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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  August 13, 2024 10:00am-11:00am EDT

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stuart: maxine. father was a different one like this, a beautiful day in new york city, clear blue skies, 70s, low 80s, 10:00 eastern. straight to your money, dow is up one hundred 70 come nasdaq is up 240 points, one. 5%. favorable inflation lose doing the trick. the 10 year treasury yield moving down to 3.87% below 4%. the price of oil $79.23. bitcoin coming in at 59,400. new data on home prices in cities, numbers please. lauren: prices of existing
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homes rose in 89% of cities, one hundred 99 out of 223. is that good news or bad news? stuart: lauren: down from 93% in the prior quarter. the median price of a home is still rising, 422,000 now in the first quarter and san jose, california is the first market ever where the median price of a home tops $2 million. stuart: half down more than that. lauren: we've never seen that before. fewer cities are seeing higher prices. that is encouraging for potential homebuyers out there. stuart: i don't mean to drone on but i bought my first house in america in san francisco in the late 1970s, 1978. for $60,000. 12. 5%. . 12.5%.
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12.5%. neil: it used to be when interest rates and mortgage rates were high prices were lower but now they are both high. stuart: that house but for $60,000 in 1978 guarantees worth $2 billion. lauren: contact the owner. stuart: got to move around the country, got a career to pursue. now this. no one wants to talk about debt. it to turn off. the red ink has been a rising tide for some time but we ignored it. talking about the government's debt, the red ink is not as soon army which is going to get worse. in the last 10 months deficit total, one. $52 trillion. in plain english, we spent $1.5 trillion more than we took in. astonishing. it should not be like this. when the economy is growing and on employment is low, the red ink should be shrinking but it
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is growing. at the end of the fiscal year, september 30th we will have borrowed another $250 billion in 7 weeks. nobody is talking about it. they have responsibility for the wild spending making things worse and they want more spending. she wants affordable healthcare, huge subsidies for taxpayer money, affordable childcare, only affordable if the government pays for it. she's all for the green new deal. there goes another trillion or 3 of your taxpayer dollars. harris says she will mount her economic plan soon. will she flip-flop on that the way she's flip-flopped on the border and fracking, she says higher taxes will fix the deficit problem, higher taxes will slow the economy and borrowing more and under no circumstances will she cut
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spending, democrats don't do that. our debt is exploding and we are shrugging our shoulders. it won't matter until it does. second hour of varney just getting started. charlie hurt joins me now in new york city. will harris flip-flop on that? go ahead? answer the question? >> yes. shall we move on? >> she will definitely flip-flop, she will say what she needs to say to get the voters she needs but i agree, can't think anything more important than this, the interests paying on debt exceeds the amount for self defense and when you get into a situation in terms of physics if you are paying more on your debt than your on protecting your self you are in a bad situation will only get worse.
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stuart: what happens when we keep borrowing and the lenders say i am not sure you are going to pay us back so we want the higher interest rate? >> one of the weird dynamics, because the united states is a better bet than anywhere else, as the rest of the world goes to pot we become a better investment. they are drug dealers and we are the addicts. we get stuck on it and we can go to these guys and pile it more, you would never allow your children to live beyond their means because it is a horrible way to live. when you vote, democrats don't care they don't believe in debt, it's a fantasy, they love dumping debt on their children
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and grandchildren, i do think it is wise the past trump administration talked about growing their way out and obviously under the varney hurt administration we will go in and cut the federal government and rain it in that way but short of that. stuart: cutting spending is antithesis to american politics. >> why can't you say i want 10% cuts from every agency. lauren: elon musk's job they spoke about and that, he would be the inefficiency guy. stuart: elon musk did an interview on x last night, listen to what he said about biden dropping out of the race. >> we cannot have her, as bad as biden, he hasn't done an
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interview since the scam started and say what you want, this was a coup of a president of the united states, he didn't want to leave and they said we could do it the nice way or the hard way. >> behind the shed and shot him. we one classic trump/musk style. do you think that helped or hurt? >> don't think it hurt him in any way, two of the most interesting dynamics and consequential people talking for an hour and a half and one of my favorite things coming along musk talked about efficiency and what he does with his own companies to bring them down to the efficiency and his rule is if i don't have to add 10% of what i cut i didn't cut far enough. that's the way i would view the federal government. if you eliminated the department of labor, no average american would know you illuminated the department of labor except the media wouldn't
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stop talking about it but across all the agencies, the taxpayers, people paying for those who the government works wouldn't know about it. stuart: we shall see. it is politically impossible to cut spending. the votes aren't there. >> the varney hurt administration would be a monarchy. we would become -- stuart: you mastered my british accent. >> i'm not a monarchy. stuart: wait a minute. you are with me for the hour. more on this. let's move on. musk's conversation with trump was played by check issues which what happened? rate lauren: a 40 minute delay that musk blamed on a cyber attack.
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musk has endorsed trump recently and his first question was on the attempted assassination and musk hopes to give trump a fair and free forum for independent voters to hear something they may or may not like. >> we had a massive malware attack, as this massive attack demonstrates opposition to people just hearing what donald trump has to say about to have this conversation, hard to catch a vibe about someone if you don't hear them talking in a normal way. when there's an adversarial interview no one is themselves. this is impact open-minded independent voters trying to make up their mind.
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lauren: there is frustration. time magazine put kamala on the cover and praised her as an obama level order. she's getting the enthusiasm, she doesn't do adversarial interviews. there is frustration that trump and vance are. stuart: j.d. vance is back in the call for the white house to have a say in the federal reserve's interest rate policies. the white house influence fed policy? what do you say? >> i don't think so. can you imagine biden having a policy, or harris if she became president? somebody who understands money and money flows which would be donald trump and think about what if it is not donald trump, what i want her to have a say? absolutely not but your point about check. we had a huge problem in this country with the debt.
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nobody does talk about it. we have a problem with the fed and the fed's biggest problem is the fact they are too transparent, they talk too much. if they would be quiet and do their job we would be in a better place but they put themselves in a corner because they want to tell everyone what they are thinking but doesn't give them the opportunity to change course. imagine a football head coach telling you what was going on in his mind all the time. that's a big problem. they are too transparent. ask about transparency. you've got a nice tie on today, and that government falls into that a lot, had a chance to
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change strategy. buffet is too political anyway. i'd rather not do that. lauren: stuart: 2.2% in the last 12 months. 30 seconds to tell me if we have a handle on inflation in this country. >> to the end of my conversation i don't think we have a handle on it yet. if i gain $5 a month for a total last year of 60 pounds and now only gaining three pounds a month am i getting skinnier. they will try to tell you i am losing weight. stuart: i will move on from that. we have a solid gain since 250 points. lahren looking at starbucks
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which is moving big time. lauren: chipotle's boss, brian mikell, the ceo of starbucks in one months time. we looked, this is great, look forward to continuing our engagement with of the board as it works toward the realization of starbucks full potential. stuart: i've never seen the appointment of a ceo get stock of that size and magnitude. lauren: it is fast food and the consumer will pay for it. stuart: google, big google hardware event at 1:00 today. lauren: that is what happens when you read my scripts. a big event where they announced their new phone at 1:00 eastern today. i don't think many people care about the phone, up by 2%.
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the apple and iphone. elon musk says the biden at been a straight and's weakness on on the world stage but the country in danger. former cia station chief dan hoffman deals with musk's security warning. the fbi investigating hacking attempt by iran the targeted trump and harris campaigns. jillian turner will tell us how foreign actors interfered in our elections next.
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stuart: the dow is up 49. had been up a lot more than that. the nasdaq holding onto 200 points. bitcoin hovering around
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$60,000, 59-5 to be precise. is real put their military on high alert on warnings that iran could attack within days. the cia station chief joins me. why hasn't iran attacked yet. i've heard there have been resignations at the top level in the iranian regime. they are split. is that the reason for the delayed response? >> that's definitely a question the intelligence community is trying to figure out. what precipitated the latest round of this crisis in the middle east is when israel struck the leader of hamas in iran and killed the senior hezbollah commander, those strikes were over two weeks ago and iran is taking its it's time to calibrate its response. they are coordinating their response with their proxies principally hezbollah but not exclusively. the houthis of launched drone
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and other attacks against israel. they have to consider as well as proxy terrorists in iraq and syria. to be prepared to strike us interests as well, iran is trying to thread the needle. they don't want to risk a conventional war that could end their regime but at the same time they want to launch retaliatory strikes. stuart: ukraine forces advanced further into russia but controls 390 mi. around the city of kursk. is vladimir putin rattled by the ukrainian incursion? >> this is the latest in a series of intelligence failures on the part of vladimir putin. first and foremost he failed to accurately assess ukraine's will and capacity to fight when he invaded four years ago. how does ukraine conduct military reconnaissance over the border to launch this
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operation and put their troops across the border iran launch these strikes and take over russian territory without the russians putting up a fight, this is giving ukraine cigarette leverage down the road and drying russian manpower and other resources where ukraine is engaged in fighting against russia. stuart: did we change policy by letting ukraine use them to move into russia. >> and we've not allowed them to use the long range artillery to strike russian military bases, if you ask senator lindsey graham he would agreed is a mistake. stuart: listen to what elon musk said about global security under president biden and kamala harris. >> they are not intimidated by biden and will not be
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intimidated by kamala and think in the context of secure ready, someone that, that they are scared of. that makes a huge difference to the security of the world because there are tough characters out there and if they don't think the american president is tough they will do what they want to do. stuart: what do you think our enemies think of president harris? >> that is another one where we will have to be looking at our enemy's hands and intentions. not just leave it at our enemies, our allies matter as well. both parties at the debate, both candidates need to explain how we can restore us deterrence because the houthis are not deterred from launching attacks on shipping and the red sea. iran wasn't deterred in april and launched an unprecedented,
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barrage of drones and cruise missiles at israel. hamas wasn't deterred when they launch the brutal invasion attack on israel. these are questions, what will be one of the issues in the debate aside from the important economic questions you have been raising all morning. stuart: thanks for joining us, see you again soon. the fbi is investigating a cyber hacking attempt on iran on the trump and harris campaigns. jillian turner at the state department. tell us more about the hacking attacks. >> the fbi confirmed they are officially investigating iranian government hacking attempts targeting the trump campaigns and harris campaigns. we are getting very different responses from the two sides. fox news got this from the harris campaign last night, they say our campaign vigilantly monitors attacks against cyber threats and we are not aware of any security
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breaches of the systems. state department and white house officials aren't commenting on the specific investigation, they never do. they are affirming the threat of iranian interference in this election cycle. >> the latest attempts to interfere in us elections are nothing new for the iranian regime. >> any activity? we will take it seriously. >> reporter: the trump side of events unlike the harris campaign it appears the trump team believes their internal communication systems were breached. the former president posted this on truth social. we were informed by microsoft corporation one of our many websites was hacked by the iranian government, never a nice thing to do. trump's claim appears to be backed up by politico with reports that it staff began receiving emails last month. they wrote from an aol e-mail address and sending them all kinds of internal documents
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from the trump campaign including february 23rd research dossier on senator j.d. vance who is trump's running mate. the iranian government is denying know anything about this, having anything to do with it but cyber experts tell us they are tracing techniques used in this hack and went back to one culprit and is iran. stuart: thank you very much indeed. the us may be holding off a recession but new data shows our economic growth is being propped up by government spending of the full story coming up for you. usa gymnastics denied its latest appeal to get jordan childs's bronze medal back, team usa is not giving up. the other pick fight, next. ♪
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nike was the top performer in paris at the olympics. they earned the podium photos meeting they are sponsoring the right athletes like simone biles. stuart: that will work every time. apple. lauren: the research firm canalis, countered 14% of all personal computers in the second quarter. stuart: dell. lauren: they are higher today, 5.5%. 's they say the ai business will drive revenue growth through 2025. >> did you a sawyer pop quizes in school? lauren: i get nervous in pop quizes. stuart: it is scripted.
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lauren: this is too long, just get to the point. lauren: my show, my time, i am speaking now. the economy is prop. by government spending. how much has the government spent so far this year? lauren: >> the latest report from the treasury department shows the us spent $5.66 trillion in the current fiscal year. whether the economy is growing, we know that it is. they worry how it is going. >> gdp is growing because of government debt. it is a debt fueled spending binge giving us 40 are high inflation, record high interest rates and tripling mortgage rate. >> the latest jobs report finds 15% of the jobs added in july were in government and that percentage is smaller than in previous months.
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>> to be a european-style economy, jobs created by the government supported by taxpayer dollars, we are moving in that direction. >> earlier this month, julie hsu denied government hiring is masking hiring weakness in the private sector. >> the private sector month after month has been the majority of the growth, and to rely on their communities. >> reporter: at variety that they are borrowing, will hit an all-time record in three years. lauren: usa gymnastics denied the latest appeal to get jordan childs bronze medal back, they
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will pursue every avenue including going to the swiss federal tribunal. ricky cobb is the host of the ricky cobb show and is with us in new york. where do you stand on this? should she get her medal back? >> absolutely. it is important to get this right. you train for years and prepare your entire life and performer and do what you've been trained to do and end up not getting the metal. lauren: stuart: you were of four seconds delay on the appeal. >> years of preparation undone by four seconds. stuart: you dispense with the rule and say too bad. >> the usa is challenging it wasn't actually late, they got it in on time, video proof but got it in on time but even if it is four seconds, got to have rules but there is a spirit to this as well.
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stuart: australian breakdance are going viral for her interesting performance at the olympics, we haven't got the video because it is on another channel but that is what she was up to. she's defending her performance. saying it was creativity. breakdancing has been removed from the 2028 all the pics in los angeles. what your reaction to that performance? >> she certainly left a mark. she ended breakdancing in the olympics as we knew it for that brief window of time. don't know how competitive breakdancing is scored but she was outscored in three competitions 54 to nothing was the cumulative total. she didn't score a point, even a broken clock is right twice a day. a rough performance for her
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brought shame to breakdancing, herself, and australia frankly. stuart: that is a strong word, shame to australia? don't worry about it. >> when you see the footage, shame is accurate. stuart: do you think breakdancing should be out of the olympics? >> who knew it was big and australian the first place? we have had breakdancing in america for 50 years. geniuses at the ioc discovered it is fun to watch and it lasts one time because somebody from australia ruined it, none of it makes sense to me. stuart: unjust. a new show called the ricky cobb show, 90 minutes. you are on a show that lasted three hours. >> yeah. speaking of shame, i am being
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shamed. i would say am i politics haven't changed, but this country has changed beneath me. i considered myself to be left of center most of my life, the society i see today in america i scarcely recognize. and and things i used to consider to be classically liberal beliefs. i now it seems the left wants to police our right to speak freely and curtail civil liberties. stuart: it is worth every second of your 90 minutes. still ahead, video from 2017 shows governor tim wallz pushe
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the narrative that ice raise were terrorism. someone arrested in times square was arrested after being left out on bail. a migrant crime that's plaguing major cities next. introducing new advil targeted relief. the only topical pain reliever with 4 powerful pain-fighting ingredients that start working on contact to target tough pain at the source. for up to 8 hours of powerful relief.
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stuart: remember when migrants attacked nypd officers in time square. one of them has just been arrested again. alexis, tell us what happened. >> reporter: that video is hard to to forget, a group of migrants that attacked those two police officer leaving them injured in times square. we talk about henry guido who is behind bars for stealing thousands of dollars of merchandise.
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you see him on your screen. part of that group, he was able to post bail in january and has been adding to his rap sheet. he has added half a dozen cases in new york city alone for the past year and he's due back in court next week. we can tell you one case of recent violent crime when it comes to migrants in the city. a man in the coney island area attacked a woman who was walking near a busy boardwalk through to the ground and raped her and that wasn't the first time he was arrested either. we will show you his mug shot. he attacked this woman in a pretty busy area. last year he was busted for the same thing. he allegedly sexually assaulted someone else at a brooklyn shelter. >> you take 200,000 documented migrants, it's going to cause
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this issue. is a crime issue? migrants causing crime in the city. is that all migrants? absolutely not. >> reporter: investigators are searching for the person who stabbed the 26-year-old man outside a different shelter in randall's island and the just a few weeks ago a migrant woman was shot and killed in the same area. she was hit in the head and neck. migrants are setting up tents, after they hit their 30 day shelter limit although the city says they are not going to allow that anymore. they are fed up. >> it is a disaster here. absolutely disaster. >> reporter: even though people are fed up, say it is not safe across new york city, mayor eric adams said new york city
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is the safest big city in america but depends who you talk to. stuart: that is quite a claim. charlie hurt, how can america's big cities recover with crime plaguing the streets and hundreds of thousands of migrants which we have to pay for on the streets as well? >> we talked about debt and the x essential problem that is. and setting them up in a place like new york city across the country. the subsequent crime that happens because of it. i don't know how cities survive and they have their own problems to deal with as well. stuart: don't know they get it.
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stuart: newly uncovered video all the way back from 2017 shows minnesota governor tim walz pushed the narrative that ice rage represent terrorism in america. what did he say? ashley: seven years ago, he recounted a raid into thousand 6 by ice officers in minnesota and at the time he vowed to protect illegal immigrants. >> into the basement of the catholic church where it was, asked people to look around at all the children, this is what terrorism looks like in america today. i hold the voting card in my pocket and the votes i will take will be to make sure we protect these folks. when people find sanctuary cities, our police are serving us and protecting our communities. our citizens need to know to report a crime against
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themselves they are going to be protected, to do that, and it is not their job to do that. ashley: the ice rate uncovered a scheme in which illegal immigrants have stolen or bought the identities of social security numbers of possibly hundreds of us citizens to try to get jobs at local meat packing plants. but they should be protected, i guess. stuart: police in beverly hills use drones to catch criminals, the only problem is the drones are made in china and there is fear of spying. max gordon has that story. kamala harris admitted immigration system is broken so wise and she working to fix it now while she is still in office? brian kilmeade on that next. ♪
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stuart: on the market the rally holds. we have cooling inflation numbers this morning and clearly the stock market likes it. 10:51 eastern time, kilmeade time.
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brian, karine jean-pierre was pressed about harris's flip-floping on the border. >> how long have you known vice president harris does not think president biden is doing a good job on the border? she has a campaign add where they need more border patrol agents. of president biden is doing such a good job -- >> you know who is getting away? republicans in congress are getting in the way. who else is getting in the way, the former president is getting in the way. there is no daylight here. stuart: she's getting away with it. whether it is the border or whatever she's getting away with it. >> he cut down on trans gangs and cartels, no one knows this and the border patrol who is
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seeing the ad, you've never been tough on the border, if you walk up to border patrol people and say how has this had been a station been they don't have their back, they've been outnumbered, don't get support, they got rid of remaining mexico, catherine heritage came out with three whistleblowers saying we are not allowed to do the dna kids, we did not swab the inside of their mouth to find out of that man working with a little kid is related. trump came down with those dna kits and all they had to do was hold the swab and the men would come clean if they were child trafficking. they were told by mayorkas back off in their careers have been destroyed because of it, given desk jobs, we are talking about nobody i know thinks they have been good on the border. if you are one of the bipartisan deal senator lankford got that has some positives in it and trump says i can't do twice, i don't like
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this, i want my own, let me have this in seven months, don't want to sign off on what biden signs off on. stuart: financial disclosures reveal that kamala harris and her husband repeatedly donated to anti-police and pro-sanctuary city nonprofits. react to that. >> in 2020 she was urging people to put money into bail to bail out riders to burn buildings, that's where she stood. she was for anti-policeing, cutting police budgets across the country even though they are in high crime areas and sending and social workers with them. following the money that is who they are. do you know any areas in which she is welcomed by law enforcement? what's going to happen is law
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enforcement and their families understand no matter what kamala harris says now, you watched her as a da, as an attorney general, watch her as a senator and watched her as vice president, nobody thinks she's pro police. now we see where the money goes so just so you know if she becomes pro police she alienates another part of the community and wants to win over, it would be great if she let us know where they stood, if she changed her mind, why? stuart: the cover-up will go on because the media wants it to go on. the media will allow it to go on. sorry i am out of time. thanks for being with us, see you again later. thank you for appearing on the show. great to have you. still ahead, jimmy failla on a
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former staffer saying don't underestimate trump in the debate. brent bozell putting kamala harris on the cover despite harris denying them an interview. resident theologian jonathan morris on an evangelical conservative telling republicans to back harris over trump. the 11:00 hour is next. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ...
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>> most of the time, the market goes down when the fed starts cutting because the market has already been expecting it. its already priced it in. the markets hardly been down the last few years you may have noticed. the left can do what it's doing in terms of the media and pretending kamala harris is something she isn't, but when trump asks, are you better off today than you were four years ago, the answer is very obvious. >> we have a price problem in this country and it has been caused by failed public policy. >> us stocks are not in a bubble. you could do everything righ


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