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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  August 19, 2024 9:00am-10:00am EDT

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minutes to to. let's get some final thoughts from this esteemed panel. mark? >> maria, kamala's economic plan does nothing to spur economic breath. it is all about socialism. i got to tell you the 25,000-dollar down payment, i heard it is i for first generation homebuyers, not first time. i think that probably includes migrants. maria: wow, of course it does. >> polls are just a snapshot in time to predict what happens past them. volatility in the market, not only in the world. if i'm a voter what will you do for me, what happened in next couple month, how do you make a break from the past. maria: that's what we're asking. mark temer, michael balboni. we'll hand it over to "varney & company." stu is live from the democratic convention in chicago. take it away. stuart: good morning maria, good
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morning everyone. this is kickoff to the democratic convention. this is when they say good-bye to joe biden and first lady jill. this marks the end of the biden-harris era. the beginning after whole new period for the democrats. they're heading to the left suggesting they have unity behind price controls, rent controls, massive spending, massive giveaways. far left policy. the big worries for the democrats appearance of hamas demonstrators inside the convention. security is extremely tight trump begins counter-programing. put out a series of themes each day this week. make america wealthy again, safe, strong secure and make america great again. he takes his counter-programing to chicago where his campaign will go right at the democrats. let's get to the markets where the stocks are coming off the best week of this year.
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they're doing well so far. my nor gains. green on your screen. it is monday morning. how we start. the dow up maybe 16, s&p up four, nasdaq up 14. nonetheless they're in the green. gold remains close to or at all-time highs well above 25 hunter biden bucks an ounce. as for bitcoin this morning, 58, four, not much change from last week. interest rates start with the yield on 10-year treasury coming to 3.89% well under 4%. as for the yield on the two-year treasury, that is just above four, 4.06%. oil again, you're in the mid 70s. 6.52. the price of gasoline, 3.41 on average, diesel coming in this morning at 3.73. all right on the show today we'll take you inside the democrats convention. it is shaping up to be a turning point for the democrats complete with a challenge from donald trump. it is monday august 19th, 2024, "varney & company" is
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about to begin. ♪. ♪ monday, monday, so good to me ♪ stuart: who can forget the mamas and the papas, monday, monday. i remember that song so well. that is my generation, charlie. watch out. we'll get started this week started with what is happening here in chicago. the democrat convention getting underway here today. they announced themes for each night. lauren, good morning to you. >> good morning from new york. tonight is for the people. president biden will tout his compliment over the past three fav years, essentially hand over off to kamala harris. "axios" says biden has two goals, paint a trump presidency as scary.
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reintroduce harris better than he was to preserve our democratic institutions. tuesday's theme, a bold information for america's future. the obamas will speak. wednesday a fight for our freedoms. we'll hear from bill coin ton. then vice president tom knee, tim walz. on thursday kamala harris gives her acceptance speech. as for her opponent, donald trump will be counter-messaging this entire week. he will intelligence factory workers in york, pennsylvania how he will make america wealthy again. he will hit the economy. tomorrow he will address crime in michigan. wednesday, national security in north carolina. thursday, immigration in glendale, arizona. he wraps up the swing state tour with a rally on friday, stuart. stuart: thanks, lauren. harris's big week begins with bide's fairwell. he gives a speech at a convention before getting on a plane for vacation in california. charlie hurt is here. this is not the democratic
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convention biden envisioned three, four weeks ago. >> it is easy to get lost in all of the news but this has been an extraordinary in terms of politics, an extraordinary couple weeks, couple of months. we're looking at the end of a 50 year career from joe biden. stuart: question. >> we were kind of reminded, obviously he has managed to make it all the way to the top in politics after all this time, we were reminded last week he was talking about the first time he introduced a bill to combat drug prices was 1973. so he has been working at some of this stuff for 50 years. a lot of people would call that maybe a mixed success to spend 50 years failing at something but -- stuart: i don't think the democrat party wants to see much of him in the future except to raise some money which he can do. >> correct but he will be a hero. he will be george washington in this hall tonight. they're going to do everything to raise him up and praise him for setting the stage for kamala
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harris. stuart: yep. have we got some polls? i think we do. what is the latest on that? we got, according to the latest fox news power rankings trump still leads when it comes to top issues like the economy and immigration but harris is gaining ground. do you think trump should be worried here. >> oh, absolutely. the trump campaign should be running like they are well behind at this point but you also think trump supporters take some 108 last realizes, past three weeks has been an unprecedented propaganda campaign. has not been about the issues. when the campaign turns to talking about the issues and people start to sort of regular people, not the people like us who get paid to watch every second of this stuff, people tune in, trump has a very, he is going, if he wins he will win on the issues. stuart: yes. >> if they talk about the issues he will win. >> he is fighting the media. the media universally, almost
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universally support harris because they hate trump. >> absolutely. sometimes when he goes off script it makes a lot of people even his supporters cringe a little bit, that's him breaking through the media, the vast media that hates him and will do anything to prop her up. the fact that we've seen this for the past three or four weeks doing everything they can to prop her up is basically even is a hopeful sign for the trump campaign but, the trump campaign has to fight like they're behind. stuart: yeah, they really do. take a look at some of these recent numbers. they're out of chicago where we are now. 6.2% unemployment. abysmal education numbers. major crime is up. this is a dem station of progressive policies here in chicago. they really don't work. that's where harris is taking the democrat party. >> a city entirely controlled by democrats and has been for our entire lifetimes. this is, chicago is a resume' of
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democrat ideas and i think, you know, obviously we talk about all the kind of things, media talk about the things we talk about but people feel the economy. they feel these issues like an open border. they feel this stuff in their bones at home and at the end of the day all the stuff we say in this room here will not be nearly as important as what people, how people feel like the economy is streeting them right now. you know, probably smart the democrats have stopped yelling at voters, no, the economy is great, just smile and enjoy it because people know the economy is not good for them, it is not working out for them. so they have taken at least the right step in acknowledging last week, that inflation is really hurting people but now what are their ideas for it? they don't really have any is the problem. stuart: they don't. that's true. charlie, stay with me. you're with me for the hour i believe. our show will be here live
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throughout the democratic convention. the bot rhine will be here beginning at 6:00 p.m. eastern. fox business will air full speeches starts 7:00 p.m. each night. this, kamala harris wants to introduce grocery price controls as well as rent controls. jeff sica with me. you own, what 3,000 apartment units nationwide. what do you make of harris' rent control plan. >> well, stuart you have to see this for what it is, this is a diabolical scheme to win over 40% of the u.s. population that are renters. you know there is a saying that the road to hell is paved with good intentions. yes, we need to find a way to get rents lower. one of the goals that i have had to create more affordable housing, create housing for people with disabilities but rent control, which has been tried in new york and san francisco has been a disaster.
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what it is going to do is it is going to lead developers like myself, to not be willing to create the supply necessary. the reason we're not willing is because the government doesn't take into account the costs associated with construction. they don't take into account demographic concerns. it is a disaster. it will create a housing shortage and a possible homeless crisis like we've never seen. stuart: okay, let's move on to grocery pry controls, somewhat similar to rent control i guess. what do you make of price controls at grocery stores? >> people finally learned what the true margins are in grocery stores which are between one and 2% and when you look at the, the amount of companies that depend on farming and when you start to put price controls, what you do is you knock out players who are important in the supply chain.
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so i think, that in of itself will create a food shortage, so now you have kamala harris not only proposing what will create a housing shortage but a food shortage in percentages we've never seen before. stuart: jeff, i can't to get on to purely financial stuff, a.i. i want you to listen to what goldman sachs chief executive david solomon had to say about it, a.i. >> i would not debate whenever you have something new that's exciting, that stock market valuations can get ahead of themselves, you know, run ahead and then ultimately adjust. you and i can look at all sorts of things in our careers that we've seen that, a.i., expanding technology, gpus, increased capacity, used to this in business process this is not a bubble, it is a trend. we're in early stages v. how it affects business
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profitability. valuations go up and downs. i'm not smart enough to call tops and bottoms. stuart: okay, jeff, it is, a.i. is not a bubble. i think you disagree with that. you got 30 seconds. >> i do, stuart. goldman sachs had a report of june of this year where they talked about the big capital spending that's going into a.i. they're determining that it will be about a trillion dollars. i started buying nvidia in 2018 on your show talking about it. when you have to spend a trillion dollars, if you can't quantify that spend in earnings which right now we are only seeing a.i. add between five to 10% in operational profits. so yes, i think it's a transformative technology. i think it's a part of our future but there is going to be a ramp up time and these expenditures by big tech need to, integrate themselves into corporate profits or we are going to see a pullback. the curse of high expectations,
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stuart, there is an expectation that they will do better than they could possibly do in reality. stuart: excuse me. the curse of high expectations with new technology with stuff. jeff sica, thanks very much indeed. coming up jd vance dismissed polls showing harris taking a lead over trump. >> first of all the polls tend to rad canally overstate democrats. we've seen from our own internal data, shannon, kamala harris has already leveled off. stuart: vance says the campaign should be focused on the finish line, not the polls. when kamala harris went off prompter over the weekend, oh, here is how it went. >> in terms of what we stand for around the globe as a democracy. as a democracy. we know, there is a duality to the nature of democracy. stuart: duality. okay the word salads are back. joe concha will take it on. he's next.
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daughter: hey, dad. dad: hey, sweetheart. daughter: what are you doing? dad: i'm gonna clean the fence. daughter: it's a lot of fence. dad: you wanna help me? dad: aim at the wall, but get closer. daughter: (gasps) what the?! daughter: alright. dad: side to side. when you work with someone who knows a lot and cares even more... you can do this.'re unstoppable. (♪) wow... are you kidding me? you can do this. at truist, we believe the same is true for banking.
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stuart: all right. this just coming to us. president biden's keynote address tonight will be at 10:50 p.m. eastern time. seems kind of late to me. check futures, please. monday morning. see where your money is going. we a little bit of green, not that much. dow is up 40. now this, tens of thousands of pro-hamas protesters expected to demonstrate outside the democrat convention this week. steve harrigan is in chicago for us. what have you seen so far, steve
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>> reporter: stuart preparations here for a full day of speech making and protesting. behind me they have hundreds of signs victory to the palestinian resistance, they will give those out, banners too. a lot of demonstration leaders in safety vests. others wearing kafias. you haul trucks. they negotiated hard to get a platform, and sound for protests. this kicked off on sunday. several hundred palestinian protesters marched in downtown chicago. it was non-violent. it was a very bitter march. a lot of people screaming about again owe side and the democratic party. chicago police trailed closely on bicycles. a lot of business owners in chicago, especially in the downtown area expressed concern what could be ahead. many of them already boarding up their shops. >> we have experience with this and the city doesn't have a great track record with protecting their businesses or
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their citizens property. so we wanted to be preemptive and board up and, in the advance of the democratic convention. >> reporter: the secret service and the police have been planning for this for more than a year. law enforcement officials say no violence, no property destruction will be tolerated. the first major march expected to take off this afternoon. they have given them about one mile loop after designated area. we'll see if the protesters stay within that loop. stuart, back to you. larry: steve, thanks very much. joe concha with me now this monday morning. joe, how will pro-hamas demonstrators influence the convention? >> well it is very interesting, they will influence, stu, primary on tv screens, on smartphones. you will see these images and as you know steve just reported, you reported democrats are now embracing security walls. as you reported the police presence is overwhelming. isn't it amazing how many police democrats will deploy where their own interests, their own
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safety at stake? the city already looks like gaza. you see palestinian flags, even some hamas flags. if these protests like we've seen in major cities and college campuses right here are any indication they have the potential to be violent and dangerous to police officers and population in general. let's hope and pray that doesn't happen. if it does, it will serve as a reminder on tv screens across the country of the exploding violent crime and under rest we've seen under this administration. there is a reason why people are leaving in droves from cities like san francisco, chicago to florida and texas. law and order decided 1968 election. that is last time democrats held the convention in chicago. things got out of hand in a hurry. that issue, to answer your question may be a big one in november along with the economy and immigration especially with chicago ends up becoming violented. stuart: all right, joe. this one is for you. listen to kamala harris finally
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go off prompter over the weekend. >> our elections is about understanding the importance of this beautiful country of ours in terms of what we stand for around the globe as a democracy. as a democracy. we know, there's a duality to the nature of democracy. on the one hand incredible strength when it is intact. what it does for its people, to protect and defend their rights, their liberty, their freedom. incredibly strong. and incredibly fragile. larry: okay, joe, are the word salads back? >> yeah, i'd say that is a pretty good indication right there, if you. i think it shows us why she is not permitted to even sit down with rachel maddow or "the view" at this point. i mean what does that say about
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the confidence in her about the people who know her best? when she speaks outside after teleprompter like we just saw, outside of prewritten remarks thousand island word salads in a hurry we heard. she is the ron burgundy of presidential candidates. whatever you put in the teleprompter kamala will read. we're 29 days since many kamala harris became in essence the democratic nominee. still did one sit-down interview. she hasn't done a press conference dating back to 2019 where she ran for press conference. i guarranty she will not hold one press conference. stuart: not one. not one. there appears to be cracks in the media praise for harris. "washington post," cnn, "newsweek," have all been criticizing her price control plan. do you think the honeymoon is about to end already? >> oh, stu, we're witnessing a major shift in this race, that started on friday when she announced her economic policies.
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i mean to say that you first, you want to give homeowners $25,000 each to buy a new home. was she alive in 2008 when september when that crash happened? obviously fixing prices on food stores like kroger, they tried this in venezuela, argentina the old soviet union, even nixon in the u.s. every time it has failed miserably. she will have to defend this outside after teleprompter. that happens on abc, that debate against trump. that is everything. stuart: yes it does. that is everything. joe, thanks for being with us, appreciate it. check for futures this monday morning a little bit of green on the screen. the opening bell is next. investment opportunities are everywhere you turn. do you charge forward? freeze in your tracks?
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stuart: all right. there is some green emerging on your screen. the dow up 20, minor gains for the s&p and for the nasdaq. mike lee joins me now. mike, you know i read your stuff. i know you're very bullish over the next few weeks. so, the melt-up continues. the question is, for how long? >> yeah, stuart, until we get some sort of news that sends us in the other direction basically with this carry trade fallout a lot of leverage was taken off on wall street and they sold a lot of the biggest and best names. as these names start to rally they're underowned by a lot of the largest investors in the
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market. so you will see this continued melt-up. the algorithmic trading out there, the ctas, strength begets more strength, momentum keeps pushing things higher. so here we are. stuart: could, look, nvidia reports on august 28th, a, what are you expecting but b, do you agree if they disappoint, i hate to say this word but all hell breaks loose, right? >> i don't know that all he double hockey sticks breaks loose but there is a slim chance they materially underperform to send the market into a tailspin. we were basically told by amazon, apple, facebook, google, that they're spending tons of money on a.i. tear capital expenditures are far in excess of what the street expected so look there are some bears on nvidia but what you need to realize there is an i.t. spend budget at all these
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companies that's growing anywhere from two to 4% a year. and a.i. is simply taking up larger market share of that spend. if the roi isn't seen immediately, that doesn't mean this is going to stop. if you think about moore's law and getting a doubling of speed every 18 months, nvidia is going up five to 10x every 12 months at the speed they're producing. we have never seen anything like this before. i think we have a long runaway for us. stuart: you think it will be a positive report from nvidia, right? >> unbelievable. just based on what we've heard from all their customers saying they're spending tons and tons of money above and beyond what wall street expected. so i don't see how it's not. [opening bell rigs] stuart: well they got tons and tons of money, that's a fact. mike, thanks for joining us. we'll see you soon. a lady presses the button. we're off and running. market opened to the upside.
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the dow industrials, this is the very, very early going of course. you're up 39, 40 points, .10%. a majority of the dow 30 are in the green, they are going up. the s&p 500 also opening higher but only slightly so. .10%. now check the nasdaq, please, opening higher to the tune of .12%. so minor gains across the board. look at big tech. always interesting. most of them are up. the only loser there is apple which is down all of 85 cents. alphabet, amazon, microsoft and meta, all on the upside. time to take a look at one particular chipmaker. that is amd. they're taking on be nvidia with a new acquisition. lauren, that seems like a big deal to me. >> it is. many of the other tech stocks, chip stocks are moving down as a result. so amd, which is lower is buying zt systems. they make a.i. hardware,
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servers, racks which are used in the data centers which house the a.i. chips. the price tag is $4.9 billion. the amd ceo says this allows amd to test, roll out a.i. chips really fast and at the scale cloud computing giants like microsoft require. you can see nvidia is down, micron, my eyes are failing me here. they're all lower this is a challenge coming from amd. typically when one company buys another company the shares of the company who is buying the company go down. that is what we're seeing. amd discuss turned higher. just turned higher. larry: see what you did, lauren, see what you did. move on to different market sector, retailers. tell me. stuart: tell me more about the retailers. how they're doing. >> lowe's, target, can they fire on all cylinders the way walmart did last week, right.
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walmart profits are expected to rise 21%. macy's department store struggling shares down 12% this year. can they turn this around? this profit is about to go up 16% but revenue is expected to go down. everybody is huntings for a bargain. tjx, parent company of tj maxx, home goods. that is a winner so far this year. they will be reporting wednesday morning. larry: retamers are economic indicator. they tell us. look to the retailers to figure out where the economy is going. what that might do to democrats who are meeting right now here in chicago. quick one for you, estee lauder, make up people. we reported their problems last week. they have problems in china. is their ceo stepping down? >> after 15 years. he is retiring this would be
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next year. this it has been a terrible year for estee lauder. they sell expensive makeup. they're guiding lower. they say their sales will drop one and 2% in the fiscal year just started but analysts previously expected sales to rise. new blood coming in next year, with the new ceo, and still the stock is down more than 1%. usually news like that, a change at the top makes a stock go up because something fresh is coming. stuart: sure but not this time. general motors recalls think they announced some layoffs, right? the stock is up attraction. >> 1000 workers worldwide. about 600 jobs reportedly from the detroit area. the rest from elsewhere. this would be in the services twigs and in their software division. it was back in may gm brought two executives from apple. cars these days are more like computers on wheels. the services is sometimes a minor upgrade that's done over
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the air. so they can cut back on the employees that work at the services center if they can do more upgrades remotely. stuart: i'm sure they love that. we've been following sweetgreen, the salad people. there were times when they thought they could do no wrong but they got a downgrade, right? >> 5%, sweetgreen and shake shack. both of them to neutral. sweetgreen first, this stock more than tripled this year, tripled but piper increased their price target nonetheless. they're going to $39. they like the fact they operate robot kitchens not in every sweetgreen but in some. in the end that saves money. because of valuation the stock is up 230% this year. they're just moving to the sidelines. shake shack, foot traffic this is challenged. they have more work to do at the drive-through according to piper sandler and it is getting more difficult for them to raise menu prices of. they're taking price target from
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114 to. stuart: homebuilder news. i have not heard much about taylor morrison. they're moving up. why are they moving up? >> got upgrade at btig. says buy taylor morrison home. that is why the stock is up 2 1/2%. stuart: check the big board. significant move to the upside in the very early going. we're up 1/3 of 1%. 40,783 is the level. do you winners on your screen coming up shortly. the top of the list is mcdonald's up 2%, six bucks higher at 284. mcdonald's on a tear recently. walt disney making it back to $90 a share. intel makes it to $21 a share. chevron on the list. s&p 500, winners there, ulta beauty very much in the news. mcdonald's on the list. builders, firestone, match group, bed bath bodyworks.
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nasdaq any big winners on that list? lululemon, moderna, google, up 1 1/2%. crowdstrike coming back up 3.40. that is 1.3%. czech interest rates, the ten year treasury yields well below 4%, 3.89. the price of gold, very close to a record high, 2527 a ounce. bitcoin going nowhere. 58,700. oil still in the mid 70s, 76.46. nat-gas is up 4%. average price of gallon of regular, 3.41. california, you lucky people, $4.59 for a gallon of regular. it is a terrible, isn't it. coming up democrat kentucky governor andy beshear defended kamala's economic agenda. >> this is not about tries to price fix. make sure capitalism stays in the guardrails. this is not new.
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we've been doing this in the states a long time. stuart: to make sure capitalism stays with the guardrails. i wonder what kevin o'leary will say about that? he is on the show. trump's allies want him to expand his messaging beyond his base. jd vance says they're on it. >> i think ambassador haley is right, we have to reach a broader group of voters but i think we're doing exactly that. stuart: bill hemmer on that in the 11:00 hour. trump reacted to harris' economic plan with a warning. >> kamala went full communist, you heard that, she went full communist. come rad kamala, announced she wants to introduce socialist price controls. stuart: economist kevin hassett who always smiles says the plan could shut down the economy. kevin is next.
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stuart: all right, 11 minutes into the trading session on a monday morning looks good. dow up 100, nasdaq up 14.
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progressive democrats, well they are holding their own event in chicago this week. they're calling it progressive central 2024. madison alworth is in chicago for us. what is this all about, madison? >> reporter: hey, stuart, hello from inside the united center. i'm a little further up from you. this event, right, the dnc starts today. the progressive central actually started yesterday. the goal of that event is push progressive policies, get them in front of the national party in hopes to have it further integrated into the democrat national platform. speakers at this event include senator bernie sanders, rep ro khanna and rep pramila jayapal put her argument on sunday for "medicare for all." >> you have a expanded medicare system that actually covers all the things you need with no co-pays, no private insurance premiums, no deductibles. you actually get health care when you need it.
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>> reporter: now, this all comes on the heels of vice president kamala harris' economic policy speech on friday in which the nominee laid out her plans for price controls for everything from health care to food and housing. while the policy proposals appear to be a nod to the progressive wing of the party, some high-profile democrats were more subdued with their support if asked the price controls were smart policy. governor gretchen whitmer told nbc news the idea was worth having conversation. despite the simmering division, the voters are starting to solidify behind harris. polling shows vp kamala harris with a narrow lead over president trump. it is an improvement for democrats considering a little more than a month ago, president biden was tied with trump in that same polling. now we're here at the dnc. it is not biden at the top of the ticket, despite him getting votes through the primaries. it is kamala harris. she will work this week to solidify the party and voters
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behind her. stuart. stuart: got it. madison, thank you. listen to what trump had to say about harris's price fixing plan. >> kamala went full communist. you heard that, she went full communist. comrade kamala announced she wants to inches stupid socialist price controls. never worked before, never ever worked. this is the maduro plan, venezuela, maduro plan of, like the old soviet union. this, they tried it. how did the soviet union work out? what they're doing is a communist take over of our country. her plan is very dangerous because it may sound good politically. and that's the problem. stuart: economist kevin hassett joins us now. he doesn't hold back, does he, mr. trump? kevin, would you say that price controls equal full communist? >> no, in fact, it is a technical thing but the
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soviet union never really achieved full communism like under the definition of communism from marx but it is full socialism for sure. the fact it leads to shortages, even famines. and if you look at what is going on where they just noticed they mentioned in the promo coming up "medicare for all," the democrats appear to want to have the government set the price of everything. so that a pure socialist idea and it leads to misery for citizens. it is astonishing to me a major party about to is a big convention wants to get everybody all hyped up to support their candidate and proposing things that pretty much cost most of the misery of the 20th century. it is astonishing to me they would be so ignorant about these policies. stuart: i can't remember any administration or proposed administration that goes as far left as this. they seem to be out on a limb taking the democrats in a whole new direction. with me on this?
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>> yeah, for sure and remember that bernie sanders was running away with the nomination and then everybody dropped out and joe biden became the nominee but then he kind of governed as bernie sanders. now they're being straight up about it. they're going out there with socialist policies. they're running on those. because they that will convince half the country. for goodness sakes, look what is going on campuses all around the country this year, most of the young people in the world have been trained to think these ideas are good ideas. old guys like me and you have seen what happens when countries try this. it is really, really astonishing. the thing that disturbs me the most, stuart, this could happen, not just they can win, i think that is what they really believe that is what they should do. if they win they will do this stuff. before you notice it. shortages as grocery lines and
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governments take over stores. that is how this works. stuart: i like when you smile when you're tracking the socialists, really do. you with me still? >> yes indeed. stuart: what do you think, full communism? >> whether it is full communism or not it is government price controls which is not a good idea and i love what kevin said right there, you know they really do believe this. i don't know if they believe in it or not, i think the better political strategy to point out these people will promise anything but, if you look at the track record over the past four years their promises always bring failure. they are empty promises, anything to get elected. stuart: it is buying vote the. anything to get elected at this point in time. thanks so much indeed. coming up, tonight, joe biden says good-bye. he has been removed from the campaign because the senior people in the democratic party knew he could not win. we'll see the beginning of a new left-leaning experiment. that is "my take," my opinion at
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the top of the hour. donald trump returning to pennsylvania for the second time in three days. he is expected to put harris' anti-american energy policies in the spotlight. a or the on that next. ♪. [door creaks open] [floor creaks] [door creaks shut] (♪) (♪)
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(♪) relax, you booked a vrbo. (♪)
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♪. stuart: donald trump is back in pennsylvania for the second time in three days. grady trimble in york, pennsylvania. all right, grady, what is the focus of trump's campaign event today? >> reporter: it's the economy, stu, make america wealthy again is the theme for today east event and former president trump to that end will visit a factory where they make parts and components for nuclear defense industries. so he will be here this afternoon and what we expect him to do is really spotlight what his campaign calls anti-american energy policies by the biden-harris administration and by extension the harris-walls ticket. this is a key issue here in
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make-or-break pennsylvania which is one of the top fossil fuel producing states in the country. >> at the center of this effort will be to end kamala's war on american energy and we'll drill, baby, drill. we'll get your energy prices down. the kamala presidency will msnbc death for pennsylvania energy. >> reporter: trump's running mate is also in the keystone state today. jd vance is in philadelphia, also focusing on the economy. he is going after vice president harris for calling inflation a day one priority despite the fact she has been in office since 2021. >> the american people just don't buy the idea that kamala harris who has been vice president for 3 1/2 years is somehow going to tackle the inflation crisis in a way tomorrow that she hasn't for the past 1300 days. the american people are much smarter than that they don't buy the idea that kamala harris represents a fresh start. she is more of the same.
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>> reporter: take a look at our latest fox news power rankings. these are specifically on the issues. you can see that former president leads harris on the top issues which are the economy and immigration but new polling from quinnepiac shows harris with a three point lead over trump here in pennsylvania. so as the democrats are in a solidly blue state today, trump and vance will be in all the major battlegrounds, or at least a lot of them, stu. they will be hitting here of course, but also michigan, north carolina, arizona, to try to blunt any surge that harris and walz could get from the convention in chicago. stu. stuart: grady, thanks very much indeed. charlie hurt is still with us. what do you think of trump's counter to the dnc? >> i think it is vitally important that he do this counter-programing and stay on message and get the message out there. the truth is he will not break through this week. this week will be all dnc. next week it is a different
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matter. i think the game begins next week. stuart: the media won't let him break through this week. the media is all here in chicago, that's it. >> the only time they let him break through, when he goes off script, not part of his message. he needs to rein in and not give the media those things to run with as much as really sometimes i enjoy hearing. stuart: really? charlie, thanks for joining us for the hour. >> great to be with you. stuart: we'll see you later. still ahead. kt mcfarland here on the possible israel hamas cease-fire deal. just possible. we'll find out where that stands ahead of the democrat convention. kevin o'leary is is a kamala harris proposal has no according to him, no merit in reality. fox news power rations put abortion as as the third top issue for voters. how will the trump campaign handle that. caylee mcenany.
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the 10:00 -- kayleigh mcenany is here. we'll be right back. ♪ if your business needs a new application then developers will have to write code. a lot of code. if an application needs to be modernized
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