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tv   The Evening Edit  FOX Business  August 16, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT

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[city noise] investment opportunities are everywhere you turn. do you charge forward? freeze in your tracks? (♪) or, let curiosity light the way. at t. rowe price, we're asking smart questions about opportunities like clean water. and how clean water advances can help transform our tomorrows. better questions. better outcomes. t. rowe price larry: i tell you what, price controls and government takeover of the economy is not going to work politically or in economic terms. it's just not going to work it's a big loser. not liz macdonald, she's a winner, that's the difference. elizabeth: thank you, larry. when are they going to cap government spending? larry: ooh, there you go, there's a thought. elizabeth: not a license meat, bumper sticker for you.
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good to see you, larry. let's get to to it. welcome to the "the evening edit," i'm elizabeth macdonald. kamala harris is getting hammered that her government price control plan is just socialism that already triggered chaos and failure overseas. the details, more coming in and former chair of the council of economic advisers, kevin hassett, is here. he's fired up and ready to go. also tonight harris again wants more government housing subsidies. it's more of the same ideas that fueled the financial crisis and the great recession just a short time ago a. america majority ceo ned ryan here to react. and for the first time ever, a new house probe into a vice presidential candidate. we've never seen that. tim walz. more and more of minnesota's small businesses also speaking out. we've got one tonight on how their business was destroyed under tim walz. and never before seen image from
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the day of the trump assassination attempt. but first, mark this date down. today could mark a turn in the polls towards former president trump. kamala harris is getting roundly criticized today on her government price cap plan that would wreck the u.s. economy. edward lawrence live at the white house with the story. edward, what a day. >> reporter: yeah, liz, what a day. the vice president saying that, generally, businesses are price gouging, that's the reason we're seeing the higher prices. she specifically called out the food industry saying she would like to see more competition in, say, the meat processing part of that. vice president harris wants more competition in that industry and says she will empower the ftc with more authority to go after price gouging. [applause] >> believe me, as president, i will go after the bad actors, and i will work to pass the first ever federal ban on price gauging oned food. >> reporter: across the board
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we've seen pushback. the meat institute, which represents huge producers like tyson's food, their president and ceo says a federal ban on price gouging does not address the real causes of inflation. the harris campaign rhetoric unfairly targets the meat and poultry industry and does not match the facts. chris young, the executive director of the american association of meat processers goes further saying there is a direct correlation between the energy and regulatory policies of the current administration and the increased costs of goods to customers, adding that they have to pass on those increased crosses -- costs. for grocery store owners, the accusation of price gouging is a slap in their face. >> i don't know anybody that price gouges. i don't know how the government's going to be able to control that. i feel like there's a freight train running behind us with price increases right now. insurance costs are going up, fuel costs. i talk to our farmers, they're
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struggling with energy costs and diesel costs and, you know, even a lot of government regulations. >> reporter: so as an industry in 2023, for example, the grocery stores' profit margin was 1.6% and stew can't imagine the government knows the right price for a pork chop, for example. back to you, liz. elizabeth: always great journalism from edward lawrence. thank you so much. you know, if they were price gouging, wouldn't the profit margin be 30% instead of 1.2%? this whole thing is absurd. "the washington post" directly cited communism about this in its story saying it's hard to exaggerate how bad this is, and it's going to lead to shortages, black markets and hoarding. let's bring in former chair of the counsel of economic advisers, kevin hassett. kevin, always wonderful to see you, sir. when you saw this plan, what was your reaction? >> honestly, i was horrifieded. this is incredibly chilling. you know, a lot of the sort of
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reasonable democratic economists like my good friend jason furman are out there saying, well, they're not really going to do it. but if you look at kamala harris' record, she's for medicare for all a, she wants everybody to have a guaranteed job, she's got all these socialist policies that she's been walking back over the last couple of weeks, and now they come out -- [laughter] now you know why they don't let her speak in public. she comes out with the craziest, silliest economic proposals in the history of presidential politics. and honestly, she wants the government to set prices, and she really wants them to. that's the chilling thing. if she becomes president, this is going to be policy. you're going to go to the grocery store, and then it won't be there, or if it is there, the shelves will be empty. i actually wrote a chapter in the economic report of the president -- or my staff did -- when i was in the white house that showed when the government starts setting food prices, that's when people start the having famines and stuff because the people who produce food
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can't afford to do so because the government pays them less than the cost. it's just terrible. elizabeth: it's being called remarkably, breathtakingly idiotic. and it took her four years to come up with this? this is after her running mate, tim walz, called socialism, quote, neighborliness. she's copying senator warren, you know, bernie sanders. kevin, the irony is grocery giant kroger just promised to cut prices by a billion bucks after its merger with albertson's. let me back up. let's listen to former president trump on this. watch. >> what that would mean which basically says, like, it's not going to be markets, it's not going to be supply and demand that's determining how much your grocery store charges you for mil or for eggs, it's going -- milk or eggs, it's going to be some bureaucrat in d.c. which seems totally unworkable, first of all, for the ftc to be
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deciding how much kroger charges for eggs in michigan. but it also would be very bad for markets. we've seen this kind of thing tried in lots of other countries before. venezuela, argentina, the soviet union, etc. it leads to shortages, it leads to black marks, you know? if plenty of uncertainty. >> now kamala's reportedly proposing communist price controls. she wants price controls. and if they worked, i'd go along with it too, but they don't work. they actually have the exact opposite impact and effect. but it leads to good shortages, rationing, hunger. dramatically more inflation. their inflation reduction act, by the way, was a disaster. it's what caused the inflation. their inflation reduction act was a con job. they actually admitted that that it wasn't really for inflation, that they did it. elizabeth: yeah. price fixing is already illegal. you know, kevin, what's next, price controls on car insurance?
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baby food? pet food? >> sure. elizabeth: i mean, all are up double digits under biden and harris. >> right. well, the fact is that harris' proposal is modeled after a proposal by elizabeth warren that's so open-ended that the government could basically set the price for everything. and so if you think that this is just, you know, something that's going to take the far-left people and make sure that they're ready to to vote forker her -- for her, no, this is a serious proposal. in fact, while she's out there talking about this price gouging, she's also bragging about the price setting that the government has done in the prescription drug space. and my colleague, thomas phillipson, wrote an article in the "wall street journal" a few days ago that showed because of the price fixing of the biden-harris administering, millions of seniors are going to lose their drug benefits. you can go through that article and see how that works. but she's bragging about having fixed other prices, and she's, you know, copying a bill that wants to fix every price. elizabeth: well, you know, she wasn't picked by democrat
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primary voters, so this is what the party is stuck with, absolute, abject stupidity. kevin, if you could please stay with us, we've got to get to this story. coming up next, turning to this, harris also said the government should subsidize housing with even more of your money. didn't that get the u.s. into the banking and financial crisis triggering the great recession in 2008? it's so dumb. grady trimble is standing by live in d.c. with more. grady. >> reporter: hey, liz. vice president harris says this plan she laid out today will help get 3 million homes built in the next 4 years to bring down the cost to buy or rent a home. here's some of what's in that plan. a tax incentive for building starter homes, a $40 billion fund to spur housing construction. she wants to cut red tape, stop wall street investors from bulk buying homes, and she wants to help with first-time home buyers' down payments. >> while we work on the housing shortage, my administration will
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provide first-time home buyers with $25,000 -- [cheers and applause] to help with the down payment on a new home. we can do this. [applause] we can do this. >> reporter: she says we can do this, but there are questions about whether harris could if elected, because a lot of these proposals would require congressional approval. they'd also likely lead to more government spending and maybe more inflation if according to some folks including investor and author the david bahnsen. here's what he says. giving people $25,000 to buy a home does not make a home price cheaper, it makes a home cost, welsh about $25,000 -- well, about $25 the ,000 more. he points out the housing affordability crisis is on the supply side, feeding more demand with increased deficit spend, he says, is the opposite of what this situation calls for. and at his press conference last night, former president trump said he'll tackle the housing crisis by opening up federal
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lands to build houses, getting rid of unnecessary regulations and improving supply chains. and, by the way, liz, the harris proposal also includes opening up federal lands, so maybe some bipartisan support there although republicans are blasting the rest of it. liz? elizabeth: thank you, grady trimble. okay, let's welcome to the show the ceo of american majority, ned ryan, and we're welcoming back kevin hassett. thank, gentlemen, both. ned, your reaction to that new agenda of harris.>> well, appart going to address what caused all this inflation in the first place. obviously, their out of control government spending, printing of money like it's no if knoply money, the rising cost of fuel because of their obsession with the global warming hoax. and their response to all of this is we caused inflation, we're going to try and fix inflation with more things that caused inflation, liz. it's absolute insanity. but i guess this is what a you get when you have two neo-marxists at the top of the ticket. the crazy part to me, liz, is we
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literally have two neo-marxists at the top of the democratic ticket, and i'm sitting here wondering why did we even fight the cold war if we're going to accept these ideas, this ideology as legitimate if as though it belongs in u.s. politics? but incredible to me that kamala harris hasn't done anything for four weeks since this political coup to take out president biden as their nominee, and her first and best offer is her economic offer a, and it's communism plain and simple. elizabeth: what ned just said. kevin, let's listen to kamala harris today admitting, yeah, inflation did take off a on their watch. they hit the gassen on $2.7 trillion in new spending. she was the tie-breaking vote in the senate on that. the spending is more than double barack obama's 2009 spending bonanza, the journal says. watch this. >> a loaf of bread costs 50% more today than it did before the pandemic. ground beef is up almost 50.
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elizabeth she's admitting it. what do you think? now she wants to let $3.44 trillion in trump's tax cuts expire next year? what do you think? >> yeah, i don't think that she understands what causes inflation. but to go to the housing thing, you know, she promised that she would build or help subsidize the building of 3 million new homes. one of the things that's been driving housing inflation up so much is the open border. so there are 55, 6, 7 million people who need a place to stay who are moving into places all over the country and driving up prices. and so if you think about it, the 3 million that she wants to build won't even cover the 5 million illegals she's let across the border. she absolutely doesn't understand what causes inflation, and the way to think about it is there's this balloon inflating because of the runaway government spending. and she doesn't like this part of the balloon, so she's putting her finger in it and pushing it back in, but the balloon's still growing. it's just terrible, terrible policy. this is going to come back to bite them because this is so
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obviously -- even joe biden knows this doesn't make any sense, okay? [laughter] and everybody on the left that has a brain is going to back away from this -- elizabeth: i mean, yes. even, you know, obama, obama's top economist, jason furman, said this makes no sense, what she's talking about -- >> he's a good man. elizabeth: yes, he is. we've got to go to this other story, ned. for the first time ever, house oversight is probing a vice presidential candidate. oversight chair james comer sent a letter to the fbi asking for information on the 30 trips that a kamala harris' running mate tim walz took to china since 1993. china paid for some of these trips. they're saying he set up an llc to do these trips to china, and walz is also a fellow at the macau poly-tech university. that's a chinese front that says it has a devotion to the communist party. and he spoke alongside the president of a chinese organization, the state department exposed, as a chinese
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front too. this is a deeper story than we realized. >> correct. i mean, there's a very close relationship between tim walz and the ccp, including by the way something called minnesota global that has ties to walz, that has ties to the ccp in addition to everything else you mentioned. i think it deserves all of the oversight committee's attention, to expose whatever might if be happening. but the fact that tim walz is this closely tied to the existential threat to our standing on the international stage should be deeply troubling to everybody. elizabeth: yeah. the first time in history, i think, we've seen a running mate probed. final word, kevin. >> i think we're going to find his connections to china are very similar to hunter biden's, and i don't think that's a coincidence. elizabeth: you two gentlemen were terrific. thanks for joining us this friday night. coming up, okay, if you thought vice president harris' pitch today was wildly far left, wait until you hear the sound from 2020 the that we found. it's off the rails socialist. heritage economist e.j. antoni
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here to react. also a tonight we've got a former minnesota small businessman, he's going to join us. he says harris' running mate, governor tim walz, literally let his family business burn to the ground during the02020 riots. he's going to explain. we're showing the video right now. plus, the media and democrats, they want you to believe prices are going down. they're not listening to real americans. fox business is. >> prices aren't going down. >> prices are up on everything. >> oh, my gosh, eggs are more expensive than they were last week. elizabeth: coming up, more reaction from americans at the iowa a state fair on harris' communist, socialist economic pitch. that's what they're calling it. also tonight is speaker pelosi's legacy now damaged by ousting president biden from the race? that's a d.c. debate happening. we've got more details on how speaker pelosi reportedly threatened to publicly trash the president biden in the media. liz peek is here to reabout.
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but first, a never before seen image from the day of the attempted assassination of former president trump. republican congressman jeff van drew is here. he's with us next. stay right there. ♪ ♪ >> [bleep] i told them they need to put the guys [bleep] over here. i told them that a -- >> who? >> the secret service. i told them that [bleep] tuesday. i told them to post [bleep] guys over here. ♪ we've always been competitive. yeah... one of us always had to be first. first! first! [continue bickering in background] hold on, guys! [car honk] first. today, we're first together. we love you, mom and dad. thank you so much for making it possible. and now you can finally put yourselves first.
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of the biggest names in streaming, all for just $15 a month. get the fastest connection to paris with xfinity. >> i told 'em to [bleep] some guys over here: >> i wasn't even concerned about it, because i thought there was guys on the roof. >> they were inside. >> why were we not concern. >> in the building. >> [inaudible] >> why weren't they? >> because i thought we were going to post guys over here. i talked to the secret service guys, yeah, no problem, we're going to post guys over here. >> watch the large window beside you. >> i bet you he climbed up here. elizabeth: okay, that was the police body cam footage. the chaos shown here among law enforcement in that harrowing moments after former president trump was shot. and now this, congresswoman anna paulina luna says she has a new photo that shows the would-be
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assassin casually walking around out in the open, brandishing his gun at the rally in pennsylvania before he shot president trump. and killed a man and wounded another. let's welcome to the show from house judiciary congressman jeff van drew. congressman, this is a startling photo. it's good to see you, sir. if this is true, doesn't it raise even more questions about security lapses at the butler rally? >> good to be with you as well. let's be really clear, every single american should be concerned about this -- [audio difficulty] at one moment in time. this is about the way we are running our agencies. now, our agents are good. the vast majority of the secret service agents, cia agents, those people that work for the fbi. but the people at the top are worried about woke philosophies and policies. if they're not operating by a meritocracy at the very top, number one.
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number two, instead of worrying about policing pronounce, everything else, they should have had a hot spot there. they should have been communicating. they should have had officers at various locations. they should have been working with the local police forces. i was intimately involved in wildwood, new jersey, the biggest rally president trump has ever had, 10 2,000 people. there were people out in boats on the ocean, and when i say people, i mean agents. they were on the risers behind him, they were in the crowd, we established a hot spot there. our local police was working with the county sheriff's county, working with the secret service, fbi, etc. this is a huge screw-up. and and i'm going to the say something a little bit controversial. no matter how many task forces we have, no matter how many investigations we have looking into it, this will only be straightened out when we have a chief executive and a congress that enforces substantive change at all these agencies. it never should have happened, and it's not the fault of local
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end enforcement. -- enforcement. they were in charge, secret service was in charge. elizabeth: congressman, so what is the status of the probe into this? reportedly, we still don't know the shooter's motive, why exactly the secret service left unguarded the building with the rooftop from where he shot. it was within 150 yards of president trump. that's an easy shot for a decent shooter, especially one with an ar-15 that can the shoot, like, 600 yards. >> unbelievable they didn't have that building covered. obviously, a man with emotional problems, but there are people out there with social and emotional problems, and is we have to protect our elected officials from this happening. it should have never happened, and we've got to straight then it out. and i don't think task forces are going to do it alone. we need leadership at the top level to stop this and put new people many place. elizabeth: now they're going to use, reportedly, bulletproof glass to surround former president trump at his rallies. congressman van drew, thanks for joining us. it's good to see you.
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coming up, we have found even more sound that shows how extremely far left and socialist vice president harris really is. heritage economist e.j. antoni here on that. but first, brand new details on how speak per pelosi threatened president biden to get out. -- to get him to drop out. the new d.c. debate, is her legacy damaged? liz peek reacts to the new details coming up. >> i pray so, i cry so. now -- >> you worried about it? >> i sleep on it. yeah. >> do you think he's angry at you? >> i don't know. we haven't had a consideration. ♪ -- a conversation. ♪ ♪ meet the jennifers. jen x.
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real distraction. >> it is so well reported that you were the leader of a pressure if campaign. >> no, i wasn't a leader of any precious party. elizabeth: well, yes, she was. a new report, it was former speaker pelosi leading the charge to oust president biden from the race. she threatened to publicly shame him if he didn't drop out. joining us now, fox news contributor liz peek. liz, it's great to have you back on. let me just go through the daily mail report here. it's quoting anonymous sources saying that, they're close to the situation, that speaker pelosi threatened to publicly humiliate and trash president biden in the media by releasing brutal polling figures and by publicly saying he could not win. liz, she was reportedly furious they could lose the house. the d.c. debate, is her legacy now damaged by this? the she went on a book tour right before she got him to go -- right after she got him ousted. this is for her new memoir.
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what do you think? >> harry truman once said if you want to have a friend in washington, get a dog -- [laughter] and i think joe biden just learned that the hard way, liz. look, nancy pelosi's legacy is that she is an incredibly tough and ruthless leader of the house. and even though she's no longer speaker, she behaves that way. she's the leader of the democratic party and, honestly, you can't be a nice person, i don't think, and be in that position and be as effective as she has been. what other people have reported is that she threatened joe biden with the 14th amendment -- 14th, i think, threatened to get him out of office, basically by saying he was incompetent. so however she did it, she did it. and probably nancy pelosi was the only person that joe biden actually was going to pay attention to, and i think he did. elizabeth: welsh this is also the legacy of nancy pelosi, you know, throwing trump under the bus. she really ripped into him with,
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like, more than 80 different targets to go after him with 14 committees starting in 2018, and now she's accused of basically starting, wanting to publicly shame biden. you know, in july, liz, she said in an interview is, quote, it's up to the president to decide if he's going to run. so she was starting to do that in july. i mean, the dalingly mail quotes a former biden senior adviser, now a harris campaign staff ther reportedly saying it was pelosi. she's absolutely to blame. >> well, i think the question is though, liz, aren't democrats thrilled she did it? i mean, what he is her concern what's her legacy? putting everything and all into the campaign to always have democrats in power. she is power-hungry and power-effective. so her legacy is going to be, yeah, she did topple her best friend, supposedly her best friend, but that's what democrats actually wanted to have happen. that polling data, how could the polling that she had be any worse than what all of us were
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looking at? joe biden was in a steep downward slide, and nothing was going to correct that. he had to get out of the race. so is his family mad? yes. who cares? i mean, i can't believe, actually, liz, to that point, that they're only going to allow him to speak on monday night of their convention. that is how so nastily, if you will, they're treating this president who they still pay lip service to -- [laughter] talking about how, you know, even nancy pelosi talking about how he should be on mount rushmore. i guess that's pretty impressive. and yet at the same time they don't want anything to do with him at this point. elizabeth: yeah. nancy pelosi's also been blamed for basically sitting on the heads of the moderates, emptying out the bench of moderates and now the hard left is here. liz peek, always terrific analysis. good to see you. >> thanks for having me, liz. elizabeth: >> for every 1 differential -- 1% differential between what they're paying men and women for
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equal work, there will be a fine of 1% of their biggest year's profits. elizabeth: okay. more wacky, far-left ideas from then-candidate and senator kamala harris. let's welcome to the show heritage foundation renal regional economics -- regional economics research fellow e.j. antoni. lovely to have you back on. kamala wanted to fine businesses 1% of their profits for une whatting -- unequal pay. we're seeing her campaign in 2020, her senate office, reportedly found to be paying male worker more than female workers. >> well, liz, this is just the latest example of hypocrisy from the left and also, essentially, misplacing blame. why is it that men and women on average get paid different wages? because they work different jobs, they work different number of hours, etc. and sure enough, you need look no further as you just pointed out than kamala harris herself to fine an instance of when men
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and women are living up to exactly, you know, that stereotype, if you will. they're not working the same jobs, not getting paid the same amount. this is exactly the same, i think, mentality, liz, as what we're seeing now with kamala talking about price gouging and greedy grocery store thes. you know, the margins on these stores are razor thin. how is it that businesses all of a sudden magically became greedy and started price gouging when she and biden took office? just none of this even passes the smell test. elizabeth: and i'll tell you, you need an army of bureaucrats the size of europe to enforce -- [laughter] all of these plans that would cost taxpayers even more. the thing is, e.j., it's interesting, the media's now downplaying kamala's flip-flops as a, quote, evolution in her thinking. you know, election watchers are saying, wait a second, she's doing it to appear more centrist to get independent voters. watch what she has said. >> i want to give credit to bernie. take credit, bernie.
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[applause] you know, you brought us this far on medicare for all. i support medicare for all, i always have. there's no question i'm in favor of banning fracking. >> when you become president, would you be committing to close immigration detention centers? >> absolutely. on day one. [cheers and applause] on day one. >> she wants to take away your private health care. you not going to have private health care plans anymore, and you can be a wealthy person or a middle income person and you want to spend on a really good plan, better than a government plan could be, far better. and you not going to be allowed. you're all going to be thrown into a communist system. it's a communist system. you're going to be thrown into a system where everybody gets health care. elizabeth: you know, we did the digging here, e.j., there's a history, a family history. her father was hired at stanford university because they were looking for the, one of the top leading academics in marxist, communist economics. he taught marxism, economics at
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stand stanford. -- stanford. in his book he reportedly said, you know, i'd like to see a system where you get rid of interest rates. so when you look at all of this, when you listen to kamala harris today, e.j., basically what she's doing, it's like elizabeth warren is her economics czar. i talked to an editor at the economist magazine once. he said if elizabeth warren had a her way, there'd be no credit or bank loans ever in the u.s. again. >> liz, everything about harris' candidacy right now screams marxism. and that's nothing new. that's simply an extension of her political career and her larger background, some of which you just pointed out. i mean, we really shouldn't be surprised here when we hear these ridiculous proposals from her about setting prices? are you kidding me? we tried this in the '700s for crying out loud when we tried setting prices on fuel. it created gas shortages and gas lines. now you're going to set prices
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in grocery stores? there were food shortages year ago a, people ended up eating zoo animals. is that the kind of third world politics we want the to bring to america? elizabeth: listen to brian brenberg talking to working class and middle class voters out in iowa. >> the rate of growth is going down, but the prices aren't going down. >> right. >> it's like adding -- gaining 10 pounds because we went to the fair, and this year we're only going to gain 3 pounds. we went down, but we're 13 pounds up. >> childcare is one. mortgage is another. and then, honestly, groceries. >> prices are up on everything. i mean, you go to the store, it's like you're surprise everything time you look at a something. jeez, that's ridiculous. >> it's always an issue having staff, good staff in your business at all a times. >> definitely we continue to see an increase every time we go. oh, my gosh, things are more
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expensive. elizabeth: final word, e.j.. you've got ten seconds, sorry about that. >> what all a these people are experiencing is the hidden tax of inflation. every dime of government spending is paid for whether through income tax, sales tax, inflation, but it is paid for up one way or the other. elizabeth: e.j. antoni, great to see you. coming up, yet another minnesota small business other than joining us. he says governor tim walz literally let his family business that dates back to 1934 burn to the ground in the 2020 riots. we're showing the video right now. we've got him on. plus, it's not just the kamala harris campaign, now democrats adam a schiff and elissa slotkin reportedly caught cheating, creating fake news headlines on google to make it seem like the media is on their side. coming up, my panel will react. >> they are stupid. they make really bad decisions. ♪ ♪ elizabeth: but first, let's check in with my buddies dagen
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and sean. what's coming up on "the bottom line." sean: earlier today kamala laid out really bad economic policies. we're going to talk about it with steve forbes, the great. dagen: lara trump, co-chair of the rnc is here as the dnc gets underway next week. those democrats think the honeymoon will never end with kamala. the republicans have something else planned. plus, gregg jarrett is here on the protests against israel, against jews that are planned for the dnc. what will the chicago police do to stop them, is the question. top of the hour. ♪ un ♪ oh yeah. take a swing at your kitchen reno... we meant that literally. sofi personal loans. low, fixed rates. borrow up to $100k. no fees required. (♪) you know, you only get one body. it might be the perfect size to do this.
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elizabeth: a new report says democrat senate candidates adam schiff and elissa slot ken's campaigns also doing what kamala harris' campaign has been doing, creating fake news headlines on google to make themselves look more positive in the media. joining us now, the contributing writer for media research center tv, stephanie hamill, and heritage foundation tech policy research associate jake denton it's great to see you both. stephanie, what do you make of this? isn't this disinformation too? >> yeah. you know, it's rather hypocritical for the party who always said that they're really
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concerned about misinformation to be collectively okay and shrug their shoulders on this one and participate in it. these are the same people who say that misinformation is a threat to democracy and one of the biggest concerns for 2024. and, obviously, they're not being serious about that. in other words, really they don't want republicans to be able to share ideas and speak freely. so when it comes to these advertisements, what we know is that it's not illegal, it's not against any law on the books. google is totally fine with it because they say it doesn't mislead people because it says it's a sponsored ad so is, therefore, that's enough to cover them. we also know that a campaigns in the past not only harris' campaign right now and some of the other political candidates that you mentioned, but candidates in the past have used this method. so just because it's okay on the books, again, doesn't really necessarily make it ethical. these are full-on fake news headlines and, again, the irony is rather rich because the mainstream media, as you know, is pretty friendly to most on
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the left. and apparently, that's not friendly enough for these liberal candidates including vp harris who want to completely are rewrite the story. and this comes on the heels where people are concerned that harris has been dodging the media and only wants to speak on scripted terms. elizabeth: exactly. you know, what a stephanie just said. you know, facebook also already banned this. they didn't like the misinformation angle here, jake. so, you know, kamala harris' campaign caught faking headlines from nearly a dozen news outlets like cnn, ap, reuters. and this tactic also the democrats' senatorial committee used it against senators ted cruz and rick scott who are up for re-election. >> ultimately, this is information warfare. these ads are being placed in very targeted regions with swing voters. they're tracking sentiment, they're tracking, you know, how people are interpreting the harris campaign's policy positions, and they're bending these headlines in very specific ways for specific audiences.
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they're manipulating a small population of swing voters across the board and now, you know, it's becoming quite obvious this is a dnc strategy. they're using this across the country. and potentially all of their races. so it's definitely something to keep an eye out for. elizabeth: stephanie, didn't they -- weren't they already accused of manipulating the media? the dnc, hillary campaign funding the steeles do courageous burying the -- dossier, burying the hunter biden laptop story. the guardian newspaper is really upset. they're complaining about it. what do you say? >> i think it's fair to make the argument that this is election interference if when they are completely manipulating the headlines. and so, you know, if people don't click on the link and actually see what's being said, i mean, they'll never know. they're just assuming people have time to really get into the details and, unfortunately, with everyone's busy lives they probably don't. so, again, it's just not a great
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look for the people who are participating in this and those who are shrugging their shoulders. and as you mentioned, the victims of this which are a lot of the mainstream media a news outlets who didn't actually agree to this and some have stated publicly that they are concerned about it. so you have to wonder if anything's going to be done. and you also have to consider what would happen if donald trump's campaign was doing this or other republicans? i'm sure there would be wall to taken immediately, probablyon yesterday. stuart: jake, we're so sorry we ran out of time, but we'll have you back on again soon. thank you so much. okay, this story, fox business coverage alert, don't forget to tune in next week for pour live coverage of the democrat national convention in chicago. we'll also be taking the speeches in full starting at 7 p.m. eastern time. ♪ >> it's like i'm just all alone, you know? like i'm wondering, do they care? i have not heard anything. i want to rebuild, and i need
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help to rebuild my business. i haven't got anything, not a penny. elizabeth: that was a minnesota small business other than slamming governor tim walz -- business other than -- for literally letting her family business burn to the ground. we've got another small business owner saying it happened to him too during the 2020 riots. this is the video, we're showing you the photo of it burning. he's got a warning for voters about harris' vice presidential pick coming up next. ♪ ♪ progressive makes it easy to save with a quick commercial auto quote online. so you can get back to your monster to-do list. -really? -get a quote at (♪)
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to help create stronger communities. ♪ make the green grass grow all around all around ♪ ♪ make the green grass grow all around ♪ ♪ >> he is not good prices in the lockdowns for stepping up wanted some sort of a he continued to use it even though he became very very quickly, the model was dramatically flawed. >> i filed for personal bankruptcy vitamin $300,000 the attorney general of minnesota now i have an amazing business in wisconsin because we look at what tim walz did venetian denver city was crossing the border coming into wisconsin and going to dinner in wisconsin bars to meet any apparition or
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minnesota. liz: those were small business owner speaking out against harrison's running mate governor tim walz a botched his handling of covid-19 flocculants and he also botched, the 2020 rights they were neighborhoods and businesses to the granite bill have the small business owner until his family business the dates back to the 1930s, was torched in 2020 ryan attend bill thank you for joining us with those i would happen and it is heartbreaking and bill, can you explain what happened that night. bill: hi liz and thank you for having me. that was a terrible time in my life. on march 28 coming in we were closed down during covid-19, our leadership decided you know, the businesses were not capable of running the business during a pandemic and so week were reported to shut down march 17th and that at that point, i thought will there is nothing that we can do and they
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said it we try to open up, they're going to send the authorities to her door and make sure that the lockup our place and finest to prevent us from doing business i was devastating for us and that means god i'm 23 employees, and now had no longer have a job and i cannot afford to keep my folks you know pamela and keep things going so i forged forward and decided we need to keep well that's what happens in small businesses were going to forge ahead to do whatever we can to make this pandemic better and easier this what we did, we would end and we will hoist keeping up on the all of the rest of the things wiping down all of the services and we've never had an incident of any kind of food contamination. liz: the 2020 race came in they delayed to sitting in the guards. bill: we were close until the
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time that we were ready to open we changed our ventilation at all of the rest of the 70 were just getting ready to open and read the board up because all of this happened with the event with george floyd, that we need to close up portobello the windows and my son and his three friends that i coached during the football in high school career i have them with me and we are surrounded by over 300 people marching around my political activists are holding up there cameras to show the political leaders that there marching around our neigh neighborhood. dagen: running out of time and we just might have time and diverted to the ground and steerable we would have you back on think you for joining us and will stay in the story and ascended over right now to dagen mcdowell and sean duffy. dagen: thank you. ♪ ♪


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