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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  August 22, 2024 10:00am-11:00am EDT

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stuart: one more time with britney spears, one more night of this convention tonight and then it is all over. 10:00 eastern time, straight to your money, the nasdaq is up 58 points. the one year treasury yield was going up this morning it is up again at 384. the price of oil $70 a barrel, where are we now? 72. a little higher this morning and bitcoin at 60,800. we just received the latest read on existing home sales. important number for everybody. the housing market. lauren: stronger than expected up 1.3% in july. seasonally adjusted annual rate rising to 3.95 million, this is the first gain in five months. price came down from the record
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high in june. the median price of an existing home in july, $422,600. still up on the year but down from the june high, two months of record high prices. stuart: a little less negative in the housing market. stock market is not taking that kindly. there's been a little more selling in the dow is up 9 points. thank you very much indeed, now this. 2024 in chicago was supposed to be like 1968 in chicago, riots up into the democrats convention. three days into this convention this year it hasn't happened. the protests have devolved into farce. on the first day, monday organizers expected, they told us, going to get 50,000 protesters. according to the police, only 3500 showed up.
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the washington post reporter hundreds of signs save victory to the palestinian resistance, stacked up on the sidelines unused. at a poor people's army rally attended by the green party's jill stein the protesters said they would make citizens arrest of democrat attending the convention. it didn't happen. only hundred people showed up. the demonstrators briefly breached one fence on an outer perimeter. they burned a flag, they intimidated supporters of israel and denied reality. you've got to see the second. >> not just me. every palestinian supports hamas. >> you support october 7th? >> october 7th, yes i do. what is wrong with october 7th, you tell me, women and children. [bleep] >> a display of gross ignorance. the israeli consulate set up hostage square. a few dozen pro-hamas protesters showed up hoping for
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some police brutality which they did not get and they were meekly carried away under arrest. the fbi investigating the contamination of a democrat breakfast buffet with maggots, childish and juvenile. a real farce. perhaps the replacement or genocide joe with a woman of color took the sting out of the gaza war. with only today remaining it has not been 1968 because these demonstrators have no moral ground to stand on. hamas is a terror group and deserves condemnation, not support. it is really good to see support for terror devolve into farce. second hour of varney just getting started. ♪ stuart: look who is here again. charlie hurt joins me in chicago. any affect of these pro-hamas to most rations on the convention? >> very little and i agree with you, that's good news.
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obviously if you are a republican you might have been rooting for a repeat of 1960 a but i'm glad that it hasn't happened because it does prove your important point which is hamas is a terror group in anybody in our country would be supporting this is a very bad thing for the fabric of our country. stuart: their failure is a success for us, success for america. >> also makes you wonder to what degree may be democrat leadership could have put a end to the stuff early if they had the ability to put a end to it when it mattered to them in terms of their convention. stuart: internal failure amongst the demonstrators. minister ater waltz made his pitch to the dnc last night. watch this please. >> it is an agenda nobody asked for. it is an agenda that serves nobody except the richest and
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most extreme amongst us. and it is an agenda that does nothing for our neighbors in need. is it weird? absolutely but it is also wrong and it is dangerous. we are going to leave it on the field. that is how we will keep moving forward. that is how we will turn the page on donald trump. stuart: have had it. >> talk about an agenda nobody asked for, the past four years has been an agenda nobody asked for and that's the real problem. it was a fine speech last night, perfectly unmemorable. i don't think come friday anybody is going to remember that but come friday, they have to start defending the agenda they have given us versus the agenda the trump administration put forward in four years prior to that the generally people like and that's a harder thing for them to defend.
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stuart: i would love to see him defend that. i want to see the pivot but can't imagine how they will pivot. just deny it and ignore it which -- >> which is what she's trying to do right now, to pretend it didn't even exist. stuart: nancy pelosi admitted her role in ousting biden from 2024 race but insisted democrats are the ones who care about democracy. >> january 6th was a perilous moment for our democracy. never before had a president of the united states so brazenly assaulted the bedrock of our democracy, so embrace local violence, so willfully betrayed his oath of office. let us not forget who assaulted democracy on january 6th. he did. let us not forget who saved democracy is that day. we did.
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stuart: she conducted a coup of a sitting president. how's that for democracy. >> a bloodless coup. as a lifelong observer of politics i can't help but admire her. she is an extraordinary extraordinary figure. the fact that she can go out literally weeks after pulling off this bloodless coup and shamelessly stand up and talk about january 6th is marvelous. the problem for her is the january 6th theme is not taking purchase with people who are struggling with economics. stuart: doesn't seem to be anyway. >> don't think it will and they spent so much time trying that i think people have become inured to it and it really does, people quickly get back to things like the border and their pocketbook. stuart: you have to sit there for the next hour, you lucky guy. back to the markets. i'm not seeing much green now.
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i'm seeing red. down just real down 35, nasdaq up 24 points. the v-shaped recovery very much intact. what does that mean to you? >> so far so good and we've had a volatility explosion in 2008 and we had one in 20 because of covid. both of them took months to wind down, this one is quite amazing. let me say near-term i'm going to give 99% sure we are going to have some pullback, some scare days to wipe the smiles off the faces because of this rally up but if we break the old highs in the big indices i expect some serious points on the scoreboard heading into the end of the year notwithstanding we don't know who wins the election and how the market will react to that so we've gotten back in and we told you we sold near the highs of text, we own medical we own qs and
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the s&ps, we are looking for many other things right now but pullbacks are going to start happening in the days ahead which will be just fine. stuart: looks like the fed is going to cut rates, that's a virtual certainty. i'm inclined to say and you are inclined to say so what? >> the market knows it. it will not affect the economy, it could affect the markets for a little bit, but the big story as i said to you time and again is the 10 year yield, the defining force behind mortgages and loans has gone from 5 down to 3.8 since last october and 4.7, down to 3.8 since april, that cost the capital from the consumer all the way to the biggest of businesses dropping like that has really put a floor under stocks, we are in good stead. stuart: what are you buying right now?
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>> we bought meta. we are up 40 on it. we brought broad-based, i'm looking at spotif emap, netflix, eli lilly which i have not owned, their numbers are accelerating in a big way and talking about diabetes and how it comes down, we don't own it yet but i'm looking at it closely. it has been one of those big moves. stuart: eli lilly something else again. see you next week. lauren is back looking at the movers. zoom moving up 8%. >> they are bringing in new customers. if you look at their churn in the quarter it was the lowest it has ever been. and finding new growth, they landed their largest single
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order deal ever also in the quarter so they raised guidance for the 4 year and wall street is loving it. stuart: snowflake. i know they are clown data warehousing software company down 20%. lauren: they reported a loss wider than excited, guidance and line, there a i plan is pretty unclear so they are getting sold on wall street today. stuart: crocks. >> they were upgraded on a new partnership they have with the actor sidney sweeney, she's in a movie you've never seen. anyone but you. it is no. it's a wrong,. is charlie laughing at me? have you seen it? charles: he's not. stuart: he's laughing at me. stuart: sidney sweeney is wrapping their brand, they sell goat cheese, williams trading says to buy the stock, she will reverse the negative sales trend and giving it a price target. i'm done. stuart: one actress wears one
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pair of shoes and it is a prediction the stock goes up. thank you very much. coming up, vice president harris will address the d&c tonight, will voters get details on policy? madison alworth has that report, democrats using the convention to paint trump as a racist and fraudster who only cares about himself. >> people like trump and vance are not just weird, they are dangerous. trump is a chaos agent who is focused on himself, not the american people. >> he is about me myself and i. >> donald trump would sell this country for a dollar if it meant lining his own pockets. stuart: great stuff. is trump hatred a winning message? we are all over that one. we will be back. ♪
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stuart: tonight, kamala hearst makes her pitch to voters as she formally accepts the nomination. will we hear anything about policy? >> people are hoping get that but i wouldn't hold your breath because they have spoken very broadly but haven't nailed down a ton of policy details was always gotten is her economic proposal that she released last friday which covered a range of economic issues from price controls to healthcare costs and housing initiatives. no detail on how the plan would
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actually be paid for. harris reiterated the need for her plan earlier this week. >> we believe in the future of our country. we believe in a future where we lower the cost of living for america's families. i will bring down the cost of groceries by making sure markets are competitive and fair. >> reporter: some believe paris's desire to raise the corporate tax rate would be the catalyst for funding some of these spending initiatives. the tax hike would essentially undo what donald trump achieved when he lowered the tax rate from 35% to 21%. this is going to increase deficits by $1.7 trillion over ten years. that's just what we are expecting with these policy plans. without full details how it is being paid for, that's a real problem. i want to look at other specific issues she talked about. expanding the child tax credit was enacted during the pandemic.
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that would cost one. one trillion dollars in the plan to provide $20,000 in federal down payment assistance to first-time homebuyers would cost $100 billion, people want things like affordable housing and goods but semicon what's argue spending like this would only make inflation worse and these are just estimated prices for the policies she's announced. she's been light on policies. we haven't heard anything on foreign policy, energy, both of those things would likely come with a price tag as well. stuart: come back in, charles. tonight, is it make or break for harris? >> i don't know that it will be make or break tonight you will be in familiar confines in front of a crowd that's very favorable to her and she's on a teleprompter but the make or break comes in the coming weeks if she ever is actually pressed any non-scripted environment to
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answer these questions she hasn't had to answer. obviously during a debate she will have no choice but to answer some of these questions. i don't know how you have good answers to those questions that you raise. we when will the good questions we asked in this debate? i will get to that. democrats are using this convention to define donald trump as a fraud who only cares about himself. watch this. >> trump is a chaos agent who is focused on himself, not the american people. >> is about me, myself, and i, mostly talked about himself. the next time you hear him, don't count the lies, county is. >> we know that donald trump would sell this country for a dollar if it meant lining his own pockets. >> he made his own kind of history, the first person to
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run for president with 34 felony convictions. >> kamala cares. >> donald only cares about himself. stuart: is that messaging just hatred? >> it really is hatred. this election is being defined by a lot of exhaustion. people are exhausted with both sides and people probably, there are people out there who are exhausted of donald trump but the point is people are also exhausted of all the complaining about donald trump and the claiming that he is a racist and all these things they say about him. a lot of people look back at that and have been hearing all these complaints but they say i lived better under him and what do you have to offer in terms of policy that's better than what he has to offer and if all you have to offer is how much you hate him, that's not an answer. at one trump joint fox and friends this morning, listen to what he said about the bipartisan bill to address the border crisis.
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watch this. stuart: i didn't do anything. it was a terrible bill. if they want to fix the border they don't need a bill. they didn't have a bill to close the border. i closed the border. the safest border, you have the human traffickers, we went after them with a vengeance. they would be happy to see these lightweights get back into office. they don't want trump back. we had a great border. all biden had to could do was go to the beach and leave it alone. we kept criminals out. now you have murderers, drug dealers. countries are sending for all over the world, they are destroying our country, she wants to have open borders. stuart: that was a very precise answer on the border. >> that claim is the most absurd claim, that you're going to blame a guy who wasn't in office, wasn't in power for the failure of your ability to control the border which you purposely opened is beyond absurd and i don't understand how people in the press will
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convey this argument without laughing in their face about it. the problem with that bill is it insured 1.8 million illegals into the country every year. that is a public and supposed to the bill, not political jujitsu donald trump -- stuart: trump is going to arizona. >> he understands it's an important issue like it is an important issue to american people. stuart: you may have seen it already but watch it again please. cbs nbc both ignored covering the revised job numbers. one of the moderators at the debate next month ignored it. the debate will be fair, you think? >> i doubt it but donald trump has proved he is pretty good in those environments or he's up against somebody who doesn't like him and wants to stack the deck against him. a lot of the media has ignored,
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the problem for them is not that they are ignoring the story but that's not a real problem. the real problem is it proves that the economy is much worse for people thin democrats are trying to claim it is. you can't hide the misery people feel. that comes out in an election. that's the problem. they can cover it up and pretend it doesn't exist but it is still going to present itself in the voting. stuart: ignore and deny. j.d. vance is warning democrats stop attacking trump. what exactly is he saying? ashley: he told reporters democrats need to pump the brakes on their apocalyptic rhetoric about donald trump. when you tell american people this guy must be stopped at all costs most people will respond reasonably but some people will
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take crazy actions and take matters into their own hands. vance says the rhetoric was toned down after the assassination attempt on trump but the attacks have just ramped up again at the dnc convention. democrats are pushing back on this. they say after calling for national unity, donald trump has waged a series of personal tax on vice president harris. all is fair in love and war and politics. stuart: and politics, glad you added that one. thanks. the lead. taxpayer-funded group reportedly offered $30,000 to new homebuyers. there's a catch. you cannot be an american citizen. what a great story and we've got it. revised data from the bureau of labor statistics shows the economy added 818,000 fewer jobs than originally reported. what's the real state of the job market? edward lawrence sums it up after this. ♪
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stuart: the markets are mixed picture.
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downtown 90, fractional losses for the nasdaq and the s&p. i want to see what's going on with biogen. it's moving this morning. it is down one%. what have we got? lauren: it does prevent the disease's progression. the uk says the benefits are just too small to justify the cost. this is a drug that is given intravenouhe hospital every two weeks. the patient is monitored for side effects, usually takes 18 months to see sums of result. you can help authorities. it's a statement system. that expense is not a good value for the taxpayer. stuart: china's google is down. how much? lauren: 5% on earnings and lower ad sales but all of these investments they are making an artificial intelligence to push ads not paying off. one other thing, they have an autonomous driving service and they completed 900,000 rides in
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the quarter. again have 26% from last are which brings me to test the. investors have to wait for their rubber taxi plans. that's on october 10th, stock is off 1.6%. one of their notes, we know elon musk has cleaned house and now the longtime vice president of finance and business operations is departing the company. the question is where did she go? because the former head of their super supercharger unit was apparently hired by rober so sometimes chesler's losses are other companies gains. stuart: thanks. back to those job revisions, lowered by 818,000. edward lawrence at the fed's annual meeting in jackson hole, wyoming. what is the fed saying about these downward revisions? >> this is part of the process. jobs is a huge topic. the federal reserve symposium won't start until later today. i had a chance to speak with
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the fed chairman as he arrived but i also, the only network to speak this morning with the boss of the federal reserve president, susan collins and she says there should be or hinted there should be a rake in september but 25 basis points and listen to this. >> i think a gradual, methodical pace once we are in a different policy stance is likely to be appropriate. >> reporter: she's watching the consumer closely especially with the highest credit card delinquency rate since the beginning of 2011. >> i see quite a bit of continued resilience in consumption and there are also stress pockets in areas in which i'm paying careful attention and i do think that is important. overall still in a good place. >> our credit card abilities a red flag for you? what the indicator? >> i'm not seeing a red flag.
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i'm working on all of it. >> we talk the kansas city federal reserve president who called for patients when making those rate cuts. >> the economy is growing nice. rates seem to be in a nice range and you can make the policy decisions as the wave occurs into the future so i think maybe we are point that there's equalization, normalization we can hope for in the next couple years. >> both of those federal reserve presidents are voting members for next year and the overall theme on that is part of the process. they see it more as a political issue saying the jobs were not as strong as first thought. as far as policy, doesn't really affect the path the federal reserve is on. stuart: differently a political issue. edward lawrence. in wyoming, have a good time. see you again soon.
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what is your reaction to the downward revision in jobs. >> it's a massive one but not for the first one and we have seen over the past three years a dozen or so of these revisions and they always happen, first of all they are wise going one direction. they always hide bad news from the administration at a time when it is politically important for them to hide those numbers and after the fact, it comes out, after an election that actually, we didn't really have this job growth we claimed we did. again, the problem is the reporting but beyond that, we are talking real people with real jobs, 800,000 people the federal government claimed had jobs who don't have jobs. that is a real problem and i think at the end of the day come november 5th people are going to vote based on whether they have a job or not, not
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whether these networks hid the fact and the administration use the bureau of labor statistics to hide the fact that the jobs weren't there. of the one kamala harris would like to ignore and deny as we've been saying throughout the program. the maker of jack daniels the latest company to rollback its dei initiative. i want some details on this. lauren: a day ago we said that about harley-davidson. they are ending its deer -- dei initiatives, it will no longer link executive compensation to their progress on dei, it will no longer require the suppliers they use meet certain criteria. go back to selling booze. this is right after harley-davidson, shortly after dear and tractor supply all ended their woke programs. the message to the big companies is come on in, it is okay to push back, the water is
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find to be less woke. your customers are okay with it that. yesterday we shared our decision to evolve our dei strategy and launched its strategy in 2019. since than the world has evolved. our businesses changed and legal and external landscape has shifted dramatically particularly within the united states. stuart: one chicago democrat is calling out his own party for being the party of hypocrites. >> we are in a beauty pageant of democracy, we say one thing and doing the opposite, we tell people to enjoy our beautiful city, but had to board up every store to keep it safe from looters and writers that are mayor has welcomed. stuart: chicago alderman lopez will be on the show a little later. thousands of promised
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protesters were back on the streets outside the convention. the number of demonstrators far less than promise. steve harrigan has a live report. steve is next. ameritrade is now part of schwab. bringing you an elevated experience, tailor-made for trader minds. ♪ go deeper with thinkorswim: our award-wining trading platforms ♪ unlock support from the schwab trade desk— our team of passionate traders who live and breathe trading. ♪ and sharpen your skills with an immersive online education crafted just for traders.
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call or go online now to request your free quote. stuart: a mixed picture on the markets, not much price movement, downtown 50, fractional losses for the s&p and nasdaq. show me big tech. it was a mixed picture. it still is. we have meta, apple, alphabet up. microsoft down a bucket. amazon down $0.60. not much price movement although meta is getting close to an all-time high. promise to most readers expected to take the streets ahead of harris's speech tonight. what are officials expecting
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tonight? >> reporter: numbers have not been close to what organizers threatened. last night a thousand protesters at their peak or out. we haven't seen the violence, no arrests either but some law enforcement veterans are saying when it comes to some of the extreme groups, may be in their business interests to try to create some violence on the big night tonight. >> a win for them is a riot. what they want are the optics, cops flowing away with batons without any context, laying off pepper spray and social media meme of police brutality and overreaction means funding. >> reporter: more than 70 people have been arrested, some of those arrests are for assaulting police officers. arrest records show half of those arrest records are from outside the city.
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many of them coming as far as the west coast to be here this week. stuart: we will take it. thanks very much. raymond lopez is an alderman in chicago who joins me now. you are criticizing democrat in chicago for being hypocrites. why? >> we paired platitudes why the democratic party should continue with policies as they've been doing up to this point. for me to listen to these issues to say we are the party preserving democracy while ignoring how to protect our sovereignty on issues like immigration or reeks of it very hypocritical. talk about public safety when you have your businesses board up to welcome your visitors, hypocritical. while you are building walls to keep everyone out and have thousands of police officers protecting everyone here many of whom support defunding the police you are a hypocrite.
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this is why so many of the american people don't trust our leadership at this level but not making the case at the ground level. stuart: you don't like the migrants flooding into chicago and being paid for to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars but there's not much you can do. >> as an alderman i have a say on what the city does but both governors down south and the president in washington sent 45,000 people here allowing millions to come across the border manipulating the asylum process and pretending that's not what's going on. they applauded themselves for opening the back door while refusing to fix the front door. we still have millions of undocumented individuals promised by my party a pathway out of the shadows. they were promised a pathway to become legal citizens and that has been forgotten for the newest wave that has been here. unless we get some answers. unless kamala harris answers that, i have a problem dealing
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with this. stuart: do you expect any answer from kamala harris and her big speech, anything on policy about the border tonight? >> i would be happy with policy at any point and we haven't had it and i'm really disappointed, i don't want to just feel good. i know what love and joy are but i also know what details are and i want to know the details moving forward because that's how if you want to beat donald trump he's the only one putting out play. stuart: how many of your fellow democrats in chicago agree with you? >> many individuals agree with me, finding the democratic party's leaving them behind for the sake of winning over people through platitudes and purple hair as opposed to focusing on what matters in our country right now which is how to keep people safe, how to educate their children, how to maintain this country for the next 5 generations. stuart: the purple hair color really got me. >> it would look good on you.
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stuart: stop right there. thank you for being here. thank you very much. a reverend with ties to louis farrakhan hosted the dnc's black caucus yesterday. what did he say? ashley: he said the reverend mark thompson hosting the black caucus panel told those assembled that they must hold themselves in check until the election news won. listen to this. >> we got 70 days, we can go back to being crazy. ashley: thompson has been pictured on multiple occasions with the notorious anti-semite nation of islam leader louis farrakhan who has called jewish people termites. the trump campaign jumped on the comment quickly saying the quiet part is now out loud, at the dnc. stuart: thanks. you were listening to that. what do you think? charles: on the farrakhan
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thing? kind of like the job numbers it is still problem within the party because you have kamala harris, trying to win over the votes of these people and not only are they saying things to try to win them over but there's a lot of things they are not saying to win them over and it is a real problem. stuart: thank you. now this. the crypto industry reportedly spending an unprecedented amount of money on the selection trying to boost crypto friendly candidates. we got that story later in the show. kamala harris supported raising the corporate tax rate to 28%. critics say that is a job killer. hillary vaughn investigates next. ♪ ♪
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stuart: not much price movement. little bit of red, everyone waiting to see what jay powell
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does in wyoming tomorrow. kamala harris's plan to raise the corporate tax rate to 20% is being called a job killer. hillary vaughn at the white house. howitzer campaign responding to that? >> they say it's a way to help the middle class. vice president harris is not made a lot of policy positions public as part of a presidential campaign but one thing she's making clear, if she's president, taxes are going up. they harris campaign telling fox harris has a plan teresa corporate tax rate from 20 one% to 28%, a plan the congressional budget office predicts could reduce the deficit by one trillion dollars in a decade. a harris campaign spokesperson saying, quote, as president, kamala harris will focus on creating an opportunity economy for middle class that advances their economic security. a plan is a fiscally responsible way to put money back in the pockets working people and ensure billionaires and big corporations pay their fair share but that's not what some analysts are saying about
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the proposal. the foundation says raising the corporate tax rate would mean less money for americans saying we estimate it would reduce long when gdp by 0. 6%. the capital stock by one. one%, wages by. 5% and full-time equivalent jobs by one hundred 28,000 was a higher corporate tax rate would significantly worsen the competitive position of us businesses and reduce prospects for investment in workers. donald trump today says there won't be any businesses around to pay harris's tax hikes because they will go somewhere else that's less expensive to do business. >> they will say thank you very much and all of a sudden they got up, you say where is such and such a company. they moved to europe, someplace in europe. they will leave the country. i had it down so nice. i got it down from 48 to 20 one which i wanted to get it down to 15 or 16 but what that did is it gave the largest job
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spirit we've ever had. >> reporter: the prediction from the cbo the tax like like this would reduce the deficit is only if the money goes to pay down the debt and tax revenue they would get from this wouldn't pay for other things they want to do. stuart: precisely. i have a question. why on earth would you raise tax on businesses when the economy is slowing? >> kamala harris and democrats only care about the economy of the federal government and don't care about the economy for 350 million americans. i think it is that simple and that's the argument the trump campaign is going to make and what's good for them is that's what people feel in their pocketbooks. we when they should be caring about growth, not distribution. >> you want to know why there were 800,000 fewer jobs created, because of tax burdens.
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if she only wants to make them worse. stuart: donald trump was the only president i can remember who actually raised the income of the lowest 20% and moved it up relative to everybody else. he closed the gap, nobody else is done that, nobody. i want to thank you for joining us. come and see us soon. still had, john levine on pro-palestinian delegates not getting a speaking slot at the convention. mary catherine him on pennsylvania governor schapiro energizing the crowd with his speech. do the democrats have buyers remorse over harris's picking chad pergram is gop. sounding the alarm over trump's growing support with black men. the american hour of "varney and company" is next. ♪
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>> he was president for four years. people saw what he did and did not do. and if at least on a policy level on a lot of these top issues, they liked it. >> america is not run necessarily by politicians, but instead by entrepreneur, b


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