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tv   Cavuto Coast to Coast  FOX Business  August 12, 2024 12:00pm-1:00pm EDT

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>> maybe has an inside track on this. >> i think he does redye second that because i feel like sapphire would be enrolled or winter months for some reason in my right. >> the producers president, that is the answer i think. >> i thought you were going with sapphire. >> i'm going with paradox. the answer is that they were 1912, what color is it. >> it is lime green. is that right? >> yes it is green, line green. stuart: how about jade, good color. >> not a birthstone. >> at free tv colors. producers that was a good question. you got us going but you didn't realize ashley knew the answer all along. you played it close. >> otherwise i would be in trouble. stuart: ashley and lauren we will see you tomorrow, "coast to coast" starts now.
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>> thank you very much for that, refocusing what's happening in the middle east we talk about the black swan developments or the fear of them, a live shot of southern israel this as we deploy key assets. the uss georgia got a missile submarine that is a right close to the middle east this on top of abraham lincoln, the big aircraft strike group is to speed up its trip to the area that we are told this would bring about half a dozen chips and/or submarines and vital equipment in and around the area. at the same time we have hezbollah at least waiting for the right time in the right move and whether this comes from iran's orders or hezbollah goes rogue and is on its own there's no way to tell for the time being. lucas tomlinson has a lot more as we look at oil prices continuing. i believe were looking at five days in a growth oil prices have
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moved upon the fears. go ahead. >> they always do with the regional tensions. u.s. officials at the pentagon saying attack from iran and/or its proxies could come at any moment in u.s. intelligence has seen the iranians move missiles and drones from the country as previously launched points similar to back in april. the big concern, this could be a multi-axis attack not just from iran but from the houthis and yemen and hezbollah in neighboring lebanon. over the weekend you interviewed the former head of u.s. forces in the middle east general joe botelho wording about hazlitt to the north. >> haslett has literally hundreds of thousands of missiles and rockets that they can launch their much closer to israel so they can create a much greater havoc and chaos and less time to respond for israeli and other u.s. and other forces that might be participated in the defense. >> late last night defense secretary lloyd austin held another call with the israeli counterpart in order the uss abraham lincoln strike crew
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currently in the pacific far away from the middle east and a week out to increase terns and expedite the transit along with the strike group to take station within striking range of iran he also awarded uss georgia to move into firing range georgia has been lurking in the eastern mediterranean in recent days in addition to the attachment of marines on board and the converted missile submarine has over 150 tomahawk cruise missiles on board with a max range of 1500 miles well within range of striking iran and hezbollah targets in lebanon, one know about the lincoln strike group she was ordered to the middle east over ten days ago, these photos were released showing an exercise in photo op with the italian navy did not appear that lincoln was any rush to relieve t-r who has been on deployment and operation in the area for over seven months. of course there is a threat to u.s. forces in iraq, syria and within the last week there have
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been two separate attacks, wanted iraq and what in neighboring syria that is wounded american soldiers and that's a big threat at the pentagon, they are watching with any potential iranian proxy attacks. period very thorough i appreciate that, lucas tomlinson on that. lucas is talking about the endotoxin otherwise. 30 rockets launched from lebanon in the northern israel this morning and at the neck of the woods. so whether this could be a preview coming is anyone's guess, now the former jerusalem post editor-in-chief, always great to have you. where do you think this is go going. the issue whether the iran directly or through its proxies, something is going to happen. >> the general assessment is that neither iran nor hezbollah is interested in an all-out war of course hezbollah has been guarding israel for months since october the eighth at fairly constant barrage as an arm of
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iran is been advocated and that as well. the sense is no appetite at the moment for an all-out war that iran would suffer tremendously as a result of such a thing, whenever response is likely to be launched its general assessment will be relatively limited, however, there is certain potential for a miscalculation. a missile hit somewhere that wasn't supposed to cause a significant number of civilian casualty and hit sensitive infrastructure which impacts the citizens in israel that of course would be accursed for a much wider war the potential for an escalation is quite potent. >> you think about it doesn't take much, israel's iron dome is amazing and it kept that 300 missiles from doing any damage last go around. as you said it only takes one and then all bets are off all.
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>> the iron dome is remarkable technological treatment that is done significant strides in protecting the citizens of israel against all threats but it's not impregnable. in fact we've seen multiple instances in which rockets fired by hezbollah have infiltrated israel and made it past the iron dome defense system and we know as your previous guest mentioned hezbollah has over 100,000 missiles these are not rockets these are precision guided missiles that could potentially hit targets across israel including civilian population centers and military installations into one and so forth and it would take for has blood to launch several thousand of those simultaneously and unlikely that the air defenses could contend with that and israel would have no choice but to respond harshly. neil: playing out all the scenarios i know you're peppered with these questions often as are all israelis how this might go down. you very seen the u.s. and uk
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coalition strike at the houthis rebel strongholds in yemen. you have the houthis doing what they do regardless of how many times we are coalition forces strike them. hazlitt to the north and hamas a constant concern and iran pulling all the levers but anyone of these entities could go rogue and act on its own. how does israel deal with that? >> that's exactly right. any of the actors could go rogue and this could deteriorate in a dramatic way in general assessment no one really wants that to happen. whatever attack happens will be similar in many assessments to what we saw in april when iran launched the hundreds of drones in missiles at israel that virtually all them were intercepted by israel and its allies. it's perhaps going to be enhanced in a little bit broader than that but we don't think it's going to be a significant eruption of all-out war.
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however, if that does happen both israel and its allies have said it will be prepared to respond in many of us hope it doesn't get to that point. neil: we always learn a lot, be safe, was good to talk to you. the former jerusalem post editor-in-chief. it's a remarkable paper. in the meantime a remarkable writer and journalist joined the staff gerry baker wall street journal editor at large problem read on the campaign i want to touch on that on the so-called black swan developments that occur out of nowhere this one has been the most telegraphed it's still out there the market might be hinting of something or fearing of something but it's not going nuts about what you make of. >> a high level of uncertainty probably was underpinning the fact as you say very rightly the market hasn't gone crazy, there are two things that are preventing that. one is concerned why the concern
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of an economic slowdown we had a lot of that last week with a relatively poor job numbers at the beginning of the month in the u.s. if there's going to be a global slowdown as it looks like there probably is that with depressed oil prices, one factor that's probably keeping oil prices from going sharply higher in these times of tension. the other factor i think probably, this might be wrong but there's probably a broad expectation that whatever iran decides to do and whatever happens next in the middle east there is not one to be an all-out war. it's not nativist interest to have an all-out war ruling on iran's interest if iran were to get into a real genuine shooting work with the united states and israel and all of israel. it's not going to come out very well from that. at the same time israel does not want to get into a full-scale war with iran is been able to prosecute its campaign against hamas. as you heard from the middle east directly the concerns about
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hezbollah it doesn't actually want an all-out war because is able to achieve many of the goals short of that probably what is keeping a ceiling on the oil price at the moment is both a sense of the economy may be weakening but also whatever happens is probably going to be limited and measured as it was back in april when iran struck at israel back then. neil: very good point, to your point, opec lowered its global demand forecast by about 135,00s opec the oil giant say the demand globally is not what we hoped it would be. that is outside keeping as you said a lid on to the prices this far. if i switch gears. the whole middle east issue has become a hot political issue and how kamala harris has struggled the battle between keeping those in favor of the palestinians were zinging the israelis
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against jewish voters of a safe democratic block, so far she's kind of balance that well, she is still benefiting from the honeymoon glow the last three weeks she has become a presidential candidate. if you go into that in detail, before i get into your column i want to get your sense on how she managed to pull that off? >> she had a lot of help from the media. i don't think we've ever seen we got used to the idea that the media will treat any democratic candidate for president especially in these circumstances with something approaching adulation and on bended knee. that's kind of what we had so far without her being pressed into change position is been people on your shelf. on pretty much everything in the liberal progressive position she's ever had, she's been allowed to get away with issuing a statement and say we don't
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believe that anymore and currently nobody seems to mind she's had a lot of help from the media. especially on the middle east, this is going to be a big challenge for harris and indeed for president trump if he should get reelected. she benefits a little bit as she does in all of these things from not being joe biden. there is no question of month ago that the democrats were in a terrible state. it was like a death march to put it in those terms, getting behind joe biden, they did not think he was going to make a second term in the unlikely event that he got there they thought he was going to lose the election so it was reinvigorated by simply getting rid of joe biden and putting anybody there in his place. on the issue of israel palestine, biden was getting the genocide tag from the extreme left of the democrat party. it's going to be interesting here is if anything is widely believed to be more sympathetic to the palestinians and joe biden was. so far those people seem to be keeping their criticism kind of
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muted appearance at the moment. we'll see what happens at the convention, there is such a desire on the democratic side to be united to come together to defeat donald trump and they may give her a pass on this but her past statements on palestine, the position she is taken throughout her career whenever she talked about the topic does suggest it's those people that she could be much closer to those people in her party who want the democrats in the u.s. to be much more explicitly pro-palestinian, anti-israel critical of israel so they're probably going to get what they want. there's another reason they may remain quiet. >> she is a blank slate as hard as it is to believe to a lot of people, i cover this all the time. she can get away for doing that at the time being but donald trump seems to your liking to be hurting himself. you write that mr. trump's performances as teacher pieces around the country are reinforcing the illusion.
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instead of telling them consistently and repeatedly what they're actually getting if they vote democrat. he's merely reminded them of what they will get if they vote republican. in other words with his unusual political skills you are saying he's botching it? that's it. >> i am i do think so. i think what you have the democrats are so far with the aid of the media with a very good job of presenting, here says something new there's no question, whatever we think of trump or biden there is a hunger for something other than the 80-year-old presidency can take the country forward. the democrats absolutely focus on all of that it is new, different, she's younger. there is something if you're fed up with american politics right now whether either side of the political aisle you think i'm actually maybe do want something new and she represent something new. trump is doing everything he's done everything to remind people he has in the last few weeks, actually what they've had for
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the last ten years with donald trump. absolutely we talked about this before, his record in office and policy was actually relatively successful. the way he talks about people in the way he says some of the stuff at the press conference is frankly reminds people of all the things that they don't like about donald trump some of the crazy things that he says in the falsehoods that he says and as a say in my column today i went to the transcript of the press conference very closely last week and almost half of his remarks fell into the category of false false or stupid or borderline insane people are tired of that. if trump, it is wishful thinking on a grand scale to think trump can focus on kamala harris weaknesses in the democratic party. he does not. neil: he's incapable of doing it he's not capable of doing i don't know why. he is a brilliant politician but
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by going after him take it apart brian kemp a very popular governor in georgia these internal squabbles continue the name-calling and all of that. and then some of the comments out of nowhere toast the crowd gender was significantly bigger than martin luther king had speaking to the country from the capital. i don't know where to begin with. even people not following this minute by minute come back to these and say did he really say that. i don't know where that is. >> i totally agree over the weekend kamala harris rally was created by an artificial intelligence the crowds are not there. this is trump in one of the points of the column this is an argument that has been wrongfooted by the democrats which she was prepared for campaigning is biden and facing something different. the reality were talking about the crazy things the tax on public republicans in the crazy
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ideas with the conspiracy theories that is propagating, this is what is done for the last ten years. again as i argue it seemed to work in 2016 and in 2016 he was up against the familiar long-standing political figure who is one of the most disliked people in the country on the face of hilary in the shape of hilary clinton, he is up against someone who is relatively new most people, didn't really know and pay much attention to, layers in the last few years and enabled by the press to completely reinvent herself to be something different toast trump looks like he's used to a lot of people so the critical small number of voters were going to vote to swing the selection if they want something new and different than could be voting for donald trump. i'll say this about a.i. did you know it can add 20 or 30 pounds on tv. i guess she didn't know that. i'm running without one.
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>> i've always tried to convince myself that that is explanation. i fear that gayatri like an exercise might be more important than a.i. but you never know. it would not apply to you i was talking about myself always good catching up gerry baker on that, i urge you to go online and put in perspective where this stands thank the change comes, so far were keeping a close eye on the market this is one of the first times we've seen a little bit of concern of what's without in the middle east but they're not going nuts technology is saving the day so dissertation whatever you want to call it alive and well after this. ♪ investment opportunities are everywhere you turn.
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neil: we ended up volatile week weaker mike woods close that a whimper were starting on the same type of whimper but if there is a phase for the market who can help you get a gauge of where we are but probably belongs to peter talk he's the most photographed big board walker there ever was and never
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will be. when he's happy and markets are doing well you see him smiling. when things are miserable or he says i forgot to do my interview with neil cavuto he looks depressed. he joins us right now. you are an iconic figure on the streets, your face shows where you are at the moment, this moment we are you with this market. you remember you and i spoke a week ago and i use the term catastrophe it i kind of think i made the word you're not going the word out last week cannot be described better than a complete catastrophe situation they can about everything that led up until monday with the bad numbers that came out on friday the fear about iran and israel we had a crash in the japanese stock market and the carry trade on an unwind became your monday
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morning the world was coming to an end down 256 points on the s&p 500 that was a low. of the day. by noon yet people like marc siegel saying we have to have an emergency meeting and cut 70 basis points. the whole world went into this then you saw the pics spike up to 65 it was surely shocking complete panic that in retrospect was completely unnecessary. the day turned out to be a one-off than anything on a prologue level because tuesday wednesday were bullish rebounds even though the market rolled over and midday, thursday was straight up spectacular day across-the-board good friday mediocre as far as movement goes. were still in a wait-and-see relative what's the next thing to happen. will the fed give us clarity,
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will there be more, his election would have any effect, what's happening in the middle east as your prior speakers at the middle east is starting to have a waiver effect on the markets relative to oil and whatnot. it's a wait-and-see. neil: you left out how you were not buying the selling whether it was justified but you're also pointing out is built on the jobs report and when it was said and dynamited disappointed folks but it showed job gains of 114,000 so you're being modest as you what we czar. i want to bring another fellow into the mix asset management. to peter's point about the backdrop for this is not awful that the economic backdrop for the timing that could change in markets could change literally on a dime but where you see things go. >> absolutely i agree with peter's sentiment. to put this in perspective, last
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monday the vix hit 65. when we had a thing called covid-19 the vix spiked up to 85 and when we had another thing called the great recession when banks were falling out of business and we didn't know if we were to have an economy let alone the stock market the vix hit 89. i think there was a lot of fear injected into the market. i think some of the fear is overblown. furthermore. >> after speaking the vix is around 19 and a half right now, down substantial. what you see happening right now. >> absolutely first you need the volatility, after the volatility comes stabilization this is setting up quite nicely this is a lot of 2015, and 2015 what happened was the market was retracing not because of domestic and what's going on in our economy but overseas. at that time it was the china devaluing the currency.
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what happened more so with the nikkei index and went down 12% not a stock, the entire stock market went down 12 all of this fear and the volatility overseas, you couple that with the jobs number 114 verse 175 the week ism we got a little sigh of relief when we had the jobless claims, net 233,000 light or than expected which is a good sign. were also a wait-and-see approach and historically were coming into a seasonal time of the market where it's not so great, the biggest factor right now that's holding up within the market is the fed and earnings, earnings season has been really well with the market we're going to deliver out of 500 companies in the s&p coming into today 450 reported earnings have been relatively strong 80% on "the bottom line", 60% on the top line. neil: bottom line i get what you're saying but the
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fundamentals of the backdrop for good. you were kind of saying the same thing but a little bit differently. if the fed meets in september and cuts a quarter-point which seems to be a consensus although a lot of people working for a half cut how is the market going to react to a half-point cut? >> the market can handle virtually anything except unacquainted love. when the given expectations for months and months about a rate cut in they don't get it they get frustrated and impatient that was one of the contribute factors right now hundred% probability i think the market can respond favorably, they do want higher rates for longer whether it makes sense or not is a built-in psychology in the sense that everybody's been waiting for long enough. now we want the fulfillment in the expectation fulfill.
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we still have a lot of moving parts friday's job number was a very good number and offset the bad everything came out the prior friday but if you look at the nixon creating more people getting on planes and shop economy is not doing as bad as people made it out to be on monday, the minute the market sold off on monday everyone questioned whether we were in worse shape than we are, think about it ten days ago the market was trading at record highs across all embassies. i may go back to my wait-and-see story. neil: got it i want to thank you both i appreciate your insight to put the marking total perspective. meanwhile if your waiter or waitress your ship has come in
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(♪) car, this isn't the way home. that's right james, it isn't. car, where are we going?
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we're here. (♪) surprise!!! the future isn't scary. not investing in it is. car, were you in on this? nothing gets by you james. nasdaq-100 innovators. one etf. before investing, carefully read and consider fund investment objectives, risks, charges, expenses and more in prospectus at >> welcome back to "coast to coast" i am greatly troubled washington former president trump is accusing his opponent a political plagiarism, two months after trump unveiled his wildly popular proposal to exempt tips from federal income taxes vice
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president harris put forth the same proposal in las vegas over the weekend the same city where trump debuted it. >> raise the minimum wage and eliminate taxes on tips for service and hospitality workers. >> when i get to office we're going to not charge taxes on tips. people making tips. >> trump road untrue social right after the harris event in vegas that, here is has no imagination whatsoever as shown by the fact that she play copycat with no taxes on tips. the trump campaign points out last year the treasury department and the irs under the biden here's a administration proposed a voluntary program to keep better track of tips for service workers so they could get the revenue. the biden here's a administration has supported the expansion of the irs providing money and the inflation reduction act for the agency to
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hire 87000 new employees. >> when she did that position and took trump's position on no taxes you should not simply play the clip of her sitting in making the tie-breaking vote to hire a hundred of new irs agents to go after you there's another onthe committee for responsible budget is out in the last 30 minutes, exempting tip income from federal income taxes and raising the minimum wage would increase deficits by 100 - $200 billion over ten years. thank you, grady trimble on all of this, here is in the democratic ticket taking a page from donald trump on the no tax or waiters and waitresses and service workers, he is a former omb director and could have a pivotal role in the future trump a administration if it comes to
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pass, good to have you, what you make of the fact that, here is has gone on to no tax on tips sent she is a blank slate to many americans, they will seize on that and say that's a good idea. who. >> it is plagiarism and dishonest and i don't think it'll be successful. when it tries to round a campaign essentially from the basement of the white house which is not like how joe biden ran his presidential race. voters are good to go back 40 years of history and kamala harris that will be the person he ran for president the first time and got no boats. that will be the candidate that is against fracking and private insurance with medicare for all. she can change her position but i don't think it'll cut through because she doesn't do interviews, she is not out there and going back to reality. neil: it is working so far, you're quite right it's an early
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process. the strategy that she might be able to carry through next week's democratic convention and get a pickup in support popularity. after that she had wiggle room. >> she is a couple of weeks and into a media infatuation because she's the person to replace joe biden. that's only thing she can point to, she's not getting any benefit from plagiarizing a campaign proposal from donald trump. she may get a little applause line in a rally but it's not going to cut through because it's not real and voters will never hear about it and not believe it because democrats never support cutting taxes and this is part of an effort to disguise their far left tax agenda that is part and parcel of the democratic party. >> having said all of that, do you think your old bosses helping the cause when he criticizes brian kemp the popular georgia governor and gets involved in a lot of inter partes battles back and forth
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into look back at the mar-a-lago press conference that is incoherent all over the maps, exaggerations and he's not really helping himself. do you worry about that? >> i don't worry that the president is running anything but the best campaign that he possibly can. it's a most policy agenda driven campaign of any presidential candidate in history if you go to all the videos that is putting out. i would question that in the sense that he has a very good sense of the american people, the voting demographics, the blocks that are necessary to move and is always speaking with different messages to each one of those, he is running a policy rich campaign and i don't expect that to continue. neil: the reason why your name comes up and says you're really the architect of this project
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2025, uber conservative, the layout of plans and you heard donald trump. i've not had the chance to get you to respond, you heard it all, would you say that? >> there's a ton of thinking work in washington, d.c. and what president trump is running on is his actual agenda as it's written and discussed input on video with agenda 47. he's doing an incredible job of putting the agenda before the american people. i only expect that to continue and it will lead to a historic and successful election in the fall in november. >> do you think the project 2025 outlines hurt him and by extension hurt your cause as well? >> i think there is think tank that goes on and the democrats have been apart of slandering the work of a lot of good organizations that are doing a lot of important work, that is separate from what president trump is running on. the agenda he put forward, the
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policy prescriptions and he is right to put the attention on that and the democrats continue to lie i expect the president to do more of the same insisting that the american people take account of his ideas in his proposals notwithstanding what the think tank work occurs in washington, d.c. neil: we will see what happens, always good to have you here, that would be direct on donald trump and a lot more. in the meantime charlie gasparino focusing on all the money that kamala harris raising, donald trump is raising a good deal of money but her numbers are off the charts. what's the latest. >> her numbers off the charts quite frankly because wall street is getting involved i wrote about this in the new york post this weekend. as her poll numbers go up. as it looks like with all due respect to your last guest donald trump blowing it and not hitting, the hairs on issues and
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wasting time going after the governor of georgia and joe rogan. i followed this on social media, this is not where the gop presidential candidate should be focusing on. he should focus on her, her agenda, what happened when she was in office in the last four years and how is he going to change it, it's a simple argument he does not seem to be making. she is winning because of that and because of that the money is flowing to her side i don't think money will be an issue for either of these candidates. there's a lot of republicans on wall street scared to death of kamala harris and four more years of bidenomics. when you do when the governor of minnesota who is very, very left wing on economic policy and social issues. that is where you get money coming in from interested parties. that being said it's the people on the fence that i focused on in my column and they're starting to be wooed by her, she
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is not so bad and she's like a million in what did the postcollege on the front page, kamala harris the chameleon. maybe we can work with her we throw her a few bucks. she's raising money as this is going on it's quite fascinating to watch. maybe one of the m least liked politicians in a long time. going back to when she ran for national office back in 2020. once people got to know her they did not like her. now as of right now going to be president. remember that. >> sometimes richard nixon was among the most disliked in 1960 and bowing out of the governor to oreo race. he got back in as a nicer guy a nicer version of that guy. >> he clearly remained himself
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with our old boss back in the day. here's the thing, people forget that donald trump is a well-known entity, there are a lot of strong feelings for him and against him particularly in the middle population that he needs to win independence and if you're going to do this type of campaign where you go after joe rogan and this wanted that one and not on issues you will lose the middle people. neil: don't get me started on what he said about you. >> and never trumper, charlie never trumper gasparino. neil: thank you on that, by the way we have a lot more coming up, elon musk is prepared to interview donald trump on the social media site but ahead of that news that might be disturbing the orders that are supposedly robust for the less-expensive cyber truck the one that cost only 61000 not at 100,000 plus, they stopped taking orders for them?
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, david asman will have the latest after this. gum problems could be the start of a domino effect parodontax active gum repair breath freshener clinically proven to help reverse the 4 signs of early gum disease a toothpaste from parodontax, the gum experts. i was only 23 when i was first diagnosed with non-melanoma skin cancer. 40 years later, i've had almost 20 mohs surgeries. i had just accepted that the pain
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ooh, ooh. -let's keep it professional. professional dancers! -ok! stay connected during your move with the best in home wifi. easily transfer your services in the xfinity app. bring on the good stuff. (aidyl) hi, i'm aidyl, and i lost 90 pounds on golo. i struggled with weight loss and weight gain my entire life. with all the yo-yo dieting i did in the past, i would lose 20, 30, 50 pounds just to gain them over and over again. thanks to golo, i've been able to steadily go down the sizes in my closet and keep the weight off. for the first time in forever, i feel in control. (announcer) change your life at that's neil: they raise eyebrows when you see these on the road the cyber truck 100,000 made by
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tesla or the less-expensive around the 60 grand deck of the woods. that is david asman, they stopped taking orders for the cheaper model. what is going on here. >> this is just another sign at least for now in the foreseeable future, ev's electric vehicles are not for average americans. they're too expensive not just the purchase price but the resale price which doesn't look good. if something goes wrong with the car and cost a lot more to fix it with a gas powered car i whole lot of reasons elon musk made projections that didn't turn out to happen he said it would have 500-mile range and estimated 40000 now he can't do that 60000 the cheapest is 100,000. the question are americans not
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only just america they lost a lot of market share but the biden administration a lot of european countries are pushing the ev gold and i talked about it to pete buttigieg, listen to this one clip. >> i don't know a lot of people that think americans in 2050 a to be driving the old technology the combustion technology that we inherited. >> americans like it. >> your docket of meat a lot of people that ever go back after they have electric and that tells you something. >> there are a lot of americans in the cold chicago winter that had ev's and are not going back because they did not work in cold-weather. the question is whether, by harris has the same goals that the biden here is a administration which is still in power has in pete buttigieg was singing a song that hasn't panned out and elon musk
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admitted so with the ending of the cheaper version, 60 grand, that is pocket change for you. >> what people don't want to it's nothing to do with politics. they prefer the gas powered car, they're more reliable it's that simple, use all that hurts got rid of their fleet of ev's because people did not want to rent them but alone by them. great stuff as always, you away as do your homework. david asman following all of that. adam klotz tho "fox weather" meteorologist warned us about the or nest of storm brewing. it is still br latest. >> this is of the next storm that we're going to watch over the next several days a bit of a messy one not ernesto yet but it will become so, this is not necessarily organized storm that we showed you but we think it's going to get its act together over the next couple of days, these are the potential impacts
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as we expect this to get up along the east coast. initially in the southeast is going to be way too far to see big impacts and there will be closer to the coast, you will be talking about dangerous rip currents and sees across portions of the midatlantic stretching up into new england and it may be interacts a little bit more for candida that something we will have to wait and see that is days and days away. here's our forecast track, bermuda is ultimately on the area to be concerned about here, is you're looking at wins getting up to wanted to 10 miles an hour by saturday morning. we saw a long time to go but currently tropical storm warnings across the caribbean including puerto rico where were looking at a tropical storm arriving on wednesday morning. neil: thank you, fingers crossed we get through that. in the meantime i think this is one of the fastest films to make
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1:00 pm
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