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tv   Kudlow  FOX Business  August 21, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm EDT

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soft landing it is more of the same. we have to lean into the a.i. trade. got to lean into what got us here. you can't bet guess nvidia. everyone told us it couldn't go higher, 2 couldn't go higher yet it made all wrong multiple times. the wind is at the back for nvidia. touch lean in to give yourself some shot to the upside. liz: eddie, thank you very much. nvidia, a a p-e of 75. some would say a bit rich. pe for qualcomm, 22. another a.i. chipmaker. tomorrow a fox business exclusive with the ceo of qualcomm along with volvo car ceo jim rowan. they have teamed up they will unveil a truly connected car. [closing bell rings] that will do it for "the claman countdown." we'll see you tomorrow. kudlow is next. ♪.
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>> welcome to "kudlow" i'm larry kudlow. with the dnc. no viewers. we'll talk to harris faulkner. >> reporter: tim walz doing a walk-through the stage. recent polling shows americans don't know enough about him to form an opinion yet. tonight will be a big moment to introduce himself. we don't know exactly how much he is going to take his time with a national audience to clarify these inconsistencies, things have been in his public story forever and only recently clarified by the campaign. stories about a dui have changed. stories about his military record have changed. stories about his family's use of ivf has also changed.
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her is madeleine dean explain what he does and does not need to say tonight. >> on the personal issue of ivf versus ici, mr. walz doesn't need to explain anything about his service and his love of family. >> reporter: you mentioned very, very little talk of policy specifics tonight. we're told by a harris confidante that could be coming as early as tomorrow. >> so far we have not heard a ton of specifics from democrats about vice president harris' evolution on the issues over time. >> isn't that a problem? >> are you shocked, shock the ad at convention. >> it has been a month since she took over. >> common she will have month to map out nor nuance and more detail. i think that will begin tomorrow night. >> reporter: tim walz is the headliner. we'll hear from bill clinton, spoiler alert, not part of the
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program, i'm sure this will be popping up on social media. they're doing a sound check right now with stevie wonder. larry: stevie wonder will give a good riff on the economy. at least we have some substance. peter doocy. >> reporter: we'll try when he comes back. i will ask him about the revisions in the jobs numbers over the last year. we'll get something for tomorrow's show. larry: he is a tax cutting supply-sider, i'm absolutely sure of it. peter doocy, thanks a million. take care of yourself. why are democrats defending kamala's crazy price control package? that is the subject of the riff. on day two, of dnc in chicago, michelle and barack obama disgraced themselves. once upon a time at the dnc back in 2016 michelle obama said when they go low we go high. well, last night they both went low and then lower still. all they did was trash
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donald trump it was awful, unseemly, especially for former president obama who was totally obsessed with donald trump. he is inside their heads. no wonder the dnc ratings crashed 22% from 2016. the whole setup looks like a big nothing burger. michelle obama could not help but play the race card as usual. take a listen. >> for years donald trump did everything in his power to try to make people fear us. see his limited, narrow view of the world made him feel threatened by the existence of two hard-working, highly-educated successful people who happen to be black. abu hamza al-masri. who will tell him, who will tell him the job he is currently seeking might be one of those blab -- black jobs. larry: absolute insulting thing. but, but, not one wit of policy.
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certainly nothing on the economy which is the biggest issue thus far in this election cycle. in fact for the first two nights i don't think any of the speakers referenced the economy at all except joe biden who, nobody really saw because the democratic bosses pushed him deep into the night the same way they took him off the ticket like a "godfather" style hit job. other than that, nobody talked to you about the economy nor the border. i keep waiting for the democratic bigwigs defend kamala harris's two trillion dollar spending package and her crazy price controls on food and groceries. this was her big economic speech, last friday, which was uniformly eviscerated by liberals and conservatives, including the left-wing "washington post" because no one seems to want to bring back nixon omics. people talk about soviet style
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controls, but we had our experiment her at home with richard nixon's price controls in the early 1970s. it was a disaster. controls led to shortages and then the price caps finally were blown off and inflation soared to 15%. remember jimmy carter's gas lines in the late 1970s? when ronald reagan finally decontrolled gasoline oil plunged to around $10 a barrel, but i digress. back to kamala's policy debut. suddenly no one is talking about it. odd, don't you think? plus it was about a two trillion dollar spending package with numerous programs paying people not to work, completely goofy national rent controls and housing subsidies will, wait for it, actually make housing prices even higher and therefore more unaffordable. so why did the obamas defend
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kamal ha's economic plan? why didn't anybody after two days of the convention? or is she going to flip-flop again thursday night when she speaks and say i really didn't mean it. i said it when i was much younger, six days ago but now i've changed my mind. kind of like the fracking bill or decriminalizing illegal immigration or giving illegals free health care, abolishing i.c.e. or defunding police or the government takeover of health care. she really didn't mean it, right? flip-flop, flip-flop. let's not forget, raising the corporate tax, which will make america uncompetitive and destroy wages and take-homepage of working folks. or the wealth tax on unrealized capital gains or the tax hike on stock buybacks, or the higher tax rate on small business. all of that was in the biden-harris budget and came out
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four months ago when kamala was much younger and maybe she din mean it but you know what? she personally hasn't denied any of it and she is stuck with that price control turkey of a speech last friday. you know what else? if she ever wins and jacks up all those taxes, spends all that extra money, and keeps all those price controls, she will destroy the economy. and that's the riff. all right, great, great, great pleasure, joining us now, harris faulkner, co-host of "outnumbered" and host of the faulkner focus on fox news. harris, it is wonderful to see you, even if i have to go to chicago to find you, it is wonderful to see you. [laughter]. i just -- >> we've got stevie wonder in the background. larry: listen i had rock bands when i was broadcasting at the rnc. it was pretty brutal. >> i know.
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you're a rock star. larry: no, i'm not, you're the rock star but i discuss want to ask you a couple things. i know you had an interview we want to play but look, i thought the obamas were terrible. you know, they went low and went lower, were obsessed with donald trump and i thought there was michelle obama playing the race card. we made the clip and you probably heard it, playing the race card. she just can't help herself. what do you think about all of that? >> well if you think she played the obama card and that is, you know, get in there and do what you got to do and own it, which is why biden wasn't there, and it's why kamala harris wasn't there. our reporting has showed there is a lot of discontent behind the scenes between the bidens and the obamas and, i mean, why not be this if you're kamala harris? this is technically her convention t was coronation that put her into the top of the ticket over her boss joe biden. to hear both michelle obama and
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barack obama kind of own this moment as if it were their own, when michelle obama goes after, face it, she went after joe biden. all these years, they weren't hopeful and she is like, now we can awaken, i'm paraphrasing, i'm softening it actually, now we can awaken to the idea of hope. i'm thinking the last four years were your guys. they were joe biden. i thought about it, she never mentioned his name and and and former first lady. it was about them. kamala harris not to be here, can be certain it was not about her either. all the race card play something not working for them in the black community. you and i, larry, talked about this before on "outnumbered." the operative color is not brown, it is not black, people are hurting the financially. when we got the jobs number, i get my financial news from you,
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the jobs number was revised by a million, that feels we're duped for the purpose of politics. if that submit the reason, you need to explain it to the american people because that is huge. we can't get the stubborn interest rates down, you talked about it on your show, how that hurts the economy long term. they didn't touch about the real stuff hurting america. they were going to the feel good of the obama era. larry: how come on, how come, harris, they didn't talk about kamala's big economic plan which was thursday, two trillion dollars of spending plus these crazy price controls? this was her big economic plan, right and the economy is the number one issue, right? the obamas never mentioned it. in fact, nobody has mentioned it best i can tell. what's up with that? >> no. well, first of all it is not written policy. we know when they put out the platform this week it had 19 mentions of biden's second term.
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which means biden-harris was not part of the platform for the dnct bass hundred 31 days, like they didn't know she was coming. i had plenty of resources on the left probably told me they had a head's up after the june 27th debate debacle. are you trying to say they were planning kamala all along? i don't want to tell you that, harris faulkner. what does that mean they had a healthy head's up? anyway what i'm saying about all of this is, there is no policy coming out of her. nothing is written. like the tips she stole from president trump. now she will do don't tax the tips. i bet you couldn't get her to explain more than a sentence about it because it is not her idea. the big issue here in chicago is crime. larry it was bad before the protesters came here, started tearing things up with sledgehammers, shouting how they want to kill jewish-americans.
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killer kamala. their own candidate. they don't protect her. stop talking like that. already one guy was shot this cycle. they don't want to tell her. the citizens when i go out, i had one who was really, really strong own the issue of crime in studio today. i would love for your audience to see it. she has always voted for the democrats. now it is different. >> and i listened to the speeches yesterday and i listened to michelle obama talk about her mother and how she helped with her neighbors but you know what? we're all doing that in the communities that we live in and no change is really happening. why i decided to leave the democratic party. i'm so tired of black people being taken for granted. i want people to really pay attention to the fact that this party is pushing kamala harris on the people. larry: boy, that's a, that's a pretty heavy riff, what do you
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make of it? >> yeah. i think it's the truth from people i'm talking with that no one wants to say out loud. you know that barack obama knows this. this is his home city and during his years in the presidency and all the blue democrats, all that brew on the left leadership that this city has had it never changed. now it is worse because biden and harris have delivered a collapsable, very, you know, very expensive economy, to people and so they were already dealing with crime. now they can't even afford to go to the grocery store. when they do they have to have their head on a swivel. on the first day of convention when i got here, they had eight shootings, four murders. my goodness, larry, it is hotter than any part of new york. the main resources are around the dnc conception center. my question, what is it like in the neighborhoods that need more cops now? no wonder these guys don't feel
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safe. i don't think they see the protesters. the motorcades see them. they're calling for the issue calling for the death of american citizens for being jewish, our faith. you know if they could, the tent would be wider who they would want to take out when it comes to faith. that is another half hour of conversation. i'm so excited to be on your show, by the way. larry: harris, you're terrific. you're terrific. i'm up against the best. thank you for taking time out. you're terrific. thank you. >> thank you. bye, larry, be safe, bye-bye harris faulkner. catch harris on "the faulkner focus" weekdays at 11 eastern on fox news every day. coming up here, the harris tax hike plan to lower your wages. we'll talk about it with john carney and kevin hassett. no one is talking about it at the convention. it is quite remarkable. catch "kudlow" every monday through friday at 4:00 p.m. on
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larry: all right, "the wall street journal" editorial board writes, today the harris tax hike plan to lower your wages. they're talking about the hike in the corporate tax to 28% from 21%. joining us now kevin hassett, former chair of the council of economic advisors, and john carney, "breitbart" economics editor, coauthor of the "breitbart business digest. gentlemen, welcome, kevin hassett, this will make us uncompetitive, you know this better than any human being but i will just say it so we get it started. we will no longer be competitive with the oecd. china and asia will have lower tax rates. europe will have lower tax rates. reversions will start up again. repatriations go the wrong way. dumb, kevin, best i put it. dumb, what do you think? >> question. one way to think about it too, larry is that when we cut the tax rate from 35 to 21, then we broadened the base with a lot of
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eliminating deductions and things like that. so to go back to 28% without changing the base means we're going to higher tax than the 35% rate we had before. the way to think about what the effect on wages will be, what we did times minus one. we added about $6,000 to the typical real wage after the tax cuts happened. so it will be like a 6,000-dollar wage cut for people if this harris plan is passed. larry: likes pure vindictive. i will just read you, john carney, we forget that u.s. companies during the obama administration often moved their headquarters to tax climbs like ireland to avoid the high tax rate. business roundtable, 2.5 trillion income earned abroad returned to the u.s. as a result of mr. trump's tax reform. >> right. larry: then it goes on to say, if you go to 28, the u.s. will be an outlyer. the oecd average, 23%. the e u2 1, and asia, including
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china, knight. we will be the outlyer. >> this give us second highest tax rate of anybody in the whole world this will be disaster. i'm sure the europeans and asians are salivating with this man. saying on the phone with kamala, great job. this will be good for our economy. it will be terrible for the u.s. economy t will chase jobs out of america. she says she wants jobs to come to the america. this is the anti-jobs plan. larry: you haven't had a headline of inversion, company leaving the u.s. to go to ireland. there hasn't been a headline like that in seven years since the tax cuts. >> we gave away the incentive for companies to do that. they will restore the incentives for companies to leave. it will really discourage investment. why would you, when tax rate goes up it raises the hurdle rate. it means businesses won't get started. they say they want to start it on just corporations but that
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won't happen. you have all sorts of games people play with not incorporating. so you raise taxes on all businesses. larry: companies will leave. i have a headline, this is fame must former white house economic advisor warns harris' agenda could shut down the entire u.s. economy. it is a fame must guy, kevin hassett. said the harris green energy policies could cause a deep recession towards carbon. expand on that kevin hassett. >> right, well the thing that really got me going in that interview was the idea government will attack price gougers. in other words the government will want to set the price of everything. it is really a very socialist agenda, with a very punitive tax on corporations they're imposing, then they would absolutely knock us into a recession but the thing is, what we found out today, in the revisions for the payroll numbers is that we're probably already in a recession. they knocked a million dollars off of the payroll numbers and what everybody has been saying, sure the unemployment rate is
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going up but the payroll numbers are okay. now we lost all the strong payrolls. we're probably in a recession now. imagine we're in a recession now. when we finally get the revised data, they will tell us like six months from now, they will give us a tax hike too. it will abhor ren does policy error. the point they're so idealogically committed to punish companies they will do it. they will even do it in a recession i believe. larry: mr. trump is on this case. here he is in asheboro, north carolina. our grady trimble was talking to him. listen, please. >> i know you said you will let fed chair powell stay as fed chair to the end of his term but what if he cuts rates before the election? >> if you take a look at the numbers and this 800 something thousand fake jobs they said existed which i think is a terrible thing they did that in order to look like their economy is good. that shows the economy is horrible. larry: all right. what do you think of that? fake jobs. i love that. not going to plame the fed. he is just saying the whole
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thing was phony. kevin said we may be in recession. what does john carney think? >> this revision took back what we thought was a lot of progress in the labor market. look, the labor market has not been anywhere near as we thought it would be. manufacturing actually lost jobs during that period. it is in the negative column. manufacturing has been in a recession for probably about two years right now. meanwhile the biden and harris administration is running around saying that they're having a manufacturing boom. man, if this is what a boom looks like under harris, can you imagine what a real downturn is? larry: they don't read the numbers. they are not current the way trump is. they're doing it on the fly. kevin hassett, besides the job gains, if the greenie policy doesn't do it, the tax hikes are going to do it, what are the odds we are in a recession? what are the odds the fed is going to cut-rates? what are the odds mr. trump is right we're headed for a very
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big economic fall? no one in chicago, kevin, let me just add, no one in chicago is saying one word or whit about the economy. no one is defending kamala harris' crazy price controls or her two trillion dollar spending program. don't you find that odd in the light of all this other information? >> yeah, i guess what's going on is that they're going to propose really outlandish things. and then the nobel prize-winning economists who say they're better for the economy will wink at people, no they are not really going to do this. let's make a date, larry kudlow. i will tell you the jobs numbers coming out from august will be very bad. the payroll number will be okay revise it dune but the unemployment rate is headed up. it is already signaling we're in a recession. in september we'll see the unemployment rate go up enough everybody concedes we are. larry: so john carney, that be the case, something close to
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hit, kamala harris will have to defend price controls, higher taxes, higher spending. seriously. what she said last friday. maybe she will flip-flop, said i was young and impressionable. >> last week. larry: six days ago i didn't really mean it. other than that this is the only offense or offense, i don't get it? >> their answer will always be more government spending, more government control. that is actually going to, the exact, kevin hassett said this exactly right, you do not want to be raising taxes on anyone, anywhere at all when you are on the verge of a recession or possibly in a recession. the fed actually, until this came out, i didn't think that the fed would cut 50 basis points. i think it is very possible now they look at these numbers and say, yeah we'll need a 50 basis point cut, especially if the numbers that come out in september are bad. larry: you know, kevin, just on this last point, it is so nixonian to have the fed goose the money supply while nixon
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slapped on price controls and then when the price controls were lifted, the inflation rate went to 15. i mean this is almost a replay of the nixon-nomics mistake. last word on that insanity. >> it is the '70s show. alan and i who wrote a lot of research papers show long time ago expect the corporate rate is expected. markets think it is 50% chance that harris wins. companies will cut their investment because there is 50% chance they will see 28. that expected tax rate matters now. this proposal she is giving will hurl us into recession if we're not in one already. why would i build a factory if they tax the heck out of me next year. larry: manufacturing going down. thank you, john carney, kevin hassett. we appreciate it. the obamas went low last night, trashing president trump, no mention of policy. how about helping the working
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class? how about helping minority working class? none ever the above it is incredible. we have congressman wesley hunt he will weigh in when "kudlow" returns. special coverage of the dnc continues tonight starting 7:00 p.m. eastern right here on fabulous fox business. ♪. starting a business is never easy, but starting it eight months pregnant, that's a different story. with the chase ink card, we got up and running in no time. earn unlimited 1.5% cash back on every purchase with the chase ink business unlimited card from chase for business. did i read this? did i get eggs? where are my keys? memory and thinking issues keep piling up? it may be due to a buildup of amyloid plaques in the brain. visit
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♪. >> for years donald trump did everything in his power to try to make people fear us. see his limited, narrow view of the world made him feel threatened by the existence of two hard-working highly-educated successful people who happen to be black. [cheering] who is going to tell him, who is going to tell him that the job he is currently seeking might be one of those black jobs? larry: yeah. all right, joining us now, wesley hunt, congressman from
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texas, the great wesley hunt. wesley hunt why is she compelled to always play the race card? there she went again, pretty dramatic stuff. >> yeah. larry: you know harris faulkner, our harris faulkner, who is a very smart woman, she has interviewed people at that convention, chicago people, outside of the convention, they're unimpressed. they don't i this the blacks are going to go for, for the harris walls ticket or other minority groups or that the democrats have done all that much for minority working folks and here's michelle, can't resist the race card what do you make of all of that? >> first of all, larry, we're not watching the democrat national convention. we're watching the democrat national coronation. the fact they're mentioning president trump ad infinitum, trump, trump, trump, is all you're hearing from these people. think about the last 16 years we had presidents in this country, last 16 years, 12 of those years have been under democrat rule.
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they can't run on their record. they can't run on the economy. they can't run on jobs. they can't run on making the lives of black people better. the only thing they can run on is race. for the record i consider myself a to be young orange black, educated person and guess what, president trump is fine with me. the fact they're bringing up race over and over again shows you they have absolutely nothing to run on. only thing they can do pander to the black community, little joan and east side boys, having concerts, instead of talking about policies impacting us every single day. the assumption that black people are stupid, that they can't read what they're trying to do. this is about inflation. this is about jobs. this is about the border. you're not hearing them mention any of the above because they have been a complete disaster under democrat presidents, that includes president barack obama, who was the president for eight years prior to the four years of president trump where we saw a
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lot of success. so when you only have one play, they have to play it over and over and over again in order to brainwash people but i do believe that we know better, larry. we also know that in november, we have to have president trump back in office to make our lives better. i don't want to hear about race baiting. i want to hear about how you will improve the lives of not just black people but of all americans. larry: you know, congressman, i haven't had a word, i have not watched it wall-to-wall. i watched it a little bit last night. i regret watching it, i thought the obamas were awful, absolutely disgraceful, no one, i'm reading their reports, no one is talking about what you just said, economy, inflation, border which is what the polls show and what everybody is talking about. no one, none. they're either scheming at trump. trump is the most popular, if you look at the word charts, trump is the most popular guy there but it is like an obsession. trump is inside of their head. they can't get rid of it, but it isn't about their
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accomplishments because i don't think they're convincing exactly these minority, working class -- i don't think they're convincing any working folks, white, black, asian, whatever? >> well of course they're not and that is why i called this a coronation in the first place. the last four years for our economy, the last four years for the jobs in this country, especially for lower to middle class workers has been a complete disaster. that is why kamala harris has not done an interview in the last 23, 24, 25 days she cannot run on her record. she was with joe biden for the past four years. she is the harbinger of these horrible and disasterous policies for this country. so now they will put potpourri on this, act like we were not alive throughout this entire process. it will be revisionist history, this was be a per rigs to all of is, trump was the economy, even though you've been vice president last four years. they will roll her out, being a black woman, not talk about the actual accomplishments, lack
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thereof of this past administration. larry: no one, and i don't know, maybe kamala, no one is defending kamala's economic plan which was last friday, all right? the price controls and the two trillion dollars of spending. my thought was, maybe she is going to come it and say, oh, i said that when i was much younger six days ago, i didn't really mean it. we'll have another flip-flop. meant that as a joke, halfway truthful. no one is talking about this as their whole economic plan, number one in all the polls. what, not a word of it? you can hear a pin drop when it comes to the economy, nothing, nada? >> you know, larry she has aged so much. she is so much wiser. larry: in six days. >> in six days. larry: [laughter]. >> i tell you something else too, larry you can expect four more years of this. can expect four more years of this. it will only get worse given her economic plan for the future, please. and again six days i guarranty
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you she hasn't gotten that kind of wisdom. i know the american people have been watching going on. you cannot high to us any longer. we lived this. we actually do want our country back. we want thriving jobs. the best person to provide that for all walks of life, not just black people, not just white people, not just for asian people, every single american if you identify as american in this country we know we want president trump back the only angle is identity politics. i pray the american public sees this the the identity piece of . that being our number one identity, working class member of this society that just wants our country back. larry: yes, sir, yes, sir, amen. the great congressman wesley hunt, thank you ever so much. appreciate it. talk soon. folks moving right along there is a big story percolating, robert f. kennedy, jr., perhaps going to endorse president trump on friday when they're both in
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arizona. whoa. joining me now, katie pavlich, editor of and fox news contributor and alex castellanos, co-founder and chairman of purple strategies. katie, rfk endorsement that could be pretty interesting and pretty important. what you think? >> well, yesterday rfk, jr.'s running mate nicole hanna hand because they were thinking about endorsing donald trump if were worried if they stay in the race they would so i lidfy a kamala walz presidency. if you heard the rfk endorsement would help him out of the race, virginia is on the board. trump is currently tied in number of places, polls in virginia. rfk takes 7% in virginia. that could put trump over the top there same goes for arizona. i think he has a 5% poll in that state. so donald trump could really use a significant percentage of those voters if they're willing
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to shift their votes over to trump if rfk, jr. were to endorse him on friday. larry: alex, how do you read it? rfk's running-mate whose name i've forgot en, she was very clear in the "new york post" yesterday and elsewhere i think, she doesn't want kamala harris to be president. she doesn't want harris and walz. she vastly prefers trump. she made that very clear. now you know a little bit about robert kennedy. i know robert kennedy. we had dinner not so long ago, what is it that is driving this? how do you read it? why is it policywise do you think? >> policywise i think we have outsiders versus insiders. robert f. kennedy, jr. is not part of the establishment, as a fact the of the matter the biden establishment kicked him out. that is one of the big divides in this race. if you are really the candidate of change you don't want more of the same. you don't want the biden-harris
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administration. i think that makes, that brings something to the trump effort. >> i think also a freedom thing, larry. if you look what they have been running on, medical freedom, the freedom to make your own decisions with vaccine mandates for example, i think they're really worried about the tyrannical nature of the biden-harris administration and they're very concerned about harris' record in california because nicole shanihan, from san francisco, simi valley area. she has seen what she has done with her criminal justice record. tax. >> i couldn't agree more. americans like freedom. larry: those silicon valley people don't want all their profits taxed away. we have tape here. trump on the subject of rfk. here it comes. >> i respected him for a long time. i know where he is coming from and it is a little different philosophy, very smart guy however. i would always be honored to, if he endorsed me, would i be honored by that?
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absolutely. larry: oh, katie pavlich, did you hear that, love at first bite. >> [laughter] yeah, i have mean there are differences. rfk, jr. is very far left on some issues but i think they share the principle of freedom, individual freedom, the constitution, and that's something that they share and so maybe he is willing to pass some advice to his voters cast their vote for trump. >> policywise -- larry: ambassador to the w.h.o., he would scare the bejesus out of the whole world, medical establishment and china and trump would love that. has word, alex castellanos. >> look, something big is happening here. the silicon valley is waking up and discovering they're in the crosshair. they played footsie with washington and washington took off their shoes and socks. now maybe he should be ambassador to silicon valley and bring the new generation to our side. >> they don't like the smell
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with the shoes and socks off. they're seeing that. they don't like it. larry: how did i do, how did i do on love at first bite? did you think that was pretty good? >> that was pretty good. i like it. larry: we'll give it a b-plus. this is developing story. we'll get a lot more on it. katie pavlich, alex castellanos, good luck in chicago. we'll continue the conversation a little more with rfk, jr. by the way nobody in this convention is talking about the chaotic border with illegals, ha, ha, that is not a surprise. so we'll ask texas senator john cornyn next up. rfk, wow, what a story.
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larry: all right as we reported possible breaking news, not official yet but president trump has said he would be absolutely honored if rfk, jr. endorsed him. very interesting. joining us now texas senator john cornyn. emcor anyone, welcome back, sir. so what do you make of that story? rfk, jr. coming over to trump, how does john cornyn see it? >> well rfk shows he will not be the next president of the united states so the question is, how does he influence the outcome of the race and this is certainly one way to do it and, we know he
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has dramatic differences with president biden and vice president harris and maybe a few differences with president trump but on balance i think that could well be decisive in a number of these key battleground states. larry: what do you think, senator? in the prior segment, alex cast tell hahn knows and katie mentioned virginia, arizona. i think kennedy has you know, low single digits but he has 3, 4, 5% in the great lake states also, doesn't he? >> well in, you know what they call a candidate who wins 50% plus one vote, they call him the winner and so it doesn't need to be a landslide. it can be a one or two point play in each of those plays. as you know the electoral college decides the election and not the popular vote. so it could well be decisive. larry: have you ever talked to bob kennedy, jr.?
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>> i have not. i have not. he is a fascinating individual. i have just watched him from afar but this could, this could definitely affect the outcome of the race. larry: very gracious man. very smart guy. i don't agree with some of it, i agree with others of it. one other thing, senator cornyn, this may not come as a shock, no discussion in the convention about the economy but no discussion about the border. 10 million illegals crossing the border, none of that stuff. pathway to citizenship is in the platform which believe miss harris agrees with. absolutely no discussion about the border which i think is absolutely a disgrace. >> absolutely, absolutely. you may have seen, larry, the office of the inspector general at the department of homeland security was able to demonstrate that more than 30,000 children failed to show up for their immigration court hearings. this is on top of a
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"new york times" investigation piece where they contacted or tried to contact 85,000 of these children who have been placed with sponsors with no, with no response. there have been almost half a million children put with sponsors and the administration's position is they have no responsibility once these children are placed with these sponsors around the country but that is the very definition of child abuse. knee global is -- neglect is a form of child abuse. that is what the administration and vice president harris has been guilty of. larry: after these executive orders that joe biden said he couldn't do, but finally did because of politics, is there any change? have you seen any significant, i know numbers are down, do you have any thoughts on that? what is the impact down your way in texas? >> two things, larry, one the cartels are very smart. they realize in the long run if they want to keep president
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biden and vice president harris in office or vice president harris now, then they should meter or throttle some of these migrants coming across. they can affect the flow and i believe they are. the other part of it is, phony counting. if you start looking at some of the vast numbers of individuals who are simply not counted in these numbers, you realize that there is no accurate number that is being given for who is coming across. then of course we know that this have been about two million got-aways and these are people identified on various cameras and sensors but never actually encountered by border patrol. so the biden administration simply can't tell you with a straight face what the numbers really are but it is still a disaster and we know that in addition to these lost children, we know that borders are now open to criminals and even potentially to terrorists. larry: yes. >> and it's blic safety and
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humanitarian disaster. larry: thank you, senator cornyn. we appreciate your time very much, sir. hook forward to seeing you soon. folks i will be right back with my last word you ride the line between numbers and people. what's right for the business and what's best for everyone who depends on it. solving today's challenges while creating future opportunities. it takes balance. cla - cpas, consultants, and wealth advisors. we'll get you there. your best defense against erosion and cavities is strong enamel. nothing beats it. i recommend pronamel active shield because it actively shields the enamel to defend against erosion and cavities. i think that this product is a gamechanger for my patients. try pronamel mouthwash.
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(♪) (♪) (♪) (♪) larry: well, rfk jr. to the rescue for mr. trump? how absolutely delicious. that's how i put it. liz macdonald's going to take a whack at that too. lizzie, it's all yours. elizabeth: yeah,n't i can't wait, larry. that's the best a ha


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