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tv   The Evening Edit  FOX Business  August 28, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT

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oo, better you! that's a good boy, leo! the future is not just going to happen. you have to make it. and if you want a successful business, all it takes is an idea, and now becomes the future where you grew a dream into a reality. the all new godaddy airo. put your business online in minutes with the power of ai. david: thank you for watching this special edition of kudlow. tune in tomorrow with dr. ben carson and kevin hassett. first up is liz macdonald and up next to take you through the next hour. by the way, say hi to elliot. liz: hi, elliot. i just did. david: thank you. liz: thank you, david. hi, elliot, again. i'm elizabeth macdonald and tonight, rnc cochair lara trump
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with us and talking to us about the new attacks in court against former president trump. even nonpartisan dc analyst warn this selection interference. and there's this too. >> filling our tank and special it and hear it and the guzzling sound. none of it. how do i know it's working? >> it is. liz: wow, she's for the electric car mandates; right in and holding it like it's a gas pump. it's not. she's been piling on the flip-flops. she's now for a border wall and now she's against those electric car mandates that she's demanded that slammed the u.s. car makers and trump would get rid of that, harris is campaigning more like trump. where's her flip-flop and massive tax hikes triggering a recession? trump is increasingly sounding
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like jfk and reagan and trump press campaign secretary levitt takes on the massive tax and spending to get campaign donations and campaigning like trump to get the vote. plus, lit allie unconstitutional kamala harris agenda and supreme court tossed out and biden harris student loan bailout. update into the trump assassination attempt and new details what happen that had terrible day but first this. flip-flops keep oncoming just in time for harris' pretaped interview with cnn and governor tim walz will accompany vice president kamala harris. apparently she can't do that solo. another flip-flop. joining us now is minnesota congressman from house transportation congressman pete. she no longer backs biden's electric car mandate.
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good to see you, kongman. she corresponded senate legislation 2019 to get rid of gas cars and now she says that she doesn't want electric vehicle mandates? >> liz, great to be with you. i can tell you that as you listen to kamala harris talking about positions and flip-flopping and says one thing and does another. let's talk about the border for instance and almost four years and to control the border and unfedderred disaster at the border and cost americans their lives and cost a lot of crime across the nation and overburdened the social service system ask schools and hospitals and law enforcement and talks about the ev mandates and she's gas liting the american people and quite frankly, liz, it's an insult to the american voters on
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what she's trying to do now. the american people are smart and can see through this and un-fort the mainstream media is following along with their mis-respectation and the bottom line is -- misrepresentation and gives us a opportunity to tell the american people what we believe and grieve as conservatives and secure border and we want choice in choosing the automobiles that we choose. liz: let's listen to kamala harris say she's all about electric cars, watch. >> in the year 2021, there can be no doubt the future of transportation and our nation around the world is electric. the auto i have is clear -- industry is clearly moving towards electric. here's the bottom line, we want more families in america to be able to afford an electric car that is made in america.
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the future of transportation is electric. liz: it's disturbing she's doing this. what about the basically tax or free give aways and tax credit that she backed for electric cars and tens of billions of dollars we've blown to do the biden harris electric car mandate to get charging stations up and running. tens of billions in auto industry right down and nobody wants these cars and in fact mckenzie said nearly half of voters say they'll choose a gas car. >> listen, liz, we have to give consumers a choice. don't force us. i can tell you i am from northern minnesota and it's 60, 70 below for days on end. electric vehicle is not going to work in our colder climates and we know that 50% of battery life goes in short order we need to allow the consumer to make that choice. liz, you brought up electric
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charging stations. $7.4 billion was put aside for electric charging stations across this nation, and the biden harris administration installed eight of them. it's wrong in so many ways and again, gaslighting the american people and forcing us to make choices that maybe we don't want to. liz: yeah, looks like there's five dozen or more in the pipeline but we'll see in this charging station. thank you for joining us congressman stauber. we're watching this trend in dc and it's happening. are nancy pelosi and democrats purposely leaking january 6 footage in order to attack former president trump? bring in trump 2024 national press secretary car
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karoline leavitt. >> nancy pelosi's daughter was walking around with a camera on the day of january 6 and in the footage, you hear nancy pelosi saying how she needs to focus on making political attacks against president trump and i think that speaks volumes and proves that president trump has been right about this all along. and that january 6 was nancy pelosi's fault. she was speaker of the house at the time and she failed to protect the house. she was more focused on targeting president trump and are you surprised that's the whole focus of modern day democratic party and anti-trump party and don't stand for anything and look at nominee kamala harris ask can't tell us what she stands for and all she talks about is we need to vote against president trump and president bringing peace, safety, security and a booping economy. liz: people don't like that january 6 riot what happened and voters are upset. we'll get into it lara trump
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later. i want to talk about the flip-flops and it's tim walls does this signal confidence and trust and now critics are wondering and asking will cnn edit out kamala harris' word sackmary lads. vibes and emotions don't lower grocery housing prices or gas price. are you confident that cnn will hold kamala harris' feet to the fire on her flip-flops because she's trying to flip-flop to the middle and sounding more like trump. >> we certainly hope that cnn will do that. i believe they have a responsibility to ask kamala harris tough questions and it's been nearly 40 days and kamala harris avoiding the press. running to be the first woman president of our nation and has to sit alongside her male running mate. she can't do it first sit down interview alone. what message does that send? also she needs to be questioned
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on her positions on the issues. she hasn't answered any questions herself and sending out anonymous campaign staffers to do it for her this week they're trying to claim that she's pro border wall and that is a preposterous and false claim throughout her entire career kamala harris has been pro open boarder and said president trump's wall was medieval and waste of taxpayer money. as a senator, she voted against the construction of president trump's border wall and supported the 4589ing of the construction of the very effective border wall and can't be trusted on what she says and we have to look at her record and what she's done and what she has done is supported from the most far left policies that have ever come out of the united states senate, include ago ban on fracking and expressed support for that and support for defunding the police, for de-criminalizing illegal immigration and she'll govern as most far left president this nation as ever seen. liz: further to the left than
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bind. you wonder if she's avoiding the media and she's going to have to admit to joe biden's mistakes and kamala harris' own mistakes and been in the white house nearly four years and afghanistan, she cannot run on biden's record of historic inflation. he did this and this and i disagree and she'll try to say i learned from this experience. final word. >> she's trying to run away from the failures of the biden harris administration, but she's been a part of every single failure over the past four years and said she was proud of bidenomics and she said she was proud to be the last person in the room with joe biden making the decision to go with botched withdraw from afghanistan that left 13 u.s. service members dead. every single failure over the past four years kamala harris is wholly responsible for it and wants to try and deceive americans to believing she'll change the american people are smarter than that and that's why
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trust president trump on every single key issue in every single poll. liz: trump wants to undue all this. caroline left, thanks -- karoline leavitt, thanks for joining us. >> thank you. >> secret service, i told them that duet tuesday. i told them to post guys over here. liz: fbi investigation into attempted assassination into former president trump and fbi releasing new details and this is what's concerning and this could have been way worse than realized. also tonight, literally lawless kamala harris agenda. trump is pushing back hard against it. and supreme court tossed out biden harris student loan bailout and why her wealth tax is unconstitutional. even most of europe ditch it had and our panel is here to react. plus as harris tries to campaign that she's suddenly now tough on border crimes, her current
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administration and what she works for is soon to be starting a border program they had to pause and put on hold because of fraudulent criminallalty. why are they doing that? lara trump is here to react to the controversy, special council jack smith reviving cases against former president trump. endbrox, nonpartisan dc analyst warn this is election interference. we've got it and more next coming up. >> two candidates are better served the less you see of them. she's not making rethink your party if the two biggest candidates had to be hidden? ♪ ♪ ♪ oh in a valley, where the mountains glow ♪ ♪ are the hardest-working folks ♪ ♪ that you ever could know ♪
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with the best in home wifi. easily transfer your services in the xfinity app. bring on the good stuff. >> one of the reasons we have to win and should not be anywhere near power. liz: that was jd vance, trump's running mate accusing jack smith of election interference and joining us now rnc cochair lar ragaini trump. wonder -- lara trump. good to see you again. what was your reaction inside the trump campaign when heard jack smith was pursuing the
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classified documents case in january 6 for trump and no doj action within 60 days of election and nine days away till early voting. >> yeah, well, should this surprise anyone? no, of course not. the supreme court is ruling that the student loan bailout was unconstitutional. and the biden harris administration couldn't do that and they're going to go right ahead and try to do it anyway. they seem to thumb their nose oturu supreme court and don't care what's told to them. they're going to go ahead and do whatever they please and i think that's what you're seeing here and anying something nefarious is going on and shouldn't vote for him and reconsider voting
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for donald trump and i actually believe the inverse of intend second-degree happening, and you saw it happen in the alvin bragg case in downtown manhattan coming off 34 felony counts, donald trump saw a bump in the polls and saw epic and record setting fundraising, and i think that the same will apply here. the american people need to be able to trust their institutions and whenever they see that it looks like they're trying to put their thumb on the scale of an election, it's very concerning to the american people, and i believe they're going to push back. liz: lawler do you say to voters still upset about january 6? we're seeing possibly nancy pelosi leaking footage to go after trump-appointed from that day. criticism is here and offering the national guard days before the riot and it was refused. we showed h bo footage and nancy pelosi admitting responsibility for not having the national guard to protect the capitol and
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what do you say to voters upset about that day? >> let's be honest, that's what the democrats have been running on for several years now. they've known they had a weak candidate in joe biden and why they ushered him out of the race and plugged kamala harris in and they've tried to get people to get worked up about january 6 and donald trump that day said peacefully and patriotically make our voices heard and to your point, he offered the national guard to anne donovanty pelosi on her shoulders to accept it and she decided not to. there's no evidence whatsoever to have any indication that donald trump was going to happen the problem is that the american people can barely make ends meet in the biden harris days, and they know that the three and a half years they've had with kamala harris and joe biden in the white house will be even worse if if they put kamala harris in as president. they're worried about putting food on the table u paying for gas and national security and southern border wide open while
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kamala harris as much as she wants to deny it was the border czar for the past three and a half years. that's the main concern of the american people, and i think when push comes to shove, people at the end of the day go in a voting booth and know who made their life better, not harder and it was donald trump so try as they might to shove this down the throats of the american people, i don't necessarily know that it's going to be their number one concern. liz: people go into the voter booth and say what are you going to do for me? they're running on january 6 and not bidenomics. i mean, it's the same four charges that jack smith is reviving. bassically trying to keep it in line with the supreme court ruling reinforcing that form riprap does have presidential immunity and they can still cover the charges again and bringing jonathan turley pointed out the communication with mike pence and members of congress and all covered by the immunicipality ruling. listen to jd advance on this. watch what he says.
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>> yet jack smith tried to redefine mike pence from the vice president to the running mate and as if somehow changing those words in an indictment undercuts the fact that the sitting vice president and it's still directly implicates the president's official acts. the reason the supreme court threw out the lawsuit said it implicated the president's official acts, of course the president has immunity and conducting the official acts. liz: justice clarence thomas of the supreme court and judge cannon said his whole office is unlawful and unconstitutional to for the senate and getting a congressional funding and congress ever signed off on and when you look at your internal polling inside the tram 7 campaign and what are voters saying about all? >> so far i think we've seen the history of these sorts of thins actually go to favor donald trump. this one man being attacked for indictments and mug shot and
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assassination and people start to look at it and say if you have government people maybe want to join them and going to poll on this exact thing and it just happened and i believe that's the next round of polling and i believe the fact that you have kamala harris on the other side who has yet to sit down for an interview has to have, you know, a safe space and her running mate to be with her for any sort of a sit down interview coming up is going to reflect very poorly on her. what do people care about in this country is the economy, it our southern border and crime through the roof. our standing on the world stage, and they know who can deliver that for them, who did it the first four years he was in office is president donald j. trump. liz: lara, final question, when you saw the democrat national convention, not a word said about the assassination attempt that almost took the life of former president trump. nobody said anything about it.
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what was the word inside the campaign about that? >> it's egregious and sort of disgusting. at #-d opened of the day, we're all human beings and no matter what they try to say about donald trump, he too is a human being and american and puts life aside for the president and he put his life literally on the line and would have been nice to have acknowledgement of that and their entire convention was about emotion, vibes and hating donald trump. it's probably not surprising that they didn't mention it. liz: lara trump, come back soon. don't be a stranger. >> thank you. liz: a major update today from the fbi on the investigation of assassination of tempt of former president trump. attempt of former president trump. fbi is releasing details. this is about thomas crooks and what more he was plotting to do. it is worse than people realize but first, kamala harris tries to pretend she's tough on the border, current administration and one she now works for, they're restarting a border
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>> creating more job with income and revenue and the right time with economic prices today and billions of dollars this bill was placed in the hands of the consumers and our businessmen having their local media and
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benefits to the economy and every dollar released from taxation and it's invested to help create a new job and new sovereignty. liz: the slogan of getting america moving again and kamala harris wants $5 trillion in tax hikes on top of historic inflation. look who's here, former economic adviser to president trump and wonderful steve moore. what do you make of this? >> my favorite tapes of history and today we'd take 2.5% of what
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we've seen and we can do better. we can do better and that was his theme running against richard nixon in 1960 and won that election and he did -- at the end of that story is that he did win the election and he did pass well, after his death they passed his tax cut, lbj was president at that time, and one of the biggest economic booms in history. that became the inspiration of both the reagan tax cut and the trump tax cut both of which also helped the economy. liz: reagan had stagflation, keepekennedy did, she wants unconstitutional tax on paper gains and wealth tax even most of europe rejected and constitution said the federal government can only tax income, not wealth. now trying to lamely compare
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that to property taxes, property taxes pay for cops, firemen, roads, bridges, things like garbage pickup and wealth tax on paper gains she wants and funds more of the trillions of dollars literally in government wage, she's not stopping. >> this is one of the worst taxes i've heard of and i've been studding taxation for years and finding people scrambling to find the money for taxes. liz: people retired and on fixed income, it's rough for them. speak to that, have you seen a candidate outside of walter mondo lost in a landslide and seen anyone campaign on tax hikes like nixon did? >> cam larra is the first -- kamala is the first president in 40 years that promised the american people she's going to raise taxes through the roof. most of the time democrats say they're not going to raise taxes and they do.
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liz: steve moore, thank you so much. great to see you again, my friend. >> you too. >> for immigration, i'd prefer trump to kamala harris just given the track records of them. >> i don't like the way trump talk to mexican people, but it's important to secure the border against illegal immigrants. it's very important to us. >> wide open border policy of the biden administration affects the -- our local community grately, and i am -- greatly and i'm definitely against open boarders. liz: those are vo voters in neighborhoods under siege at the border on whom they want. they want trump and press coming that biden white house though may restart a border program it
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had to put on pause. let's bring in chuck moreno. why is the white house doing this and found 100 fake asylum programs and cuba, haiti, nick rawing walleye and venezuela. they want to restart this program now? >> yeah, they don't care. they want to restart this process as quickly as they can and exploiting legal pathways into the united states and sigh lum through the through the cbp1 app and parole and flying over 300,000 directly into the united states and they couldn't figure out they had 3,000 serial sponsors sneaking in. these very dangerous people including the gangs taking over
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major cities in the united states and one of the most violent gangs out of venezuela along with ms13 out of mexico. they put their politics over national security of this country from the very start. the fact now that we have harris presenting herself as law and order candidate is absolutely ridiculous and it's an insult to voters. liz: yeah, now she wants $650 million for a border wall. that would re-instate the trump border wall. she's never taken back these comments. watch this. >> if kamala harris really wants to build a wall, you had four years to build the wall. 70 days before the election, all of a sudden you want a wall. make an offer to the vice president. send me over your wall proposal, i'll get you all the money you need if it's the real proposal. liz: she's been against a border wall and never taken those statements back, and now her campaign is featuring a border
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wall in their ads along the southern boarder and built under trump. final word. >> well, i hear senator langford that sponsor that had bill and his support in implementing the plan and the money has always been available for the continuation of building of the wall. why does he think she's going to abide by any agreement and spend it? it's not going to happen. she does not want the wall. liz: okay, chuck moreno, thanks for joining us. great to have you on. >> thank you. liz: >> i told them that . the secret service, i told them that [bleep] tuesday. liz: today the fbi gave a significant update on its investigation into the near assassination of former president trump. we've got the latest details coming up. fishes say it is deeply concerning what is happening. also, election update and president trump maintains 4
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point lead in georgia. no poll bounce after the democratic convention for harris. she's kicking off a bus tour in georgia. will voters there go for her flip-flops? >> on fracking, was there something that changed her mind specifically during the four years of the biden presidency? >> again, vice president is very proud of the biden harris administration's record on energy production and the economy writ large and wants to continue to build pontoprogress we've made here. liz: didn't hear anything about the flip-flops and coming up, one and only kennedy and stephanie hamill and excited to have this panel. first, what's coming up on the bottom line with dagen and sean. sean: highway, we have pete ricketts on who's running the country and harris v. trump tax plans? who's going to be better. economist ej antoni breaking it down for us.
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dagen: how to reclaim the american dream that most people feel is out of reach and not the four states purging noncitizens from the voter roles but the other 46 good grave seizure disorders. top of the hour. never easy, but starting it eight months pregnant.. that's a different story. i couldn't slow down. we were starting a business from the ground up. people were showing up left and right. and so did our business needs. the chase ink card made it easy. when you go for something big like this, your kids see that. and they believe they can do the same. earn unlimited 1.5% cash back on every purchase with the chase ink business unlimited card from chase for business. make more of what's yours. introducing new advil targeted relief. the only topical pain reliever with 4 powerful pain-fighting ingredients that start working on contact to target tough pain at the source. for up to 8 hours of powerful relief. new advil targeted relief.
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lyric come black. jd vance campaigning in battleground pennsylvania and wisconsin today and former president trump set to barn storm through michigan and wisconsin and manufacturing jobs is in focus and we're going to talk right now to fox news aishah hasnie standing by live from grand rammeds, michigan. reporter: good evening, elizabeth. senator jd vance in route to wisconsin right now, and he was in pennsylvania earlier today as they're targeting the rust belt states and talking at a transportation, a trucking facility and a company there in reerie, pennsylvania, and talkig about inflation and the economy and jobs and hitting harper lanes user reason everything including the campaign resent stance she doesn't support an iv mandate. >> forcing the great truckers to
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buy electric trucks instead of the trucks they're using, you'll make the inflation crisis worse than it is and think groceries are bad, wait till kamala harris makes every american trucker drive an electric truck. reporter: the trump vance ticket trying to court any independents, moderates, suburban women frustrated with inflation in the rust belt states and harris campaign taking note of the strategy and a spokesperson writing trump's disastrous agenda will explode the deficit and increase interest and send the economy hurdling into a recession by mid next year. every vote counts in the battleground states and watching wisconsin and michigan because another name could really impact the race and that is rfk jr.. he cannot at this moment remove his name from those ballots in these states. meanwhile, the trump campaign out with a new add featuring more than a dozen blackwomen and
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several battleground states going on and denouncing vice president harris and positive news for the trump campaign out another battleground state, the beach state, georgia because now governor kemp, a very popular governor there, is going to be hosting headlining a big fundraiser for trump tomorrow with his wife, a big win because a couple weeks ago because of a public dust up with those two. liz: great story, aishah. get reaction from our panel tonight. look who's here, the host of the kennedy saves the world podcast and one and only kennedy and political commentator stephanie ham ill. hamill. kennedy, what do cow make about the convention and trump leading harris by four points in georgia and leading harris in the new abc washington post and riders
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ipso polling. what do you think, kennedy? >> she didn't end where she needs with the meaningful bounce is economic agenda and because she's so light on policy, she's not going to be making inroads any time soon no matter how she tries to fight her own record. there are only a couple of measures where she's ahead and healthcare is one of them. head scratchingly and i'm not sure why she has the edge when she said that she ped to get rid of private health insurance entirely and now she's kind of saying the opposite. but it was a sugar high and that's what the media allowed by insulating her because she's not joe biden and that was the bump she got. she also got a bump in favorability, that's been incredibly necessary for her for quite some time because she was trailing biden for years so by vir which you of not being -- virtue of not being biden or
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carving out her own policy position but the sugar high is crashing down. normally a candidate get as big bounce from a big convention like that where there was so much joy, but she has not been the beneficiary so far. liz: what kennedy said is spot on, stephanie. no bounce for her and sugar high is going away and kamala bubble may be bursting, but kamala's campaigning with biden in pennsylvania this weekend. she won't even say the word bidenomics. the supreme court tossed out biden's student loan bailout today. we see millennials and new york times sienna poll age 18-29 favor trump by 13 points in the six swing states. >> yeah, you have to wonder what young people right now, the ones that were onlially spotting biden is maybe went onto support harris and student loan forgiveness was rejected by the supreme court today. and for a lot of us who put ourselves through college and parents made sacrifices and we
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saved money to pay off student loan debt, it was frustrating to see they wanted to wipe it out for other people when we knew they were just pandering for votes. and as for the harris sugar high that you guys just touched on, i think things are going to get a lot more complicated because the ping from the campaign on her policies is all over the place. that might be by design and gaslight us and confuse us to what she supports and it's been a tough week and trying to walk back her proposal on price controls and now apparently she spores the wall. she is for fracking now after being against it. 're ainst the evs, electric cars mandate they have talked about so. we have no idea where she stands on those issues and we know that cnn interview is coming up. maybe they can clarify but i have a feeling that won't has been. liz: kennedy, what do you think will happen with the interview? >> if she does, that's not going
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to matter. it's to her detriment and would have been smart tore stand out on her own and say she has a great interview and needs the bump and she's not going to get it because tim walz will be seen as a human shield. liz: interesting. human shield. kennedy and stephanie. great stuff as always. come back soon. we'll get you updated on this, fbi today gave a significant update on the investigation into the assassination attempt on former president trump. disturbing details next. >> [bleep] cam early intervention program here and i put my head up like an idiot and he turned around and i [bleep] dropped. got on top of the roof and in the same frequency. ♪ ♪ limu emu... ♪ and doug. (bell ringing)
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hina: ichi, ni, san, shi... (1,2,3,4 . . ) akari: ichi, ni, san, shi... (1,2,3,4 . . ) others: ichi, ni, san, shi... (1,2,3,4 . . ) others: ichi, ni, san, shi... (1,2,3,4 . . ) (♪) (♪) you were made to chase your passions. we were made to put them in a package.
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elizabeth: welcome back, let's get updated on fbi releasing details investigation in to trump rally shooting, that nearly took trump's life, it took life of a firefighter and wounded two. to fox news reporter cb cotton in new york. reporter: the fbi says it is not ready to give a final word on the motive, but they tell us they can say, would be assassin tomas crooks was
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detailed in his plan to attack former president trump july 13 campaign rally giving us insight to shooter's mind set beginning last we're crooks began researching former president trump's campaign schedule and in upcoming events he in pennsylvania. april this year crooks added president biden campaign events. to his searches. crooks registered to attend rally on july 6, fbi says that same day he looked -- up, where will trump speak from at butler farm show and, but butler farm though podium, crooks it over 60 searches related to former president trump and biden, and september 20 through summer, shooter was researching how to make explosives, tomorrow he used
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are legal, and says that continuing the review of crook's encrypted accounts and on-line presence, so far, they have seen a m mixture of left leaning and right lining ideologies and they have no evidence that anyone knew of his plans. >> at this time has not identified a motor or any co-conspirator or associates of crooks with advance knowledge. we have not seen any indication that would suggest this crooks was directed by a foreign 10ty. reporter: fbi also taking the time to address conspiracy saying there is no evidence of a second shooter. the agents said so far conduct overs a thousand interviews, and crooks family members are being cooperative. elizabeth: cb cotton thank you. >> we bring in fox news chris contractor or
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deroy murdoch. >> we hear one odd thing after another, i don't know if we will ever figure out what thomas crook's motivation was, the rare, a bipartisan auc assassin. but there is so much about this case that is bizar from the secret service never having a meeting with local cops and there were radios availic for them to pick up, they could not drone their phones overhead but crooks was able to fly his drone, and his body was cremated before anyone could do a proper toxicology and other types of things that coroners do, this is a strange and puzzling case. i wish we had more transparency. elizabeth: disturbing he was
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researching you on -- highway to make a bomb for 5 years, listen to attorney, for david dutch, speaking to fox di digital. >> i don't think that enough accountability has been taken thus 4 whether that is through the task force or investigationses or if we do have to file a lawsuit, we'll get answers through that process. we have been in touch with a few agency with fbi, you go to a rally flow vide political support for a politician, you know. the security is provided by federal government and it fails. i think that is the biggest question, how could this happen, we'll get to the bottom of this. through the investigations, through potential lawsuit we're find out of what said or how it was communicated or why there was a lack of comm take. elizabeth: this note over,
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deroy. >> as far as lawsuit, i don't know when line is between income confidence and criminal negligence, it might help us figure out where the line is. deroy thank you we appreciate you. >> thank you. elizabeth: we'll stay on the stories throughout the week, and in coming months we're coming to homestretch of the election, a new cycle that is picking up. we'll stay in headlines for you, we hope enjoy watching the show, dvr us, we appreciate it, when do you, do that. now time spending to do dagen and sean to "the bottom line," they are fired up. dagen: thank you, e-mac. elizabeth: sure. dagen: i am dagen mcdowell. sean: i am sean duffy welcome to "the bottom line." dagen: fun fact you probably didn't know about the job as presiden


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