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tv   Kudlow  FOX Business  August 7, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm EDT

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if the fed does drop interest rates? >> yeah. you know i think the, as usual or as we've seen of late the futures markets may be overshooting a little bit on the expectations here. you know, the fed is not there to sort of rescue equity markets. liz: right. >> the put aside there is this expectation but you know, at the end of the day and the fed said it, we're dependent on data, we're not data point dependent. they will not care about one day of market volatility. that one day of market volatility is not surprising given what we've seen in markets this year. we've gotten to the point 60/40 is 97 percentile in valuation. [closing bell rings] liz: got it. great to have you on. there are the bells. s&p and nasdaq go close to session lows at the close. we'll see you tomorrow.
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♪. larry: hello, folks, welcome to "kudlow," i'm larry kudlow. well, kamala harris went far left progressive bernie sanders when she chose tim walz as her running mate. it will give trump-vance a new campaign opening if they take it. vivek ramaswamy on that just couple moments but first up we go to fox news william la jeunesse. he is standing by to tell us a little bit about these, about these governor walz policies. i know you're itching to go. good to see you, william. >> same larry. look at three things, voting money, support from special interest groups. on policy walz supports union organizing, 15-dollar minimum wage, environmental protections over free trade and as a governor he supported gender affirming care for gender kids. legalized rec correctional marijuana, free school lunch for all children, abortion with no restrictions.
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six, seven, eight, pregnant, it is okay. free college tuition for families earning less than 80 grand. employer and paid, family and medical leave. 100% clean energy by 2040. he supports sanctuary cities, citizenship for dreamers, driver's licenses and taxpayer-funded health care for illegal immigrants. voted against increased penalties for criminal aliens. opposed border wall, joking about helping immigrants enter illegally. >> he talks about this wall. i always say let me know how high it is if it is 25 feet i will invest in the 30-foot ladder factory. that is not how you stop. >> walls ran six times for congress, largest donor, organized labor, followed by lawyers an lobbyists. as for special interests walz gets 100% from planned parenthood, 80% for sierra club, center for biodiversity, opposes litigates almost any development
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on public land. he opposed the trump tax cuts but backed big government spending according to watchdog groups. 19% rating from the national taxpayer es union, 10% from the club foregrowth. high marks from green energy groups like the league of conservation voters and low marks from mining and petroleum groups. 92% approval from the aclu. an f from the nra for his support of universal background checks and red flag laws. that is his record, larry. what he have will actually campaign on, we will see. back to you. larry: whoa. whoa. man, i will stay on your good side. what a list. you can say, i mean, what a list. >> reporter: larry you can also tell about a person by their friends. that's what we're attempting to do here. back to you. larry: well-done. that is the most comprehensive thing i've seen. william la jeunesse we appreciate it very much. all right, folks, make no mistake about it, kamala harris choice of governor tim walz was
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driven by far left progressive bernie sanders politics and that's the subject of tonight's riff. ♪. so, i stayed up to the early hours of the morning last night reading online versions of ws[ "the new york times," "the washington post," about why kamala harris chose governor tim walz as her running mate. know what? i should have gone to bed early. each account said exactly the same thing, mainly, ms. harris made a so-called gut decision and felt more comfortable with walz than shapiro. my response to this awful journalism? sheer utter nonsense. who are they kidding? kamala harris chose tim walz because he is a card-carrying member of the ultraliberal progressive left bernie sanders wing of the democratic party. that's why she chose him. she can no longer make any
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claims or various say policy conversions that suggest she is really a moderate democrat. no she is not. her positions as a u.s. senator, presidential candidate, and loyal member of the biden administration are progressive left. by the way, important to give an exemption to the above mentioned journalistic fall der raul to the editorial page of the "wall street journal" which correctly argued the veep was bending to progressive bernie sanders type pressures. good for the editorial page. by the way that same editorial page mentioned pennsylvania's governor shapiro was too pro israel and too much support for school vouchers. those were barriers to his nomination to the democratic ticket. i would only add to that, mr. walz favors, i mean mr. shapiro favors oil and gas fracking and fossil fuels as governor of a big oil state.
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national democrats can't handle that. they can't stand that. our own william la jeunesse just outlined all the walz left-wing social policies in great detail. thanks again for that, william. donald trump meanwhile and jd vance are going to make mincemeat of them over this whole story in pennsylvania where david david mccormick staa good chance winning a u.s. senate seat from robert casey, jr. but i think the biggest problem for the new harris walz ticket, the economic recession is not yet here the risks are growing and they have no growth strategy at all. i'm not ignoring border czar harris' open border catastrophe. i'm not ignoring the related crime wave. i'm not ignoring the long tail of consumer price increases that have robbed middle class paychecks and made it impossible to afford the biden-harris
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economy. i'm not ignoring the breakout and mishandling of foreign wars but mandating an end to fracking along with carbon taxes, ev mandates, bans on gas-powered cars, killing pipelines, all these measures are job killers, not job creators. promises to raise taxes by four or five trillion dollars is a job-killer, not a job creator. massive new spending programs, not just on climate change but also nationalizing health care and bigger entitlements, plus ignoring the supreme court by canceling student debt and maintaining liberal anti-business regulatory state, these are all job killers, not job creators. really, really step back for a minute. this is not one whit of a growth policy in any of the harris-walz
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policy plans and for them, that may well be a job-killer, not a job creator and that is the riff. all right, joining me now, our dear friend vivek ramaswamy, former presidential candidate, campaign surrogate. vivek as always welcome back, good to see you. so here's the thing, i think this gives a whole new dimension, kamala harris, almost, i won't say she is out from behind the curtain but she picked walz. she went with the far left progressives, the bernie sanders wing of the party, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera, what does this mean? what does this mean for the trump-vance campaign, what does it mean for the democrats campaign? to some extent i think this surfaces the bloom is off the rose but what says vivek ramaswamy? >> look i'm going to be very frank, larry. the last few weeks haven't been our best. this gives us exactly the reset that we required. i was shocked she didn't go to
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shapiro that would be the rational move for her. tells us a lot about kamala harris. say what you will about walz, the vice president doesn't very much in policy. this is her first presidential style decision she had to make and it shows to which side she actually bend the knee, the far left progress scif wing. the dirty little secret, they began their careers in politics appearing more central democrats. kamala harris in california, a even walz said he was compromised centrist democrat, yet he ended up migrating to the left. not so much these people have their own independent ideologies. who knows what kamala harris's ideology is. who knows what tim walz actual ideology is. but it shows which wing of the democratic party ultimately controls their behaviors.
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it may be they're puppets, puppets wheeled by the far left. that policy record will be something they have to own and it won't be good for them come on november. larry: these are very important points. for one thing, look, you know, last night i called it the bernie sanders decision bernie sanders is two for two. bernie sanders wanted kamala harris, not biden and bernie sanders want walz and got his way. he is the leader of left-wing progressives in the democratic party. bernie sanders didn't like shapiro. i don't know if there is any antisemitism. he was pro israel, favor of school choice and favor of fracking in a oil state like pennsylvania. those are unacceptable things in the progressive litany. i'm saying on this point, kamala didn't just have a gut reaction where she sat down and felt more comfortable like all these newspapers wrote about last night, i stayed up way too late
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to read that nonsense, she went there because that is the center of democratic party, the teachers union is weighing in, the service union is weighing in, right? bernie sanders is weighing in. elizabeth warren is weighing in. the phone wires were burning. that's why she, that's where i want to start. this wasn't some gut reaction flipping a coin, oh he ask a lovely fellow, let's put him on the ticket. she was hearing it from the left-wing interest groups. >> well the reality is there is also a contradiction in how they're pitching this guy walz in the first place. they're pitching him as midwestern unifier. the reality is this, you can't have it both ways this is the guy that has gone out of his way to call 70 plus million americans more if not nor, his words just plain weird. i reject this, larry. this is fundamentally against national unity. the idea no matter who wins this election, say 70 plus million people on the other side are no
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longer part of the same culture or country is alienating. joe biden campaigned on national unity. he failed miserably. kamala airs tries to invoke it, so this guy walz. it is contradictory to their core message and approach. here is my view. my top advice to our own side is this, three words focus on policy. if we focus on policy we win this election. if we offer our own vision for the future of the united states of america, we win this election. if we fall into the trap of really following the other side's shenanigans and obsessing over that, we create greater risk for ourselves. the walz pick presents risks to the both sides. the risk for democrats it causes them to lose centrist voters i believe they will over walz's policy record but i think the risk for republicans, larry, some of his stances and some of his positions and approach have been so bad it actually distractions to go down a rabbit hole we don't need to go down. we have to focus what we care
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about? seal the border, grow the economy, stay out of world war iii and lift up all americans including in our national pride. focus on that we win this thing hands down. we have to avoid the risk of distraction, which is exactly the risk the kamala harris, tim walz pick presents. larry: i make a separate point, growth, growth, growth. at the convention i thought donald trump was just brilliant in his discussion of growth. this was right after the attempted assassination but he talked about tax cuts and deregulation, and fracking and you know, downsizing the bureaucracy you talked about so frequently, actually obeying the supreme court. the other team wants to pack the supreme court. he is fabulous on growth. i'm not going to say he lost the message. i hear it, i look at it, i think he has been distracted by a couple other things and i think
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they, the democratic ticket has not one scintilla, not a single basis point, vivek, of growth in their platform anywhere, whether it is regulations, taxes or fracking. >> yeah. larry: anywhere. people are worried about that, right? the stock market, not good. a lot of economic indicators, not good. i'm not saying we're in a recession but i'm saying the risk of recession, or the front end of recession so growth, growth. that's what, you know, reagan taught me 40 years ago plus, growth. >> so, larry you call me on here usually you want the truth from me. i will give it to you unvarnished here. larry: yes. >> the reality i think the republican party has not always been particularly strong on this issue. larry: i know. >> some of those fissures even on the right actually create a lot of opportunity for us. you're right the democrats abandoned pro-growth agenda all together. reality, look at last several
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years, republicans posing billions in the u.s. senate elsewhere raising minimum wage nationally, looking at others anti-growth measures, believing economic growth is not necessarily an objective we should prize above others. the more clear-minded we are embracing that, i think president trump has been pretty good, quite good on this issue, rolling back the regulatory state, rolling back the tax burden, the kind of economic growth unpresident trump's leadership, if we saw that more the all the way up and down the party we would be even stronger position to differentiate ourselves against the walzs of the world versus sometimes we risk losing the plot with respect to union policy, with respect to minimum wage policy. when we see that creep up in the republican party that leaves us in a weaker position. president trump's first term has been outstanding. i think he has been great on this issue. he needs to continue to lead the way. the sad truth we may squander the opportunity, shore up to our roots, we believe in a smaller
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state, tame that regulatory state. larry: yes. >> unleash american innovation. don't apologize for it. that is actually who we are. i will speak that truth even if it is a little bit uncomfortable. larry: i am 100% with you. free-market capitalism is the best path to prosperity. i said that many years on another network when i had a show there you're absolutely right. if republicans and conservatives to use big government the way democrats are does not make it right, does not make it. you're completely right. i would say to you mr. trump knows this. he has done pretty well. he a lot of his stride a little bit last weekend in atlanta, georgia. he has a reopening. you call it a reset, i call it a reopening. i think his running mate is picking up his game. we have great quotes. i interviewed jd vance on this show last night. he is picking up his game on growth. vivek ramaswamy you always pick up your game, terrific stuff. honestly thanks for helping us this evening.
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we appreciate it. >> thank you. larry: all right, coming up here on "kudlow," speaking of which a respects may not be here yet but the risks are rising. so, where are the growth policies? we'll ask steve forbes and liz peek right here on set next up. refer, you can catch "kudlow" monday through friday at 4:00 p.m. right here on fabulous fox business. if you can't catch us at 4:00 for heavens sakes, just text your favorite nine-year-old and she will show you how to dvr the show, so you will never miss a growth message. me? i'm still kudlow. we'll be right back. that work better together. like your workplace benefits and retirement savings. presentation looks great. thanks! thanks! voya provides tools that help you make the right investment and benefit choices so you can reach today's financial goals.
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♪ larry: biden-harris administration doesn't seem to be too worried about the threat of recession, the voters however have a different view. our own hilary vaughn live at the white house to tell us more. hilary, what you got? >> reporter: larry, today the white house was asked whether or not they think the market nosedive on monday was just a blip but we didn't get a straight answer from them. either way they don't seem too bothered by it because of the word of the day, here at the white house when talking about the economy has been resilient. >> our broader economy remains
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resilient and what we've seen recently as consumers remain resilient but we believe the economy remains resilient. i would say the economy remains resilient. we believe the u.s. economy remains resilient. >> reporter: but resilient might not be the word that americans would use who saw their retirement accounts plummet. vice presidential candidate senator jd vance is calling out vice president kamala harris' economic policies saying she was the deciding vote that pushed through historically high spending fueling inflation we're seeing today. >> she cast the deciding vote for the so-called inflation reduction act that sent a lot of our resources to china and sent interest rates through the roof. she cast the deciding vote for the very policies that made groceries and gas, housing less affordable for american citizens. i think it is very simple. >> reporter: today vice president harris campaigning what she wants to do as president, promising she will fix all of it if she is in charge. >> when i am president it will
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be a day one priority to fight to bring down prices, strengthening our economy and building up the middle class, will be a defining goal of my presidency. >> reporter: but that could have been a defining point of her vice presidency right now, larry. we've been told all along that the biden-harris administration's number one priority has been tackling inflation. they have had about 3 1/2 years to get it done. larry? larry: hilary, i was kind of crushed. vice president harris is not using "bidenomics." whatever happened to "bidenomics"? >> reporter: she had in the past been on the trail talking about "bidenomics" very joy fully, happily back when that was what the white house was going with. if i had been called on in today's press briefing i wanted to ask if. mick "bidenomics" was the same thing as harris-nomics.
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unless i'm called on we will not know what harris's economic policies are and if they're same as president biden. larry: kamala-nomics. >> reporter: has a ring to it. larry: talking about all of this, steve forbes, editor-in-chief, liz peek, syndicated columnist and fox news contributor. apart from kamala-nomics versus "bidenomics," starting with you, liz, there is lot of lousy economic news. i won't say we're not in recession yet. i will say we're in front end of recession, whatever, people are worried about it. i don't see between the vice president and her new running mate a single growth oriented policy on energy, on taxes, on regulations, on student debt entitlements, on
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spending, on the u.s. dollar, i don't see anything remotely about growth and i think that's a problem and it's a big opening for the trump-vance ticket? >> well, yes, because in fact they have no economic policy so far. i mean when you go to the website as i'm sure you know you get an advertisement which is asking you to donate money to the campaign. there is nothing at all about any issues. i don't think she can just skate on the surface here all the way through the election. i think at some point in her rally last night she talked about wants to make housing more affordable. housing is more unaffordable than ever been in the history of the country. she has been there 3 1/2 years, what has she done about it? what has anyone done about it in the harris-biden white house, i think it is fair to say now, is seems to me now she is actually running the country but in terms of your broader question they have never owned up to the idea or even suggested at all that
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maybe cutting back on spending or not spending two trillion dollars a year more than we actually bring in to the federal government has been a problem and caused inflation. larry, they will never turn tail on this. they don't believe it. they don't believe it. that is their agenda. larry: how will she fix the economy, ha is what she said. steve, hang on a second. jd vance is our newest recruit. he is combing along just nicely. take a listen to what he told me in a phoner interview last night. >> we took in more revenue because the government got out of the way on the regulatory side and the tax cuts spurred a lot of growth which means more people working, which meant more economic production, which meant the entire economy was healthier which kamala harris has been awful on the regulatory environment but possibly the worst way, larry has been on energy, right? they're trying to drive american energy out of business with the regulations. >> yeah. i would posit those two short
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paragraphs could win you an election. >> you've been a very good teacher, larry. larry: [laughter] >> very persistent one and student vance has taken it to heart. larry: picking up his game. >> and that's a good thing, especially he will have a debate, i think donald trump will have a debate. that is the issue you hammer. are you better off today than you were with donald trump president? case closed. i love harris saying oh i will tackle inflation day one. why don't you do it now? >> right. why wait? why wait? larry: i don't know what it means. it is a tricky business because we're talking about money and politics here. i remember barack obama with the same kind of idea. he would give you the conclusion but he wouldn't give you how to do it. i actually remember bill clinton. i feel your pain but then in his first term he raised taxes across the board and economy is a shambles. he got whooped in congress and changed his view. this has been tried before. i'm saying, be careful what you wish for burr i think trump and
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vance, trump is good on growth. that is not the problem. he has an occasional detour basically pretty good. vance getting better and better. i think that is a good plus. >> i do too. i wish they spend more time talking about regulation. donald trump was so powerful rolling back regulation, that was in the wake of obama being president who ladled onto the economy ever had happened before. it was costing thousands, tens of thousands of dollars for the american family and millions for every business. that is something i think that everybody understands, everyone hates all that red tape, particularly small business owners and people, small business owners always talk to me about how trump made their life easier and this crew has made their life more difficult. by the way i think in minnesota, if we're interested in what tim walls has to say about it, taxes are very, very high. i think regulatory changes have been a feature it of his governorship. larry: people are fleeing
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minnesota left and right. we'll get to that later in the show. steve forbes, i don't know, do you think we're in a recession or not? do i i this the fed should have these emergency rate cuts people are talking about? >> just says they're in a panic. that they blew it yet again and as you have emphasized rightly, let's not worry so much about interest rates. let the markets do that, get the fed, say to the fed, stop trashing the economy. stop trying to depress the economy. that's not what causes inflation. spending what the federal reserve does in terms of financing of debt causing inflation, and that, that's the way you go. and trump should go out on the trail and hit home on things like the social security tax. now he got beaten up by it, but say, you, if you want to work you shouldn't be punished for it. we need your experience. you seniors. you can bring something to the table. larry: probably don't have enough time. we have a clip on it. he was very good. i think this morning on "fox & friends" he mentioned
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social security tax relief and he mentioned no tax on tips. after all, the big, the grand, look, jd vance sounded likes steve forbes and arthur laffer curve, that is what he was saying, revenue, tax rates went down. revenues went up. >> encouraging work. he actually did raise that issue. the democrats are always trying to suppress work. that is really not good for the economy. >> and on regulation, go out to talk to real people. >> yes. >> small businesses, the kind of crap they have to put up with so people see it. stories work. larry: barbershop. >> don't say regulations are bad, here is how it is bad, how it is costing you. larry: 100%. we'll go for it. liz peek, steve forbes. thank you. >> thank you. larry: coming up folks, pure appeasement. that seems to be the biden-harris plan to deal with iran. ooh i'm wrong i would be happily be wrong. that is what i'm hearing. we'll talk about it with senator joni ernst next up on "kudlow." please stick(l around.orn
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larry: appeasement seems to be the biden-harris plan to deal with iran. i love to be wrong but that is what it seems like. joining me, chair of the senate republican policy committee, joni ernst from the great state of iowa. senator ernst, do we have the sound yet from lloyd austin? i don't know what the state of play is. i know -- i want you to listen to this, sec-def lloyd austin this is so bizarre. listen to what he said, please. >> several u.s. servicemembers were wounded yesterday in a rocket attack on al-asad airbase in western iraq. so make no mistake, the united states will not tolerate attacks on our personnel in the region. larry: senator ernst, senator ernst, i got to tell you, with all due respect to secretary of defense, he is distinguished
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military man, it is not personal but what he just said is blarney. we have been attacked there before. we had service people hurt and killed in these attacks and the u.s. government has never done anything. so, ma'am, why should we believe anything the secretary of defense says? if you're running iran, if you're a mullah, why should you believe a word of it because they have never acted on it before? >> larry, you're absolutely right. they won't believe us and she shouldn't believe the secretary of defense nor should they believe this administration. we've seen time and time again where u.s. servicemembers have been killed, they have been maimed, they have been injured and what has this, this administration done? absolutely nothing about it. we saw the 13 that were killed in abbey gate. we walked away from afghanistan. we saw the three that were killed just this year at tower 22 in jordan and what did we do?
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nothing. we see those have been injured at al-assad and other rocket attacks. what has been done? nothing, larry. it is all about appeasement. the united states appeasing iran right now and in turn the terrorists proxies. we cannot forget that we had over 40 americans killed on our october 7th in israel. we have eight being held hostage. what has this administration done about it? absolutely nothing. you won't hear them talk about it either. so do i believe secretary austin? absolutely not. we need a new administration and that's donald j. trump. larry: basically the israelis, the idf, they're telling mullahs, telling hamas leaders, telling hezbollah leaders, i got your phone number and your home address, you better be careful what you do and they hit them, they hit them, they take them out, how about that? they fight back. we never seen the fight -- i'm
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not a warmonger. i would rather no foreign wars. let's get out of this stuff but we cannot let these countries, particularly in the middle east, particularly because we have coddled and appeased iran for so many years under the biden administration you can't take it anymore. somebody has to do something, or let the idf do it, and quit criticizing them. >> right, exactly, larry. why i put forward my punish act as well. this act would require the administration to put maximum sanctions, pressure, upon iran and not allow it to ease off and would not allow the united states to enter into another nuclear agreement with iran until they have taken the hits off of former american officials. we know that iran is plotting to assassinate americans on our own soil yet what is the administration doing about it? absolutely nothing. nothing, larry. and it is so disturbing because
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the world is on fire and we have absolutely no american leadership. larry: no, you're right, ma'am. i mean those sanctions were embodied in the congressional mandate, in an executive order by president trump, they were in place. those guys weren't producing but 300,000 barrels of oil a day. they were bankrupt. they couldn't afford to have anything and now look it is all changed and gone downhill. i mean the economy is bad enough but this foreign policy story is just awful. anyway, senator joni ernst, thank you, ma'am, appreciate it very, very much. >> thank you, larry. larry: all right, folks turning to another story, this one is the weird story, the return of suck a bucks. i thought we buried this story but not so. mollymollie hemingway, federali, ned ryan, ceo of american majority. mollie, you were the one who pulled the plug on "zuckabucks" in the first place, correctly
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so. now i'm reading this committee, what is it called are the center for tech and civic life. i don't know how much money they have. maybe you can report on it. "zuckabucks" is back and my concern is maybe yours and ned's, is the, is the trump-vance team, are they concerned also? are they doing something about it, molly mollie hemingway? >> that is a very good question. a lot of people were excited when they heard mark zuckerberg had decided not to finance this private takeover of government election offices like he did in 2020 but the two main groups he funded which were center for tech and civic life and center for election innovation and research they kept going. they're financed by other left-wing billionaires. to still engage in this take over of government elections offices, primarily in the blue areas of swing states in order to run these massive get-out-the-vote operations to help democrats. larry: is this legal, just in short? is this legal in your judgment?
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>> it is not been properly lit gated so it is an open question how, also different states have different rules on what to do here but there is no question that they should be looked into because of how this privileges left-wing voting or democrat voting. i just want to point out too, it is not just these two left-wing groups, it is other groups as well but also the biden-harris administration asked federal agencies to likewise get involved. larry: right. >> in targeting democrat subgroups for voting. larry: that is probably illegal, violating the hatch act. ned ryan, what do you think about this story? okay, they're going to do what they're going to do, right? democratic criminals will go do whatever they're going to do. the question we have, what is the republican defense because the stakes are very high? what do you think, ned? >> well they better be litigating already. i will say this larry, really quick, you asked is this illegal. i know for a fact if ned ryan of american majority had attempted to do what they did in 2020 i
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would probably wouldn't be talking to you because i would be in jail running the non-profit money into battleground states, into blue counts to boost the blue vote by sometimes a factor of 10 to one this is the total disgrace in this country, these folks center for tech and civic life, all the zuck bucks that went in, were not pursued, litigated correctly, because they're on proper side of many who reside at the doj, the state ags, whereas if a conservative had done that i for sure would have faced severe consequences. my hope is, that i know there is legal action being taken. the bright side of this, larry, is that 28 states have outlawed zuck bucks after the 2020 election. i think the silver lining with what i saw in these grants, they put 419 million into these battleground states in 2020. the grant levels i saw in this one were 2 1/2 million spread across 20 states. not as significant but i would
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echo what mollie said, if people want to have faith in their elections the last thing we should be seeing is leftist groups trying to take over how our elections are conducted. larry: mollie, real quick, story in "the washington examiner" are today, kamala harris and her husband both donated to this group the legal aid dc, something or other, that stands for defunding the police. is that story accurate and what do you think it means? >> yeah, absolutely. we have this information that she and her husband are supporters of this group. it is not surprising at all because in 2020 when she was running for president she was a supporter of defund the police. she famously posted that tweet asking people to help bailout the rioters in minneapolis who were burning that city to the ground and she just chose as her vp someone who fully embraces that dangerous, deadly, damaging ideology which cost billions of dollars in damage to america and
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just that's the financial cost. it was just very bad for the body politic as well this is good example where she and her vp are on left winger policy. a lot of americans don't like the left-wing policy, what it has done to our cities, what it has done to our police force, goes with everything else, the economy, border polly, whatever. larry: ned ryan, any 30 seconds, shedding any tears, congresswoman cori bush much st. louis was defeated. she is the second quartet member to be defeated in primary this is year. 20 seconds, ned. give it hell. >> i think it is a positive sign that the "squad" continues to be diminished but larry i don't think this is a rejection of leftists nye owe marxist policies. they have two neomarxists with kamala harris and tim walls at the top of the tick contest. we could not have a clear starker choice coming into the fall. it is literally neomarxism versus freedom and i hope the
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american people choose wisely, mollie hemingway, ned ryan, appreciate it very much. up next house republican leader tim walls, he will talk about governor walz policy strangling the minnesota economy. my god, numbers are very bad on this minnesota economy. tom emmer when "kudlow" returns ♪ when the sawdust settles and the engine finally roars the thing you care about most is a job well done. ♪ but when you get your tools from harbor freight something about the job feels a little different - your wallet. because we believe no matter what you're working on you need high quality tools at a great price.
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larry: governor tim walz's policies seem to be strangling minnesota's economy. joining me somebody who knows a little bit about minnesota, congressman, house majority whip, our friend tom emmer. this guy is a big taxer by the way. he has, minnesota, congratulations, tom emmer. minnesota has the highest corporate tax in the united states. it has the third highest capital-gains tax in the united states. governor, governor walz raised both taxes. he raised a tax on international income coming into minnesota businesses and as it turns out, let's see, minnesota has the highest, no, the sixth highest outmigration of 200,000 earners or more, sixth highest outmigration. you're right up there with
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new york, california, stuff like that. well-done, sir. [laughter]. >> i don't know if that is something we should be proud of. larry, you and i heard years ago about the tax-and-spend liberals. this is a tax-and-spend radical. this guy charged last year the minnesota taxpayers eight billion dollars in new taxes and fees. after he blew through 17.5 billion in surplus. we now rank 44th out of all the states in business tax climate because of his failed leadership. it is, it is really put minnesota on a crash course for a disaster. larry: yeah you know, this from the tax foundation, employment in minnesota grew only 0.7%. it ranked 42ed in outof 50 states. and i said the national average was 1.6, you're just about half
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the national average so that's not cool and it is a real tax-and-spend story. in addition to all the crazy climate controls and climate mandate. you know him well, i presume. what can we expect from governor walz on the campaign trail? >> well it's hard to believe that he could be even more to the left than kamala harris but he is. this is a left-wing radical who under his failed leadership we've seen taxes skyrocket, our crime, violent crime, larry in minnesota is up. we've lost 20% of our police. minnesota families aren't better off. what are you going to see on the campaign trail? you will have one of the most stark choices ever. on one side you will have the broken economy. people that don't want to listen to main street. they want to tell us that what we're seeing with inflation and with the cost of doing business. it is just, they have done us all kinds of good. people are smarter than that.
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you can live with open borders and crime on the streets and all these fires around the world, or, you can have donald trump who already proved to us once what a prosperous economy looks like for everyone, who proved to us how safe and secure you can be in your community when you have a sealed southern border. who made sure that there was peace and stability around the globe. pretty easy choice. larry: but this, governor walz is a chap who said no so long ago with respect to the open borders he wanted to buy ladders so the illegals could climb over the border and get into the u.s. we know he is opposed to fracking and everything to do with, he is opposed, in favor of the war on fossil fuels and tax-and-spender. i just got 10 seconds, but you know him best at home. it looks like the home folks are leaving minnesota? >> oh, no. this is the thing. he was elected by minneapolis liberals. finally he may be exposed by the american public for who he
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really is. it should be a good election for donald trump and jd vance. larry: house whip congressman tom emmer. thank you, sir. we appreciate it. tom as always.w, tom as always.w, i will i be right back with my last word so, if you're off the racking... ...or crab cracking, you're cashbacking. cashback on flapjacks, baby backs, or tacos at the taco shack. nah, i'm working on my six pack. switch to a king suite- or book a silent retreat. silent retreat? hold up - yeeerp? i can't talk right now, i'm at a silent retreat. cashback on everything you buy with chase freedom unlimited with no annual fee. how do you cashback? chase. make more of what's yours. ♪ in any business, you ride the line between numbers and people. what's right for the business and what's best for everyone who depends on it. solving today's challenges while creating future opportunities. it takes balance.
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