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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  August 28, 2024 10:00am-11:00am EDT

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♪ trouble trouble trouble ♪ stuart: i like this song. i knew you were trouble. not sure what that refers to. lauren: trouble is good. stuart: 10:00 eastern. straight to the money. green the dow but not the nasdaq. we are waiting for nvidia. the tenure treasury yield has been going up, 3.83%. the price of oil $74.62. bitcoin is coming down to 59, that's the markets. now this. we are watching something unique in american politics. the rapid reinvention of the presidential candidate. the policies kamala harris supported just five weeks ago are gone, repudiated. we've never seen anything like this before. you wonder if voters will accept it.
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the latest policy repudiation concerns electric vehicles. has as a senator harris wanted legislation that would ban all gas powered vehicles by 2040. we had to go all electric. now the campaign says, quote, vice president harris does not support an electric vehicle mandate. that's an admission her ev policy is failing so repudiate it. then there is the border and the wall. harris has said frequently it is trump's vanity project and won't work. the biden/harris team stops work on it and materials are resting in the field, now she supports spending $650 million to construct new barriers and sure old ones. why doesn't she come out with it and say build the wall. that's too obvious a flip-flop. she was for abolishing private healthcare, now she's not. she was anti-police, now she's a tough on crime prosecutor. she has repudiated the policies she's been supporting for four
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years. if she submitted questioning like any normal candidate we might find out what she believes now but we will get is a joint interview with tim walz on democrat friendly cnn conducted by dana bash, an old acquaintance of kamala harris. it is an exercise in deception. the old kamala has been repudiated but we don't know who the new kamala is and they hope they can carry this deception through to the election. will the real kamala harris stand up? probably not. the deception is about winning no matter the cost to our country. she's not a normal candidate and not a normal election. second hour of varney just getting started. ♪ stuart: look who's here. jason chaffetz. will voters accept harris flip-flopping on so many issues?
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>> reporter: they shouldn't. who wants a candidate, the word you used is deception. that's the right word. we don't know. she won't do it in writing on her website. i want to hear from the candidate themselves. that's why you go through the rigorous process, got to answer questions to voters and the media and she's done none of that. when she did it in 2,000, one of the most radical left-wing people out there she was polling at i believe 6 places behind andrew yang of california. that's how bad she was received by the democrats. they are afraid what she might say and reveal but shouldn't we know what the president feels like an actual beliefs? at this point we don't. stuart: why can't she do a solo interview? she's on cnn with tim walz. why can't she do it alone?
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>> i don't think she is capable of it. she's not drawn by policy or principle. that is consistent. she's one of those candidates that flops and flips depending on the whims of the politics of the day. she's willing to say or do anything to gain power. i don't think she's driven by policy or an actual principle that people can relate to or even understand. stuart: the governor of virginia glenn youngercan says virginia has removed 6000 noncitizen registered voters from their voting rolls. in texas, governor abbott has removed more than a million ineligible voters since 2021. should other states clean up their voter rolls? maybe it is too late. 68 days until the election. >> less than that, in september early voting starts. ohio identified some. these people need to be
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prosecutor. how did they register? did they vote in the last election? until others see people going to jail for illegal voting and registering illegally, it's currently against the law. they need to put these people in jail, that will send the strongest message. every state should be asking what is my state doing to make sure we have a legitimate vote of integrity. stuart: see you again soon. the supreme court justice ketanji brown jackson claims the high court may need to respond to the november election. what is she saying? lauren: she said she is ready to wait for a potential election challenge. >> i am prepared that this election could end up before the supreme court. as prepared as anyone can be. >> are you prepared for the
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news cycles you are getting? >> no. i think there are legal issues that arise out of the political process and so the supreme court has to be prepared to respond if that should be necessary. lauren: the interview drops next week, the election in ten weeks. does she think trump or harris will challenge the results? they will be prepared. stuart: what did j.d. vance say about the admission the biden/harris administer ration pressured them? lauren: zuckerberg's letter is in i told you so moment for many republicans. if it were silicon valley it's a moment for accountability. this happened, we are sorry. how can we make sure it doesn't happen again? here's an idea from j.d. vance.
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>> if a trump/vance team is elected will you stay neutral when it comes to social media and the press? >> we think there are some laws we have to worry about. these company's are too big and powerful especially big tech companies that censor american citizens, that's the revelation of censorship in a way that affected an american election. we should be concerned about it. it suggests our government and the big tech sensors are too powerful to cut this stuff out. lauren: section 230 that strips legal immunity from the big tech companies but can i posit that government doesn't have to do anything. maybe the tide has turned. we heard from zuckerberg. vance has the support of silicon valley. the telegram ceo will be charged or jailed today. that will set precedent about where we are going after all the mistakes that were made by big tech and government censorship for the past four years. stuart: better get to the market.
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the dow is up 80. nasdaq is down 81. why is nvidia the most important earnings report of them all? >> it is worth a trillion dollars and has a big waiting in the s&p 500 and can influence other stocks. i'm not an options expert but there was a stat saying 9% move after earnings predicted on the upside or downside so it matters. stuart: that was huge. think of a 9% move up or down, that affects the market. >> going forward we are at the point with nvidia where nvidia is doing $100 billion and data center sales and other competitors starting to ramp up awake amd in the low billions just ramping up the data center ai chip capability in terms of sales, we are at the point if
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nvidia shows deceleration in terms of growth when they give their guide or commentary going forward you might see amd or some of the other small competitors, might get a benefit. stuart: why you say that ai adoption has stalled? >> it has. you are at 5% of businesses worldwide that have adopted artificial intelligence, the equity strategist -- it was like 5% a few weeks ago and you are seeing are flat line and that is okay. economic growth is decelerating. when you look at what's on the 5% side of the aggregate stat it is cyclical retail consumer discretionary. they are not looking for a lot of revenue growth next year and they have to make sure when they invest in new big projects, those initial
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investments even though ai will be efficient to they have to be careful in the near term and that is okay. we one what does that mean? a pullback in ai adoption but less money going into it? >> it's a secular growth or long-term growth trend but in the midst of that uptrend you have little cycles where companies have to be aware of what they are spending. you want to look at opportunities. we published a big pool back in the stock, pull up a chart if you are at home or whatever and it's an opportunity for the long-term. stuart: we appreciate it. we will watch you on baron's roundtable fridays at 7:30 p.m. on fox business. you have a deal with supermicro. that's falling out of bed. lauren: they have delayed their annual report saying they need
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time for management to complete their review of internal controls. yesterday hindenburg research said there was accounting manipulation and the company has to respond to that. it's a big decline, stock is double this year. it's a high fire, a ipo way, nvidia is a customer but when hindenburg goes after you, you have a problem. stuart: berkshire hathaway. lauren: the first non-tech the us company to hit the milestone and happened two days before warren buffett's -- happy birthday a little bit early. stuart: trillion dollars. lululemon. lauren: stock is cut in half. analysts say you don't have to be everything to everybody. cater to who your core customer is. expect sales to increase by 9%.
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that slower than it has been. stuart: iran's supreme leader said he's open to renewing negotiations, talking with the us over tehran's nuclear program. is that a retreat by the iranians? retired general keith kellogg deals with that. ukraine hopes to get biden's blessing to strike russian targets with american long-range missiles. we have that next. ♪ clem's not a morning person. or a night person. or a...people person. but he is an "i can solve this in 4 different ways" person. and that person... is impossible to replace. you need clem. clem needs benefits. work with principal so we can help you help clem with a retirement and benefits plan that's right for him.
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stuart: we are waiting for the nvidia results from the dow is up 17, nasdaq is down 78.
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lloyd austin meets with ukrainian officials at the pentagon. does ukraine want permission from us to use american long-range weapons against russia. >> they been asking for these for a long time. against civilian infrastructure inside ukraine since the beginning of the war but also very interestingly this is about diplomatic moves as well. president zelenskyy saying he would be open for negotiations next year and what he needs to get there. this has killed 13 people, injured dozens and destroyed hotels, homes, critical infrastructure across the country. this is a response to ukrainian incursion. this is where ukrainian told 500 mi. of russian territory and are
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advancing which president zelenskyy said is part of his victory plan. he put together this victory plan he plans to present to president biden next month that could lay the groundwork for negotiations next year, first time he has admitted that. for the negotiation to succeed zelenskyy has said ukrainians need permission to use long-range us missiles to hit russian bases, military depots 400 miles inside russia. that would seriously hold the russian assaults. the biden administration has denied them that ability. they fear and escalation if they do so, something president zelenskyy has said is unfounded. the counter side is the russian foreign minister warned the it would risk world war iii. the court do some analysts, preparation on both sides, russians and ukrainians sides for future negotiations that could take place next year. both sides want the most
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advantage, ukrainians think long-range missiles from the us would give them a better negotiating position when it comes to that. stuart: see you again soon. as benjamin reported, next month, zelenskyy will present president biden with his plans, quote, end the war with russia. we are joined by lieutenant general keith kellogg. part of the report we just heard was that zelenskyy wants permission from us to use american long-range weapons inside russia that will allow him to go to the negotiating table next year. do you agree? >> thanks for having me. you fight a war aggressively. it was bold when they went into the region. it's important to the russians. kursk was the site of the most major battle that turned the tide against the germans for the russians. there was a real reason they did it.
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they moved into maneuver warfare, what they should say to the ukrainians as we will give you more to level the battlefield. you can't just allowing aggressor to have a sanctuary. restrictive weapons for the ukrainians who allowed this to happen. there are no sanctuaries, there shouldn't be. that's not how you fight wars. stuart: what weapons do they want? >> what they are talking about is a longer-range attack. increase range from 150 miles to 300 miles. that's what they want to have to put the onus on the russians and this is what you want to have them. . giving support to ukrainians. they haven't asked for any nato troops but given the weaponry they have, fighting a battle against sovereignty and we
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should help them do that. zelenskyy is right, this drives both sides to negotiation table. that's how this war will end. this war won't end with a military victory but negotiations on both sides of the war. stuart: a different theater. iran's supreme leader has opened the door for renewed negotiations with the nuclear program. he said there was, quote, no harm in engaging with the enemy. i they intrigued? that's the first time we heard from the supreme leader about we will talk. >> with the israelis they reestablished deterrence in the region. deterrence is based on credibility, the capability which you gotta quit and the other as well, the israelis have shown the will to strike against iran, hezbollah and hamas as well. they set the table. this allows the supreme leader
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to say we want to go to the negotiation and discuss nuclear talks. this is seeing is believing, they bring something to the table. you seen a change, it's been three weeks since that attack by israel into tehran that killed the leader of hamas. a little bit concerned what the israelis are going to do. they have a doctrine basically escalation and dominance where you respond quite forcefully above the norms. iranians now realize that. stuart: iranian leadership worried that they assassinated themselves, are they worried about that? >> they should be. what the israelis have done is set the stage which after munich they said there is no bounds.
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if you lead an assault on israel we will come after you. we said the same thing. donald trump's last state of the union, the last part of that speech, he said if you attack an american your life is forfeit. we said the same thing which we proved that was what netanyahu is saying is you are on the target list as well. we said that after they went after soleimani -- in a rack, we said the same thing to the supreme leader. kill an american we are coming after you. that's a good thing to do. stuart: tough stuff. thanks for joining us, we appreciate it. middle east policy expert who helped get the iran nuclear deal signed into law, was it signed into law? didn't go through the senate, says that kamala harris will seek a similar agreement if she wins in november. are we talking about kamala
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harris reopening the iran nuclear deal? ashley: she said she wanted to do that in the past but she has been pretty short on details recently so we don't know for sure. joe rubin, strategist, democratic strategist and former member of the obama administration says the only way to reign in iran's nuclear program is to negotiate a new agreement that is firm and verified. watch this. >> the idea the old nuclear deal can be restarted, we are past that. iran's progress has exceeded previous limitations to be renegotiated but verified the nuclear deal for supplies to accelerate a nuclear weapon. that has to be the goal. the best way to do that is a nuclear agreement that is firm and verified. kamala harris is a realistic president.
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ashley: the original agreement was signed in 2015, lifted sanctions on tehran. donald trump pulled out of the deal in 2018 with republicans claiming it was too week. it is short-lived 2020 presidential campaign to enjoy the iran deal, and it is unclear if she still feels that way. stuart: when big tech moved into a city home prices go up. some big tech companies spending billions to bring prices down. we have that story for you. the landlords are offering incentives to renters who pay on time like 2% cash back. some financial experts say it is smoke and mirrors. after this. ♪
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new projects means new project managers. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. when you sponsor a job, you immediately get your shortlist of quality candidates, whose resumes on indeed match your job criteria. visit and get started today. stuart: let's check in video. they report at 4:00 this
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afternoon. that may move the market. it down a fraction. 0.55%. lauren: it will pack a punch. stuart: the movers. this is a cybersecurity sentinel one. lauren: they are down 1%. they've seen fresh demand for their product and increased their sales outlook for the year. why are shares lower, they are not getting as much market share from the power outage that happened at crowds to rake, which is down 1%. stuart: footlocker. lauren: post today last 2 times as wide as a year ago. business is not getting better, relying on their products. we one bath and body works. lauren: the ceo says customers expect discounts. bad earnings, cut outlook for the year, 6%. we want retailers taking it on the chin.
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lauren: we want value and discounts. stuart: we told you how landlords offer incentives for renters who pay on time like a 2% cash back. why do some experts say this will lead to higher rents? >> financial experts say renters shouldn't just accept these points in place of concessions. usually concessions are anywhere from a month to two months, 2 million people are signed up for pinyon, one of these consumer programs. they earn $125 a year. does that feel like enough for renters? that comes only out to 0.6% of the annual average rent people are paying in the us. compare that to the average
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concession in the first half of 2024, equivalent to 5% annual rent or over $1000 according to moody's. >> i don't see piñata as a replacement for things like concessions. >> reporter: renters can also increase their credit score by creating on time so piñata reports to all three major credit bureaus and does not report when you don't pay your rent on time. that could increase your credit score by 65 points. >> things they focus on in the reporting, month over month it is about 14. 5% increase with reduction in delinquency.
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a number we are looking at. lauren: according to a harvard report, 12 million people were spending half their income on rent. stuart: we hear you very much indeed. some big tech companies created housing initiatives to lower home prices. amazon's housing equity fund growing $3.6 billion lending money to developers building affordable homes. mitch rochelle is our real estate expert who joins us now. how do we get developers to build more affordable housing. >> a developer incentive to build homes they build homes, the things i always say the term homebuilder or developer is more of a verb than a noun. affordable housing, the problem is all that costs that go into
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building home require rent to be at a certain level, not going to build a home for $400,000 and sell it for $350,000 so the market needs to be there but air costs are so high, lower the interest rate and give them a tax -- stuart: is that the name of the game? >> you and i are old enough to remember this. something called investment tax credit the gave developers and other investors an incentive for buying them. people built hotels because they could get an immediate tax credit for putting in beds and televisions and property items, same with homebuilders, that is what works when you give somebody a dollar for dollar credit. stuart: democrats hate developers. >> they love campaign
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contributions from them. lauren: they like consumers. what about credit for renovating a home? >> the way the tax credit worked back in the day, you could get it as an individual tax payer or developer so if you renovating your home and put in a new kitchen and new bathroom a lot of the costs of the materials you purchased get a dollar for dollar credit. stuart: kamala harris wants to build 3 million homes in a 4-year period. to tax incentives to developers, is that part of the plan? >> no, definitely not. the only way to fix the problem is to fix the supply side and not the demand side. if you look at these initiatives amazon has, they are giving interest-free loans to first-time homebuyers. that does nothing to keep home prices down. every dollar you pump into the demand side of the economy creates inflation in the price
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of whatever they by. stuart: la will pay $38 million to settle a lawsuit, accessibility requirements, federal plant money for its affordable housing program. you can't build affordable housing period. >> i'm in the business of building attainable housing. california has the best laws in the nation to create a pathway for more housing supply. they are taking away zoning laws like red tape that made it impossible for builders to build. in california statewide, you and tear down existing single-family home and 8 units of market rate housing on the same lot. what a way to fix the problem. you try to do that in another state they won't let you but california has that and voter
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incentives if they build affordable housing like subsidized housing where they put you to the front of the line forgetting permits and approvals. the bravo california for realizing the problem is solved on the supply side and not the demand side. stuart: not on this program. >> you are hearing it from me. stuart: chinese government hackers targeted our internet service providers to spy on millions of american users. we have details in the next hour. businesses in minneapolis troubling to survive. many owners blaming governor tim walz for not cracking down on crime and homelessness. that's keeping customers away. mike tobin has the story after this. ♪
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stuart: there are businesses in minnesota blaming tim walz for their struggle to stay afloat. mark tobin is in minneapolis. you spoke to some business owners. what their biggest problem? >> reporter: we spoke with small business owners in terms of retailers, their biggest problem is crime. they all took a hit and then the town that pioneered the deep fund the police movement, open air drug use, petty crime and violent crime, stop coming downtown. thieves and vandals continue to burden people who are trying to make an honest living. >> they are unsafe in the city
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in this area so they are scared to come down here. >> tough because of vandalism. vandalism costs us. when you get windows busted out and doors kicked in and your whole establishment to warn up. >> reporter: minnesota has the highest corporate tax rate at 9.8%. the chamber of commerce says tim walz missed opportunities to grow by emphasizing policies, creating tax and regulatory burdens and limiting the availability of the private sector to reach its potential. minnesota's 30 sixth in the nation for gdp, 37th for job growth. stuart: thanks. one minnesota lawmaker going after tim walz's far left agenda, who is in and what is he saying?
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ashley: mark core ran is sending the alarm about tim walz saying he's nowhere close to being a moderate and will bring his radical left-wing agenda to the white house if he and kamala harris when the election. >> must be a new word for the center because he's nowhere close. the most radical policies we have as a conservative republican in minnesota, trying to describe bills that were passed the last two years. removing parental rights and transgender ideology that puts children in harms way. signed every one of those bills and to me most -- it is so radical when you try to educate. ashley: he says tim walz supports removing parental rights and or calls for a stringent crackdown during the pandemic and hesitated to take
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action after protesters ran riot following the death of george floyd in 2020. although the vice president doesn't have a significant role, he does believe tim walz will be complicit with the most radical agenda but he calls and i american, anti-hard-working legal us citizen. he says that. stuart: coming up, we know car prices have gone up. now auto insurance rates could rise 50% by the end of the year. california state senate passed a measure for interest-rate home loans to illegal migrants. there's a problem. they don't have the money for it. leo terrell on that next. ♪ ♪
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i'm going to have to get two jobs. thomas kennedy, he was a major in the u.s. army. tom loved hockey. he went to west point, to play hockey. and ended up falling in love with the army. he was a father. he was, a great husband, he would give you a shirt off of his back for you. in 2012, tom was deployed to afghanistan. he was on his way to a provincial governor's meeting, tom was killed by a suicide bomber. when the bomb went off, tom was in a group of four that were, killed in the incident. the morning i found out. our world has just been upended. you know, with not having tom around to be here in our everyday life, my sister moved in with us, and she helped me with the day to day life of raising, two year old twins. in 2018 i was diagnosed with breast cancer. kind of threw a wrench in to what we had established as our, our daily life and our new normal.
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stuart: listen to this. auto insurance rates surge in some states by the end of the year. max gordon has the story. which states?
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>> the boarding commute underway in los angeles. not only do these drivers contend with a nasty la traffic about their insurance rates spanking. california one of three states where insurance rates are set to go up by 50% by the end of the year. we are talking about minnesota and missouri. wildfires in california and severe weather in other states. this according to a new report by a company that provides info about the insurance market. the average cost rose by 15% and that number is expected to hit 22% by the end of the year nationwide. increase in severe weather is one of the main drivers behind increasing rhenium czar, climate events the cost one billion dollars more in damage are on the rise, impacting how insurers set rates. vehicle maintenance and repair
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costs have increased by 38% the past five years according to federal figures. high repair costs led to more expensive claims with insurance companies passing cost to consumers. in addition drivers seem to be bidding into more crashes nowadays. >> since the covid 19 pandemic americans seem like they are driving worse than before, accident rates are up substantially. year over year from 2020-2021, they've plateaued but not come down to pre-pandemic levels. >> reporter: where is the most expensive auto insurance? that title goes to maryland with the cost of full coverage sitting at $3400 due in part to a spike in traffic fatalities. new statewide legislation places increase financial responsibly on insurance companies. the lowest insurance rates goes
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to new hampshire with rates sitting at $1000. stuart: thank you. california senate passed 0 down 0 interest home loan program. illegal migrants could receive $150,000 for a down payment. the finance department says it doesn't have the money to pay for it. california guy leo terrell. this is just window dressing. >> it sends a message to ill legals, come to california, we will take care of you. makes no sense whatsoever. they are treating illegals like american citizens and reaping the benefits as an american. this is a magnet for illegal aliens. governor newsom if you wants to have a political career in the future has to veto this. i don't know what he will do but this is california.
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stuart: kamala harris will sit down for an interview 40 days after launching her campaign but it will be a joint interview alongside tim walz the will air on cnn tomorrow. why can't she do this alone? >> you cannot find a single one on one interview with a journalist where she's able to articulate a viewpoint. she has no moral compass to her policies show she needs a helper, a lifeline. she needs a backup plan. that's why tim walz is that there. if dana basch does her job, she has an inventory of video and audio that identify kamala harris as a socialist so the dnc does not trust kamala harris so they brought backdrop. stuart: that won't work with voters if it is perceived that she needs help and doesn't know
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what she's doing in terms of policy. won't work. >> agree with you. you could have donald trump, donald trump will sit by, go one on one. kamala harris is a week candidate. the american public knows that. dana basch if she does her job will expose that. she has no confidence to what her policies are. can't say it clear enough. tim walz is a lifeline in case she gets in trouble with words out he jumps in. of the when it is going to be taped, taped interview broadcast tomorrow night. that leaves opportunity for editing, doesn't it? >> is going to be edited. i guarantee, for cnn to give that interview they had to submit the conditions of the dnc. that tape will be edited. we want to see the raw footage if we get a chance to see it. stuart: and we won't. see you later.
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quick check of the markets as we head to the top of the hour. a mixed picture, dow is up 16, nasdaq down one hundred 35 points. everyone is waiting for the nvidia results. the 10 year treasury yield going up, not good for tech stocks, 382 is the rate. still had. john levine on kamala harris flip-floping on a border wall. cara frederick on how a trump administration should deal with big tech censorship. the 11:00 hour is next. ♪
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11:00 am
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