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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  August 12, 2024 9:00am-10:00am EDT

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it'll be 25 basis point or 50 basis points or quarter of a percentage point were half a percentage point. >> i want to free lawn must donald trump interview tonight. to trying to start this of any substance that i hope donald trump delivers on substance, policies, immigration, economy that's what we need and that's what were hungry for. cheryl: were waiting for, tricia and john, thank you. "varney & company" is up now. >> good morning, everyone what a difference from last monday.
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the news is no white knuckle heavy selling so far today. modest gains across the board. the dow looks like it's up 50, s&p 11 and nasdaq up 40 odd points. the nasdaq will more on the markets in just a moment. politics that looks different from last monday, kamala harris is on a roll she copied donald trump's plan for no tax on tips and promised an economic plan maybe this week and she leads by four points and three swing states michigan, wisconsin pennsylvania into new pull in the financial times suggest she's beating him on the economy that used to be his strong suit. the honeymoon continues. donald trump seems uncomfortable he's arguing about crowd size suggesting here is numbers are inflated by a.i. in his redo
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president biden told c.p.s. that he dropped out because he didn't want to be destruction for his party. fellow democrats pushed about but is still the president. he looked frail and halting in the cbs interview, key numbers on inflation coming this week this affects rate cuts, when and by how much that depends on the consumer price index telling us a little later this week. didn't they at all the interest rates were closer they were friday the ten year round 395 at the moment in the two-year over the 4% level 407. bitcoin moving to 59000. oil moving up as a clash between iran and israel books and minute. the u.s. is speedy and the arrival of the aircraft carrier group to the mideast, hezbollah fired 30 rockets into israel overnight. gas, 3.44, diesel down one set at 3.75. gold strong $2082 nouns a
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spectacular closing ceremony, tom cruise repelled into the stadium jumped in a motorbike to traverse to los angeles at 2028 games. in 1990 for the l.a. games made a profit and boosted california's image, can l.a. monday august 12, 2024, "varney & company" is about to begin ♪ ♪. stuart: this is too easy under pressure, were always under pressure. >> especially after last week. last week was a doozy. we will start with politics, that is pretty safe, listen to president biden admitting the democrats forced him to exit the reelection campaign. roll tape. >> the polls that we have, look,
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the polls we have show it was a neck and neck race, it was down to the wire. what happened a number of my democratic colleagues in the house and senate thought that i was going to hurt them in the race. i was concerned if i stay in the race that would be the topic and why did nancy pelosi say i thought it would be a real distraction. i think of an obligation to do the most import think that you can do, we must defeat trout. stuart: will cain joins me. he did not look real happy about his decision to exit the campaign, did he? >> you know what's dark about the clip it's a bit of honesty in the world of propaganda lies
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in ministry this is a peek behind the curtain this is a bit of honesty he was forced out of the office and it's gone away entirely too quickly you have an intraparty coup among the democrats and the leader of the coup brutus to stab caesar in the back at the very end is clearly nancy pelosi there's a lot of talk about who is the wizard in the great awes the wizard of oz of the democratic party and they want to talk about barack obama but it's nancy pelosi and he lays it out right there that is nancy pelosi the said you can do this the easy way or the hard way that you are leaving you not to be the democratic representative for the president. >> they're not united, there is hostility within the democrat party at this point they may have united around here is but they seem to want to get rid of president biden i'm not sure they want him on the campaign trail. >> the lack of unity is interesting.
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right now kamala harris exist in the honeymoon. but it's almost the afterglow she is in this moment where everything she touches his gold she has no criticism this is among the party and the press. i think underneath the surface, there is a reality, the reality is the one that we knew for four years, she was not popular figure she's a rejected figure among the democratic base that is reflected in a run for the primary for president. i do wonder not only after the honeymoon period wears off will beget truth, criticism and scrutiny of kamala harris and begin to see the division it among democrats with a comes to kamala harris. >> vice president hearers heavily criticized for giving identical speeches as separate rallies, watch this. >> let me tell you, i am clear, the path to the white house runs through this tape. i am clear, the path to the white house runs right through
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the state. i took on perpetrators of all kinds. i took on perpetrators of all kinds. i don't donald trump's type. i know donald trump's type. are we ready to fight for it? and are we ready to fight for it? and when we fight, we win. stuart: that was very good, good producing. she does not do interviews, she will hold press conferences but why should she, why threaten the honeymoon? >> absolutely. if your campaign strategist and work for, but here's used to take victory laps right now, there is no reason for her to subject herself to scrutiny. if you press bringing the american public to the truth they will push for that they are going to ask for her to sit down for an interview and ask her to face tough questions and ask for
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her policies. i want to say this really quickly there's a lot of talk about how far left harris and walls are, that's the part that has to be revealed but superficial characteristics are what define elections. i will say on the pro column i think kamala harris to a lot of people as an appealing nature nice easy smile. i think there is also a phoniness that is reflected in the clip that you played that will have a negative effect superficially on voters she affects accents depending on the audience, she takes the laugh, or policy flip-flop reveal a phoniness when it comes to her ideas, she still trumps no tax on tips and repeat the anti-enthusiastic lies at different speeches. i think in the end that could divide the election whether or not the voter thanks or knows how phony kamala harris is. stuart: if the press does its job we shall see. thank you for joining us see you
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again soon. we have new fox news power rankings for you this time on the senate balance of power. good morning. >> it looks pretty good for republicans retaking the upper chamber fox news is forecasting the democrats will take 47 seats and look at this republicans will take 53 and yellow and the tossup column, that will be nevada, montana and ohio and nevada the democrat senator jacky rosen versus sam brown, montana is rather four years ago trout one montana by 60-point republicans are looking to flip senator jon tester seat they are backing tim sheehy a retired navy seal then you have ohio trump on that by eight points last election sherrod brown faces bernie marino and will voters in the crucial states continue to split the ticket. will they go for republican with trump at the top and back to democratic senator? stuart: let's turn to the markets, futures looking at the green this monday morning up different from last week.
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we get the important consumer price index and producer price index, inflation numbers this week. >> tomorrow you producer price is expected to go below 3% at the core level year-over-year. >> they better. >> consumer prices are on wednesday expect about 3.2 percent, retail sales is thursday how was the consumer holding up with the 16 rising .3%, housing starts and permits are expected to fall in consumer sentiment for august that also comes out on friday that will hold relatively steady, earning season winding down you still have walmart, big one in home depot, walmart has seen more traffic because they sell items at lower prices. is there pressure on how much you buy on the size of the ticket. they're looking for the revenue to grow by 4%, that would be the smallest increase in two years. you get home depot reporting tomorrow morning. >> we will see what happens there, look who's here on a
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monday morning, jeff sica joins us we have the inflation numbers, are they make or break for the market? >> they really are. if you look at last week all they kept going through my mind was a line from danny glover and lethal weapon where he said i'm too old for this because that's what it felt like when the markets were gyrating with every comment and everything going on but the cpi and ppi are crucial because were now going to pivot from the labor market to the inflation index and were going to look at the consumer with the consumer being 70% of the economy it is very important to see where they are but what's more important is september when the federal reserve is meeting to decide on interest rates, we have to look at whether or not some of the decline that we've seen this summer are justified meaning disinflation, stagflation. are weakening or going into recession or can the fed cut
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interest rates 50 basis points instead of 25. >> when you take on the consumer price index, does it disappoint tell us with enthusiasm. >> i think it's going to disappoint and i think the number will disappoint. i think there's going to be a lot of speculation as to whether our indicating my personal opinion, and with a cut in september. i didn't put a lot of credence in the potential of an emergency rate cut in the inflation number will be disappointing and we won't get a rate cut in september and we may not get the 50 basis points. >> there is only a 40% that there will be a basis cut.
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we will check it out next week, thank you, kamala harris is not doing interviews but some of the media wonder if he needs to. is there a need to dip on the campaign in her efforts which is having a very good conversation with the american people without them? stuart: may be voters deserve to hear from harris. lisa boothe will take that on. lijd vance going toe to do with the press over the weekend. >> investment three questions about comments i made three years ago, i wonder what kamala harris thinks about the american people about joe biden. were getting testy. stuart: the media is hostile. but unlike the vice president he showed up, joe concha on that. he is next. ♪ (fisher investments) at fisher investments we may look like other money managers, but we're different.
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♪ ♪. stuart: there are reports of tension among staffers inside of the harris campaign, mark meredith at the white house, what is going on. >> good morning, there are questions whether or not team biden and harris will get along for the rest of the campaign, right now democrats insist they have a winning message they point to the crowds that are here today your from the vice president when it comes to the specifics what hears and walz will do that type or to decipher. we were with the vp when she made stops at the battleground states and she's duck to her speech which spoke to ataxia president trump abuse the middle class and restore roe v. wade but as political point out this morning there are some things missing, political writing her
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stump speech frame to campaign as a fight for the future without saying much about what that future would entail, no 100 day agenda let alone a detailed tax policy white paper. harris is vowing to release more details of the economic plan later this week. will be watching to see if she further embraces i do not mix or distance herself from it. when it comes to fracking which is a hot button issue in places like pennsylvania kamala harris campaign said she no longer backs banning fracking even though critics point to clips like this one. >> there's no question i'm in favor banning fracking. >> she plans to do a sitdown interview at some point by the end of this month, likely their more direct questions about what kind of policy she would back. the former president says he's ready to talk about it right now. chop talking about it this morning harris flip-flop on every policy she supported and led by for her entire career from the border tips and the fake news media is not reporting it she sounds more like trump
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then trump copy and almost everything. were looking to see how much trump talks about harris and the economy later this week he's good to be in north carolina and whether we will see a new policy put out or if this is the focus of the last eight years, we will have to find out. stuart: thank you. jd vance went after the sunday show for the vine of questioning. role it. >> you could not show up at an american consulate and say i hope the americans going to america. >> that's not how the process works. >> it very often is the biden administration. >> investment three questions about comments i made three years ago. i wonder what kamala harris thinks about the fact that she supported policies open the advocates of the border. it would what kamala harris thinks about that she lied to the american people with a wide open southern border because of our border czar set a lot of open border policies. >> she was not the border czar. >> that's what the media called
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her, she assumed the title and had control over a lot of our border policy. stuart: joe concha is with us, this is incredible why is the media so hostile when he showing up for the interview. >> the last clip was with jonathan karl who written not one but not two but three anti-trump books and nothing on joe biden for whatever reason i found time to write when it i'm pretty sure giancarlo can that was a master class that jd vance held yesterday. not only did he show he's unafraid to appear on any network anytime and take any questions on any topic. he showed as you just showed he's willing to push back to call the networks out for not demanding more from that, the years, tim waltzed to take questions into be accountable for their rhetoric and for the record. i think he could feel the momentum changing, the trump campaign has gone on the offensive while the democratic ticket continues to think they can plead the fifth all the way to november 5. kamala harris maybe i'll do an interview by the end of the
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month and three weeks to prepare for the view or rachel maddow, this is going to hurt kamala harris an tim walz when they have to debate because there will be no teleprompter there will not be a pre-scripted remark and to say the things over and over, she will have to speak extemporaneously, when that happens the american people will see why they don't trust kamala harris to run a bath but about the country giving her position on domestic energy and illegal immigration and foreign policy. stuart: here's something that hurts trump. the new york times reports that he's been name-calling kamala harris and private, you see it on the screen what he's been saying. i don't think trump should be using that kind of language. i think it hurts them, what say you? >> only issue that this is based on unnamed sources close to the president we've seen this over and over again on stories that
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come out with something trump is saying and they turn out not to be true. to that point i think it's an outstanding device regardless because it's constructive, there are so many policy positions that donald trump is seen as the american people on being on the right side. if he sticks to that and does so when it comes to the economy and taxes in inflation in illegal immigration and without being condescending and the name-calling. i understand his frustration, the democratic side can call him hitler, dangerous, weird and that's applauded as a good thing but he doesn't want to play that. explain to the american people and remind him that the country is under the trump administration pre-covered for three years plus, compare that to the three years we've seen from the biden here's a administration and if the choice comes down to was life better 2017 - 2020 or life better from 2021 twomac 2024, donald trump is your 47th president but that takes discipline.
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>> joe concha thank you for being with us. we'll see again soon. check those futures, it's monday morning do you want to know how your money is doing after last week, we have some green, the dow 50, the nasdaq of 40, the opening bell is next. ♪ ameritrade is now part of schwab. bringing you an elevated experience, tailor-made for trader minds. ♪ go deeper with thinkorswim: our award-wining trading platforms ♪ unlock support from the schwab trade desk— our team of passionate traders who live and breathe trading. ♪ and sharpen your skills with an immersive online education crafted just for traders. ♪ all so you can trade brilliantly. ♪
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stuart: futures at the monday morning point to green 60 up, the dow 48, the nasdaq. keith fitz is with us is mor morning. you have a target of 5750 on the s&p by the end of this year. it is currently at 5382, obviously you have a big rally coming, explain yourself. it give or take 7% or so here's the thing structurally it's very similar to the 1950s and 1990s with high unemployment inflation rate and interest-rate challenges, two were 30% regard to equities committed normally in the 50, 60, 70% significantly from all the volatility and finally inflation is ultimately whether the fed likes it or not going to come down. all three are positive infl influence. stuart: what about the inflation numbers that we get, consumer prices, producer prices, some people said it's make or break
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for the home market, would you go that far? >> i would agree with that. i think there is a different sentiment, the question is not necessarily make or break the question how do they hold up relative to everything else, i think you get a b . to, .5, which companies could beat that and proceed despite the, that's a real question. stuart: the numbers that you quoted would not interfere with rate cuts in september, would they? >> though they would not. again my position that that has been wrong for a long time. i still think the wrong. i kind of look at that as a sideshow i want to focus on the ceos in those companies, very telling. stuart: i know you like walmart, why don't you like home depot. >> that's an interesting question. if you go to home depot or lows you see people putting kitchen sinks in the cart you don't see them redefining their whole house or redesigning the whole house the average per ticket item is going down it is august
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people think that way it tells me that there strapped, they don't want to go to bank financing even though they think rates are coming down that will pressure sales and margins. stuart: maybe i'm asking for trouble but i sense that the mood of the market has shifted this week compared to last week. we do not have the white knuckles that we had last monday, what do you think? >> i agree with that i think the white knuckles are passing. the question whether we get the confidence. i agree i think psychology has changed and there's not a earnings report that's going to matter until that gets under control but i absolutely agree with your observation. stuart: your all in stocks, not much in bonds? >> we have both obviously we pursue a little bit of each because i like my safety and stability because that gives me the fee to enter freedom to pursue.
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stuart: keith fitz on a monday morning, we will see you real soon, the market is now open. working open in the green the dow industrials up 70 points 50 or 70 points of the very early go, 81-point i'll take that, 91 points, look at the dow 30, more green then red that's put it like that, the s&p 500 also on the upside, how about a percentage come up a quarter of 1%, 53, 57. keith fitz think it's going to 5750. the nasdaq composite that is up a quarter of 1% and again, look at the dow 30 a lot more green than bread so we have a positive opening to the market let's break it down and see big tech. most of them should be higher. they are microsoft, alphabet, amazon, apple up, meditate on a mere 50 cents. let me focus on apple, they faced a lot of headwinds but dan ives we know him well. he thinks the iphone 16 is going to be really big. >> the september phone he sees initial shipments of 90 million
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iphone 16, that is 10 million more than the first thought. he's calling the upgrade cycle the renaissance of growth for apple because everybody wants apple intelligence or so he thinks, there are 300 million iphones that have not been upgraded in four years. that means the phone cannot handle apple intelligence or a.i. unido 15 pro or above, so many people are likely going to upgrade to the 16, then you have the app developers getting on board and he says that boost the services component of apple eventually will sell you a subscription to a.i. something to 10 - $20 a month. >> 285 a share. stuart: now it's at 260. that was dan ives. qualcomm is down that's related to apple. >> the data was 3%, wolf research has downgraded them they moved to the sidelines and are blaming apple, qualcomm supplies the iphone modem that apple is working on its own
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modem and any loss of apple revenue is always a headwind for company. stuart: apple up, qualcomm down. tesla, i think this is important, tesla halted orders for the $61000 cyber truck. >> that is the cheaper one, they have not said but for now you can only order or place your reservation for $100,000 plus cyber trucks. why? tesla is not shipping the $61000 truck it is taking preorders for it. maybe they don't want to back off their system. if you place a hundred other reservation for car do you want the card to be a-year-old plus when you get it? no you want to relatively new car i would imagine so you want to make sure the taking reservations for what they can produce in a realistic timeline. the stock is down 1%, what a week for tesla. most stocks had a crazy week so i would say rejoice that is only
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down 1%. stuart: pfizer has an rsv vaccine. i know it's in the works, how is it performing. >> really great stage three, one dose of the vaccine generated pretty strong neutralizing antibodies against two subtypes of rsv and all patients in the study, whether they have lung cancer or kidney disease or an organ transplant recipient. now pfizer is going to submit this data to the authorities for review. the shot is currently approved on the market by certain parts of the population like pregnant women for instance. stuart: pfizer does not move that much, pays a very big dividend and i always say the pipeline is fabulous as you're always waiting. when we were in the depths of covid on the air, but during a would be moving on the covid vaccine that pfizer never moved. i think you hit 30 and everybody rejoiced. stuart: let's talk movies disney and marvel dead pool, i believe
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they had a billion dollars global box office, is that record? >> for an r-rated movie it could be the fastest r-rated movie to ever reach a billion dollars in worldwide sales. it's only the second r-rated behind joker to do that. a huge win for disney because they have inside out two in the uterus, billion dollars plus, moo wanted to is coming out for thanksgiving that will rock up the billion dollars in sales, the question disney is flat, is the magic back? no because they are reverting, the franchises that have done well are rebooting them. stuart: disney at 86 avenue not repossess the magic. i don't think at this point. they have the billion-dollar blockbuster back in theaters a couple of them. stuart: starbucks is getting a boost up two-point to percent, what's going on. >> and get it to you the news that i'm going to annoy you, the
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activists as taken a stake but they've not revealed the size. starbucks shares is up but there down 22%, people want changes everyone's complaining the drinks are expensive, the lines are long. what comes out reportedly augus. stuart: i have no idea. as a pumpkin spice latte. his 21 years old or that a billion dollars in sales maybe the psl can turn this all around. >> i cannot believe this. every year we say this. move on wine electric, big job, that has got to be a wild fire settlement. >> they do not have a financing plan to pay it. it's a $4 billion settlement their share is half of that. at the same time their net loss in the quarter is over a billion dollars. the knock would you raise electricity to pay for all the litigation.
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the parent company has $100 million a little more than that in cash. it's a big deal the largest utility in hawaii, the wildfire killed more than 100 people, can they stay in business? stuart: we are six minutes in, the dow is now down 38 points, your 39461. there are dow winners even though the market is down a fraction, chevron, unitedhealth, nike, walmart and amazon are all winners among the dow 30. the s&p 500, nvidia is up again, 108 on nvidia, take citizens financial on the upside, the nasdaq winners headed by starbucks, kla, baker hughes and applied materials. >> oil is up, chevron, baker hughes. stuart: it's the middle east, the ten year treasury, 396. the price of gold getting closer and closer to $2500 an ounce, 2489. bitcoin got a fraction, 594.
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the price of oil rising with the mid east tension $78 a barrel, not gas to 21, the average price for a gallon of regular gasoline, 344. california 460, how about that. is divided administration covering up iranian threats against trump, florida congressman mike waltz thinks they are. he will be after this. when biden says nothing kamala harris says nothing in the d.o.j. tries to. what message does iran get that we can keep trying to take trump out and have no consequences. stuart: kt mcfarland takes that on coming up at the 10:00 o'clock hour, president biden fear mongering about a second trump presidency with this comment. >> if he wins this nomination, excuse me the selection, watch what happens if the danger he is a genuine danger to american security. what is the real danger to democracy? jason rantz on that . . . the harris taken a page out of
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trump's playbook. >> when i am president we will continue our fight for working families of america. and eliminate taxes on tips for service and hospitality workers. stuart: okay just out of that announcement the irs introduced a new tip reporting program, is that a contradiction. steve moore will sorted out next. ♪ meet the jennifers. jen x. jen y. and jen z. each planning their future through the chase mobile app. jen x is planning a summer in portugal with some help from j.p. morgan wealth plan. let's go whiskers. jen y is working with a banker to budget for her birthday.
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at t. rowe price, we're asking smart questions about opportunities like clean water. and how clean water advances can help transform our tomorrows. better questions. better outcomes. t. rowe price stuart: a big week for economic data coming up july consumer price index out tomorrow, the producer price index out wednesday. edward lawrence at the white house. are these the last inflation before mailing voting requires against? >> exactly, this is a last look that voters will get to see on inflation. inflation has been the word of
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the day for the past read a half years since president biden vice president kamala harris came into office the two reports will show if inflation is moving to the right direction. one of them the cpi report is the increase in prices that we all pay, the other is the rate of increase that businesses pay to make the stuff that we buy. we know that jobs are slowly overall prices up 19% since president biden and vice president harris started instituting their policies. >> is abided harris administration she spotted to everything. if you talk about inflation she was a tie-breaking vote that gave us the inflation reduction act in the american rescue act. both of which are the cause of inflation that we have today. from the administration standpoint, the policies have brought the greatest economy sent out of the covid pandemic. president biden in a rare interview says he wants to be remembered for the strength of his academy. the vice president part of that.
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>> prices for everyday things like groceries are still too high. you know it and i know it. when i was attorney general i went after price-fixing schemes and when i am president i will continue that work to bring down prices. [cheering] i will take on big corporation that engage in illegal price gouging. >> again their blaming companies for the price gouging as they say. we've been hearing they need more time to bring down the prices for about three to half years. as you hear the helicopter the president is coming back to the white house. >> better than a leaf blower, see you again real soon. vice president harris is borrowing from trump's idea calling for no tax on tips. roll tape. >> it is my promise to everyone here when i am president we will continue our fight for working families of america including to
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raise the minimum wage and eliminate taxes on tips for service and hospitality workers. stuart: steve moore joins me and i bet he has a smile on his face, he is laughing. the irs just introduced a new tip reporting program. isn't that a contradiction? >> the calling of political plagiarism in the clip that you played from kamala harris, you can probably rewind to three or four weeks ago when donald trump came out with that idea. the democrats attacked that idea. all of this will be fiscally responsible to do this, they were so green with envy and kamala harris adopted the same policy. i happen to favor this and i think it's a great idea to help service workers but at least kamala harris should say i like donald trump's idea since he thought of it first.
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stuart: one thing, in the soundbite that we just played, she said she was going to fix prices, inflation and investigate price-fixing schemes. that is nonsense. >> look, we have tried price controls for many, many decades in the 1970s. jimmy carter tried to stem the giant inflation ahead of 8% with price controls. it never works all price controls causes a shortage and a good example where you are in new york city where rent control provided lower rents for some people and other people thrown on the street it was not a supply of housing. price control never works. let's make sure that everyone understands why we have the 20% increase in prices and three to half years and it also goes right back to the massive spending spree of something like $5 trillion by joe biden and all
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of that money causes inflation, it's not complicated. you have to get the budget under control and i think trump will do that. stuart: if we get rate cuts in september. what effect will that have? >> if we get what? >> rate cuts. i think the rate cuts are already priced into the market. i think people are expecting it but i don't think you can solve the economic problem right now. i know your friends on wall street that are listening to the show and watching the show love rate cuts but that's not the problem. the problem is in washington, d.c. with a massive debt spending that is causing real financial problems for our country and you will not solve that with interest rate cuts. stuart: steve were always a pleasure, thank you for joining us. we will see you soon. coming up kamala harris have a democrat that they think has a shot at winning she's getting by with platitudes, vague statements on the policy, trump is frustrated. two weeks ago it seemed like the election was trump's to lose now
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it seems like he has to fight to win. that's my take at the top of the hour. intel dominated the u.s. chip industry has been struggling to stay relevant in facing a lawsuit by shareholders who say and fraudulently concealed problems. some analysts suggest that chipmakers crisis is the existential threat to the company. a full report next. ♪
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stuart: look at the price of intel stock still below $20 a share, the company is being sued by shareholders that claim intel fraudulently consumed problems. kelly o'grady is following the story. >> immediately next they were supposed all the big annual innovation event, they completely cancel that with everything that is going on. the legal proceedings take a long time so we could be waiting but more concerning this exposes the challenges that intel has been pacing over the past year or so, she's fraudulently downplayed that and they dropped it under various bombshells which cause the stock to plummet even losing over $32 billion in one day.
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the suit claims despite knowing or recklessly disregarding the zip under diverse developments, defendants made false and misleading statements regarding intel's manufacturing capabilities and the trajectory of the segment which caused intel to trade at artificially inflated prices. the company is attempting to right the ship, they announced $10 billion in cost savings by 2025 including firing 50% of their employees but investor confidence. it really is at an all-time low the stock is down close to 60% this year end analysts are saying this is the existential crisis for the company as they attempt to find their way back into the a.i. chip race, to make matters worse, their reports surfacing that the company had the chance to take a 30% stake in openai. the ceo at the time did not think like chat gpt had any commercial value. i will note they are working to make up ground against the competitors like nvidia and investing in new manufacturing facilities and eight a half billion dollars for the biden administration under the chips act. it is certainly going to be an uphill battle from here. stuart: i wonder if it's worth
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under worth buying the debt. thank you very much indeed. at the top of the show this is not a white knuckle monday like last week's white knuckle monday. maybe it's moving in that direction, we have the dow down 200 points, you are at 39293, the ten year treasury, that has been moving up this morning only a fraction 394. the price of gold close to record highs, 2495, that's awfully close to $2500 an ounce, bitcoin 58, oil rising because of the tension in the mideast, $78 a barrel, not gas not that much change to 20, the average price per gallon of regular, 344. california watch out is 4.60. take a look at dow winners at the 24 minutes worth of business, unitedhealth, apple, chevron, nike all up, the s&p 500 top by co-america, supermicro, and video 107,
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nasdaq winners starbucks, and astrazeneca. still ahead kt mcfarland will discuss the u.s. offering amnesty to venezuela as maduro if he gives a power. kamala harris supporter called teaching the greatest instrument of social justice in this country. karol markowicz response to that. the trump campaign says internal communication were hacked by foreign sources, former state department official christian whiton will explain the impact of hacking on the election. , but here is touting her strong leadership on the border, tom homan once led ice and he will fact checker. the 10:00 o'clock hour is next. ♪
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