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tv   Kudlow  FOX Business  August 6, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm EDT

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three years a lot of their projects can deliver and are tested to return to chevron at actually lower oil prices. we think there is a little bit of cushion baked in. can we predict oil prices tomorrow, next week, next month? no. when you pick stocks you can focus on intermediate. liz: everyone asks for predictions. jason next week we're getting economic information, important data for the consumer. if this number comes in weak will we see another day like yesterday. >> you very well could. a few data points doesn't make a trend. every one has the foregone conclusion we'll have a recession. the jury is way out on that. i think above all the fed, missed a golden opportune the next go round has to step on the gas to do 50. [closing bell rings. they should have done it in july. liz: no they did not. the dow way off its 746 point gain. we'll see you tomorrow.
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♪. larry: hello, folks welcome to "kudlow," i'm larry kudlow. big news today. kamala harris chooses minnesota governor tim walz as her running mate and equally big news republican veep candidate and senator jd vance fires back. senator vance will join us in just a few moments but first up, bernie sanders hitting two for two with the democratic ticket and that is the subject of the riff. ♪. larry: so vp kamala harris finally chose minnesota governor tim walz as her ticket mate. he was the first choice of senator bernie sanders, vermont socialist that may be all you need to know about governor walz and the ticket that makes two for two for senator sanders who strongly endorsed vp harris to become the dnc standard-bearer. call it the modern democratic party. just the other week in the now
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infamous white dudes for harris zoom call governor walz said, i am going to quote directly, one person's socialism is another person's neighborliness, end quote. huh? i don't know what that means. i mean i'm a neighborly guy. i have a lot of neighborly friends i get alongwith. none of them are socialists but i digress. i will say it is disturbing that he wants to ban fracking just as kamala harris does. mr. walls is in favor of the green new deal and woke clime mat change policies and price tags that go along with it. just recently treasury secretary janet yellen put a 78 trillion-dollar price tag on all that plus of course there is a 32 trillion-dollar price tag on "medicare for all," nationalizing health care, supported by mr. sanders, miss harris and presumably mr. walz. i guess that means he agrees with the biden harris
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administration about mandating evs whose rare earth mineral based batteries princely come from china. even while most american folks want to hang on to their gasoline-powered cars. additionally it is repord that governor walz driver's licenses for illegals. this is a dangerous pathway for illegals voting. proponent of sanctuary cities of course. mr. walz is a big spender and taxer. his two year budget in 2022 had 38% increase in state spending and 10 billion-dollar tax hike, that according to the committee to unleash prosperity hotline. his proposed budget for 2025 includes major league tax hikes on successful earners, on capital gains and on dividends. importantly the state of minnesota has a 9.8% corporate
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tax rate, which is the highest in the nation. and, it has a 10.8% capital-gains tax, in third place discuss behind california and new york. so, it seems that governor walz has the same disrespect for the economic power for business that kamala harris does. that leads to perhaps the most important issue of all, the recession threat. unemployment rising, manufacturing falling, consumer confidence shaky, housing in recession, consumers spending hanging by a thread. in recent days stock market crashes around the world. reinforcing recession fears. so, who do you trust to restore economic prosperity? it sure looks like the democratic team wants to punish businesses with much higher tax and regulatory penalties even
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though its businesses who higher workers and deliver paychecks. but the republican team wants to strengthen business with lower taxes and regulations. in fact my old friend and partner jim cramer has recently said, and i will quote, if you care about your paycheck, you go with trump end quote. as is often the case jimmy came hears the story exactly right and that's tonight's riff. all right, joining us now we welcome ohio senator jd vance, the republican vice presidential nominee. senator vance welcome to the show even if only on telephone. >> thanks, larry, good to be with you. larry: discuss to begin, this seemed like a choice for bernie sanders. he is two for two. he picked both candidates. they ruled the out more moderate people. is that all you need to know about the socialist nature of the modern democratic party, senator vance? >> larry i think that is a good
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way to put it. kamala doubled down on the far left in her own party. think about the hamas caucus, they didn't want her to pick josh shapiro. they wanted her to pick tim walz. think about the people who want to ban fracking they want tim walz. people who want to defund the police they wanted tim walz. people want an open border they chose tim walz. she chose a candidate who plays to the far left base of her own party and chose a candidate she agrees with on the core issues because one of the big things that happened over the last two weeks, kamala harris has been anointed by the media, historic figure, presumptive nominee of the democratic party but she hasn't had to answer any questions about how her record is terrible, how she flip-flopped on any number of key issues. she revealed who she really is here. the last one i would make on this, larry, there is an interesting nexus between these two that the media is missing and that is this summer of 2020
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riots destroyed the city of minneapolis, caused $13 billion of property damage. tim walz was a major supporter of those riots even though they were burning down the biggest city in the state. of course kamala harris who was the person who was bailing rioters out of prison, the few who were caught. this ticket is design towed increase inflation, reduce law and order. >> make it harder to build a business or just a life in the united states of america and i think they have set up the contrast very nicely for us. president trump and i just have to make our arguments to the american people. larry: just strikes me on that point, minute note was famous, minneapolis was famous for almost endless riots for a while. when the national guard was brought in it was brought in very slowly by governor walz with very few instructions. who gets the most when you have these riots? i would say black minority owned hispanic shop owners and employers. they get the worst of it.
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not the good suburbs, right there in center city? >> yeah that is exactly right. really proud black business community there in minneapolis has absolute devastated by those riots. look at demographics of businesses destroyed they were disproportionately owned by minorities people who serve some of the least fortunate in the minneapolis square and again tim walz, it shows who he really answers to. there is this idea that democrats and kamala harris are selling that they stand up for the little guy or the normal american. well it is the normal american who is hurt the most when you allow fentanyl to come in this country by the bushel. it is the normal american hurt the most when you allow main street businesses to get set on fire in the name of social justice, and it is normal americans hurt the most when kamala harris votes to increase inflation and make gristries and groceries and housing less affordable. the contrast between what president trump and i want to do, lower peoples grocery
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prices, close down the border, bring common sense and law and order back into our policing policies, it just really couldn't be starker than the pro-open borders, anti-police agenda of tim walz and kamala harris. larry: so let's stay with that. let's go into the economic zone. governor walz has a record of being a free spender and a taxer. minnesota has the highest corporate tax in the country as it turns out. that is not good. we had big stock market crashes as you well know. there has been softness throughout the economy. we may be on the front edge of a recession. the question is, who is going to get us back into, into prosperity? either going to be a soft landing or a hard landing next year. it is not going to be a great scenario. so you have the trump-vance economic plan. give us your case, please, how you all plan to restore prosperity. >> well first of all, larry you've got to get discretionary spending under control. i mean we're paying people not
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to work. we're spending way too much money. that is of course increatessing inflation, increasing interest rates, making it harder to buy a house. we of course let 20 million illegal aliens in. those people compete with americans for limited housing supply. that drives up the cost of housing. and then finally as president trump points out repeatedly, the most inflationary policy that, frankly the policy that makes it hardest to start a business is the way that kamala harris has gone to war on american energy, right? if you want to build a manufacturing business you need low cost power, if you want to start a small business you need low cost power. if you want to heat your home in the winter you need low cost power. so their energy policies made it hard on working americans who consume energy. also made it really hard to build, make things in the united states of america. these guys will pretend they're pro-worker, pro-american manufacturing candidate. well it is their regulatory policy and their energy policies that have shipped more and more good american manufacturing jobs
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to china. president trump and i want to make our own stuff. we want to drill our own oil, we want to produce our own energy and we want to do it with american workers but to do that you need smarter policy. larry: it strikes my, you know, it is healthy businesses deliver paychecks to working folks, okay, healthy business? it strikes me the democratic ticket want to raise taxes and regulations. i believe your ticket wants to cut taxes and regulations. you haven't said quite as much about growth and tax cuts as mr. trump has. i assume you're on board with that i mean after all, paychecks are the key for middle income, i don't care what color, what stipe you are, it's the paycheck. those paychecks have been falling by about $2000 during the biden years. they rose by nearly $6,000 after inflation during the trump years. tax and regulations to help business deliver paychecks, senator vance? >> it's very simple, larry.
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you remember the left hacked donald trump for the tax cuts said they would make the deficit worse when in reality we took in more revenue because the government got out of the way on the regulatory side and the tax cuts spurred a lot of growth which means more people working, which meant more economic production which meant the entire economy was healthier and so i think it is very simple, right. if you overregulate the economy, if you tax people to death, you're going to have less production, you will have less business formation, you will have fewer people actually working in good jobs. we want good people working in good jobs. we want businesses to thrive and hire here in america and i think we have a pretty common sense regulatory and tax agenda that accomplishes exactly that. and the final point on that with we talk about regulation there are a whole host of ways kamala harris has been awful on the regulatory environment but possibly the worst way, larry has been on energy, right? they're trying to drive american energy out of business with
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their regulations. larry: yes. >> we have to stop that if we actually want to manufacture and make things in the united states. larry: you and the president stay on that message, taxes regulations drill, baby, drill? senator vance, we talked a lot during the campaign season when you were running, we talked since then, it is not that hard. if you stay on that message, then i think those workers who want to get higher paychecks, what reagan called take-home pay, i think they will understand your case, if you stay on that message and if mr. trump stays on that message. i give you the last word, senator. >> larry i agree with you, we want higher take-home pay. we want people to make more money. we want good work reward inned this country. having a common sense tax and regulatory agenda is really, really smart. we want to close down the border. i think those are two most important issues in the country. last point this is not just
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academic. not just what donald trump is promising. he is promising lower taxes and reasonable regulations that promote growth. he delivered it for four years. we had rising take-home pay, we had businesses going up and creating new companies at a record level. not just what we want to do, what president trump already did and will if the american people give him a chance. larry: you're on it, terrific. good stuff, jd vance, vice presidential candidate. we appreciate your time. good luck on the campaign trail. talk soon. >> thanks, larry. larry: folks, coming up here reaction to all this from ace political commentators, joe concha, mark simone on this set. i'm kudlow. cut taxes and regulations. deliver higher paychecks. i'm all for it. we'll be right back. ♪. and jen z. each planning their future through the chase mobile app. jen x is planning a summer in portugal with some help from j.p. morgan wealth plan.
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to senator vance. joining us now on set, mark simone, wor hall of fame radio host, joe concha, fox news contributor, author of progressively worse. why today's democrats ain't your daddy's donkeys. one reason they're not is a a socialfrom vermont picked the ticket. a bernie sanders ticket. very much for kamala harris. he apparently according to reports did not want josh shapiro a moderate from pennsylvania, did not want to mark kelly, who was a crypto moderate of arizona. he wanted this ted waltz, tim walz, what his name, governor walz has a left-wing spend and tax record and you heard the hamas wing of the party. that may be an exaggeration. ban fracking, raise, got highest corporate tax rate. what do you think, joe? surprised at this. >> baseball analogy. of the fifth inning, bernie sanders at his age, two for two.
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larry: i know. >> that sound you harriesen real close, champagne corks flying across mar-a-lago right now for all the reasons you just listed. they gotted exact opponent. wanted no part of josh shapiro. 61% approval rating in pennsylvania, 50/50 state. those videos from the summer of love 2020, not so peaceful protests you had whole blocks burn to the ground, $500 million in damage. 1500 buildings either destroyed or damaged. the police station looked like the nakotami plaza at end of die-hard. they burned that to the ground as well. go back interview kamala harris did with colbert on cbs, these are not going to stop. she cheered these on. tim walz, minnesota senate report out of october 2020. governor walls at the ability use law enforcement to stop criminal violence. he did not. that is his own state senate. got to run against this record
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now? know thanks. larry: with mark simone, i don't understand this, what he said the last week white dudes zoom call, utter nonsense, one person's socialism is another person's neighborliness. what does that mean? i have neighbors. they're not socialists. what is he talking about or just sort of freely saying i'm a socialist and there is nothing wrong with it? >> yes he is saying socialism is being neighborly. this guy is saul alinsky meets bernie sanders. larry: right. >> donald trump tweeted two words thank you. exclamation point. i don't like conspiracy theories i think saboteur is running this. put joe biden in a debate where he is wiped out. they had her picked the worse possible choice. it will cost you a lot of money if these two get elected. your bank book, pocket killed by this administration. this will be painful.
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it will cost americans a lot of money if they get elected. larry: i know it is a little more boring than burning down minneapolis, and contributing to black lives matter which kamala did in one way or form or other. >> she ran a bail from. those who got out from it actually hurt people. larry: we're a business economic show. this guy waltz has a very liberal left. he is a spender. he is a taxer. the state of minnesota has the highest corporate tax rate in the united states. >> wow, corporate taxes arguably the most important tax there is, because if you help business, that is how wage workers get paid. as my friend jim cramer said if you're looking for higher wages vote for trump and i think cramer has got that exactly right. i mean the guy is very far left. there is no question about that. how does that possibly, in other words, i'm asking what's the calculus politically? why would you she, except for bernie sanders and the pressure from the left, why would she
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have gone with the most left-wing guy? >> usually the goal is to go to the center during the election and govern back to the left if you're a democrat. larry: yes. >> that is all she had to do by choosing shapiro. choosing those on presidential slates out of the state of minnesota hasn't been a good idea in the past right? hubert humphrey 1968 won 13 states. waller mondale won exactly one state against your old boss ronald reagan. then you think about does winter really work with minnesota in general when you consider that football team vikings never won a super bowl. consider two of their hock can he teams never won a stanley cup. the twins have note won a world series in 33 years. you don't think winner when you think of minnesota. it is a lovely state. larry: a lovely state, fine city, even though it is oh taxed to death. mark simone i asked jd vance at the end, he has got a good platform, lower taxes, lower
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regulations, drill, baby, drill. one side likes businesses which hire workers around give them paychecks. the other side of the democrats don't like business and wants to tax and regulate them to death and reduce their paychecks. question to you is mr. trump off message in the last week or so? i'm including georgia in this. a lot of people, they don't understand why he went and attacked the governor of georgia once again it seemed very personal. is there a risk that all the good vibes coming out of fabulous milwaukee convention which probably knocked joe biden out and caused a panic among democrats, has that been lost in your judgment, honest judgment? >> truth is, anytime he does a rally, hour as a matter of fact, even black journalists an hour, 5minutes of policy, substance. for three minutes he does imus
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routine three minutes out of the hour. they never cover it. larry: georgia thing wasn't important. >> 99% is substance and issues. he will always make wisecracks. larry: chicago, we talked about this, the black journalists in chicago was i thought brilliant messaging by him. when was that? that was only a week ago. that was very brilliant message. georgia raised some alarms. some editorial pages on the conservative side want to nick him to death, okay? but you're saying it doesn't matter? >> the end it won't matter this is 2016 all over again. he did that back then. john mccain comment, all those jokes wisecracks. it didn't hurt him in the end. in the end came down to the border, crime, economy. people will vote for their own interests and they're not going to decide based on that. larry: they will not vote for veep. the veep thing here reinforces how far left the democrats are. i think that is one point but i think also, joe, if the economy and the threat of recession
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comes back as a central casting issue which is may including stock market crashing, you got to go with the team that you think is going to help your finances and your economy and your job and your paycheck. i just can't imagine how kamala and waltz can that team. 2008, john mccain had a slight lead over barack obama. then the crash happened. how can you vote republican ticket. immigration is so. tim walz, cnn anderson cooper during the trump administration. he says this, i want to invest in a ladder company so i can help migrants get over trump's border wall to enter the country illegally. i'm paraphrasing that is exactly what he is implying. those are comments the trump campaign should play on a loop in ads across the country,
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minnesota, pennsylvania, wisconsin, especially arizona. larry: how come sherrod brown, john tester, democrats up for re-election in ohio and montana, they're not going to the national democratic convention in chicago, mark, why is that? >> larry: they will miss a tremendous party, why not. >> i don't think they want to get caught in the riots and protests. larry: people will desert the party. >> people have not heard her on interviews. has been presidential. what happened with economy. why didn't she address the nation, look presidential. say something. larry: one last one. we're over time, producers are screaming at me, a clever little thing whether kamala is woke oriented politician. take a listen to this, please. >> we have to stay woke like everybody needs to be woke. [laughter] and you can talk about it if you're the wokest or woker but
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just stay more woke than less woke. larry: joe, are you wokest or the woker? >> i'm the wokee maybe? woker? i don't know what she said. laughter when no one else is laughing is quite disconcerting i will put it that way. larry: we're in early august, mark simone who will be the next president? >> trump easily. the worst thing that happened to kamala was peaking indof july. you want to do that in october. larry: trump carry new jersey. >> and new york. larry: carry new york? >> both. seriously. larry: i'm trying to focus on you. joe haste some interesting facial expressions. >> california democrats never do well outside of california. they have only one in that one-party state. larry: you think kamala and walz carry minnesota? >> yeah they will carry minnesota. and it won't matter. larry: mark simone, joe concha, good interview. are we at the front end of a
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recession. that is a key point. what will we do about it? who will be best to do something about it? we'll ask old friend brian wesbury next up here on "kudlow" ♪. (bell ringing) someone needs to customize and save hundreds with liberty mutual! (inaudible sounds) (elevator doors opening) wait, there's an elevator? only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, ♪ ♪ liberty. ♪ if you have wet amd, you never want to lose sight of the things you love.
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larry: so, one question start with the front end of a recession how big of a threat is the economy going to be in an election year? joining us brian wesbury, economist at first trust lp. thanks for coming on. i missed you buddy. >> i miss you too, larry. larry: we haven't seen you in a while. brian, we'll get to the political campaign in just a moment. in your esteemed, distinguished judgment, you've been around a long time as an accurate forecaster how big of a threat is the stock market? you know this bounceback rally sputtered at the close, only up couple hundred. >> yeah. larry: it waup five or 600. so we've had this crash.
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u.s., japan, europe, blah blah, and you know, unemployment is rising. give me a quick run-down, give me a brian wesbury special, stocks and the economy. >> sure. larry: how big a threat, is it unraveling, is it recession what do you think, brian? >> i think it's a recession and i used this metaphor for a while, larry, covid was a car wreck, all right? we locked the economy down. when the ambulance came and found us they pumped us full of morphine, all that free money, all those deficits and then when they take you to the emergency room they ask how you're feeling, you go, man, i feel great and that's what everybody thought. stock market is at an all-time high, unemployment is low, the economy is growing but that was all morphine. i think that morphine has run out. one way to look at it is the money supply, the m2 measure of money is down in the past two years. another way to look at it is what we would call excess
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savings. savings rates are now down under 4%. they were 6% before covid. so what i think is, we're finally paying a price we should have paid a while ago because the morphine was hiding the pain and i think we have to have a recession. and then the second thing i would say is that the market is overvalued not like it was in 1999. it is about 15% overvalued and i, it's, we're due for a correction and what scares me is, everybody thinks the market should only go one way and that's up. i'm listening to people you know, scream at the fed to give me an emergency rate cut because the market is only up 8% this year and that worries me down the road, because if the fed listens to that we'll get stagflation. so -- larry: brian, if the fed does one of these emergency intermeeting, so would be
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august, 25 or 50 basis points -- >> right. larry: you and i have been around a long time. that kind of action could panic both the market and the economy. >> right. larry: but actually panic the market. i mean sometimes lower interest rates are coral latetive to deep recessions. they don't fix anything. >> you're absolutely right. if the fed panics and cuts rate with the market up -- the economy, a lot of numbers don't look good but we're not in a recession yet. i think it's coming soon but if they were to panic and cut-rates it would scare the heck out of people. then on top of that, let's say you want to buy a house, now they just cut-rates so it looks better, mortgage rates are lower but you're going to think they will cut them more, so you will still hold off. so once the fed starts you get people holding off waiting for even lower rates. that can make a recession even worse than it would have been without the rate cut. so they need to do this slowly,
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calmly, without panic and we, i don't know how to say this. we locked the economy down and everybody thinks we can do that without ever paying a price. and i just don't believe that. we broke our leg. we got to go through physical therapy. we got the pain of surgery around we just haven't felt it yet. larry: last 30, 40 seconds we'll have you back to talk more about this but basically businesses hire workers and give them paychecks. >> yep. larry: businesses hire workers and give them paychecks. i would think one would want to encourage businesses to give higher paychecks by reducing tax and regulatory burdens. i think you have a clear-cut here. one team is against business, the other team is for business but i scent talked to you in a while. >> right. larry: whether you buy into that paradigm or not? the. >> yeah, i totally buy into that
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paradigm. i was shocked at this pick for vp because it moves, it moves their whole candidacy to the left, to, towards socialism and higher taxes and bigger government and more subsidies for solar and wind and electric, all of that, and less beneficial policies for energy so it is a negative growth platform. i loved your interview with jd vance. keep pushing them to talk about the economy, lower taxes, less regulation, less government spending. that's the way you get more growth. you're right, this is a perfect setup. a battle between free markets and competition and government driven growth. larry: common sense will win. you have faith. you're an optimist. i'm an optimist of the the american people, brian wesbury. it is a great pleasure to see you. i hope you will come back very
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soon. moving right along, we'll get latest out of israel which is a dicey situation. fox news alex hogan is live on the ground from tel aviv. thank you for helping us. what you got? >> reporter: hi, larry, thanks for having me. tonight we're hearing more about some of the political changes within hamas. so hamas named sinwar as the successor to ismail haniyeh, the political leader who was assassinated one week ago. we see these days and days of increased tension and here on the ground the country's defense minuter is, yoav gallant, israel is using this time as preparation to prepare and have conversation with allies specifically the united states. this is a look at at map of the current naval assets that the u.s. has in the middle east. this as gallant says overnight he talked with u.s. secretary of defense lloyd austin as the two countries discuss security. now it comes as iran according
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to state media there is requesting russian air defense systems as tehran promises that there will be an attack. now we've also seen a very violent day along israel's northern border with lebanon amid crossfire between the idf and hezbollah. so hezbollah says it launched a wave of missiles and drones, one of which was intersented by the iidf the debris fell down and wounding self civilians. on the other side of the border five people were killed was idf says was hezbollah storage facility depots. further north in beirut, crowds gathered to listen to hezbollah leader nasrallah, who vowed strong retaliation against israel. calling on neighboring arab states to take a stand, that they would act against israel or would act alone.
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these are days of increased escalation the part of the response, the waiting. here on the ground i talk with people they do not believe all of this tension will actually amount to anything. others on the other hand do believe in that fear. they go to bed every single night wondering if tonight will be the night that iran decides to attack. larry? larry: alex hogan, thank you very much for that run-down. joining us now, florida congressman greg stuebe and my dear friend general keith kellogg, former trump administration national security advisor. you know, keith kellogg, first of all the idf had another preemptive strike in hezbollah. the idf took out the hamas guy in downtown tehran or wherever. i don't know, i know it's, everyone says they're going to come and, we're going to read a list of targets in just a moment that iran has apparently published but then again you
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know how the idf factor which is a trump factor, not a biden factor, they're basically saying to these guys, we have got your cell phone and we know your home address. if you act up we'll take you out. i think that is pretty good deterrent. what do you think, keith kellogg? iran must know this. they just got hit again, one of their top hezbollah people got hit in lebanon for heavens sakes. does that amount to nothing? >> yeah, larry, thanks for having me on such a slow news day. here is what deterrence is about. underlying capability is will. israel shown to the iranians, hezbollah, and the entire world they have credibility because they have the political will and capacity and capability to attack targets deep. look what they did in yemen with the houthis. look at what they did with targets in iran. israel needs to make very, very
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clear to the world and to the iranians, if you strike and you kill israelis the supreme leader is on our target list. you tell hassan nasrallah, who is the leader of hezbollah you're on our target list, and you remind the iranians we will come after your nuclear facility ies places like that and we're going to come. they built in a little bit of credibility in the sense of die turns. now the iranians know they can respond to that that is what they need to tell them. the final thought on that. the united states needs to relay through the protect tiff power with the swiss, because we don't have diplomatic relations with the russians, we back israel 100% full stop. let's see where it goes. larry: i get that greg stuebe i want to hear with you in a second. i want to play this very brief clip of president biden over the weekend. >> mr. president, do you think iran will stand down?
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president biden: what? >> do you think iran will stand down, sir? president biden: i hope so. we don't know. larry: all right. i don't know? i hope, i don't know, greg stuebe? is that a response? what is that supposed to mean? i mean i don't get any of that. that is not an american president. >> no. it says a lot about him as a leader. i hope so, i don't know. you're the commander-in-chief of the largest military in the world. you're of the commander-in-chief of the president of the united states and you don't know and i hope so. i mean it is the same kind of lip service they gave earlier in the year when the iranians attacked, oh, don't do it, don't do it. they went ahead and did it. obviously the iranians are not listening to joe biden. let me remind your viewers, the biden administration created this. they opened up billions of dollars to the iranians through relief of sanctions all sorts of
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things that allowed iranians to give money to hezbollah, give money to hamas thattenenabled all that war. when donald trump was president you didn't have war in the middle east, didn't have war in ukraine. you do now because of the foreign policies of this administration. it should be clear like the general said we stand with israel. we'll back them 100%. if they are attacked we'll be there to defend them. if you send that message strongly the iranians will back off but that not the current occupancy of the white house. larry: to read this, benny abney writing in "new york sun," veteran foreign policy journalist covering israel, iranian revolutionary guards on monday said they will hit ben-gurion airport, they will hit israeli train routes haifa seaport, other infrastructure targets. they can say that, greg, if this government would have something tough to say maybe they would think twice. but the idf, the idf can take
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them out all over the place. that is what is being proven here. that is the deterrence is the idf. >> yeah. not only idf. the jordanians defended them when in april as iran rans attacked, the general can talk about military tactics to send to your enemy, telegraph, tell them what you are, not going to attack, whether you attack it or not what type of signal that sends as far as strength is very. larry: very odd. >> very interesting they would do that. larry: very, very odd. we'll pick this up later in the week as results come through. kellogg, thanks a million. greg stuebe, with appreciate it very, very much. coming up who will voters trust to save the economy? we ask this once again, pro-business trump-vance or harris walls socialists. that is simple. we'll ask senator ron johnson, midwestern politician of what he
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thinks of this walz appointment and this bernie sanders backed e ticket. ticket. i'? m kudlow. ticket. i'? but get closer. daughter: (gasps) what the?! daughter: alright. dad: side to side. when you work with someone who knows a lot and cares even more... you can do this.'re unstoppable. (♪) wow... are you kidding me? you can do this. at truist, we believe the same is true for banking.
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larry: joining us wisconsin senator ron johnson, midwest senator. senator johnson, jd vance, we went long. it will be short.
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your reaction to the ted walz vp, bernie sanders pick on the harris ticket? >> hello, larry. it is a in your face selection. it basically tells america we're not afraid to tell you we're radical leftists. we'll count on the media to moderate our position. we're saying we're all for the middle class, helping working men and women but we'll continue to support the exact same policies, open borders, massive debt and spending, sparked four-year high in inflation, stop fossil fuels, that set the world in flames. we'll support all those policies. we're a bunch of radical left leftists and we'll rely on media to cover up for us. larry: mr. trump said this is the most far left ticket in american history. i don't guess you disagree with that. this is the question. will it work, senator johnson? >> we have to hope and pray it doesn't. you're right, governor walls didn't turn out the national
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guard to quell the riots in minneapolis. senator harris or vice president harris literally, it was senator harris tried to convince people to give to the bail funds to bailout the rioters. that is who they nominated for their presidential and vp nominee. again, radical leftists but they're brazen about it. larry: well if you've got economic jitters and stock market jitters and prosperity jitters, i mean, if, if mr. trump and mr. vance stay on message i would think they're winners? >> they have to be. kamala harris supported the green new deal. that is what 70 to $90 trillion worth of spending. so again she's a radical climate alarmist. we need to win this election, larry. we need people staying on discipline, talk about the major, massive difference between the party approach. we believe in freedom, free market system. we are now the advocates. we're the people that support the forgotten men and women in
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this country, the working men and women that is the republican party. not the radical left democrat party. larry: senator ron johnson, thank you, sir, look forward to speaking to you soon. thank you ever so much. folks right back with my last word unlimited. so, if you're off the racking... ...or crab cracking, you're cashbacking. cashback on flapjacks, baby backs, or tacos at the taco shack. nah, i'm working on my six pack. switch to a king suite- or book a silent retreat. silent retreat? hold up - yeeerp? i can't talk right now, i'm at a silent retreat. cashback on everything you buy with chase freedom unlimited with no annual fee. how do you cashback? chase. make more of what's yours. protect against rsv with arexvy. arexvy is a vaccine used to prevent lower respiratory disease from rsv in people 60 years and older. arexvy does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients. those with weakened immune systems may have a lower response to the vaccine. the most common side effects are injection site pain, fatigue, muscle pain, headache, and joint pain.
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larry: tell you what, if you care about your paycheck or your retirement plan, then i think the business guys, not the socialists, that's the ticket you want to vote for. and we all care about liz macdonald. we gotta help her. we got


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