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tv   Kudlow  FOX Business  August 28, 2024 7:00pm-8:00pm EDT

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david: hello everyone welcome to special kudlow i am david in for l.a. county larry kudlow. kamala harris flip-flops are piling up all over the place.
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now you can add border wall. and electric vehicle mandates to the list. sounds like she is backing away from her wacky grocery price controls, how are american people supposed to trust anything that she says, rich lowry and clay tratravis on this but first jacquie heinrich is live at white house with more. reporter: vice president harris is embracing bipartisan border bill that was foiled in congress last year at her 2024 pitch, that includes protections for 650 million dollar in border wall funding that was set aside under trump, harris campaign saying this is not new money, but they have not been clear, on whether she supports more money for the wall, she keeps showing in her ads that depict her as tough on border. they could have shown about
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anything else, including technology this administration has pro mosted. a source in the harris campaign downplaying this. framing it part of a comprehensive approve to fixing the immigration system, democrats did support border barriers in 90s and early 2 thousands, border barriers have not been part of democratic many stream for years, one time biden was forced to fund construction because he was forced to in court. >> money was appropriated for the border wall, i tried to get them to redirect that money, they wouldn't. there is nothing under the law other than they have to use the money for what it is is a a appropriated for, i can't stop that. >> do you believe the border wall works. >> no. >> kamala harris said the same thing in 2020 writing:
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>> republicans are trying to call her bluff. >> in kamala harris wants to build a wall, you had 4 years to build a wall, s 70 days before an election all of a sudden, you want a wall, i send me over your wall proposal, i will get you all of the of money you need, if it is real. >> campaign telling us harris time advice president led her to moderate some of her positions. would she build more wall? we don't know, david. david: a lot of things we don't, jacquie heinrich thank you. for more rich lowry, editor and chief of national of fox news contributor, great to see you. clay we have seen
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flip-flopping before. we saw it what i would consider po be positive b flip-flopping by bill clinton. hihe switched to center and within along with newt gingrich, on welfare reform, and cut capital gains taxes but, you can think of flip-flopping of joe biden who came in to the presidency in 2020 claiming to be a moderate good old joe, right down the center, he has been most leftist president in my lifetime what is it with kamala. >> it is normal to try to move to the middle as you get closer to an election to appeal to independent voters problem for cam kamala is best predictor of what she would do is what she has already done, she has been a disaster, not that she is moving for the center but
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reviserring policies that she has argued gain for years, she wants to guild a wall does not support mandates for electric vehicles and supports fracking and things we should fund police. it is one thing to moderate your opinion, but another to flip them, she is a chameleon, a dishonest politician, i think more time that americans spend listening to her the more they see it. david: we have not heard from her, herself about that, we s she has an ener view coming up -- interview coming up, she just, doesn't seem -- she may be an opportunist but not the same way that bill clinton was. >> bill clinton grew up in arkansas knew what it took to appeal to conservative leaning voters. she is not that. she is a l left wing
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vacuous k p opportunity test, she has changed 10 things in the space of a month without a reason, one thing to be henry wallace, a fellow traveler then anticommunist but he wrote books on it. it does not happen in weeks unless you game the american public. david: no whitaker chambers. >> no. david: there is a darker side, a possibility, kamala harris' father, marxist professor, still alive, her deceased mother was on the lift, i think of fidel castro, i covered latin america, castro came in he took over power was he convinced all of business sector in cuba he was an anti-communist, and pro capitalism, sand san
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danitas did the same, particular be dark side that talk is just talk she wants to go real far to the left, further than biden? >> well, i think if you look at what she says she will do about tax code taxes unrealized capital gains, and raise could capital gains 45. 5%, they are left wing actions, i would submit to you that biggest issue with kamala harris i don't think she understands economics that well, like main democrats -- like many democrats, if i could wave a wand to make one rule in place for anyone elected as official, it would be, do something that i think a lot of your viewers have done, make a payroll, you have employees that have to pay mortgages you have a business that has to make money you think about the
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way you spend money differently. when you have to sit own in front of xl spread sheet to say where is that money coming from to pay everyone. david: i would disagree on one point you have -- you can be an economist and still be an idiot. i have known a lot of them, and her father, seems to be -- >> i would agree. david: persuaded he is a an economist, he retired from stanford, he was persuaded by marxism. and rich, something about policies, taking the electric vehicle mandate in particular, american people have looked at them in cold weather, and they don't work as well or go as far. they realize that the electric vehicles are not what they thought, here is what kamala harris said about electric vehicles. >> will everyone have to drive electric cars. >> m my plan 2025 we'll
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have zero em emission vehicles, 100%. david: people, rich, down want to, i confronted pete buttigieg about this, this is marxist industrial policy, they don't care when people want they have their 5 year plan, they are sticking with it. >> i don't think a lot of people who think that americans in 20 50 will still drive the oil technology that combustion technology. >> americans like it. >> you are not going to meet a lot of people who will go back after they have gone electric, that tells you something. david: mckendy and company, not a conservative organization, came out wa a study, saying that about 50% of electric vehicle owners saying, they are go back to gas because of cold chicago winter where they didn't work and the cost resale
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value, it sucks on electric vehicles, americans know what they are doing they have good re rie reasons. >> they have found a market, just an extreme niche, an afluent people, who use it as a second or third car. this is not something that kamala harris wrote in a college much set 4 years ago, this was a corecomm it am. policy committment that she is changing on again. dana bash could do nothing else on this cnn interview tomorrow but ask for change on positions and run out of time. david: do you think we will hear something, do you think her feet will be put to the fire, or do you think that donald trump will be able to tickle the contradictions
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out of her. >> problem is with the danah bash interview on cnn it is not live, she will have her running mate with her, tim walz, it is easy as you know, when you have two people to go ahead and filibuster in response to many questions. and so, i think that question on ev's is a great, i'm going down as many are traveling over labor day, i'm driving to the beach, i can't make it to the beach on an electric vehicle charge, i don't want an electric vehicle i would lose my mind if i had to stop for an hour and charge my vehicle or wait in ryan like line to do soy, -- wait in line to do so, i think vast majority of americans, and people are finding out, it is not that easy as they said, if you are just driving a few miles it is easy, but, if you are driving a distance that is not good. >> charging stations, they
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are trying to build them, lavishly fund they'd built about 8, no ones had subsidize is a gas station, you stop for 3 minutes, you fill you are good to go, everyone is happy. david: all came up from market, not government -- switching to rfk jr. and tulsi gabbard. rich, fact is that right now. he thought he was being clever pulled himself out of states that he knew trump would win but keep in swing states but now swing states trying to prevent him from running in their states but now they want to keep him in because they thinking in pull from trump. >> we have rank hypocrisy of people in favor of democracy trying to keep a b a -- candidate off ballot, i don't think he helps trump. but he doesn't have to help by percentage point in a
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lets of states 10,000, 5 thousand votes could mattered in pennsylvania or michigan. david: clay. the facebook revelations we have, they there censorship we all knew and suspected it, it is out. it led us back to 2022 congressional hearing of mayorkas and senator hawley asking him whether dhs put pressure on organization for censorship. >> we have example of this administration coordinated, according to federal court by your agency pressures coercing, social media companies to engage in censorship, is that constitutional. . >> that is unequivocaly false. >> we now it is true.
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where the price be paid for all of these lies about censorship and spitting in face of our first amendment. >> i think that is a single issue for many. it is most important if you don't have freedom of speech and robust marketplace of ideas you can't reach the best conclusion, for me for tulsi gabbard and rfk jr., i think elon musk, i think there is a not insubstantial codery of people that are willing to vote not almost entirely but based on the idea of who will support free speech the most. and senator hawley questions of mayorkas, is evident was what a fundamental truth, government cannot through deputization diso do what someone else could not do. david: i know we have seen
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lies from this guy before, to see this flat out lie, now discredited now we have evidence, it just, amazing they can get away this these, he still has ha his job. >> coming up home prices soar to a record tie in june, kevin o'leary will weigh in on that when kudlow continues. but home is also your. i asked myself, why doesn't pilates exist in harlem? so i started my own studio. getting a brick and mortar in new york is not easy. chase ink has supported us from studio one to studio three. when you start small, you need some big help. and chase ink was that for me. earn up to 5% cash back on business essentials with the chase ink business cash card from chase for business. make more of what's yours.
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david: as americans face rising costs, america dream seems more unattainable, gerri willis is standing by. reporter: burdened by high prices and high interests more americans say that achieving american dream, owning a home, having a family, affording a comfortable retirement, is getting more difficult, according to a poll from "wall street journal," 96% of americans believe financial security is important. or essential but 9% believe it is attainable, financial pressure making it tougher to achieve goals not
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normally associated with the economy like getting married and having children, and two thirds of americans say marriage is essential or important to their american dream, less than half said it was easy to achieve, and saving for a retirement, 8% believe that to be easy goal now. a lot of this has to do with housing with young people feeling pinch. the most housing prices are up 47% sent start of decade and interest rates remain high, 10% think it homeownership is easy to achieve there say growing sen sentiment among realtors, and here is one piece of good news, stocks are now record number of 401(k) millionaires, that
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comfy retirement may not be that far out of reach. david: they may get hit with that wealth tax if kamala harris has her way. we'll see, jerry willis thank you. will -- gerri willisk you. >> we bring in kevin o'leary, great to see you. i know you are nonpolitical, you just want common sense to prevail. if you think like a democrat, you think that solution to that problem is what? more government spending and kamala harris has come out with her housing plan or one of them that including price control for people who have rental property. 25 thousand dollars for new homebuyers, how do you think that would affect housing market? >> well, i am in real estate market, i am familiar with what is going on, i want to add an element, i have over 54 portfolio companies. down mode el in terms of
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men, women ceo, some democrats and republicans we need policy, per can make our plans about how we'll invest, in quarter 2 and 3 andon wards, we're desperate for policy, we need it same thing with ra real estate market, i need continued to what is changing on cap gains in taxation, important when i s syndicate a billion in projects. we're all waiting for policy, there say 50/50 chance harris is president. i'm okay with that, i just need to understand what is her policy, i have never seen a candidate in my life, that doesn't do live interviews with press, this is unpress d unprecedented, they would ask those questions, i am vocal about it, come out talk to the press live, live, live. david: to get policy, you
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have to ask the right questions, you have to know what the problem, the problem with housing. i will simplify it, the housing problem we have in united states, thing that is jacking up prices is shortage, if you have a shortage problem in housing, is this the right way, the right policy, the 25 thousand dollar deal to deal with it? >> no, that is beyond insane. you have a shortage, you flush more helicopter money from the sky, you cause inflation, because if you are seller of a house you have 15 bids you know that person is just received 25 thousand dollars, you up your price, 25 thousand. it went up, that will happen. here is why we have a shortage, we have such low interest rates for such a long time, mortgages below/4
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4%, they are half way through are the system, they don't want to sell for another 3 years. that is supply off and the market. other insidious problem in california is a good example, the policy on regulations is so punitive, to sit up a track of land to build a housing, that many don't. i don't invest in really real estate in california or new york it is impossible to get permits, this is holding back prices up to 40% to 50 first of embedded cost of each house is regulatory cost, how insane is that, you you have to deregulate that, by 25 thousand dollars, free helicopter money, is insane. that is a craze notion that will never happen, never.
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david: here is another bit of insanity, one thing we know about price control a cause shortages in a a free market people won't produce for less than nothing, the way she thinks she will increase rental property through federal price controls of rental, that is -- if that doesn't cause a short an, i don't shortage i don't know what would. >> there is a huge problem, price control building no maintenance it falls apart there is no incentive for land owner or person to spend another dime on it, they slowly crumble that soviet style pricing, if you went in late 80s and looked in soviet union, i would go to the buildings, in control region of u.s. rcode, you would turn the knob it would fall off the
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door. i'm not kidding. david: i remember that. >> you can't have this idea, ever work in america, controlling prices, just does not work, it distorts markets and causes inflation, reduces supply and capax on buildings collapses it looks like it just was made 100 years -- ago, i don't know where these ideas are coming from they are really bad. david: one more in wealth tax. taxing unrealize gains on everything, it has been tried more than a dozen times in europe, almost all of them have failed terribly. you are taxes under realized gained on stocks and farmland, and paintings, gold, whar whatever you have, this is bad policy, about it increasing intrusive power of big government. they have the right to go into your house, figure out what you have, that might
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have gained they could -- you have to pay more taxes on. big brother, writ large, does not work it increases an introducive state, most people think it is already too big. >> of all suggestions i heard on tac taxing, that is most offensive. 62% of jobs created by small businesses, we watch value of our companies go up each year even we're struggling to keep them going but we do it and all of a sudden, we get a tax bill, say our, went from worth 10 million to 20 million over 5 years, where will i come up with 4 million catch that i don't have -- cash that i never had. you think pragmatically you know how bad they are, reinreason she has to
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sudd to answer on a live interview, this election is decided on 100 thousand votes, they are waiting for answers, forget 43 states that have decided. everyone that we care about now, needs continued to -- needs to could, i am a small business owner, i owe you 800 thousand dollars 4 years after a op open it that i don't have this is un-american, un-american. >> and so with the intrusive powering irs is already intrusive. kevin, great to see you thank you very much. >> appreciate you being here. >> coming up kamala harris' vp nominee tim walz has a long history of ties to communist china we talk about it with peter
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schweizer when kudlow continues. tamra, izzy and emma... they respond to emails with phone-calls... and they don't "circle back" they're already there. they wear business sneakers and pad their keyboards with something that makes their clickety- clacking... clickety-clackier. but no one loves logistics as much as they do.
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>> china hawks are slamming tim walz's lang history of ties to ccp. joining me now peter schweizer. peter, i was talking, steve forbes is here we talked about what a "national treasure" you are, you really are, you do digging that th nobody el does, this is tim walz different from biden family that was for money. this looks like he is just a true believer, am i wrong. >> or fellow traveler, you are right, a couple things that stand out. nothing wrong with having an exchanger program with china, problem is he tries to conceal the involvement of ccp in the program he had. he originally said, and
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reported this media it was sponsored by harvard, university, harvard says that is not the case two graduates that helped him, he masked fact that trips were financed byes which communist party -- by the chinese communist party in 1990s he bragged about that, secondni thing he was telling american students thicks, for example, to downplay their americanness. when they went to china, that purpose of a cultural exchange is learn from each other, second, second thing is that he gave this ridiculous analysis of chinese c communist dictatorial system, said there was no poverty in china they share unlike in u.s., they have a system of sharing, that is the beginning, this is ties that extended to when he has been governor of minnesota.
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david: a wonderful system if you don't mind getting rid of your system and everyone equally poor, that is the system. it is same in cub cuba, more market mechanism at work in china after ping game in after mao but when shih came in back to mao talk. i want to put' a diagram. i think kamala harris could make. this is where it similar to bidens. to show how mechanism works, tim walz working with chinese american association of minnesota, then that went over to the overseas chinese service center, then they were hearing prounited front work department in china and real mast master of house, overseas chinese affairs office, i know not a ven diagram is that about
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right? >> that is right. any exchange program, that exist with china are run by the ccp and unite the front groups, to epand the power of ccp, problem with tim walz, this is not just ancient history, he was governor of minnesota he gave a speech to the unite united ground group in minnesota only government official there, no one else in state of minnesota in any official capacity that was there, he gave a keynote speech, he will bring up human rights in china but he always does it in context of we have the same kind of problem here in united states me met with premier li in 2016 and raising issue of human rights but say down look to us as being a model -- don't look to us as being
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a model. we have same problem. >> that same garbage we heard from soviet union from them and fellow travelers like bernie sanders. you have problems but we do too. the same, it events out. what is the cp's front office in beijing, what do you think they are interested in from a guy like tim walz? >> they are interested ally elite capture, provide big while wealth with a bittle bad mouth, they want access to market, and if you advocate positioned in those areas and criticize them from time to time they are happy, that is what they have with tim walz he is very critical of donald trump when donald trump was trying to use tariffs for political
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purposes and economic purposes i think that if kamala harris is elected person he will be point person on foreign policy toward china. david: peter schweizer we appreciate it. >> well kamala harris' upcoming interviews and debate affect a market that seems to be teetering right now, joining me steve forbes. great to see you. >> good to be here. david: seems that markets have priced in that 25 bases 25 basis point cut in september, it is tip top see, market was not so bad, the nazdaq got hit hard hard. nvidia came in with gains but less than expected. could with all of these -- with a interview coming up
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with kamala harris, one, and debate, if she keeps pushing her price controls and tax new tax policies do you think that market will freak out a little bit. >> i think they are looking now. as election comes closer and they take on a reality. the key thing is, she will pretend she is changing her mind, you can't believe it. it is not true. that is why they have spokespeople, leak that's has changed her mind, she can't do it openly, we won't put it on her web site tax increases, you do a fraction of those you will send this economy into a depression, this is a disaster, what it does, does not take capital, it destroys creation of resources. without you don't get a growing economy. >> we talked with kevin
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o'leary on specifics and wealth tax, it is unfair and impractical it does not work. but what kills me the most is how you hearing a rhetoric from biden-harris administration about rich benefited from trump tax cuts, in fact 65% even "new york times," of taxpayers got a tax cut under the new tax regime of that donald trump got started. the tom top of 1% from paying 40% of all income tax to 45 percent, they paid more. and the revenue, you heard from biden saying that it cost 2 trillion, it was just opposite of that, it brought in 48 percent more income than you had at beginning in that 5 year period between 2017 and 2022, we had a 48%
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increase in tax revenue, as a result of a more active economy. >> it gets to the point, you remove bored burdens on people they do more, the problem, this is a spinning problem -- spending problem not revenue, shocking thing is we're spending more today than we did at height of covid emergency. that tells you where these things are going dangerous thing is, the democrats know, if you put out enough of green junk, in terms of money, it is permanent. you have congress people already 18 republican congressmen and women, saying, don't tamper with the green spending plans, our district is getting a benefit from this, bad stuff, and don't believe when they say you can keep your car, they will kill the combustion engine by p
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regulation, they say, you can keep your stove but they make regulations that make them i illegal. david: you heard some say kamala harris would need a democrat congress to get that price gouges agents, she d could do it through regulations, create an emergency, some emergency that so there may be one, we may have a spike of inflation in her first year that is the emergency, then we have to have price control, she could do it through regulation and executive order. davi. >> for example getting rid of electric vehicles, not banning them this is tail pipe emissions regulations this interview, she has chaperoned, she will make a points, i'm not go doing this or, that sure they are, they will disguise what they are doing in names like tail pipe regulations.
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it is bad stuff. we -- i hope that republicans hit home on this. this will hurt the economy. it is not just taxes, big regulations are form of taxation, there is a tsunami of regulations coming, they hit that economy, smaller businesses, the lifeblood of this economy, kills that, we have european style growth rates less than, bad for us and bad for free world. david: and you pensioned tsunami, climate change minchtses that we'll hear about that -- emergencies. >> they ul call it climate central complex. >> steve forbes great to see you. >> great to see. >> this month, bwe b, republicans are demanding answers, senator roger marshall is one of them
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and i have vision, senator marshall thank you for your work. a lot of americans' answers, i have not heard them, 8 13 thousand jobs just disappeared, jobs that they were reported that we attained which k we didn't, who numbers manipulated in. >> we down have evidence yet that is the question. we're asking the department of labor. they told us they added 3 million jobs over past year it was closer to 2 million. could you imagine impact that it would have someone on like j. powell deciding where to set interest rates, if he would have number how much softer the economy looks, this is why people down trust the government, they don't trust numbers coming out of the government, it does look like they have been
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manipulated. we have not had it big of an error in about 20 years. downward revision of 800 thousand jobs this close to election is unexclusible. david: you know, i covered latin america, and we got economy figures from government, mexican government for example, or argentinaian, we know that numbers were cooked. we never trusted those numbers, it was a wonderful con draft to come back to u.s. to see numbers that we could trust and investors could trust in and believe in. are we so third world now we have mexican accounting standards for government stats? >> well, david, is this another s step order to socialist economy of kamala harris to. the person running this department, is a person that can't get through senate for
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confirmation right now. we have a government hack up there that is not giving us good data, this is why we don't trust the government. one more reason it is hard to run a business, there is so much uncertainty right now, on top of that you have regulations that are piling on to a business, that is a tough time to be in business in america. david: well and policies, depends on that, if you want to have right policy, or you want to prove that the policy that is in place is wrong, you need stats that you can rely it. if -- let's assume that best for moment, it was not manipulated intentionally. how might this have happened? you have so palm the worst but it you assume the best, how did this happen. what is their explanation? >> i think that is what we want to find out.
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we could understand an error of 5% or 10%. missing a month but these numbers, you report on them one day, and a month later they are revising down. to 100 thousand. at a time. i am to back up and look at big picture. we need to look at full-time jobs, under joe biden and kamala harris, we lost 1.6 million full-time jobs in past year, two million people not returned to work since covid. and then we have african-american unemployment jumping up is 6.4%, under president trump record low, now that is surging, we try to bay that first home, and interesting are so high, i really think that a jerome powell had seen this data months ago we would have started lowering them three months ago. maybe a half a point. this is impossible to buy a
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house and run a business under regulatory environment, then bad numbers. david: very quickly. 81% of americans want voter i.d. only tw 2. 5% of democrats in house voted for save act. will senate see the save act that demands voter i.d. >> well not as long as chuck schumer controls the agenda, party that is in control, gets to control the ajen agenda. you are right, if we don't have voter integrity then we don't have a democracy, it has to be free and fair, we have seen virginia and texas carving out thousands of people. david: senator roger marshall thank you forwa coming in anrdd kudlow returns in amy f moment.
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and doing more to prevent recurrence. verzenio is specifically for hr-positive, her2-negative, node-positive early breast cancer with a high chance of returning, as determined by your doctor when added to hormone therapy. verzenio reduces the risk of recurrence versus hormone therapy alone. diarrhea is common, may be severe, or cause dehydration or infection. at the first sign, call your doctor, start an antidiarrheal, and drink fluids. before taking verzenio, tell your doctor about any fever, chills, or other signs of infection. verzenio may cause low white blood cell counts, which may cause serious infection that can lead to death. life-threatening lung inflammation can occur. tell your doctor about any new or worsening trouble breathing, cough, or chest pain. serious liver problems can happen. symptoms include fatigue, appetite loss, stomach pain, and bleeding or bruising. blood clots that can lead to death have occurred. tell your doctor if you have pain or swelling in your arms or legs, shortness of breath, chest pain and rapid breathing or heart rate, or if you are nursing, pregnant, or plan to be. i'm focusing on what counts. talk to your doctor about reducing your risk. ♪
7:57 pm
(marci) so, how long have you lived here? (opponent) over forty years. (marci) and how are the restaurants around here? are they good, bad, meh? what's the average household income? is there a mall? i don't know. a hair salon? where do you get your hair done? (opponent) you gonna move, or what? (marci) oh, i'm sorry. it's a lovely neighborhood. (luke) marci, we've gotta go. (marci) i'm coming! (luke) we've got seventeen thousand more parks to visit. (marci) you wanna give me a hand? (luke) we bring you the best neighborhood info. (vo) ding dong! homes-dot-com.
7:58 pm
7:59 pm
8:00 pm
david: that's all for kudlow, we'll see you back here tomorrow. - before it became your property, every single thing in your house was cargo, from the sofa you're sitting on to the dishes in your sink to the tv you're watching right now. none of it would be in your possession, but for vast network of trucks and trains and ships and planes. i'm no different. this desk, that "how america works" poster,


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