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tv   The Evening Edit  FOX Business  August 19, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT

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david: well, thank you so much for watching this special edition of "kudlow" and tune in special coverage of the dnc tonight on fox business. all starts at 7:00 p.m. eastern but don't wait for elizabeth macdonald right now. liz: that doesn't sound like larry klayman. it sounds like david asman. david: it is. liz: thank you so much welcome to the "evening edit" i'm
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elizabeth macdonald. >> comrad kamala harris, you're fired. get out. you're not doing the job. get out. >> [applause] liz: okay that was former president trump firing it up at his rally in pennsylvania, saying kamala should be fired now. new polls coming in president trump leads kamala on the top issues for voters plus the dnc overshadowed by street protests in chicago, and kamala harris' socialist price control plan, now getting condemned by the financial times. cnn, the washington post, even pbs's david brooks are saying it's it's bad for americ. maria salazar joins us with a warning for america. she and her family literally fled cuba's communist dictators as many constituents did. plus democrats claim unity but they gave president biden what is considered the worst speaking slot tonight at the dnc.
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this as a final house impeachment report today says he should be removed from office for corruption. rnc chairman michael whatley here to respond and big setback for biden and harris. more and more federal reserve officials now warn those us jobs numbers that they have been campaigning on could be inflated, overstated. former home depot ceo bob nardelli here to weigh in. but first, former president trump in pennsylvania today going after kamala harris on energy and inflation, and more. grady trimble standing by live at the scene in york, pennsylvania with the story. grady, good to see you. reporter: you too, liz. this stop for the former president was the first of many in several battleground swing states this week. these aren't necessarily campaign rallies but rather smaller-scale events that a campaign official tells me is aimed at sort of setting the gop
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messaging for the day, ahead of the big dnc speeches each night, getting ahead of those speeches in many ways. as you can see behind me, we're at a manufacturing facility in york, pennsylvania. the former president, when he was here, spoke for around 50 minutes this evening in pre-written remarks and he largely stuck to his script. it was a largely policy-focused speech today talking about trade and tariffs and boosting manufacturing in the united states. also about increasing energy production here in the united states and more specifically, in pennsylvania, which is one of the top fossil fuel producing states in the country so that could play well with voters here. the former president also criticized the newly-unveiled economic platform vice president harris unveiled last week. trump called it communist price controls and he spent some time toed trying to tie harris to the inflation hat has characterized the biden-harris administration. take a listen.
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>> kamala harris is an economy wrecker and a country destroyer. our country will be destroyed if she gets in. her radical liberal agenda ruined san francisco. it ruined california when she was the attorney general. it crushed our middle class, demolished our border, set the world on fire and now she wants to be promoted to the job killer-in-chief. reporter: trump's runningmate senator j.d. vance was also in pennsylvania today, so one-two punch from the gop ticket. there he is in philadelphia. also talking about the economy. want to show you this map, liz, because it gives you a sense of how busy these two men are going to be from here they go to michigan then north carolina, then arizona for a stop at the southern border and then finally, to nevada. again a lot are smaller-scale events focusing on different parts of their policy platform each day. this is counter-programming to
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the democratic national convention liz aimed at blunting any possible surg that harris is hoping to experience as a result of the dnc. liz: grady trimble nobody does it like grady. terrific stuff, grady, thank you so much for joining us. so, let's get you updated on this. there's a startling contrast right as thousands of venezuelans protested against communism and for freedom, for liberty here in new york city this weekend. they are in the fight of their lives against communism. you have pro-hamas and anti-israel and other protesters pouring into chicago to demonstrate at the dnc. look whose here, congresswoman maria salazar. congresswoman salazar and her family literally fled cuban communist dictators. congresswoman so wonderful to have you back on. it's unimaginable the pain and suffering you and your family and constituents endured under communist cuba. how do your voters react when they hear about price control
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plans like kamala harris' plan? >> they cringe. thank you for the opportunity. because it's what they're pedaling is the theory but my constituents have lived the practice, and the practice is miserable, and you know, elizabeth, wanted to be romanticizing about socialism on the streets of chicago, new york, miami or in the united states. go to curacas and say that about maduro. he's threatening today to put the number one opposition leader in jail so it's uninformed through and through the youth in this country that has romanticized because they believe that socialists hold of the more all ground. they are the moral ones, not us, sure, go try it. liz: they act like they are more saints and communist dictatorships than all of christianity. now we're hearing reports that
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maduro is sending thugs to go door-to-door to do knock-knock arrests meaning if you were seen at a protest, they take your passport or arrest you for terrorism throwing professors, mothers, children, seniors into gulags. economist kevin hassett told us he finds that it's astonishing harris is even thinking of price-controls and socialist agendas that cause most of the misery of the 20th century. congresswoman let's get your reaction to a pilot born in venezuela at a trump rally this weekend and listen to attacks on criticism against what kamala is doing from democrats. watch this. >> i'm from venezuela. i left the country in 2007 because of communism. my granddad saw the similarities of what's happening in cuba and he told everybody that would listen to him that it was coming and everybody was like no, this is venezuela.
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this is not cuba. this will never happen to us, and guess what? it happened to us, and it has been happening to all latino american countries as well. >> but this is still a very competitive race. if the election were today i'm not sure who would win and i think it may well be president trump because it's an electoral college fight. >> trump still leads so if he can focus his message back on those things, if we can, and if we could define, we being the republican party can define kamala harris as the 2020 version of kamala harris, the progressive, left of bernie sanders, the gun taking away, anti-fracking get rid of your healthcare kamala harris, republicans will do very well. if she's able to define herself in a different manner, it's going to be a tough race and a tough election. liz: show the polls how trump is now leading kamala harris and the economy, inflation and the border. it's from cbs, marquette and you'll see that. congresswoman, can you explain to the american viewer how socialism and communism, you know, you see it off in
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the distance. then it's in your backyard. then it's inside your house. that's what we hear from people from china and from places like venezuela. is that true? >> of course, and i love the sound bite that you just played, because in reality, the cubans forewarned the venezuelans like the gentleman that we just heard, and cubans in the year 2000 we're talking about only 25 years ago. i remember i was on the air and i would tell people, be careful, because chavez is just like fidel castro and the venezuelans would laugh and say oh, no. you guys, the cubans, you guys are on an island. we have the venezuelans, the largest reserves of oil in the world, which is true, and look what happened. 8 million people have left the venezuela and counting. liz: so you're scared about this , what you're saying? >> very. very scared for this country, because we are the beacon of
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hope. after the united states, there's nothing. liz: got it. congresswoman please come back on. we're going to stay on the story. good to see you again. okay, now listen to this. >> they are also calling out biden for his handling of classified documents. they said during his tenure as vice president, joe biden removed highly-sensitive classified documents from the white house despite having no authority to do so, and remember comrad kamala, she knew everything. liz: that was former president trump on president biden and kamala harris. now, president biden is set to address the dnc tonight. the same day that house oversight, judiciary and ways and means released their impeachment report against him saying president biden should be impeached and removed from office due to overwhelming evidence of corruption, using his government office to enrich his family during the obama white house.
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now, the biden white house denies all this. let's bring in the chairman of house ways and means chairman jason smith. chairman, thanks for joining us. it's good to see you. so, can you tell us, will lawmakers bring any impeachable crimes or misdemeanors against president biden? because we didn't see the crime stipulated in the report. we see a pattern of impeachable conduct to enrich the biden family. what are the crimes of misdemeanors? will they be charged against president biden? >> liz, it's great to be with you. what's in the report is just under 300 pages of all the documentations from the investigation that we've been doing for just less than a year between the ways and means committee, the oversight committee and the judiciary and as you can see , a lot of the information that is provided in that report is what came from the two irs whistleblowers that came from our committee, the ways and means committee, and highlighted how the biden-harris administration
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had obstructed, obstructed their investigation, which ultimately led to numerous examples where we found corruption. in fact, those irs whistleblowers, their documents is what provided the documentation of $27 million that came from foreign entities into the biden family, including thousands of dollars that ultimately came from china to president biden. liz: okay, so what are the crimes of misdemeanors? will they be charged? >> well, under biden-harris justice department, i wouldn't count on that, but the house has its own oversight responsibility and this is what the report is to present all the information, all the evidence to the entire house of representatives and the house should act accordingly. liz: so okay, we don't know yet, right? it could happen. you're saying crimes of misdemeanors could be charged? >> the house of representatives cannot bring the charges.
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of course that's the justice department. under the biden-harris administration, were they allowed the statute of limitations to expire for the tax years 2014, 2015 of the president's son, which were the most egregious of all the crimes? i don't have a lot of faith that they're actually going to bring charges against their own sitting president. liz: so it's 35 million at least. it's 27 million selling access overseas, and $8 million in loans from donors. do we know who those donors are? >> we do. most of that $8 million loans came from the irs whistleblowers and that was kevin morris. a huge democrat donor of joe biden who has continued to loan money to hunter biden and unfortunately, they've not been able to provide any loan documents. they say they're loans but it appears they're gifts of almost $8 million. in fact, it was a loan to pay
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hunter biden's tax penalties, and what he owed the irs was one of it and that was right before his father's presidential race. liz: i mean chairman, we have talked to many people in d.c. and out of d.c. who have come here to new york into the studios. they keep saying on and on that this is the worst corruption scandal they've ever seen. it's worse than watergate. they've never seen anything like this. house ways and means chairman jason smith thanks for joining us we appreciate you very much. coming up, we have a new non-partisan report. kamala harris' economic plan would crater the us national debt by an even bigger sum they realize. nearly $2 trillion over a 10 year period. kamala harris claims this though. >> everybody benefits and it pays for itself in that way. liz: oh, really? it pays for itself? right. tonight, washington post columnist mark tease en will take it on, plus voters consistently rank the us border
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crisis among their top three concerns. now arizona voters are about to vote on making a state crime to cross illegally. arizona congresswoman debbie lesko here to react and also tonight a major reality check. federal reserve officials now warn us jobs data that biden and harris keep touting are overstated and inflated. former home depot ceo bob nardelli will weigh in and the backlash is growing against kamala harris' grocery price fixing scheme sending federal bureaucrats after groceries. we've got celebrity chef and restaurant owner andrew gruel here on that and the media is attacking it as dumb but first, more on president trump kicking off his dnc counter-programming this week. let's see what rnc chair thinks about it, michael whatley joins us next. >> our plan will massively cut taxes, unlock american energy, slash regulations, crackdown on
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there's news coming in. it's getting more hostile and aggressive at the dnc outside of it in chicago. waves of protesters are now clashing with police. president biden, hillary clinton and more are set to speak tonight. fox news mike tobin standing by live in chicago. mike? reporter: well hi there, liz. it's not without some controversy, some pushing and shoving. i wouldn't really call it a violent demonstration at this stage now but if you look at all of the people dressed in black, some of them have their heads wrapped in palestinian. we got to a point on wood street as they have been marching up where they started to chant the butchers are that way, pointing south toward the united center and encouraging people to get off the parade route and make a run for the anti-climb fencing on the hard perimeter. here they are gathered up in a group. you have these people in a yellow vest calling themself
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safety teams or officers. their attention is to keep this whole thing from becoming chaotic. indeed it has become chaotic so they are sort of the opposition to the young people in the black with the black hoods on their heads who are trying to get off the parade route and make a rush for the fence at the hard perimeter. what we seen in the process pushing and shoving didn't get that far out of hand. at one point when we're at wood street the bike cops had gone to the west of our location. here is something to look at with a shield on his back with the a for anarchy and the back and he's got a hard hat, sticks in his hand. he was one of the people who went south toward the united center and here is some of them with the flags again moving in the direction of south trying to push and shove with the people. it looks like they are making an effort, to try to mount up a force and make a run for it but their attention is not to stick
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to the parade route. that's very clear. most of the people, tens of thousands, are marching in the parade route and have stopped at the park and that was part of the pre-planned route for this 1.1-mile march. when you talk about proximity, let's look directly south and there is the united center. now, the coalition to march on the dnc went to court and fought for the right to march within sight and sound of the united center. clearly they got it. now you've got the people there pointing in the direction of the convention or the united center and they are the ones who want to make the push to get off the route and head in the other direction and that's where we are seeing i wouldn't call it violence but pushing and shoving. liz: mike are they going to try to get inside the dnc? >> well it's not really clear. they are chanting "the dnc is this way" so they want to get in that direction but if they move
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in that direction about 100 yards from here, less than 100 yards they run into that anti-climb fencing. one of the things that cameraman and i have seen before that, that anti-climb fencing will come down if it's not staffed. if you have it staffed with a police or force to protect it they keep people from getting over it but if they hit it with enough force the anti-climb fencing will come down. liz: mike i've got a question for you, mike? >> it's hard to tell what their plan is. liz: mike, what about democrats and politicians trying to get inside? how can the politicians get past that? will they be safe getting past it? >> what about democrats where? i'm sorry we don't have a great cell out here. liz: mike, we'll leave you there. thank you so much. mike, thank you so much for your coverage there hope you stay safe. our very own mike tobin. let's listen to this. >> i see kamala and i see walz being so far left that it
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concerns me. i'm comfortable with trump. we had four years of trump. we know what trump is. i'm not voting for him to be my valentine. i'm not voting for him to be my best friend. >> what do you think is the number one issue facing chicago right now? >> well definitely the number one issue is the violence in chicago. the gun violence. >> violence. >> the economy is a big one. it's a big question mark, you know? you go to the grocery store, eggs, bread, just small items are large in price now. >> for my congregation and others it's kind of changing a little bit because so many people don't agree with the policies and so i think that there's definitely growth in my church as far as being more independent in their thinking. i see that throughout the community as well. liz: so you heard right there, voters in iowa and chicago weighing in on the race. they say it's crime, gun
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violence, the economy, the border, factoring big for them. let's bring in rnc chair michael whatley. michael good to have you on. so you heard all of that. what does president trump want to achieve doing counterprogramming against the dnc? he's going to swing states michigan, north carolina, nevada, and we hear the border state of arizona. what does he want to do here? >> he wants to talk directly to every american family about the issues that they care about. the issues that every american families talking about right now are jobs and the economy, security, and safety, and on every single one of those issues, donald trump is out-polling kamala harris because we are listening to the voters and talking about the issues that they care about. liz: so we saw, you know, scattered protests at the rnc in milwaukee. can you talk to that, speak to that and what's happening now at the dnc? we just had a live report from the scene. it is getting more hostile and aggressive by the minute and
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there's concern house democrats expressed concern for their own safety. talk to us in the context of the history of america. america's gone through volatile times like this and we're at it again. people compare it to 1968 chicago. it's somewhat different what happened back then versus now. >> well look. i think right now what we need to do is understand that it was just weeks ago that we had an assassination attempt on president trump. there is no place in politics for this type of violent behavior and we need to, everybody, step back and talk about why are we having this election. what are we fighting for in the course of this election. it's american families, and so this type of mob mentality, the attacks that we have seen, the anti-israel, anti-semetic actions of these mobs are completely unacceptable and it really is incumbent on the democratic national committee and the city of chicago to be able to shutdown this type of activity. liz: michael you mentioned the assassination attempt on
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former president trump. we've got news coming in that a police sniper shot the trump shooter's gun, shot it out of his hand, delayed the attempted assassin, likely saved lives. unfortunately, you know, the volunteer firemen was killed and shot in the head and another person wounded. in other words he got knocked down and then he was taken out but that was first a police sniper took his gun out of his hands shooting it and then we've got the secret service sniper taking him out. we've got a report by congressman clay higgins, who says the shot from about a hundred yards away from the police sniper and that the police sniper ran towards the threat. ran towards the assassin. i mean, you've gotta hand it to law enforcement yes, secret service officials who fight so hard to protect our elected officials. >> absolutely. you know, donald trump is beyond thankful, as should everybody be for the actions of the officers that were on the ground, on that day, and were able to save his
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life and the lives of many others by responding and that the way that they did. the shooting itself was a horrible tragedy. it was a preventable tragedy and i think that the investigations from internal to the secret service or the fbi, they need to go ahead and get to the bottom of it and let the american people know what happened and why. liz: michael whatley, rnc chair pleasure to have you on sir. >> thank you. liz: we've got more on that new non-partisan report warns harris' economic would blowout the national debt by nearly $2 trillion over a 10 year period. tonight former, he's a white house speechwriter, he's a washington post columnist, going to layout what's at stake here. also tonight, the update on this bombshell. more and more federal reserve officials, fed governors warn that us jobs data that biden and harris keep touting inflated. it's overstated. >> supported thousands of union
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jobs. >> [applause] >> we have created 16 million new jobs. >> under president biden and vice president harris the us created nearly 800,000 manufacturing jobs. liz: those are all phony numbers. those are falsehoods. that's made up stuff by democrats, so this story is a big correction in the jobs data now coming. it's matters for you, your wallets, interest rates and more is wall street bracing themselves. former home depot ceo bob nardelli here to weigh in, next. this is clem. clem's not a morning person. or a night person. or a...people person. but he is an
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liz: okay, welcome back. kamala harris' economic plan now getting roundly condemned by the financial times, cnn, washington post, new york times, and more. now the non-partisan committee for responsible federal budget found her plan will add $1.7 trillion to the us debt over the next decade, if she gets elected. let's welcome to the show fox news contributor washington post
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columnist and author marc thiessen. marc, so good to have you on. economists keep warning, it's good to see you. economists say america cannot afford this. how's she going to pay for it? will she have to raise taxes on blue collar workers and the middle class or cut medicare and social security? >> well she's going to have to do something. she didn't explain how she's going to pay for it so right now it's deficit spending. we're governed by the slow learners so how did we get into this crisis? we got into this crisis because kamala harris cast the deciding vote on the american rescue plan which was a $1.9 trillion social spending plan that unleashed the worst inflation in 40 years. despite the fact that liberal economists like larry somers warned it would do that. they didn't listen and they did it and we've had record inflation going now from three-years, cumulative inflation such that people are paying $125 for a basket of groceries using credit cards 60% of americans use credit card debt to pay for groceries so
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what does she propose? almost $2 trillion in new spending in her speech on how she's going to combat inflation. it's like they haven't gone to school on what they did wrong so if you elect people who created the problem, it shouldn't be surprised if they make the problem worse if you give them a second chance. liz: you know, democrats are trying to scramble to defend it. let's watch that and you're going to hear kamala harris try to claim wildly her plan pays for itself. what's she talking about? watch this. >> we've seen it happen in venezuela, seen it happen in the soviet union. price controls just don't work. but the real core problem is that expresses a level of economic illiteracy which is kind of surprising in a responsible democratic candidate. >> she was vice president for the last four years when the housing market crisis was at its worst, inflation was at its worst. >> you have former president trump calling the policies communist and the washington post editorial board called it a gimmick. is this plan to ban price gouging anything more than a
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gimmick governor? >> i think people are reading too much into what has been put out there. >> what we're doing in terms of the tax credits, we know there's a great return on investment and when we increase homeownership in america again return on investment. i think it's a mistake for any person who talks about public policy to not critically evaluate how you measure the return on investment. liz: okay, sorry. this is remarkably economically incompetent, breath takingly idiotic. what return on investment? she's promising 3 million homes in four years. what they only built like eight charging stations in two and a half years? connecting no one to the internet in four years as they are spending 50 billion to do that? they are blowing money out the back door. final word. >> i'm old enough to remember when democrats criticize republicans for saying tax cuts paid for themselves. now she's saying $2 trillion in spending will pay for itself. it's economically illiterate. liz: totally stupid.
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marc thiessen. sorry we had to go there with our verb eage but gotta call it out. >> gotta speak the truth. liz: good to see you. >> kamala harris is an economy-wrecker and country-destroyer. our country will be destroyed if she gets in. her r radical liberal agenda ruined san francisco, it ruined california when she was the attorney general, crushed our middle class, demolished our border set the world on fire and now she wants to be promoted to the job killer-in-chief. liz: okay federal reserve governors warn us jobs data is overstated and inflated undercutting the big sell from kamala harris about jobs creation. let's bring in former ceo of home depot and chrysler as well bob nardelli. bob it's good to see you again. okay so let's go through it. we're going to show it.
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federal reserve governors lisa cook and fed governor michelle bowman, they are warning that the government's initial jobs numbers are overstated, that the jobs market could be weaker than the governor is reporting. the atlanta fed is saying we're growing around 2% so is the jobs market weaker than we realize? >> so liz, of course it is. you and i watched this very closely every month. there's a lot of fanfare. they announce a number and then they quietly adjust it a few months or weeks later. we saw the impact a few weeks ago when they announced 125,000 jobs. we saw the impact on the market with such a low number. now even goldman sachs is talking about an adjustment between 600,000 to 1 million jobs. the largest employer, i went back and looked at this was healthcare and a lot of those are government jobs. what the was the second-largest employer? the government. what's the third? it was hospitality and travel.
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those numbers are going to get adjusted. stelantis, the car manufacturer just announced 2,500 jobs be laid off. manufacturing and the lists i looked at was ranked 11th as far as job creation under this administration so yes, i think it's woefully overstated and it's about time they got honest. liz: the bls is about to come up with the preliminary benchmark revision through march. we've reported we talked to you about it. think through the 12 months through i think it was june that the jobs numbers was basically overstated by a million jobs. that was through a 12-month period. it looks like they have been reviesing downward the initial jobs report by at least 16 months straight. >> yeah, there's no question, liz. they have been touting this. you played a couple of clips where they were talking about millions of jobs, 16 million jobs. now a lot of that was a bounce back from covid so if you want
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to take your credit for that of course but the job market is tight and we're going to see that in unemployment. we saw it last month and we'll see it go up again, liz. liz: we're going to stay on this story. bob nardelli we needed you on that. you're so brilliant we appreciate you. we're not overstating that because you dig into the data. good stuff. coming up the growing backlash against kamala harris' grocery price fixing scheme. we're looking at images out of the dnc. they are walking around with banners touting communism. okay that's what's happening now. we're going to bring in celebrity chef and restaurant owner andrew gruel. he's fantastic saying hey, america, what kamala wants will not lower your prices, or inflation. also, even though kamala harris holds power right now, she claims she could fix the border later if she's elected. what are you waiting for? tonight arizona border state congresswoman debbie lesko here to react but let's talk to dagen and sean. >> we love your show e-mac
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thank you we have a great show coming up to say the least so joe biden goes to the dnc to speak tonight, he's going to pass the torch to a radical liberal who wants to price fix, raise corporate income taxes, corporate taxes. dagen: raymond lopez, chicago alderman is here on the democrats trying to use chicago to prop up the heart of the midwest. well this is a city that is a broken heart, because of left wing progressive policies. and then we've got xavier derosa. john fetterman is one of the big name democrats whose skipping the dnc in chicago. well, when a party is resonating with the american people, all of the members of the party come together. they are running away from it because americans are running away from the democrats. top of the hour. through the cha. jen x is planning a summer in portugal
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andrew gruel. thanks for joining us, andrew is the ceo and founder of the american gravy restaurant group. mark, first to you. we've got to get to this mark, you see this hostility at the dnc and inside the party too. what do you make of new york times top columnist m using the word coo to describe top democrats ousting president biden from the race? it might be overstated to use but what do you think? >> i disagree and i think it's an understatement. they just threw this guy off a cliff. the biggest night is thursday night. the worst night is monday night. he's the president of the united states. why is he on monday night and then he's going on vacation right after that to a remote part of california? they are hiding him. he's not at the convention? if you want to pass the baton, why isn't he introducing her on thursday night? it's an insult to him to stick him on monday night. liz: they have tony goldman, i think, he was the bad guy in the movie "ghost" from 199 oh, d
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you've had to deal with grocery and food prices firsthand. kamala harris wants the federal reserve to crackdown on grocery prices and a price control move. what do you think of that? >> i think it's all just another marketing stick. i don't even think they know what price gouging means because i saw in an interview i was trying to understand this plan and i saw an interview with one of the senators who was a harris surrogate talking about this and they said what is price gouging and he said well we don't actually know but what we want to do is give the ftc a ton of power to get into these business' books and try and figure it out. that very much sounds to me like show me the person and i'll find the crime because every element of the supply chain, pricing-wise has gone up, right? it's not as if there's one little piece that's gone up exponentially. a well know transportation, fuel costs, food costs, everything has gone up across-the-board since this administration has taken over so i think this is really just nothing more than a distraction and a marketing way
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and which they can say the bad guys did this. the boogy man. the big corporations have done this and not us. liz: right so what the chef just said. we are seeing images, mark, at the dnc outside of it. they are waving the communist flag. a red flag of communism, mark. >> yeah. this is 1968 all over again. it started off slow. the first day, the first night and then it escalated throughout the convention. this could be disaster. i think this whole convention will bomb. remember 2004 john kerry. same thing happened. he got no convention bounce, in fact he took a dip after it. we might see that happen here. liz: chef gruel, final word? >> i think in regards to the convention what's really funny is so many of the democrats are protesting the democrats, at the republican convention, there was nobody really protesting. it was actually quite peaceful so one of the issues that's being taken away from what we're seeing on the screen now is the fact that they hate each other. liz: interesting, mark simone,
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chef gruel, great analysis. next coming up voters are speaking out on the economy and the border crisis, now voters in arizona, they are about to vote on whether to make it a state crime to cross its state border illegally. that could be another big win for states rights. arizona congresswoman debbie lesko here to react stay right there. >> we've got to critically re-examine i.c.e. >> we're not going to treat people who are undocumented and cross the border as criminal. >> raise your hand if you think it should be a civil offense rather than a crime to cross a border without documentation? >> [applause]
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your shipping manager left to “find themself.” leaving you lost. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit >> ch with your free healthcare for millions of illegal aliens to give them all citizenship coming into the united states immediately and she then wants to sign them up for medicare and social security and she want them to vote illegally if possible, anyway that they can. liz: that was former president trump slamming kamala harris earlier today for running the border and for more this, slocum arizona congresswoman, debbie lesko from the congressional border security caucus in
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congresswoman, it is good have you back on when your president trump your what was your reaction. debbie: he's absolutely right, kamala harris loves open border policies i mean what is together, one or two times even though she was assigned, the border security by president biden and she made a total disaster for arizona and for the nation. and has been evidence of the last number of years, since joe biden has been in office an open border policy, bad for america a three okay congresswoman, protesters are now flying the communist like outside of the d&c in its move on to this, we will see i was having the chicago democrat, said that black and hispanic voters are really frustrated about biden and harris order crisis, listen to the. >> african-americans wanted to know what when they needed investment dollars over there was a money to be had but when the migrants came, $600 million this year on the peer,
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1.3 billion in the year before, latino voters in particular many of those undocumented promise to daca and a path out of the shadows, wanting to know when avenue them as you see 8 million people claim asylum, fraudulently an order to gain access to this country goes to demographics court demographics and for the basis, neither of them are getting answers from kamala harris right now. even though she was in charge of the border and of the be forgotten come november. liz: the frustration was talk to us about the voters in arizona possibly this november's like they will decide whether to approve a measure to make it a state crime for illegal aliens to cross illegally into arizona howdy think it will go to leasing republican-led states talking about the state like texas. debbie: yes come i think that it will pass overwhelmingly in the state of arizona and it is really is democratic because it allows all them to vote for develop measure in november and
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it's really necessary because kamala harris and president biden, have created this border crisis where there are people that i mean, for goodness sakes, ice rested 70 last week, was a serial killer from her real those in our country illegally, as we have a huge border crisis and its common sense, so i think that the people will vote for it. liz: thank you for joining us congresswoman is what is even stating to foxbusiness tonight, we have national coverage of the d&c speeches, starting at 7:00 p.m. eastern time and thank you so much for watching the evening edit on foxbusiness and forget to dvr us and think you for joining us now it is time to send it over to the terrific show the bottom line hi dagen mcdowell and sean duffy taken away. dagen: hello there. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪


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