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tv   Maria Bartiromos Wall Street  FOX Business  August 4, 2024 10:30am-11:00am EDT

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>> america will be richer, the world will be better, and there will be billions and billions of people growing in the crypto economy and soaring their savings. kelly: candidates promise this pro bitcoin future. what is type and what is real? we have to wait until november to see the full impact on the election. i have been following this for a long time. policymakers are paying attention. what was once a meme based cult following is growing. even major players from wall street and washington dc now supporting this space which we are keeping a clos >> from the fox studio in new york city this is "maria bartiromo wall street". maria: happy weekend to all, welcome to the program that analyzes the week that was in
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position to for the week ahead i am maria bartiromo, were hope you have a good weekend to major tech companies thrust into a contentious election as former president donald trump criticizes meta and google earlier this week after users said the company centered images and searches of the attempt on his life and marked his iconic survival photo as digitally altered. i spoke with president trump at an exclusive interview on thursday and here's what he told me. >> mark zuckerberg called me he called me a few times and called me after the event and said that was really amazing and very brave. he actually announced he's not going to support a democrat because he cannot because he respected me for what i did that day. i think what i did was a normal response but i was called by mark zuckerberg, yesterday, the day before on the same subject any actually apologized and said they made a mistake in the correcting the mistake, nobody calls from google, google has
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been very bad and very irresponsible and i have a feeling google's good to be close to shut down because i don't think progress is going to take it. maria: both companies denied there was any bias in the election censorship and instead claiming their innocent software mistakes, simply an error in the system, north dakota senator kevin cramer, great to have you this weekend, there are a lot of coincidence when it comes to social media and donald trump, will congress take action? >> this is been an ongoing battle between republicans in congress with google even related to their gmail, we have noticed a republican campaign e-mails to gmail accounts don't get through as well as democratic ones and there is a cultural bias in the tech world largely did i think it's hard to nail what it is exactly but at the end of the day is people
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whether it's the ceo or the programmers or the enforcement folks they just had a natural bias that doesn't even allow them to see their own bigotry, they're going to have to get a handle on it or congress could do something or someone remembering that republicans are the free market we don't like to interfere in emerging the new technology and advanced technologies and certainly not in the investment sense. when you accumulate as much power as meta and google and all the rest have accumulated in a moral obligation frankly to raise the men in some way i don't know what can be done, there's always been the liability security if you will that we could look at, there is regulation that you can look at i hate going to that major. you simply could not be able to rig elections were really good
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news to advance one philosophy over another philosophy and maintain the credibility that google and meta and all the technology companies think they ought to have. maria: when you see the power, i guess eyebrows go up. >> they sure do, here i am in north dakota at the home of theodore roosevelt and the populism in many cases and we in the american continent have always been to sift into suspicious of power where state government built its own elevator and bank so we were subject to the concentrated powers of minneapolis, this is a part of the tradition of america to celebrate big, to let people invest where they want to invest but when you get so big and so much power particularly over information distribution something has to be done in our
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pre-system. maria: meanwhile let me ask about the federal reserve it's also on a collision course with the presidential election, rate cut in september widely expected now and expected to be half a point, 50 basis points six weeks before voters head to the ballot box a potential move that has critics collated political bias center untruth editor what do you think if the fed cuts rates by the sizable number is september will people say that the fed is trying to help the democrats? >> people will definitely say that ian jay powell to his credit is one of the most boring people in the world and that's a good place to be. i told him that recently, i defended jay powell a lot when donald trump was president and remembering he was first nominated by donald trump who wanted to go lower in interest rates defended him publicly and in the oval office and when we got to the pandemic there were lots of headlines i read about the fed chair asking congress to spend more money and building a
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revenue bridge and spend even more money and he was advocating fiscal policy until joe biden became president and had this very poorly named to trick and other american rescue plan and followed up by a worsening inflation reduction act plan all of which money poured on to a booming economy that created inflation but he would not say anything to joe biden about your going too far, democrats he said we are not in the business of giving congress advice on fiscal policy and i'm like you do until the benefits democrats. now they put themselves in this box. maria: i want to get your take on the back flips that, here is seems to be doing reversing her stance on fracking in an attempt to swing states like ohio and pennsylvania. she denied his campaign flip but we got the tape and of course it tells a different story. watch this. >> there's no question i'm in
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favor banning fracking, the history am working on this. >> i committed to passing a green new deal creating clean jobs and finally putting an end to fracking once and for all. >> joe biden has said i am not banning fracking, are you comfortable with joe biden's position. >> he is saying listen, those are good paying jobs in places like pennsylvania. maria: which harris will voters believe, will the world, here is please stand up, what do you think senator. >> the reason is going to be impossible for voters to believe, she was so adamant, no question, she was not ambiguous about this. the other thing, which i think that banning fossil energy production in the united states is essential to democratic theology as the last supper to christianity. there is no way that anybody is going to believe that she's
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changed her mind on this but she will clarify if she wins should clarify her opposition to fracking as soon as she wins the election. i think it smells too bad to be believable and she also looks weird and weak flip-flopping all over the place something so central to democratic philoso philosophy. maria: there is that word again, weird. the democrats are trying to say that the republicans are weird, i don't think it's really designating very much senator. charlie: it goes after their own base. maria: senator good to see you, thank you for joining us this weekend. >> it's great to be with you. anytime, thank you. maria: senator kevin cramer, bad news is bad news for the market as a weaker jobs report fueled renew fears of a recession, steve moore and andy puzder join (♪) is bad debt holding you back? ♪ the only limit is the sky ♪ ♪ it's our time ♪ ♪ you don't want to miss it (just a little bit louder) ♪
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powers tractor supply stores nationwide with reliable 5g business internet. and helps red bull revolutionize coverage of live events. this is how business goes further with t-mobile for business. after careful review of medical guidance and research on pain relief, my recommendation is simple: every home should have salonpas. powerful yet non-addictive. targeted and long-lasting. i recommend salonpas. it's good medicine. ♪ hisamitsu ♪ with dexcom g7, managing your diabetes just got easier. so, what's your glucose number right now? good thing you don't need to fingerstick. how's all that food affect your glucose?
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oh, the answers on your phone. what if you're heading low at night? [notifications ringing] wow, it can alert you?! and you can even track your goals. manage your diabetes with confidence with dexcom g7. the most accurate cgm. learn more at maria: welcome back another
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rocky week on wall street another renewed recession fears the july jobs report showed the economy adding far fewer jobs in the month and expected, 114,000 jobs created versus the 175 expected, the unemployment rate taking higher to 4.3% the highest level since october of 2021. there were revisions with the june number showing 27000 fewer jobs then added previously reported, joining me now ck restaurant andy puzder and committee to unleash prosperity cofounder steve moore, great to see you, thank you so much for being here, let me get your take on the job number and what you're seeing broadly speaking in the macro story from the consumer standpoint. >> the job numbers as you mentioned were revised last month after everybody thought last month that the jobs report had reported more jobs created or forecasted turned out less
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jobs and in may we have the same thing 272,000 jobs reported and we actually created 216,000, i think the monthly reports are coming in as the revised even below, you worry about 140,000 jobs in the next report less next month. the biggest macro impact, you have to go back a year and i like to look at the number of workers and people that are actually employed in over the past year we've only added 56000 workers to the role only 56000 more people employed, we lost one point to million domestic workers and we added one point to million foreign-born workers we lost half a million full-time jobs and added 550,000 part-time jobs. the market jobs market is weak and is starting to show up in the numbers but if you look back it's been showing up for a whi while. maria: steve moore you've been predicting this you have a great chart which shows bidens jobs
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have been governing jobs largely in the last year from may 2023 to may 2024 you're talking about healthcare that showed up in the numbers on friday healthcare followed by governance. by the way the healthcare numbers, the government runs half of the healthcare industry so a lot of those are government jobs as well, were not created the jobs in the industry. we want people building things and making things and jobs in our technology sector and manufacturing, construction job, business service jobs and those have not really grown much at all whereas you see the big government, by the way is losing to trillion dollars a year. if you're writing a business, i would ask this to andy too, losing to trillion dollars to go on a hiring spree, it doesn't make a lot of sense. i'm worried about the direction of the economy not predicting a recession but i think there's real signs the economy is slow
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down and i as you do talk to business owners in the last three or four months dave turned pretty bearish on conditions now. maria: you believe that policies, new policies can take us out of this. he wrote this for the national review, trump's win-win tax proposal where you go point by point making the case for president trump's plan to cut taxes on trips, critics claim this is a political stunt why should americans be on board. >> is not a political stunt it's a very intuitively good way to increase wages for low-wage workers and at the same time not costing the businesses that employ them the increased labor costs. the businesses have more money to grow and expand new restaurants for example new hotels and grocery stores. but the employee gets an increased rage and it really inserts a mirror into the system you have a meritorious increase
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in wages rather than a minimum-wage type of situation where everybody gets an increase, physically you earn the increase, there's nothing more encouraging to a young worker then to go home with a pocketful of tips at the end of the day knowing you did your job well and increase your wages. maria: trump also wants to eliminate taxes for senior citizens on their social security checks. i spoke with the former president this week and we talked about bitcoin he wants americans to use bitcoin in america to be the leader in the space, steve, what do you think about that. >> i'm not a bitcoin owner but i like the fact that we have crypto out there, nobody in government really likes them because they want the monopoly on money the central bankers hate crypto but this is a good way to make sure that were keeping the central bankers honest. i believe in the dollar is the world reserve currency but i'm really quite pleased that trump
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is taken the right position. competition is a good thing and if people want to invest in alternative currency i am all for that. maria: we will leave it there, always a pleasure to talk with you both, thank you so much andy puzder and steve moore, we appreciate your time. you will hear more about the president plans to win support for what is becoming a major election issue. don't miss a special program the crypto campaign how and why politicians on all sides are pushing for america to take the lead on this and what it could mean for the broader economy. it's coming up in the next hour only right here on fox business. up next, the hearing center rally in battleground pennsylvania in the upcoming week with her ministry vp pick as critics question details of her agenda. up next the democrat who served as a set of majority leader of california, she said she does not recognize her party anymore
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ask your rheumatologist about cosentyx. maria: is a battleground showdown as trump and harris rally their way to the sunbelt with seven swing states epigrams ahead of november's election, president trump in georgia this weekend vice president here is expected to appear at a campaign rally in philadelphia next tuesday announcing her pick for vice presidential running mate this is a new poll shows eight and ten democrats say they would be very or somewhat satisfied as here is that the democrat nominee. an uncommonly unified moment for the party since biden dropped out, former california senate majority leader gloria romero, it's great to have you this weekend. you're a democrat from california you know, here is well and you say you don't recognize your party anymore, tell us more.
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>> absolutely, this is not the party that i first ran as a democrat. essentially the party of so-called democracy has invalidated 14 million votes. what we see now is essentially not a running of a candidate with the staging of a candidate and similar to what we see in latin america where we say it's pointed to basically choose who our candidate is that's was happening right now in the usa. maria: team harris is trying to cover up lots of her past positions including soft on crime policies, like when she called to defund our law enforcement multiple times ahead of the last election, this in your home state of california a new report shows police staffing and i know you personal experience living in their harris' climate policies under california, what can you tell
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us. >> as we speak there is an effort underway by millions of californians to force a change on what we call proposition 47 which as attorney general she did deceive the voters by giving a very faulty summary teitelbaum analysis, this is not about safe schools and neighborhoods. he really was reducing a number of serious crimes including crimes of violence against wom women. the voters are in revolt and we will have the election coming up soon. the other concern that i had when she was a prosecutor, she actually targeted more so black men and put them into the prison system for marijuana, those are hardly the hard pressing crimes that she talks about, she does talk about herself being a prosecutor, we need to be where she is a soros prosecutor who brought us somebody like george gascon and the city of l.a., the county of l.a. is now fighting
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against because of the terrible policies that have led to the increase violence. as women in particular we are very concerned about the violence against women in california. maria: look at the cities whether san francisco or l.a. they are completely unrecognizable from just a few years ago with regard to drugs on the street and homelessness. it is beyond that, here is insane she was never the borders are, she's not going to ban fracking, she's not going to do medicare for all but these are all things she was adamant about, just in the last couple of months and couple of years she went on cnn and said of course i'm going to ban fracking, she had this conviction about it all. >> i would add to that the debacle in afghanistan where she herself is on tape saying basically probably that she was the last person in the room and they lost me as part of his
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supporter and a democrat. it's important were looking at politics and is staging this is it running but it's the staging to run out the clock and you can shout questions and answer it's using the script into answer questions in the sugar high and enthusiasm into take a look at the real issues. the border is a mess and most democrats do not support open borders strategy and this is not the answer, no border state we are seeing the impact firsthand. maria: there trying to divide the country most people feel the same way everybody likes legal immigration, not illegal but we don't know who's coming in and what the intentions are. it's great to get your insight this weekend, thank you so much.
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gloria romero, one important that you need to know about ahead of next week (marci) so, how long have you lived here? and how are the restaurants around here? are they good, bad, meh? (luke) marci, we've gotta go. (marci) i'm sorry. (luke) we've got seventeen thousand more parks to visit. [marci screams] (luke) we bring you the best neighborhood info. (marci) ding dong (luke) homes-dot-com. (bell ringing) someone needs to customize and save hundreds with liberty mutual! (inaudible sounds) (elevator doors opening) wait, there's an elevator? only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, ♪ ♪ liberty. ♪ so tell me about your heart attack. our heart attack was... scary! never want to go through that again. but we could. with heart disease, you never know. so we made changes. green juice. yeah, not a fan. diet, exercise... statins helped. but our ldl-c (bad cholesterol)-it was stuck! stuck! just couldn't lower it enough. and high ldl-c meant a real risk of another attack. so i said, "let's ask our doctor about repatha."
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it's amazing what real food can do.
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♪ ♪. maria: welcome back one thing you need to know about ahead of next week but we get it in due phase of the company on wednesday after a turbulent year end a bumpier second-quarter, the former rockwell ceo said to take over for outgoing ceo david calhoun on august 8 but boeing's latest earnings demonstrate how difficult the task he has ahead of him, but when reporting a $1.4 billion loss in the second quarter, more than tripled the loss a year ago, he joins but we as a stock is down about 32% for the year and down again this week as the company navigates pain criminal fraud charges connected to two fatal 737
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crashes, the new ceo of a multi-decision on what a plain design will replace the max jet. we will follow it all "mornings with maria" sick enter weekdays on fox business. i hope you will join me i will see on the fox news channel on "sunday morning futures" is like 10:00 a.m. eastern on the fox news channel i have vice presidential nominee jd vance it is for sunday morning interview trump media ceo department of defense chief of staff kash patel an affair entered america first president stephen miller join me live on fox news, that will do it for fox business, thank you so much for joining me. i hope you have a great rest of your weekend church! [cheers and applause] ♪ ♪ maria: good skinned morning. -- sunday morning, everyone. welcome to "sunday morning futures" i'm maria bartiromo. today, presi


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