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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  August 8, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm EDT

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>> the market wants trump, it does not want kamala and right now we don't know what it'll be and that's why markets are volatile. >> she can't answer the question and doesn't have the policy chops to go around with reporters and answer the tough questions with the problems that americans face. >> inflation measured from the cpi from the beginning of the administration to now, up 19.2%. >> every time there's big pullbacks, big specials on tv about how bad the markets are doing, 100% of the time one year later since the early 90s, we've seen up markets. >> going for the moment in your career going for the funeral. >> never had to make a payroll or look at balance sheet or projection and who to hire and can afford to pay, frankly you don't understand basic economics
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and certainly shouldn't be running the country. ♪ ♪ stuart: thursday, august 8 and look at markets. that's a very solid rally. 550 points up from the dow. 350 points in the paints for nasdaq. 2.2% 2.3, amazon 1.5, microsoft 1.3 and apple up just over 1%. 10-year treasury up 4% and now it's 3.999. real close to 4% and much higher
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than it was on monday of this week. especially in crisis times. biden did a taped interview with cbs but not much else. he goes back to his beach house this afternoon. tuesday when kamala harris appeared with her runs mate for the first time, his name was not mentioned once. okay. that is understandable from the harris walz point of view. they're starting their own new campaign and don't want to look backwards, but the rest of us are being kept in the dark. the president step down from the election because of his obvious mental and physical decline. hard to tell what shape he's in when he rarely appears in public
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and speaks in puzzled one liners. his decline continues and he's not able to call the shots. that's someone else is running the overall office and is he going to stay hidden for another six months and kamala dodging questions from the media and we're kept in the dark about her policy flip-flops and she's getting away with it. so is the president. same people who tried to cover up his true condition are doing the same thing now. and thirds hour of varney starts now. is he going to stay undercover for another six months while we ask who's in charge?
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>> it worked in the 2020 election and same thing hiding kamala harris in the basement. joe biden i guess he's either too cooked, too unhealthy to actually be able to come out and speak to the american people. either way, not as if there's important things happening in the world and there's a lot of danger happening and there's wars breaking out all over and the american people need to be reassured stuart: we need reassurance and he's concerned there'll not be a peaceful transfer of power in 2025 if tram loses. watch this.
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>> are you confident there'll be a peaceful transfer of power january 2025? >> if trump wins, no, i'm not confident at all. if trump loses, i'm not confident at all. he means what he says, we need to take him seriously. he means it. all the stuff about if we lose there'll be a blood bath. look what they're trying to do now. in the local election districts where they count the votes and places in state where is they're going to count the votes. you can't love your country only when you win. stuart: miranda, is that fear mongering? i want your comment on that? >> yes, and it's a bit of
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frodian slip and his brain is not functioning properly and he's telling the truth and seems to blurt out quite often. it's other piece with jamie raskin's declaration that congress would stop trump if he won the november election they'd refuse to certify on january 6, 2025. they are unscrupulous and interested in power for power's sake and talk about democracy ad nauseam and one of joe biden's favorite talking points and also is team walz and kamala harris'. every single deed they commit is the opposite of that, it looks to me like some trying to make
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sure he never becomes president if they can do it. stuart: will be a remarkable election and i'm here to cover it. thank you, miranda devine. see you soon. back to the markets and that's a pretty good rally and dow up 300 and nasdaq up 350. that's a rally and a half. jonathan hoenig is joining me this morning. is it time to buy back to big tech? >> buying the dip, stuart, it's a loser's game i'm telling you. look at stock like smci. the stock is down 50% since march. it needs 100% gain to get back to even. buying the d d dips is like nucr war what malt ewe broderick was advised in war games but it's a loser's game and don't play. the areas of the market working and leading this rally, stuart.
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it's not big tech. steady eddies like coke and utilities doing well and real estate stocks performing well and a lot at 52 week highs and they're not sexy but they're dividend players and that's what i'm buying. stuart: they're boring. i hate to say it. >> it's all about making money, stuart. stuart: i know. i think back to the good old days and going straight up and 1 or 2% game per day. it happened. potentially get another leg down and it's a stock or bond but a preferred stock in a very hot sector in particular real estate and even 7 or 8% making it in the next six months and probably
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do better than pick a lot of bottoms and high-techs in the flies too long. >> a lot of people own stocks and cash and preferred stocks and cut interest rates and down from where it was even a couple years ago. stuart: the market is up. per guy. influence, jonathan. >> i do own shares and everyone should do his or her due diligence as well. stuart: you got it. jonathan hoenig, thanks for joining us. see you again soon. thanks.
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stuart: lauren is looking at movers and that's what we call them and that's moving. that's zillow, that's moving. lauren: 19% and stronger earnings and new ceo coming and zillow was popular among people looking to buy a home and go online and see what's out there and residential revenue going 8% in the quarter. lauren: 18 billion because monjaro flying off the shelves. stuart: i want a pill for rate loss. not an injection. lauren: how about a regular diet? stuart: arm holding up 7%. lauren: they're holding. upgrade to outperform 130 price target and the bad news of the recession is out and moving for
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them and not having a recession and ai expectations are still very strong. stuart: i two boeing as gnats supposed to be up in space for eight days and now might be stuck till next year. college students gathered in dc this week and they're going to take their campuses back from the pro hamas demonstrators. jd vance going after governor tim walz's military record. he's accusing him of stolen valour. >> i wonder, tim walz, when were you ever in war? what was this weapon that you carried into war given that you abandoned your unit right before they went to iraq and has not spent a day in a combat zone. stuart: cory mills is a military guy and what he thinks of vance's criticism. cory is next.
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stuart: jd vance on the attack. he's going after kamala harris for dodging the immediate .y he's also criticizing her pick of tim walz as vp. grady trimble following the story. the latest please, grady. reporter: stu, the harris walz campaign said last night's rally here in michigan was its largest yet, but didn't all go off without a hitch. it was briefly interrupted by a handful of pro palestinian protesters. >> i'm here because we believe in democracy. everyone's voice matters, but i am speaking now. you know what, if you want
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donald trump to win, then say that otherwise i'm speaking. reporter: after chanting for a couple of minutes "kamala, you can't hide. we won't vote for genocide" those protesters were removed from the venue and it was a small group, it highlights a larger concern for the harris campaign, especially here in michigan that they could lose votes here because of biden harris admin stress station's handling of the war in gaza. meanwhile form riprap's running mate senator jd vance continues to follow vp harris and governor walz on their battleground state blitz. he's trying to halt their momentum and crossed paths with harris' plane at the airport in wisconsin yesterday and trolled her for not talking to the me media. >> i figured i'd come by and get a look at the plane because it's going to be my plane in a few months and thought you guys
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might get lonely because the vice president doesn't answer questions from reporters and hasn't for 17 days. reporter: trump will answer questions from reporters this very afternoon and harris has not held a press conference or sat for an interview since replaces president biden at the top of the ticket and reached out to her campaign, stu, to ask if they have plans for a press conference or sit down interview. we have not heard back. stu. stuart: got it. grady trimble, thank you very much. jd vance is attacking tim walz over military record. >> tim walz asked by his country to go to iraq, he dropped out of the army and allowed his unit to go without him. the fact he's been criticized for aggressively by a lot of the people he served with. he said we shouldn't allow weapons that i used in war to be on america's streets. well, i wonder, tim walz, when were you ever in war? when was this -- what was this
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weapon you carried into war given that you abandoned your unit right before they went to iraq and has not spent a day in a combat zone. what bothers me about tim walz is the stolen valour garbage. stuart: florida congressman cory mills joins us and he has a military background. may i let out a time line here. walz left the national guard in may 2005, 2 years of service. 24 years of service. his unit was not given deployment orders to iraq of july of that year. walz put in retirement papers five to seven years before retiring as master sergeant. congressman, you're a military guy. was this fair criticism of walz from vance? >> well, it's not just a fact that, you know, i was a military veteran. i'm a military combat veteran that deployed to iraq and served honorably with my unit. i was not supposed to go to the unit and transferred out and my
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commander and requested a six month extension to deploy with my unit and i didn't want to leave them behind and get stopwatched as the war began. i went to iraq even though hi an out. i knew it was important not to have an abandonment of the men that i had trained with and i was sworn to protect and fight alongside. that's very different in contrast to walz who left because he wanted to be a politician rather than looking out and trying to serve with his unit. the other thing that jd talked about is the fact that people wanted to criticize senator vance. he deployed to iraq. he served abroad in the united states marine corp. honorably and tim walz that knew he never attended the sergeant major's academy continued to say that he was a major even though his military record was reflected as master sergeant and a lot of embellishments but the pattern of abandonment is fitting for the democrat party. i had to go to afghanistan to conduct the first success f
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rescue of americans after biden left them there. 255 americans to get out of israel when biden abandoned them there. and 23 americans i rescued in high tee when biden and harris -- haiti when biden and harris abandoned them there. it's a patterned trait. stuart: pakistani man with ties to iran arrested, accused of planning assassinations of american politicians, including donald trump. have we got terror cells in america already and if so, what are we going to do about it? >> well, absolutely we have terror cells if american with open boarders for four years and hundreds of people on the watch list coming across and the fact that the boarders are as approved by the biden resolution, kamala harris was the border czar responsible for this very thing. to think that after having 48+ countries who's come across knowing they're iranian, russia and members and part of gangs
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that know that president trump will shut the border and impact their revenue stream and biden was the employee of the month at $13+ billion in revenue and there's terror organizations in the united states and inability of mayorkas to close the boarders. stuart: we can't do anything about it because we don't know where they are. we don't know who they are or where they are. >> we have catch and release and price of oil and latest reports show u.s. producers pulmod a record high level of crude last week. all time high. check the big energy stocks and chesapeake, chevron, exon, conoco, bp. they're all up. am amazon and etsy say consumers
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are getting too distracted to shop. ashley, distracted by what? ashley: the headlines about the elections and it's apparently drawing consumer's attention away from shopping and much to your point, stu, this isn't the case. anyway, etsy for one said fourth quarter forecast held back because the macro environment is unpredictable and amazon reported online sales up 4.6% last quarter and slightly shy of estimates and blames a cautious consumer and maybe it's the blame game here. cfo said that the new cycle has been a distraction factor for amazon consumers and analysts agree that the backdrop is challenging, but some companies say elections don't cause much change in performance but this up coming election will make the fourth quarter tough to predict. i don't buy it for a second.
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stu. stuart: i'm with you, ash. thanks. coming up, california looking to put new regulations on artificial intelligence. ai companies are fighting back. we're going to tell you what the proposed rules would actually do. and a judge says harvard has to face an anti-semitism lawsuit and the university is accused of failing to protect the jewish students during the protests and a star professor from harvard if the school failed the jewish students. that's next. ♪
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lauren: nvidia is higher now and you happen 4% and this stock traded all over the board today and it was down, it was up, and even yesterday it wound up falling 5% after piper sandler called them the strongest play and increased price target. yesterday that bounce back did not hold. stuart: right, didn't hold. lauren: today investors are somewhat maybe unconvincingly stepping back into the ai names. stuart: still holding that rally
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as of now and it's a little 11:30, shy of 12 noon. monster beverage. lauren: way down. make energy drinks and expensive and disappointing earnings and fewer people going into the convenient stores and places where you buy drinks. stock's down 11%. at least nine brokerages cut the price targets. stuart: cup of coffee is cheaper. lauren: and better in my opinion. stuart: diet mountain dew? lauren: okay. tim walz's choice. ashley: problems with the online system causing headaches. for now applications are going to be limited to a small set of students and schools who can stop to apply on october 1.
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most familiesplast year's application process and the chaotic rollout meant then they'll be submitting the forms at all and inaccurate calculations like false aid estimates and we've listened and learned from last year's mistakes and will avoid all the pitfalls. we'll see. stu. stuart: lot of stories like that today. thanks, ash. professor, great to see you again. >> you too . look young as always, stuart.
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>> i don't know the legal merits of this case and i know what happened after october 7 at campuses all over the country, including my own, it was disgraceful what happened and it was incredible learning experience that most people at harvard and most universitieses had no idea we're taking all kinds of actions at our university to get away from institutional positions and set guidelines and going forward, things get better and that's up to a judge and lawyers. stuart: colleges and universities have leaned left it seseems and any sign that may be changing.
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>> colleges have leaned left sort of forever and this is because it's supposed to be a marketplace of ideas and you can have bohemian sentiments and think different things and that's not the conservative way of thinking and over the past few years it's become so unbalance that had the real bo hemojanuaries are guys like me and it's -- bohemians are guys like me and we'll see rebalancing and more and more universities are recognizing it's not good education to have 25-1 democrats to republicans or liberals to conservatives and not reasonable to expect to have parody like the american population on campuses and that's never been the case. stuart: your book, build a life you want. art and science of getting happier. working with oprah. tell us, these are difficult times. how do you build happiness?
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>> to begin with the most important thing it's not a feeling. the feeling of happiness is not the smell of the turkey and thanksgiving dinner and something you need to recognize is in your power to actually manage by understanding basic science and part of writing the book and we need to enjoy our likes more and greater satisfaction and merit and hard work and accomplishments and find meaning through the faith and family life and our friendships and work that we do so serve other people and when we do those things, wow, we can really turn our lives around a lot and this is a how to guide. it's a owner's manual for own happiness including during very tricky times. times. stuart: i'm always worried about interviewing you because you have the reputation of being one of the smartest guys around, and a genuine intellectual. i'm frankly intellectually
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insecure. >> when i meet you many person, i like you better as well. i can't wait to see you soon. stuart: come to new york, we'll have lunch or something. >> that'd be great. stuart: professor arthur brooks from harvard, thank you very much. i think i'm blushing. >> thank you, stuart. stuart: good to see you. hundreds of jewish and pro israel college students gathered in dc this week. what were they trying to accomplish? lauren: they have the national leadership summit, and they want to tell the world and ultimately universities they're not going to be silenced and os sized from campus and -- ostracized and proud to be jewish and pro israel and what happens to them. stuart: tim walz facing scrutiny for long history with china. he's gone so far as to say we don't need to be adversaries and nasa engineers debating the best way to bring home two astronauts stuck on the international space
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station and might be stuck there till 2025. the full story after this. ♪ you ever try cashbacking? it's earning 3% at drugstores with chase freedom unlimited. so i can save on something special for a first date? wait! that's all for a first date? whoa. alright, c'mon earn big with chase freedom unlimited with no annual fee. how do you cashback? if your business needs a new application then developers will have to write code.
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stuart: strong rally across the aborted and big tech swept up in it. nvidia up 4%, alphabet 2%, amazon, alphabet, microsoft all better than 2% gains. the 2-year treasury and yield is close to yield on the 10-year and both are right at 4%. not seen that for a long time. cryptos and bitcoin moving up earlier today and it's still moving up and at 59,000. ethereum also on the upside
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today. california is pushing a bill to put more regulations on artificial intelligence. uh oh. what are they doing? lauren: okay, this is called sb1047. it will regulate artificial intelligence by developing a code of conduct for ai companies, which are in california's backyard. what's wrong with that? let me tell you what the companies say. three main problems. this bill wants ai developers of a certain size to pass safety tests. what are the tests and who determines them if they pass? second problem, it wants them to prove they can survive a cyber attack. that's hypothetical; right? and third big one, the bill would hold them legally responsible if their technology causes mass casualty type of event. this bill passed the california state senate, the assembly will vote on it sometime this month, and the question is when and if it gets to governor gavin newsom's desk, does he sign it?
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you want to be first in the nation to govern and regulate on artificial intelligence. right, but in the process because all of these companies in their backyard are saying we do not like this bill. do you drive them out of your state? stuart: they should leave california. lauren: some have threatened too. some of the smaller companies, the startups. stuart: they should move. don't trust california regulators, ever, on anything. they don't know what they're doing except busting up capitalist inter-surprises and dent -- enterprises. don't net me starts, ladies and gentlemen. lauren: are you calmer now? stuart: trying to get from one subject to another. lauren: this is a sad story. stuart: yeah, and tough. two nasa astronauts set to take eight day trip to international space station but they're stuck and been there for 60 days. jonathan cerri joining me. they could be stuck there till
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february of next year? >> that's accurate. urn one scenario to bring them home and the problem is that boeing and nasa disagree and there's even disagreement within nasa itself as to the safest way to bring these astronauts here . in space, hot fire terrorists delayed the concerns of some engineers concerning the boeing star liner thruster and boeing issued a statement saying boeing remains confident in the star liner spacecraft and it is ability to return safely with crew, but nasa officials say their experts have yet to reach a consensus on whether it's safe to send astronaut test pilots butch willmore and sunny williams on the star liner back to earth or wait a little longer for another spacecraft, host likely a crew dragon from elon musk's spacex. >> reasonable people could pick either path depending on where their view is on our position in
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the uncertainty bound that we have for the data that we've got on the thruster system. reporter: there's several proposals to bring the astronauts home but the one i'm hearing the most discussion on would be to remove two members of the upcoming spacex crew 9 launch in september. that would free up two seats on the spacex spacecraft and two remains astronauts would join butch and sonny on the space station and conduct experiments for the next five months or and all four would return on that spacex crew dragon capsule but the return voyage gnat schedule -- not scheduled till february of 2025. stuart: oh boy, thank you, jonathan serrie very much. what are sun run doing, ashley?
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ashley: the goal is to help homeowners build virtual power plants and make money in the process. sounds good. sunrun partnering with tesla electric to support the energy grid in texas through texas power wall battery system and they'll give owners of power walls the option to let tesla manage and adjust an owner's home energy system either at home or through the grid and some will be compensated through the form of yearly payments al cuelated around $400 per -- calculated around $400 per power wall and helping electricity reserves on the grid and peak consumption and wall street analysts are bullish on tesla energy saying it's one of the company's biggest growth drivers. elon musk is remarkable. stuart: he's everywhere. thanks issue ash. the dow 30 and one loser. that's disney of all companies.
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the rest are 29 and they're up and dow is up 500 points. the media working over time to paint tim walz as a moderate. that's a stretch and brent bozell is here to debunk the media's claims. brent is next. ♪ can i have another pancake? from full house... empty nest... free birds. vanguard personal advisor can help you prepare for every chapter. we got this. that's the value of ownership. everybody wants super straight, super white teeth. they want that hollywood white smile.
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stuart: tim walz being called a moderate. >> saying tim walz is a lefty is not true in reality. he got elected in a district that was very moderate. >> maybe more of a cudly choice and somebody that everybody feels is going to make everybody feel well.
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>> tim walz served in the house and characterizing him as left is so unreal. he's right down the middle. he's a heartland of america democrat. stuart: all right, brent bozell joins us. look into the camera, brent. right down the middle. is he a moderate? what do you think? >> let's go through some things and let your audience decide how big of a moderate he is. on gender wars, walz turned minnesota into a transgender sanctuary state, which among other things says the state has a right to take away your children if you oppose the child mutilation of their bo bodies ad she's supported every boondoggle joe biden wanted from the build better bill that was 2.2 trillion to the american rescue plan, $1.9 trillion to
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inflation reduction act, which was $800 billion. immigration, he turned minnesota into a sanctuary state on immigration as well. he wants everything free for illegals. healthcare, school. abortion, he signed into law many minnesota making boxer legal -- abortion legal for any reason at any time and signed an infanticide bill into law saying a baby born from a botched abortion has no legal rights. he took four days to send troops to quell the riots in minnesota. his daughter was actively working with rioters telling them where the police were moving. second amendment, he's for gun ban. climate change, wants minnesota to be a fossil fuel and going to be 2040 supporting california's emission standards.
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opened up casinos and going to open them up. stuart: trying to confront harris and not speaking to reporters. watch this. >> i also thought you guys might get lonely because the vice president doesn't answer questions from reporters and hasn't for 17 days. i think an explanation for not closing the boarders, what she wants to do and also explain why every single person position she has has changed. stuart: he marked on to the tarmac and saw air force 2 and going for them kamala harris and how long going to avoid questioning by the media. almost due to the election?
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>> yeah, may b. unless people like jd vance make this brilliantly like he did yesterday. is says something about the news media and that's what it may take to get them to answer a question. they did it with biden with his basement strategy in 2020 and last thing she wants is public scrutiny of her views and that's the last thing she wants. the media will try not to cover her for any reason whatsoever. they're not anxious to do it. it's going to take public outrage at media led by people like jd vance for the media finally to do their jobs. stuart: where's the president? we haven't seen him out and about this week much at all. and some people want -- i think we should see and hear the commander in chief. at a time like this. where is he? jowski this proves the point he was irrelevant the whole time and was useful to the media and useful to the left as president and'is a lame duck president now
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and he's of no use to them and he's of no use to the media and they're not going to put them on there and he's going to make a full of them sadly and he's not put tm on there and diminishes kamala harris' chance when is you see what she was working with with in the white house so no, they're going to give a pass at him. again and it speaks to the agenda of the press and speaks to what exactly they're trying to accomplish. stuart: i'd like to know who is the real president. would that person please stand up. brent bozell, thank you, sir. we'll see you again soon. i want to check the market again and in is a rally and still in place. we've got -- we don't have a turn around yet, we had one yesterday and this rally is holding, up 500 for the dow and 350 for the nasdaq. all right, it's time for the thursday trivia question. how many countries have red, white and blue in their national flags? 29, 34, 39, 44?
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the answer when we return. ♪ (♪) you know, you only get one body. it might be the perfect size to do this. your body may take up a lot of space. or have to speak with its hands.
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ashley, what have you got? >> yeah, my knowledge of asian and african flag, a little rusty. i'm going to go with number two, 34. stuart: okay, lauren. lauren: i'm going to do 44, number four. stuart: i'm going for the lowest number, 29. and reveal -- lauren: good job. >> very good. stuart: 929 the's the answer -- 29's the answer. the first country to have red, white and blue flag was the netherlands. i thought it might be britain with the union jack, but apparently not. don't forget to send in your friday feedback for this week. remember, we like short and pithy mention so that we can threamed on the air. no insults, plee.z send all of it to starny viewers at -- varney view isers at -- lauren: insults coming in. [laughter] stuart: time's almost up for "varney & company," but "coast to coast" starts as of now. neil: so, stuart, you had


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