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tv   The Evening Edit  FOX Business  August 22, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT

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larry: so try this, rfk jr., a thought, make your uncle john very proud, the late uncle john kennedy, and vote for donald trump, tax cutter. more tax cuts, more growth, more prosperity, good for america. and liz mac if donald, good for liz macdonald. elizabeth: good for me the talk about. great show. welcome to "the evening edit," i'm elizabeth macdonald. developing this hour, a manhunt now underway in arizona, a suspect who threatened to kill president trump before the former president spoke at the
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border there. this is the just a month after trump was shot in pennsylvania. and this is before the final night of the dnc. if speakers have spent the week vilifying trump. former acting trump i.c.e. director tom homan here to react. also tonight, a big victory for voter id. the supreme courted today backed arizona's law requiring proof of citizenship to vote. if we've got the trend towards voter id tonight. and also kamala harris' running mate, tim walz, admits that, yes, voters do deserve to see their policy details. we've got a growing media backlash against hem for hiding that from voters. also tonight biden-harris' commerce secretary gina raimondo roasted for trying to downplay the government wiping out as fiction a massive 818,000 jobs that didn't exist from from government job reports. former shark tank cohost kevin o'leary here with his reaction. plus, the economist magazine is
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going to be a liberal leftist publication. it's now slamming harris' economic policies as bad. if former trump labor department secretary nominee andy puzder here to react. but first this: >> i hope the press writes the story fairly because it's a story of disgrace. we had a border czar who was border or czar. she loved the title, but she didn't want to do the work because she's lazy and probably, more importantly than being lazy, she wants to have an open border. and you say who would want an open border where criminals can pour into our country? and all you have to do is walk up there if you have the couraged to do it and go the that open section, stand there for a little while. elizabeth: okay, that was former president trump at the border in arizona today without plexiglas. we've got a manhunt now underway for a suspect who law enforcement say threatened to kill a presidential candidate meaning trump.
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suspect ronald lee seahood, he's accused of dui, hit and run and and felony and also failures to register as a sex to offender. joining us now, former acting i.c.e. director tom homan. you know, former president trump, he was just shot a month ago. all week democrats at the knc have been -- dnc have been slamming trump, but where's the outrage over this? >> there isn't any. after the first attempt on his life, you know, the democrat party, you know, biden, harris both said is we've got to stop the rhetoric, we've got to stop the hateful language, we've got to stop -- it took them about a day, and they're back at it. look, this president's life is in danger every day. he's hated by a lot of people. they're willing to do anything they can to make sure he's not president. the one comfort i have, the front-line men and women in law enforcement, the secret service front line, and local police front line, i think, after pennsylvania they're sharp, they'll be there when the
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president needs them. so i have confidence in local law enforcement -- i don't have confidence in leadership, but i have confidence in the men and women who are standing with trump. elizabeth: okay, there's this, former president trump proposed a brand new crackdown at the border if he is reelected. 10-year mandatory minimum sentence for anyone if guilty of human smuggling, mandatory life sentence for anyone guilty of child trafficking, the death penalty for anyone guilty of sex trafficking and death penalty on major drug dealers and traffickers. what do you think of this? >> i think there absolutely has to be consequences. trafficking, the sex trafficking of women and children under this current administration is up of of 600%. and we've got half a million kids that have been smuggled across the border. this administration has lost at least 85,000 of them. i.c.e. can't find 35,000 that are supposed to be in court. and not only are we talking about humanitarian issues like sex trafficking and fentanyl, we've got to the talk about the
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national security vulnerability that these open borders cause. they've arrested 380 topeople on the terror watch list just on the southwest border. we've got 2 million gotaways. we've got to secure the border. there has to be consequences for crossing this border illegally and trafficking women and children, absolutely. elizabeth: we've got to the get this too, breaking news out of the supreme courted today. it ruled, yes, arizona voters must show proof of citizenship to vote in arizona. now, pew research says more than 8 out of 10 voters do support government-issued photo id to vote. 36 if states now require a form of voter id. you know, trump lost arizona to biden in 2020 by just over 10,000 votes. you have four swing states that have strict voter id needing a photo to vote. wisconsin, ohio, georgia and north carolina. the trend is there, tom. >> this should be a requirement in every state. what is the downside in having a full id to vote in the united
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states, a license? if you want the privilege of voting in our federal elections, then show an id. you've got an id to cash a check, to board a plane, to open bank account. i had to show id at will call to pick up hockey tickets. so there's no reason we should not demand someone show an id that proves you're a citizen to vote in federal elections. there's no downside in that. and the argument that people can't get ids, i've been in law enforcement three and a half decades. if someone don't have a voter id, there's probably a pretty good reason why they don't. elizabeth: tom, i want to get back to the second threat in arizona, developing story now. we're going to monitor throughout the hour the second threat against former president trump's life. you've spent time with him. you've -- have you talked to him about these threats? do you think he's doing enough to be safe? because it looked like he wasn't using bulletproof glass when he was speaking today. >> look, the president understands the threat against him. i am with him an awful lot. i've been on stage with him a
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lot, but i know the men and women of secret service, the people that surround him. i know most of them on a first name basis. they're patriots. they're heroes. they didn't hesitate in pennsylvania, but trump needs to talk to the american people. he's a president of the people. and he's most comfortable when he's in open air talking to those people, explaining to them the dangers this country's in right now and what he can do to fix it. he's a president of the people, and you're not going to stop him from, you know, getting out there in the public, especially outdoor venues which he loves. elizabeth: yeah. >> he's putting country first, which is scary but, you know what? he's a president of the people, and we can't -- elizabeth: you know, tom, what do you want to say to democrats who have been vilifying and attacking trump all a week? former president barack obama, former president bill clinton, nancy pelosi, michelle obama, they've not -- and tim walz, money of them have said anything about the assassination attempt where president trump was shot many pennsylvania. in pennsylvania.
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>> i want to say they need to love this country more than they hate president trump. bottom line. look, if people are looking for the next president to be, you know, someone without sin, you know, you're looking for the perfect man to be president, then you have to to wait for the second coming of jesus. every man i've ever met including myself, we're not perfect. but i'm telling you that the rhetoric has to stop. the hatred has to stop. it's above this country. put the country first ahead of your hatred for this president. you can't hate the president because of the success of his administration. he had the most successful administration in my lifetime. especially when it comes to the border and the military and inflation and the economic well-being in this country. you've got to love this country more than you hate this man. the country needs to come first, and i think president trump has proved that over and over again. he puts america first. elizabeth: tom, you've served the country, you've been in law enforcement for a very long time. can you please speak to democrats about how there are
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unstable people out there who listen to the rhetoric? >> look, it's a hateful, it's a hateful talk that that people who are already loose cannons, people who are already on the edge, all they've got to do is be talked into doing something foolish. and when you say the terrible things they say about president trump which most of them are false, way false, you are opening that aperture up for people to attack president trump. again, love this country more than you hate trump. if we can all be successful. elizabeth: i mean, yeah. seven presidents have been shot at a or assassinated since lincoln. thank you so much, tom homan, appreciate you so much. watch this sound coming in, watch commerce if secretary gina raimondo incredulously claim she does not believe the news that the government just wiped out a big 818,000 jobs as fiction. they didn't exist. why? because president trump said it. watch this. >> reporter: do you potentially think these new numbers could be a liability for
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this campaign? >> no. when i hear that, first of all, i don't believe it because i have never heard donald trump say anything truthful -- >> it is, though, from the bureau of labor. >> i don't -- i'm not familiar with that. elizabeth: joining us now, o'leary ventures' chairman, the one and only mr. wonderful, we love kevin o'leary. he's great to have on. wonderful to see you. kevin, when you saw that,s what was your reaction? >> um, these adjustments happen all the time. this was around 60,000 per month if you look at it, the 80000,000 over a 10-month period, 112-month period. -- 12-month if period. market didn't care, to be honest with you. politically, it's a hot potato as you've just seen, and you're making a point raising it, but actually yields went up today. everybody's more interested in what's going to happen with fed speak regarding the cut that is being promised or at least radioed forward at 25-50 basis points. and the economy's not doing that badly. but this was one of the bigger
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adjustments i've seen in a while and, yeah, it's going to become a hot potato. why not? but does it really matter for investors like me? not really. it's revisionistic. it's the past. i only care about the future. elizabeth: okay. so, you know, she's clearly playing politics, right? she is basically downplaying the wipeout of the 818,000 jobs because it also erased 115,000 manufacturing jobs, that ,000 -- 45,000 construction jobs that she's been touting for a few years now, meaning the growth in those sectors. but, you know, should she talk like what -- that when the fed did hike rates higher by 7 a 5 points mistakenly believing the jobs market was 818,000 jobs stronger than it really was? wall street bro david rosen -- pro david rosen berg is pointing that out. when you see the downplaying and
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she's a secretary in the cabinet, what do you think? >> well, i think she's going to take heat for it. it's going to come in the next 72 days. but there's another piece of business that a she hasn't accounted for yet, that's the chips and science act. you know, a ton of money, not a dime of it going to small business in america, and many dollars of it going to foreign companies building plants in america where many of the jobs aren't actually here. and so chips and science was a big act. some feel very inflationary. i think it was. i read it. not many people did. and i couldn't find a single line -- and i met with the secretary, and i don't mean any disrespect to her and her staff. i said, hey, i represent entrepreneurs in america. we create 632% of the jobs. -- 622%. can you show me a single paragraph in here that gives us money when you're giving it all away to the big guys and nothing for the small guys? and they didn't. and i think that will come to roost. i think this is about policy now going forward. we've got to get some, get some
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more policy because this has been a great convention with no information. elizabeth: have you been frustrated watching it, kevin? because, you know, it's long on rhetoric but, you know, short on substance. were you frustrated looking at it? >> i can't wait for you to interview her. i want the press to ask her how she's going to do all this stuff, because i think a lot of this policy is impossible to implement, and it's happy talk. it's your turn now. elizabeth: we hope. we'll tried to do it, kevin. thank you for joining us, kevin o'leary. mr. wonderful himself. good to see you. >> thank you. elizabeth: it's a jam-packed hour tonight. we're monitoring protesters potentially marching on the dnc's final night. [background sounds] >> dnc, go to hell! elizabeth: coming up, we'll take you live to what's happening on the ground there. we're also monitoring that suspect, the manhunt underway for another potential assassination of president
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trump. that's -- we don't know what's happening right now at this moment. we're staying on the details coming many to the studio, a manhunt underway for a man who threatened the life of president trump in arizona. also tonight, will he or won't he? rfk jr. will address the nation tomorrow. will he endorse trump? -- president trump? if plus, what rfk's running mate is saying now that's giving a big hint about what he's going to say. we're going to bring it to you. plus, while president biden is vacationing this week california, his son hunter is still in court. if tonight, an update on the judge pushing back hard on hunter biden. also did bernieened sanders endorse extending the trump tax cuts? >> these oligarchs tell us we shouldn't tax the rich. that is precisely what we are going to do. elizabeth: okay. this is a flip. if he really loved the the trump tax cuts in 2017.
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we're going to show you that a sound. but first, a new report, kamala harris' tax hikes will make u.s. businesses likely pack their bags. that's what economists say. former trump labor secretary nominee andy puzder joins me next. ♪ muck good luck. ♪ ♪ tamra, izzy and emma... they respond to emails with phone-calls... and they don't "circle back" they're already there. they wear business sneakers and pad their keyboards with something that makes their clickety- clacking... clickety-clackier. but no one loves logistics as much as they do. you need tamra, izzy and emma. they need a retirement plan. work with principal so we can help you with a retirement and benefits plan that's right for your team. let our expertise round out yours. did i read this? did i get eggs?
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elizabeth: geerting slowly details about a vice president kamala harris' economic plan. she's getting a lot of backlash now about wanting to do the nearly $22 trillion in new spending -- $2 trillion. that's about the amount that she was the tie-breaking vote on in the senate. economists say that spending fueled inflation. but she wants trillions of dollars in new tax hikes to pay for that. hillary vaughn at the white house with more. hillary. >> reporter: good evening, liz. vice president kamala harris has not made a lot of policy positions public as part of her run for president, but what she is making clear is that taxes under her as president would be going up. the harris campaign telling fox harris has a plan to raise the corporate tax rate from 21 to 28%, a plan that the congressional budge office predicts could reduce the deficit by over $1 trillion in a decade. a harris campaign spokesperson saying, quote, as president, kamala harris will focussen on
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creating an opportunity economy for the middle class that advances their economic security. her plan is a fiscally-responsible way to put money back in the pockets of working people and ensure billionaires and big corporations pay their fair share. but that's not what some analysts are saying about the proposal. the tax foundation says raising the corporate tax rate would actually mean less money for americans. the tax foundation saying, quote, we estimate it would reduce long run gdp if by .6%, the capital sock by .1% and full-time i give eleven jobs by 128,000. equivalent. it would significantly worsen the competitive position of u.s. businesses and reduce prospects fors investment and workers. former president trump today says there won't be any businesses around to pay harris' tax hikes because they will go somewhere else less expensive to business. >> they'll say thank you very much, and all of a sudden you'll announce that they got up, you'll say, where is such and such a company? well, they moved to to europe.
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they're someplace in europe. they will leave the country. we -- i had it down so nice. i got it down from 48 to21. -- to 221. i wanted to get it down to 15 or 16, but what that kid is it gave the largest job spurt we've ever had. >> reporter: and the estimation from the cbo that raising the corporate tax rate would reduce the deficit only works if that additional tax revenue is used to pay off the debt and not pay for other things. liz? elizabeth: hillary vaughn, always great reporting. thank you so much. >> you're 91% of middle income americans will receive a tax cut. isn't that a good thing? >> yeah, it is a very good thing, and that's why we should have made the tax breaks for the middle class perm message. elizabeth: remember that? that was bernie sanders just a few years ago a saying, yes, the trump tax cuts were good. make the trump tax cuts permanent. kamala harris, though, wants $5 trillion in tax hikes over 10
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years that will hit middle and working class voters. let's bring in former labor secretary nominee, former cke restaurant ceo andy buzz kerr. andy -- andy puzder. won't these tax hikes cripple the u.s. economy, cripple small businesses and economic growth? >> yeah, well, it would be devastating to the economy. there would be far, far fewer jobs, far, far fewer new businesses opening. look, the trump tax cuts, one thing that everybody seems to ignore, the trump tax cuts were forecasted by the congressional budget office to reduce tax revenue over a 10-year period by 1.1 trillion from the higher tax rates that were in place when the bill was passed. now that we have six years of information under our belt, cbo is projecting that those tax cuts will actually generate $6000 billion more, so that's a $1.7 trillion miss by the cbo on the trump -- on the original trump tax cuts. so tax cuts, these tax cuts not
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only created jobs, they created increased tax revenue which, of course, came in during the biden-harris administration. they didn't spend it to reduce the deficit, they -- the democrats never spend money to reduce the deficit. they haven't done anything with the deficit since bill clinton was president. all they do is increase the debt by continuing these massive government spending programs which, as you noted, harris signed on to the two biggest ones that drove us into this inflationary if ditch. elizabeth: you know, they go to, you know, 28% would be the second highest effective tax rate out of the whole world. i mean, that's what we're looking at. the oecd average, i think, is 23%. the e.u., 21%. asia, including china, 19. it'll cause companies to flee to tax savings like ireland. the business round table, some $2 2.5 trillion in income earned across broad came -- abroad came back here to member after trump's tax reform. and now she's talking she wants
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a wealth tax on unrealized gains, paper gains for those with $100 million in income and assets, that'll likely drop into the lower brackets. >> well, we mow what's going to the happen if we take a rate back up to 28%, it'll be exactly what president trump said. and we know that because that's exactly what happened under president obama when the tax rate was 28%. so if you raise corporate tax rates, you're going to give up revenue, lose companies, we're going to lose business. that $2.5 trillion that the business round table estimated was brought back into the country would not have been brought back into the country under the obama level of corporate income tax. and if you -- [laughter] you know, the last president who was a democrat that did anything rational on taxes, again, was bill clinton. he cut the capital gains rate. he didn't increase it, he cut it. elizabeth: yeah. >> and when he cut it, he and newt gingrich were able to balance the federal budget. you want to reduce them. so the idea that we're going to tax unrealized capital gains,
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that's just absurd. this is voodoo economics, you know, 20 the 1 -- elizabeth: exactly. [laughter] i mean, even europe said no to a wealth tax. let's end on what trump says will work. watch this. >> she's going to ban fracking in pennsylvania, but now she says she isn't, but she will 100. she's going to do all of these things that are going to destroy our country, but she's flip-floppedded on virtually every single thing she said and lived with her whole life, long before her political life. they want to make all electric cars now. t not going to work. first of all, they don't go far, they're more expensive, and they happen to be made mostly in china, and they have the material to make 'em, we don't. elizabeth: sorry. trump was talking about what does not work. andy puzder, final word. >> you know, i thought when we got rid of president biden as a candidate when he withdrew, was driven out, i thought we'd end up with camilla-nomics and it would be basically the same
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thing, but it's like kam-munism. these are irrational policies that will drive us into an economic ditch and, god, i hope we don't end up the -- elizabeth: got it. andy, thank you so much. appreciate you, thank you so much. tonight, we've got this breaking news coming in. we are monitoring the manhunt for the suspect who reportedly threatened to kill former president trump. we've got to rester thes -- protesters marching on the dnc. we're seeing a fistfight. there are actual fistfights breaking out outside the dnc happening right now. it is the final might. let's listen to this. [inaudible conversations] [background sounds] elizabeth: we'll bring you right to what's happening on the ground there. it's happening right as a kamala harris is accepting her nomination from her party tonight. we've also got kamala harris' running mate, tim walz, saying, yeah, we should be showing our
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policy details to voters. he's admitting that. local minnesota if state legislator lisa -- [inaudible] here to talk some more about all this coming up. >> i've been beating up on tim walz a little bit. you may have seen this. tim walz loves to to go around and say that he carried a weapon in war. in tim walz's defense, he did let ethos rioters burn down minneapolis, so maybe the combat zone he visited was minneapolis. ♪ your best defense against erosion
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♪ elizabeth: okay, we've got more breaking news coming in right now. hostilities and tension now heating up, fistfights breaking out among protesters outside the dnc in chicago as vice president harris accepts her party's nomination in a few hours. fox news' mike tobin has been reporting live right in the middle of the action all week. he's doing great work reporting from the ground in chicago. he joins us with more. mike, what's going on now?
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>> reporter: well, that bit of excitement was triggered by vivek ramaswamy. he showed up here at the protest, got some attention, and the protesters started to chant vivek go home, and as he was leaving the park where they are gathering, they tailed him. people bumping each other, the protesters started fighting. vivek ramaswamy left, that situation seems to have defuse us fused itself, and that's con -- defused itself. with really only one dust-up yesterday, that occurred when a woman entered the el stop and got up on the platform on the green line at the damon stop. police ultimately wrestled her to the ground, but when the demonstrators demanded she be released, she was, and the march continued. they have adopted some unorthodox techniques, they went to the hotel, the protesters, where kamala harris is staying, and they chanted and banged drums throughout the night. they chanted if they can't sleen
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gaza -- then she can't sleep. there have been three nights of protest, two nights of arrest. the chicago police have showed up in great numbers every night, and they have not lost control of the city. >> what you saw yesterday was completely the different, and it was a completely different focus from what you saw that occurred on tuesday. hay just wanted to be heard. and we allowed that to happen. >> reporter: and what we have seen throughout this demonstration the process, there were some nights with arrests and conflicts with police. but overall, the pro-palestinian protesters, the the anti-israel protesters with their message to defund israel has made enough noise and brought enough numbers that the democrats in power simply can't ignore them. liz, back to you. elizabeth: thank, mike tobin. great work all week. okay, moving on to this story,
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rfk jr., he's expected to announce if tomorrow in arizona that he will be leaving the race. rfk jr. will be in the same state former president trump will be in. joining us now, fox news contributor byron york. byron, always great to have you on. it's a pleasure. so we are, we've got news coming in, byron. rfk's running mate, nicole shanahan, hinting on twitter that rfk will endorse trump. how will this affect the race if he drops out and endorses trump? >> well, it'll be good for trump. we don't know how much though. now, if you look at the trajectory of rfk's candidacy, back in march look at real clear politics' average of polls, he was about 14 percent. now he's below 5, 4.6% in the average. so he has really gone way down. so the question is, if he gets out of the race, where do those 4.6% of voters go? do more of them go to trump than to kamala harris?
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there are some indications that that's probably what would happen because the people who are still with rfk after all those people left over the last but months, people who are still with him are pretty much anti-biden, and i think they're anti-harris. now, it's just not that big a margin, but you have to remember this could be settled, this entire election could be decided by a very small margin. elizabeth: yeah, as it has been. you know, we're seeing reports jill stein, green party candidate, and rfk jr. have been saying that the democrat party has been bullying hem and threatening them with attempted court or action to get them out of the race. so, you know -- >> yep. elizabeth: we've always talked about america needs more candidates, more debate, but the democrats have been bullying. nbc's reporting polls show if rfk gets out and endorses trump, it will help trump at the margins. and the other thing happening too, byron, it's what the
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democrat base seems to be fracturing. listen to this report. watch this. >> -- about the people that come and sit in your chair. what do they say, what's the number one issue they feel that's facing the country right now? >> finances. >> finances? >> yeah. >> cost of living is high. >> they tell me that they want to see a change in inflation, prices. >> i think taxes are too high. >> groceries are too high, taxes are too high, gas is too high. it's too high. >> all the immigrants tell me stuff they have for the americans, they're giving it to immigrants. >> it hurts black people more than anybody. >> trump is winning over some black men, latino men, and that is a real problem for kamala harris. >> kamala harris has got a bigger big problem. donald trump has a great deal of support from african-american men. elizabeth: that was lawrence jones talking to black voters in chicago. she's got a problem.
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trump, i think, got 26% of the black voters in a fox poll recently. cbs poll, you know, he's showing a strong showing with black voters. you know, what he's -- what we're seeing now are the black and minority vote moving toward trump. it looks like it's better than 2020. what do you think? >> well, a couple of things that you're probably right that it is better in 2020. and clearly, when joe biden was the candidate, there were a number of black voters who would morally vote democrat -- normally vote democrat, but who weren't interested in voting for trump. the question was if you have kamala harris, the first woman, person of color to be vice president and now to be the presidential nominee, would that change? would a number of hose black voters switch to kamala harris? and the answer is some of them have, but not all of them have. ask a span number are still -- and a significant number are still supporting trump. and i should say one more thing,
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one thing that's really, really critical in the trump-harris race is that trump is not doing as well with white voters as he did in 2020 the and 20 service. 2016. or as mitt romney did in 2012. that's a much larger group of voters, and it could be a huge -- elizabeth: is it white female voters? >> largely. but the last i saw trump looks around 53% of white voters, and he's been as high as 59 -- elizabeth: okay. let's move on to this, we've got 50 congressmen and women who are military vets, they put out a rare public letter denouncing governor tim walz for, quote, stolen valor, accusing him of making false claims about his national guard service. so, byron, your reaction to that. it's not just military veteran lawmakers here, byron. it's reportedly walz's superior officer and chaplain of his regiment. they're saying he was wrong to have abandoned his unit before they were deployed to iraq, and claim that he cared -- carried
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weapons in combat when he never saw combat. >> yeah. it's pretty clear that over the years tim walz has tried to leave the impression among people who were listening to him that he served in the u.s. military in iraq. in fact, he was in the army national guard, and he served in it limb. flrchg -- italy. and when, which was supporting operation enduring freedom in afghanistan. i should have said afghanistan earlier. so he did not serve in afghanistan even though he left that impression with people. some of his statements you look at, it appears he was trying to carefully word it so that he wasn't actually telling a lie, but people still maybe thought that he served in combat in afghanistan. he did not. elizabeth: yeah. >> so, i mean, clearly, that's something that a really, really angers people who did serve in afghanistan, rain if actually people who serve everywhere but they're honest about their service. elizabeth: yeah. well, byron, we're making you work tonight because a lot of what's going on is filling mt.
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blanks when you look at the harris campaign. and it looks like she's trying the nancy pelosi way, vote me in now, and you'll see later what my policies are. a recent cbs news poll showed over a third of voters say they don't know what kamala harris stands for. watch even tim walz admit at the dnc that, yeah, they do owe it to the american people to detail their policies. they don't have any of hair policies on their campaign web site. watch this. >> but we have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it. >> i think we owe it to the american people to tell them exactly what she'd do as president before we ask 'em for their votes. finish. elizabeth: yeah. so detail, right, byron? final word. [laughter] >> well, governor walz seems to be making a lot of sense there. listen, you've been watching this convention. that huge crowd, enthusiastic crowd in chicago, do you think they want a big policy manual from kamala harris? the answer a is really no. elizabeth: yeah, but they'd like a web site. >> i think policy -- they're not
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demanding policy -- elizabeth: i know they don't at the convention, but voters want it. trump is detailing what he'd do. he just said he'd do a major change in border laws to to stop human tracking, but there's zero campaign policy details, nothing on her web site. it's just asking for more money. >> the harris campaign is betting that democrats look at kamala harris and say she's a progressive democrat, everything she's going to do is going to be consistent being a progressive democrat, so she doesn't want to get involved in all sorts of policy fights. the question is, are there independent-minded voters with who asked the very question you were asking which is, well, what specifically would she do. elizabeth: okay, byron, thank you. >> that's the big question over the next 75 days. elizabeth: coming up, the judge on the hunter biden tax evasion case giving him a hard time. more on what's happening there, and a new and growing divide in the media about a cheering on the rhetoric out of the dnc as the economist magazine joins
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more media saying, you know what? stop keeping voters in the dark. let's get right to our friends dagen and sean a. what's coming up on "the bottom line"? if. sean: thank you, e-max. we're going to the talk about -- everything-mac. talk about harris' radical agenda. dagen: kamala harris will get her tiara and scepter tonight, but tim walz last night was brag about his party's support for -- bragging about his party's support for american freedoms. yeah, the guy who set up a snitch line in his own state and the party who wants to tell us all what kind of car to drive. all what kind of car to drive. yeah, stick that where the sun doesn't shine. ♪ ♪ so you can get back to your monster to-do list. -really? -get a quote at (♪)
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>> entire night of freedom and joy and joy and freedom. >> the room in here in terms of our little crowd at msnbc mother ship, everybody got out of their seats and started stamping and clapping. oh, my god, i can't believe this. elizabeth: well, the parade of silliness keeps going on at msnbc. they're just talking vibes, surface stuff, big celebrity names. more media saying kamala harris, stop keeping voters in the dark and stop it, msnbc, stop keeping
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voters in the dark. let's bring in "wall street journal" columnists bill mcgurn and chris bedford. what do you think of all, bill? >> i think no policy message is a message. why on earth would kamala harris spell out her policies when she's been repudiating every belief she had? and she only gets in trouble when she does these interviews. so if i were in her shoes, i would continue avoiding the press at all times especially because the press isn't demanding that she answer their questions. they're covering for her. elizabeth: what do you think, chris? don't you think voters are seeing through this? the economist magazine which has turned a little center-left, even vox is saying stop being vague, start doing interviews, you've got to start talking to voters. do you think the polls are going to turn against her, chris, on this? >> yes. i think it is vapor thin. i think it's a mirage, what they're trying to do. what we witnessed on monday was
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a forced funeral for joe biden who is still alive, and in the next couple days kind of a shotgun wedding. just five weeks ago democrats were desperate to come up with anyone but kamala harris to be the nominee. of course, that was the only person who was a possible alternative to joe biden because of the finances and the succession. so now she's in charge, they're trying to walk their way through this without ever having to put her out there, trying to shield her as much as possible. it's something you can do and it does well in the poll, but can you keep it going for the next 74 days? i'm significantly more doubtful of that. elizabeth: what chris is saying, she's gotten zero democrat primary votes in 2020 and if 2024, zero press interviews, zero press concerns, zero -- no policies on her web site. bill, how long -- that cant last. that will not hold. >> i don't know. i hear the argument that can't last. i didn't think it would last this long. it makes sense because if she
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gives an interview, she'll show why she didn't get a single vote in the democratic presidential primaries that began in 2019. she dropped out before. elizabeth: yeah. >> why would she risk doing that? whether. elizabeth: well, you know why? because it won't make her ready for the debate. when the debate happens, that could be a turning point. that's what the talk is in d.c. bill mcgurn, chris bedford, thank you both for joining us. fox business programming alert, be sure to tune in to special coverage of the dnc's final night. fox business will be airing kamala harris' acceptance speech tonight, plus all the others starting at a 7 p.m. eastern time only on fox business. next, everyone has been focused on kamala harris. joe biden is still our president. the judge on hunter biden's criminal tax evasion case pushing back hard, undercutting hunter's defense. gop congressman carlos gimenez joins us next. ♪
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liz: hunter biden criminal tax evasion trial starts in two weeks and he's pleaded not guilty to nine felonies including three for evading $1.4 million in taxes. for more on all of this, florida congressman carlos gimenez joins
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us. this news coming in, congressman and the judge is deciding with special council david weiss' team saying he cannot use that excuse and he did pay his tax bill. looks like they're playing hardball. what do you think? playing hardball and the statute of limitations to run out and the judge rule that there can't be linkage back to the obama administration and joe biden the current president of the united states. liz: found evidence of that in places like romania and ewe yanis as well. >> what are you lobbying for and who are you lobbying? it'll go right back to the obama administration in this case. that's what they're calling it, but it's president joe biden. look, we've uncovered -- the
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house uncovered a ton of evidence surrounding joe biden and the biden family criminal enterprise. things that frankly they're the president needs to be looked at and probably impeached on. liz: the republicans have been criticized for not bring criminal -- high crimes and misdemeanors against president biden. how come that has not happened? >> look, we just got the report out from oversight and judiciary and i'm shire before this congress is over, we'll take action in regards to the port and that report is pretty damning on hunter biden is president joe biden during his time as vice president of the united states. >> i'm not the one that is
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writing the ship and that report is damning and the evidence that others have millions of dollars and the president has the law and nobody should be under the law including himself and obviously his son. liz: congressman gimenez, thank you for joining us and good to see you. i'm elizabeth macdonald. don't forget to dvr us. we enjoy when you do that and it's time to send it over to the bottom line. dagen and sean have a hot shot tonight. take it away, guys. dagen: thanks, emac. liz: sure. dagen: good evening, i'm dagen mcdowell live from the dnc in chicago. sean: i'm sean duffy live from
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