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tv   The Evening Edit  FOX Business  August 12, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT

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larry: so, with all due respect, madam vp, you can not copycat donald trump on tax cuts or anything else. you've had your chance for three and a half years and there's no credibility. and i will pass the credibility on to liz macdonald. liz: thank you so much, larry. it's good to see you literally. larry that was a great show,
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thank you so much. welcome to the "evening edit" i'm elizabeth macdonald. tonight, the stolen valor controversy getting worse for kamala harris' runningmate. governor tim walz this is a problem deepening with new sound of governor walz on tape falsely claiming he was in iraq and afghanistan when he was deployed to italy. you will not hear this sound on msnbc or cnn. you'll only hear it here and miranda devine is coming up also on another separate new tim walz controversy. and also, tonight, president trump strikes back and strikes back hard. he's now poised to sue biden's justice department for $100 million over the mar-a-lago raid. we've got the exclusive details and it's time to check back in on whose running the biden white house. >> it didn't sound like joe biden to me. it really didn't. liz: we've got now sound of even speaker pelosi now wondering, along with many others, who has been running the biden white house.
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former congressman doug collins joins us to react plus new video of president biden possibly wandering off again. coming up, we will show you and let you decide for yourself. also kamala harris now suddenly checking id's at the door at her rallies when she said voter id is discriminatory. leo terrell is here to react but first this. >> and it is my promise to everyone here, when i am president, we will continue our fight for working families of america. >> [applause] >> including to raise the minimum wage. >> [applause] >> and eliminate taxes on tips for service and hospitality workers. liz: the news is sour just a month or so before early voting begins in pennsylvania, trump heading to a rally there, this weekend.
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less than two hours from now former president trump will have an interview with elon musk live on twitter and now, after more than three weeks, kamala harris finally this week starting to release her policies. the only problem is the carbon copy of trump's. >> when i get to office, we are going to not charge taxes on tips. there will be no taxes on tips. no taxes on tips. >> are you going to make that an official line item in your economic plans? no tax on tips? >> no tax on tips very simple. liz: she's also expected to copy president biden's agenda too. look whose here joining us from senate commerce, senator marsha blackburn. senator it's so great to have you on. so, this question. if president trump is so dangerous as kamala harris keeps saying why is she copying his policies? >> she knows his policies are very popular, and she doesn't care what she says. she's going to read whatever they put on the teleprompter
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for her and the goal is for her to win the election. so, liz, it is just a discount anything that she says. look at what she has done. working families that she proposes to care about in tennessee, they're spending $1,300 more per-household just to tread water, by the same basket of goods that they were buying in 2020, before joe biden came to office. karis was the deciding vote in the inflation reduction act. in the american recovery plan, and those were budget busters, as we know, and it has driven up inflation, which is a tax that people have to pay every time they go to buy something. look at what she has done when it comes to energy, and she wants the green new deal on steroids. wants to end oil & gas.
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no more fracking. no more drilling. she wants to shut it all down. all of that cost working families money. people know that when donald trump was president as one of my tennesseeans says under donald trump he had more money left at the end of the month. under joe biden he has too much month left at the end of his money. liz: you know, senator, getting back to the taxing tips controversy. maybe the trump campaign could get people to write in their restaurant receipts this tip will be audited too thanks to kamala harris because she was literally the tie-breaking vote on democrats getting about $80 billion more for the irs to do more audits including on tip income plus the biden-harris administration pushed for this novel new irs crackdown on tips to get the irs inside the door at restaurants and bars to directly monitor tips at the cash register. yeah, they said it was voluntary
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but senator you know nothing is voluntary in a system where you are guilty until proven innocent. so, she's mimicking biden on his agenda, with gouging corporate creed. she's mimicking trump on taxing tips and the border, and more, so what is original in her platform? >> there is nothing original. as i said, she'll read whatever is put on that teleprompter, and what we do know is this. if she had wanted to eliminate tax on tips, she could have done that. she could have said to the irs commissioner, look, you better not be going after all these small business owners. after people who own barber shops and hair salons. people that should fall under that $400,000 threshold but under biden, oh, no. they are going after them all. she should have said to him, we're not going to hire
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those 87,000 irs agents, but she didn't do that, so liz, what we know, she has said that she would let the trump tax cuts expire. the 2017 tax cuts. she's going to let those expire. that will be the largest tax increase on american citizens in our history, so she is a big tax, big spender sort of girl, and i don't expect her to change her ways. liz: you know, voters are rejecting incumbent parties. eight out of 10 us voters think we're on the wrong track. that's the most since the 2008 financial crisis. there's been criticism of donald trump that he needs to stay on message. he needs to stay on policies and not start to criticize kamala harris about her identity or rallies because voters are starting to see through kamala harris and the spin. you know, she's trying to claim she's a transformative change agent four years in the making. she's been the incumbent vice president in the white house
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for four years now. why didn't she lower inflation, grocery prices, home prices, fix the border. she hasn't done that. listen to runningmate j.d. vance for trump, watch. >> kamala harris has been the nominee for three weeks and hasn't sat down. >> believe me, we are asking > but the point is, dana -- liz: final word, senator. >> well, what we know is this. kamala harris is not one to give you any kind of idea of what she's going to do. she's going to smile and giggle and wave and try to friendly her way to the white house without any kind of agenda. what we need to do, talk about the border, talk about the economy, talk about getting men out, talk about people keeping the healthcare they've got because they like it. liz: senator blackburn thanks for joining us tonight. okay to this controversy. it's now getting worse for governor tim walz. kamala harris' runningmate.
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more video resurfacing of governor walz embellishing and overstating his military career. listen to him claim at a 9/11 speech just a few years ago, he was deployed to both iraq and afghanistan. he was not. he was deployed to italy. watch this. >> i had the privilege of serving in this state's national guard. i stood one night in the dark of night on the tarmac at bagrahm and watched a military ramp ceremony. i can tell you this , having been one of those that came back we were in support of that but setting there with oif veterans. liz: okay, a big pushback against that. he wasn't deployed to afghanistan or iraq. plus, bagrahm is in afghanistan, not iraq. let's welcome mike pence, a decorated military veteran serving in multiple combat zones retired lt. general keith kellogg. general, good to see you, sir. when you heard this controversy, what was your first reaction? >> yeah, liz, thanks for having
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me. let me set the table real quick for you. i was fortunate in the service to the nation i commanded the army's 82nd airborne division and i had sergeant majors, master sergeants, first sergeants a bunch with me all of the time, and they were the glue of the organization. not officers, because officers came and went every couple of years sort of like christmas help but the nco's were binary, yes, no, up, down, right, wrong. they insured that the discipline was in the organization, so when you went to combat the young men and women and your formations fought well and understood it. so, they were really the glue that held the organization together. i'm not disparaging walz's service. what i am saying is he implied some things that are just not true and that he's gone to combat. that's the implications, and i will tell you very candidly, liz. in the organizations i've commanded either the 82nd or the infantry division, the nco's would not have
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tolerated that and taken care of this. he would not have lasted five minutes in any organization i commanded, because they would have seen through him. the man is a fraud when he says something like that. you never imply you've gone to combat. you either have or you haven't. you either fought or you haven't, and he hasn't but he implies it. liz: and he campaigned on it. it's military veterans are really upset by both of those sayings, right? generally, what you're saying is very important to military veterans, and their families nationwide. he put out his own news release before his national guard unit deployed to iraq in 2005 saying he had no plans to dropout of the race, that he would serve. he has a responsibility to serve with his battalion in iraq. then he drops out for politics and he puts out a release in 2006 claiming he was a veteran of operation enduring freedom, implying he served in iraq and afghanistan. again he was deployed to italy. he implied he carried weapons in
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war. he never saw combat. watch walz's commander on cnn saying he went around him to dropout and not deployment watch this. >> so i'm under the belief he told me he was going forward, i'm believing he's going forward. he went around me which he should have addressed with me. he went around me and the fact is this possibility he probably would have realized i would have known it's too late, because we had already received a notification of sourcing. people say we never knew he was going forward, yeah, he knew he was going forward. liz: general, looks like this controversy is not going away. what do you think? >> well, liz, it shouldn't, because this is really an indictment on himself and on who he really is. there's an implication here that's just wrong. look, every organization, every combat organization i've been associated with, the non-commissioned officers in the organization would have ic tariff en care of this. he wouldn't have lasted very long because you can not trust an individual that makes comments like that, because
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the ultimately test is when you go to combat and you take your young men and women with you, they have to rely on you without question and then he's the type of individual that i would not rely on. i wouldn't have him in my unit at all. liz: general kellogg appreciate you so much. thank you so much for your insights tonight and joining us this monday night. good to see you. this story, former president trump is barnstorming the nation on his policies to fix america. tonight, an update on our current president. he's still the leader of the free world. again today causing concern. seen on camera, wandering again off where may not should have been headed. we're going to show you the full video and decide for yourself because this is also happening. speaker pelosi, nancy pelosi finally saying the quiet part outloud. saying what many were criticizing an attack for saying all along, that someone else has been controlling the biden white house. tonight former congressman doug collins fired up and ready to go. we've got the sound.
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also, the details this hour. is this another kamala harris flip flop? now her campaign is demanding government issued photo id's for her rallies after telling everybody else that voter id is wrong. tonight leo terrell here to take on that new kamala harris double standard. plus, this new controversy of kamala harris' runningmate tim walz. new accusations that the minnesota state teacher's pension fund that he oversaw has been cooking the books and inflating results. one person said bernie madoff would not have done this. tonight miranda devine takes it on. but first president trump, he's fighting back hard. he's getting set to sue biden's justice department fo for $100 million over its unprecedented raid of mar-a-lago. we've got the details, next. stay right there.
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liz: well, welcome back. new details this hour. a major new pushback. president trump now getting ready to sue the justice department over the mar-a-lago raid. he's alleging invasion of privacy. that's apparently what's going to be coming from president trump. also, political persecution and more. lydia hu in new york with
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the latest. reporter: liz, former president trump is putting the government on notice. he plans to sue them for $100 million over the mar-a-lago raid from two years ago. trump accuses the department of justice and fbi of invasion of privacy, a malicious prosecution, and abuse of process. trump's lawyer talked to fox business exclusively. >> we have a word for that that gets thrown around a lot but in this case, is very accurate and precise. election interference. and that's what president trump believes the entire special counsel investigation was about. interfering with his ability to get elected. >> trump's lawyer raises a number of issues. one is the way in which the search warrant was executed in a total surprise, they say. they point to testimony from a former fbi assistant director who said the agents should have first saw trump's consent, offered notice to trump's lawyers, and invited cooperation. and trump's lawyers argue
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attorney general merrick garland should have known that trump would have immunity and jack smith would not be appointed special counsel. the very reason why judge canon dismissed the documents case. the department of justice declined to comment. now the government has six months to decide how to respond and whether to settle trump's claim. if they don't, trump could sue the government and seek the money. liz, back to you. liz: always terrific reporting from lydia hu. thank you so much. joining us now, from house ways and means, congresswoman claudia tenney. your reaction to lidia's report. thanks for joining us tonight, congresswoman, because federal judge aileen cannon last month tossed out the classified documents case saying special counsel jack smith's office was unlawful and unconstitutional. now president trump may sue the doj. what do you think? >> well, i think it's excellent that we have clarence justice thomas actually wrote a brief, or a concurring opinion in another case stating how do we
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have a special counsel appointed by the executive branch alone and not created by the legislative branch which is why he put a challenge to the special counsel's office, raised this issue and the judge in florida saw this accurately. i think president trump should sue. i mean, we're seeing a malicious prosecution on a grand scale. they are doing everything and anything they can do to stop trump from getting into office. they are prosecuting him in places where they think they can get him. obviously they are stuck with the mar-a-lago jurisdiction where florida tends to be a more republican area, but i think that trump will be successful in this and i wouldn't be surprised if they attempt to try to negotiate this but where there's a lot of time to pass between now and then but as co-chair of the election integrity caucus, this is clearly election interference, and they want to stop him from having an opportunity whether it's kicking him off the ballot and now what you're seeing here is
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taking away the immunity that every other president enjoys. this is unprecedented really in our history, and it also undermines our constitution and it undermines the rule of law, whichever are american hopes to have applied equally to all of them whether you're president or former president or not. liz: you know, congresswoman, there is also this. remember the enormous outrage over russia hacking the dnc in the hillary clinton campaign back in 2016. you know, democrats have been complaining for years about protecting democracy and now trump' campaign blames iran for hack of its internal e-mails, possibly e-mails involving j.d. vance and his vulnerabilities, plus president trump has been faced with assassination threats too including out of iran. isn't that a threat to democracy? where are democrats and their hair on fire about that? >> look, the democrats hair is always on fire about everything. they project everything. they are totally against
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democracy, whether it's creating the false russia collusion hoax that we saw, criticizing anything president trump does that might be equivalent to what they do to deciding that joe biden has to go and then they put their presidential candidate who by the way got the votes almost had the votes locked up for the convention coming up for the democrats. not one democrat actually got to vote for kamala harris. she was, you know, put in place without a democratic process. we had a democratic process as republicans and that's the way we would have done it. it's interesting that they continue to bring this issue up and they really don't believe in our democracy from beginning to end. liz: congresswoman tenney thanks for joining us i appreciate you. >> thank you, great to be on. liz: coming up where was president biden going? after his long beach weekend did the president really wander off again seemingly into the bushes? we've got the video you could decide for yourself. the secret service looks like
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they had to go retrieve him. we're not sure what happened here. we're staying on the story. also, kamala harris' quiet period continues. where is she? why won't she talk to the press? its been nearly three weeks. last time she had a press conference was about eight or nine months ago. tonight we're joining in on the search but first nancy pelosi finally catching on to what she was criticizing everybody else about. people have been saying this all along. pelosi now implies and says that someone else has been controlling joe biden and the white house. former congressman doug collins reacts. we've got the sound coming up. stay right there. >> it didn't sound like joe biden to me. it really didn't.
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in a clinical study, prevagen was shown to improve memory in subgroups of individuals who were cognitively normal or mildly impaired. stay sharp and improve your memory with prevagen. prevagen. in stores everywhere without a prescription. liz: welcome back. now that he has dropped out of the race, president biden really opening up on what exactly led him to exit out.
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he cites nancy pelosi. >> when president biden dropped out of the presidential race he did it with a post online and largely avoided the spotlight for a few weeks, but now thanks to a tv interview we're getting a better idea of what was happening behind the scenes. the president sat down with cbs and he said the polls were neck and neck and the race with his predecessor would have come down to the wire but that he also still wants to be seen as a transition president. later this week we'll see biden and vice president harris together talking about the economy and the president says he plans to do even more events with her and for her in the months ahead. >> i talk to her frequently and by the way, i've known her runningmate. he's a great guy, as we say. we grew up in the same neighborhood we would have been friends. he's my kind of guy. he's real. he's smart. i've known him for several decades. i think it's a hell of a team. >> but pundits want to know if harris will still embrace biden in the battleground states when
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she announced her own runningmate she didn't mention the president but at a rally friday she urged voters to thank biden for his years of service to the country. >> we are all deeply grateful for his lifetime of service to our nation and we thank joe biden. >> [applause] >> each and every day, for all he is and all he has done and all he has yet to do. let us thank him always. >> so what will the next few months look like for the president? we're told essentially stay tuned. he spent the weekend at the beach and he made it clear he's okay with the cameras capturing him relaxing getting some time in the sun. next week the president will be back in the spotlight for the democratic national convention in chicago. he's expected to play a large role in the festivities on monday, liz. the first night of the event. liz: great reporting always from mark meredith. we appreciate you so much.
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okay, there was concern about that video we just showed. the president returning to the white house after his weekend vacation again at the beach. critics ask where was he going? the secret service had to retrieve him. it's unclear. maybe there was a back, you know, pathway cut to the white house. he was pulled back from the bushes and put on another track, so it's asking the question again. who is actually running the country? joining us now, former georgia congressman doug collins. what do you make of all this? >> it's scary. people are laughing at him looking at him but it's actually scary. this is the commander-in-chief. this is the one in charge of our military and in charge of our executive branch of our government. we tend to forget them because we're into this political campaign, and we sort of left president biden off to himself but it looks like he has trouble and maybe he forgot a way around or he missed a way, but this is what the world is seeing right
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now. if you're sitting in iran right now and you're the ayatollah, you're sitting in the middle east and the hezbollah and hamas and the huthis, and the china and russia. you're seeing this kind of leadership right now and we can't afford to have the president of the united states basically be checked out on-the-job. liz: the secret service had to go get him and also this. president biden specifically named speaker pelosi in his interview about why he dropped out of the race. listen to this. >> what happened was a number of my democratic colleagues in the house and senate thought that i was going to hurt them in the races, and i was concerned if i stayed in the race, that be the topic. you'd be interviewing about why did nancy pelosi say why did, i thought it be a real distraction. >> i didn't accept the letter as anything but a letter.
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i mean, there are some people who aren't happy with the letter. let me say it differently. some said that some people were unhappy with the letter. it was, i don't even know, it didn't sound like joe biden to me. it really didn't. liz: nancy pelosi is talking about the letter where joe biden said he was dropping out, so that's basically implying that somebody else is in charge. i mean, so it just seems that we know that speaker pelosi has a new book out. her memoire. also, she's on a tour, basically, to polish a legacy. she doesn't want to land an this moment where she forces a sitting president out of his campaign. >> you know i think that's exactly where she's landed and look, think about this , liz. how many people are investigating, you know, trying to ask j.d. vance and taking
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donald trump and trying to fact check him. anything they can do to the republican ticket but where is these journalists going after the real story behind how the push of joe biden out of to get him removed however you want to call it is going down. there's been no reporting about that. its been almost silent. you're seeing bits and pieces come out, but this is a real concern. when you see the minute the senate and congressional leadership said we're losing races, you knew it started to be effective but it would have to be people like nancy pelosi or obama who actually were behind a lot of this. i think that will come out. liz: congressman collins thanks for joining us. it's great to see you again. okay we've been digging into kamala harris' runningmate tim walz embellishing and falsifying his military record. that scandal is growing. we showed you the new sound of him claiming in 2021 he did serve in iraq and afghanistan. he did not. now a former sec attorney, leading pension investigator with a new controversy.
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he says under minnesota governor tim walz, that minnesota's state pension fund for teachers has been cooking its books by reporting over-the-top and possibly high market returns, beating the market year after year by the same exact percentage. he says not even bernie madoff did this , what's going on is virtually impossible. let's bring in new york post columnist miranda devine. good to see you. what do you make of this because edward sidell, the former sec attorney and whistleblower. >> yes, look. it's disturbing, but i guess it shouldn't be surprising on top of the already egregious stolen scandal that there are other parts of tim walz's background that show him to be a complete phony and incompetent. in this case, incompetent financially, if these
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allegations turn out to be correct and they look pretty solid. tim walz was the chairman of that pension outfit and he should have been in charge and he should have been on top of what was going on, so he was either complicit or ignorant. either way it's a bad look and it really makes you shutter to think that he might be anywhere near the sort of reigns of government and financial sort of management of this country at any time in the future. liz: miranda, you've been so good about digging into records, digging into archival material and going through documents. i mean, when you look at a person like tim walz, the governor is a guy whose lived his entire life off of taxpayers and the government. taxpayers pay for his housing, pay for his healthcare, his income, his pension. i mean, this pension controversy comes after a quarter billion dollars are stolen from a federally-funded taxpayer pay for covid program that the governor had pushed where
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fraudsters stole a quarter of a billion dollars, spent the stolen money on luxury cars and hotels so he's going to oversee the federal government? >> isn't it incredible? as you say, this is a man with no experience in the private sector, unlike donald trump, and j.d. vance, albeit less because he's younger. kamala harris has no public sector experience and neither does joe biden and it shows, because these people just have no idea about the value of a dollar. they don't care about wasting money, because easy come, easy goes. it's just government money. they don't think of the taxpayers that are being fleeced to pay for it or the debt and deficit that is crippling this country's economy. they don't care. it's just always good times and the land of milk and honey for them, because they've always been taken care of. they've never had to worry about where the next dollar comes from.
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liz: you know, miranda, the saying is in journalism, sometimes a story has "legs." what's not going away is the stolen valor, walz accused of embellishing and falsifying his military record. how do you see that, final word? >> look, i think that it's absolutely deadly for him. it's not as if it's just republicans coming out with the dirt file or journalists doing their job eating it up. a lot of this is coming spontaneously from former members of tim walz's national guard battalion, particularly the commanding officer, the guy who took his place when he did his responsibility to be deployed to iraq. it's really damaging for him and it shows that what his character is like and also shows how poor the judgment of kamala harris is, because she would have known this liability that he had and she obviously just didn't care. liz: you know what?
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it feels like the tip of the iceberg honestly. we've been here before with situations like this. this ones not over. miranda devine we'll have you back on. good to see you. coming up, weren't you told that voter id was racist? >> these laws, they are inherently racist. liz: but kamala harris' campaign is now demanding government-issued voter id to get into her rallies, like her recent one in arizona. what gives with that? tonight, leo terrell is here. he's wondering why kamala harris does not want voter id to secure us elections as well. also, this. kamala harris quiet period continues. she's not talking to the press. where is she? why is she missing in action with the media? tonight we're going to join in on the search but first, want to check in with our friends dagen and sean. what's coming up? >> hey, e-mac we have a great show coming up so harris jumps on trump's no tax on tips but
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then she voted for the irs to go after-taxed income for workers. we have that as well as donald trump sitting down with elon musk in less than two hours, but harris still avoiding a sit down interview with the media. we have charlie hurt here to discuss. dagen: get down and fcc commissioner on kamala harris in charge of spending $42 billion to get high speed internet to america. zero dollars spent. no internet for those americans. failure, and also, a failure on the border. matt whitaker, former acting attorney general on 83% of americans believe that the government led by yup, kamala harris and joe biden, is doing a bad job on the border so do not let her claim that she's going to close it. top of the hour.
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energy and electric vehicles, and reduce population, more of our children can breathe clean air and drink clean water. >> [applause] liz: wow. that was kamala harris unplugged on the record in the 2020 debate saying we should "reduce the population for climate change." reduce the population? and that was kamala harris in 2020 during the 2020 riots, egging on rioters who burned down cities nationwide. her runningmate tim walz also accused of not acting fast enough, letting minneapolis burn. joining us now, wall street pro and author carol roth and fox news contributor david webb. thank you both for joining us tonight. david, let's first start with you. so, voters, are they going to start to wake up and say is this what we really want for america, four more years of that? >> well, they will, if the messaging gets through the noise that you're seeing out there on social media and this is a
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challenge the republican party and the state and nationally needs to counter these. not just flip-flops but 180-degree reversals by harris and walz who are trying to tell the american people they are for the things that people need when they are completely against them in reality before and they will be after the election. that's their track record. take them at their history. not at their current words. look, the failures are clear. they really are when it comes to tim walz and minnesota. when your population exits, you have a lower pool. you don't have people filing for unemployment. the unemployment rate is false in minnesota. you look at other issues. job growth not there. taxes, highest corporate taxes. look at all the things that are there and then you look at them violating or actually mirroring what ronald reagan said when he talks about government. government will tax it, regulate it and when all else fails subsidize it, that's not the exact quote but i wanted
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the short version, tax, regulate and subsidize, eventually economically, e-mac, you know this. that fails because you run out of taxpayer money and the businesses get stuck with those high rates. liz: so david just said, carol. i mean, yes, minnesota the state under tim walz growing the gdp growing for the state half the rate of the rest of the country. carol, does it take a unique amount of denial to want four more years of what we've been through? no policies on kamala's website, no democrat primary voters, zero interviews. last time she gave an interview the press conference was eight months ago. what do you think? >> yeah, i mean it's like believing in a magical unicorn and i think that david is spot-on when he says the messaging needs to be tight and we need to recount what's happened for the last three and a half years under the biden-harris administration and say look, we know that joe biden hasn't been running the country for this time. there's some puppet master. they have now changed out
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the puppet but the policies are still the same. so were you better off when you had pre-covid under trump or post-covid under biden-harris because you're now going to have the same policies and so forth and liz, you know, we just saw a poll today, 59% of americans believe that we are in a recession, and that is because for main street americans, they're having a personal recession. they have more debt. they are not being able to save. why would they want to vote for four more years of that? that messaging needs to come through loud and clear. liz: final word, david we'll try to get back to carol. go ahead. >> final word for the american people is to pay attention to the numbers, not the narrative. carol over to you. liz: go ahead carol. final word. >> yes, americans literally cannot afford four more years of the same policies so make sure that's heard loud and clear in november. liz: carol roth, david webb thanks for joining us.
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okay this story. kamala harris made sure her rally including in arizona is secure. guess how? demanding government-issued photo id, after she claimed voter id is racist. you can't make this stuff up. my next guest wondering why we can't do voter id to secure us elections. leo terrell, he's fired up ready to go, he's next. >> these laws, they are inherently racist.
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kamala harris her arizona rally, expose, for demanding photo id, this is according to local kat are news in arizona, people with confirmed rsvps led abetting government issued id, were allowed into kamala harris relic begging the question she can't demand and demand that what can we demand safe to secure u.s. election attorney stop fox news contributor satellites and civil rights double right here is good to see leo. >> thank you mr. double standard will yes and yes and list hello can she sit there on the podium and any government id for her rally, which might recall couple of years ago in georgia, jim crow 2.0, major-league baseball left in georgia had the highest voter turnout and i would sit here and tell you liz, that i do not know of any american who said that i'm having a hard time getting a photo id or driver's
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license i want to be as clear as again, this is the right e-card, that is nothing more than to keep the race card elevated the only reason she's not a racist and live because is because she have illiterate teen of republican asked for a variety, they were a racist and it is a double standard that is. liz: getting ready to open up a bank account in your rent-a-car get out of an airplane you must move on this, reaction to this week of this earlier the enormous outrage over russia, happy that he is seen hillary clinton campaign 2016, the seven claiming planning for years about protecting democracy and the truck campaign blames iran, for its internal e-mails and a person trump faces assassination threats including out of iran was democrat average on that. leo: crickets, basil to you right now for the democrats are going to ignore the threats
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trump regarding breaking of the information regarding trump the campaign and the assassination attempt because they will try to win it all costs, and, the biden administration in charge of the informative just as an fbi they go on this issues, nothing and it will take no because they want power control in order to have power control, through everything possible to defeat president trump before he gets into the election. liz: but there's already been an assassination attempt on him. leo: will tell you right now, if the american people expect a thorough investigation is not what happened and so becomes president and there is an independent organization to evaluate what happened. liz: think you for joining us that does it for us the evening edit on foxbusiness ascended over to my dear buddies my friends dagen mcdowell and sean duffy the bottom line. >> thank you. liz: thank you. dagen:


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