivered in a couple of months so i think it was a good buying opportunity and i really like this one. stuart: that is like a g6. ultimate one. >> secretary of state anthony blinken said foreign policy is kamala harris' forte. jillian turner. jillian, does blinken have anything to back up that claim? >> well, stuart, so far this escalating attention between israel and it is neighbors is shining the spotlight on vice president harris. so far her response to the ongoing crisis is garnering criticism from america's ally and her record on middle east porn policy specifically is
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quite thinning. this reality is already creating some problems for the white house. might recall last week after meeting one-on-one with israel's prime minister, the vice president meeting one-on-one with him that is. she said this, listen. >> images of dead children and desperate hungry seeming for the second going for them and we cannot look at it and allowing and the suffering and i will not be silent. reporter: the israelis were reportedly behinded by the public criticism for the idfs conduct of the war in gaza and prompting them to ask netanyahu directly if harry was possibly jeopardizing a ceasefire deal. here's what he said. >> i think to the extent that hamas understands that there's
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no good light between israel and the united states that expedites the deal and comments. comments. reporter: if you caught that, he said i hope the comments don't jeopardize a deal. now the state department is playing a cleanup, listen. >> i think it's pretty clear that those are characterizations that very much takes the vice president's comments out of context. the vice president was clearly stating what has been this administration's position that a ceasefire is not of utmost importance. >> reporter: the secretary of state, tony blinken himself took highly unusual step last week of going to bat for harris when it comes to foreign policy and her experience on the world stage and he's known her for a decade
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and believes she's a strong leader as you mentioned. even said foreign policy is actually her forte. see if he's right. stuart: we'll see. jillian, thank you very much indeed. i'm getting tongue-tied here. the top hamas political lea leaderrer ismail haniyeh was asd and is there a wider war with iran. >> could be. this is what happen when is we get war through weakness and hear the comments of the vice president right now how she cut the legs out from under prime minister netanyahu on the peace plan as well. and this really goes back to october the seventh. october 7th doesn't happen if we have a strong leader in the white house. why does october 7 happen? the hamas attack. it happens because iran has the money, funding and whereabouts to train hamas.
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iran had no money left around trump and under biden is harris, iran has $80 billion creating havoc and the fire cade go off through war through weakness that joe biden is kamala harris give us. stuart: democrats are split on israel and how is kamala harris going to respond? >> we saw it right there. she says one thing to benjamin netanyahu in private and walks out and cuts his legs out from under him. her comments are catering to a political elision in michigan and minnesota that are very critical to her election. so she's putting her election ahead of the national security of this country and peace in the world. look, america needs to stand beside israel and israel has every right to defend themselves and i want to point out one last thing, the person that israel took out in hezbollah in beirut and lebanon was involved in the murder of about 243 marines, american marines in 1983 in lebanon. this is the same person that helped plan that attack and
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here's israel trying to slow down the war from their enemies as well. they're helping america obviously. stuart: different subject now but you are demanding answer trust worthies google about censoring trump and the assassination attempt. tell us about that, please, mr. senator. >> if google wants to beat msnbc, i need to lose their protection on 230. google is supposed to be the county square where we can post information that we want to. they're not supposed to be a censor and they're practicing their functioning as a censor and therefore should lose 230 protection. when you google and you can do it right now, google assassination of tru of trump but it'll pop up trump-era man indeed and -- trump-eraman and they don't -- truman and they done want trump to look like a hero and'yells fight fight fight and google this is election interference in my estimation.
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what is the value of the largest search engine in the world suppressing president trump? stuart: booed question. right now the senate budget committee holding a hearing on the future of evs and taking the greenies to task. watch this. >> souled we do more to mine domestically? >> do more across all vehicle platforms that the supply chain piece is understood in a minutial. >> i think you expressed inconsistencies between environmental policies and what the same environment it wills think we ought to do for ev vehicles. >> mr. senator, is the green new deal just beginning to fall to pieces? >> look, electric cars are coal powered and electric cars and they help china and hurt
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american car companies and hurt american workers and the mining of one small piece of that and whenever we had lick trick powered cars and making engines and sending battery technology and making batteries and mining the krill cal minerals in china -- critical minerals in china and electric car mandates help china. one last point to put on this is that the highway trust is going broke right now and electric cars are not paying their fair share of the highway trust and it's how we rebuild our roads and bridges and hurts our economy. stuart: coming out of gasoline tanks. senator roger marshall, kansas, always appreciate it. >> thank you, stu. stuart: encrypted apps that complicate the investigation into the trump shooting. watch this >> i guy that took eight shots at the president, former president, has apps that we can't get into. >> that's recklessness, senator. >> that needs to be fixed, folks. stuart: why can't we get into those apps? we're looking for answers.
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stuart: on the markets, the rally continues, especially for the nasdaq. this is all the chip makers and that's why the nasdaq is up 2.5%. dow is up a half percentage point and solid gain for s&p as well. i'll call it a rally. show me delta airlines, please. the tech outage from earlier this month will reportedly cost the company $50 million. the airline -- $500 million and airline coursed to cancel thousands of flights. encrypted apps are complicating the investigation into the man that tried to assassination donald trump. david spunt is joining me. what is the fbi saying? >> encryption is a real problem for the fbi and not taking any bones and taking information and jumbling it up and making it difficult to unscramble. three weeks after the shooting
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and bureau doesn't have a full picture of the shooter. till they can breakthrough layers of encryption, may not find a motive. thomas crooks used foreign-based encrypted accounts to purchase all the materials and they're having a difficult time cracking all the codes. crooks used codes of apps in belgium and germany. they're using a digital intention firm known for working with bureau and other high profile agencies in the past. they deployed new software for the bureau to use this this specific court case. the spokesman with the company decline toddies cuss the current shooting probe and the challenges of encryption in general. watch here. >> each encrypted app is slightly different and every time we get law enforcement with
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lawful access access to one of the secure messaging apps, there's a lot of research that goes on behind it. not like three guys in a basement can do this st. reporter: stuart, the fbi said no indication of any foreign involvement with crooks plot at this point, but they can't say anything with 100% certainty till they've analyzed everything and expect this to take a bit longer and they've gotten into the phone and some apps have really made it gift exchange cult for a full picture. stuart: david, thank you. cara frederick that know as lot about this kind of thing. doesn't america have the best hackers in the world so the cia must surely, they've got the best hackers and can't they get into these apps? >> well, i think fort fort meadd national security would take credit to that and david alluded to, not all encryption is created equal and that's one of the problems here.
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however, if we don't have the technical solutions within our federal agencies at this point, we've been pretty successful thus far at outsourcing them and i believe if they don't have the answers yet, they are going to get close. mai my own thoughts are they probably do have a degree of access and haven't been wildly transparent as we've seen before about this entire scheme so i think we need to wait. i think we're going to get it soon, but the fbi does have a mandate for transparency here because as we've seen, there's an information vacuum that's getting filled the longer and longer we're forced to wait to get answers. we have the best people. hopefully we'll get answers soon. stuart: we should. all right. the senators passed a pair of bills aimed a the boosting online safe for for children and providing parents with more control on social media and give users dedicated pages to report harmful content and bar targeted
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advertising for children and teens. cara, does that go -- kara, does that go far enough? >> it's a fantastic start. i'm absolutely floored any 91-3 passage in the senate. now on to the house and there's a lot of work to be done, this is a fantastic foundation upon which to build further legislative solutions for this issue. i love the fact that it empowers parents like me because as i said before, we need help when it comes to being pitted against the big tech companies that actively design their platforms to target younger and younger users. it's not a fair fight and we know that to be true. even the most red blooded conservative like myself, we understand we're outgunned here and just basic foundation of legislative proposals like stringent default settings like companies turn on and we don't have to go through all the setting ands fix them the more they update and this is wonderful. i think more needs to be done,
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but this is a wonderful, wonderful start. keep going. stuart: i can tell you like it. kara frederick, heritage foundation. see you again soon. show me the dow 30, sense of the market. that doesn't give me a sense of all the buying that's going on. we have a lot of green on the dow and red too . dow up 245 points and nasdaq by the way is 440. kamala harris has a new ad attacking trump over the border of all things. watch this. >> the choice is simple, kamala harris supports increasing the number of border patrol agents, donald trump blocked a bill to increase the number of border patrol agents. stuart: wow, how's that for spin? we'll be back. ♪ did you ever worry we wouldn't get to enjoy this? [jeff laughs maniacally]
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(inner monologue) seriously, i'm on the green and all i can think about is all the green i'm spending on 3 kids in college. with empower, i get all of my financial questions answered. so i don't have to worry. empower. what's next. everybody wants super straight, super white teeth. they want that hollywood white smile. new sensodyne clinical white provides 2 shades whiter teeth and 24/7 sensitivity protection. i think it's a great product. it's going to help a lot of patients. energy fuels, a leading american uranium producer, is ramping up production to supply expanding nuclear markets and diversifying into rare earth elements, key ingredients in many clean energy and defense technologies. energy fuels.
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stuart: new harris campaign ad blaming trump for the crisis at the border. don't laugh, roll tape. >> the choice is simple, kamala harris supports increasing the number of border patrol agents. donald trump blocked a bill to increase the number of border patrol agents.
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stuart: is that what's really happening? what does jon levine say by the way. >> you said not to laugh but i'm laughing. stuart: what has harris done at the border as border czar? >> that's the key thing, who's been in charge for the last three years? biden harris administration and as you say, she was the border czar. they're going to try to run away from that but cannot. it was widely reported in 2021 and didn't do much as the border czar and went to guatemala or some country and said don't come here. other than that, there wasn't a lot of action ask as we see on this network all the time, every single month new migrant numbers, 500,000, 600,000 migrant encounters every month and that's only who we know about. just go outside here in new york city and randall's island where i like to ride my bicycle. it's a migrant tent city. it's terrifying and it's a city -- cities all across this country are looking like that. you can run these ads and the
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american people see what the real deal is. stuart: thousands of people turned out to support his rally in the bronx not that long ago. has that enthusiasm for trump changed at all now that harris is in the race? jot real answer to that question is it's too soon to tell, kind of a nonanswer, but we have to -- it's still too early and we have to see. democrat historically win black voters and would be very unusual for trump to win more than 10% and some polls showing 20, 30% that were really outer space. i don't know how true that was. but it did seem there was some new energy for him among black voters and voters of color and only time will tell. stuart: wonder if it make as difference if a black woman is at the head of the democrat ticket. >> it might. stuart: i would have thought that would make some difference. bronx is a largely minority community and thought it might have an impact there. >> it might. we'll have to see what the polling shows. stuart: von, thank you very much indeed -- jon, thank you very much indeed. artificial intelligence having a hard time understanding accents.
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not about mine, no. which accents did it have the most problems with? lauren: american accent. southern do you recall, that was the middle ear space -- southern drawl and then long island accents are the worst we long gaited vowels like oh my god. i can't understand people from boston and i can make fun of people from new york, long island and new jersey because these are my people. stuart: i have a british accent and can't lose it. lauren: probably have a problem on some words. stuart: my is clear cut. i'm -- but but it's a computer. stuart: that's true. time for the wednesday trivia question. here we go. i like this one: how many events in the first olympics in 1896? 28, 34, 43 or 50? i think i know the answer. we'll be back.
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stuart: we asked how many
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events were in the first olympics in 1896. nothing changes. you are still first. ashley: thank you very much. i have no clue. 43. how about that? stuart: ashley says 40 for you. john 43. john levine says? >> i'm going to say 28. lauren: what's the difference between a sport and an event? i go with 28. >> i'm going to go 34. stuart: the answer is 43. compare that to this year's summer olympics in paris which have 329 events. much more, quick check of the markets. we want to show the rally, nasdaq at 400 points, dow is up 220, solid gain for the s&p. time for coast to coast. i am handing you a nice one.


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