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tv   Kudlow  FOX Business  August 15, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm EDT

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cut-rates sometime in september. liz: i know it is not one of your picks but you know what is evidence of that? lululemon's stock. i'm looking at it, up 6.6% on pace for the largest percent increase in 2023 and those yoga pants are not cheap. thank you very much for being here. >> thank you. liz: the dow, s&p, and nasdaq having the best week of 2024. markets are closing higher with the dow surging 534 points right now to 40,542. [closing bell rings] s&p up 82, 1 1/2% and the nasdaq 2.25%. let's not ignore the small and mid-caps up 2 1/2%. transports up 2%. that will do it for "the claman countdown." "kudlow" is next. larry: welcome to kudlow, i'm larry kudlow. president trump gave a tour de
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force speech on the economy yesterday in north carolina dismantling the biden-harris affordability crisis. more on that in just a moment with senator tommy tuberville but first up our very own edward lawrence at the white house with another joe biden sighting. edward, congratulations! >> reporter: we saw him in maryland, not far from here at an event are first event with vice president kamala harris since president biden stepped aside. it was the famous democratic line, it's the economy stupid. so on the economy president joe biden defensive about the coverage that he has been getting from what he sees as a success. so i asked him about the vice president and "bidenomics"? listen. mr. president, will "bidenomics" continue under vice president harris? [shouting questions] will "bidenomics" continue, will "bidenomics" continue under
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vice president harris? president biden: economy will continue with all the -- in case you haven't noticed it is working. >> reporter: grabbed my arm. the answer, president saying vice president kamala harris will not distance herself from the current economic policies. both blame companies for inflation. a federal law banning price gouging with the ftc leading investigations. she will cull out meat processing middlemen as examples of raising prices and vow to increase competition and meet production. inflation a target for former president trump. listen to this. >> look at all the, this is the greatest commercial they ever had. [cheering] that's what happened. this is inflation. this is tic-tac, this is inflation. this is what's happened. i just happen to have, someone gave me this one as an example
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of inflation. >> reporter: that's what happened under the biden-harris administration is what he was saying. president, former president said he would go back to his policies that created low energy and almost no inflation. in fact you remember probably the federal reserve is having discussions about how low inflation was, they were trying to spark it in 2020, because it was too low. they couldn't get it back to 2%. larry? larry: edward lawrence, thanks ever so much. so, are you better off now with biden-harris? that's the subject of tonight's riff. ♪. after taking a few wrong exits off the i-95 on the way to the white house, recent days donald trump is totally back on message. and hat tip to michael mckenna writing in "the washington times," that gave trump strong policy oriented interview with "breitbart" and then posting on "x," a solid critique of the economy and immigration. then his conversation with elon
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musk, all true, all true and yesterday his intellectual speech on the economy in asheville, north carolina, all of it good and as an aside, you know mr. trump is who he is. he is authentic. he does listen to his friends but he also has a tremendous store of knowledge regarding the key policy messages that hit voters in their gut and win elections. in fairness to him, for over two years, in his historic political comeback, he has repeatedly stayed on message regarding tax cuts, deregulation, drill, baby, drill, closing the border, putting out the foreign fires, and even recent polls by "new york times" sienna and fox, they show him doing very well across the board, even better in the breakdown, both white and non-white working class voters, plus strong leads on issues
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including the economy, border, foreign policy and crime. you know the kamala harris boomlet is a lot more hype than reality. now in north carolina he talked at some length about bringing down energy and electricity costs by unlocking the fossil fuel spying spigots and of course drill, baby, drill and he linked that with a pledge to curb inflation, bring down prices with a whole of government approach. people really don't realize how much fossil fuel righted costs permeate the entire economy. you know i always keep a list in my folder from the energy department, slightly less than 200 items linked to petroleum. things like antihistamines, ball point pens, beach umbrellas, cell phones, computers, dog collars, eyeglasses, golf bags, purses shampoo, shaving cream, solar panels, tennis rackets,
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toothpaste, clothing, that is just to name a few. so the point is by deregulating the fossil fuel sector and encouraging more production, prices could drop from, say $80 a barrel to perhaps somewhere's around $40 that would slash costs literally throughout the economy and that is what mr. trump is getting at. also in north carolina mr. trump emphasized his tax cuts, 2.0, along with slashing regulations, curbing federal spending, promoting growth and like he did so well at the republican national convention in milwaukee, mr. trump in north carolina was growthier, talking about growth and more growth. here, just take a listen to this. >> our current massive deficits will be reduced to practically nothing. our country will be powered by growth. our country will be powered by growth. we'll pay off our debt. we'll have all this income
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coming in. larry: wow, he understands that growth dissolves deficits and debt. that growth from the supply side of the economy will also curb inflation by producing more goods. on trade he emphasized the principle of reciprocity by saying quote, we'll have 10 to 20% on foreign countries that have been ripping us off for years, end quote, but he did not mention anything about baseline tariffs. reciprocity is a far better policy than protectionism. now mr. trump is dedicating himself to ending the biden-harris affordability crisis where prices have risen faster than paychecks and real wages have fallen. mr. trump is saying he did it once with successful pro-growth policy and he's ready to do it even better a second time. meanwhile kamala harris is flip-flopping her way to a discredited and goofy policy of
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price controls with a war on business in general, and on that stuff, nobody's going to take her seriously. so, at bottom, here's the crucial question, in mr. trump's own words and you quote, are you better off now with harris and biden than you were with a person named donald j. trump? end quote. with a question mark. there we go. that's my riff. all right, great pleasure joining me now alabama senator tommy tuberville. mr. tuberville, it is a pleasure to see you. are we better off now under biten harris or is it time to go back to growth? i ask you, senator tuberville. >> larry, if we don't start growing in this country we'll going to be in bad trouble. i saw where the harris regime has stolen something from
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venezuela, communist venezuela. price caps, they will put price caps on. they stole president trump's no tax on tips but the thing i want to say, larry, 2.9% inflation rate is what the white house released today, if you believe that i will sell you some beach front property in birmingham, alabama. it is way up there. gas prices are up. all the groceries are up and it is just absolutely amazing how they try to sell this to the american people right before the election but we're in bad shape but president trump has the answers. as you said, larry, we have to grow this country. free market principles a have made the country the most problem produce ever. absolutely amazing people don't understand that. larry: the cpi numbers, the other price indexes by the way as an aside, they do not include personal borrowing costs. they do not include interest rates on car loans, on mortgages, 25% on new credit credit cards for example.
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none of that stuff is in the cpi. it really ought to be. >> larry, buy some insurance. home insurance, car insurance, they have skyrocketed. it is absolutely amazing people don't really look and understand what is going on. a lot of it is because of the crime. a lot of it is because illegal immigration. because of things that are going on it's something that people just look at one thing, food prices, but, as you said, the interest rates, they say they're going to drop them, who cares, they will drop them a quarter percent. american people are struggling. they can't pay their bills. they can't send their kids to school with the right things to have in terms of learning. this is a tough time for the american citizen, the american family. larry: senator tuberville, let me play a little more tape from trump's speech in north carolina, have a listen, please. >> this is how we'll end the era of inflation, mayhem, misser isry. unleash economic abundance for
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americans of every race religion, color and creed. [cheering] together we will deliver low taxes, low regulations, low energy costs, low interest rates, low inflation, so everyone can afford groceries, a car and a home. everyone will prosper. every family will thrive and every day will be filled with opportunity, hope and joy. larry: so there you have it. for those folks who are concerned that he was off message i got to say he was sure back on message. what do you think of that? is he back on message now? >> 100%. low taxes, low regulations, and free market principles, larry. that is what the american people need. we got to give people a chance. right now we're not giving them a chance with the biden-harris administration. we'll not give them a chance if we put these people in there in terms of biden-harris or biden walz, whatever that group is, and give them the same playbook.
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they need to change the playbook. they could change it right now, kamala harris says first day she will bring prices down. how about doing it right now for the american people. not wait until january the 20th. larry: good point. i like that point about venezuelan price controls. we have done studies, this is an old saw. joe biden said this, going to price gouging, meat companies and chicken poultry companies, and then studies were done by all these agencies. they came up with nothing. then san francisco fed which is not known for its conservatism, nonetheless they came out with a study that said so-called price gouging had nothing to do with inflation in the u.s. then they always talk about corporate greed, we're going to hear more. this will be kamala harris's big economic speech tomorrow. this is so tired, so hackneyed. we've known now for 50 years, ever since richard nixon made the mistake that price controls never work and when the price controls come off, prices come
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shooting up anyway because of demand. we know this. how tired and hackneyed is that kind of approach? >> larry i can remember back in the 1970s when i was a young guy, city governments put caps on rent. absolutely, almost destroyed the inner cities in terms of apartments because nobody built apartments. if you can't rent them for what you need to get your money back out of them, if you're the developer, there is no reason to build. that is exactly what is going to happen here. i'm anxious to hear her economic speech because it has been a disaster for the last 3 1/2 years. it will continue to be that. it will be all socialism, giveaway, make the american people send in tax money like in july, american tax people sent 330 billion but he spent 545 billion. we can't continue to do this, larry. we are dead broke. larry: by the way, president biden proposed federal rent controls for the whole country and i bet you that kamala harris
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has that in her plank. so what you saw in the cities, which destroyed the housing stock, they want to do it nationwide, absolutely incredible. two more points, sir, first of all, interestingly to my, we did a review, trump's polls are actually quite decent. i mean he actually has a small lead. it is only a one point lied nationwide. this is "new york times," sienna and fox. that is all he had with biden. nationwide doesn't mean much because it is swing states. but he is also doing very well among working class voters. he is outperforming harris, outperforming obama, he is outperforming joe biden himself. trump's doing very well whether it's minority working class voters or it's white working class voters or it is all working class voters. now this is his hidden weapon. he is appealing to a working class coalition. interestingly nobody want to say this because the numbers are there. the polls suggest he is
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succeeding building a working class coalition. >> he will explode after labor day, larry. people will come to their sents. they will finally start hearing hopefully what this administration of harris and walz stand for. they haven't said anything yet but it's coming. i compare it to the senate races. i've been watching all those. following them going out campaigning for senators, larry. i'm hearing out there that we are doing very well in senate races and at that coincides with what president trump's doing because he is doing just as well or better. larry: now, senator, tim walz, governor of minnesota, now veep candidate, at a boston fund-raiser says this is from the press pool, i'm going to quote, i feel like one of my rolls in this now to be the anti-tommy tuberville to show football coaches are not the dumbest people, end quote. this is a guy who was an assistant ohio school football coach. what is he getting at?
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what is he, by the way? >> well, i think he is trying to make himself relevant. i had a pretty decent career 35 years of coaching. enjoyed every bit of it. when you start comparing politics with education, there is no comparison. education is so important in this country. he didn't last very long in it. this is a guy that left his unit and didn't go to fight when they had to go fight in afghanistan. he did several things in minnesota as governor just abandoned the police. so i don't take that with a grain of salt. i'm proud of what i did as a coach and i'm proud of the coaching profession and i'm proud of all the kids that i worked with. they were great but, he has got one step away from possibly being vice president of the united states. i don't know how he has done it but he worked his way up. i guess it is by smoke and mirrors. larry: smoke and mirrors. senator tuberville, last question, are you fixing to be glued to your tv set and watch
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the democratic national convention in chicago, illinois? are you fixing to do that, senator. >> yeah, i'm going to be fired up about it, larry. i will probably play golf real late. i never played night golf before but i might play night golf. larry: gosh, senator tommy tuberville, thank you, sir, wonderful to see you again. coming upturns out there is no kamala harris polling boom at all. we'll dig in with miss harris is losing working class voters like no democrat hasn't before. among other things with charlie hurt and katie pavlich. remember, catch "kudlow" monday through friday 4:00 p.m. right here on fabulous fox business and if you can't get us at 4:00 for some reason please just text your favorite nine-year-old and she will show you how to dvr the show and you will never miss a nighttime golf game with senator tuberville. i'm kudlow. we'll be right back.
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larry: pay attention to go some some of these numbers mr. trump is still strong in the polls with working class.
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kay tee pavlich -- kate tie pavlich. i'm on set, you're remote. we'll try to switch that. >> dang it. larry: i know. >> that's a bummer. i'm solo now. larry: katie, start with you for a variety of reasons. it is interesting numbers here. overall working class voters support, overall working class, obama in 2012 was plus four. joe biden was minus four. in 2020. kamala harris is minus 15 right now. that is now badly she slipped. white working class, obama was minus 20. hilary minus 2. kamala minus 38 right now. and even non-white working class which obama had 67% in 2012, miss harris only has 29.
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i know this is supposed to be a big boom for kamala, but these numbers suggest mr. trump is doing just fine for his working class coalition. what do you think about it? >> well, first of all kamala harris isn't exactly a relatable candidate when it comes to the working class in the rust belt. that is the first thing. the second thing is it is very clear that the working class all these different demographics, they understand that kamala harris is tied directly to "bidenomics" and to the biden administration. they have been living this night mayor in terms of inflation, not being able to afford basic goods and services. interest rates for years, they don't want a redo. they have been told that inflation was transitory, that everything was fine and they know that it is not. that is why you're seeing the working class pushing back against this. they have seen a lot of regulation and mandates like the electric vehicle mandate for example. that affects workers in michigan in terms of building cars and also affects people who want to get to work who can't afford an
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electric car. even if they had one, it would probably break down on the way. larry: indeed. you couldn't after ford the insurance for it anyway. it is interesting, charlie, working class numbers, talking about michigan, which is, pennsylvania, she has got problems, right there she has a problem. let me read something else. "fox poll," trump is plus six on the economy. that is narrower than biden but still plus six. plus 19 on the border. plus five on crime. plus seven on foreign policy it is not like the trump campaign collapsed. the way you read some of the liberal media outlets it collapsed. it is not true. >> a lot of it is wishful thinking. i would grant them this, i think this is a high-water mark for the harris campaign. she has gotten an unprecedented amount of propaganda the last couple weeks. you know, we're going to see another week of just hysterical propaganda, hopefully we'll also see some of the crazy side of
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democrats at the convention. larry: you will see every nut cake in the country giving speeches, they will give speeches. tommy tuberville will play nighttime golf but a lot of americans will watch these people. >> we'll get paid to watch it. we don't have a choice. i will have my pen and paper. i intend to tell everybody all the crazy stuff i hear. larry: yes. >> so, then after this, i think we get down to, talking about these important issues, we start talking about it, the american people are not stupid. they know who is, the policies that are good for them, policies that are bad for them. you're talking about two people with harris and walz who have been in the public sector their entire lives basically. they have never earned a paycheck. they never created a job. versus, and i've always loved this comparison between either one of these two, against jd vance, and of course obviously donald trump, a couple people who created jobs, worked in the private sector. created real wealth and the american, you know, this, these
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angry class warfare political schemes usually don't pay off very well. larry: they don't, especially for the great middle class. katie, i'm reading a good column today from michael mckenna. green new deal, government-run health care, by the way no private health insurance which is a killer. there are 220 million some odd americans with private health care insurance, that would go away. opening the southern border, confiscating guns. cutting funding to police departments, higher taxes more spending how do you sell that? how do you flip-flop your way through that, katie? i don't get it. >> it's amazing that they're trying to sell their campaign as freedom and minding your own business and yet you just listed off all the things they want to take away or control in peoples lives. to charlie's point about, walz and harris not being in business, not being in the private sector, not only that, but governor walz threw people
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in jail for months for disobeying covid laws after opening up their own businesses because they wanted to survive as a business and pay their workers. so you can't tell me that you're for the working class, you're throwing people in jail for wanting to operate their business, especially looking around the country and other people are capable of doing it. of course you have kamala harris who is very much engaged in, supporter of these mandates that controlled business and controlled peoples live hi hoods. so that's the record they want to run away from. they're running towards being donald trump without his name which is why they stole the tax on tips. they're probably steal a bunch of other policy positions as well, these are our democratic positions and they're not trump's. if they're progressive opinions and policy positions were popular they would not be running away from them, they would be running towards them. they have done everything as charlie also said with the propaganda campaign the past couple weeks to get away from
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their actual record. larry: charlie, another point, senator tuberville used venezuelan style price controls. i love that. we don't need soviet style, it is right down there in venezuela. price controls, price gouging, we made businesses, corporations are evil and greedy, you know this is so old and hackneyed, i cannot believe it has political value at all. i might add, when joe biden started on the price gouging as an explanation for 9% inflation, so everybody looked at it and federal government came up with nothing. then the san francisco fed did a study on it, no, price gouging was not a part of the u.s. inflation. they will try to play this over again? this movie or this record or this tape -- >> nightmare. larry: this thing is so old, so boring, i mean really? this is the best they got? >> it is pure communism. if you believe all wealth is created by government intervention that's communism and we've tried this before and
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it has killed 100 million humans on the planet over the past 100 years. it is a very dangerous thing. of course in the past americans have never been, you know willing to, they have seen through this and quite frankly not to get really dark about it, it is my believe this is why democrats have done all they could do destroy education, they don't want kids to know the history of communism, history of all this stuff. they will try to rebrand it and sell it, like katie said as freedom or some nonsense like that. it is very dangerous. it kills people. people starve under these policies. larry: absolutely. katie, just real quick, last 30 seconds, trump has a proposal to take the energy department basically, slam it down and send the segments out around the country, what's left of it. charlie made me think of it on education. i think that's pretty innovative idea. what you think? >> there is entire federal
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government agencies, many of them should be eliminated completely but the ones that do serve some purpose should be out in the states where they are regulating people. the people in washington, d.c., and a lot of people in new york are constantly telling people out in america how to live their lives when they don't live there. so they're implementing all these policies and regulations on people that are damaging and completely, you know, torn away from reality when it comes to the effect of what they're actually doing to these people. it is ranchers in montana, oil and gas in texas, these different areas require context on the ground, not from washington, d.c. larry: you bet. thanks, charlie hurt, katie pavlich, appreciate it very, very much. folks coming up, president trump with a growthier message yesterday in north carolina. he has got a news conference today. probably talk growth again. anyway, we'll talk growth with steve moore and scott bessent.
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♪. larry: all right, wall street hot today. dow up 554 points. kelly o'grady with all the information. kelly. >> reporter: hey there, larry, yeah that's right, one analyst note i read described this as a positive growth hat trick. i want to start with the first point. we got stronger-than-expected retail sales. increase of 1% compared to expected 0.3%. basically folks are still spending. so the health of consumers not as bad as some investors feared. second part of the hat trick, lower than expected jobless claims. this came in at 227,000. the street was expecting 235,000. this gave investors confidence
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maybe the jobe market is slowing but it is not falling off a cliff yet. investors love this, the dow up over 500 points. s&p and nasdaq notched their sixth straight day of feigns of the doubleclicking on it actually fully recovered from the losses of that big slide last week t was led today by consumer discretionary, sector there, couple stocks own the screen, goes back to the notion that consumers are still spending. finally third part of the hat trick for you. walmart earnings beat on top and bottom line. they raised guide dense for the rest of the year. few companies especially retailers are doing that. big day but word of caution think about the fundamentals. walmart gains came from higher income households. that indicate as tradedown due to higher prices elsewhere. larry i note, we got a read on manufacturing production, that came in cooler than expected and that is something we've been seeing month-over-month. that tends to be a leading recession indicator. a lot of celebrating, but that
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didn't really come through in the markets, larry, yes, ma'am. industrial production minus 0.6%. year on year it is down and so is manufacturing. thanks, kelly o'grady, we appreciate it very much. mr. trump was focused on a growthier message last night. here's scott bessent with the president in north carolina. take a listen. >> kamala harris will start with the kamala crash in the stock market and then it will be the kamala crash in the economy. larry: all right, guess what? scott joins us now, founder, ceo of key square investments. he is joined by steve moore, committee to unleash prosperity, host of "moore money" on wabc radio. scott bessent are you looking for a big stock market crash, 1929? >> well, larry i think we can't rule out anything if kamala and democrats get back in november. they love big government. you know, as we're seeing, they
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want to put on price caps and, look what's happened in california. california has the highest income taxes in the country. governor walz in minnesota, they have the 52-week highest income taxes in the country. so, you know, i think that the, it would be you know, a jar to the market if somehow they were to win especially if they were to eke out both houses. larry: let me follow up real quickly, you were there. looks to us like mr. trump gave a very on-message growthier speech. how did you read it, scott? >> larry, i am happy to report that the donald trump has got his groove back. it was a fantastic speech. there were tons of policy, as you like to say, it was very growthy. i think, you know, he has been refining how he wants to talk about vice president harris and
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the governor walz and their failed policies and you know, you can see his narrative improving on that but i think most of all, he gave a positive outlook for the future and his vision for trump 2.0. i loved it. larry: steve moore, you're itching to get in. hang on, i will may some tape from last night's, yesterday's speech in asheville, north carolina. here it comes. >> to further reduce consumer prices i will immediately plim nate every single costly job killing regulation that the biden-harris administration has created. in our first term our regulation cuts saved the typical american family $11,000. by repealing the biden-harris regulatory onslaught we can save an estimated $20,000. we will make additional tax cuts. that is what gave us the great economy. we'll make tax cuts additionally. we'll make them permanent. larry: so, steve moore, i am
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sure you read more, listened more, scott says he has his groove back i tend to agree. this is the growthiest he has been since the republican national convention in milwaukee. what do you make of it? >> americans want a real recovery. wall street is doing well, i'm happy to see the stock market up high. a poll came out a month or so ago 60% of americans still think america is in a recession. now you know, a lot of people in the media laughed and said how stupid are these americans, they don't understand -- technically we're not in recession i understand that you about, larry, it has been for the last 3 1/2 years the average family lost $2000 of real income. reagan used the word real take-home pay. that is being reduced for the average family. so you know, i would submit to you, larry, if your income is falling, your ability to pay your bills is falling you're in a recession. i think that is the part that kamala harris doesn't
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understand. she is running around the country trying to convince people that "bidenomics" has been a success, when you look at virtually every statistic, larry almost every single one shows the economy did substantially better when trump was president, whether it is small business optimism, whether the stock market, whether people's real incomes, whether gas prices almost everyone of those was better when trump was president. larry: politics aside for one moment. today's retail sales were better than expected, there is no question about it. the numbers are the numbers. on the other hand, scott, it is interesting, industrial production declined. industrial production and manufacturing production looked to be frankly in in a recessionary pattern, they're falling, the level is falling. i would add to that business equipment which is a very important proxy for business investment on the supply side of the economy, that is falling. it has been falling steadily. the housing situation has been
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falling. so it is an uneven economy, scott bessent. just to put the politics aside for one moment. it is not a rosy scenario. it is not yet in recession. maybe the front end of recession, i guess that is my question to you? >> larry it is a bifurcated economy and as steve said we've seen this for the past year. the bottom 50% of earners have been in a recession. their inflation expectations are twice the median inflation expectations of the average household. so they're expecting 6% inflation because their inflation has been so high in food, in gas and the other thing, larry, is, that the government largess, this huge budget deficit we've been run something just going to a certain cohort and you know, this isn't politics. it's reality. if you are not an industrial
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company that's not part of the green new deal, not part of the chips act, then you are being the starved and you're being crowded out. larry: yeah. steve moore, the expectation tomorrow is kamala harris will give her speech on the economy and federal price gouging or price controls, an attack on business. i mean, we looked at this. there is no price gouging. the evidence shows san francisco fed, they're not the only ones but -- >> that's right. larry: this is like a repeat of richard nixon for heaven's sakes, not really a good idea it seems. what do you think? that is what she will come up with? that is her whole thing? >> i remember. i was 12 years old, i remember richard nixon giving a speech, we have price controls, nothing can raise prices for six or nine months t was an idiot policy. it didn't work. you have to be an economic
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ignoramus if you're in favor of price controls. larry, tell me anywhere, anytime in the lift of the world where price controls have worked? they never work. they cause shortages. they cause bigger problems for americans. we saw that with rent control. we saw that with price controls on drugs. it never works and yet here kamala harris and her economic brain trust are going to say oh, the reason we have inflation is because of freed did -- greedy corporations. come on. larry: so old and staid. scott, joe biden already proposed national rent controls. i think that will be in kamala -- national rent controls. so we can destroy the whole country's housing stock. >> larry, they love big spending. they love big regulation. they ended up with big inflation and you better than anybody knows what is coming next, big taxes to pay for it all. larry: you're right. unfortunately, you're right. by the way fortunately mr. trump is talking now at some length
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about cutting spending and deficits. he is right, growthier mines you can grow your way partially out of the debt and debt problem. gentlemen, thank you. steve moore, scott bessent, thank you very much. up next a new hunter biden corruption scandal. this is from tuscany, italy. the justice department and state department are up to their eyeballs in corruption. gregg jarrett with this incredible story next up. introducing new advil targeted relief.
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in tuscany, italy. just couldn't dense tally the information come us out after mr. biden, president biden, dropped out of the race, what do you make of this gregg jarrett in this is a hell of a story. >> oh it is, joe biden's state department, tony blinken at the helm, they had the documents. they knew for years all about the corrupt influence peddling schemes by the bidens. it is not just italy and burisma in ukraine, you had china, romania, russia, kazakhstan, the list goes on and on. how hunter was selling access, promises of influence to foreign adversaries and the evidence, larry, suggests that his dad was involved, complicit, aiding and abetting schemes, netting the family tens of millions, yet the state department worked to hide the incriminating files and cover up the suspected crimes. first, gee whiz, we don't have any documents. only a lawsuit and a judge's
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order forced them to say, well, yeah, maybe we do but even then the state department refused to cough up the smoking gun documents until joe biden quit the race and state said, that is just a coincidence. that is laughable. the level of corruption in this administration runs deep. it's pervasive. they stonewalled to protect joe biden politically and legally. larry: listen, the justice department also, because it was freedom of information act, doj with held it, state department withheld it. they had to, because if justice did. that was the key point. none of this was released, "new york times," give them some credit, none of it was released to "the times" until joe biden dropped out of the race, isn't that a coincidence. the other part of this, hunter biden robbieed the state department, he also lobbied the
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commerce department for this burisma deal in tuscany region in italy, but, but, but, hunter biden has not been yet prosecuted, there is nothing out there yet because he violated the foreign agents registration act. he was acting on behalf of burisma, as corrupt and crooked they may be, he should have had a foreign registration and he never did and he should be tried for that it seems to me? >> and he never will be, larry, because under merrick garland, joe biden's justice department has been running an epic protection racket. the racket is still going on. his special counsel david weiss and his lackeys notoriously buried damning evidence of biden corruption. they allowed the statute of limitations to expire. they tipped off the defense attorneys for hunter. they scuttled warrants. they tried to sweep it all under the rug with a sweetheart deal. he should be charged with fara.
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he never will be. gregg jarrett, appreciate it. folks i will be right back. when you're a small business owner, your to-do list can be...a lot. ♪ ... it might be the perfect size to do this. your body may take up a lot of space. or have to speak with its hands. but no matter what body you're born with, you only get one. let's fight like hell for it. (♪)
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larry: mr. trump is growthier. totally unmessaged, raising paycheck, cutting taxes and inflationment sounds pretty good to me and everybody is going to sound good. elizabeth macdonald up next. liz: thank you so much, larry. welcome to the "evening edit" i'm elizabeth macdonald. former president trump right now taking it right to kamala harris. a press conference, he's doing as she avoid


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