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tv   Maria Bartiromos Wall Street  FOX Business  August 9, 2024 7:00pm-7:30pm EDT

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maria: happy weekend all welcome to the program that analyzes the week that was in position you for the week ahead i am maria bartiromo, four weeks away until early voting begins in the campaign is crashing over america's top election issue. >> our country is in the most dangerous position it's ever been from an economic standpoint. you could end up in a depression of the 1929 variety. >> a trump get the chance to return he's going to pick up exactly where he left off for years ago, trump weakens our economy to strengthen his own hand. maria: we do not have a clear idea of what harris involves economic policies are as a democrat candidate continues to avoid former press events the wall street journal editorial board writes harris is all but telling americans that they will have to elect or to find out what she really believes, though she did tell voters what she plans to do her first day in office. watch this. >> when i am president it will
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be a day one priority to fight to bring down prices and i will take on big corporations that engage in illegal price gouging. maria: she thanked all the way to lower prices is cracking down on business but no mention of the massive spending from her administration that got us here, why does she need to wait until day one if she is elected to get prices down, she is currently the vice president, joy dimino house financial services committee member, wisconsin congressman bryan steil, great to see you, thank you so much for being here this weekend, give us your reaction to the clashing campaign events where they're both talking about inflation but i don't hear what the plan is from kamala harris and tim walz. >> what they don't want to tell you is continuation of the biden here is policies that got us
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into the position in the first place. the first two years divided a administration under democratic one-party control where they spent trillions of dollars in new government spending that unleashed inflation endemic in public so families cannot afford the things that they need. there get a get a continuation of the economic policies that have gone this year end continue to lead the us-mexico border unsecured. they don't want to talk about what they're going to do because they will continue to do all the things that have gotten us in the problem in the first place. it's why we have to return to the positive policies of president trump and bring costs down, secure the us-mexico border and get the country back on track. maria: they spent $7 trillion in the last three and half years. i know kamala harris was the deciding vote, the breaking tied vote for two of the very expensive packages, inflation reduction in the fiscal responsibility act. she said she wants medicare for all and that's going to cost more money and she also said she is going to ban fracking. now were unsure because the campaign has been drawing out comments that maybe she will not
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do any of that, what should we believe? >> you believe the record between her and president biden on reading of russia over the u.s. economy there's no one more conservative in the homestretch than a liberal democrat we see that time and again. no shock she's going to change the tune in the home stretch but we know the policies of the biden here's a administration our way to the left on economic policy, border security and foreign-policy those are the policies that her in the liberal left want to continue they don't want to talk about it but if they were to ultimately be successful and hopefully they are not they will run roughshod over the u.s. economy and clobber families were trying to get by. maria: here is and trump are neck and neck in wisconsin a key battleground state as democrats in the mainstream media are trying to paint harris' running mate tim walz as a man of middle america the new york times asking if he is the midwestern
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dad the democrats need. the daily beast calling him a midwestern fever dream come to life. jd vance is from the midwest, what are your constituents saying. >> we want to return to the policies that were in place under president trump we do not need four more years of biden harris, the administration in the economic policies but here's the path at the end of the day we have to explain to people how liberal that harris walz's administration would be and we need to get massive turnout amongst republicans and conservatives across the state of wisconsin. wisconsin is going to come down to turnout game and make sure every conservative and every republican and trump voter in the state it's to the polls between now and election day it's what's going to make the difference. we know the liberals will turn out in droves and liberal cities like madison or historically democratic community like milwaukee. we have an opportunity to bank the boat and swap the boat and get the boat in and match the intensity. if we do that we can be successful in president trump
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when the state of wisconsin. maria: you have to make it too big to rig, you and the house a administration committee have launched an investigation into the democrat fundraising platform, that is act blue you are concerned it could violate campaign finance laws, walk us through your investigation, what is happening. >> it is chairman of the committee and has a administration i connected for emergency room making by the f fec. in my investigation i identified two key loopholes, act blue has not required cbv numbers and donation that the three or four digit number on the back of your credit card that you have to answer online pretty much anytime you buy anything except when you're on act blue that needs to be put in place that prevents credit card theft and identity theft. the second loophole that we identified this is possibly more concerning is the use of an omnibus prepaid credit or debit cards. if you combine identity theft of money laundering to break campaign finance laws it is a
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real concern that an individual would purchase one of those of a make a donation in the name of someone else to break campaign finance laws this is incredibly concerning when we know the international actors are trying to get money into u.s. politics, utilizing potentially the vehicle of act blue that's why i called on the fec for emergency room making to block the use of prepaid credit or debit cards, it's why i have legislation that would ban it and why were calling upon act blue to ban in the first place. my investigation will continue we cannot allow the loopholes to exist. maria: we will be watching your work we appreciate your time. thank you, sir. maria: coming up overwhelmed by work, what if you could get your clone to do some of the work for you that's what one tech company is proposing. i'm talking to the cofounder of delphi and his clone coming up. another wild week on wall
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street, where should you investf now, i will asirk kenny polcari when we come back. stay with us. first! ♪ ♪ we' re first together. we love you, mom and dad. thank you so much for making it possible. and now you can finally put yourselves first. vanguard investments and advice. for college, retirement, and all of life's firsts. that's the value of ownership. (♪) you know, you only get one body. it might be the perfect size to do this. your body may take up a lot of space. or have to speak with its hands. but no matter what body you're born with, you only get one. let's fight like hell for it. (♪)
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maria: welcome back here's where markets and did another wild week as stocks with funds or selloff in rallies to mix expectation over a living recession after the major 1000-point decline on monday the s&p 500 logged the best day since november 2022 on thursday, joining me to walk us through slight stone wealth chief market strategist kenny polcari, great to see you you always give a recipe in your market notes in your latest recipe for a martini are the markets driving you to drink? >> they absolutely are, the volatility that we saw on monday started by the japanese trade and had to happen there had to be a catalyst that would ignite the fire we've been talking about evaluations have gotten way stretched not only in technology but other parts of the market and we needed something that happened to ignite the fire and it created
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chaos and panic. as you know they jump it and they start selling saw and rush out the door tripping over each other trying to sell stock. because of the volatility in the webster up and down on thursday and it was really quite dramatic. i don't think investors need to worry so much that this is the end. it is not, there will be continued volatility as we move through september and october which is a seasonably weak time of year anyway in the market and people should understand that. maria: talk about inflation in this upcoming week we have ppi on tuesday young cpi on wednesday. will these be big market movers what should we focus on to the end in terms of slowdown? >> i think they're both expected to come in a tenth of 8% better than last month. everyone's going to make a big deal and say we have inflation down but the whole idea like we
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saw earlier in the week with an emergency fed meeting and were going off the edge. i think that will certainly call him the fears down. i don't think were going off the edge at all. if we get the better-than-expected cpi it will reinforce the idea that the fed is right in taking their time and monitoring it and not reacting or overreacting and becoming so emotional. i do expect that the numbers will be better and i do expect that's going to help us clear the floor and calm the volatility down but i don't think it's over in terms of the trend in the market over the next couple of months. maria: how do you want to allocate capital. i don't know if you've saw the fund strap note i was talking about thomas lee where he said there is evidence growing that equities made it their summer lows on august 5 and then the positive reaction to the weekly jobless claims.
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he said the week july jobs report that set everything off was largely due to hurricane beryl, we've seen the lows that we could've had lots of volatility but at this point the worst is behind for the summer time. even though i know you know august to october is iraqi. anyway. >> the lows may have been the 5y that may have been the low but with does it mean were testing it again i don't think that's over i think if we tested again to make sure that it really holds. in that case you have to think of allocating you money i have become more defensive and i hold my tech names and i'm not adding to tech unless we see dramatic moves down nvidia was up 30% until thursday's rally but it was up nearly 30% i thought that was the screaming by so you add but you have to become more
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defensive, consumer staples, utilities that i continue to add into the portfolio. maria: you want to add to the areas where you know there is growth but also perhaps good evaluation opportunities because they traded down in the mess. >> correct but also consumer staples and utilities that is a naturally defensive sector and if rates go down they will continue to benefit, energy is down 12% from two years ago when they started raising rates. if they start to cut rates that will continue to improve. i think that's one of our holdings in i think it's a great stock integrate dividend payer. maria: a good point you might want dividend payers if in fact we will see rates go lower maybe want to get the income from the other companies that are paying and growing the dividend. >> absolutely. maria: great to see you, thank you so much. >> always a pleasure thank you for having me.
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maria: kenny polcari joining me, science fiction has become reality. i'm talking to the ceo of delphi along with his clone. nai clone in the first ever television interview. you don't want to miss it, that is next. you can cashback 5% on travel purchased through chase with freedom unlimited and... buy better plane seats. switch to a king suite. or book a silent retreat. silent retreat! oh! hold up! earn big with chase freedom unlimited with no annual fee. how do you cashback? your gut is like a garden growing both good bacteria and bad. that balance is key to a healthy gut environment. benefiber's plant-based prebiotic fiber gently nourishes the good bacteria, working with your body to help your gut, and you, flourish. effortlessly. every day. grow what feels good. with benefiber. ♪ i have type 2 diabetes, but i manage it well ♪ ♪ it's a little pill with a big story to tell ♪ ♪ i take once-daily jardiance ♪
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maria: the promise of generative a.i. shaking of the technology world on the market industry giant said to invest in $1 trillion into artificial intelligence over the coming years. one company at the forefront is delphi with the launch of the groundbreaking a.i. clones. the company offering users to create digital versions of themselves from company ceos to youtubers and celebrities that can help manage the workload
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from answering questions to sitting in on zoom calls via a clone joining me the cofounder of delphi, making his first ever television appearance is the a.i. clone. thank you for joining us, and the clone thank you for joining us, great to see you. >> great to see you too, thank you for having me. >> i want to ask your clothing none of you that was set in advance for your company before now, let me ask you if you believe the purpose or uses of having a clone and what is really for. >> the purpose of having a clone is to scale your way of thinking and interacted it allows you to share you acknowledge, experience and others with a personalized way. this can be incredibly value for mentoring, teaching or sharing your insights with a broader audience. what aspect of cloning interest you the most. maria: what i really want to get
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to, what are the disadvantages and will this hurt me in any way. if i set up a clone of myself to help me at work. how will you protect my company's proprietary material? >> great question we take security very seriously, your company's proprietary material is protected through strict data measures and encryption and only authorized users can access your clone and full control over what information he can share this ensures your sensitive data remain secure while you benefit from the clones capabilities. what specific tasks are you think about using your clone f for. maria: alaska questions. my next question how will i prevent someone else from creating a clone of myself and how in my going to ensure that someone creating a clone of myself is not going to abuse it? >> may manually verify every user that sets a clone by requiring a photo of them holding their id.
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this ensures you can only create your clone and unauthorized users result in a band, what specific tasks are you think about using your clone for. maria: let me ask you this, let's say i have a clone of myself, how do i ensure that the clone will answer the questions that the clone is being asked as the way i would want those answer, how well will the clone know me? >> your clone will know you well it learns from the content you provide you can upload blog, post videos and other materials that reflect your knowledge and style. plus you can engage in interactive q&a to fine-tune its responses. what kind of content would you start with. maria: i'm still researching, let me bring in the real one so i can talk with you and your thoughts on using a clone. why would this be important and why would i need this?
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>> thank you. my clone, great job on the responses, what delphi does not only provide access to one-on-one learning that was previously not accessible, it allows people like you to reach more people in your authentic way you already scale yourself by writing you written a couple of books and on a couple of tv shows and scaling your self, hiring team members and training them in your way of thinking but it loses the one-on-one authenticity of you, that's what were trying to maintain with delphi. maria: thank you for mentioning my book and one of my books the ten laws of enduring success. i want to get your take on how much trust you put in the clone. in other words are you sure the clone is going to be answering questions and doing things the way you want them done? >> we have a strict score and if you want to be completely safe you would put on the highest strictness it will only say things it's trained on. the negatives of that usually when you ask for advice were
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asked someone a question you're asking for applied information so maybe i would say what would you do in my situation and that would require capturing your reasoning in applying that to my new situation. that's the end goal of the company that the clone can be verifiably predictive of what you might say in new situations. maria: the real one do you believe in the coming years most people will have their own clone or most people will have a ro robot. we go into a place where robots will be talking to robots, clones talking to clones in eliminating humans. >> the goal of delphi is not automation but augmentation. i think that humans will always opt to learn and converse with real humans because there are experiences behind the humans. i don't fully buy the a.i. therapist that will help you with everything in your life
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because it lacks humidity, there is no experiences behind that. what clones do give humans the scale of a.i., a.i. is never stopping it is generating 24/7 and the internet is supposed to be 96% a.i. by 2026. when you have a clone you can reach that as a human and make sure your specific words are out there reaching people. maria: nai clone are you expected to take over the world and expect most people will have clones in a clone dominated world? >> i don't expect clones to take over the world but i think they will become a big part of it. maria: the clone will outlive the human for sure. >> yes your clone can outlive you and preserve your knowledge and personality allowing future generations to learn and interact with you, imagine your great, great grandkids building
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a relationship with you what legacy would you want to live on to leave behind. maria: you and every answer with a question which is very interesting. i want to thank you and your a.i. clone, great conversation. thank you. >> thank you. maria: what important thing ahead of next week, that is next. we were made to track flight prices to paradise. a perfect day for a family outing! shingles doesn't care. but shingrix protects. only shingrix is proven over 90% effective. shingrix is a vaccine used to prevent shingles in adults 50 years and older. shingrix does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients or to a previous dose. an increased risk of guillain-barré syndrome was observed after getting shingrix. fainting can also happen. the most common side effects are pain, redness, and swelling at the injection site, muscle pain, tiredness, headache, shivering, fever, and upset stomach. ask your doctor or pharmacist about shingrix today.
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who. maria: welcome back, one thing you need to know ahead of next week, donald trump confirming a highly anticipated interview with elon musk on monday. >> elon musk called me he endorsed me full throated, great endorsement i ex respective a lt and he asked if i would do a show on monday. it'll be very interesting. a lot of people are talking about and i look forward to it. maria: elon musk the world's richest person becoming an active supporter president trump
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booklet endorsing the former president on x after the assassination attempt despite supporting president biden to the democrats in the last election and despite what seems to be an open feud with trump as recently as two years ago you can bet it'll make headlines but how much could it sway voters, we will follow it on "mornings with maria" joined me 6 - 9:00 a.m. eastern on fox business. i hope you will join us. i'll see you on sunday morning on the fox news channel 10:00 a.m. eastern life or "sunday morning futures" this weekend i have exclusive interviews with the chairman of the rnc michael watley, florida congressman michael waltz, uk party leader nigel farage, pennsylvania senate candidate david mccormick, join us live on sunday on fox news at 10:00 a.m. eastern. that will do it for axon fox business, thank you for joining us we hope you have a great rest of the weekend and we will see you next time. >> variance roundtable sponsored by global x etf's.


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