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tv   The Evening Edit  FOX Business  August 13, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT

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♪ me and my friends ♪ ♪ life is better with the credit gods are on your side. rewards once available to the few are now accessible to the many. credit one bank. get cash back rewards, and live large. larry: well, mr. trump got it done last night with elon musk on-message. huge crowds heard him, huge crowds. the only one with bigger crowds than elon musk is elizabeth macdonald, up next. every time. liz: [laughter] what, i doubt i had a billion views, but larry?
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larry: don't sell yourself short, liz, do not. liz: larry, thank you so much. you crack me up. appreciate it. welcome to the "evening edit." i'm elizabeth macdonald. >> it's that glitch, a major technical delay followed by relative fawning, then the normal campaign rhetoric. some people even claim they heard a lisp. >> he just sort of babbling into the void. >> we really didn't learn anything new. >> he's just sitting on the couch conducting twitter space conversations. liz: really? you see all the surfacey-lack of detail there? we've got more sound from the trump-musk interview. what the media and democrats won't talk about. it was trump talking policy on how he wants to fix america, but kamala harris not talking policy. instead, dodging the press and the media. in just a few moments congressman byron donalds here to react. also tonight the biden white house cannot answer what exactly
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kamala harris' biggest achievement was. she's been in d.c. for seven years. we've got the sound and kamala's runningmate tim walz in another new firestorm, we've got the details and tonight, we have also got what minnesota small business owners are warning about tim walz. they say they are scared about what he'll do to the us economy. we also have a small business owner from minnesota here tonight, but first, this. elon musk two hour talk with president trump on twitter. musk says it got more than a billion views but the kamala harris campaign bashing it after she refused the same sit-down interview with musk. still, no kamala harris interviews. no policies. three weeks after she's been the nominee. let's welcome back to the show trump 2024 campaign surrogate, he's congressman byron donalds. congressman, it's good to see you again. the big question is when you saw
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this , do you think this reset the campaign, because there's been republican worry about trump's polling. even though, you know, by the way he was behind in 2016 then, and he still won despite the media and the d.c. establishment being against him. what did you think of the interview? >> first of all, i thought the interview was great. it was obviously much more of a conversation but the american people got an opportunity to hear donald trump talk about all the various policy issues facing america. they heard elon musk largely agree with donald trump on those solutions for the country. that's the kind of back and forth america needs to hear to understand that donald trump has the vision, the policies, and the prescription to fix what's happening in our country. i think when you listen to the media this morning talking about how oh, they were 40 minutes late, oh, donald trump was just talking going through so many things and talking in very long sentences, that's because they are accustomed to the sugar-high
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form of political media, where everything is a 30-second clip, a sound bite, where you're even trying to own somebody. those are the things might be cool for clipping but they aren't going to solve the issues of the country. donald trump did a wonderful job last night. the big question is, could kamala harris sit for two hours and talk policy? i don't think so. liz: yeah, it's interesting, you know? washington post reporter is saying the white house should have stepped in and stopped it. the eu tried to stop it. you know, president trump answered questions. he talked policy. he likely reached hundreds of millions of undecided voters. we don't know how many there are but he talked to people around the world. neither kamala harris nor tim walz aren't talking policy. they haven't done an interview or press conference and neither worked in the private sector creating jobs. taxpayers paid for their mortgage, pensions, free housing and healthcare. let's listen to the highlights. watch this. >> we've got to get the prices down.
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when i look at bacon costing four or five times more than a few years ago, when you look at some of the food products and groceries as people go, they can't believe it. they used to be able to buy a whole cart and today, you know, a lot of people just don't have the money. they go in and they can't buy anything. >> but the things that i think are for the future is we've got to have safe cities, we have to have secure borders, sense full spending and we are going to have deregulation and so we could have a prosperous future. that's why i'm supporting you for president. i stood in line for six hours to shake obama's hand when he was running for president and you know, so it's not like i'm sort of long-term republican. i'm actually call myself historically a moderate democrat and but now, i feel like we're really at a critical juncture for the country and, you know, i think a lot of people thought
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the biden administration be a moderate administration but it's not, and obviously, we're just going to see an even further-left administration with kamala. that's my honest opinion. liz: and even further left white house with kamala harris. can you explain that one? >> well first of all i would tell the trump campaign, there is your 30 second ad right there. elon musk explaining why somebody who voted for barack obama is now voting for donald trump this fall. but when they talk about kamala harris, she supported the massive medicare for all package that bernie sanders supported when she debated for the presidency, she agreed with bernie sanders that she wanted medicare for all and would cost $44 trillion. she supported the massive green new deal that would cost $100 trillion. she wants to raise taxes on business owners where there are
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large corporate guys like elon musk or small business owners trying to find ways to make ends meet. that's only going to hurt out economy overall and then you have the other issues of she won't secure the border. she agrees with what joe biden has done because she is the border czar and she was there every step of the way. her policies are a disaster, which is why she's avoiding the press, which is why she's avoiding scrutiny, and the only time policy even comes out of the harris campaign is when some low-level staffer puts out a memo. that's ridiculous. that is hiding from the american people. that is not the bold leadership that america needs at this critical time. liz: why are we waiting for her to put out her policy agenda help she's been in d.c. for seven years and the white house for four? is this going to be another biden, his agenda? >> listen, you asked the million dollar question. the reason why we shouldn't even
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be worried about what she will put out in the campaign is because we know what she has supported when she had a vote in the united states senate. kamala harris is the tie-breaking vote on the american rescue plan and the inflation reduction act, which has crippled families all across america. her voting record says all we need to know. liz: high inflation, we're tackling that the next. congressman donalds good to see you. let's get you updated on what the government says now about your cost of living and new inflation data coming in. edward lawrence at the white house with more. edward? reporter: liz, the increased price of stuff that businesses buy, that's coming down. good news for the markets but it shows there still is inflation to pass along. bidenomics has been equated to higher prices, so yesterday, i followed on a question about the vice president also owning the successes of the biden-harris administration. here is what i asked and a response from heritage foundation fellow ej antony.
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>> does she own the struggles of this presidency since the month they came into office. they are partners in how they have been able to turn around the economy. >> probably the only honest thing that the press secretary said there was the fact that biden and harris turned the economy around. you bet they did. it was growing at about a $1.5 trillion annualized rate when they took office, and inflation was 1 point 4%. fast forward a year and a half later, and they managed to deliver two consecutive quarters of negative economic growth. what we used to call a recession and inflation was over 9%. reporter: overall cpi inflation has come down to 3% but that's still way too high for the federal reserve. liz? liz: always great reporting from edward lawrence. thank you so much. >> what does the president see as the vice president's biggest achievement? >> i'm not going to parse out anything. >> this notion that she somehow doesn't deserve credit for and isn't part of and wasn't
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an integral architect of the biden-harris administration agenda is not only false. it's frankly somewhat bizarre and offensive. liz: okay, will the real kamala harris please stand up? you know, which is it? is it like kjp said she has no policy achievements that they could cite or is kamala harris the architect behind policies like bidenomics, as former top obama and biden official susan rice now says. let's welcome to the show seattle talk radio host jason rantz. good to have you back on. which is it? does she do nothing or has she done everything? >> well, i think the real kamala harris is the one we're seeing right now, which is willing to say and take a position on pretty much anything, so long as it helps her politically. i don't know if we can honestly pinpoint precisely what her ideological sort of north star is. she will be the prosecutor when she thinks it's going to help to focus on taking on crime, or
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she will be the most liberal senator when she was serving when she thinks it's going to help her gain some more power, and that's the most dangerous kind of politician who doesn't necessarily have any clear principles, because they be willing to say and do anything for personal gain, and sometimes, when they experience the personal gain, doesn't mean any of us will experience any kind of gain. liz: you know what, jason? what's really interesting, more and more election analysts say yes this is a working class voter election. working class voters hit hard by inflation, urban riots and crime. they are expected to comprise about anywhere from half to two-thirds of the vote in november, even more in the key swing states. you know, reports indicate the first time the working class voter made gains since the early 2000s was under the trump white house. watch this. >> he hasn't done an interview since this whole scam started, and say what you want. this was the coo.
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this was a coo of the president of the united states. oh, what they did with this guy, and i'm no fan of his and he was a horrible president. the worst president in history. first of all, the israeli attack would have never happened. russia would never have attacked ukraine, and we'd have no inflation and we wouldn't have had the afghanistan mess. kamala wouldn't have this conversation. she can't because she's not smart. she would have given up on the first half of the question and said where i am? this president with a very low iq. he had a low iq 30 years ago but now he might not even have a iq at all. there's nothing on the board that goes this low. it's all talk. he's incompetent, and frankly, i think that he's more incompetent than he is and that's saying something because he's not too good. liz: okay, really ripping into biden and kamala harris there. so let's go back and back up. this is about inflation. it hit a peak of 9.1% june 2022 of 43-year high. it's now compounded above 20%
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under biden. triple what it was under trump. so there, you'll hear they will blame again supply chain issues, covid, ukraine. is it the trillions of extra dollars of the biden white house tossed into the us economy that kamala harris was the tie-breaking vote on? that's what chicago fed and san francisco fed researchers say helped fuel inflation. >> yeah, look. i think the smart strategy here from trump's side is just to remind people what life was like when he was in office and have people compare it to what life is like right now. it gets a little bit too hard i think for the average person to pinpoint specific policies that have been passed or moves that were made that could directly lead. you could name a bill but i don't think that will connect with people. all you have to do is say remember what life was like? because we have a short memory span, but we remember how we're personally impacted and a whole bunch of people personally impacted negatively under biden. liz: jason rantz great to see you again thanks for joining
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us and more tonight on what voters want to hear. they want to hear about the policies that'll fix america. the media is a big factor here on informed voter consent, but time magazine is getting dragged for its glowing cover on "reintroducing kamala harris." she's been in the white house for four years. also she refused to be interviewed by time, just like everybody else in the media. now, it seems like they are running cover for kamala. that's the media. >> she is gaining momentum. >> sometimes you can't slow down the momentum. >> so momentum it is. liz: have you heard that? kamala has momentum. tonight joe concha here to react and much more. also we've got sound from minnesota small business owners on how bad they say things were under kamala's runningmate governor tim walz in minnesota. one of those mom and pop shop owners joins us tonight with his reaction, but first, we've got congressman greg stubbe here to
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react to another controversy involving tim walz, the details next. >> he picked this guy because he was the closest to her. a lot of people thought she would pick the opposite, but she picked an anti-israel radical left person. meet the jennifers. jen x. jen y. and jen z. each planning their future through the chase mobile app. jen x is planning a summer in portugal with some help from j.p. morgan wealth plan. let's go whiskers. jen y is working with a banker to budget for her birthday. you only turn 30 once. and jen z? her credit's golden. hello new apartment. three jens getting ahead with chase. solutions that grow with you. one bank for now. for later. for life. chase. make more of what's yours.
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liz: joining us now from house ways and means congressman greg steube. congressman, there's news coming in that governor tim walz, kamala harris' runningmate, was close with the muslim cleric in minnesota who talked about hitler and who praised the 10-7 terror attacks by hamas on israel, so this is yet another controversy involving governor walz. what do you think? >> yeah, there's a lot of controversies regarding him and j.d. vance was right that this is the hamas party, the hamas wing of the democratic party, and it's very true, because this cleric that he is aligned with, he gave $100,000 of state minnesota money to this individual's church or not-for-profit or whatever it is, giving state dollars, taxpayer dollars to this individual who has a history of anti-semitism comments who has a history of supporting hamas and this is the type of person whose now the vice president candidate of
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the most liberal ticket of the democratic party in the history of america. liz: politico reports progressive officials in d.c. already are angling for positions in a possible kamala harris administration, hoping to steer the white house in a different direction on israel and other issues. what do you think? >> i think it shows you exactly how far left the democratic party has gone. look, joe biden campaigned on being a moderate amongst the candidates. one of those was kamala harris and she didn't even get the support amongst her own party back then when joe biden was running for president. she was running against him and now its been completely overtaken by the progressive wing of the democratic party. even joe biden was pulled to the left extremely and you're seeing that with the policies that the administration puts in place and certainly see that with kamala. she has the most liberal voting record of any senator in the history of our country and she just put in as her vice
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president candidate one of the most candidates in governors in the state and the country so you're seeing this far-left of the democratic party and i just hope that the american people see through the mainstream media and social media banning bad things about kamala harris and look at her record as the most extreme liberal record in the history of running for president. liz: congressman let's please get your reaction to president trump talking about us foreign policy and national security policy in his talk with elon musk last night. watch this. >> i know you're a big fan of the a.i. and i have to say that a.i. and this is shocking to me, but a.i. requires twice the energy that the country already produces for everything, so you're going to have to build a lot of energy if our country will be competitive with china. they say don't do it, you can't do it, and i told him things that what i do and he said no way and i said way and you know
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it's the last time we have had the conversation. >> people are not going to be at aat all in timmy dated by bin and they certainly won't be by kamala and you have to think about it in the context of global security. >> i got along well with him. i hope to get along well with him again. getting along well with them is a good thing not a bad thing. i got along well with kim jong-un. when i met with president obama, just before entering, i sat down with him and we talked. i said what's the biggest problem. he said north korea. i had that problem worked out very quickly. it was nasty at the beginning. >> those were epic tweets by the way. >> he said he has a red button on his desk. i said i have a red button on my desk too but mine is much bigger and mine works. all of a sudden i got a call from him and they said they want to meet. liz: what do you think, congressman? >> well, president trump is america-first and kamala harris is america-last. she's china, russia, and iran
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first and you've seen that through their policies and i think president trump did a really good job highlighting that, how he's even elon musk supports him as the leader of our country on the world stage over kamala harris. liz: congressman steube, thanks for joining us. let's get more information on that new controversy we just talked about developing now around kamala harris' runningmate governor tim walz. mike tobin standing by live with the details. mike this is quite a story. reporter: yeah, so far the videos we've tracked down show that then-congressman tim walz had contact with imam zaman back in 2018 in fact walz called him a master teacher. then we start seeing more appearances together in 2019 after walz became governor. january, april, and may and at one point delivering th
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the invocation of the state of the state address. if walz team did background they would have found that back in 20 >>stuart: he posted a link to a pro-hitler propaganda movie called the greatest story never told. still he appeared with governor walz in may of 2020 calling for calm following the george floyd riot or during the george floyd riot and again in 2023 following a string of vandalism. governor walz has been willfully ignorant of radicalism because he relies on the muslim voting block and can't do anything that would make her appear islamaphobic. >> under a walz-harris ticket given walz's ability to embrace really just the worst kind of radicals from within the muslim community, one could only imagine this be replicated at the white house level. walz clearly doesn't want to know about the extremist he empembraces. state records we have tracked
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down so the muslim-american society of minnesota received grants totaling over $100,000 from 2021 until now and another grant for almost $25,000 is promised in the next fiscal year. we did get a statement from the harris walz campaign reading governor walz does not have a personal relationship with him and governor walz strongly condemns hamas terrorism. back to you in new york. liz: great reporting michael tobin, thank you for joining us. coming up we've got a minnesota small business owner here on how he and other mom and pop shops struggled under far left governor tim walz. they say walz gave big corporations a pass, but gave them a hard time. that small business owner with us tonight to speak out but first, time magazine getting criticized for its glowing cover about the "reintroduction of kamala harris." they did admit they did not even get an interview with her, plus she's been in d.c. for four years. how is that a reintroduction?
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>> what was it like for you? >> not pleasant. i didn't know i had that much blood. i knew immediately that it was a bullet. i knew immediately that it was at the ear and i also heard people shout bullets, get down. the bigger michab miracle i wasg at the exact direction of the shooter so it hit me at an angle that was far less destructive so that was the miracle so for those people that don't believe in god, i think we got to all start thinking about that. liz: how is president trump talking with elon musk about the assassination attempt that almost took his life. joining us political columnist chris bedford. so when you heard that
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profoundly loving, emotional stuff, do you think we're any closer to finding out what exactly happened in the security failures here? >> i think we're getting closer, but it's not because of any kind of cooperation from the secret service. we put out a story just yesterday looking at how the butler county police and the pennsylvania state police had spotted the shooter three minutes before the shots rang out and radioed and then you've got the secret service which supposedly met with the butler county police and the state police who told them, hey you need to have someone covering that. the secret service is pushing back against this so senator chuck grassley sent a letter saying who was in that meeting? what exactly happened and he has a deadline for a few more days to respond, but the response is simply have not been forthcoming. that's a dangerous thing because when you've got something as contested as this , something as frightening as this , and you've got a secret service and dhs that don't want to talk about it that's dangerous
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grounds for conspiracy theories and other worries to spread to the public. liz: that's true. we have a new house task force now, investigating the security failures into the assassination attempt on president trump. it's now demanding briefings from attorney general merrick garland, dhs, fbi and secret service. you know, president trump had more to say about what happened. listen to this. >> interest should have been nobody on the roof. now there was a lack of coordination that was obviously everybody understands that somebody that building should have been covered. liz: so, a month later, still no answers. what was the shooter's motive? why did the secret service exclude the rooftop from its security perimeter, even though it was within an easy rifle shot, especially from an ar-15. also, why did the secret service not have clear unobstructed views of the rooftop. what can the task force uncover? >> i think they ought to
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uncover what seems like systemic failures within the secret service and it's a rare moment of bipartisanship to a certain level. you'll get the partisan snipes here and there on the matter of both parties being interested in this. it's kind of like what we saw when there was a number of security lapses during barack obama's tenure. a helicopter landing on the white house lawn. breaking and entering. people had to step back and say we have a mystique, but this has been pierced. the secret service, this is a mission failure. the president was shot in the head. the only thing that stopped him from being killed was a little bit of wind and the grace of god so lawmakers pushing to get to the end of this will hopefully discover the process that went wrong here, the reasons why the former president despite all these threats was denied increases in security, the arrogance of the agents who were seemingly unwilling or at least did not setup communication with local police and trying to make sure that doesn't happen going forward. liz: chris bedford, great to
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see you. thanks for joining us. moving on to this story. time magazine put kamala harris on its cover as a reintroduction of her. it says she declined to be interviewed by time for that article. she continues to avoid the press and what's with the reintroduction? she's been in d.c. for four years. well listen to the media who kamala will not talk to, praise her, "amazing momentum." >> battleground momentum. new numbers showing the harris-walz ticket is gaining ground. >> momentum in key states. she is gaining momentum. >> keeping the momentum alive. look this momentum. >> create the momentum and then keep the momentum. >> sometimes you can't slowdown the momentum. >> it's remarkable momentum. >> all right so momentum it is today. >> momentum it is. liz: joining us fox news contributor author and columnist joe concha. what do you make of this? avoid the press and get the press who you're not
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talking to say will have momentum through the election? >> literally giving the press orders on what adjective you're going to use that particular day, so i guess monday was, it's a joyful campaign on the kamala harris walz side and now we're hearing more about momentum, momentum, momentum. as if a memo went out and it is absolutely incredible by the way, that time magazine does a glowing profile story on kamala harris and still goes ahead without insisting she be interviewed on the record and by the way what does it say about the confidence kamala harris has in her ability to speak outside of a teleprompter and scripted remarks. time magazine is basically the msnbc of print publications and the questions she would have got from them would have been the rhetorical equivalent of a hot stone massage and she still or at least her handlers are still afraid to put her out there, because they know when she speaks outside of a teleprompter and she speaks outside of scripted remarks like she did in 2019 or the rare time she did speak to reporters while she was vice president, her answers are two things and they ain't good. comical and in coherent.
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liz: now the biden white house moving on to this says president biden is copying and wants to copy trump's no taxes on tips. two-thirds of likely voters say they support this idea. it was first introduced by ron paul in 2012. watch this. >> it's a similar with the president of the united states. >> absolutely. look this is something that the president supports. he supports eliminating taxes on tips for servers and hospitality workers, and while also raising minimum wage and preventing the wealthy from gaining the system. >> why then have the president and vice president not talked about this over the past three and a half years? >> so again, the president supports eliminating taxes on tips for servers and hospitality workers. >> all of a sudden she's making a speech saying there will be no tax on tips. i said that months ago and they had just the opposite. they had not only tax on tips, but they hired 88,000 irs agents
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and many of them were assigned to go get waitresses and all of this on tips. liz: you know, joe, it was kamala harris who delivered the tie-breaking vote in the senate to give nearly 80 billion bucks more to the irs to do more audits and things like worker tips, plus we reported how the biden white house launched a new push to get the irs inside restaurants and bars to try to track tips in realtime at the cash register. show cbs here. cbs is getting called out for disparate treatment saying trump's taxes on tips would cost the government in hundreds of billions of lost revenue but when kamala harris copied it cbs tweeted she's fighting to end taxes on service workers, joe. >> yeah, rolling out a new policy position. oh, i don't believe it's new and her opponent talked about it more than two months ago. this gaslighting is disgusting, liz, and for the press secretary to stand up there and say no, the president has always supported this when there's not one speech, not one tweet, not
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one word he's ever said about this , and insists well privately he was thinking about it. this is an absolute joke and you have surrogates of kamala harris on places like msnbc for example, says she's always supported no tax on tips despite not one public comment on that and to your point, she literally signed off on the inflation reduction act as the vice president deciding vote that expanded the irs. what's next, liz? the kamala harris border wall? kamala harris' remain in mexico policy? i mean, they know they could getaway because they have a media that doesn't call them out. i pray during the two debates they agreed to on abc and nbc and hopefully fox eventually this is one of the first three questions phrased exactly the way it should be done. how could you expand the irs and say you supported this policy and did you take it from donald trump? i have a feeling she won't have a good answer for that. liz: this is why we love joe. he goes right at it. we'll have you back on soon especially around the debate time. good to see you. coming up this story. a government watchdog is warning
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that the us has reached a new high with senator rick scott is here to react and also a minnesota small business owner here to call out governor tim walz for his covid over reach with his lockdowns. but first, let's check in with my buddies dagen and sean. >> e-mac, we have a great show coming up so one month ago the largest political story in decades. the assassination attempt of donald trump. that happened one month ago. so much more has happened it seems like an eternity ago. we'll unpack with us senator eric schmitt as well as steve moore unpacking harris' radical ideology like medicare for all. we'll talk about that and more with steve. dagen: ben ferguson and stacey washington together on fire and we talk about one raging anti-semite of the democrat party could finally get shown the door. oh, it's a good day in america. top of the hour.
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with a vengeance. i was given, sentenced to 90 days which was the max sentencing. >> at the tone, please leave the following information, your name, your call-back number, how the stay-at-home order is being violated, and where the stay-at-home order was violated. thank you. liz: okay, first you hear from a small business owner just outside minneapolis, a mother of eight and grandmother speaking out saying she was jailed for 90 days under governor tim walz's covid shutdown orders for trying to keep open her bistro cafe to make a living for her family and you also heard governor walz's hot line for neighbors to snitch on each other if they violated his stay-at-home orders. joining us minnesota small business owner, andrew hul dis: he owns several high end salons. good to have you on the show, sir. what was it like owning and operating a small business under governor walz's leadership
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during covid? >> well, it was pretty stressful and first of all thanks for having me, liz, but it was extremely stressful. i'd say it was the most stressful time of my life. on march 17, at 9:43 p.m., we got notice that we were being shutdown. effective immediately, so we had no notice whatsoever. our customers didn't have any notice. our employees didn't have any notice. you know, some of the other industries, they gave a few days notice to, maybe a week's notice to, in our case. we got the order at 9:43 at night and we were closed the next day. liz: well, it's terrifying. go ahead finish your thought i'm sorry. go ahead. >> i was just going to say, so you go from as he had talked about some of these shutdowns, his whole plan was is we'll just put your people on unemployment, which would work for some employees but as a small business owner, for example, i didn't qualify for unemployment,
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so i went to zero income overnight and at the same time, governor walz and his staff, they were happy to sit home and collect a paycheck. it's not something that i could do. liz: it's an important point you just made. it's really, it shows how catastrophically wrong governors like tim walz and politicians and officials were wrong to go ahead and shutdown mom and pop shops, while they kept the big box stores open and strip bars and more. we've got more. let's get your reaction to fellow small business owners talking about this government over reach. this is what tim walz is saying that socialism is neighborly. you'll hear also video of the minneapolis police sergeant who says tim walz abandoned the third precinct in minneapolis letting it and neighborhoods burn to the ground during the 2020 riots, also small businesses burn to the ground. listen to all of this.
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watch. >> i heard the governor say, give it up. it wasn't directly to me. it was through a phone call and when the governor says give up the precinct, that's demoralizing for this whole state. >> if he gets to become the vice president, he needs to learn how to love the people here, especially in minnesota, because of the destruction that happened during his watch. he could be a good person but he also needs to understand the people the sufferings that they are going through. >> you want to have empathy but you also have to have empathy for the victims of the criminals and if you just have empathy for the criminals it's shallow. it's not real. you're not thinking. >> just left california for a lot of those reasons and what she's done with crime, with cashless bail, where you kill somebody, i mean, we have states there you kill somebody and they let you outright away. you don't even have to put and
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then they never find the people unless they kill again, our country is becoming a very dangerous place. liz: that's president trump and elon musk on kamala harris and you heard about tim walz there. sir, andrew, what do you want voters to know about tim walz? >> well, you know, he's not good in a crisis. when covid first came out, when the lockdowns first happened, he wanted some sort of mathematical model to make decisions on, so he hired the university of minnesota to create this mathematical model. well he got this model and this model predicted catastrophic deaths. it didn't even pass the sniff test, but he used this to justify his emergency powers and he continued to use it, even though it became very apparent, very quickly, that the model was dramatically flawed. i don't have any issue with
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the students and the faculty that tried to put it together but once you have new data, you have to be able to adjust course, and he simply couldn't do that. liz: he didn't do that. small business owner andrew hulse, thanks for sharing your experience. we're so sorry what you went through. we'll stay on the coverage. it's good to have you on. thanks again. >> thank you very much. liz: sure. there's this watchdog website. it's called gov track. it claims to be looking into the government. their page though, rating kamala harris as the most liberal member of the senate is now mia. got rid of it. what happened here? senator rick scott joins us next on that and much more, coming up. ♪ oh in a valley, where the mountains glow ♪ ♪ are the hardest-working folks ♪ ♪ that you ever could know ♪
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democratic senator is there any difference there. rick: i don't know i think what boy look at mine today, and the 22 and then you would buy every two years and 22 most politically senator, any back to work she was in the 18 last year there she was the most politically left now i look, she is a socialist and simple. she doubled them and she picked tim walz here is clearly a socialist in the ballpark. this way donald trump will win in this country does not want socialism. liz: let's talk about trump in the loan must because jago entered enter the investigator say that u.s. government has actually been wasting trillions of dollars in taxpayer money unless generation let's get with lots and what elon musk says here, watch this. >> need the deficiency and commission like where are we
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spitting many were sensible and noticeable many live within our means we are currently adding i think a trillion dollars to the deficit. every roughly every 100 days and you know, the intenal debt are w exceeding the defense budget in order of a trillion dollars. liz: what you think senator. rick: first off 11th antenna business guys and a guy like those two guys are news which he was ultimately did this when i became governor back in january 2011, florida really deficits floor and you know basically for four decades and i said way to live with her remains with the revenue we will spend much money no more than we would through every line in the budget and 4000 lines of the budget we had risen purpose for each line if you did not meet your purchase i vetoed next year but we should do it at the federal level and say was around and were not going to spend more than that by going to every time we spend some of it has to be a
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return for the taxpayer we do not do at hartford benicia benefit five and half years, there's that they will to do it right is something were to do every business person does this you know in the business like almost every day. liz: where is your most about kamala harris and tim walz ticket. rick: welcome what will happen is we will continue the path of going on she's no different maybe she's even worse than joe biden and inflation ♪ ♪ when the border will not be secured and were going to continue to take away america's freedoms were going to continue to be a war around the world enemy from a look would you trust her on any issue on the economy, the border dealing with prudent or anything. liz: that's a good point senator scott thank you and the dozen for the evening edit now to send it over to dagen mcdowell and sean duffy on the bottom line. dagen: thank you. liz: sur


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