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tv   Kudlow  FOX Business  August 19, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm EDT

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so i would very much recommend having bonds as part of your portfolio. if you believe the fed will cut 25 basis point in september, and another 25, 50, before year-end, we want to see the rate cuts a way to normalize rate. not the fed panicking because the economy is falling off a cliff. we need to get normalized. we need rates down to a normal level. fed funds in the 3% range, 10-year four 1/2, 5% range, that would be ideal. liz: i tell you the bulls are looking at ideal numbers on the screen as closing bell rings. closing bell rings] nasdaq exits correction territory, set your dvr, musician will i am tomorrow. >> hello, folks welcome to a special edition of "kudlow." i'm david asman in for larry
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kudlow. joe biden passes the tore tonight at the dnc on to vice president kamala harris but what does it really that he is passing on? an unprecedented plan for a government takeover of much of the economy it seems according to kamala harris's economic agenda. price controls on food, housing and of course former commitment to completely socializing our nation's health care and a hodgepodge of new tax hikes to pay for it all. former house speaker newt gingrich will weigh in on all of that in just a moment. first our own edward lawrence has the details on the massive costs of kamala's proposals. hey, edward. >> reporter: talk about grocery stores. this is like cleanup on aisle six. harris surrogates coming out to clean up the economic cleanup the vice president was trying to do. the vice president not only in her speech unify herself behind "bidenomics" going forward but she pitched even more spending. the committee for responsible ped ral budget says the vice president's economic plans
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in all add $2.1 trillion to the federal deficit over the next 10 years. >> i mean the first rule of holes is you stop digging, right? there are going to be new priorities, no question. we should figure out how are we going to pay for it. then we need to go beyond that and figure out how we will actually dig up, how we'll climb out of the hole we're in. that will require real deficit reduction. >> reporter: prominent democrats pushing back against the vice president's plan, especially expand ftc going off price gouging, which could lead to price controls. the meat industry pushing back today. >> energy is a huge part of what's affecting the farmers that gets passed onto the industry and gets passed onto the consumer. i don't know why it is targeting us. i think the vice president needs to go back look at the policies she has been a part of for the last 3 1/2 years and look how that has affected industry.
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>> reporter: committee for responsible federal budget look at president trump's plan the numbers change a little bit. no tax on tips which trump first mentioned and vice president copied. it will add $200 billion, the big expense eliminating taxes on social security. 10% tariff on goods former president shows, would cover a shortfalls, that would be decrease under the former president's plans. if the trump tax cuts were passed by congress or extended, that would change the numbers for both of the plans to the negative but as it stands you see the former president reducing the deficit by 700 billion with his plans. david: you will never be good at politics, you let facts get in the way of things. that's why we adore you. thanks for that. joining me former speaker of the house newt gingrich. thanks for being here. good to see you. we'll get into the whole price control business in just a second. i want to first talk about our
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sitting president of the united states doing the opening act tonight. indignity of a man who clearly wanted to run for a second term who was not allowed to run and now, you have people like senator chris coons trying to rewrite the history of what actually happened just a couple weeks ago. i want to play senator coons and get your reaction. roll tape. >> i think president biden just made one of the most selfless decisions of any elected official i have ever seen in choosing to step aside and let his trusted, valued vice president step forward as our standard-bearer for this election. he always wanted to be a transition to the next generation of leadership. david: newt, choosing to step aside. by all accounts there was no choice made. what will his revisionism stand the test of time? >> no, it's silly. look the fact is joe biden is
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not passing the torch. nancy pelosi and a bunch of other bosses took the torch out of his hand, told him if he didn't announce he was stepping down they would throw him out. he accepted grudgingly and i think about it early, bitterly, that he would face reality after the debate he lost to trump so badly there was no support left for him, but this is not a pleasant passing of the torch. this is a bye-bye joe because it was inconvenient to the democratic party to have something they were pretty sure was going to lose. of course he passed it on to kamala harris the vice president, running around once she is in on day one this is day 1307 of her vice presidency. larry: that's right. >> she can't get away from the fact that it was the biden-harris ticket, it was the biden-harris plan, that she voted to break the tie in the
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senate several times own some of the biggest spending bills but she would like to, which i think she won't be able to get away with. david: what torch is she passing? she is passing over, she is taking a socialist path right now. i mean that became clear by what we heard on friday which was an extraordinary pile-on of socialist ideas, wage and price controls on supposedly only if there is price gouging. of course she will change the rules of what price gouging actually is to effectuate that process of price controls but price controls on food, on housing, rent control, nationalized rent control and of course she believes in socialized medicine. food, rent, and health care will be controlled by the government. doesn't that make us all wards of the state? >> well you know it's almost nutty. i can't, she pent the -- spent
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the last couple weeks trying to move her to the center, to say she is not a san francisco radical. she goes out on friday before the convention give as speech which is pure governmental socialism. at a political level we run a project called america's new majority project, a new poll, 16%, of the country favors big government socialism, about 59% favor free-market capitalism. she walks in and says i will dramatically expand spending when the average american believes that will increase inflation. i'm going to make the government deficit even bigger when the average american wants there to be cutting the size of government. by the way i will put a bureaucrat in every grocery store and a lawyer at every meeting of businesses. everybody, i think the average american just knows, trying to reinvent venezuela or the
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soviet union is a really dumb idea and will ruin the country permanently. so i do not understand how she could have made this speech and why her team thought this was a smart idea. david: who is her team? first of all you're right, the timing was just extraordinarily bad. she is already trying to explain away things she said years ago about socializing medicine. now she has got, during this week, she has to disavow what she just said on friday. it is just extraordinary but what does that tell but the team? clearly these are not ideas or these are not plans that she invented herself. who is telling her all this? >> i don't know but when you're a left-wing democrat and you give a speech that "the washington post" attacks? david: yes, yes. >> you've done something wrong. i think that, when the average american looks at what she wants to do, and now you have her on tape. this is not, oh, that was 10
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years ago. this is last friday and i think that speech will be more important in defining her this fall than they are acceptance speech on thursday night because that speech is so radical, and so much big government socialism, that if the trump people just work at it, they will make sure that every single american knows the level of government control she stands for and the disaster that would be economically. david: you mentioned "the washington post." there was also "the new york times." jason furman a former obama advisor, said it was a nutty idea. i saw a top cnn economic analyst, reminisce what they had in venezuela or the old soviet union. i really don't know, the timing you mentioned of this thing, the actual substance such as it is of a socialist economic plan, do you think we're going, she will try to bury it this week, will she somehow be forced to revive that plan during some speech she
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she is going to make at the end of the week? >> i think they just gave donald trump the debate. david: yeah. >> all trump has to do walk in the debate, how are you going to do all this? how many bureaucrats are you going to hire? how many government lawsuits will you create? she will never dig her way out of the hole she created. david: what really got under my skin, use her a phrase i first heard from newt gingrich back in 1983, the opportunity sow -- society, claims this huge tremendous increase in the role of government in our lives, the food we eat, our housing and of course our health care, that this is all opportunity, an opportunity society which of course you phrased as a conservative it opportunity society. where did she get that phrase? >> well, look -- david: forgive me, newt. let me just, let me just play it for those who hadn't heard it.
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i realize we now have the sound bite. roll that tape. >> together we will build what i call an opportunity economy. [cheers and applause] an opportunity economy. an economy where everyone can compete and have a real chance to succeed. david: she mentioned opportunity, she mentions competition. here is from "the new york times," a piece in 1983, it says, mr. gingrich is an avid phrase maker and he dubbed his vision of the future the conservative opportunity society. she is not only, she is not only branching out in terms of her socialist economic policy but also in terms of what you mentioned 40 years ago. >> well look, it is language which works. it was language which enabled us to win control for republicans
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for the first time in 40 years. i think, something that donald trump believes in deeply but i would just say to the average american, do you really believe, having another bureaucrat go into every grocery store, having the federal government check every price is an opportunity? david: yeah. >> i think it's a burden. i think it's a threat. if they have that much power, we have no freedom left. david: very quickly, final point, they're giving me a wrap, newt, also plagiarism by joe biden but how to defy the law by joe biden. so many occasions defied the law most notably with the student loan bailouts which the supreme court told him he couldn't do. supposed to be the final word what you can, cannot do in government. ignored that. continues to this day to change regulations for student loan bailouts. do you think, if she wins the presidency and there is not a democrat majority in the house
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or the senate that she will find a way calling it emergency, coming out with executive orders changing the regs to do some of these things without congress? >> well, look i think, i don't think they have much regard for the rule of law. you saw that with the way she and her running mate governor walz handled riots in minneapolis in 2020. the fact is they have consistently favored breaking the law. they have consistently favored putting people back on the street who are criminals but, i think, the simpler answer is she will not be president. you can't believe these things and think you're going to win a general election. the news media has propped her up. they have given her a good launch, i was there in 1988 when dukakis, governor dukakis, the democratic nominee was 1points ahead of g h.w. bush, 17.
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he collapsed when people realized how liberal he was. her speech friday was the beginning of the end of the harris campaign. david: good point at which to end this conversation. newt, thank you for being here. coming up former president trump is sticking to the issues, driving home his message of economic growth and prosperity and promising to end the biden-harris affordability crisis. we'll be talking about it with the great art laffer when "kudlow" continues. nt to have enough money for retirement. (wife) and travel to visit our grandchildren. (fisher investments) i understand. that's why at fisher investments we start by getting to know each other. so i can learn about your family, lifestyle, goals and needs, allowing us to tailor your portfolio. (wife) what about commission-based products? (fisher investments) we don't sell those. we're a fiduciary, obligated to act in your best interest. (husband) so how do your management fees work? (fisher investments) we have a transparent fee, structured so we do better when you do better. at fisher investments, we're clearly different.
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david: former president trump just wrapping a speech on the economy just moments ago in york, pennsylvania. our own grady trimble is live on the ground there. grady? >> reporter: hey, david and what we're expecting throughout the week this week as the former president hits all sorts of battleground states across the country is sort of smaller scale events with a focus each day. obviously we're in a manufacturing facility today. the focus was on the economy. the former president spoke for around 50 minutes. he deviated from his prepared remarks a couple of times. but he largely stuck to the script and focused on policy, a lot of republicans, people in his own party have been calling for him to do. he talked about trade tariffs,
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boosting manufacturing in the united states and boosting energy production here in the u.s. which could play well with voters in the make-or-break state of pennsylvania, one of the top fossil-fuel producing states in the country. he did spend some time attacking vice president kamala harris and specifically criticizing her newly unveiled economic platform, what he is calling communist price controls and he spent -- biden-harris administration and inflation. here is what the former president says he will do differently. >> our plan will massively cut taxes, unlock american energy, slash regulations, big factor, crack down on trade cheaters and stop outsourcing, rebuild our industrial base and bring back those beautiful words, made in the usa. >> reporter: trump's running mate, senator jd vance was also here in pennsylvania today.
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he spent the day in philly talking also about the economy. i want to show you this map, david, because it gives you a sense how busy those two men will be this week offering countier programing to the dnc. they will be in michigan tomorrow. then north carolina, then arizona, for a border visit and a rally and finally to nevada. hitting a lot of key swing states over the next several days. the goal of this battleground blitz, david, to blunt any possible surge vice president harris could see as a result of the convention. we'll see if it works. david: grady, thank you very much. joining us now famed economist, author, presidential medal of freedom resip yen the great arthur laffer. what a pleasure to see you, arthur. thank you for being here. is. >> my pleasure. david: i want to talk about donald trump and optimism in his economic plan but i do want to talk about that plan that was unleashed by kamala harris on friday. are you surprised as
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newt gingrich was, it was, she came out with something so far to the left just at the time they're trying to convince people that she's more of a moderate? >> well, i'm not surprised, because i would pose her pollsters would recommend that to her but she believes this stuff very much. she lived in this world all of her life. every problem has a government solution to her and you know that is the way government people are, and if you elect one of those from the government you will get one of those people. the idea of 25,000 new homebuyer credit is amazing. that's like you know, just going to push prices of houses up. in kentucky, by the way, there are some houses that sell for he is little above that, so you're effectively giving away housing. it is there. you look at the deficit, you look at some of the other aspects and contingency effects on these plans and it really bodes very ill for the american economy. david: you're accustomed to
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professors on the left who are coming out with stuff completely divorced from reality. most americans, fortunately aren't as well-educated as you and they think of common sense and the common sense of giving somebody $25,000 to somehow help with the housing crisis when in fact all it will do is allow home sellers to tack 25,000 extra dollars on the price of their home because they know people will be subsidized. they know price controls don't work. most of us remember at heave movies, seen the long lines of people in the soviet union or even in the united states after nixon's price controls, people waiting in line for gas after the oil price controls. in reality, as i hope and pray most voters are will know these things don't work, won't they? >> yeah but you know, number one i'm better educated than most of those professors are, just for the record.
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david: you're more grounded than any of them, that's the truth. >> well, grounded and you know, when you look at it, i was an economist in the white house when we put in wage and price controls. i was there with the whole team. they all went up to camp david. it was shocking. they came down with wage and price controls. it didn't work and they turned out to be very unpopular. at first it sounds like a great idea, tell the prices not to rise. you have the price control, the wage control. arthur burns was the one who triggered the whole thing. the one thing that didn't get controlled was interest rates by the way, the one thing he was involved in but you know, it didn't work then and it's not going to work now. they tried, george shultz used it, we broke the cap of the ice get down to the major river, none of that stuff worked and it became very unpopular and i would expect if history repeats itself it will be unpopular with these people as well. remember jimmy carter's price
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and gas lines? david: yes. >> price controls on selling gasoline. the length of those lines, david, now i will remind you of this, the length of those lines had a limit to them, which how long it took to drive through with one full tank of gas. then you have to go right back to the line. that was herb stein's joke. that is what happens, those gas lines. it didn't help jimmy carter very much, believe me when i tell you that. david: yeah. >> if these guys want to try that, i think you will be very disas pointed in the kamala harris presidency. she won't win i think but if you did, you would have a political revolution in the midterm elections and we won't see a democrat again. david: you talked about it happening 40 years ago, 50 years ago, is that prices cause inflation rather than price, higher prices being the result of inflation. they don't cause inflation. they're the result of inflation.
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it's a very simple process and most people can get it through their head if it is explained to them. that's where we bring up donald trump, because, it is his job to explain to americans why these policies are not going to work, why his policies did work, why the wealth gap shrunk during his presidency and grew during the biden-harris presidency. it probably will, if harris is elected. i mean, can donald trump describe all these things in plain language people can understand and vote for? >> yeah, donald trump can. by the way if you want a cool line, prices are the integral of inflation, that is what they are, summation of all inflations. they're one and the same thing, the cones sequence. look at trump on tax cuts. what he wants to do his regulatory reform. open up the drilling, everything, all of that will have a very good effect on prices output, employment and production and we need that
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right now. i think donald trump explains it very clearly. i mean i can understand him perfectly clearly. that's why i think he is really good on economics. he is the best single president we've had on economics in a first term ever in our nation's history. david: wow. >> i'm talking about economics that is what really makes or breaks the world. believe me when i tell you that, it's the key to success and i hope people don't make a mistake and go the wrong way. david: art, i want to get this in, because phil donahue sadly passed away today. i didn't agree with much he said but one thing i liked about phil donahue he didn't put up straw men to argue against. he would bring in some of the best people that he could find on the opposite end of where he was to make their case. one of them was milton friedman. i want to play a clip of that, get your reaction, he was talking about -- >> that was the greatest show ever. david: he was talking about greed. we hear a lot of talk about donald trump representing greed in america. we don't want that from the
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democrats. here is what phil donahue and milton friedman talked about regarding greed. >> love it, love it. >> did you ever have a moment of doubt about capitalism and whether freed's a good idea to run on? -- greed. >> first of all, tell me some society you know that doesn't run on greed? you think russia doesn't run on greed? you think china doesn't run on greed? what is greed. of course none of us are greedy. only the other fellow who is greedy. the world runs on individuals pursuing their separate interests. the great achievements of civilization have not come from government bureaus. einstein didn't construct his theory under order from, from a bureaucrat. henry ford didn't revolutionize the automobile industry that way. and the only cases in which the masses have escaped from the kind of grinding poverty you're talking about, the only cases in recorded history where they have had capitalism and largely free
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trade. david: art, we literally got 10 seconds but will milton's rise words rise above the kind of class warfare rhetoric we'll hear this week in chicago? >> they're the same today, just as good today as they were back then and phil donahue married that girl and he lost that debate. david: i think you're right. but rest in peace, phil donahue. great to see you, art, thank you so much for bein. coming up chicago is is braking for impact as anti-israel protesters take the failing city by storm. is this going to be a repeat of chicago 1968? we'll talk about it with katie pavlich and clay travis coming next. be sure to tune into special coverage of the dnc right here on fox business, starting tonight, 7:00 p.m. eastern. and more practical? be able to perform here.
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david: so anti-israel protesters, that's a nice way of saying it, are causing chaos in
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chicago and looking to disrupt the democratic national convention. joining me is katie pavlich, editor at and a fox news contributor, and look who is here, clay travis, founder and ceo of outkick, also a fox news contributor. what a great couple here. ladies first, katie, i want to play sound of one of the protesters outside of the convention yesterday. roll tape. >> genocide joe biden allows him to do it. make no mistake, joe biden can turn off that tap of money and funding immediately. he could do it right now. he could have done it back in october. the fact that he didn't means he supports this genocide. he has the blood of 40,000 palestinians on his hands. david: now that guy's name is hatim, i will try to pronounce his last name. a few years back he said the following, i will put that back
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up on the screen. the u.s. and israel will continue to describe, hamas, hezbollah, lebanese resistance organizations as terrorists but the real terrorists are the government and military forces of the united states and israel. will kamala harris defer to these kind of people as opposed to our israel hi allies if she becomes president? >> these are not just anti-israel protests. david: no. >> i ventured over yesterday to see them for myself. i've seen a number about them in washington, d.c., as well, especially the one outside of union station where they defaced freedom bell, wrote hamas is covering all over the monuments there. they are an city american, anti-western, globalized intifada for example. they don't believe these islamic terrorist organizations murdered countless americans, including hezbollah by the way responsible for more american murders of any terrorist organization before
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9/11 and they're now of course very actively attacking israel and have plans to through their iranian overlords to assassinate, americans, american officials right here in the united states. this is a bigger problem. to your question whether kamala harris is going to placate or cater to these people, they already have. the dnc is holding a panel discussion featuring a number of people from the quote, uncommitted vote, people go to the a rallies organize them. these are the 100,000 voters in michigan, many in minnesota kamala harris needs to beat donald trump. she is listening to them. not a matter of going against our ally israel. it is about going against american values and placating to organizations full of people that believe terrorism as an ends to political means. david: exactly. we can dig up these guys statement, but, clay, the american people seen these people on the street.
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almost no city in america avoided some kind of demonstration for these people over the last year or so, at least since october 7th, which they actually applaud, some of these people the murder of innocents. that they are saying was a good thing. they support hamas for doing that. don't american voters know what's true and what's not in this situation? >> i think it depends on the age unfortunately. i think if you're over the age of 40 you can still understand good versus evil. when you are younger, you saw with the communications director from john fetterman, fetterman is too old this is a complicate the nuanced issue. i think that is what this reflects. ultimately there are a couple of big take ways here. one if you're jewish in america today, there is profoundly anti-semitic, anti-israel component of the democratic party that is incredibly as send ant.
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second, if that group was not ascendant, josh shapiro who was the governor of most important toss-up state would be the vice presidential nominee. it is not only element of this but having direct impact. joseph lieberman was a nominee as a jewish man in the democratic party for al gore as the vp i don't remember anybody lining up in the democratic party saying this is unacceptable having a jewish guy on the ticket. 24 years later, the left in this country has become so profoundly anti-semitic, we get an imbecile like tim walz instead of a highly popular governor of the greatest state in america pennsylvania. david: god rest the soul of joe lieberman. he was a great man. the "new york post" devoted a full page what is happening in chicago. chicago puts democrat policies
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on display on a whole range of issues, crime, most murders of any u.s. city 25 years in a row, education, 25% of schoolkids are reading at great level. that means 75% are not. only 18% of chicago students are working at grade level for math. 18%. yet they're spending $29,000 per student. you can go on and on with these things. the budget of the city is $16.6 billion, but they owe all the pension funds $37 billion. they cost $361 million to spend on migrants and they're losing population by the droves. i mean this is democratic policies on display. shouldn't you be ashamed of those figures, rather than be supporting the wonders of chicago? >> you would think so. first i want to add hamas is still holding five american hostages to the previous discussion but back to the
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issues in chicago, talking to a woman yesterday who moved here from eastern europe 33 years ago, she had a wonderful life here, leaving retiring early because she is worried about her safety in the city of chicago. she is going back to eastern europe. everything about chicago that is failing is a as a result of the far left progressive policies that kamala harris is trying to champion. david: i got to cut you off. >> trying to get for the rest of the country. david: i have to cut you off, i want to give clay a final note on this one. the amount of money spending on migrants there, diverting money they spend on citizens, particularly poor citizens in chicago, ticking off a lot of people in areas that used to be devoted to democrat, don't you think that will still, kamala, the dei candidate, she is supposed to appeal to those groups but they are seeing their own tax dollars being spent on illegals, hundreds of millions of dollars worth? >> yeah. i think it connects the three reasons that donald trump is going to be reelected in 2024.
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i keep hammering it, economy, border, crime. you have got the failures of our modern economy and where those assets are going. the border that is wide open and the crime that illegal immigrants bring to bear as well. all three of those things, whether you're white, black, haitian or hispanic, if you're united states citizen are unacceptable. resources are being spent on non-citizens when citizens themselves don't have great lives. david: katie, clay, wish we had more time. great to have you both on. switches gears as the world awaits iran next move in the middle east, the biden-harris campaign continues with the appeasement campaign, most recently waiving mandatory reactions on iran's state controlled broadcasting country. that organization spews it over day anti-semitic lies towards israel and language towards us in america. what will we hear if anything about foreign policy this week.
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claudia tenney, michael walz, good to see you. what do you make of the continued apicesment of iran by the biden-harris administration? >> part of it goes to their fundamental wrong approach to foreign policy. biden-harris, people around them, blinken, were kids in the schoolyard facing down the bully, kept asking can i give you a little bit more lunch money, can i give you another appeasement, find another concession to give and you will leave us alone. president trump knew rightly, sometimes you have to escalated to de-escalate. punch the bully in the mouth, take out soleimani, take out baghdadi, time and time again you will hear this week, throw away line, we support israel's right to support itself, long
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litany dehumanizing netanyahu, humanitarian aid in gaza and focus on progressive left protesting to hundreds of thousands right outside rather than dealing with the core issue which is iran. as long as iran is flush with cash, terrorism is going to be on steroids in the middle east but that's what you are going to hear this week and it is so incredibly dangerous. david: by the way if it wasn't for israel which daily is getting berated by the biden administration, iran would be much more dangerous than it is. that is why i think they're afraid i think to attack, to attack israel itself. claudia, i have to deal with something that sticks in my craw, i know as a marine mom it sticks in your craw as well, that is continued frustration, anger on the part of veterans and people who are still in the military about the afghan withdrawal, something that kamala harris actually took credit for. i want to play that tape, get your reaction. roll it.
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>> president biden always said that he wanted to the be the last person in the room particularly for big decisions as he was for president obama. he made a really big decision, afghanistan. >> yes. >> were you the last person in the room? >> yes. >> you feel comfortable? >> i do. david: she's actually taking, bragging rights for something that led to the death, the murder of 13 service people in afghanistan. that has led to all a whole series. they just recently had that parade last week, the taliban did, showing off what they took from the bagram airbase which they never should have gotten their hands on. what are your feelings? this is something still resonates among americans how badly this was handled, don't you? >> this was a bellwether type of situation. look what happened in afghanistan, you saw right from there, our enemies, china, russia, iran, as congressman
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walz just mentioned. we'll have appeasement. i don't know when the clip was, but everything that kamala harris was not had nothing to do with joe biden now all of sudden she has to own it, wait a minute, i wasn't part of the joe biden policy. so the duplicitousness of her situation is really was interesting but as a mother of a marine, we know 11 of those soldiers needlessly killed in that fateful day were killed and it is, unacceptable and i know i hear from servicemembers everywhere, we did a special visual for them as well, but i hear from people even at the convention, some of the families at the republican convention were there, wanting some kind of action, wanting some projection of strength, wanting clarity as michael walz talked about, why we pulled out of afghanistan the way we did. remember something important about the move of afghanistan when it happened, it was political calculus, thought they
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would do it on 9/11 to celebrate that on versery. how sick. they rolled the date back, weren't prepared. this horrible catastrophe which led to series of foreign policy mishaps that put our allies in danger. david: mike walz as a proud veteran you want to weigh in on this. we've run out of time. you would agree with me, mike, mo graver of the person in the world, the mother of a service men, the stuff they have to go through, speaking for my wife. what they have to go through. >> semper fi to all the marine moms out there. david: thank you very much, both of you, appreciate you coming in. kong ma'am claudia tenney, congressman mike walz. former president trump is making energy as a key part of his plan to fight inflation. kamala harris what is her energy plan? we'll talk about it with south dakota.
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he made some energy promises last week, i believe when he was in north carolina. i want to play that sound bite, get your reaction. roll tape. >> my administration will issue rapid approvals for new energy infrastructure, unlock new lands for drilling and achieve energy independence and energy dominance. we'll put anwr back into service, anwr in alaska. we think your energy bills will be down by 50 to 70%. david: whoa, 50 to 70% drop in energy prices, senator? >> the best way to make that possible is produce more of it and that is exactly the simple formula donald trump understands and kamala harris clearly does not. remember, minnesota is my next door neighbor here in north dakota. tim walz banned some forms of energy from north dakota into his state. which of course means the lights will probably go out sometimes when the weather is below freezing in minneapolis but absolutely, and by the way, the
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sticky inflation problem democrats have is because of the obvious sticky inflation of energy which goes into everything. i would challenge anybody 14 years old and older, pick your favorite product. go pack to the very beginning of that product, the consumption of that product and see how many times energy and all of its sources intersect with that. the supply chain at the beginning, the end, several times in between. david: of course fracking, the genius of fracking as a way of getting oil and gas is, continues to produce for us, even though kamala harris said at one point, maybe now she is against it but before she said was killing all fracking. do you know what her energy plan is? i haven't been able to find any. >> well it is incoherent for sure if she has one, but, david, remember, she was against fracking before she was for it. she will clarify her opposition to fracking the minute she would win this election i assure you.
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they clearly need to run from the biden record as you've been talking about during the whole show. she will embrace it when she is done. this is why, this is why this is such a great race because you have two people from two administrations, the trump administration, the harris-biden administration, four years with each of them, what donald trump says he will do he has done. what she says she will do, she hasn't. so, you know, it becomes pretty simple when you ask a simple question, what was the price of gasoline when donald trump was president, what was inflation when he was president, how safe were we when he was president, how much energy did he produce when we was president versus what we do now? energy dominance is the goal. by the way that makes the whole world safer to have the united states producing the cleanest energy in the world. david: absolutely. we've seen that. there is a question of employment too. thousands, tens, hundreds of thousands of people depend on our energy, our producing energy for their jobs.
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5:00 pm
david: well, thank you so much for watching this special edition of "kudlow" and tune in special coverage of the dnc tonight on fox business. all starts at 7:00 p.m. eastern but don't wait for elizabeth macdonald right now. liz: that doesn't sound like larry klayman. it sounds like david asman. david: it is. liz: thank you so much welcome to the "evening edit


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