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tv   Kudlow  FOX Business  August 27, 2024 7:00pm-8:00pm EDT

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♪ the future is not just going to happen. you have to make it. and if you want a successful business, all it takes is an idea, and now becomes the future where you grew a dream into a reality. the all new godaddy airo. put your business online in minutes with the power of ai. lar welcome to cuddly i'm david
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asman americans continue to struggle with wages. arising fear of chaos, and unrest here and abroad is setting in. relative peace of trump years has been replaced by new wars in the world. as their adversaries taken advantage of biden-harris policy of appeasement. we have tulsi gabbard, who jujust endorsed trump, she will join us later in the hour, but first. aishah hasnie, is on campaign trail, where trump and vance are slamming harris on the economy, border and her foreign policy failures, what is the latest? reporter: senator jd vance wrapped up a rally here in big rapids michigan. he was here, because just up
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road from the rally is site of a chinese owned company, that will build a massive 2.4 billion dollar lithium battery plant for electric vehicles here. democrat governor whitmer is backing this build of the plant, she out thes it will create more -- tout its will create more than 2 thousand job could former president trump come out and said that push for electric vehicles to killing michigan. vance is also blaming biden-harris administration's war on energy as he calls it for causing two major engine plants to close in michigan. >> even some folks in obama's administration saying that the gotion factory plant is a threat to america's national security. even obama's, leadership. but kamala harris wants to allow the chinese communist
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party to build factory on american soil did y but pay them to do it with our tax money. reporter: a strategy by. to target rust bell states like michigan, pennsylvania and wisconsin. as trump and harris campaigns clash over debate rules, anded around whether or not microphones should stay on during the enter program, vance caught up with me or i caught up with him, heed told me former president wants to debate harris, period. >> do you think he would be open to renegotiating rules. >> i don't think we're getting there yet, make them follow the rules they agreed to. i think that is what they want to do.
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reporter: developing here, source familiar telling me a debate will happen hosted by abc, and cnn rules will afternoon my, but, that has not been confirmed by either campaign on the record by third campaign or abc news the network. we await to hear official confirmation if that is really what is happening. >> all kind of whispering going on. about whether or not that is acceptable, it will happen, aishah hasnie thank you so much. >> joining me now, florida congressman mike waltz, great to see you. wonderful to see you at the memorial, it was made apparent right away that the president of the united states, man responsible for
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the withdrawal and methods of withdrawal that led to 13 deaths of u.s. servicemen and women was not going to be there and a former president was there, you were very moved by, that vents, that must have really ticked you off that president of united states, was not there? >> well, it was not unexpected. that biden nor harris were there, they never said the word afghanistan the entire dnc convention, much less mentions 13 soldiers and marinesry lost. it is so unnecessary. i lost green bera b -- president trump, was there this is not just some drive by photooy op, he developed a real reall
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relationship with the family. >> i don't think they will be able to erase the memory of those 13 troops who died. needlessly. that is not forgotten. by us or by donald trump, or people responsible for that, donald trump spoke to that yesterday in detroit after the ceremony, i want to play that with your reaction. >> when i take office, we'll ask for resignation of every single official. every senior official who touched afghanistan calamity to be on my desk at noon on inauguration day, nobody got
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fired, nobody ever gets fired in this administration, amazing. >> i was happy to hear, that as father of a marine, really hit hard, he was my son was based in afghanistan for a year. but, on other hand, i just think high sent out word to deep state, that he is coming after them. do you think that they are now in the process of coming after him before he is elected? >> well, david they have been in the process of coming after him since 2016. you know, he -- that room was full of national guardsmen and women, soldiers from all over the country, their annual convention that statement on accountability was a huge applause line. they know their leaders messed up, they know it should not have been done that way, you never pull your military assets out before civilians and allies,
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also importantly promised families full transparency. all videos and drone footage and e-mails, he promised closure, and answers to their questions they have not received under biden-harris.. >> he always had support from the troops whether they are in military or police force. they have great respect for president trump, on other hand the small cabal at top, that the deep state that controls so much of what goes on whether fbi or the pentagon or wherever, i am wondering when you think of what they did in 2016, even after he was elected throughout his first temp at president then up to 2020 election i wonder what is in store now? >> well, look, i think as we get closer to the election and president trump is ahead, it would not surprise me if they lot of bureaucrats dig in. and president trump, i am
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confident will put people in place in leadership positions that are leaders that will drive accountability and will clean house. you have a pentagon right now that has a recruiting crisis, a readiness crisis a ship build building crisis, navy announced a navy ship sideline they can't man the ships, they don't have enough cre crews or people. >> our enemies are not sleeping overseas oh oh, china is now we heard, they are setting up plants here, battery plants and they just were involvinged in a big effort to interfere with our internet systems, to get information including information on our ports and et cetera, and infrastructure. i just wonder, will we find
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out how compromised this administration has been by china, with all relationships, between biden family and antony blinken and chinese government? >> that is why we have to win, in november. i don't know that we'll ever find out the full, extent but we'll expose it wherever we see it, this cyberark attack is serise, we're under a tsunami of cyberark darks from iran and china, that is that do administration doing about did, squat? they are putting cyber time bombs in our critical infrastructure we have to demonstrate strength and spstart imposes con fences, you cannot expensive company, port and pipeline
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to play perfect defense. we have to shift and change the game. >> we have tulsi gabbard coming up, in this hour, i am wondering what do you think of her joining the transition team, and similarities with trump. >> i worked with tulsi gabbard in congress, we were on armed service committee, she is say veteran, a l lieutenant colonel. a battalion commander in reserves right now she understands needs what is going on in military and understands congress, i think will be a measured and strong surrogate advocate for president trump's america first agenda, i am thrilled with her endorsement. >> michael waltz thank you so much for being here. and best wishes to your family as well.
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>> thank you, go army. >> all right semper fi back at you. >> coming up america zuckerberg admits biden-harris pressures facebook to sensor americans, that is against the law we talk about it with jonathan turley when kudlow continues. if you have wet amd, you never want to lose sight of the things you love. some things should stand the test of time. long-lasting eylea hd could significantly improve your vision. more people on eylea hd had no fluid in the retina, compared to those on eylea at 4 months. eylea hd is the only wet amd therapy that helped 8 out of 10 people go up to 4 months between injections, after 3 initial monthly treatments. if you have an eye infection, eye pain or redness or allergies to eylea hd, don't use. eye injections like eylea hd
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david: the truth is out. mark zuckerberg says that biden-harris administration did pressure facebook to censor content in 2021, joining us now jonathan turley. fox news contractor or. author of the right, good to see you. it is nice for zuckerberg to admit it, but you point out in an article, he has -- he could have said it a long time ago, not until he was pressured by congress to say what he da, i think he made choices that with benefit of hindsight and new information, we would not make today. why did it take him so long to say that? >> well, the statement is
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more contrive than contrite, years av silence. after years of silent by zuckerberg. you know elon musk has been subject of unrelenting attacks since he released twitter files and facebook fought every effort to release facebook files, most of us presumed had similar coercion pressure from government. zuckerberg never fessed up. in my book, i talk about facebook role in this. you know, why this is such a unprecedented and anti-free speech movement because of the alliance of governments, corporations, media and a academia, he was forced to do that by house judiciary
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committee, he came to that epiphany because he was forced to make the disclosures. david: i hope he means it when he says we would not make the same mistakes now. you bring up an interesting point. people use socialism over communism in describe this administration, it is corporativism, mussolini's italy, a few corporation in government that controlled the whole spear, i think of dangers there, i think of a corporativist environment, you know what i'm saying. >> you are right. that is why you know in book, it is dangerous conceit for people to look at for example and periods of we have gone through of anti-free speech, efforts by
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the government to assume we'll withstand this with, this is different, we we have never encountered this before because of companies like facebook, zuckerberg said i'm really sorry about being silent, he was not facebook had a commercial campaign that went on for years he tried to sell young people to embrace censorship, i wrote about, that it was creepy, they were focusing on young people, we have a generation of speech phobics, they have been told since they were young free speech is harmful it is triggering, facebook tried to sell that to get a free people to be less free that does not work well. david: best cure, medicine for this, is competition, of free market, and what has changed most, i would say
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since 2020 is the change of hands of twitter, getting in hands of elon musk and elon musk opening up a whole new universe of competition that facebook did not have. now that competition will do more to cure zuckerberg's old habits i think than and civil righteousness. >> i think that is right. and people need to remember that this whole crusade against elon musk, unrelenting attack on everything he touches started when he dismantled the censorship program, this is part of antifree speech movement, zuckerberg said ssilent on this high didn't say anything, he lacked courage of elon
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musk. david: i agree. i want to touch on something that deals with kamala harris, and her plans for future. she was talking about price controls, you know, a lot of democrats and some republicans are saying she could not get even if elected. well, i would say is, look at student loan forgiveness program, you have supreme court deciding you cannot do that mr. president, because you can't spend 600 billion dollars on our own, he is doing it anyway, he continues to roll out t new regulations that are essentially student loan forrforgiveness plans, she has learned from biden, that might mean engaging in price controls without congress approval. >> there is a very serious chance of this this d da administration,
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evaded separations of powers, and the president himself admitted he was told his eviction m mo moratorium was unconstitution rally, he still did it. people who assume they will go to congress and throw in the towel have in the been watching. david: you want to watch our next guest. i will sure you will be ib revved in tulsi gabbard -- interested in tulsi gabbard, thank you. >> thank you. david: coming up, tulsi gabbard, former democrats are lining up to endorse donald trump ahead of november, the latest former democrat congresswoman, and dnc vice chair, colonel gabbard will join me next to
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david: for more on trump effort to grow republican big tent we bring in charlie hurt. fox news contributor and ned ryun, founder and ceo of ima american majority we're about to talk with colonel gabbard, charlie, i want to ask you, rfk we didn't see that coming, actual-- actual it tulsi gabbard we knew connected with donald trump on some credittal issues, what do you make of her entrance to trump campaign. >> it is interesting, i think key point is that on some critical issues. >> th -- neither won't agrees with donald trump on everything, they agree with him on most important
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things, like in case of rfk, censorship and regime of wars in the world, i think that -- it under scores degree to which the trump campaign has presented itself, it is fairly so, as an independent voice, to bring common sense to government. which has been lacking for a long time. david: and you know, thing that i love about this, ned is we keep -- this phrase diversity is most over used phrase in not only in united states but in the world right now. diversity of thought does not seem to enter into this. martin luther king jr. told us that diversity of race is a skain skin color does not get to depth of character of person, donald trump is try is trying to do that with diversity of thought. obviously he and rfk jr. and
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tulsi gabbard don't agree on everything, but with democrats you have to agree on everything. anything against their grain is forbidden. >> correct, i think that, rfk, and tulsi gabbard, and elon musk, this is a realignment of politics they realize the greatest threat to our freedom, prosperity and security is the far left, un-american i would argue authoritarian, democratic party, 2024 want to show us, people say it is red verse blue, it is not, it is freedom versus socialism, representative democracy versus a authoritarian lift, i use reprrepresentative
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democracy intentionally only guy in dc who is running for president who believes in it and consequences to election and change in policy foreign and domestic is donald j. trump. david: charlie, irony is that the democratic convention was all about sitting themselves as party of fr freedom, you look at their actions, not that only jonathan turley was talking about but the confinement, unless i fit in their space you were outed or if you are not dloafn out thrown out of room you are censored if in the room. >> i think it is we are found ourselves in a situation not left versus right it, it is common sense versus the wacko extremes that we saw last week. and you know. the whole idea of the trump
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message is that he wants to bring to washington something that as ned points out representative of the voters back home. this frustration with washington, goes back to at least 2008, whole point of barack obama, back then, was democrats wanted hoping -- they had hope they wanted change in washington they did not get that with barack obama they got more of the same, my belief is that, donald trump and rfk any tulsi gabbard this movement may be last best shot the bringing change to washington. in our lifetimes. >> ned, the big difference, is that elon musk is has provided a new vehicle for free exchange of ideas in world but we have a record of 4 years of biden-harris administration, we see in terms of economy and border, but in the world. and that is one thing that tulsi gabbard is
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particularly interested in. the dangers that we face in the world, she spent a year in iraq in heart of the iraq war. she knows the dangers better than anyone. but, the 4 relatively peaceful years of the trump administration compared to wars that have blown up in the world since biden came into office biden and harris, that is a stark contrast. >> it really is. david, people think that trump was a response and reaction to obama, he was a reaction his being alleged to white house was a reaction to obama and george w. bush and whole idea of foreign interventions and nation building and the thing that donald trump brings to the take they will really frightens a lot of people in dc . is something that charlie said, common sense americanism. that there is no real die hard i'm fully committed to a republican creed.
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or, nothing do with democratic party but what is good common sense americanism, a policy that benefits the american people, and all things foreign and domestic policy, that benefits them. and for saying these things, donald trump was considered radical for suggesting in a government of by and for the people we should have a government this benefits people first and last in all. david: i will touch third rail of election political correctness, the question of voter fraud. whether it is you know getting illegal migrants to sign up and register to vote or ballot stuffing or whatever, i am wondering whether you think that g.o.p. has done enough in mornings since we switched leadership, on top of, that to really put in poll watchers necessary to prevent voter fraud from happening in november. >> well let us never forget it democrat party fought
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tooth and nail against simply require people to show an i.d. at poll. david: 81% of americans favor 2.5% of democrats voted for. when it came up to vote last month. >> correct. >> and you have to make those fixes now, this will be really interesting to look at what has been governor youngkin has done in virginia and abbott in texas in terms of kr cleaning up, that it will be interests to watch two states after the election to see what difference we're looking at in terms of clients those things -- cleaning those things up that will be a st argument going forward, but republicans need to do it now. >> charlie and ned we have a special gift, thank you, we appreciate it before. here is a clip from 2019
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democratic presidential debate. >> senator harrissa proud of her record as a prosecutor, i am know concerned, she put over 1500 people in jail are in marijuana violations and laughed about it, when asked if he ever smoked marijuana, she blocked evidence that would have freed an innocent man from death row, she kept people in prison beyond their sensen to too use them as cheap labor in california. >> that was former democrat congresswoman. tulsi gabbard. she is joining me now, great to see you. should i call you colonel. >> tulsi is great. david: you and rfk part of trump campaign, why did you go with trump?
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>> david. choice in this election, is very clear, and differences between president trump and vice president harris could not are more stark, the choice for american people is a choice with donald trump a man who values peace, prosperity and freedom, he has a record that proves that and vice president kamala harris record shows a tyrannical government undermining our freedoms, we're embroiled in multiple wars in world, and closer to brink of nuclear war then before and increasing economic hardship for americans, throughout the last three 1/2 years she has served as vice president. that contrast could noting more clear this is personal for me, because, as soldier now for over 21 years i have deployed to m war zones,
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'is important to me and everyone of my brothers and sisters in uniform we have a commander in chief who values every one of our lives and dh cares that responsible, servicely, and will exhaust all diplomatic avenues before seeing war truly as a last resort. last point that i'll make on that, another point of contrast, president trump showed through his last administration, not only he did not start any new wars, but he took act to prevent them, by meeting with adversaries, allies, partners, dictators he heighmet with whoever he needed to to pursue peace, kamala harris criticized him for that, i am certain she'll lead us quickly to a war to masks the weakness and insecurity
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she feels and try to project strength, using lives of my brothers and sisters in uniform. david: note like donald trump sat on his hands while challenged abroad, isis is a perfecter example of that. he wrapped it unclearly in syria and iraq where they did most of there are horrible work in m months, with targeted -- he was not afraid to take on russians by the way, killing 200 russian mercenary troops in syria. >> that is a interesting contrast you point out, between donald trump who recognize threat of islamist terrorism and acted to defeat isis, and you contrast on to obama administration, and with kamala harris as well, they won't use the words radical
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islamist terrorists. because they are afraid of being caused islamophobes, under obama administration they refused to go after al qaeda, in syria. so, you look at contrast of these presidents and kamala harris, who will not use those words, and can not be trusted to sc keep american people safe from continued threat of radical islamist perrism. david: you realize, you were dealing with this in 2020, how she tries to wiggle out of her past statements do flip flops, she is denying all sorts of things, from her past. and one thing that she denied yesterday by not showing up at memorial to the 13 service empl
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people killed 3 years ago of her role in not only withdrawal way that withdrawal was conducted she led it out in 2021. your reaction. >> afghanistan. >> yes. >> were you last person in room. >> yes. >> you feel comfortable. >> i do. >> you think she will try to wiggle out of that? >> of course. it is like every other major position she has taken that has turned out to be such a disaster for american people and our national security, this is disgusting and maddening she was silent, she p put out a statement on piece of paper yesterday, but why was she not out there at arlington cemetery, she said he was last person in room to speak with jobe
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joinjoe biden, she is good with it, why h hasn't she called them to check on them, apologize to them and grief alongside them. this is another example of why kamala harris is unfit to serve as our president. and commander chief, something they have been warning important people back to 2019. david: you did pin rose on her for her past statements back in 2020, are you going to help or in midst of helping former president trump as he prepares. >> president trump is ready to debate kamala harris today, there is no doubt about his preparedness, any ability for me to offer national help would come from my experience being on that debate stage with her, she will try to wiggle her way out of her very real
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record she had over last flethree and a half years, we seen how she says we stand for freedom, il. shias mark swlu zuckerberg pointed out she and joe biden used them. and labeled me a domestic terrorist, because of my exercise of free speech and exposing her record. what she says, her record is the opposite. >> we talked about your record with congressman waltz an old friend of yours from your days in congress. how did 12 months in iraq. you there were same time period my son was there. how did that inform your view of our role in a very
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dangerous world, and might that play a role in the trump administration if elected in. >> you know, i served in a bhed c medical unit there, every day i was confronted with the very high human cost of war, this was such a life changing experience for me, made it so when came home from that, it motivated my to find some way, shape or form to help influence, impact and make the decisions any war and peace about where our men and women in uniform are sent to harm's way, i same close, first hand war profiteering. i saw politics who would fly in take their photo op and leave, who voted to start that war that took so many american lives. and the hypocrisy they say, thank you for your service to v veteran a day but
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they will not hesitate to use us as cannon fodder to advance their own power hungry goals. president trump understands this. i have had a different experience but i wented at arlington, yesterday morning he spent hours, hours with the gold star families, there were two survivors at attack at abbey gate in afghanistan they were severely disabled, he is eager to take that responsible back to stop the unnecessary wars of choice, to walk us back from brink of nuclear wars and put us on the path toward peace, prosperity and freedom that joe biden and kamala harris have destroyed through out the last three and a half years. david: it is peace through strength he believes in. not unlike ronald reagan, would you play a role, in
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something involved wa military or defense if he is is if elected. >> if given that opportunity i would be grateful to serve and help him safe our country, and get us back 3rd toward ta future for all americans. david: we're grateful for your service colonel gabbard. >> thank you, david. david: best of luck to you. >> coming up price of gold is soaring, record highs, is inflation really defeated? real ask steve moore when kudlow continues. your best defense against erosion and cavities is strong enamel. nothing beats it. i recommend pronamel active shield because it actively shields the enamel to defend against erosion and cavities. i think that this product is a gamechanger for my patients. try pronamel mouthwash. did i read this? did i get eggs?
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have any doubt this inflation is with us she would en ta enact the price control rules. >> she wants to spend 2 trillion more, "new york times" reported she wants 5 trillion of tax increases, neither of those will tame inflation, they will spending increase and taxing the make it worse with prices. and so, all she has left is brig control. i -- price control, i was another show with one of her economists she said we'll have grocery store police growing down the aisles, and checking prices. that is -- that is like old soviet union. david: it is, or like nixon days, that created shortages. and i am wondering away that nixon did it, he -- his authority he claimed from 1970 law, that gave him --
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they never thought it would be used stupid them, nixon did even a republican wants to blame someone other than himself for inflation, she could find some way of getting around congress and supreme court. >> well, by the way i think nixon did, in 1971 was one of most unc unconstitutional grabs of power, to tell companies you can't change your prices and workers you can't change your wages? where does it say that government has that authority. we have a minutes, one quick point. about this idea of fed, lowering interest rates, i was nominated to be on fed, i didn't make it, i would vote no against this i don't see why two months before an election, one of most important, seems to me that fed is you know pressing their thumb on scale. and i thought he -- jerome
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powell wanted to make sure they were politically independent. >> what would you do if you believe that rates were too high, and the fed, you would wait until after the election of over. >> i would, yes. david: wow. >> i think there a case either way, i could make a case for not cutting rates and a case for cutting. but i don't think that now is a good time, this r really threatened independent, a lot of americans believe that powell is playing politics shehe does not like don. donald trump. david: do you think possible to get a 50 bases point cut in september. >> i doubt it a quarter. david: i think a quarter is already been priced into the market. >> yes, i agree. david: okay, steve moore thank you so much. see you soon. more kudlow after this.
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8:00 pm
>> that's all for kudlow today, we'l we'll see you back here tomorrow. >> news is first draft o


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