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tv   Kudlow  FOX Business  August 23, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm EDT

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this year. really quick you also like walmart. they've been able to bring in that upper end consumer. are they able to keep them if prices do come down in the future? >> well, walmart's been very fast to discounting some of the inventories that they have, so you want to expect to see discounts when you go into a company like walmart. in retail sales in general, they've slowed but in response to that that's the price competition so you don't want to see price fixing. you want to see competition, and that's how walmart has been gaining share over others like target and we really like walmart right now. >> kelly: tom we'll have to leave it through thank you so much. >> thank you, kelly. >> the dow oh, so close to a record but it's too close to call. >> [closing bell ringing] >> that will do it for the "clayman countdown" all averages in the green today. we needed 45 for a record but that's going to do it for the "clayman countdown." kudlow starts now. larry: hello, fo folks, welcoe
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i'm larry kudlow. barbara kennedy stomped out kamala harris' dnc convention speech and we'll try to cover it all. it's a fast breaking news day. first up here are the hard-hitting points from robert kennedy's endorsement of mr. trump and that is the subject of the rif. so kamala harris gave a reasonably-well-presented speech last night at the dnc, but of course, it was full platitudes and any number of lies about donald trump's record and she worked overtime to hide her ultra-liberal progressivism and her big governme socialism. but, unfortunately, for her, the big news today comes from robert f. kennedy jr. who has just endorsed donald trump, and in a sense, mr. kennedy just wiped out kamala's dnc speech from the news cycle all together, and kennedy's
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logic was particularly hard-hitting and well put together. first up, he said he's throwing his support to president trump because, and i will quote. "the causes were free speech, war in ukraine, and the war on our children." then he blasted the democratic party for its legal warfare against president trump and himself. take a listen to this. >> the dnc wage continual legal warfare against both president trump and myself. each time that our volunteers turned in those towering boxes of signatures needed to get on the ballot, the dnc dragged us into court, state-after-state, attempting raise their work and subvert the will of the voters who signed those petitions. it deployed dnc judges and other candidates off the ballot and to
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throw president trump in jail. larry: wow boy he laid that right out straight, didn't he? then he mocked all the democratic celebrity speakers at their convention by noting they mentioned donald trump 47 times just on the first day and i'll quote, oh, who needs a policy when you have trump to hate? then, mr. kennedy goes on to say, "president biden was mentioned only twice in four days at the republican convention" but there's more than just mr. kennedy's frustration with the undemocratic democratic party. here's robert kennedy on foreign policy. take a listen. >> we pushed russia into a disastrous alliance with china and iran. we're closer to the brink of nuclear exchange than any time since 1962, and the white house don't seem to care at all.
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larry: he also put a word in for king dollar. take a listen. >> our moral author and our economy are in a shambles and the war gave rise to the emergence of bricks which now threatens to replace the dollar as the global reserve currency. this is a first class calamity for our country. larry: you got that completely right. isn't it something on the economy? now it turns out mr. kennedy and mr. trump have had several meetings in recent weeks and kennedy outlined a number of issues where he has made common cause with president trump. take a listen. >> we were aligned with each other on other key issues likening the forever wars, ending the childhood disease epidemic, securing the border, protecting freedom of speech, unraveling the corporate capture of our regulatory agencies, getting the us intelligence agencies out of the business of propaganda and censoring and
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surveiling americans and interfering with our elections. larry: very hard-hitting stuff. very popular stuff. now they don't agree on everything, by a long shot, but it is interesting on how many things they do agree on, and how plain-spoken and direct mr. kennedy put it out there. fascinating to me. now, as rfk jr. news filtered out, the pay-to-play betting markets have posted a 51:48% lead for mr. trump over ms. harris. not only is the kennedy news stepped on and nearly buried any of the kamala speech news from last night but basically, there was nothing much in serious policy terms coming out of that speech. speech was well-delivered no question about that, but she lied about mr. trump on a number of cases. she lied about cutting medicare and social security. he said a million times he won't. she lied about trump backing this project 2025 agenda. he said a million times he
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doesn't know anything about it. doesn't support it. she lied about trump wanting a national ban on abortion, because he said a million times, he doesn't support a national ban, and instead, turning the issue over to the states as per the supreme court, and meanwhile, fairmeanwhile favorsn the health of the mother and in fact it's ms. harris who wants nationwide abortion right that goes right through to the horrific late term abortion. on the economy, it was sort of like kamala was saying hey, i'm not joe biden, and oh, by the way, i haven't even been in the white house these past nearly four years. but wait a minute. you have been in the white house as a key player, and you have supported the bidenomics tax and regulate and spend agenda and war on fossil fuels and the affordability crisis, where prices have increased faster than wages, because of your
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over-spending. she can't hide this and mr. trump will pin it on her during the debates as he has already pinned it on her in his numerous recent speeches and press conferences and by the way, she has a tax agenda identical to joe biden. look, chronicled by none other than the recent new york times news story. she'll kill wages and business competitiveness by jacking up the corporate tax. she will raise the top income tax on small businesses. she'll raise the capital gains tax from 24% to 44%, and she'll impose the first-ever wealth tax on unrealized capital gains. you know? all this reminds me of my dear friend the late, great jack kemp who often said, you know, you can't tax your way into prosperity and jack kemp often added, you can't have capitalism without capital, but ms. harris is not a fan of capitalism as we
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know. she aligns with big government socialism and though she didn't go near it in her speech, she's also a cultural radical pushing the dei affirmative action wherever possible, and burying the historic american commitment to the value of merit. now, harris promised a strong military but the biden-harris budgets cut defense spending in real terms after inflation and she said how she would keep america strong but she never mentioned the catastrophic fleeing out of afghanistan and leaving $85 billion of weapons to the radical terrorist taliban and of course, she never mentioned the pullback of the tough trump sanctions that have been used to finance the war against israel and the us. i'll tell you. i am in awe of robert f. kennedy jr. whose policy reasons for supporting donald trump are so much closer to what americans
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are actually thinking. i do not agree with everything mr. kennedy said. we had dinner with a small group of people not too long ago, but we do agree on some issues, and i'll say this. kennedy's direct and specific reasons for the trump endorsement and his turning against his undemocratic democrats, wow, that's pretty big news. that's why he is winning the news cycle and that's why today, he has given mr. trump a very big leg up to win this election. all right? and that is my rif. now, wow. one of my favorite people on the planet earth joining me is arkansas governor sarah sanders. hello, sarah, thank you for doing this. so, i tried to put it through, we're all hustling to do the news cycle. let's start with the kennedy
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thing. how do you read it? >> i think this is a great turn. you just finished up the democrat national convention which was four days of total hypocrisy and dishonesty and now, we have this refreshing moment and i think it's actually a pretty courageous thing for kennedy to come out and endorse donald trump, a republican running for president. what a shift, and i think it is a great momentum shift coming off of the dnc that will be a great thing to sail in for donald trump to win big in november. larry: governor sanders, you know it interesting. his reasons were so fascinating to me. worried about children. worried about world war iii. worried about nuclear war. worried about over-regulation. he even had a thing he's worried about king dollar which you know is music to my ears, and i didn't expect. you know, art laffer and i and a few others had dinner with him, i don't know. i'm going to say two, three
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months ago and we actually talked taxes and money a little bit, because his uncle, john f. kennedy was a very good economic president but i digress. what i want to hear from you is these reasons. i mean, he doesn't agree with president trump on everything. probably about half way, i don't know how you see it but these are important reasons, i would think. more or less populous reasons. >> i think one of the big takeaways here is larry you influenced kennedy to endorse trump and helped bring him your way on the economy too, just like you do the rest of us, but you know, i think they don't have to agree on everything but one of the important things is they agree that like the rest of us that harris be an absolute disaster for our country. we've already seen what she's capable of because she's been part of the failure of the last four years. if we don't want more inflation, a completely open border,
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absolute disruption and chaos across the global stage, then we can't allow harris to become president because she's been part of all of those things in the biden-harris administration, no matter how much they want to try to erase the failures of the past four years, they can't do it. the american people are too smart for that. robert kennedy sees that and that's why i think he's endorsing donald trump today and because i think he sees his numbers. he's not going to be able to win on his own but he knows how dangerous kamala harris is for the country and i think it's a courageous and great thing for him to step out of the race, endorse donald trump, and move his support towards him because he wants to see our country move up, not down, which is exactly what we know we're all going to get if harris were to bes weapog lawfare against him and his running and he compared that to the same way of weaponizing lawfare and throwing donald trump in prison, that was in
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the release or his talk and you know, the democrats say and they said it again last night. we are the party of democracy. we're going to preserve democracy. what utter nonsense. you know? i mean, here's trump and here's kennedy. two leading national figures and they're out there today and dominating the news cycle, and it's the democratic party who has done them both wrong. >> they both have been on the receiving end and seen how the democrat party will stop at absolutely nothing to destroy their opponents, whether it's weaponizing the doj, whether it's turning their media allies against them. whatever it takes, they are willing to do. there's no line they won't cross. you and i both experienced that when we worked in the white house. there is nothing they won't do in order to win and to tear people down in order to take over power and have that control. the number of kind of revisionist history that we have heard from them over the past
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four days about their records about what they plan to do is absolutely absurd and i'm glad that robert kennedy jr. has seen this. he's supporting trump and i think he will join in the millions of americans that will propel him to victory in november. larry: you know, sarah, a couple of years ago you gave that fabulous rebuttal to the biden state of the union? there's a normal party and a crazy party? you hit the nail on the head and that nail is still there. >> absolutely. normal versus crazy. you know, used to think they just had bad ideas. now they're absolutely crazy ideas. we're the party of normal and that's what i think the american people want to see. they don't need the government to be involved in every single decision, every moment of their life. to me, it's really simple. if you want the government making decisions about where you're kids go to school and how they're educated or how you run your business, how you engage in your community, vote for a democrat. if you want to make
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those decisions yourself, vote for a republican. when you're the power, the party of individual empowerment and that to me is the greatest contrast that we can make and one of the things that i hope donald trump will continue to remind the american people of over the next couple of months as we wrap up the end of this election cycle. larry: well said and one last one. you made me think of this. harris talked about freedom last night. they won't, she won't, that party won't give parents the freedom, for example, for school choice. they side with the teacher's unions every time. teachers teachers' unions and do much damage to the kids. i'll give you the last word on that one, sarah sanders. >> it's one of the things i'm most proud of here in the state of arkansas. we pass universal school choice. every student in the state starting next year will have access to the school that they need and they deserve.
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kids finally getting exactly what they should when it comes to receiving a quality education. democrats want to put kids in failing schools, not allow their parents to be empowered about making the best decisions for them. they love to try to co-opt and take ideas like freedom and claim they support it but none of their policies are about individual empowerment or supporting freedom across this country and i think it's one of the biggest reasons people will vote for donald trump and the biggest reason that he's going to win is because they know that when you compare these two leaders, only one of them really believes in freedom and is willing to do something to protect it. larry: governor sarah sanders thank you for coming on and your wisdom. we appreciate it very much. take care. all best of luck. folks coming up on kudlow, more on rfk's endorsement. we'll talk to former house speaker newt gingrich and folks, remember, you can catch kudlow monday through friday at 4:00
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p.m. here on fabulous fox business and if for some crazy reason you can't get us at 4:00, please text your favorite 9-year-old and she will show you how to dvr the show, and you will never miss a political surprise, liked to. i'm kudlow. we'll be right back.
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larry: let's bring in distinguished former house speaker and dear friend newt gingrich and also fox news contributor. newt, thank you for this very very much. so, there's so much going on here. start off with the robert kennedy story. how do you see it? >> well, i think that it's a real blow to the democrats. i mean, when somebody whose family as famous as president kennedy and the attorney general kennedy, when robert f. kennedy jr. says my relatives would not belong to the modern democratic party. i think he really knocks their whole democracy thing out and points out this is really a party of bosses and it's a party of corruption so i think he's very effective, particularly for younger people in saying look, you've gotta look at how bad the democrats have become. larry: you know, i mean, he
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talked about the weaponization against him. the democratic party weaponization against him running and then of course aligned that with the weaponization to throw trump in prison. it was really very stark, but newt, he had some other stuff here i just want to get your take on it. we push russia into a disastrous alliance with china and iran. we're closest to the brink of nuclear exchange than any time since 1962 under his uncle, and the neo cons in the white house don't seem to care and he also put in a word for king dollar, just that i've got more but those are like hard-hitting, i mean, kamala harris had none of that kind of thing in her speech last night, which fortunately, is going to be blown up by the kennedy news, but these are hard-hitting ideas and principles. >> well look, let me just say. i think when the biden-harris and i want to emphasize,
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biden-harris administration refused to offer him secret service protection when his uncle and his father had both been assassinated i thought it was one of the most despicable things i've ever seen an american presidency do, and i think he has every right to feel that he was up against a machine. the machine did everything it could to destroy him and so he psych logically the naturally allie of trump because they are basically both taking on the establishment and they basically both have had the establishment do everything it could to destroy them. larry: and trump as he said, famously, he took a bullet for democracy. democrats can't, i mean, i don't know. they've done nothing but undermine democracy. >> well, when you have a coo, and that's what it was, which drives a president, who has gotten 98% of the votes in terms of delegates, 98% were
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for biden. they just knocked him out. then, they went, the same bosses, the obamas, the pelosis, they went and they picked kamala. never had a caucus. never had a primary. she's not gotten a single vote in either 2020 or 2024. she's hand-picked by the machine and she cheerfully, because i think they actually think we're stupid, and so they go around and talk about democracy. what you watched is a venezuela-quality coo in which the bosses first of all drove biden out and second, hand picked kamala and walz who himself, you look at what had evahe didduring covid and it was astonishing frankly. larry: actually you could also add those bosses you're talking about drove robert f. kennedy jr. to donald trump.
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>> well i think the thing i'm fascinated by is and this is what i think bosses don't get. free society, the person you're trying to punish always has the option of going to the other side, and then of course that's what the american revolution was all about was we weren't going to bow to the british king. we weren't going to pay taxes without representation and we were prepared to fight. well robert f. kennedy jr. just proved he values the principle of freedom and democracy more than the privilege of being a democrat. larry: now of course he doesn't agree with trump on everything. i mean, they've got their disagreements and agreements but besides the foreign policy stuff, he talked about ending childhood disease epidemic, securing the border, okay he's got more in common with trump than the democrats, protecting freedom of speech, unraveling the corporate capture of our
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regulatory agencies and then he goes on, getting us intelligence agencies out of the business of propagandizing and censoring and surveiling americans and interfering with our elections. now that is right out of the trump playbook, as you know. there will have to be wholesale change, fbi, secret service, cia, all that stuff, and these regulatory agencies have to go under complete reform as the supreme court has started so i'm just saying. these are pretty substantive agreements with at least those aspects of mr. trump's platform. >> look, i think part of what's happened here, larry, is that we've moved from a right-to-left continuum to a position of reformers and corrupt establishment and it's a very different mix and so everybody who understands how sick the system is, how corrupt the system is. i mean, take for example,
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the two astronauts that boeing has allowed to sit up there in the space station because the boeing system is so broken. you can go through place after place and have to ask yourself if you believe we have to have reform, then actually, the trump, now robert kennedy coalition makes a lot of sense. if you think the old order is fine let's keep decaying together, then these two guys are on the wrong team. larry: ford motor company just announced no more electric suv's. they're rebelling from the ev mandate and newt, it cost them $1.9 billion for this experiment. how about that? >> well, but that's what you get with big government socialism. you end up with people, bureaucrats who don't know what they're doing taking your money and spending it stupidly. i mean, the great virtue of free enterprise capitalism is you're out in the real-world. you learn pretty quickly not to lose your own money.
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if you looked at the total amount of money the federal government has wasted in the last couple years, i can show you at least one-third of what we need to do to get to a balanced budget just in the money these guys have been throwing away. larry: last one, newt. the queen of big government socialism spoke last night. i mean, basically, she is arguing she really wasn't in the white house the past four years. she had nothing to do with it, but what's your, i know her speech just got stepped on toed by the kennedy announcement, but what was your quick take on the queen of big government socialism? >> well look. i thought she had a fine speech. it was written well. she delivered it well. the more important speech was last friday when she outlined an economic policy that was so insane, involved such huge tax increases, and such massive increase in government that that's the speech that's going to matter in the campaign. not last night. larry: newt gingrich, can't thank you enough, sir.
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thank you, talk soon. folks, coming up, a little bit more on robert kennedy and a lot more on kamala harris who had zero mention of her energy policies. i mean, she's for zero-emissions but she had zero mentions in the speech last night. we have north dakota governor and energy expert and all around smart guy doug burgum will weigh in on that next up on kudlow. please stick around. investment opportunities are everywhere you turn. do you charge forward? freeze in your tracks? or, let curiosity light the way. at t. rowe price, we ask smart questions about opportunities like advances in healthcare and how these innovations will create a healthier world tomorrow.
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how did you read it? i don't think there was a thing about energy or liquid gold or any of that fracking in her speech. what did you think? >> well, larry, she was asking america to commit a giant act of amnesia. she said she cares about healthcare but in terms of memory care she's asking americans to forget she's been a part of the biden-harris agenda, been a part of the administration that she was the deciding vote on all of the green new deal spending, which is driven inflation in our country, which has empowered foreign dictators. she wants us to forget she was in charge of the border and on and on and on and of course she wants us to forget electricity prices are up 30%. that's because of the biden-harris energy policies, and then she wants to suppose that just like she's going to fix the border when she was the border czar. then she's going to fix inflation with price controls, and in all of these things as you know her completely ludacris so i thought the entire
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speech last night was something that was completely any policy or any plan and is preposterous to think that the person creating the problems we have on the border on foreign wars and on energy security is the person who proposes that she's going to fix it when she's been central to the creation of policies which created these issues. larry: as mr. trump says frequently add three and a half years, didn't do anything about it. governor burgum, is there any doubt in your mind? whatever ms. harris may say, she's never said it, her staff said she's not for the ban on fracking. she never said it, but whatever. is there any doubt essentially biden-harris war against fossil fuels which grows in intensity is in effect a ban on fracking policy. they just don't want, that's why i say zero-emissions and so forth. is there any doubt in your mind that's the way she would go if
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elected? >> no, none whatever so, because she's part of an administration that's got a whole of government approach. it's bureau of land management, it's epa, us fish and wildlife, a dozen agencies working together to try to not just shutdown fossil fuels but to stop liquid fuels in general because their attack on the internal combustion engine is also an attack on agriculture because they aren't supportive of ethanol right now. they want us buying our batteries from china so when she says that she's talking about foreign dictators, and how they are against her? that is also one of the biggest lies of her speech last night, because there was a party in the kremlin when biden-harris said we're going to stop building us natural gas export plants. iraq, you know, celebrating with the policies that we have that loosened all the export controls and sanctions on them, excuse me on iran, so that iran can fund all of the terrorism around the world so the biden-harris
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policies are celebrated by dictators around the world and they are causing and funding the wars we're in so whether it's national security and economy at home, border security, she gets an f minus on all of those things and now she's trying to tell the american people she's going to fix these problems. larry: one more, governor burgum. she was mentioning how she wants a strong military. however, biden-harris cut defense spending in real terms, after inflation. they cut it every year, and the percentage of defense spending to gdp has fallen substantially. its gone in completely the wrong direction. what do you think about all of that? >> well more platitudes on their part, just saying whatever they think people want to hear, and of course i don't believe it for a second. it's not been in any budgets they proposed. there's no plans they have, and in a swing state like pennsylvania, where again, we're energy is tied to national
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security, putin's funding his entire war. he's rebuilding his military with the fact that we're trying to shutdown shale production in places like pennsylvania and i think the last thing. president trump's policy as cross all these areas they lift every american. you don't even have to vote for president trump. we like everybody to, but if you're an independent, if you're a democrat a republican and you're a worker and you get a paycheck, you'll be lifted up and real income terms by president trump's policies and you'll be hurt by vice president harris' policies. larry: north dakota governor doug burgum, thank you, sir. we appreciate it very much. see you soon. all right folks, another big story today, if you can tolerate it, fed chairman jay powell says time has come for rate cuts. they are going to make adjustments. our own edward lawrence live in jackson hole, wyoming with the story. edward? what's cooking out there? reporter: larry and the federal reserve chairman jay powell came
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as close as i have ever heard him to say mission accomplished on inflation. now he says he sees that inflation is coming down consistently enough to their 2% target and then he had this change of tone. listen. >> the time has come for policy to adjust. the direction of travel is clear and the timing and pace of rate cuts will depend on incoming data, the evolving outlook, and the balance of risks. reporter: so this sets up the first interest rate cut for september. i asked the atlanta fed president, a voting member this year, how many cuts we would see this year, listen. the last federal reserve projections were two rate cuts this year. is that where you are still? >> well i was originally at one, and what i was saying is the way the data has evolved, i think it's probably appropriate to pull that forward. now whether that is two, three, i don't know. reporter: so in his speech the federal reserve chairman also laid out why inflation
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started, indicating inflation started with government spending and consumer behaviors at the beginning of the pandemic made worse in early 2022 by the russian invasion as covid disrupted supply chains and then it took longer for those supply chains to untangle and the fed chairman blames that time for the misrepresented in 2021 that inflation was transitory. now he says the risk to employment are now the number one thing the federal reserve is going to look at very very closely. the markets also looking at that very very closely, and in fact the markets though today only heard rate cut and finished at the second-highest close ever at 41, 175. larry? larry: edward lawrence thanks ever so much for the update. we appreciate it. joining us now is former assistant treasury secretary, chief economist of the america-first policy institute, teaching school at the university of maryland. what do you think about what edward lawrence just said? >> it was nice to see that powell acknowledges that there
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was a role of spending i would have laked to have seen him say more of that earlier on because i still don't understand how he's consistent in saying it was transitory back a couple of years ago when in fact the government spending was in front of us for all to see so better late to the party. i hope he's going to be a hawk going forward that if we have a big spending government in the future he's going to be more preemptive with rate hikes to counter it so it'll be interesting to see if he's learned from it. not surprising he's going to come in and cut rates. their statement after the most recent meeting suggested that was forthcoming and following the labor market adjustment or the labor report adjustment, i think there was pretty inevitable he was going to signal a rate cut was coming in september. larry: that's right. i wanted to ask you about that, mike. so you have this downward revision of the 800,000 jobs coming for i don't know, last nine months, not the last few months, that's still there, but inside that, you have big down
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revision in manufacturing jobs, some people are arguing that the manufacturing jobs actually in decline, falling now. how close in your judgment does this bring us to recession or is that overblown concern? >> i think it reinforces that manufacturing is in a recession, because again if you go from the peak manufacturing jobs prior to the pandemic to now the number of manufacturing jobs post this revision, there really hasn't been any growth in the manufacturing sector and that's completely connell: with the ism number saying it's in recession. now is there enough growth elsewhere in the economy to overcome this downturn in manufacturing? probably, because of all of the excessive government spending that's still going on, but we should not in any way kid ourselves that manufacturing is struggling and has been struggling for years, as reconfirmed by this employment number. larry: michael thank you ever so much. we appreciate your wisdom. folks coming up we'll keep
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the conversation going. robert kennedy, donald trump, kamala harris, don't want to forget her, steve scalise. house majority leader, i'll ask him about this border security business, or the lack thereof. i think ms. harris told some whoppers last night on that subject. i'm kudlow we'll be right back with steve scalise. ♪ and doug. (bell ringing) limu, someone needs to customize and save hundreds on car insurance with liberty mutual. let's fly! (inaudible sounds) chief! doug. (inaudible sounds) ooooo ah. (elevator doors opening) (inaudible sounds) i thought you were right behind me. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, ♪ ♪ liberty. ♪
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>> people know where i stand. i lower taxes. she's raising taxes. she's going to give a tax increase of four-to-five times of what people are paying right now and the country will go into a depression if they do it. she didn't talk about interest rates. the interest rates are now getting close to record rates. people can't do business. nobody can borrow money. people can't go to the american dream and buy a house because they can't afford the interest rate, and even if they could, the money isn't available. larry: that of course was donald trump. he was talking to bret baier and martha maccallum last night on the coverage kamala harris'
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speech. all right, we just thought they would throw that in and get his position now we welcome back to the show house majority leader and old friend steve scalise of the great state of louisiana. thank you, steve for doing this. i wanted to clear something up. the house passed a very comprehensive border security bill. i believe it was hr-2, and it had the wall in it, it had remain in mexico, a lot of important things. kamala harris last night said donald trump was sabotaging closing the border because he didn't like the so-called compromise in the senate. so we went and lookedded at thee numbers. the compromise would have been 4,000 a day and 1.5 million over a year which trump had it down to 400 or 500,000. the executive order that biden put in, which he said he didn't have the authority but did, that was 2,500 a day, would have kept it under, the executive order
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was better than the compromise in the senate but the best bill was your bill, hr-2 maybe you could talk to this discrepancy or the white lie from harris last night. >> just a convenient thing they forgot. kamala harris is against hr-2 and against that bill because our border patrol agents tell us it be the strongest border security bill we ever had and you don't baseline a million people coming into our country every year as being okay. it's not okay. maybe for kamala harris having a million people a year is fine. most americans say stop this flood. let's get a secure border. donald trump knows how to do it. most of this could be done through executive order but hr-2 shows how to get it done. they can't even pass the senate bill but we passed the house bill. even with joe biden and kamala harris opposing that tough border security measure. larry: you know, steve scalise at this late date after these conversations and whatnot, i
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still don't -- the democrats don't want to build a wall. the democrats don't want remain in mexico. i don't think the democrats wanted to replace title 42 for that matter. i mean, i give them, it's still a d minus even though they have an executive order they said they couldn't use. >> yeah, they could do all of those things and they refuse. they've made a conscience decision to have an open border and we seen the deadly consequences. it's not just the millions of people coming in illegally. you know it's the wreckage. i mean deaths everyday. donald trump was at the border again yesterday talking, bringing some of these parents who have lost their kids. you know, how many is enough. kamala harris doesn't care about those families who are losing their kids through her open border policy. all of these things that she said like last night, you know, wish-listed trillions of dollars of spending, more inflation. that's what we would get. she's the one by the way who cast the deciding vote to double the size of the irs to go after
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people paying tip wages while she's saying she's against tax on tip she's not. she wants higher taxes, more inflation, higher gas prices and an open border. we need a change. we need donald trump. larry: majority leader scalise what did you think about the robert kennedy jr. endorsement of president trump today? >> i thought it was strong, you know? she's been out there building a coalition all around the country. there are a lot of people that have been buying into his message and the democrats have done everything they can to shut him down to keep him off-balance, to end democracy. they love talking about democracy. they literally just threw 14 million of joe biden's votes out the window to throw him to the curb and bring in kamala and they want to end what kennedy has been doing and i think he's going to help donald trump. he talks about a lot of the same kind of populous messages, fighting for working families. they are hurting working families. kamala has led the charge to hurt working families and
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they've never laid out a single thing that helps those families who are struggling. it's more spending, more taxes and more government and somehow, that's going to fix the problems that she created over the last three and a half years? i think most people get it. larry: you know, she's running away from and she doesn't want to talk about of course the price controls, crazy idea and another 2 trillion in spending but she's got a whole string of tax hikes, unbelievable tax hike, corporate taxes, capital gains tax, wealth taxes, unrealized capital gains taxes. if it moves she's going to tax it. it reminds me, steve, my old dear friend the late jack kemp you can't tax your way into prosperity and capitalism needs capital but then again, she's not capitalist, is she? >> she's never been for capitalism. she's for higher tax more government and that's why the middle class is being crushed. larry: steve scalise thank you ever so much. be back with my last word. : it'. dad: you wanna help me?
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(fisher investments) i understand. that's why at fisher investments we start by getting to know each other. so i can learn about your family, lifestyle, goals and needs, allowing us to tailor your portfolio. (wife) what about commission-based products? (fisher investments) we don't sell those. we're a fiduciary, obligated to act in your best interest. (husband) so how do your management fees work? (fisher investments) we have a transparent fee, structured so we do better when you do better. at fisher investments, we're clearly different. larry: i'll just say hat's off to robert kennedy or jr. for endorsing donald trump because it's a true pro-democracy movement and the democrats have been anti-dem do crass no matter what they may day. -- they say. and robert kennedy broke through that today for trump, and it's fascinating and hard-hitting, and it's a good move. and now for an even better move, always, liz macdonald, up next


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