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tv   The Evening Edit  FOX Business  August 7, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT

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new projects means new project managers. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. when you sponsor a job, you immediately get your shortlist of quality candidates, whose resumes on indeed match your job criteria. visit and get started today. already ray: i'm telling -- larry: i'm telling you, growth, growth, growth is going to win this election. growth is going to be so important. and that leaves us with liz macdonald who is so important. liz: you just hit it out of the park again, larry.
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got to hand it to you. larry just this in time to leave. liz: great stuff. oh, man, you're the best. okay. no one does it better than larry kudlow, especially with the handoffs. i'm liz macdonald and seeing new reports in anecdotal information of a voter backlash in pennsylvania against kamala harris. picking minnesota governor tim walz as her running mate so who gets pennsylvania? they have a lot of electoral college votes and more than michigan and wisconsin. also this debate and details this hour, nationwide it's happening and who has the policies to fix america on the economy, inflation, possible recession and the border, national security, reports coming in and even those that don't like him say look closer on this, it is president trump. and harvard law professor allen dershowitz. pleasure to have you back on the
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show what do you think of all this? doesn't this show how far left the democrat party has gone and now democrat socialist applaud tim walz after he down played socialism as just neighborliness when it's government coerce? what do you think? >> i think the democratting party has become captive of the extreme hard left and harris was terrified to pick as her vice presidential running mate the person that would help her most in pennsylvania is an absolutely necessary state for her to win. and she was terrified of losing the woke radicals and picked for safer can date that left her deployed and walz may be a decent guy, but he's the candidate of bernie sanders, and i have generally one rule of politics and bernie sanders is for i'm against it.
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he's proved himself wrong on every major issue in the world and the progressives prove themselves wrong on every issue and the fact that she picked somebody to placate the progressives and alienate the centrists and showing where they're going and they're going to lose not only as a result of this choice but other choices they've made. liz: so minnesota when minnesota voted democrat and every presidential election since 1976 so who gets pennsylvania then? going to give pennsylvania through the democrats and she was terrificked about losing her progressive base and she was warned. she was threatened and they lost a congressional seat where the
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incumbent cori bush lost to a moderate and now the progressives are saying it was all the jews fault. they put in money and jewish money. well, the anti-semitic troupes out of the progressive hard left are disgraceful and i don't see any answers coming from the leaders of the democratic party. nancy pelosi is part of the problem and not part of the solution. she was rooting hard against shapiro and the same reasons that resulted in him not getting the nod. liz: president trump now in the lead with jewish voters in the blue state of new york. and new npr poll more than 7 out of 10 never heard of tim walz or don't have an opinion of him. show the real tim walz. watch this. >> it was an act of disobedience
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and people need to make sure they feel the proper outlet of concerns. don't shy away from progressive values and one person's socialness and anothers neighborliness. dot damn work. >> the more tension it is and more chance to debt things. >> protecting and supporting access to gender affirming healthcare is essential to being a welcoming and supportive state to the community. community. we talked about this wall, i always say let me know how high. if it's 25 feet, i'll invest in a 30-foot ladder factory. we saw large peaceful protests focusing on the systemic changes. liz: okay, there aren't peaceful protests but riots in minnesota and neighborhoods destroyed and 1500 businesses and smart to go so far left and dozens of far left hard core positions and actions. you know, the tide could be turning because far left
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congresswoman cori bush just lost her primary in missouri against a pro israel democrat. this is the second squad member to lose after jamaal bowman. what do you think? >> i think it was a dumb, dumb decision for her to go left would have been smart tore go center and if not, shapiro. somebody that's more centered and somebody that was not the kang date of the hard left. they're not going for trump. they're independent vetters like me who are up in the air and haven't made a decision and many people have not made a decision. and voting for a left winger centrist an date and they're sent rihannas and moderates and want people to do the business and doing it extremely ideological and that decision
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yesterday was a statement that the democrats are moving ideologically left and away from the center and that's going to cost them boats and that was a dumb, dumb decision. liz: allen dershowitz, always a pleasure to have you on. love reading you and admire you so much. great writer. brilliant legal mind. thank you so much. jd vance holding dually rallies in wisconsin and michigan today. grady trimble live on the scene in detroit with more. grady. reporter: the chair of the dnc is on stage and rallying the democrats and members of congress like alaska are praise -- alexandria ocasio-cortez are praising vp
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harris' vp pick, aoc call it had a water shed moment for the kinds of policies that she supports. president trump on the ordinary, reasonable, and prudent said he cannot be more thrilled with vice president harris' selection of tim walz because trump says walz has a bad record as governor of minnesota. harris has been mentioning the economy on the stump but no mention of criticism from republicans that the spending by the biden harris administration is what helped fuel inflation. >> it's about two very different visionings for arrange nation. we fight for a future where every worker has the freedom to join a union. a future where we build a broad based economy and one where every american has the opportunity to own a home, to
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start a business, to build wealth. reporter: walz will have appeal with working class folks in michigan and not from here or other key swing states like pennsylvania or wisconsin. but in a state where the auto industry is so important, republicans in michigan argue the policies that walz and harris support aren't popular among auto workers. >> here in michigan, we're already worried about what they're doing and ev mandates with the workers. reporter: harris and walz expected to speak around 7:00 tonight. uaw president sean fain is a-- sean feign is among the speakers that will take the stage and we've talked to auto workers and
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members of the union and aren't happy with certain biden harris policies, including that electric vehicle mandate. liz: grady, thank you so much. appreciate you so much. good reporting there. >> is it normal to let your biggest city in your state to burn for four days and destroying thousands of businesses and hundreds of millions in property damage while you do nothing? is that normal? your wife opened the window to let the smell of tire fires of the in to take in the smells of this radical chaos and anarchy on the streets of minneapolis? liz: that was cnn analyst scott jennings questioning why tim walz wife said she opened the windows during the 2020 riots in minneapolis just to "smell the burning tires" saying that's a "touch stone moment" when neighborhoods and communities were literally burned to the ground.
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welcome alina habba. good to see you again. this is is a ruthless, growth index teskying vanity of the hard -- grotesque hard left and tim walz about law may recollects in his own sate say he's bullying his own voters. >> yeah, he's a real problem and his own state he let burn to the ground as you mentioned and pretends to be for auto workers but they want electric vehicles because they say there's such a serious climate issue. these people are as radical left as we'll get. and president trump sentiments are truly accurate. she could not have picked a more socialist based type of vp candidate. and it should be easier for us to attack and look at his own state. the record speaks for itself. you let that happen and that happened after george floyd and your wife was promoting it, promoting it. these are the people they want to run the country and can't run
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their state. and i speak for records and president trump's record speaks for exist his speaks for exist the fact that ms. harris hasn't done an interview in two weeks speaks loudly too. liz: his drastic covid lockdowns ruined small businesses and schools and he pushed neighbors to snitch on each other and violating indoor mask mandates and one of the biggest covid pandemic flaws in america happened on tim walz's watch and a quarter billion stolen by fraudsters when it was supposed to go for meals and the 2020 riots in his state destroyed 1500 businesses, neighborhoods cost half a million bucks in damage and isn't it odd tim walz called national guard just "19-year-old crooks when he i delayed deployment to the guard and he was a member of the
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guard". >> a member of the guard till they asked him to serve and he didn't want to and bailed out. that's weakness and if you can't serve your country only on paper till it's time to serve, that says it all to me. one thing we forgot is what he wants to do to our children and boy's bathroom and putting tampons in the boy's bathroom and a parent has a problem with the child's transgenders and the state can overtake the parent's rights. this is the person we're speaking about. someone that runs from war himself and pretends to sign up probably for benefits, wants to screw up our children and doesn't care about his own state burning down. that's what we want in america while the world is falling apart? we need strong leadership and this is not it. liz: what happens, final word, with the debates?
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>> why do you candidates for dnc and biden is harris and now walz need to have control over the debates and should debate an american debate should stand on your own two feet and not get the questions in advance and be able to speak. god knows i can do it and president trump has shown the world he can do it and candidate is gone because he did justify a good job and why is it that they have an issue and want abc not fox? i want to know that question. i want to know what the issue is. what's the shoe in with abc and there should be no problem going on fox on september 46789 i don't get it. liz: alina habba, thank you for joining us. good to have you on. >> thank you. liz: coming up, fox business alert news coming in that kamala harris running mate tim walz doesn't own stock, bonds, or real estate and make it more out of touch with the u.s. economy
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and going into recession. he's a big government spender who demanded billions of dollars in tax increases in the state. that would crush the u.s. economy. tonight, we're getting answers from former home depot and chrysler ceo and tonight, democrats are drumming up walz's military record and bio. >> a military veteran. >> he's a military man. >> what nikki haley voters like about tim walz is his military background. liz: but tonight, veterans and now the news coming in the national guard is disputing and saying wait a minute, walz's military file is off base. we got the details. also, retired army lieutenant colonel james carafano here to react and are they waking top the real tim walz? his track record and bill concha and bill mcgurn take that on and fighting back in court against
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an anti-liberal free speech boycott against twitter and everyone's favorite tomi lahren here taking on silicon valley and more on the plot to assays gnat former president trump and attacks on democracy but not about this. fox news nate foy has the latest next. ♪ so, what are you thinking? i'm thinking... (speaking to self) about our honeymoon. what about africa? safari? hot air balloon ride? swim with elephants? wait, can we afford a safari? great question. like everything, it takes a little planning. or, put the money towards a down-payment... ...on a ranch montana ...with horses let's take a look at those scenarios. j.p. morgan wealth management has advisors in chase branches and tools, like wealth plan to keep you on track. when you're planning for it all... the answer is
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liz: welcome back. get to nate foy on that new plot the justice department just broke up and involved potentially assassination attempt against president trump and former members of his cabinet. nate foy live in new york city with the story. nate. >> pakistani national with iranian ties paid people who he thought were assassins $5,000 but thankfully those people were undercover agents. so take a look at his mug shot here. he arrived in the united states in april. he flew into houston from pakistan two weeks after visiting iran and told the confidential informant about his plans to kill according to the criminal complaint saying "people that will be targeted are the ones hurting pakistan and the world, the muslim world these are not normal people".
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he sketched out assassination scenarios on a napkin at new york city hotel room and created secret codes to discuss the assassination plots and take a look at this piece of paper found in his wallet during the arrest and you can barely read it, liz. t-shirt means start ago protest. flannel shirt means stealing documents or usb drives from a target's home and fleece jacket means murdering a target. he gave the undercover agents cash thinking they were hit men and open to having a long term wisconsin with them. u.s. officials say this is un-related to the july 13th assassination attempt on former donald trump. and attorney general merrick garland connected it to the 2020 killing of qasem soleimani. >> justice department brought multiple cases against individuals working on behalf of iranian government to fully target americans and the united
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states. we expect these threats will continue and these case will not be the last. >> he was arrested one day before the attempt on president trump's life in butler, pennsylvania. >> donald trump wants to take our country back ward. he and his extreme project 2025 agenda -- >> what in your view constitutes the primary threat to freedom and democracy at home? >> donald trump. >> donald trump is a existential and urgent threat. >> he's willing to sacrifice our democracy. >> casting former president trump as a threat to democracy and donald trump is a great threat to our democracy. liz: just hearing the media mimicking the democrat's narrative that trump is a threat to democracy. why not being concerned about assassination attempts on trump?
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gop strategist ford o'connell joining us now. ford, have you seen enough concern from the democrat party about this? is there enough of hair on fire moment in dc and among democrats and among the media about assassination attempts on trump? >> absolutely not. it was almost three weeks ago he was almost assassinated and the crazy thing is if the secret service knew about this threat before butler, pennsylvania. it didn't beef up the protective gear on donald trump. we should be asking more questions about the secret service than anyone else. liz: the time line is always key, ford, what you just said. from the moment trump was shot, they were only concerns about
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conservatives and what they were doing against liberals. >> this is the clowning of threat to knock seizure disorders motto or line they use in the media is the only one getting shot at is donald trump. it appears to be more than once. appears there's many plots out there and yet the democrats don't want to talk about the fact that it's really donald trump whose life is obstructing cerumen the line. liz: it's -- on the line. liz: it's astonishing to stay in power when your life is on the line. the media also wildly claim they tried to say that trump saying the words fight after he was shot was not the right message for america. really? watch this. >> i do want to say there was one thing that when i watched the tape, i found odd because of all the heated rhetoric. that is that after he was hit, former president trump got up and said fight fight fight. i think what we're hearing from
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people is that's not the message that we want to be sending right now. we want to tamp it down. liz: what people are they talking about because it seeps all kamala harris is saying is the word fight. watch this. >> this campaign is a fight for the future. a fight for the future. we fight for a future. we fight for our future. liz: really? really? it's okay for kamala harris but not for trump after he was almost assassinated? >> you're absolutely right, liz. democrat wills manipulate words but trump is the toughest sob to ever run for president in american histoand i that's why the democrats are mad. liz: ford o'connell, always a pleasure having you on, sir. come back soon. >> thanks, liz. liz: billionaire elon musk fighting in court against a
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liberal ad boycott of twitter. tomi lahren is joining us for the fight for free speech in silicon valley and leading the world as economic super power and why is it that tim walz does not own a single stock, bond, security, not even real estate? is he out of touch with the u.s. economy. how can he handle a recession? former home depot -- chrysler ceo bob na nardelli here to make sense of it and veterans and this breaking news, now the national guard is disputing tim walz and his mail tear bio and lieutenant colonel james carafano here to react to the details next. >> a mill stair veteran. >> military man. >> what nikki haley voters like about tim walz is his military background. ♪
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liberal the white house again doing major top spin down playing signs of a slowing economy. hillary vaughn at the white house with more. hillary. reporter: good evening, limit the white house was asked today if the market nose dive it took on & was just a blip, but we didn't get a straight answer. either way, doesn't seem like the white house is too bothered by it because the word of the day for them when talking about the economy is resilient. >> our broader economy remains resilient and what we've seen recently is consumers remain re-jill cent. we believe the economy remains resilient and we believe the u.s. economy remains resilient. reporter: americans wouldn't cruz that word and saw their retirement accounts get wiped out earlier this week and yd vance calling out kamala harris' nick policies f the deciding
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vote that pushed through is highs torrically high spending and spending interest rates through the roof. the deciding vote for the very policies that made groceries and gas and housing less affordable for american citizens and it's very simple. reporter: today, vice president harris campaigning on what she wants to do as president and she'll fix all this if she's in charge. >> when i'm president, it'll be a day one priority to fight to bring down streets, strengthing our economy and building up the middle class will be a defining goal of my presidency. reporter: that could have been the defining point of her vice presidency now and had almost four years to do it. liz. liz: always terrific reporting from hillary vaughn. okay, moving onto this, tim
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walz's money comes from the governor salary and a teacher pension. does this make him out of touch with the economy. bob, always great having you on and pleasure to see you again. you've got to ask, can he handle a recession? i mean, america is the financial capitol of the world. huh can he run it without being invested in it? >> yeah, it's an interesting comment and others going to the grocery store being shocked by the cost of food and bread and others and the way i want to talk about it is we talked earlier about resto less funs and what we'll go to a a more
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controlled spin, prioritization on issues going to get the economy growing again. day one of this administration, surrendered energy independence and get back to reestablishing energy and energy independence with certainty and stability. it is the bones. it's the bones of this economy. let's take the burden of the consumers and corpo corporationd not compete against corporation withs subsidies and lower taxes than we do here in the united states. liz: when he was governor, he raised taxes as many cut. 28 governors cutting them. these -- he was raising taxes right as inflation was causing prices to rise double digits across the board. people getting a pay cut due to record inflation. he wanted $10 billion on tax hikes for voters in the state and small businesses in his state and he was against a trump
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tax cuts while in congress. he would tax and spend. when the white house has already done that and possibly flat lining the economy into a recession. i system of articulation i think some of the other taxes they're proposing is the opposite of what happen when had president trump was in office. we saw what happened with the economy and the growth there. the 9% inflation, our country is still living with that even though inflation has gone down. we're all still struggling with a 9% inflation, 40% wage increases and et cetera. yes, the fault lines in the economy were stressed monday and saw the market collapse in front of us, elizabeth. liz: bob narro nardelli.
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great to see you. thank you very much. >> tom barrons helps his tell it like it is style will give him the race for governor and he's back to wage a public war of words against tim walz. >> he abandoned us and what kind of leader does that? as soon as shots were fired in iraq, he turned around the other way and up and quit. liz: that was retired army command sergeant thomas barrons and he and paul criticized governor walz that he quit the national guard before the national guard unit was deployed to iraq. he ended his 24 year national guard career to run for office in 2005. joining us now, are tired u.s. lieutenant colonel.
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what's your reaction? >> i can't cover as a partisan analyst and i'm not a republican or democrat. the question is is the report ranked connectly and making statements correctly and there's a clutter of the issues and -- cluster of issues and what did you do here? did you flunk wedding 101 or did you look at all this stuff because most of the stuff has been in the public record before. look at your watch bringing the bodies back.
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forget about 13 americans killed when talking about current service. this administration can't just say we honor veterans and take these issues seriously if they're not taking these kinds of things seriously. liz: yeah, the national guard is now disputing tim walz's military bio saying he essentially inflated it into a higher military rank in the guard than the one he ultimately retired with. listen to trump running mate jd vance on this. watch. >> i wonder, tim walz, when were you ever in war? what was this weapon you carried into war given that you abandoned your unit right before they went to iraq and hasn't spent a day in a combat zone. what bothers me about tim walz is the stolen valour guardage and i would be ashamed if i lied about my military service like he did. liz: a veteran of the 82'nd airborne that his abandonment of
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the national guard before deploying to iraq is "unforget 8". he could have stayed and pursued higher office in the guard. what co-you think? >> it's probably true. it's his choice. it's volunteer. to me, if you didn't correctly state your military rank or your awards, that is a unquestionable integrity issue and to me that's really serious. liz: colonel carafano, a pleasure. thank you for your service to america. hope to have you back on soon. coming up, billionaire elon musk take his fight for free speech to the courts. tomi lahren is here to react. also, the media hangover and waking tout punchdrunk campaigns and taking a harder look at real tim walz far left track record. joe concha and bill mig gun here to react -- bill mcgurn here to
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react and first checking in with my friends day and sean. i love their show, the bottom line. >> hey, emac. running on policies and have sky high inflation. kamala harris decides to run on joy. >> steve moore on thinking kamala harris alone would be the greatest anti-energy president ever. that's it. no question mark. she picked tim walz, and he wants to outlaw all liquid transportation fuel. winner there or loser. the two of them. then michael loftus, karens for kamala and then white dudes for kamala and comics and elders. d that's at the tom ofin the hour. or the tacos at the taco shack. nah, i'm working on my six pack. well, good luck with that. earn big with chase freedom unlimited with no annual fee.
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lyric which way do the battlegrounds like pennsylvania now go? the needs ya is now xeroing in on the -- zeroing in on the real tim walz. watch this. >> give the edge to trump just because it's a change election. and he has been leading in the polls. harris is a few candidate. she still hasn't done an interview and hasn't done a press conference. >> look at minnesota and look for those areas i'm describing
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for the democrats have been losing ground in wisconsin and michigan and pa, look at electoral history. tim walz in 2022 and idea of the automatic appeal for small town areas and three key battleground states. you don't see it in what he did on the ballot in 2022. >> i mean, this guy lies as easily as any national level democrat. he was up there talking about donald trump and, you know, causing covid and causing -- destroyed our economy and so he had the most draconian lockdowns in the country. he literally created a reporting system for people in minnesota to snitch on their neighbors if they saw them s sigh violating - saw them violating his draconian policies. liz: first to you, you heard the media saying there's no automatic appeal for tim walz in
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the swing states. what do you think? go ahead, joe. >> okay, no problem. yeah, that's the thing; right, when you're to the left of bernie sanders. when you align with aoc and ilhan omar and rashida tlaib on so many issues that some of which describe in those clips, protection also on cnn, tim walz told anderson cooper he wanted to invest in a ladder company to buy a 30-foot ladder to allow those entering the country illegally to get over trump's border wall. he said that in 2019. that's one exam 38. yeah, while he may appeal to voters in minnesota to a certain extent and remember, minnesota is not gone to a presidential candidate that's a republican since 1972. okay, but i don't see how that translates opposing fracking, ending fossil fuels in places like pennsylvania and electric vehicle push and appealing to voters in michigan and so many
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autoto workers and their -- auto workers and their jobs affectedd and tim walz is the dumbest pick for any vice presidential candidate and had a slam dunk in josh shapiro in terms of winning the state of pennsylvania and instead went mur to the left and we're not a far left country, liz. liz: what joe just said, bill, you heard ms nbc saying that tim walz may not help kamala win the battlegrounds and he lost up to 80% of minnesota in the state there and its rural areas and majority of the state is not urban. so how can they expect him to help win the rural areas of the big sections of pennsylvania, michigan, and wisconsin? >> i don't know. like joe, i was anticipating shapiro. but it also creates a dissidence because kamala harris right now
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is dis-envoying all her positions on fracking or whatever. and picking walz is at odds with them and going back to the vice president and create as dissidence there and she says she's unburdened by her past. she'll mean it literally and she'll change on a dime. right now, it can work and works for her because the media is not pressing her for answers and you'd think she would be asked questions or they'd demand to know when are you going to have a press conference and answer some of our questions. right now the press is not. i don't blame her for doing what she's doing. liz: what bill said, usa today, joe, the media hoping to whitewash kamala harris' record. show usa today. final word, joe. >> it's etch-a-sketch and erase
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and create a whole new person despite the person in the senate and vice president for the last couple of years. kamala harris and tim walz want to get to november 5 by pleading the fifth and bill's exactly right, the american people must be demanding answers at this point. liz: bill concha and bill mcgurn, thanks for -- joe concha and bill mcgurn, thank you for joining us. >> thanks, liz. liz: a sit down interview with elon musk and elon musk is fighting for free speech in court. tomi lahren here to react, next. ♪ >> i was called by mark zuckerberg yesterday and the day before on the same subject, and he actually apologized and said they made a mistake. ♪
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>> i was shocked by the evidence uncovered by house judiciary committee that a group of companies organized a systemic illegal boycott againstx, it is just wrong. and that is why we're taking action. these organizations targeted our company and you our users, the evidence and facts are on our side. they conspired to boycott x, that threatens our ability
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to thrive. elizabeth: the ceo of twitter talking 'a boycott because of content. president trump will sit down with elon musk for a interview as twitter filed a anti-trust laws against global advertisers, twitter saying they are harming twitter pushing boycotts because they don't like twitter's content. joining us now, tomi lahren. what do you think of this, you have been outspoken against censorship. >> personally censored not nearly that i know of on twitter. but, on facebook and instagram i was a target for some of my commentary on covid and covid vaccine, i know this year well, thank goodness for elon musk, if not for elon musk fox business and fox news and a
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handful of other outlets, american people would not have wealth of information we have now, especially as it pertains to this upcoming election, we will be thinking that biden stumbling off or mumblinger deep fakes, thank you elon musk for that but there is a price he had to pay. he stepped out of his elite bubble and other elites were upset with that they coordinated this effort to take him down, take down spree speech -- free speech, he is fighting pack, he has money 'restoreses and forth feud to do itism they site -- elizabeth: they show death and breath of alleged censorship campaign is bigger than realized. >> and thank goodness for twitter files that elon musk put forward. she showed us what algorithm was doing toker day users
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and news stories like hunter biden laptop, we know that sensor ship going on before he freed twitter. now x, this runs deep, he is committed to a platform with a free, open exchange of ideas for home to claim a dessens virtue signal,. all of a sudden elon musk frees the platform and they want to coordinate a boycott, no. elizabeth: thank god for tomi lahren speaking the truth. thank you so much viewer for watching "the evening edit" i am elizabeth macdonald, we hope you enjoyed the show we'll get the news to you as fast as we can, as accurately as we it, now time to send it over to my buddies on "the bottom line," taking it to dagen and sean. dagen: thank you, em


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