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tv   The Evening Edit  FOX Business  July 31, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT

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changer today at the block journalist convention. kept his cool, on message and had a lot of humor. i would say advantage trump. that's my view. and then i'll say advantage liz macdonald. liz: that was creative, larry.
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stunning me with how creative you are. can't get beyond it. welcome to the evening edit. i'm elizabeth macdonald. in less than an hour, he's about to hold his first rally inwe got trump at the nationa annual convention in chicago where kamala harris was a no show. fox news brian yennis live in harrisburg, pennsylvania, with more on the story. brian, good to see you. reporter: liz, good to see you as well. this arena is jam packed with thousands waiting for the former president and the story right now is out of chicago where the former president stood on stage and took some very tough questions from a panel of black journalists at nash nags association of -- national association of black black jous
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and contentious from the start and comments trump made about minorities from the past. listen there. >> i've been the best president for the black population since abraham lincoln. that's my answer. >> better than the voting rights act. >> to start off a question and answer period especially when you're 35 minutes late because you couldn't get your equipment to work in a hostile manner, that's a disgrace. reporter: trump pointed out that vice president kamala harris did not show up to the event noting she'd be showing up instead via zoom and trump was asked, well, trump agent suggested that harris only started to identify as a black person recently for political gain and he said this, when he was asked whether or not harris was a dei or a diversity hire. listen. >> i mean, i really don't know. could be, could be. there are some and there are plenty. i know -- i didn't know she was
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black till a number of years ago when she happened to turn black and now she wants to be known as black. i don't know. is she indian or black? reporter: the former president defending his vp pick, jd vance, for comments he made for women without children calling them childless cat ladies. listen. >> my interpretation, you'd have to ask him actually, but my interpretation is he's strongly family oriented but that doesn't mean if you don't have a family, there's something wrong with them. reporter: tonight, the white house is calling trump's comments on stage repulsive and insulting. the harris campaign called the entire performance a tirade but, liz, former president trump says "we crushed it". he said the questions were rude and nasty. liz. liz: brian yennis, thank you for that update. throughout the hour, we'll stay
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and monitor that trump rally. brian yennis, always great reporting. senator tommy tuberville joining us tonight. thank you for being with us, sir. you were on senate armed services and is the middle east on a brink of wider war? is the biden harris team ready for this because as you well know in just the span of 24 hours, to top terror leaders were taken out. one inside iran and the other inside lebanon. are we ready for this? >> first one, two were taken out, liz. they should have been. one was involved in killing 241 soldiers over 40 years ago. probably too far too late on him. you can tell israel is taking the bull by the horns and doing what they need to do to protect them, their country, and i'm all for them. it's unfortunate that they're doing it alone and the biden harris administration has really very little support for the israelis. they need to stand behind them. where's joe biden and kamala
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harris? they should have been on tv all day pointing the finger at iran and hezbollah. do not do it. do not retaliate. we'll stand behind israel. but they're not going to do that. they're trying to ride the fence and have been for three and a half years and gotten us all in trouble. liz: okay, it's unclear what you're saying and why they're not speaking out saying iran stand down. okay, let me back up. it was hamas' political sheathe. ismail haniyeh and killed inside teheran and oversaw the 10/7 terror attack and was taken out after that top lebanon commander for hezbollah taken out in beirut. how will iran react? >> nobody knows. i think we're going to find out where iran really stands. are they strong? do they feel good about what they can do with their military, their missiles and all the things they have to work with. i think we're going to find out
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a bit different here. i we're trying to give them support and passed $15 billion to send to israel and they've not notten hardly any and waiting on us to do something and help them and really stand up with our words and give wards behind israel saying don't do anything, iran. we're standing 110% behind israel. liz: you know, representative michael waltz tweeted the hamas political leader eliminated inside iran was ordering killings out of luxury hotel suites in qatar and turkey and skimming millions off the people of gaza while they lived in poverty and senator roger marshall said this is happening because the biden white house is too lax on iran and iran accessed billions of dollars now used to fund and train hamas.
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under president trump, iran had no money left. your final word? >> well, nobody knows where the money is going whether it's going to ukraine or whether it's going to israel or whether it's going to iran. i mean, weave emboldened iran for 3.5 years, liz. they have all kind of money now and it's because of biden, harris administration. we've got to get control and take sides with the people that expect and believe in the united states of america, and we believe in them. liz: senator, why is it the idea that money that is going to iran somehow ending up in ukraine? >> well, it just for the simple fact, first thing i want to say is all the sanctions, we've emboldened them and president trump had them almost broke and their citizens were selling organs to make a living and just to get food. now they have more money than they've ever had so and there's >> and senator tuberville, thank
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you. appreciate it. liz: moving onto this how they view kamala harris and how they view the republican party now, listen to this. >> should be so easy and she'll be like a play toilet they'll look at her and say we can't believe we got so lucky and they'll walk all over her. our country has enough problems and they'll walk all over her and her crazy administration and we have to bring our country back to sanity. i say this about the republican party, it's a party now based on common sense. okay. we want boarders, low taxes, good education. we want to be able to buy a house and we want the american dream for our children. i want the american dream as a goal for our children. they want to do something and don't hear that anymore with all this nonsense going on. we're a party based on common
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sense. liz: welcome to the show ceo ned ryan. what's your take on what you just heard? talk of a trump harris debate and somebody would like to debate the kamala harris of 2019/2020 and underlying far left version of herself. what do you think of everything you just heard? >> the point that trump was trying to make and no honest person will go and we trust kamala harris to go toe to toe with xi or putin and doesn't have the mental or physical fortitude and courage to face them down. i think that is the one he was trying to make. also, consider the weakness of biden is weakness of biden set the world on fire. kamala harris is an even weaker person on international stage. i can't even imagine that the damage she'd do to this country if she was trying to negotiate
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with the folks on the international stage. liz: ned, we just had president trump at the, you know, black journalist convention. basically, you know, this is not policy issues to fix america. it's turning into identity politics. it's unclear how that plays with voters. we're now seeing groups like white dudes for kamala harris. >> insane. liz: basically talking fundraising for her. >> liz, think about if we had white dudes for trump. that would immediately be called racist. the sad part is that's all they have to run on is identity politics. they can't run on kamala harris' policies as you eluded to and she's a neo-markist and firm adherent to dei and forced equity and strong advocate for a green new deal and socialism and communism and she's for defunding the police and against fracking and wants to do mandatory gone confiscation and list goes on and on and literally not one palsy stance
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that kamala harris has that's remotely mainstream. she's out of step with most of the american people. i think what trump has to do is bring that argument back to the common sense americanism that he was just talking about we want the best for you and grandchildren and future and lower taxes and better economy and strong boarders, better trade deals for the american people. the real proposition of donald trump and the common sense americanism is i seem to think the government up and by for the people should benefit the american people and it doesn't matter your race, creed, gender, anything. my policies will benefit everybody and provide a brighter future for us. that's the argument that trump has to start making. liz: yeah, it's an uncomfortable danger zone because now the media is saying, you know, trump just said kamala harris turned black. that's going to be picked up by the media and not the policy fight. let's get your reaction to vivek ramaswamy weighing in on what just happened moments ago earlier today at the convention.
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>> many americans in the united states are indeed somewhat offended by the way kamala is cast aside the indian american side of her identity. she leaned into it when she ran for office in california. big asian and indian american population and wore that when it was convenient and wearing a different identity now when it's politically convenient on a national stage. liz: i think martin luther king and his niece, his niece has been on my show, has said we're color blind and we should be color behind and it should be about your character and identity politics makes americans uncomfortable and they don't like it. they don't want to be called racist or talked about as racist and that's the knee jerk go to reaction for democrats on their side of the aisle without thinking through the policy implications that are needed to be here to fix america. >> correct. it really is an attempt to
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silence their opponent by calling them racist and all these things and silence any opposition and silence any debate on the real issues that impact the american people. this is going to be the constant struggling liz. propaganda on these and seizing more lies and medical examiners about what donald trump says and what he actually believes when in fact it's nothing to do with the truth and it's going to be a dog fight between now and november 5 to breakthrough and repeat the common sense to the american people and he's obviously got a great chance to breakthrough with that with his rallies being carried by a lot more of the channels now. so i think he's got a opportunity to change the dynamics, but i fully expect this to again be a debate between racial identity and common sense american -- liz: americans don't want it. they want policies, period. policies that's it. >> they want more. liz: hope and optimism a. pleasure to have you on. tonight, we've got more of a
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jam-packed hour for you coming up. president trump responding to meta's facebook and google censoring content and images of his attempted assassination. we have his response and lawmakers are now calling what they're doing "election interference". we'll debate it. plus, more on venezuela's communist president modero challenging twitter's elon musk to a fight after musk called modero a dictator, which he s. the detail this is hour on president trump's first major ad going after kamala harris on the border crisis that exploded on her and biden's watch. you need to see it. and it involves kamala harris dancing as urban communities, minority communities suffer. border sheriff thadius cleveland is here to fact check kamala harris and brought receipts. we have a big response from segment last night on pete buttigieg's shockingly stunning
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comment praising abortion. wildly claiming abortion liberates them. it sets them free. from what? their responsibles from valuing women? and kaylee mcghee white and kayla booth are here and fired and you happen ready to go on buttigieg's train wreck comment. also, wall street thinks it knows who kamala harris' running mate will be. we've got outkick's tomi lahren here to respond to that and a whole lot more. but first, kamala harris is not only doing zero, no media interviews. she's avoiding on the campaign trail any talk of historic inflation, bidenomics, and even joe biden, her boss. my next guess former reagan economist art laffer will take that on, inflation, and much more. next so stay right there. ♪
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>> i'm committed to pass ago green new deal with clean jobs and putting an end to fracking wince and for all. liz: that's kamala harris saying she'll ban fracking. that could wipe out tens of thousands of jobs in swing
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states like pennsylvania, but now she's flip-flopping on that and a bunch of other positions. vice president harris is now in texas to speak at a sorority event but still no visit to the border. art laffer is joining us now, former reagan economist. we love having you on. now the media is finally saying the honeymoon is over for kamala harris and trying to sell an image of a brand of her here because she's not talking inflation or bidenomics orlikowski bringing up even joe biden in the campaign speeches in places like wisconsin and indiana and georgia. >> she has a real record, liz. she has one with biden, which is the biden administration, all the policies there and she supported a lot of that and some of the cases i think even she was the tie breaking vote in the senate on certain issues too. and as has a record as attorney general in the state of california and has a record as
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u.s. senator on what she actually voted for, not just ticky talk what she says and when she looks at it, she's been for the green new deal and proud and you happen front on all that she's been for trying to control production of oil and other things here in the u.s.. and she has that record and she's going to stick by those votes. and so far she's never been a friend of energy. would probably not govern that way if elected president and really fair to hold her to her actual votes. liz: yeah, if she's elected, you know, our cost of living would go up. the fed today did not cut interest rates. all right, it may do a quarter point cut this area and just follow me on this because i want to make sure we're correct here. harris is avoiding talking about inflation. it's been stuck above 3% for 39 straight months you should biden and harris.
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early intervention program fellation shot -- inflation shot higher to 4% after american rescue plan signed by biden and 9% after biden shot money into a struggling u.s. economy and trump handed biden a 1.4% inflation rate. art, wasn't is stuck below 3% -- wasn't it stuck below 3% for nearly ten years? >> i'd like it lower than 1.5 or 2% but her fingerprints are all over these policies and higher energy prices contributed to inflation and they reappointed powell there and his policies on handling the balance sheet have clearly been the administration policies of doing that. if you look at all the bills she's voted on or sat ready to break a tie her fingerprints are all over those and not to be mean or nasty, they've not been
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good policies and slow growth in this country relative to what we should have had following the pandemic and way too high inflation and participation rate in this country is way below where it should be and we've given out all welfare checks and stimulus funds and encouraging people not to go back to work. what we should do is really do pro growth policies and the pro growth policies of donald trump were pretty darn good and they'd really get this economy jump started. liz: that's right. i think he handed biden 4%, 5% gdp growth rate and trending around 1.4 stagflation. windchill a cnn ban -- watch a cnn panelist say kamala harris is a socialist and you're going to hear people, attendees at teacher's convention in houston, they say they can't name anything she's accomplished and going to hear hispanic voters saying we're going for trump after going for biden.
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watch this. >> we're witness ago sugar high and we all crash at the spend they'll crash after they dissect her record. i elected people in california. to win anything in san francisco, you have to be a near socialist so win. those values are outside of the belief. >> she was vice president of the united states and attorney general in california and senator from california and i don't know much of what she did. >> i'm not sure i know enough about her accomplishments to answer that question. >> he background, i don't trust her. liz: final word, art. >> yeah, she's never been in private business and been in government all her life and it's a socialist organization where you get fixed pay and she's just not going to do a good job, i don't think, on creating an incentive environment for the economy. that's what we .
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liz: art, no one does it like you and we find is such a pleasure to have you on the show. you go right at it. we appreciate you. love spills over. thank you, art laffer. coming up -- art laffer is terrific. okay, president trump is really going after facebook and google for censoring pictures and pictd content of his attempted assassination and facebook and google are pushing back. what president trump is saying and his response. lawmakers are calling this election interference. we're going to debate it. and venezuela's communist president moduro now challenging twitter's elon musk to a fight after elon musk musk called him a dictator, which he s. we'll talk about it. also, outkick's tomi lahren is coming up on who kamala harris' running mate will be and a lot more. do they have baggage that could hurt her ticket, coming up. >> you all helped us win in 2020
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and we will do it again in 2024. [ cheering ].
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liz: welcome back. president trump, he's about to appear at his rally in pennsylvania. the first rally there after the assassination attempt on his life. watch president trump's take on kamala harris and you're also going to listen and hear representative michael waltz on the security lapses at that butler rally. take a listen. >> i think the opposite of a threat to democracy. they're a threat to democracy. we look at what they just did. they just took over the presidency from the president. biden is a very angry man right now. you know that . his wife didn't want it to happen. they took the presidency away like he was a child. >> was president trump denied
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resources and was his core detail, which obviously he is not your average former president like a jimmy carter or w bush. repeatedly requested and denied resources. the agent's told me the day after the attempt that they were. mayorkas immediately publicly on cnn said that's irresponsible and false and since as did the secret service spokesperson. i confirm director cheatle approve that had denial and they've since walk that had back. lauren: okay, bringing in claudia tenney, director of house weighs and means. >> this isn't surprising and it's very disturbing and it's interesting also that it was a bipartisan group of republicans and democrats who actually called for the resignation of the secret service head kimberly cheatle. and it is really disturbing on
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another level that they would deny resources to president trump. and thousand advising him not to dorallys. that's interfering in the election telling him he can't campaign in the style he's been campaigning in, which is mass i crowds, doing pomoxus -- massive crowds and doing public rallies and everything people want, free speech, democracy, robust debate in our spaces across the coup triple-demic, and actually one of the other things that irritates me when the deputies continually say donald trump is a threat to democracy. no president in history has done more to cut the branch that they represent. the executive branch. he cut regulations, he cut employees, he proposed moving parts of the bureaucracy in washington out to other parts of the country where they'd be closer to the people they serve. all of that was done under president trump. no other president in his reigns leading has done as much to actually -- mystery has done as much to prevent this bloated
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bureaucracy from blocking out our democratic principles. liz: yeah, so democratic principles and you site that and president trump is tearing into meta's facebook and google for censoring the accusation as they've been censoring the content and pictures of his attempted assassination. they're pushing back on that. it's getting cookie out there. you know, trump is fighting meta and facebook and google, elon musk is saying i'll accept venezuela dictator maduro challenge to a fight. listen to this. [speaking non-english language] >> your reaction to that, congresswoman? >> well, that's a true communist authoritarian dictator right
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there. threatening your life in you dare challenge them. you'll probably end up in a work camp or dead somewhere. liz: claudia tenney, pleasure having you on. moving onto this story, new reports coming in that kamala harris will pick a sitting governor to be her running mate, not a senator like senator mark kelly. we have outkick host tomi lahren. great to have you on, tomi. what do you make of the reports she's going to announce her running mate next week in philadelphia? people saying it could penopennsylvania governor josh shapiro is her running mate. what do you think? >> i would imagine that's going to be the move and be the play. obviously he's a popular governor in that state. he's somebody that can also gavellize support in a need to -- galvanize support in a need to win state and it'll be a battleground state and a a
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strategic pick for kamala and being more moderate and the days and weeks go by and some of the honeymoon wears off of her and people talking about radical record prior to being vice president and she'll need somebody to balance out that ticket and ease some of the fears about her being a san francisco, california, radical liberal and that's probably going to be the move and unfortunately for the trump vance campaign, it's going to get early support and enthusiasm. something that the trump vance campaign can't afford right now. liz: it's a good point you make mr.. it's interesting because pennsylvania voters also have the kitchen -- swing state voters have the kitchen table problems of double digit inflation, grocery inflation and more across the boar. you know, vox is reporting that studies show picking shapiro may not mean she will win pennsylvania due to issues inside the state that she has not helped or fixed. i mean, when you look at jfk barely won texas after he picked lbj as running mate and some studies suggest that lbj actually cut jfk's support in
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texas by 15 points. you know, you see the real clear politics polling average. harris is polling kamala down in pennsylvania than in the other key rust belt battlegrounds and trails trump by about two points there and behind trump a point in michigan and wisconsin. >> yeah, that's why she needs somebody from a rust belt state and energy heavy and governor shapiro helping her on her comments about that and running from comments about fracking and needing to refine her answer on that one and explain to the american people why she's changed her mind and said fracking was an existential threat and following in the lines of climate apocalypse and needs to explain to us and to the climate chew why she no longer finds fracking to be that damaging. beyond that issue let's be honest, the democrats are going to have a huge advantage here because they swapped out their candidate without about 100 days left in the general election and
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kamala harris can ride the wave of a nonny moon for the next couple months and her running mate will have a very short amount of time to be vetted by the national media. this was done strategically in my opinion. liz: yeah, tomi, it's interesting what you're saying because, you know, we don't know if governor shapiro has a me too problem. this is a big -- could be a big problem for kamala harris. harris is going to play with female voters when you're running with a female candidate at the top of the ticket and you're looking for the female, the women votes that pennsylvania governor chappier rows'office -- shapiro's office paid out nearly $300,000 in taxpayer money to settle a harassment claim against his former top cabinet member. >> that's damaging for sure and talked about supra aural headphones but as i just mentioi mentioned, the window is short and any outrage will come and go and honestly on the trump campaign front, there's jd vance causing problem withs female voters as well.
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they very -- might cancel each other out in that regard. it's going to be very interesting to watch. liz: we're in unchanneled ground here. tomi lahren, we need you on the show. come back more to help us out with this stuff. good to see you. tomi lahren, you're brilliant and appreciate you. coming up, a big response from our segment last night on pete buttigieg literally praising abortion. wildly claiming abortion liberates men. that it sets men free. from what? accountability? responsibility? you know, responsibility for the value of women? and measure and children. next, kansas city chiefs lee mcgee white and kayla booth are here to respond but first we want to check in with dagen and charlie hurt in for sean on the bottom line. >> hey, liz. thank you very much. we have a great show tonight. senator joni ernst talking about tax deadbeats that work in the irs and talking to steve moore
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on possible fed cut to interest rates and proposal to eliminate income taxes on social security for seniors. >> get down. monica crowley is here talking about the jd distraction. dog gone those democrats will do anything to talk about their lack of policy. all they've got is go abortion! and then lee zeldin is here. can kamala harris remake her entire not just image but resume through anonymous sources talking to the new york times? well, she sure hell is trying. without having to answer to policy issues like trying to ban fracking in the country. top of the hour.of ♪ tlove. some things should stand the test of time. long-lasting eylea hd could significantly improve your vision. more people on eylea hd had no fluid in the retina, compared to those on eylea at 4 months.
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liz: welcome back. we're monitoring what an life-threatenings are calling a historic moment -- analysts are about to call a historic moment in pennsylvania and president trump is about to hold his first rally in the keystone state since surviving that assassination attempt earlier this month and looking at live shot at the very large crowd gathering in harrisburg to hear president trump's re-mashes. we'll keep you updated. let's turn to this, watch transportation secretary pete buttigieg wildly praising abortion for making "men more
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free, liberated". buttigieg made this dumpster fire inside of a train wreck comment on a white dudes for kamala harris zoom call event. watch this. >> men are also more free in a country where we have a president who stands up for things like access to abortion care. men are more free when the leader of the free world and leader of this country supports access to birth control. and to ivf. liz: so it's about making men more free. welcome to the show, conservative commentator kaylee mcghee white and gop strategist and fox news contributor lisa boothe making her debut on "the evening edit". welcome to you both. i know you guys are fired up about this. lisa, take it away first. what do you make of pete buttigieg here? >> well, what it shows me if we're just going to hit it straight is that the democrat party doesn't value human life in the way that the republican party does. i mean, look at this
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de-humanization effort on behalf of the democrats. what do they do with unborn children? they call them a clump of cells; right. you look and they did this to the unvaccinated and to donald trump as well. what we saw during covid with people like me that chose not to get the vaccine, there's this de-humanization effort. don't spend time with them. saw the poll nearly half of democrats wanted to put the unvaccivaccinated in government camps. look at what they've done to donald trump as well. called him hitler and made him seem subhuman, inhuman, and as a result of all this, you get things like democrats being willing to engage in abortions, to not seeing that unborn child as a human life or we get what we saw with donald trump with the attempted assassination and you're programming people to not value human life, to not see others as human, and it's dangerous and it's reckless but it gives you an insight into the democrat world view. liz: yeah, so what lisa just said. what do you think, kaylee, because devaluing life and, you
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know, freeing men, liberating men from what? they're responsibilities? >> they're responsibility to their responsibility to family. she's right, it is de-humanizing and this is a great example of just how radical the democratic party is when it comes to abortion and if i'm trump's campaign, i'm blasting this message from pete buttigieg and it's really going to turn off voters that might even be lenient on the issue of abortion access. what democrats are communicating here is their official position is you should be able to do whatever you want with no consequence and with no respect for how it affected other people. that is a disservice to society and it's a disservice to women, especially and it should not be promoted. liz: you know, so when you look at what's going on, i'm hearing you both loud and clear, when you back up and look at broad zoom, 30,000 perspective, kamala harris strategy seems to be to avoid the kitchen table issues americans are talking about.
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stopping inpolice station, stopping crime, stopping the border crisis, hitting their communities and in fact their wallets. instead, it seems, lisa, like she's trying to distract away from that by talking about things like identity issues or things like -- things having nothing to do with the kitchen table. how will that work making a case for agenda that doesn't reflect voter's top concerns and majority of voters don't view kamala harris favorably according to real clear politics averages. >> it's up to the trump campaign. they're at a really critical juncture and time to define kamala harris. you know, we're not that far out from election day, the democrats have just swapped their candidates and they've solved the age issue that was dragging joe biden down and polls and now up to the trump campaign. a lot of people know kamala harris and who she is as being the vice president. they don't know her on the issues but now is a critical time to look at things like
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inflation and she was the tie breaking vote on american rescue plan, and guess what shortly thereafter we saw inflation drive up dramatically. she was the border czar, she led an over 10 million -- let in over 10 million illegal immigrants and terrorists and murders enter this country and she's also san francisco liberal, the most liberal in the senate and up to the trump campaign to define her in a critical time. liz: lisa gave a good tiktok and list of what's going on and steve rattener said the american rescue plan wases original sin of inflation. final word, kaylee. >> it's very clear this is going to be kamala's strategy moving forward to hide from questions on the policies that she supported and really lean in on the leftist media to do its cheerleading for her. but we know from 2016 that media cheerleading alone doesn't winner lockerbie bomberses and i don't think it's gone -- doesn't win elections and it's not going to work for her. liz: they knock it had out on the park on this debut.
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we'll have you both back soon we hope. thank you so much. now this story, we've got big crowds gathering in harrisburg, pennsylvania, for president trump's rally. it's about to kick off. in just a few minutes. it'll be his first rally in the keystone state since the assassination attempt and almost took his life. but first, global media refuses to fact check kamala harris and trump is doing it. we have first major ad attacking kamala harris. guess what, it focuses on her border flop. plus, our own kamala fact checker. border sheriff thaddeus cleveland reacts next. stay there. >> we've got to critically re-examine ice and its role and the way it's being administered and the work it's doing and probably think of the best way to start from scratch. ♪
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you founded your kayak company because you love the ocean- not spreadsheets. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit elizabeth: welcome back, a live shot of president trump's rally about to kickoff in pennsylvania. we'll keep you up dated on the latest from harrisburg. >> this is america's border czar, has failed us under harris over 10 million illegal are here, a quarter of a million americans dead from fentanyl. brutal migrant crimes. and isis now here.
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>> do you have any planning on visit the border. you haven't been to the border. >> and i haven't been to europe, i don't understand the point that you're making. >> kamala harris failed. weak dangerously liberal. elizabeth: trump campaign first tv ad going after kamala harris and her role as the border czar. we welcome to show,ed thaddeus cleveland. what is your reaction to that ad, kamala harris is campaigning, claiming she is tough on the border. >> my thoughts on the ad it is accurate. kamala harris was first appointed by the president as being the lead for border security efforts on u.s.-mexico border in march of 2021. we have seen no action until the about last month. even though we've seen some action by president's
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executive order. why did the administration wait three and a half years to take such action, they should have taken it from day one. elizabeth: crossings, down on a weekly basis, they are higher than in final months of when trump was president. that comment on not going to border she has not been to europe either, that sounds like a sarah palin moment. i can see russia from my home state of alaska, sheriff sit tight, your reaction on criticism from cnn. >> there is no way democrats could believe they will fight for -- to a draw on the issue of immigration, i hope they run all their ads on immigration, it will remind american people every time they turn on their television sets what a failure this has been. if they were so proud of their record, why is she working so hard to erase all evidence from the internet
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she was not a border czar. elizabeth: latest harvard-harris poll 7 out of 10 oppose open borders. 49% of democrats oppose open borders, final word. >> yes, ma'am, democrats want to pain a picture this is about immigration, border security and immigration are two separate issues, we have to secure the border, u.s. border patrol agents, i used to be one, our focus was illegal immigration before 9/11, since 9/11 the world has changed. secure america's borders. elizabeth: about crime not the immigration, share cleveland great to have you on thank you for joining us. and watch the gutfeld show tonight on fox news, 10 p.m., thank you for watching "the evening edit," time to dagen and charlie. dagen: don't screw it up


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