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tv   The Evening Edit  FOX Business  August 9, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT

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larry: all right. with the economy in the soup, let's go back to the future. cut taxes, cut regulations, go for growth. don't worry about the fed. and go for elizabeth macdonald, up next. everyone's got to watch. elizabeth: well, we hope so. larry, i forgot that mondale raised taxes and lost in a landslide. larry: he sure did. elizabeth: last time we saw that, right? larry: i reminded folks.
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elizabeth: have a good weekend. welcome to "the evening edit," i'm elizabeth macdonald. emotional body camera footage coming in -- >> that was, that was -- >> he's laying down! [inaudible] [inaudible conversations] >> right after the gap. he's got glasses, long hair. >> he's got [bleep] -- >> laying down. [inaudible conversations] >> yeah, he's got [bleep] he's laying down, book bag next to him. >> i'd say this is a [bleep] up. somebody [bleep] up. >> i [bleep] told them they needed to post guys over here. i told them that the [bleep] -- >> who? >> the secret service. i told them that tuesday. i told them to post some guys over here. >> [inaudible] >> what? >> the -- [inaudible] >> no. we're inside. >> bravo one, alpa one -- [inaudible] >> i told 'em to post [bleep]
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guys over here. elizabeth: sorry about that a intro. this was harrowing. emotional body cam footage from the day of president trump when he was shot, nearly asaws a nateed, which would have change -- assassinated, which would have changed america forever. a police officer outraged saying he repeatedly asked the secret service to secure the building where the shooter was on the rooftop. he started asking for that on tuesday, five days before the shooting. joining us now, former army sniper and member of house armed services, congressman cory mills. congressman mills served with the 82 82nd airborne acquisition and joint special ops command -- division. his team was hit by ieds twice overseas. congressman, thanks for joining us. thanks for your service to america. what was your reaction to the the that a footage? >> well, look, i was shocked and just listened to the fact that they had been telling the credit service f as you talked about, five days that they should have been posting someone on there. this goes ahead and reiterates
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and reinforces what local law enforcement has stated with regards to the secret service not showing up for the morning meeting the day of the rally where you would have ironed out the dedetails finally on what roof topps are we going to actually secure? what is our communication emergency channel? and if we don't have compatible comms, are we going the utilize a joint operates center where you have at least one member from each individual department, that being our local everything su teams, that being the secret service and that being others who are coordinated with so that you can call into that to then be able to disseminate the information that there is a shooter on the roof, get president trump off the stage. this is a massive and colossal mistake. i'll correct one thing. where i was a national countersniper when i was working with the state department working with their advanced teams, i actually had talked to one of my team sergeants recently who confirmed that we've done about a thousand of these different site-lead advances and counterterrorism, counterrer-sniper operations.
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this is a whole that needs to be investigated -- hole that needs to be investigated further, but this task force is moving at such a slow pace that even just the other day when we put out our 118-minute documentary, 2-8s it was told the task force hadn't even set up a conference call yet. and meanwhile, myself and ely crane were out there and already sat where thomas crooks was to determine the silhouette size, as well as what kind of shot the counter-sniper teams would have had and what we could have utilized the water tower for that would have been providing protection over the rally itself and the building thomas crooks got on. elizabeth: congressman, let's watch more of the footage. >> is he hit? [inaudible conversations] >> is there a ladder there, paul? >> no -- >> get them out of here! get them out! elizabeth: okay. it's harrowing. you know, senator chuck grassley's office released records showing the assassin's,
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quote, intense preparation. he visited a gun range 43 times in the year prior to the shooting including on holidays and the day before the shooting. 80% of his visits were spent on target rifle practice. how worried are you about president trump's safety? because there are threats against him, for example, a pack pakistani national was just arrested, charged with plotting to aassassinate u.s. politicians including president trump. iran reportedly has threatened the life of the former president and members of his cabinet. >> well, again, i'm extremely concerned, and that's why i've been kind of sounding the alarm on the kind of mistake we have right here. not to mention the fact that senior members of president trump's secret service team had been requesting dicker assets -- additional assets. and we know that ever since the successful counterterrorism strike that eliminated qassem soleimani who is an iranian spymaster in charging of the decide force as well as the man in charge of the largest iraq
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shia militia group, that this was going to be a threat against the president's life. you also have, liz, which we're not talking about, the fact that if president trump comes back into office, going to secure our borders which means that that's going to cut the revenue of these cartels who are sending people over in the millions. and not to mention the hundreds who have crossed on the known terrorist watch list. president trump is definitely at risk, and when we're not having the thing of meritocracy over dei which i think is part of the problem here, you increase the likelihood of some type of incident occurring or event like on july 13th. elizabeth: congressman mills, thank you for your analysis and service to america. okay, moving on to this story, vice president kamala harris is campaigning as if she has not been in the white house for the last four years, saying she will fight inflation and the border crisis on day one. why just day one? if why not now when she's still in office? hillary vaughn is at the white house with the latest. hillary. >> reporter: good evening, liz. well or, it's not clear if vice
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president haste has a new solution for inflation or if the plan is to keep doing what a she has been doing as vice president along with president biden, but her pledge to make lowering prices a priority isn't actually new. it's been at the top of her to-do list every year she's been in the white house. >> cost of groceries has gone up, the cost of gas has gone up. it's one of the highest priority, actually, for the president and for me. fighting inflation is one of our administration's top economic priorities. for many americans, prices are still too high. and we still have work to do to address that. >> reporter: the state of the economy was a big absolutely innocenter for biden's campaign -- vulnerability, and it could be for harris too. republican nominee, former president trump, says americans are suffering because of it. >> and you have people dying financially because they can't buy bacon, they can't buy food, they can't buy groceries, they can't do anything. and they're living horribly in our country right now. people are voting with their
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stomachs, meaning they're going to the grocery store. they're paying 50, 600, 70% more for food than they did just a couple of years ago. >> reporter: but this honey moon period might be ending, democrats warning harris to get her messaging straight. quote, at the moment, harris is getting a free pass when it comes to the economy and other top policy issues, but they need to be ready to have a solid economic argument at their finger tips. we're not expecting any formal press conference with harris. we really have not heard from her how her economic policy might differ from president biden's. liz? elizabeth: hillary vaughn, thank you so much. >> it's not a great look acting as if you don't need the media, you don't care about answering these questions, that that you're above it, that you can ride on vibes. they also need to be held accountable for their records, hers as vice president and senator, his as a governor and a
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representative in the house, and they need to be account, for an agenda do that they have yet to present. voters do want to know. and especially those swing state voters, guys. tim walz in minnesota has a very progressive record. some social piles that are far -- policies that are far outside where the majority of american voters are. elizabeth: that was s.e. cupp saying kamala harris it is a to -- has to speak to the press. gop strategist lisa boothe joining me now. lisa, it's good to see you again. >> hi, liz. elizabeth: it's neck and neck in the polls. her team seems to think that it's okay for her not to talk for six weeks. she's not going to talk to the press until labor day. the last time she gave a press conference can answering reporter' questions was questions 2023 in dubai, just i think 12 minutes and 6 questions. why is everybody supposed to be okay with this? >> because she doesn't have to. i mean, look at the media.
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they're doing everything they can to prop this candidate up. they've pushed everything she has said. oh, she's no longer wanting to ban fracking, she's all of a sudden going to security the -- secure the border despite the fact that she's been the border czar and has let in over 10 million illegal immigrants. they're trying to gaslight the american people because they hate donald trump so much that they're willing to lie and propagandize everything that kamala harris tells them. and we're all going to suffer as a result because a lot of americans right now are peeling -- feeling like the american dream has died, that it is unaa town, in this economy, in this environment, and that's only going to get worse urn here. d -- under her. this is the least substantive campaign that we have seen in american history where she doesn't even bother to put issues up on her web site. think how entitled that is and what a disservice it is to the american people, but she might get away with it. elizabeth: it's so interesting,
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real clear polling says the race has no toss-up states. it's trump, 28 the 7, versus harris, 2511 right now in the electoral college. her running mate has wants to stop gas far cars, the white house pushed to crack down on u.s. oil and gas. that would power less and less of america's homes in electricity, going green. biden won by less than 200,000 voters in wisconsin, nevada, pennsylvania, arizona. do you think voters are waking up to the blackout possibilities under kamala's policies in. >> i hope so. it is a challenge when you have the mainstream media a not wanting to question her, when you see companies like google try to change, you know, the search engine so you can't, you know, search for donald trump's assassination attempt. so when republicans say the system is rigged, you look at those things can and those are examples of why so many of us feel that way. and this is after they're tried to jail the former -- they've tried to jail the former
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president. he's still awaiting sentencing from a judge who donated to stop republicans and joe biden as well. they tried to bankrupt him, weaponized the fbi against him. and then meanwhile, you look at a party that the most undemocratic process we have ever seen where billionaires and millionaires and party elites have installed a candidate who has never received a single primary vote, has never won a caucus. and now she has a media not questioning her and refuses to even put issues on her web site. i mean, this is so anti-american, it is, it's very sad for our country. and a lot of americans are hurting right now, and they deserve to know where these candidates stand. and i hope the media steps up and does it. i know we're doing our job on fox business and fox news, but i hope the rest of the media a catches up and does their job, otherwise it's a complete kiss service. -- disis service. elizabeth: let's get your reaction to this sound. >> we want to recognize the right all people have to freedom and liberty, to make choices,
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especially those that are about heart and home. and not have their government telling them what to do. we believe in the collective. elizabeth: right. i mean, she's talking out of both sides of her mouth. she's about big government coercion. she said that after tim walz praised socialism as neighborliness when it's government coercion to take people's property. she's been about big government, never worked in the private sector, never did he. your final word. >> well, you know, tim walz has also visited china 30 times, so you wonder where maybe he gets some of these policy ideas. yeah, this is coming from a party that is trying to imprison their political opponent or what we saw during covid of the lockdowns, the that cone january measures that they were pushing -- draconian, trying to force vaccines in the arms of americans that didn't need it. tim walz set up a covid snitch line, hotline, so you could turn on your neighbors and your friends and your family. these are people who hate
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freedom. they are anti-american, as i pointed out, with the whole process that democrats have taken in installing her. no, they do not believe in freedom. it's a total lie. elizabeth: lisa a booth, great to see you. come back soon. okay, the news this hour, disturbing video of an airplane flight crashing in brazil. unclear whether anyone survived. coming up, we're pointing to bring you the latest details. also, a new controversy over kamala harris' running mate. did tim walz put politics over safety? new allegations on how tim walz mishandled the violent 2020 riots that saw minneapolis burn to the ground. and the latest details this hour, new information involving governor walz and his draconian covid lockdowns and stay at home to orders. some of the toughest in america. we're going to let you decide the details on these new revelations. also tonight new details about recently uncovered zoom calls
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involving biden-harris staffers and aides bragging about how they got big tech way back in to 20202 to cover up and censor on the internet then-candidate joe biden's decline. it wasn't just hunter biden's laptop. >> yeah, the covid -- excuse me, with dealing with everything we have to do with -- look, if we finally beat medicare -- elizabeth: okay. coming up, liz peek is here to react to this new controversy. plus, is kamala harris' and tim walz's green agenda, is it a threat to u.s. national security? if national security experts -- national security experts think so. former trump senior white house adviser christian whiton, but house republicans now demanding answers from the pentagon on governor walz's military record. he is accused of embellishing his military career to gain
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public office. military veterans are upset about it. former u.s. army special forces jim hanson reacts. it's coming up after this. stay right there. ♪ ♪ >> we can do background checks, we can do cdc research, we can make sure we don't have reciprocal carry, and we can make sure those weapons of war that i carried in war is the only place where those weapons are at. ♪ ♪ you ever try cashbacking? it's earning 3% at drugstores with chase freedom unlimited. so i can save on something special for a first date? wait! that's all for a first date? whoa. alright, c'mon earn big with chase freedom unlimited with no annual fee. how do you cashback? did i read this? did i get eggs? where are my keys? memory and thinking issues keep piling up? it may be due to a buildup of amyloid plaques in the brain.
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>> one press conference in michigan as brianna pointed out. these are two very different things about when he decided to retire and if he used weapons of war. so we will see if they respond to that and if he answers questions about that if he ever takes a question. elizabeth: -- taking on tim walz, allegations he's embellishing his military career. now the chair of house armed services military personnel committee, congressman jim banks, now probing tim waltz's -- walz's military record, again, after after he's accused of false -- falsifying it. welcome to the show jim hanson. it's great to have you on the show, jim. what do you make of this? congressman jim banks has sent a
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letter to lloyd austin. the campaign denies this. what do you think? i mean, he did serve two dozen years in the guard. what do you say? >> i think he did serve two dozen years in the guard, that ice undisputed. what's also a indices piewpted is when the country called and he got ordered to go ahead and deploy to war, the only time in his career that was going to the happen, he decided he wanted his own hot at glory as a congressman rather than deploying with the troops he had sworn to lead, and that's disgraceful. i think in addition, he has a claimed preetedly to be a retired -- repeatedly to be a retired command sergeant major, and that's simply not a fact. he retired as a masterrier sergeant because he failed to complete the schooling necessary, and he did not serve the amount of time in that position necessary to have that rank. he knows that because his retired says e8, not e9 on it every single month. he's been lying about that.
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that makes him a stolen valor poser. elizabeth: the harris campaign had to correct its bio on walz that it had on the internet to show he's not a retired command sergeant major. he's a retired master sergeant, okay. but the harris campaign also a wrongly said walz chaired house veterans affairs. he did not. so here's what's going on, so he's accused of implying that he was deployed to to afghanistan and iraq in operation freedom. he was deployed to italy instead. he said he carried guns in war. never saw combat. and so all these statements were coming out as he planned to run for higher office, and then he put out a bombastic press release saying he would be deployed to iraq leaving a wife and child behind, but then he didn't deploy in order to run for office. military veterans are really upset. they accuse him of abandoning his unit. >> because he did. , and again, that's something -- there are people who fought, who were being retired who fought to
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stay on active duty in order to deploy with their units. my wife was called back to active duty multiple times for several global war on terror and operation iraqi freedom. she lost a business over it. so i think there is no question that what he did is counter to honorable service, and he should be disqualified from any consideration for a job that leads potentially to being our commander in chief. elizabeth: jim hanson, thank you for your service to america. appreciate you so much. move on to this story, we've got more news coming in. the disturbing video caught on camera, a domestic flight, 622 people onboard -- 62 people onboard. crashing in brazil. unclear whether anyone survived. also tonight, a newly-uncovered zoom call shows biden-harris aides way back in 2020 bragging about how they got big tech to cover up joe biden's decline four years ago.
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>> russia's frozen assets in europe and other places outside of, outside of russia. elizabeth: okay. we're going to break down how they charactered -- targeted and censored people on the internet, falsely claiming to big tech, you know, the truth about this was disinformation. but first, did kamala harris' running mate choose politics over safety? we've got new criticism that far-left governor walz's mishandling of the viability and destructive 2020 the riots, controversial, more controversial than realized. we've got the details next. ♪ >> a society that does not put equity and inclusion at the center of it is certainly going to eventually come to the places where we're at. trying to make sure we don't see our cities burn. this is that a catch 2022. the more -- catch 22. the more tension there is, the more chance you have to get things. ♪
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elizabeth: okay, new details coming in about minnesota governor tim walz's hand handling of the violent and destructive 2020 to 20 riots in his state, accusations he was more concerned about politics and and optics than public safety. fox news' garrett tenney chicago with the latest. gary -- garrett. >> reporter: liz, one of of the key findings by lawmakers was that during the riots governor tim walz and his administration were more concerned with poig politics than they were with stopping the mayhem. minneapolis mayor jacob frye criticized waltz for waiting nearly 18 hours to deploy the national guard after he had called and asked for them to be sent. but walz and other state leaders said initially the city didn't have a clear enough plan for what guard troops would be doing. in their investigation, republican lawmakers found that during that delay while there was chaos on the streets, walz's team was asking the national guard about what kind of
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diversity if inclusion training the soldiers had. did they have the experience working with diverse communities, and what communities will the soldiers be coming from. here's one of the lead investigators of that report. >> diversity and inclusion are not things that should be considered when you have a mob if burning down buildings. somehow we've gotten our priorities all screwed up. >> reporter: four days of chaos, the governor fully mobilized the entire national guard to minneapolis which had an almost immediate impact. the head of the national guard at the time later testified if the guard had been deployed sooner, it likely could have prevented much of the destruction we saw. walz recently told reporters when asked about the criticisms of how he handled the riots, quote, it is what it is, and we try to do the best we can. liz? elizabeth: garrett tenney, always terrific journalism from you. thank you so much. okay, this -- >> they're just hoping america
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hates change and america has wanted change for four or five years now, and the harris-walz ticket brings it. >> yeah. elizabeth: i'm sorry, seriously, what are they talking about over at msnbc? they're claiming kamala harris will be a change agent? she's been in the white house for four years. also, the media mostly giving a pass to her running mate, tim walz. seriously? joining us now, minnesota gop chair david han. it's great to have you on, david. thank you so much for joining us. what do you make of all of this? what's it like? you've worked with tim walz. was he like? >> well, i think he's very divisive. he probably is the most divisive governor that we've had. e served in the state senate for 14 years. my term ended before he became governor, so i did not work direct cannily with him. but friends i have in the legislature found him difficult to work with. he operated in a very, very partisan manner, did not try to include half of the state's population which is represented by republicans. so he's been verity stressive.
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of he's very idealogically driven, and there's no question that he has catered to the far-left, progressive, neo-marxist, democratic socialists, whatever you want to call it, but that base of the democratic party is clearly where tim walz is. elizabeth: so the job growth in minnesota really kind of bottomed to the -- it fell down in the ranking of u.s. states. gdp growth in the state fell down. he's never held a private sector job. he's had government jobs all of his life. he doesn't have a mortgage, he lives in the governor's mansion. no 401(k), all a pension money. he's got no skin in the u.s. economy, no skin in the game. we know that trump has gotten criticism for his over the top comments, you know, these incendiary attacks. he's been said to create his own problems. but trump voters say they know he says terrible things, but it's about the policies to fix america. what do you think? >> i think with tim walz, he's a guy that just i don't think understands the economy.
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he's recently said that one person's socialism is another person's neighborliness, so he thinks that socialism is ad good idea. we had a large budget surplus two years ago that he committed to sevenned back to taxpayers -- send back to taxpayers. he spent it all, or raised an additional $10 billion in taxes on top of that. he implemented a new tax on a mandated family leave program that affects all a businesses no matter their size. that tax rate has gone into effect even though that program won't start until next year. and i have never seen the business community in this state so uniformly in opposition to a governor's policy as they are opposed to governor waltz's policy. very, very anti-business, and we've seen a net loss of population in the last two years. elizabeth: yeah. net loss of private sector jobs, mostly government jobs and industries that rely on government like health care and social services. listen to what voters have to say about what they want and what they need. >> i do have some serious
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problems with how our governor dealt with the riots. >> i think that was a failure on his part. i don't know why he waited. i don't know why he let let the city burn, but i think it's horrible, and people shouldn't forget that. elizabeth: those are voters in the state of minnesota. i mean, do you think the media's getting a wake-up call about the real tim walz? >> i hope so. i think the media in minnesota has been, it's mostly liberal media, and they have been, i think, not very critical of the governor in the last few years. i think now that he's on a national stage and some of the national media organizations are getting a firsthand look, i think it will be exposing governor walz for who he is. elizabeth: so what would you tell america, tell voters about the real tim walz? final word. >> the real tim walz, he's very divisive, very partisan, he's very left wing. he does not understand the economy, he does not understand business, and he would be a disaster the for this country.
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elizabeth: david han, great having you on, sir. thank you. okay, this story. tim walz back in 2020 the described how he kept his 87-year-old mother in isolation at thanksgiving time during his covid stay at home orders and lockdowns. even after her heart surgery. critics are saying he was left to fend for herself. he said, quote, we isolated her. our goal was to bring her up here and live with us for a while. we can't bring her. she's alone. we're dropping groceries at the door, we have to. let's get reaction from fox news contributor, author and columnist liz pique peek. you know -- liz peek. at the time news outlets were saying there were no hospital beds anywhere, so there's a context to this. but does this sound kind of severe? what do you think? [laughter] >> i think it sounds horrible. i wouldn't want him as my son, i'll tell you that. but, look, during covid people sort of revealed their trues, right?
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progressives like tim walz used that as an excuse to become truly authoritarian. and, liz, it's not that surprising. even as a he was locking down the state, refusing to let businesses open -- i'm not surprised, by the way, as to your last guest talking about how business people in minnesota really hate this guy. i'm not surprised at all, because he did not let them open and made them function under the mostly dib the louse rules. but he also did what andrew cuomo did. he sent old people with covid into nursing homes. i mean, imagine that, what could have been possibly more detrimental, caused more deaths? in new york it caused thousands of extra deaths. i'm sure it did in minnesota. they probably haven't reported it. elizabeth: this is the same governor who set up a snitch hotline for neighbors to snitch on each other if they violated his draconian, stay at home orders and indoor mask mandates. one report says, liz, that law enforcement got more than 10,000 reports from people snitching on each other just in the first year of the pandemic, but now
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he's pretending to be all about liberty and freedom. watch this. >> minnesota, just like in wisconsin, we respect our neighbors and the personal choices they make. [cheers and applause] even if, even if we wouldn't make the same choices for ourselves because we know there's a golden rule. mind your own damn business! [cheers and applause] mind your own damn business. elizabeth: you know, he just comes across, as critics have been saying, a blowhard and if a bully. you know, typical, you know? so he reminds people of the politicians we've seen for generations. you know, liz, you've talked a this, the covid pandemic shutdowns were the first chapter of what went wrong with america. it was basically a free-for-all of picking and choosing who to shut down, mom and pop shops get shut down but not the big box store it is, you know? a free-for-all of overspending, overregulating and the
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government intrusion into the u.s. economy, into people's lives like we hadn't seen before, liz. final word. >> it was all about a power, liz. these are the people who want to tell you what cars to drive, what food to eat, where to live. and during covid hay wanted to tell you everything you should be doing. pretty bad. elizabeth: liz peek, you're terrific. thank you so much. >> thanks, liz. elizabeth: we are working on getting more details about that disturbing airplane crash in brazil caught on camera. we're going to deliver what we've got coming up next. also tonight, new details on how biden-harris aides and staffers got big tech to cover up way back in 2020 then-candidate joe biden's decline. ♪ >> i named a, the the secretary of defense, a black man. i named ketanji brown -- i mean, because of the people i've named. elizabeth: new details on how they aggressively targeted and profiled people on the internet
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to stop and -- stop talking about joe biden's decline, falsely claiming to big tech this was disinformation to cover it up and censor it. but first, let's check in with our buddies dagen and sean to hear what's coming up next hour on "the bottom line." sean: hey, e-mac, we have a great show. over past 30 years, the democrats have rewritten their platform and for the extreme. we're going to talk about that with david webb as well as make america great again, maga? if no, no, mama, or at least that's what democratic liberal journalists say for make america minnesota already. tom emmer to discuss. dagen: it's not a freak show like t.t. walz would lead you to believe. mike caudill comes to us from sturgis. one of the folks at that bicycle rally. [laughter] just kidding, motorcycle rally, what do they have to stay. and peter st. onge. kamala harris says she is a problem solver when it comes to
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inflation. we say she's a problem percolator, it's all on her. top of the hour. ♪ (aaron) i own a lot of businesses... so my tech and my network need to keep up. thank you, verizon business. (kevin) now our businesses get fast and reliable internet from the same network that powers our phones. (aaron) so whatever's next... we're cooking with fire. (vo) switch to the partner businesses rely on. everybody wants super straight, super white teeth. they want that hollywood white smile. new sensodyne clinical white provides 2 shades whiter teeth and 24/7 sensitivity protection. i think it's a great product. it's going to help a lot of patients.
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so sao paulo officials have come forward saying that the black box has been found on this plane and that it appears to be intact so, hopefully, that will bring some much-needed answers about what exactly happened here and what caused this crash. but according to the newest statement from the airline, 61 people were, in fact, onboard, and every one of them died in this crash. take a look at a this disturbing video as you see the plane spiraling towards the ground. according to flight tracking data, the plane dropped 17,000 feet in roughly one minute. this is an atr722500 turbo engine prop plane manufactured many europe. this particular one is 14 years old and p of course, the initial question is what made it fall if out of the sky. the airline involved is called vopass. it put out a statement saying, quote, there's no confirmation on how the accident occurred. the plane came down in a residential area many a city in the sao paulo. the flight was headed for the
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sao paulo international airport after a taking off in southern brazil. local authorities confirm it hit homes on its way down, and for the first time we are hearing from a witness who says he knows an elderly couple who lives in a home who was hit. [speaking spanish] >> reporter: so that man saying that he knew an elderly couple who was living in a home that was hit, liz are. thankfully, it appears they're okay. brazilian authorities have blocked off the crash site. local hospitals are ready to receive any patients, possibly people that were hurt or even killed on the ground. the crash happened in an area that a did have an active warning for severe icing between 12,000 and 21,000 feet, and it
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was flying in that range when it went down, again, at 17,000 feet. the plane maker, atr, liz, put out a statement saying that it is aware of the crash and that that it is doing everything it can to assist in the investigation. but right now reportedly 611 people are dead -- 61 people are dead and hopefully that black box will provide answers why. elizabeth: always great reporting from nate foy. thank you, nate. good to see you. this concerning new report says newly-surfaced zoom call video after the 2020 the election show biden-harris campaign aides talking about how the democratic party got big tech to cover up on the internet joe biden's decline from voters. they talked about how the democrat party invested in a team to detect and track people talking the online about joe biden's decline. then they red flagged it to big tech as disinformation for censorship. joining us now for reaction, we
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welcome wor raid wrote host mark simone along with national review editor-in-chief rich lowry. rich, first to you. what do you think of this? >> i mean, it's not particularly surprising, right in we've learned a lot recently about what the government has been doing and democratic campaigns have been doing to work the refs, so-called, on social media. and we're going to learn more much about this. we'll need to wait for people to write memoirs to know the truth about this period, but clearly they were hiding biden's decline from the if public and then the first debate they got caught. and then they reversed, and lo and behold, we're not hearing any new information about the candidate either. elizabeth: mark, this was four years ago they were covering up biden's decline on the internet. you know, the campaign director of rapid response, later biden white house's deputy director of digital strategy, mark, reportedly indicated they were actually targeting people online based on their behavioral cues,
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building out personas based on the type of content people were consuming, what they were searching on, the kind of web sites they were visiting in order to target people to censor them. >> well, the real threat to democracy, the serious threat to democracy is not having working media. media cover up -- social media, tech companies is the biggest danger we face. that amendment why kamala harris can get away with everything she gets away with. they're just covering it up like crazy. all of us saw the video of joe biden bumping into walls, getting totally lost in the middle of a sentence. we all all knew it, but they still the covered it up. it's this weekend at bernie's that we can't believe, and somebody's going to at some point going to have to pin kamala harris down on why she joined in on this cover-up. elizabeth: yeah. so this is biden-harris bullying, rich, what mark just said. it's bullying, it's coffer-up. four years ago biden's family
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corruption, hunter biden corruption allegations as, biden's work on the 1994 crime bill and joe biden's decline four years ago. so the censorship story is bigger than we realized, rich. >> yeah. and it's perverse, right in because this was something true about joe biden, as mark points out. we all knew it. we all could see it with our own eyes. i oppose even efforts to suppress true information out of the internet. it should be governed by the spirit of the first amendment. we all decide what we think is right or wrong, have a dig big debate about it, but things that are true is so profoundly perverse, and they wanted to foist a president clearly not capable of serving another four years on the american public and then got caught, as a mark points out, kamala harris was complicit in it. he -- she knew more about his condition than the rest of us did. elizabeth: and america suffers. mark, rich, thank you so much. now this, is kamala harris'
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(other money manager) wow, maybe we are different. (fisher investments) at fisher investments, we're clearly different. >> the selection is very much about your prosperity, your family's prosperity in your safety stopping your cost of living going up, more details coming and how kamala harris and tim walz renew nightmare will make it worse but spring and former state department official christian whiton. is it energy security national security domestic security, don't we need all in u.s. energy policy because it lowers inflation promotes national security but kamala harris walz ticket they want to continue the regulation of prohibition in the crackdown of oil and gas in nuclear, what do you think? >> why are they doing it, walz
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getting together with fellow progressives talking about his favorite religion which is climate change alarmism that's why they're doing this, you cannot correlate the 4% of the carbon cycle that can be a trip into man with actual climate change, they can say let's be carbon neutral by 2040, what we get for the chileans of dollars that will cost we will get a lot higher prices and not just for electricity and raises the price of food, chest rotation, housing, everything try approaches better because all of the above lets the market do its magic, let it choose. maria: you see green energy hurting california the top utility regulators worn the surgeon electricity bills in california untenable the cost of rent is lower than the cost of power bills nearly one in five california households now behind on their electricity bills. >> it's not, number two behind hawaii, it's an island without any energy resources at least traditional, california should
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have very cheap electricity of huge economies of scale southern california, the bay area, two beautiful ports to import into and instead the regulations have driven it up, what has it led to you can take carbon emissions to 0 even if you believe human activity is causing climate change. still it'll have no impact because the greatest admit are in the world is higher enter china. if you like what's happening to california that's what harris is proposing to bring to the rest of america. maria: nothing like china and india bringing the enter being the biggest emitters. i am elizabeth macdonald. thank you so much for watching "the evening edit" on fox business. we appreciate you very much for tuning in, now it's time for "the bottom line". we're going to send it over today given sean we know you have a lot to talk about, good to see you. ♪


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