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tv   The Evening Edit  FOX Business  August 1, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT

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economic storm clouds and the clouds are out there, no tips and stop taxing and in phaco, you don't want to tax hike at all and cut taxes right now and advantage trump and by the way, advantage liz macdonald within general principals. principals.
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liz: thank you, larry. grab your wall and the run for the basement. thank you, larry. it was a great show. welcome to the evening edit. i'm elizabeth macdonald. we have los of news and detail on how the italian prime minister even is joining a growing outrage the world over slamming the olympics after a biological male boxer seriously harmed one of the women boxers and this news, democrat senators led by chuck schumer launching new legislation and still trying to go after president trump in reports. we'll explain that and trump's running mate, jd vance, at the border hammering kamala harris for the border crisis and harris is still mia at the border. more on all that coming up and in just a moment, we're going to get into president trump criticizing the biden white house deal with russia and freeing wall street journal evan gershkovich in one of the largest prisoner swaps since the cold war. we'll start with that story. right to edward lawrence in
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washington. good to see you. reporter: you too, liz. in six hours, three americans were in wrongfully detained in russia will be back here on american soil and landing at joyce base andrews, outside of washington dc. the president and vice president will be meeting them at the base as they land. now, in all, the u.s. got four people out, three american citizens and one green card holder. they were all released and this is the first shot of them being released and they're on the airplane and u.s. got out four of russia and germany got 12 of theirs in exchange of eight russians convicted in other moments and president biden trying to make this a legacy moment for his presidency. >> says a lot about the united states that we work relentlessly to free americans, who are unjustly held around the world. but also says a lot about us that this deal includes the release of russian political prisoners and they stood up for democracy and human rights. their own leaders threw them in
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prison. the united states helped secure their release as well. reporter: today aches day of deals and pentagon agreed with plea deal withs the master minds of 8/11 terrorist a-- 9 9/1 terrorist attacks and coconspirators to avoid a death penalty and the white house was in the dark about the plea deal with the 9/11 suspects. >> the president had no role, vice president had no role, i had no role, the white house had no role and we were informed yesterday, the same day that they went out publicly. pretrial agreement accepted the agreement and the president upon learning of that was direct his team to consult as appropriate with officials and lawyers at the department of defense on this heart. those consultations are ongoing and i've nothing more to add.
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reporter: the timing of this is very interesting with the prisoner swap ongoing. liz: thank you, edward lawrence. >> shocking and yesterday i sat with over 500 family members with the southern district in the federal court of manhattan and waited 23 years for a trial in that court and we found out about all the role that the kingdom of saudi arabia played and they want to wrap 9/11 in a box and put a bow on it and put it on a shelf and never deal with the painful tough issues and i want to know what these individuals nowitzki know about what the government of saudi arabia did to kill my father. liz: 9/11 victim families joining lawmakers blasting the white house's softer plea deal with 9/11 master mind khalid mohammad and others are calling it a slap in the face. they get no death penalty and president biden rejected a deal that said no death penalty last year. so why the flip-flop? and jd vance, trump's running mate, said we need a president that st stops and kills terroris and not negotiates with them.
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bring in congressman and attorney chip roy from house judiciary. sir, great to have you on. what's your owe action when you heard this deal? no one knows the deals and details kept in the dark and can republicans challenge this in court? >> great to be on the show and someone that's a former assistant united states attorney i find it pretty appalling that this is a deal they've cut. the 9/11 families are exactly right. we're talking about khalid sheik mohammad and he deserved a bullet in the head and this guy never, never should have been able to take a plea deal and should have been able to get fully sentenced and executed if that were the will of the jury, which i assume that's what would have happened. this is weakness. this is the projected weakness that's causing our enemies, frankly, to laugh at us and want to come in and frankly negotiate to get the hostages. i'm delighted we've gotten "the wall street journal" reporter back, that we've gotten the marine back, but at the end of the day we're projecting
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weakness. who do we give up? hackers, spies, and now we're encouraging russia and the rest of the world to target us because we're cutting these deals, and giving a plea deal to khalid sheik mohammad is a slap in the face to the victims and undermines the national security going forward and continued weakness by the administration and kamala harris said we can't save radical islamic terrorism in 2016. the fact is there's radical islamic terrorism and kill 3-d thousand americans and engaging us right now. iran is empowered and administration is undermining israel and it's more projected weakness why the election is so important in november. liz: 9/11 commissioner report said islamic terrorism and all over the commissioner report. there's familying out there in a lot of pain that this looks like they're being kept in the dark when their lives have been changed and we have families without parents. you know, parents without children. you know, so let's get back to -- they can't take a victory lap on that; right?
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they can't take a victory lap on the prisoner swap with russia because trump is saying where are the details and how many are we released back to russia? paying russia any money? chuck grassley is saying we had to -- like you're saying, we had to trade spies, criminals and an assassin for innocent americans and kamala is finally talking but take ago victory lap on this too. what do you think? >> well, let's remember. we had to give up and give away an arm's dealer in order to get back a wnba member who was smoking weed or had some sort of pot over in russia. that's our priorities right now and now there's these deals getting cut, where we give away i think 8 people, spies, hackers, et cetera. we don't have the details yet but we need to. literally the day after, we cut a deal, a plea deal with a guy that master mined killing 3,000 americans. this is a very clear signal from the administration and no interest in actually standing up for our nation but importantly western civilization against radical islamic terrorism and
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wants to undermine the security and stand up and make sure we send a strong signal abroad. this is more of the same. it's the same thing that leaves open boarders where we have massive number of terrible resistances coming into our own communities and 35,000 chinese nationals coming in and laken riley got killed by somebody released on patrol and members of all dangerous organizations like fark coming into america and just yesterday, thousands of people according to border patrol were green lighted to shoot our law enforcement from nicaragua in a violent game and endangering the men people. liz: then the mideast potentially on the bidenomic brink of a wider conflict and iran leader gave the order to strike israel directly and more drones and missile strikes that israel took out last april.
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the top political leader inside iran and less than 24 hours after military commander of hezbollah killed in lebanon and they took out the guy that was master mind of the 10/7 terror attack on israel and are you worried about the white house's policy on iran here releasing basically giving them access to tens of billions of dollar? >> yeah, no question. i remember going back to barack obama that dismissed our lifting of sanctions on iran and casing proproblems in the middle east d he was wrong and god bless israel for taking out head of hamas and must stand alongside ziti ceil they're undermining israel and not standing alongside them and we've been lifting sanctions on iran and empowering iran and that's on this administration and kamala harris know it is and she's been a part of it and that's on the ballot this november. liz: congressman chip roy. pleasure having you on. congressman from house judiciary. now to this, a stunning new associated press poll, nearly six out of ten voters predict president trump will win in
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november versus 42% for kamala harris and the cook political report, they have a new average of 15 polls and trump still leads harris by 1.3 points and that's similar to the decision desk showing trump leading harris by 1.2 points. let's get to editor and chief of forbes magazine and forbes chair, he's steve forbes. that's a surprising ap poll and trump said better odds to win according to voters. >> that's a very encouraging one and should encourage republicans how to buy donald trump to go for issues and real questions. do you favor men boxes women? do you favor the open boarders. and then hit on we want tax cuts, we want a -- you have a dish wash their works. air conditioners that work. don't have obey an ev. they'll make your life better and they want to make it worse. that's what the republican
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should hit on and reaganist, positive reaganist message and national security. one thing this administration doesn't want you to understand is the disaster state of our military readiness today and ability to make weapons because of the -- what biden has done and bodes well for barack obama before him. liz: yeah, on all fronts you're talking about. >> absolutely. liz: stocks are taking hits today and fears of recession and adp job growth report came out just 122,000 jobs and i think that's the lowest in like six months and fears of stagflation and we know that americans are falling behind in their wage growth. i think real wages hourly after inflation is down like more than 2% and what are the chances that kamala harris could have survived, you know, a real 18 month run for the white house? i mean, when her 2024 race and 2020 race rapidly fell apart. that was after multiple
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interviews, debates and only trying to do stage managed, telepromter events and hiding and no press conferences for like the nest this is a biden approach and will voters take the -- see this because she's also not bringing up bidenomics and to the mentioning biden and the campaign speeches or ads and not talking anything about inflation. >> no, because they're real issues and issue of inflation. i think they're going to do -- what we have to do, get the democrats and their convention out of the way and start hitting them hard. don't wait till labor day and these are the issues and hit. is she going to participate in two or three real debate s? going to participate in real forums or questions that are asked? that's an open thing. liz: okay. let's get your reaction to president trump speaking about what he would do to fix the economy and then you're going to hear kamala harris asked what she's going to do to stop
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inflation. stop inflation and it was rocketing higher and you'll hear a nonanswer from kamala harris so watch this. let's get your reaction. scoot grocery bills are up and mandates you buy an all electric car and we'll end their terrible war on tracking. the policy of the trump administration will be to drill, baby drill. >> how would yuppies prevent the new spending in your build back better agenda. >> let's start with this, price
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haves gone up and families and individuals are dealing with the realities of bread costs more and gas costs more. we have to understand what that means. that's about the cost of living going up. liz: do you need a venn diagram for that? she was looking at her notes and still stumbling. >> she doesn't have an answer and that's the bottom line and can't come out against spending and in favor of tax cuts and that'll reduce the cost of living so that's why we want those debates and put her on the spot. she's got nothing substantive to say to the american people that would make their lives better. liz: final word, steve. shoplifters are blaming inflation for why they're doing retail theft. what do you think of that? >> nonsense. if you don't punish people that steal, they'll steal. hello, it's been true for 4,000 years. liz: it's a real shocker.
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look at that headline. steve forbes, you're the best. thank you. a hot somehow tonight, detail this is hour and growing outrage worldwide and female boxer from italy in tears, forced to drop out of a match of a biological male she said literally put her in fear for her life. is this what the olympics is now about, biological males beating up women, really? and former olympic trials qualifier swimming champ riley gains with us. she warned about this and here to react and it's happening right now as biden's title 9 changes are taking effect. also the details this hour trump's running mate jd vance hammering kamala harris in his first visit to the border today. kamala again nowhere to be seen. plus, while everyone is talking about how to fix america, senator chuck schummer and dozens of senate democrats still trying to go after trump in the courts with new legislation. the former justice neil gorsuch
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and mike davis is here. a big time tech entrepreneur is trying to endorse trump away from the democrats and flat out warning democrats are only about power and control. we'll tell you who he is. a big hint, he has connections to facebook and former president trump interview today, he was going to be interviewed and fbi was going to talk to him about the assassination attempt and leo terrell is fired up on that latest details on the ground on the trump shooting investigation and we'll get to maddie anyone n just a second. stay right there. ♪ (man 1) can you hear me now? can you hear me now? can you hear me now? (dj) can you hear me now?
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...if you could find what you want, all in one place? show me paris. xfinity internet customers can enjoy the ultimate entertainment experience and save on some of the biggest names in streaming, all for just $15 a month. get the fastest connection to paris with xfinity. lyric welcome back. former president trump was set to be interviewed by the fbi today. just a day after he went back to pennsylvania for the first time sings that assassination attempt nearly took his life. fox news matt fynn live in butler, pennsylvania, with the latest. matt, good to see you. reporter: you too, liz. president trump expected to talk with the fbi to give what was believed to be a rather routine victim interview and a short while ago, a source close to trump tells me the former
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president was scheduled to be in bedminster today and "no other calendar changes" so if that is happening or was going to happen, it would have likely happened in bedminster so we'll keep you updated. here in the county, lawed enforcement no.t giving us much information because the former president is a victim and they're trying to protect him and fox digital spoken with another victim from the july 13th shooting, james copenjavier and he's in his 70s and shot haunting video on your screen and appears to show the shooter, thomas crooks, moving around on the agr building minutes before opening fire on the former president. kopenhaver injured in his arm and abdomen and he's unwilling to be silenced in his support for president trump and he says that it's a program i did that bullets threw here on july 13th.
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>> he's 74 years old and he's been around a long time and witnessed a lot take place in in country and this is definitely one of the worst things that he's experienced as an american, and he wants people to understand that it does not have to be like this. reporter: liz, the butler county coroner reporterredly released the autopsy for the shooter, thomas crooks. the coroner rule that had crooks died in a single gunshot wound to the head and official cause of death is a homicide. liz. liz: always fantastic reporting from matt finn. wearishuate you so much -- we appreciate you so much. thank you so much. >> i love that chart! i'm going to sleep with that chart for the rest of my life. she should come out, tell her to come out her a second. she's never done this before.
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she's a computer genius. she saved my life. liz: that was president trump at his rally in harrisburg, pennsylvania, yesterday, crediting a staffer for saving his life. she had put up that border chart he turned to look at right before a would be assassin took that shot at him. joining me now is civil rights attorney leo terrell. leo, we need you on the story. thank you so much and appreciate you joining us tonight. we need to turn to this. what do you make of the secret service blaming local police in butler, pennsylvania? local law enforcement is criticizing acting secret service director rowe who testified blaming local law enforcement for security failures that got a man killed and gravely wounded and president trump shot at in the head. at the butler rally. what do you make of the finger pointing here? >> it's offensive, liz. very offensive because the secret service has the ultimate
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duty to protect president trump and they failed and now they're trying to throw the local law enforcement division under the bus. we can't get in the truth right now, liz, because it's election year politics. you expect the fbi, the secret service, department of justice to find out the true facts? we won't find out the facts until after trump's elected or alternative we need an independent review of what happened. look at the video that was shot and drone flying over and this guy having access and i blame the secret service and office and departments that were responsible for protecting the president. liz: you know, leo, the acting secret service director testified saying what happened was a "failure of the imagination". what imagination do you need when there's a roof right there less than 200 yards from the stage? that's 400 yards r yards closer than ar-15 can shoot. what's the failure of imagination when a 20-year-old can fly a drone over the butler
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rally but the secret service could not? >> liz, those comments are so unintelligent and firing the director of the secret service, that doesn't give us any ash r answers as to what happened and total failure to protect president trump. that is not immediate secret service but operation and execution of protecting president trump and the vibrant and drawings that made that place safe. it was unsafe, they knew it was unsafe notwithstanding and allow president trump to go on that platform and speak. thank god, thank god's involvement for president trump being alive today. liz: a real communication failure too, leo. thank you so much for helping us out with this story. we'll stay on it, leo terrell. thank you. coming up, voter polls show they want congress, they want senators, they want lawmakers to fix america. fix the border crisis. stop inflation, help american families but instead, senate
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democrats and senator chuck schumer trying to pursue new legislation to go after president trump in court. we're taking it on. former neil gorsuch clerk, mike davis is here with us to talk about it. also, word wide outrage at this hour growing over this injustice. a biological male boxer at paris olympics literally put a female box fertilizer italy in fear for her life. she's heart broken, in tears. she was forced to forfeit. we'll talk about that. swimming champ and former olympic's trials qualifier. riley gains is here. the one and only warned about this and here to react. she's fired up and ready to go. stay right there.
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>> solid straight right hand
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from her. taking the win and banded about. liz: that was the devastating moment it almost feel boxer angela kirini forced to pull out from a biological male from algeria 46 seconds in and her nose possibly broke and this is what the biden white house wants for women athletes here and bring in former ncaa swimmer riley gains and olympic contender. what do you make of? >> this morning a lot of people might have been watching and feeling shocked and surprised and asking themselves a question of how in the world did we get here? that's the learfield img action
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i had. that is not the reaction i had. this was entirely predictable and we had men power lifting against women in the olympics and it should be to no shock and had the same cowardly leaders leading ioc and ncaa and democratic party that celebrate this. those same leaders are still in charge and we should not be surprise that had the same leaders allowed for glorified male violence against women. it used to be a crime for a man to beat up a woman and now that same man will be given an olympic medal for this behavior. it's heart breaking and there's no doubt about that. i cannot say i was shocked by it. liz: so her life's work swallowed by a man that gets to punch women for sport. your words are well take and fell to her knees heart broken in tears shouting out this is unjust. this boxer could have killed her. does a woman have to die before people wake up? they trained tirelessly all the way to the olympics to get
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punched in the face by a man? you point out it's illegal for men to beat up women. again, does a woman have to die before they wake up? >> as you said, i competed at the highest level, did some amazing things in my career. went for olympic spot in 2016 and then again in 2021 and i know the work, i know the time, the sacrifices that go into it. this woman competed, trained her entire life and got to highest athletic stage hoping to win an olympic medal and got in the ring and forced to compete against a man and you asked the question, is it going to take a fatal injury? unfortunately, truly that's what i believe. the ioc and since the public outrage following the attention this has gotten, the ioc doubled down on their decision saying they don't want anyone to be discriminated against and anyone except women. they're sending a message loud and clear. liz: the prime minister of italy
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and italian officials saying to the olympics you're unfair to women. this is wrong, you're basically sanctioning violence against women. that same biological male boxer was tossed out of the world champions last year after failing test toosh roan tests and this is -- testosterone tests and this is happening as title 9 changes go into effect and they're wiping out 52 years of progress for women sports and 26 days they're trying to sue or block them. what's going on? >> that's right. biden administration and the harris administration, they're illegal administrative rewrite of title 9 goes into effect today and the biden administration and department of education over this rewrite and 26 state haves at least temporarily won so that means this rule will be blocked in 26 states and will go into effect in the other 24 states but to be very clear of what this rewrite does, it's the most antiwoman, anti-reality per suit we've seen from this administration thus far and equates sex with gender
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identity and there's no sex based presbyterians and rights on any educational program that receives federal funding and can take economic and athletic scripts and access to bay packerses and locker rooms and the harris administration is celebrating this. liz: it's a disgrace and outrageous. we'll stay on the story. thank you for joining us tonight. appreciate it very much. now to the news this hour, democrat senate majority leader shuck schumer lead ago group of dozens of -- leading a group of dozens of senate democrats to try and reverse the supreme court decision that gave president trump a win and reinforced presidential immunetism let's welcome to the show the president of the article 3 project, mike davis, and worked for supreme court justice neil gorsuch. what do you make of this move? >> chuck schumer once again proves he's a putz.
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you cannot amend the constitution through a statute but through the constitutional amendment process and i would say this to these biden and kamala harris democrats, joe biden is not going to be in the white house after january 20th at noon. do they really want the trump 47 justice department prosecuting joe biden for his illegal mass pool of over 10 million illegal immigrants into our country and resultingups. do they want the trump 47 justice department prosecuting president obama for the extra traditional drone strike on two american citizens, including a minor capital murder? i don't think the democrats want to go down this path. liz: the supreme court rule presidents are entitled to absolute immunity from prosecution for actions within their constitutional authority. and that would jeopardize biden
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is obama for what they d right? >> that legislation wouldn't go anywhere and chuck schumer souled know you can't change a constitutional ruling through legislation but let's play along and pretend like this legislation would somehow get 60 votes in the senate and pass the republican house and get signed by the president and that would put every former president in jeopardy of prosecution by the successor and maybe turn into the third world banana republic this. is how the roman republic fell. liz: this is maybe just a messaging ploy by schumer to say oh democracy to keep this in headlines and your point is well take and schumer legislation is stripped and he wants to strip the supreme court over it is jurisdiction and challenges constitutionally of schumer's own legislation and overreach.
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they can strip -- >> the supreme court of the united states has the judicial power and can't take it away from the supreme court and progress taking away appellate supreme court and take it away. liz: just flat out absurd and six americans going for the courts and going to appreciate you very much. jd vance makes his first trip to the border. and he is coming up with kamala harris and not for the sound. also a big time tech entrepreneur and former top official and going about power and control and look who's here. going for them and sean duffy
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and going for them and fired up and ready to government >> thanks, liz. that's right. we've got some 2024 and going on kamala harris' flip-flops and tammy bruce on what stumps every democrat and name one single accomplishment of the biden harris administration. >> that they will claim. bob morrow is here and president trump was supposed to sit down for fbi victim interview today as we discussed how screwed up the secret service is they could not stop the attempt on his life and then mark dannels, the cochise county sheriff with jd vance this morning and the ticking financial time bomb about to explode on every city and town in this country because of the wide open kamala harris joe biden border. top of the hour.hhhh ♪
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with so much entertainment out there wouldn't it be great... ...if you could find what you want, all in one place? show me paris. xfinity internet customers can enjoy the ultimate entertainment experience and save on some of the biggest names in streaming, all for just $15 a month. get the fastest connection to paris with xfinity. liz: a former top facebook official and ran facebook's messenger service and just announced he's leaving the democrat party to support president trump in november.
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this makes marcus the latest in a long line of high-tech figures to go bactrim p. joining us is the hill mitt -- back trump. i'm joined by utah congresswoman and jason chaffetz. what do you make of this, julia? >> yeah, we've seen other tech entrepreneurs and tech leaders bactrim and a lot has -- back trump and has to do with jd vance being on the ticket and he's a close ally of peter teal and there's a common connection happening there but, look, i think now we know really what the november matchup is going to look like. cam larra harris at the top of the ticket instead of president joe biden against j kamala harrs and the connection with jd vance could be playing into that. liz: interesting what julia just said.
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what do you think, jason. david marcus said he got a wakeup call after testifying for congress on facebook's behalf. he said he had "believedded mainstream idea that democrats were all about serving the people and shocked to learn that republicans for the most part cared more deeply about their constituents that democrats care more about power and control". what do you think, jason. jason? >> it's not your run of the mill democrat and rieder of dnc back in 2017 to help raise 100 million for the democrats and over in donald trump's cam and you said, he came to understand that democrats were just about power and control and republicans cared about the economy and people and throwing his weight behind donald trump and the republican ticket, that's a huge move in a very important sector of our economy. liz: he's a former facebook guy. marcus called out the media and
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democrats for depriving voters, including democrat voters of their informed consent. julia, he said they were -- the media was spinning and manufacturing a parallel reality only to serve the democrat agenda, effectively blocking stories harmful to joe biden and instead vilifying trump and his followers. >> yeah, you know, i think this goes back to essentially everyone being in their camps there. everyone getting, you know, the new source, the information they want being fed to them. and that they're not, you know, necessarily always getting an objective viewpoint so i think that's what david marcus is sort of saying right there, but definitely some criticism of the news immediate .y we know that republicans obviously conservatives have been critical of the mainstream mead media and not shocked to hear of someone leaving the democratic side of thins going into the trump camp to be saying that. liz: what julia just said. jason, david marcus also said "this version of the democrat party is sidelining moderates
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and centrists. it's increasingly leftist and i believe we need a president who's unequivocally pro-america, proconstitution, probusiness and for bitcoin, proisrael, small government, legal immigration, free speech, meritocracy and common sense". he's saying the democrats are about regulatory proliferation, illegal immigration unjust wars and domestic groups that oppose american values, jason. >> yeah, well, he put the little score card together and came to realize, yeah, he's a conservative and republican. and, look, today's democratic party is so radical, so left, so progressive i don't think america wants to be more like san francisco and kamala harris and go after things like meat and ignore the border. they love the country and love cops and police and love their communities and love the flag.
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that's republicans. these good old american things and democrats hear them say that it's weird. it's weird. no, it's not. it's america. donald trump and jd vance, they love america. that's why i think they're going to ultimately win. liz: what jason just said, final word, julia, isn't that the real story going back to 2008 that the far left is off the rails and we've been living through abnormal time in america where they've been imposed this vision for the country and americans paid taxes and just want to work hard and have a government that protects them and keeps them safe. this is just about ideology and driving them to corners that america never went before. >> this argument could be made for the way away for the republican party and very different situation and democrat party is divided between the far
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left, progressives and more moderate establishment ticket and i'm curious to see going into the vp stakes and kamala harris will pick her vice presidential candidate soon. if she takes that into consideration in terms of creating a bigger tent party or appealing to one side or the other. liz: that's going to be tough to make that tent big. i mean, it's stuck around one poll. jason, we'll come back to you next time. we ran out of time. sorry. julia manchester and jason chaffetz, thank you so much. really appreciate it. jd vance, he makes his first visit to the border as trump's running mate and speaking out big time. kamala harris in texas today but again did not go anywhere near the border. texas congressman pat fallon is here to take that on next. >> do you have any plans to visit the border? >> we are going to the border. we've been to the border. so this whole thing about the border, we've been to the border. >> you haven't been to the border. >> and i haven't been to europe.
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>> this is not rocket science, it is not hard to secure the southern border. you have to reimplement remain in mexico. and stop catch and release, if people come in, and they
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know, they will never be deported, you have an open border, that is what kamala harris promised, that is what kamala harris did come you talk to the border patrol agents, they are enraged that harris administration won't let them do their job, they are begging american president and vice president for leadership and their own own border czar ignores them. elizabeth: jd vance. as his trip to border today in arizona, kamala harris nowhere to be found, listen to president trump. >> upon taking office harris and biden stopped wall 1 veprotected sanctuary cities, and ended remain in mexico, and are asylum cooperation agreements which are ame important and allowed a huge invasion of our country bringing in millions and millions of illegal aliens at levelings
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never seen before. she's the worst ever, and she is going to be your president. dagen: she will destroy our cur country, they will dell border czar harris, you have done a horrible job, you of a disgrace, you're fired, get out of here, you're fired. elizabeth: kamala harris not visiting the border despite buying in texas this week. we have the what is going on with the border patrol in san diego. it is el centro sector. now this story, ap reporting that monthly border crossing tallying to be around 57 thousand in july, down from 83 thousand in june
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according to anonymous officials, we can't fact check that the border crossings are still higher under biden than they were under the last m last months of trump, we have drug and sex trafficking rings controls the border, we tried to get to pat fallon we're having technical difficulties but this is the issue with what we're seeing with the border, pat, are you there? no, we'll stay on, this is a big campaign issue, we'll stay on the story for you, we -- sorry about that we lost pat fallon, we appreciate you watching "the evening edit" now we send it over to dagen and charlie hurt. appreciate it. charlie is there. sorry about that. dagen: so basickiki. elizabeth: very


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