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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  August 12, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm EDT

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nationwide dealers. special financing and low monthly payment options are available, and if you call now, you will also receive a free 5 year warranty valued at over $500. the call is free, the quote is free, and there's no obligation to buy. call or go online now, so the next time there's a power outage, your home powers up. power your life with generac. call or go online to request your free quote today. >> a major party cue among the democrats and going back to the very end and going back to the consumer with the consumer being 70% of the economy and it's very important to see where they are and actually like to let alone
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the country. >> they've been wrong for a long time, stu. i kind of look at that as a side show and i want to focus on the ceos of the company and democrats attacked that idea and remember, this is going to do this and going and going for biden and harris and i want more of this. ♪ ♪ stuart: good morning, everyone. 11:00 eastern time and monday, august 12 and this time last week and going about 1,000 points and it's all green and the dow is up 14 and s&p up 21 and nasdaq up 111 points. how about big tech.
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most of them presuming on the upside and all of them is all up and nvidia up 4.3% and apple, amazon, microsoft, alphabet all gaining ground. a yield on 10-year treasury a few moments ago it was coming down and back up again and it's still below 4%. that's a key level. now this, france spent $4.8 billion to stage the olympics and there's that much money every three days and the past olympics and i hope you saw this. at least about it and the runner from bhutan, that's a tiny country and reaching culpepper accounts and that's from the washington post and it's truly great writing.
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with 18 miles to go, she was the only runner on the field. she kept going and running and humbling a long with a cram and it was mostly midnight and most of the crowd stayed and the medal ceremony was delayed and the crowd cheered her home. she was no. 80. she finished 58 minutes after number 79, but she finished and kept going. the crowd went wild. it was an olympic moment. the games ended with tom cruise repelling into the stadium and jumping onto a motorbike and traversing the world to los angeles, the site of the 2028 games and la mayor karen bass handed him the olympic flag. the city of angels has a tough job matching the performance of power and 1984 when la last hosted the oly olympics and the8 promised to dot same. i hope it works. paris enhanced the image of france and los angeles has a shot at enhancing the somehow
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tarnished image of california. third hour of varney starts now. ♪ ♪ stuart: do you think the image of the golden state? >> if social security followed by or accompanied by california operating and 1984, the travel executive that ran the olympics in 1970s montreal olympics were a financial disasser and they wondered if he could survive. he turned a profit and brought in good capable teams and california upgraded lax and it was a very modern airport. stuart: last time it was upgraded? >> i think so. find dust balls from 1984 olympics there. the key thing is that follow through getting it is act together starting with the homeless and hope the olympics
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spur to changes in governance in california and that'll be gold medal for everybody. stuart: the french want the olympics to continue and they're going to stop and arguing and disagreeing about politics and they love it to continue and what do you think of the olympics? i thought they were great and very inspiring despite that beginning with that last supper bit. rest of it was absolutely superb and i love watching it and how the athletes ope operated and hw they had the one could make a difference between the success and it was inspiring and i love the way to wrap themselves in the flag and i love the way for the points and people poured their hearts out preparing and when they succeeded. you can see the joy. steph curry for example, who's not going to remember that one? they all came together and that's a lesson for this country right now.
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stuart: bar rescue guy, john staffer suffering from higher costs and lower foot traffic. listen to this. >> downtown area and i see all the vacant stores and i don't see vacant stores and i see crushed families. and it's almost against small business and if we don't protect the businesses and how do we keep unemployment and how do we have the tax breaker and the development and new products and everything. >> going on that and almost everything? first get the regulators off the backs of banking loans and changing this massive regulation and taxation and these companies
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don't have the wherewithal and night and all that and the apple orchard and going with five thousand different regulations from 17 different agencies and the apple orchard and one of the id i can't tell regulations when you took the apples off the tree and going for them ams on the way and going to be washed and that's the id seizure disorders that kills businesses, small businesses and one of the great strengths of the country was until recent times and more small news businesses than everywhere else in the world and we created 75-100 large new companies and starting out with small businesses and it's all coming along. and that's being broken and deregulation will help and tax cuts being helped and take
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investments and deregulations and get them off the backs. they should sit down and ask businesses how do you get out of the way and prosper again. if you prosper and we prosper. and >> my week is made. stuart: let's get back to the markets and turning south ahead by a couple of points and getting that five points and that's the nasdaq with solid gain and up 133 points and s&p have now recovered all their losses and jason catastrophe kan katz with me this morning. would you say these inflation numbers can make or break the market? >> there's no one or two data points going to ultimately make or break the market. make no mistake about it, these are critical numbers.
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the fed between a rock and hard place and not cutting rates and tipping into a hard place and inflation is tipping down. >> inflation definitively moving in the right direction and maybe not the pace the fed pes but i do think the goal post of 2% will be removed and cut before we get there. >> we're getting them and 50 a piece. one in september, skip november, then you get another 50 in december. the reason you're going to skip is in an effort to appear apolitical and take a pause and this is a show me market for both the investors and both the fed. they need more evidence to corroborate the direction they're heading and we don't have that evidence yet. so we'll be in the market and
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going for the second rate cut kicking in. stuart: that would be november. >> that would be december. stuart: after the election. >> correct. stuart: and just to speculate wildly for a second, if the inflation numbers tomorrow were disappointing, what happens market? >> we're going to get walloped. >> the they're not anticipatinga print to the upside. maybe a 10% to the upside? perhaps the market could present that and the market is fully discounting we'll see the trend continue to moderate. anything short of that and it'll be a doozie. stuart: thank you. lauren dealing with nvidia up 4%. lauren: one of the top rebound stock picks but the bank said you need patience nor this name. assume ago sector rebound and happens in the fourth quarter of
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the year and september really not such a good month for the sector at large. stuart: it's starbucks. lauren: wall street journal reporting that activist taken a stake in starbucks and they have not tenth sized and going for gaming for starbucks now and they want to improve share performances and the stock is down 22% this year even though i can't find a coffee in there for under $5. stuart: we often deal with ford because they've got a strong dividend as i recall, 5 or 6%, and they've got some developments at the company. why are they down today? lauren: they have a -- i don't think anybody understands what's going on with the ev strategy and now there's an idea to boost ev sales by making the charging of them free at home. they're in a partnership today with the texas utility to make charging free for certain customer ifs they charge their tesla during off peek times.
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stuart: electricity free or charging device? or both? lauren: yeah, both. stuart: that's incentive. lauren: stock's still down 1.6%. stuart: thank you, lauren. kamala harris trying to spin her record on the border. >> i was the attorney general of a border state and went after drug cartels, human traffickers that came in illegally and prosecuted them in case after case and i won. stuart: she tried to say trump only "talk as big game about the border". we'll get into that. the fda is rejecting the use of psychedelics to treat ptsd and say there's not enough evidence to prove they're safe and effective. israeli intelligence reports that iran may attack in the coming days and wider war appears inevitable and christian whiten on that next. ♪
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stuart: the aircraft carrier strike group as well and as this as israel preparing for an attack from iran. lucas tomlinson joining me, former pentagon. is an attack imminent? >> an attack could happen at any time and restate of georgia any sans is seeing -- recognizance is seeing the iranys move things around, missiles and drones and this could be a multi-front attack not just from iran but houthis and yemen and hezbollah and the u.s. commander of american forces in the middle east that warned neil cavuto over the weekend about this
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threat. >> they could launch them and they're closer to israel and create a greater havoc and chaos and response time for israeli and u.s. and other forces that may be participating in that defense. reporter: another call with israeli counter part and ordered uss counter part and the pacific after a week out and increase tuturns and expedite his transit to take station within striking mills and iran and going for the summary and uss georgia with firing range and in addition to the detachment of forced recon marines and converted ballistic missile submarine and the tomahawk cruise missiles with a max range of 1500 miles and striking leg for them and one
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note about the lincoln strike group and ordered to the middle east ten days ago and tr has been on deployment for the past seven months and a different story now and it's also the threat to u.s. forces in the middle east and particularly iraq and syria and twice in the past week and several american soldiers have been hurt. stuart: lucas tomlinson at the pentagon, thank you very much. now let's bring in christian whiten. is an escalation in the next couple days inevitable in your mind? >> i think a counter attack is inevitable of some sort. i don't know if it escalates and iran lost any element of surprise in the amount of time it's taken to prepare for this. and kabul, last time they retaliated against israel, launched missiles, drones and all of which were shot down except for one and tay tack from
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the north and hezbollah with the army engaged in the south and gaza is likely and it's very unlikely this will spiral into a regional conflict. the idea that president biden will order a carrier group or uss georgia to launch attack on iran is very unlikely. stuart: nest one, christian. ukrainian troops are fighting well inside russia. america is saying it's okay to use american weapons inside russia. what's the significance of that? >> certainly significant if you're sitting in moscow and looks like a american proxy war and they've cast the ukraine war that way, russia's invasion of ukraine becoming a nato proxy war and war with the unit. now that american -- united states and now that american weapons are being used on russian territory and caught with their pants down in this offensive russia kicking the
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ukrainians out and putin may use this as an excuse or justification for a mobilization and that was going to be a situation getting into a ceasefire. stuart: it's kind of a ceasefire opportunity. >> both sides decide to take that opportunity and ukraine put himself in the corner where it's needed legal action to negotiate with russia and writing on the wall with the political situation in the united states and political counter and that's been anything military to put more bargaining chips on the side of the table for negotiation. stuart: the trump-appointed campaign and their -- the trump campaign and internal communications were hacked and trump said it was iran that did it. what do you think? >> very likely. iran is very adept at political
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warfare and good at cyber warfare and very believable talking about foreign interference in u.s. elections and putting them and cycles and other countries out there and china and iran out there and hire ago hitman to kill president trump with a smoking gun is there. stuart: foreign adversary with the presidency and russians don't, they really don't. i don't think the iranians do and you never know what he's going to do. they're going to be hacking him and undermining my suspect. >> they did that hostage exchange recently and ask why did putin decide on the timing and probably was a give away to president trump with vice president harris and chinese also see tariffs coming if trump is elected and certainly don't want that and their own economic recovery is lethargic.
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stuart: i think our adversaries prefer the biden harris campaign as opposed to the trump vance campaign and that's just my opinion. christian, thanks for joining us this morning. see you soon. now this. both ukraine and russia has a fire broken out at nuclear power plant and there's concerns about a radio host. ashley: so far the radiation levels remain normals as long as russians maintain control and risk remains and russian military occupies this plant since early 2022 and ukraine says it's been using it to blackmail not only ukraine but all of europe and the world. zelensky's social media post shows what appears to be a large fire and base of one of the plant's massive cooling tower and see on the screen there and both russia and ukraine accusing each other of planning to sabotage the nuclear plant and
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ukrainian leaders repeatedly warred them to lead them in the dark by shutting these down and cause a nuclear meltdown. stuart: opec cutting its forecast and going for the demand and thought that would move the price of oil down but with the situation in the mideast, price of oil is going up and now at $78 a barrel. check out big energy names and i presume most of them are on the upside and they are conoco phillips, bp, chesapeake energy, exon oil up and chevron down a mere 20 sents. coming up, voters talk alaska the economy and don't think she'll be better for their personal finances. 66 border agents in the el paso sector this year. are the cartels to blame in border guy tom homan next.
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what about super-myorow. up i think. lauren: all the ai names are coming back today and apple is up by 0.8% and had been higher on web bush saying they see initial shipments of the iphone 16, the new one and ai capable one. of 90 million. warren buffett sold half his stock and could face $15 billion in tax shares on that. stuart: tell me about qualcomm. lauren: they're downgraded to pure perform and they're worry that had qualcomm supplies the iphone modem and apple working
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on creating its own. stuart: conviction and life sentence of a man that killed a border agent has been overturned and william la jeunesse joining me. fast and furious operation. reporter: good memories and it was avenue he crossed the border with a gun and agents on the case blew the whistle, but here's what's amazing and the defendant in this case had a mexican attorney with him and killed agent terry and the three dodge circuit from the panel and violating his constitutional rights and four years ago after he confessed that he was extradited and convicted of first degree murder and appeal however found that the court had his confession violated that right and his sixth amendment right to the fact for the
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assistance of council. no charges and no clue about the law and in addition to that, he was manipulated by the government agents. i the unit or team assigned from stopping the cw from ripping off other drug smugglers and the line came to hit administration efforts to track guns and sold in the u.s. to cartel kingpins and didn't work. they were identified as border patrol and the gang open fire killing him. >> he was part of the person particparticipating and coconsps with no question to his participation in this event that
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night. i case back to district court and most assume it'll try the case by his birthday and he'd have been 54. stuart: a rally in las vegas for scam la harris. >>-- kamala harris. >> i was the tern general of a border staid and prosecuted human traffickers and drug smugglers and prosecuted them in case after case and won and the immigration system is broken. and we know what it takes to fix it. yes, strong border security and an earned pathway to citizenship. but donald trump didn't want to fix this problem. stuart: we really need somebody that knows what helicopters talking about when it comes to the boarder and tom homan is
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that man and joining us now. i can't believe this flip-flop on the boarder and harris has been in charge for three and a half years. go at it, please. >> look, i don't care what she did in california as a state attorney and she was a senator and vice president. she supported sanctuary cities and she compared ice to the kkk and wants to abolish ice and has white house polling them and slandering the patrol and ruining their caree careers andg for them and the most secure border in the immigration and under leadership as a border czar and let me add this one final note, she said trump doesn't want to fix it, we fix it had. immigrational 45 years and she broke it. stirring up immigration and she broke it and can fix it as well. stuart: she says that it was trump that rejected
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comprehensive immigration reform, border reform. now, take that to pierce. i talk about that . first of all, who nearly stopped legislation that fixed the border? there's hr2, the strongest immigration plan i've seen in my career that was passed by the house, sent to the senate and chuck schumer wouldn't even put it on the floor for debate. there's no discussion. he wouldn't put it up for a vote. at least the republicans did discuss the senate bill and who shut them down by six minutes before the senate bill and let me ask you this, why did it take the biden administration and kamala harris three and a half years to do a dam thing. for three and a half years we had a historic run and they didn't do anything. the senate bill coming and you happen they saw the poll numbers and they had to do something
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that's the shameful thing about this and they've done this and passed the bill and senate they knew would fail and wouldn't pass and shouldn't pass and she had better plan. hr2 would have worked. why? because there's a lot of trump policies and we prove it had works and democrats flipped the switch and put a bill on the table that no one passed and place the blame on republicans. lie after lie after lie. stuart: there's been up tick in attacks on border agents in el paso sector. 66 agents assaulted this year. do the cartel haves anything to do with these attacks. >> trafficking women and sex trafficking and going for the fentanyl loan and let me say this and winning the presidential election and going for them and could be back in
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business and going for them to drop a bit and why is that? mexico is taking action and cartels have less people. why are they doing that? they don't want president trump to win. if trump wins, they're out of business. stuart: what would the cartels do and they're a strong military force there. >> they'll take the cartels and say why say that? criminal cartels in mexico have killed more americans than every terrorist organization in the world combined. president trump was designate them terrorist organizations and take them on like the caliphate. he will wipe them off the face of the earth. that has to be done because again, they killed many more americans than all the terrorist osars in the world combined. they're terrorists. stuart: strong stuff from tom homan. good stuff.
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ashley, is that legal? ashley: well, yes, and permits about six months after applying for legal status. some companies have been able to hire foreign workers through the h1b visa programs but not really an option for cooks and dis-washers now programs in new york and migrants that were desperate for paying jobs and businesses say they know a wave of newcomers will display native born workers and now they say it is mappable to find people to fill all the open jobs and pointing out allowing migrants to work will help to reduce the dependents on handouts. stuart: what happen ifs we get a recession and native born people
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want those jobs and give them to migrants and political attention in the making. thanks, ash. coming up, new study says limiting a child's exposure to screens to three hour as week has a positive effect. is that a realisting goal for parents? we'll check in with dr. siegle on that. kamala harris taking a play on the play book and in favor of no tax on tips and how trump is responding. he's not happy. ♪ what does a good investment opportunity look like? at t. rowe price we let curiosity light the way. asking smart questions about opportunities
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hod onto a very small gain. donald trump just made his return to x after one year he posted this campaign video at 11:19 this morning and it's already wrapped up at 2.9 million views and it's now 11:42 so do the math. lauren: 17 minutes i'd say. stuart: yeah, a lot of people chimed in. remind everyone that today trump will sit down with an interview for elon musk and it'll stream live on x. what's the trump campaign saying about this? i bet they're not happy. >> he dubbed his opponent copy cat kamala and you point out the former president first proposed this no tax on tips policy in las vegas, the same city where vice president harris propose it had this weekend. but trump proposed it two months ago. >> it is my props to everyone
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here when i am president, we will continue our fight for working families of america. including to raise the minimum wage and eliminate taxes on tips for service and hospitality workers. >> on truth social, not on x, former president trump blasted her saying she lacks imagination and that this was a trump idea going onto say kamala harris has no ideas. she can only steal from me. >> she hasn't had a single proposal since she became the presidential nominee. i take that back, last night she said she was going to eliminate taxes on tips and only proposal since become ago presidential nominee is to steal one of donald trump's ideas at a time with her administration they'll clap down on the taxation of tips.
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>> so far, stu, on the campaign trail, sounds similar to president biden's and she's praising student lobe debt cancellation and blaming corporations for price gouging. stu. stuart: thank you. new york times columnist with a tip for the democrats ahead of convention next week. ashley. what's he saying? ashley: the democrat party trying to portray itself as a party of normal people and use upcoming convention to do just that. watch this. >> i think it would be a mistake to unpack celebrities and the message the ticket is clearly trying to push and that's apparent with the choice of walls, this is -- walz this is a ticket of normalcy and normal people and walz's attack on republicans that they're weird and trump and advance are weird. i think you would want to
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emphasize that in the convention by focusing on normal people. one of the strengths of the pick is the clear message to be a regular white guy. ashley: he believes that kamala harris chose tim walz as a running mate to attract voters and the party has been losing for years and you can indeed with b a regular basic white guy and still be a loyal democrat. leave it there. stu. stuart: leave it right there. right there. a new poll reveals which candidate voters think will make them richer. i've got a pretty good idea who it is. lauren: donald trump but they trust kamala harris more on the economy. stuart: is that a contradiction? lauren: in a way. university of michigan law school proof of registered voters 42% and trump is better for the economy and up 11% over
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harris but when it cops to trust, she's up 1.42 $42-41 and first time in a year that trump has not been number one. lauren: a trend where democrats start to chip away at trump's huge ratings on the economy. stuart: believe me, financial times would not like you calling their poll an outlier. lauren: well, it's a monthly pool so we'll see next month. stuart: show me the dow 30, please. this will be interesting and the dow is down 160 points and the nasdaq actually is a little higher and we've got the majority of the dow 30 are in the red, going down. how about that? a drug available with a solution to the opioid epidemocrat and i can it's not been widely used and dr. mark siegle is here to -- dr. marc siegle is here to explain why. the doctor is next. ♪
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stuart: a drug has been proven to treat opioid addiction. it's been around for decades and report in atlantic claims mean doctors are not prescribing it.
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dr. marc siegle is joining me. why wouldn't a doctor prescribe these drugs? >> stuart, up till very resently, it was highly restricted and had to have a special certificate to prescribe it and involved with opioid task force at brown and all the medical school students graduate with the ability to prescribe it and 70% of people on opioids into a formidable remission and they're not using and it's really terrific and it can be combined with naloxone, which is narcan and it's a no bra brained now we're finally starting to expand its use to emergency rooms. now it's this again and, stuart, you're not going to be surprised to know compliance is low. we have to get more and more people to take this. it works. stuart: how much does it -- i'm sure the cost is the catch. it's going to be very expensive.
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>> it is expensive and we need insurance to cover it and neighboring it available and offers same re-scepters in the brain and -- receptors and blocks the brain ticks and it needs to be universally covered. stuart: next one, this is for all parents and a new study shows children with screen time limited to three hours per week saw improvements in their mental health and their behavior. keep in mind this does not include screen time at work or school. but is that realistic, doctor? just three hours of screen time a week? >> well, might be realistic in denmark where they actually did the study on 181 kids, but here in the united states, it's almost impossible to believe, but it really speaks to something you and i very been talking about like why are you allowed to take your cell phone into school? and when you're at the dinner table like varney's dinner table on the farm, you better not be texting and better be eating
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those delicious foods he serves and families are in charge of children's ultimate education and we all below that when handing a child is at school they're supposed to do our bidding as parents and, parents, start at your own table. don't text at your table and have your phones at your table and your kids shouldn't oort. stuart: fda has rejected psychedelics as a treatment for ptsd. >> charlie at nyu and one of the best experts in the world at post-traumatic stress believes strongly it works and what works? what is the dose and mdna and going to go there and what exactly works and we don't know whether it's the active chemical in there that works and the
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flash backs and they're revisiting that memory and works and needs to be studying way more and it was still under study with top psychiatrist involved. stuart: got it. dr. siegle, i've come to really enjoy the monday medical meetings so-to-speak. we cover a lot of ground very quickly and it's all good stuff. dr. marc, thanks for joining us. see you soon. >> great to be with you. the trivia question and it's a good one. what is august's birthstone? i don't know how you pronounce that. peridot, ruby, sapphire, emerald. the answer when we return. ♪ can i have another pancake?
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>> we ask what is august birthstone, how do you pronounce that. r. ruby, sapphire, emerald, what you got. >> why not my wife's birthday is in august as my mom's. i'm going with. not, number one.
12:00 pm
>> maybe has an inside track on this. >> i think he does redye second that because i feel like sapphire would be enrolled or winter months for some reason in my right. >> the producers president, that is the answer i think. >> i thought you were going with sapphire. >> i'm going with paradox. the answer is that they were 1912, what color is it. >> it is lime green. is that right? >> yes it is green, line green. stuart: how about jade, good color. >> not a birthstone. >> at free tv colors. producers that was a good question. you got us going but you didn't realize ashley knew the answer all along. you played it close. >> otherwise i would be in trouble. stuart: ashley and lauren we will see you tomorrow, "coast to coast" starts now.


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