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tv   Kudlow  FOX Business  August 22, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm EDT

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which they operate? >> yeah, correct. i think the common thread through all these companies are resilient revenue. management, we have to have the waste hauled and taken away every day. with ken view over a billion consumers using products like knew knew interest gina, wash their hair every day. warner is sticky product. music subscription services are not going away anytime soon. [closing bell rings] liz: jack so very, thank you very much. markets in the red today, who knows tomorrow with the big jay powell speech that will do it for us. larry: hello, folks, welcome to "kudlow," i'm larry kudlow. we await the last night of what has been a completely policy-free democratic convention. the question is, anything going to change? more on that with vivek ramaswamy in just a moment. but first up, our very own
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madison alworth has all the latest live from the dnc in chicago. madison. what are you cooking up there? >> reporter: hello, larry. we've been cooking all week but tonight is the big night, night four. it's the chance for vice president kamala harris to make her pitch to her party, to be upgraded to president harris but the trump camp they have been counterprograming all day long, starting this morning at trump tower where they hosted a rival pre conference that was headlined by vivek ramaswamy. and then trump himself, he has been counterprograming. he has been down at the border today, addressing the immigration issue which has flourished under the biden-harris administration. a real weak point for vp harris. here in chicago though a lot of people wondering if harris will nail down details on her immigration policy. really any part of her platform when she takes the stage. details on policies, they have been scarce from the campaign on multiple fronts. in fact their campaign website still does not have a page that
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spells out any one of their stances on issues. so far what voters know are the details harris offered last friday when she pushed a number of economic issues that ranged from price controls on food to housing credits for first-time home buyers. experts have warned that the proposals could add nearly two trillion dollars to the nation's deficit. that is why some belief that harris supports raising the corporate tax rate from 21% to 28% to help pay for her spending proposals. but again it's speculation. we have so little information. even her running mate, minnesota governor tim walz acknowledged last night the campaign was obligated to explain their plans >> we've got a chance to make kamala harris the next president of the united states. we owe it to the american people to pell them exactly what she would do as president before we ask them for their votes.
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>> reporter: also speaking last night, former president bill clinton. clinton spoke about president joe biden's decision to step down from the nomination, comparing him to hour first president. >> did something that is really hard for a politician to do, he voluntarily gave up political power. george washington knew that and he did it. and it will enhance joe biden's legacy. >> reporter: as for tonight we are going to hear from some rising stars in the democrat party. governor gretchen whitmer is set to speak. arizona senator mark kelly will take the stage. of course the main event will be vp harris. as she likely accepts the nomination for her party and we'll just have to wait and see if we get any additional policies. harry, larry, sorry. larry: madison, what time is she speaking? >> reporter: well, you know that's a great question.
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i think we would all like to know that because there is a set schedule but every single speech this week has been late. you have to watch fox business to see when she actually speaks. your guess is as good as mine exi'm always glued to fox business, fabulous fox business. the folks the era of big clinton's, era of bill clinton's wisdom is over. that is the subject of the riff. ♪ former president bill clinton spoke to the dnc but he failed to share with those democrats any of the economic wisdom he learned from his own presidency 30 years ago. clinton had a chaotic personal life. in the first term he jacked up taxes on individuals and businesses. his wife hilary tried to nationalize health care and voters completely rebelled in the 1994 midterms. voters threw out democrats by
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the droves and elected a republican house first time in 40 years. delivered a landslide gop victory in the senate also. in other words they repudiated mr. clinton's high tax and spend policies of his first two years. repudiated. then he changed policies, big time. following his stinging midterm election defeats, in his 1995 state of the union message he changed course, he said let's change the government. let's make it smaller, less costly and smarter and by 1996 he opened his state of the union message by saying the era of big government is over, remember that? working with newt gingrich clinton forged a whole new pro-growth policy. he cut capital-gains taxes, signed the best welfare reform bill in history. millions of people were taken off the welfare rolls, went back to work, the country prospered. investor spirits rose.
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the information age moved into high gear. clinton oversaw a leaner government and almost miraculously strong economic growth turned a budget deficit into a surplus. he was reelected in 1996 but he continued to work hand-in-glove with the gingrich republicans. now, here's the tragedy of his speech last night. he talked about none of this. in fact i don't think even mentioned the economy, even though he was the best economic president since john f. kennedy's gold based tax cutting. of course like every other major speaker mr. clinton completely avoided kamala harris's whacky economic speech she made last friday. at two trillion dollars spending and price control disaster that was heavily criticized by conservatives and liberals including the left-wing "washington post," it has seemingly been deleted from the democratic memory as in, no one
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wants to talk about it. that includes across the board tax hikes that will do enormous damage to the economy which recent job revisions suggest is a lot weaker than originally thought. the two trillion dollar spending is even bigger than the inflationary spending pills of '21 and '22 where miss harris cast the deciding votes in favor. listen to the democrats for the last 3:00 nights. seems like kamala's major economic speech has fallen into existential memory hole. how she handles tonight remain to be seen. maybe she flip-flops, it was all a ruse when she was younger sings days ago. bill clinton could have come into play. he could have said to the
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convention, i attempted jack up taxes in 1993, and with my wife tried a take whoever over the whole health care system. unfortunately my democratic party got slaughtered in the midterm election n a friendly way i would like to give you some good advice, folks. voters are in no mood for big taxes, big spending, big inflation. let this be a warning. as much as i respect joe biden and respect kamala harris, i'm warning you not to go out on a big government limb that will cost you all three houses in 75 days. he could have said, i learned my lesson the hard way but i did learn it. you know what? sometimes republicans have better ideas than we do. so i went along with many of them and i was reelected handsomely and the country prospered. mr. clinton did say there should be much more respect among
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people who disagree, more civil discourse. that's good. even though he took a couple cheap shots at donald trump but, but, what was totally missing from his speech was the kind of economic wisdom that he learned so well 30 years ago. from that important sentence both mr. clinton and the democratic party missed what could have been an enormously important learning moment last night. but they missed it and that's the riff. all right? joining me now, our very dear friend vivek ramaswamy, businessman, author of, truths, the future of america first, vivek, welcome to the show as usual. so you gave a presser this morning, helping the cause in chicago. tell us about it. what were you saying? what points did you make?
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>> one of things walking around chicago seeing reception i've gotten, many people even if they disagree with what i say, president trump say are eager to have an open conversation. that is where i see an opportunity for us, larry, reach people who may not agree with 100% of republican policies, but they're against the southern border crisis getting worse. they're against child trafficking in this company, rampant crime, avoid world war three, a good economy. that is what i focused on today. i focused on kamala harris's own policies if she will not give policies of her own, it is fair to attribute to voters what she ran for in 2020. calling for tax on unrealized capital gains. best trigger for a market crash and second great depression than anyone can think of. cosponsor of green new deal. cosponsor of legislation of eliminating private health
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insurance. that is what she wants to do. we went at that hard this morning and i hope to win come son some converts in this election. larry: i think it is bizarre, she gives this economic speech, you referred to it, seven days ago, last friday, i guess that is seven days, and the speech has disappeared. it is like an existential memory hole has been created and this speech fell into it and no democrat is willing to talk about it, no one, in this entire thing and you've got all the stars, obama, chuck schumer, last night bill clinton he had a chance to talk some sense to the democrats. he wouldn't do it either. nobody would do it. i don't know if she will talk about her own policy, so bad now, that the trump campaign is having to fill in the blank policy pages of kamala's own website. i mean i don't understand this. she gives a speech, no one talks about it, but two trillion dollars of crazy spending. work disincentives.
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going to jack up housing prices. price controls is pure insanity as you well know. i don't want to belabor the point. don't you think this is odd, don't you think the public may be noticing this? >> the public is definitely noticing it, the reason it not particularly odd it tracks their incentives. kamala harris does her best as a candidate, presidential candidate in 2020 at this time when she is not talking about her policies. the more she talks about her policy commitments the less voters likes to vote for her. the more she cultivates a vibe and persona not tied down to policy, that is what she tends to do. she dipped her toe with the economic policy she unveiled. nobel winning prize for controlling housing prices with price controls. she didn't get a great response. that burst the bubble period kamala harris has been in. she learned her lesson,
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pavlovian training, the more you talk about policy, the dog bites back. you don't want to do that anymore. she retreated. i expect her to stay away from substantive policy the rest of the race as possible. we have to be ready for that. it is our job makes sure her own actions, legislation she port supported back against her, most important, larry, offer our own vision who we, what we stand for. that is the only way to win this election. i'm confident if we do, we will win decisive live. larry: vivek that is interesting, here's a point, "wall street journal" editorial, the world is on fire. she has not uttered a peep about foreign policy. no one knows what she believes in regarding all the ukraine, middle east, china, nothing, nada, absolutely nothing. she can't get away with that. there is going to be a debate and mr. trump is going to put it to her. the other thing, i said this tongue in cheek, but the trump
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campaign is filling in her own pages on her website on policy. you can't get away with this. >> the question can you get away with it? it is up to us to make sure she doesn't. the american people have been fooled already once by the mainstream media. who told them biden would be the nominee. they purposefully avoided their nominee going through a primary which would have been a bruising process. waiting until latest in the process as possible to prop up their puppet. somebody who has not earn ad single vote. the last time she ran for president this time around. she has gotten this far, up to her highlight here is our own vision and policies, what we stand for. we'll dissect piece by piece. tax on unrealized capital gains is bad idea. triggers a cycle of forced selling. if you're a landowner, business owner, you may have to pay taxes with cash that you not have. you may have to sell stocks you don't want to sell, that triggers a market crash. your bank account is worth less.
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explain to people, if you like your private health insurance plan that you're on right now, kamala harris has expressly favored taking it away in favor of a single nationalized health care system by abolishing, her words, not mine, abolishing private health insurance. since she is not talking about her policies now, it is our job, and in the ball is in our court, sheer is the bills she sponsored, here are the positions she adopted running for president in 2020 and she can't run away from it right now. that is our job, nobody else's if we want to win this thing. larry: corporate tax, i believe she wants to go to 35, that would be 10 points higher than china's corporate tax, and would sink paychecks of ordinary working folks because the wage earner gets hurt the most. vivek, i want to ask you this, you had a press conference this morning, right? >> right. larry: you stood in front of the media, right?
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and you anticipated questions, right? >> that's right. that's right. larry: that's one more time than kamala has. >> that is exactly right. larry: 35, 40 days. you did it one more time. you were a good presidential candidate. many people were for you. i'm just saying you did it once more than she did it only you're not running for president, not anymore. >> i did it once more than she did it today. 100 times more than she has done it over the course of my presidential campaign. the irony people talking about protecting our democracy are sacrificing our democracy when they fail to hold a presidential candidate to account. i told the media in that room, i told them to wake up and fulfill their responsibility in the press. the truth whether or not you agree with trump's policies, this is a free country, you don't have to agree with all of trump's policies he told you what he believes. everything from digital assets cryptocurrency, tariffs, economic growth policy, mass deportations what he will do at the southern border, vision endings the russia ukraine war.
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agree or not he told you what he thinks. what i challenged them for the media to do today, apply the same standard to kamala harris that you do with donald trump. larry: what did they say? did any answer from you? i love you turning the tables. i love it. i can see you do that. did any of them say anything. a few of them quietly acknowledging their failures thus far. many are thinking about how they failed the country covering up for joe biden's cognitive deficits. the same thing media did for biden's cognitive deficits they're now doing for kamala harris's policy deficits and i think that is mistake. you know what, if you make one mistake you better darn learn from it, actually improve upon it. if they fail upon it there time, that signify as deeper problem. those in the media, to ask themselves whether they want to live in functioning democracy they wax eloquent about and the choice will be theirs.
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larry: vivek ramaswamy, best of the best. thank you ever so much. we'll see you soon. coming up here on "kudlow," is a story you won't hear at the dnc, a rough story, 400,000 migrant kids are lost. they're just lost on kamala harris's watch. we'll talk about it with tennessee senator marsha blackburn next up right here on "kudlow". investment opportunities are everywhere you turn. do you charge forward? freeze in your tracks? (♪) or, let curiosity light the way. at t. rowe price, we're asking smart questions about opportunities like clean water. and how clean water advances can help transform our tomorrows. better questions. better outcomes. t. rowe price your best defense against erosion and cavities is strong enamel. nothing beats it. i recommend pronamel active shield because it actively shields the enamel
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larry: a tragic story, over 400,000 migrant children lost in the last two years under kamala harris, the border czar and her watch. terrible story. joining us now, tennessee senator marsha blackburn. senator blackburn, welcome ma'am as always. this is a he is bad tragic, hard wrenching story and you know what, unfortunately like all these stories, you are going to have to think the worst. one has to think the worst. this will not have a happy ending. what are you thinking about this? >> yes, indeed and this is an issue that i've been on for well over a year, larry, about 15 months ago i sent the first letter over to hhs and said there are 85,000 migrant children that cannot be found, tell us what you know and now we
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find out that there these numbers, that are upwards of 3 or 400,000 and, larry, here's the thing, these children came into the country unaccompanied. they were placed with sponsors. the sponsors supposedly been vetted by caseworkers with the office of refugee resettlement. then we find out maybe they're not vetted so well because due to a "new york times" report we found out that some of these children were working in food processing plants and in very difficult situations and, when a sponsor does not answer the phone and they cannot track these children, then they cannot tell you if they are dead or alive, if they are being sex trafficked, if they have been put in labor gangs, what has
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happened. and i continue over the last 15 months, i have made it a process of continuing to ask, both hhs and office of refugee resettlement and homeland security, where are these children? they have lost them. larry: what do you get from them? what do you get from these quote, unquote, officials? >> it is crickets. they will not answer. which means they don't know. larry: they don't know. >> what we need is a good whistle-blower to come and tell us what they know about this situation. larry: yeah. and the thing is, you got, you think the worst. this is so bad. illegal or not, these are kids. they're kids and so we don't like this sort of thing. >> they're children. larry: children, thank you. and you know i got to think there are coyotes involved, there are sex traffickers involved, there are drug
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traffickers involved, they're being sold someplace and it is incredible to me but isn't this part and parcel the bigger story, they let these people into the interior of the country, adults, i'm switching gears, i'm saying the kids are even worse. they let all the illegals into the interior of the country, have no idea where the heck they are, senator, you know, isn't that part of the story? >> right. yes, indeed it is and with the children, what, under president donald trump, they did dna testing at the border and then under joe biden they stopped the dna testing. i questioned why they stopped it, larry, they said it takes up too much time? you know how long it takes? 45 minutes. and you can confirm if this child is related to this adult or not, 45 minutes and it might save that child's life. and they have, they have cut it out. they won't do it because they're
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trying to push people across the border more quickly and now these sponsors, to take these children are not properly vetted. you have people that we know are using them in these labor gangs. they cannot find these hundreds of thousands of children. and as you said we do not know the circumstances. they can't find them. they don't seem to be making the effort to find them. shame on the biden-harris administration. shame for losing these children. larry: it is almost true, i dare say for the whole 10 million illegals or whatever the correct number is, but you have rolled out a resolution, blaming kamala harris for this. is that right? where does that stand in the senate? did you get some help on this? >> well, we are looking forward to getting some help on it and elise stefanik has the resolution over in the house. in the senate it just calls her
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to account for not doing the job as the border czar. you've got the over 10 million illegal aliens. we've got aways we do not know the numbers of. we know upwards of 300 terrorists, they say 99 terrorists have been released into the country. we don't know where they are. somebody needs to get busy finding these individuals. and, it creates an unsafe environment for american citizens and it makes our communities more dangerous. it turns every town into a border town. every state into a border state. and what we have got to do is have an administration which will be the trump administration, which will secure the border, which will put back in place, "remain in mexico." will do the dna testing at
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border. and my clear act is the legislation that allows for local law enforcement when they come across someone in the country illegally, they can hold them, they can require i.c.e. to deport them within 48 hours. that is how we deal with a criminal alien population. larry: you know, senator, you told me, i don't know, maybe two years ago, this was a national problem, not a border problem. and you were spot on. >> that's right. larry: you were spot on. completely spot on. senator marsha blackburn, thank you, ma'am, we appreciate it very much as always. >> thank you. >> you bet. larry: day four of the dnc, what happened here, what's the takeaway? what happened? we'll ask the great kellyanne conway what her thinking is, what happened happened when "kudlow" returns. and remember, special coverage of the dnc continues tonight starting at 7:00 p.m. right here
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larry: so day four of the dnc convention, i will tell you, i will depart from the text here, i think the hottest news right now is the possibility that robert k kennedy, jr., is going to endorse donald trump tomorrow. democrats you've blown it. we'll talk to kellyanne conway, former counselor to president trump, host of here's the deal on fox naics. looking like a million bucks in chicago. how do you look like a million bucks in chicago. kellyanne, let's have some fun. let's roll some tape. >> if he endorsed me i would be very honored by it, i would be very honed by it. he has his heart in the right place. what they did to him what they did to biden. they were really harsh and threw him out. larry: it is hot news,
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kellyanne, i don't know whether you know something, you're such an insider. rfk is on the ballot in some of the swing states. what do you make of this whole story? >> it would be fa fantastic, i'm glad president trump welcomes it. i glad he does not feel compelled to offer senior cabinet position. they revealed this week what they would do to this country and this world if they got into power. they're not hiding it. kamala is pabulum over principles. when she finish as sentence that is when we're really scared. price gouging, 40% on capital gains. that would hurt a ton of middle class investors. when they tell us who they are we're afraid. why is rfk, jr. endorsement helpful? after biden got kicked out of the race, kamala swapped in for him a month ago, the double doubters shrunk in number. they were close to 22, 23% of
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electorate on a big day. they're now in single digits. many of them have gone back to kamala harris. rfk, jr. is sitting on voters should be for trump. kellyanne, he is a anti-vaxer, i got it all, i know that. he is also for school choice. he thinks everyday affordability is per flexing americans and he is right. he wants entrepeneur toe survive and thrive. i will tell us about trump and rfk, jr., tell us about the neighbors and family members, stop focusing on two things you will vehemently disagree and find eight things you are aligned. i look at that arizona tomorrow, cap as week of great swing state visits by vance and trump. substance, policy, economy, crime, national security, border. that is what they need to be doing. larry: by the way, rfq, jr. agrees with his uncle, john f.
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kennedy, on the kennedy tax cut. >> yes. larry: and when we had -- >> taxes. larry: i'm telling you, and when we had dinner, art laffer had a little dinner for a bunch of us, he, robert kennedy, jr., inscribed my book on jfk and the reagan revolution where i described the tax cuts. >> that's great. larry: i'm not saying he is a wild supply-sider but i am saying he has something in common with trump on keeping tax cuts going but just one political thing, kellyanne, he is in some key states. he is on the ballot in some key states. he expects to be on the ballot in couple more key states. i know michigan, arizona, nevada that could be very damaging to biden, very positive for trump. >> yeah, very damaging to harris,. larry: i mean harris, sorry. >> larry, this is important, because as you know, you know what, it is all the same but she is, larry this is important what you're saying because in 2016 donald trump won by 77,000 votes in three states, pennsylvania,
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michigan, wisconsin, where jill stein the third party candidate was on the bat roll. biden turns around 44,000 votes in three states. you have third party candidates there. i think rfk, jr. coming on board, telling his voters get out there, get out there earlier help us canvas, get-out-the-vote is important. you said something very critical. i think there are hundreds of kendi cousins. we have only one who agrees with the most famous kennedy, god rest his soul, john f. kennedy was for cutting taxes. the rest of them went against their sibling and their cousin. went for joe biden. not one said joe biden step aside, we want kamala harris. went there for st. patrick's day, took big picture with joe biden, disagree with our brother. the democratic party will look back at this cycle, one of the big mistakes they made other than biden waiting too long to get out. pushing rfk, jr. aside. should have kept them in the as a democrat. won't get access to the
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fund-raising rolls, voter rolls, that was a mistake because primary riffs make tough. competition makes tough as opposed to republicans we had nine, 10 republicans running? a year ago they were all running, all in the debate except for trump. that made trump tougher and stronger to have mowed down republican competitors never even taking debate stage. biden however was weaker. the weakness and wokeness is something rfk, jr. and donald trump can tackle together. this hall has been about weakness and wokeness the whole week. a lot of things we haven't heard. haven't heard too much about the border. vent heard too much about tax hikes. vent herd too much about regulation. we all know it is there. rfk, jr., teaming one trump, with no promise, kelsey gabbard, ran against joe biden and kamala harris helping donald trump with debate prep, being on board, that give us clues, represent a
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lot of rank-and-file voters fed up. larry: trump has turned around the betting polls, play to play. trump was down, now he is -- >> betting predicted. larry: predicted, he was down 52-47. he is back now at 51-46 him. he is completely swept out the betting polls. that tells you something. this democratic convention -- >> it tells you something. larry: it has just been awful. it is a bloody bore. it is radical at the same time. and at the same time they won't talk about the key issues, economy, and border and inflation. i mean they're playing dodgeball with the voters and the voters don't like it. last word, kellyanne! >> they don't like it and they're smart. the voters are smart. larry: yes. >> not only do they expect and accept real policy discussions, they're going to reward those having, hey, larry i know the obamas saw magic. what they don't have the obama coalition. working class voters that voted for obama or actually voted for romney and mccain but not as
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much as they voted for trump. larry: got to jump. >> that is gone. the obama coalition is gone. and so you can obama all over the place. larry: come back tomorrow. come back tomorrow. >> i will be here. larry: i'm booking you for tomorrow to critique the speech. that is the way i always do it. >> thank you, larry. larry: kellyanne conway, best of best. we'll get in touch with you, figure the whole darn thing out. the right here on set, mark simone, wor radio show, hall of fame host, joe concha, fox news contributor, author of progressively worse, boy is that right, more i read that title, progressively worse, why today's democrats ain't your daddy's donkeys. rfk, jr., joe concha. >> it will wipe the news cycle of mess in chicago. larry: i broke it for kelly. this is potentially a big story. >> kellyanne called it directly. remember 2016 jill stein turned pennsylvania, wisconsin, michigan, perhaps in trump's
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direction, turned enough votes. rfk, jr. has four or five times support the jill stein had then. even if trump gets 70, 80% of rfk's voters, rfk, jr. says vote for donald trump what does that do for the democrats, you're completely right. they screwed the pooch. you can't cast people aside like tulsi gabbard not to expect to have a boomerang. larry: there is a whole edge of that party has been reignored. you have the crazies in the middle. walz speaks last night. the whole thing. the obama's, chuck schumer, i have will end the filibuster, we'll have unlimited abortions including partial-birth, come on. mark simone, i know you've been glued to your tv set. >> i have. larry: really fascinating. what did you take away. >> i thought this would be 2004 all over again. john kerry had a convention, two overproduced, too theatrical, a convention not only no bounce he took a drop. this thing i think was offensive
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to a lot of americans. too glitzy, too glamorous. lighting was too good. too many speakers, too muchness of it. like the oscars, grammys, tony's all in one, if you're in the middle of america struggling to pay your bills, watching this. one billionaire after another comes out to lecture you about income inequality. larry: i love that. how about this the obamas, both of them, mean and low. mean and low. >> yeah. larry: then my riff, bill clinton missed a phenomenal opportunity for a teaching moment about how high taxes and spending can bury you in an election. what does he care? by his own acknowledgement, his last convention i will be at. could have had a teaching moment a learning moment, warned them off. he would not do it. >> i'm sure he was only doing allowed to what he was allowed to do. larry: what does he care? he is rich and famous. >> former president, right. larry: he could have stood up
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there given them a teaching lesson. >> i supported a balanced budget amendment he zoo have said. i was for ending big era of government. i won easily in 1996. he wouldn't do it. larry: i raised taxes got my butt handed to me. cut taxes with gingrich with welfare reform. all the things democrats hate he could have talked about that. >> instead it is a "seinfeld" episode. festivus of conventions, airing of grievance, full of sound and fury signifying knowing. here is the best part, they're running this convention if donald trump is the incumbent. larry: he walls the here roy of the convention. he had the most words. >> i have the stats on this actually. night three of the democratic national convention, 87 mentions of trump, one mention of inflation. larry: amazing. >> airing of grievances. larry: bump or a dump after this convention? >> dump. larry: go down. >> she has to do damage control about those economic crazy
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policies. she will not do that. day one i will do this. larry: they have dropped her plan of a week ago with the price controls and the tax hikes and the two trillion, i call it existential memory hole. no one wants to talk about it. we've gone through three days plus, all the hotshots, not one, biggest issue, economy. no one talks about her plan. what is she going to do? flip-flop it? >> joe's right, people aren't stupid. larry: i got to go. >> they are seeing this, there is no be stance. larry: bump or dump? >> dump. huge dump. >> all foam, no beer. larry: what did you say? >> all foam, no beer, not your daddy's donkeys anymore. no hat, no cattle. all sizzle, no steak. larry: poetry supreme. coming up is there a recession in the cards? we'll ask former house speaker kevin mccarthy who is a pretty good economist. i have known him a long time. i'm kudlow. pump or dump.
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larry: all right. headed for recession, ford suvs dead in the water, joining us former house speaker kevin mccarthy who is so smart, he will be our economist tonight. kevin, you will be the econ tonight. it will be great fun.
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first up, the jobs, bureau of labor statistics, no chicanery, they have revisions from time to time, get state unemployment and claims, but they uncovered 818,000 fewer jobs than initially recorded. here's the thing, manufacturing jobs were marked down by 115,000. in fact, in this john carney of "breitbart," among others, the economy actually has shed 96,000 manufacturing jobs. we actually net losers of manufacturing jobs with these revisions and the ism for manufacturing, kevin exempt for one little blip in march was down 21 straight months. we could be on the front end of recession. kevin hassett says we're in a recession. know he you're a common sense guy. what do you think? >> i was talking to kevin hassett the other day. he is a great economist as you are too.
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seems like all indications that we are. i mean you don't, 800,000 jobs just over. i understand you give a new number every couple months, but not that large. think for a moment, you sit and read the paper, you're beginning to see bankruptcies, good named companies that are pretty good, medium size. why are they going out? it is when government tries to tell you what to even build. ford, it was, it was controlled by government telling them what they need to build, what people can buy. that is always a mistake but when you have manufacturing jobs going down, that's a bad internal indicator and you and i know exactly what the democrats did when they came in. they spent too much money. created inflation. you know how painful that is too, coming out of it, unwinding this fed reacted too slow. had they moved interest rates early they would only had to go up a little. i see a lot of bad indications what i see for economy now.
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larry: kevin hassett is better econ than i am. you read my mind, ford, big story today, front page of "the wall street journal," ford scraps the electric suv. so the ev mandates once again going down the tubes. listen to this kevin, no more electric suvs. they're going to do hybrids instead. they are taking a $1.9 billion writeoff. this was a mandate that didn't work, even with the subsidies it didn't work, kevin mccarthy. goes to show you, government regulations can and usually do backfire. >> they do. and but when you reverse the regulations you can spur the economy, something you did very well in the trump administration. better than even ronald reagan did, but what you found was, when they tried to mandate this, the customer wasn't able to control what they can and can't buy, this is where they failed. and if you look, even if you look at like hertz and others went out and bought a lot of electric cars, they ended up
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selling them, the customer didn't want them. let the customer and the market determine where we should go, our economy will be much stronger. larry: 100%. kevin, last fun, the political kevin mccarthy, rfk, jr. endorsing trump possibly, possibly i say possibly tomorrow. your quick thoughts in 30 seconds? >> it is a benefit for trump, i well tell you. in the last election biden only won by 48,918 votes. so do you think a jfk matters in some of these others? yes. he draws with libertarians and disgun telled democrats. harris waltz ticket most liberal we have. she never ran for the job. she was never tested. this is big win for president trump. larry: fascinating. kevin mccarthy, a man for all seasons. thank you very much. wonderful. folks be right back with my last word. to prevent lower respiratory disease from rsv in people 60 years and older. arexvy does not protect everyone and is not for those
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5:00 pm
larry: so try this, rfk jr., a thought, make your uncle john very proud, the late uncle john kennedy, and vote for donald trump, tax cutter. more tax cuts, more growth, more prosperity, good for america. and liz mac if donald, good for liz macdonald. elizabeth: good for me the talk about. great show. welcome to "the evening edit," i'm elizabeth macdonald. developing this hour, a manhunt now underway in arizona, a suspect who threatened to kill president trump before the former president spoke at th


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