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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  August 29, 2024 10:00am-11:01am EDT

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stuart: about damn time. i guess that is -- time for kamala harris conduct the interview. good morning, 10:00 eastern, straight to the money. the dow is up one hundred 46 points, look at the nasdaq, up 218, the 10 year treasury yield, we've not reported that yet, we should have. where are we now, the 10 year treasury please is at 3. 87%, the yield is going up, price of oil before all this activity in the red sea is up to dollars at $76 a barrel, bitcoin, where is that, 60,600 as we speak. just got the latest read on pending home sales. lauren: they surprisingly dropped by 5.5% in july to a
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record low 70.2 pending home sale contract signed, deal not close, translation pulte. the nest death -- national association of realtors say some degree of wait and see ahead of the presidential election. stuart: the market not doing well. now this. a greek tanker is on fire in the red sea. it is carrying one million barrels of oil. it is leaking threatening an oil spill four times bigger than the exxon valdes. it was attacked by the houthis as their forces control and supply by air and the pentagon warns of a potential environmental catastrophe. a couple questions here. first, where are the environmentalists. when the exxon valdes black and the beaches of alaska the outrage was palpable, the ship's captain was threatened, they vented about the wickedness of oil and american
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capitalist. exxon had to pay $2 billion for the cleanup. this was 30 years ago, paid $2 billion for the cleanup, one. $8 billion for habitat restoration. where's the outrage now? when terrorist aligned with iran set off what may be a much bigger and damaging spill not a word from them. the greens only beat up western oil companies, terrorists get off scott free. next question, where is the president but the short answer is he's vacationing on the beach but the question is why biden does nothing in the face of extreme provocation. the us has extreme military power in that region. our forces could quickly take out the houthis radar systems and missile storage facilities but they don't, why not? because biden will not take action. he absorbed attacks instead of deterring future attacks, you have to wonder if he knows what's really going on. he is also very worried about any action that would raise the
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price of oil and gas right before presidential election. it is hard to erase the image of an oil tanker on fire, the greens say nothing and weakened president laser on the beach, joe biden is president for another 144 days. second hour of varney just getting started. lisa, i've got to repeat the question, where are the environmentalists, where's the outrage from the greens? >> they don't really care about the environment, that's the secret, they use the green agenda about power, look at the green new deal for instance, aoc's former chief of staff, wasn't about the environment but how to control the economy. that's the objective with the climate agenda, the environment agenda. really a way to commandeer the
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economy and government and obtain control over citizens, they don't care about the environment, it's all a ruse. stuart: biden is back on the beach for the second week of a big vacation. who is running the country? >> very good question. it's pretty terrifying reporters, unlike you, aren't asking the question of who is running the country. harris is trying to distance herself from this agenda because she knows that it is a failure and i think that's why we haven't seen president biden step away to step down to retire from this position because they are trying to allow kamala harris to >> reporter: some distance. she is hijacking the republican agenda right now. the policy positions we believe in our popular. stuart: next case. kamala harris's communications
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director completely dodged several questions on the vice president flip-floping on fracking. watch this. >> the vice president changed her position on fracking in pennsylvania, do you know why she changed her position? >> she's been very clear, the work she's done as part of this administration. >> was there something that changed her mind specifically during the four years of the biden presidency? >> the vice president is proud of the biden harris administration's record on energy production and the economy. >> they will come up again in the future. stuart: that is almost funny. do you think voters will accept all these flip-flops on so many issues? >> it is not a flip-flop, they are straight up lying to us. kamala harris in 2019 said there is no question i support banning fracking and beyond that, look at where she stood
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in the senate when she didn't have to worry about primaries or appealing to swing voters, she supported, one of the first cosponsors to aoc's green new deal, that's where she stands on this issue, the issue of fracking and energy and contrast that with donald trump where he had us exporting more than we were importing for the first time in 70 years, donald trump would make us energy independent, less reliant on foreign nations but also ask your stop at the top of the hour talking about the greek ship, the chaos in the red sea in the middle east because of the fecklessness, the weakness of joe biden, kamala harris, the disastrous withdrawal from afghanistan that led to 13 service members killed which led to animations realizing how weak we truly are is a country under joe biden, under kamala harris and we have kamala harris buying to be the first female president, her first interview in over a month and
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she can't do it alone, she has to have tim walz who wants tampons in the boys bathroom next to her, if you think we are in trouble under joe biden what do you think what happened with a woman who can't sit down with a friendly interviewer needs a man sitting next to her who wants to put tampons in the boys better. stuart: i believe it right there but i guarantee you you and i will be watching cnn tonight. house judiciary chair jim jordan subpoenaed a company linked to the daughter of new york judge murch and. stuart: the company's authentic campaigns did work and was paid for that work, the judge's daughter is the president of that company. many republicans say that is a conflict of interest but the judge has refused to recuse himself from the case, this is the hush money new york case. now jim jordan and house judiciary subpoenaed the company giving them a september 13th deadline to respond.
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trump is scheduled to be sentenced in this case on 18 september. stuart: let's get to the markets please, show me the green, there it is, down was up 185, there's some volatility all over the place, nasdaq is up 167. show me nvidia please. stellar earnings report but the stock is down 3%, volatility all over the place today. thank goodness gary is with us. is this a case, stock is down. is this a case where the company didn't meet wildly exaggerated expectations by a wide margin, is that the disappointment? >> a little bit of that. margins are coming down a little bit from high levels. you have to remember two things. number one. it has had a gargantuan run. number 2, after gargantuan run is you typically will get some
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rest, the stock is going through its motions and i think there's probably more to go of rest. in 2023, five to six months of just sitting doing nothing until the beginning of january when i yelled and green that the brakes were above 50 with a split and you know what has happened since. i don't own it right now. i will keep my eyes wide open for the action every day. it is going to go deeper into correction. if it gets about 132, this is the range, we will start thinking about it but there' s nothing wrong with the way it's trading right now. i think it is up tenfold since the lows of the bear market. i think it is due to rest and i don't think the end of the world is at hand. stuart: i believe you got out of technology some time ago. are you back in yet?
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>> we on the cues which is technology but on july 11th, a big signal top of the nasdaq. we sold on microsoft at $4.53, low of 400, good day today. we are always itching to buy technology, that's where the growth is and where you find companies going 50, 100%, we will find them. today's the first day we really like the action. we've had a big move off the lows. things like service now, we like the way they are reacting to earnings with our eyes are open but we are satisfied. we will be patient but if the market gets us in, that's where the money is made. stuart: thanks for joining us, see you again soon. lauren is looking at the movers and we have a mover intel up 3%. lauren: initiated coverage with
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a buy rating, they view their energy business as underappreciated and if you look at the tell a story they expect tesla energy is where it will go because the va sales are lackluster. stocks up 3%. 3%. stuart: almost 3% on tesla. marriott. lauren: price target 262 for a gain of 13%. the reason, limited exposure in china. in the us, they have a lot of upper scale properties more so than hilton so that can drive faster growth. that part of the population is relatively okay. we won birkenstock. lauren: down 14%, their profit in the last quarter missed estimate of high costs associated with being popular. the worldwide expansion opening those new stores. stuart: you should come out of the country and see how popular they are. the first time in 40 days
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kamala harris will finally sit down for an interview. critic are mocking her for making a joint interview with tim walz, they say she's too scared to do it alone. terrifying video shows heavily on men taking over an apartment complex in colorado. chad wolf on the migrant terror threat next. they respond to emails with phone-calls... and they don't "circle back" they're already there. they wear business sneakers and pad their keyboards with something that makes their clickety- clacking... clickety-clackier. but no one loves logistics as much as they do. you need tamra, izzy and emma. they need a retirement plan. work with principal so we can help you with a retirement and benefits plan that's right for your team. let our expertise round out yours.
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we're doing a live trading event in aventura, florida. at this incredible event, my team and i will be demonstrating the smart money trading strategies that have made us famous. if you're serious about trading, you don't want to miss this unique opportunity to trade shoulder to shoulder with the pros. it's limited to just 100 people, so make sure you grab your tickets now. call 888-809-8058 to reserve your seat. that's 888-809-8058.
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stuart: look at it down just euros at 233 points, intraday high when the dow is up 301. we are off and turning, the dow up 200, nasdaq at one hundred
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33. kamala harris and tim walz continue their bus tour in georgia. they will sit for a joint pretaped interview with cnn that will air later tonight. mark meredith in savannah. what can we expect tonight? >> reporter: the interview will be pretaped and air in prime time. whatever happens in this interview could reverberate for quite some time and no matter what she says in the interview it is unlikely to quell critics who claim the harris campaign has not been forthcoming explain positions on everything from the economy to foreign policy. the campaign has good news with them gaining in the battleground state. we talked about with harris and her running mate doing a bus tour throughout southeast georgia trying to get out the vote in areas where democrats have not had a lot of success but in georgia harris has
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momentum leading by two points, same in north carolina. a state increasingly in play. voters are fired up over the race. 68% of people telling us they are extremely motivated to get out and vote. this has been a whirlwind of a few weeks for democrats if not the whole country. harris seems to be feeling that momentum right now there are reports that back at campaign headquarters the biden team, now harris team is uneasy. ask eo io's reporting harris's team is wary of making biden people feel satisfied lose that has led to some confusion about who is in charge. in georgia the governor of this state, brian kemp will be headlining a fundraiser for donald trump. they've had a rocky relationship last couple days but kemp is urging republicans to keep the economy front and center. >> people are getting hit in their wallet every day and that's what this race needs to
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be about, the economy, both 40 your high inflation that president biden and kamala harris created, they are taking credit for inflation going down, they created it to start with. >> reporter: the arena behind me holds 10,000 people. we are looking to see how many turn out to hear from the vice president tonight, then she's off to washington. stuart: mark meredith, thank you very much indeed. a wild video of an armed gang of venezuelan migrants took over an apartment complex in colorado. it is reportedly overrun by a dangerous prison gang. chad wolf joins me now. this is a venezuelan gang problem, what's dhs doing about it? >> this is the result of having an open border for almost four years now allowing folks into the country. this administration every month
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is flying in 30,000 individuals from poor countries and that includes venezuela into the united states each and every month so whether is the open border policies we've continued to have or sanctuary cities like you have in denver, colorado that are facilitating and allowing folks to come into their communities and protecting them from ice officers trying to do their job and remove folks which is at historic low under the biden administration, this is something americans need to watch out for, we are seeing this in colorado and across the country, we are seeing these cells pop up in most major cities. blue one i thought biden had a deal with maduro in venezuela. holder free election over there and we will let your oil out of the country and you can make some money out of your oil. i guess the deal broke down. i didn't know we were flying 30,000 venezuelans here. is that a month? >> it's from four countries, cuba, haiti, venezuela,
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nicaragua and that is per month, dhs under the biden/harris administration flying individuals, no longer do you have to go to the southern border and cross illegally, they are flying you and from those countries into different communities around the country. probably in colorado as well. they are facilitating this, they will say they are vetted but what we know and what we've seen from a number of reports is that vetting is not up to par. my guess is you are allowing many of these individuals to come into the country and facilitating their entry into the country. stuart: do you ever think we could come to this. in america, again get taking over a complex. did you ever think we would come to this? >> absolutely not. you would think law enforcement, both state and federal would work together to deal with the issue and remove these individuals but they feel emboldened and this is what we see and we see crime spiking
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around the country not only from the illegal activity and illegal aliens coming in but other crime we see as well. this is a perfect example of the downstream consequences of the illegal activity along the border does not stay on the border, goes into communities like colorado and elsewhere every day. a one how come the number of illegal migrants taken out of the country under botnet harris administration, how come it's hit a record low? and how come? >> this is been there priority. if you are number at the beginning of their administration they put a moratorium on removal, any deportation including criminals so that gives you the mindset of where they've been. you have a historic number of an illegal alien population facilitated over the last four years you had historic lows of
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removals. they are removing a lot of folks but if you look at removal from the interior of the united states which i believe americans care about are you identifying dangerous people and removing them? those numbers are at historic low, the majority of folks they are sending, returning them at the border but those that get in need to be removed as well and that's where the biden/harris team are not doing a job. stuart: this is the united states of america. appreciate it. the by demonstration could soon restart and a ration program that was pause over possible fraud. which program are we talking about? ashley: this is that program that allows cubans, haitians, nicaraguans and venezuelans to apply for legal entry and temporary work authorization in the united states.
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they must be sponsored by people living in the us who vouch they can financially support the migrants once they arrive but a review showed a large amount of fraud, thousands of cases where would be sponsors used the same street addresses, internet addresses and phone numbers. one case almost 600 applications were flagged because they are used the same address of a commercial warehouse in orlando, florida, the same social security numbers were also being used including numbers belonging to dead people. the program has been temporarily paused but there are reports that it could be started up again within the next week. stuart: we've got a report giving details into biden's decision to build that $230 million humanitarian. off the coast of gaza. you've got a problem with this. tell me more. stuart: the report suggests
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there were multiple agency officials who disagreed with the biden administration over its decision to build that pair off the coast of gaza. the international agency for international bond believes it could undercut efforts to persuade israel to open more efficient land core doors. at the time the us was under pressure to send more humanitarian aid to gaza but from the outset it faced issues, only heavy winds and rough seas broke it apart but also a number of incoming shipments were looted. ultimately it operated for just 20 days before it was shut down on july 17th the the administration claims it delivered roughly 20 million pounds of food and water in that time. many said don't build it but we did anyway. stuart: thanks. now this. yelp is suing google claiming google manipulated results to promote its own local search offerings, grady trimble has
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all of that story coming up for you. nvidia's earnings beat expectations, stock is down this morning, should investors by this dip? we will ask nvidia analyst after this. ♪ ♪ everywhere but the seat. the seat is leather. alan, we get it. you love your bike. we do, too.
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that's why we're america's number-one motorcycle insurer. but do you have to wedge it into everything? what? i don't do that. this reminds me of my bike. the wolf was about the size of my new motorcycle. have you seen it, by the way? happy birthday, grandma! really? look how the brushstrokes follow the line of the gas tank. -hey! -hey! brought my plus-one. jamie? think scaling your ai pilots is hard? think again. with watsonx, you can deploy ai across any environment. above the clouds and on lots of clouds. with your secured data on prem, in real time on center court and assisting bank tellers on the edge. watsonx helps you deploy ai wherever you need it. so you can take your business wherever it needs to go. ibm. let's create.
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stuart: thursday morning, looks like the market is doing well, the dow is up close to 300 points, 0. 69%, nasdaq up of 0.93%. plenty of green. tell me about meta-blooge lauren: a llama artificial intelligence models are being used by banks like goldman sachs and at&t, censure, stuff like document review, customer service, computer code generation, zuckerberg's strategies keep lava mostly free, worry about the payoff later. it has been downloaded 350 million times since last year. i feel like we never talk about
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that. stuart: no we don't to. it is mostly free. they charge or in some instances but the purpose is get it out there, get people to know and like it and then get your investment back later. stuart: security software company. lauren: id verification down 18%, earnings were fine, the guidance is the problem, current quarter revenue gardner suggests, quote, 11% but that was half of last year's growth, the scale i guess is the problem. stuart: can you go across the spectrum of my favorite industry group, the airlines. lauren: thought they would be down at the strike authorization vote by the flight attendants but citigroup says if the fed does cut rate it will boost travel demand for the airlines, calls it stimulative for consumers and the airlines. stuart: airlines are not my favorite industry group. i want to get back to nvidia,
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down 3.4%. it's been down about that level most of the morning. you studies this company. it's now selling up to $121 a share. are you buying it at one hundred 20 one dollars and if one and if so, why? >> we are by recommendation, the target is one hundred $39. i was a the biggest reason we are buying it is this forthcoming black will cycle which right now is delayed, has been pushed, the expectation was we would see revenue in september or october, it will get pushed to the end of this year but the type of cash flow we expect this company to generate by next year will approach one hundred billion dollars in annualized free cash flow. only one other company in the world generates that and that is apple.
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typically the best predictor of future returns in the market is cash flow. our view is better free cash flow for nvidia will yield higher stock performance but ultimately this cycle will be absolutely in hours, the content gains you will see from the cycle, we still see very nice growth in the next 12 months. stuart: just to explain to me this chip cycle. as i understand it the one new chip puryear. is that accurate? >> the way i would look at blackwell is different from what the h 100 is offering. the biggest difference is more of a platform based offering. think of them selling not only the gp but more the cpus as well. what's happening with blackwell as they expand the market meaning the next leg up with the revenue potential of this
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country. that is underestimated and underappreciated with what we are seeing with nvidia right now but it's more a platform based offering. they will get more revenue from the next cycle. stuart: you say it's going to one hundred $39 a share. you are on videotape saying that. you have explained it very well. we appreciate that lucille laid. yelp, the local business review site suing google a month after a federal judge ruled that google has a monopoly in the online search market. grady trimble joins me now. what is yelp saying google did to them? >> reporter: the core allegation is google users its dominance to favorites own reviews business and shut out smaller competitors like yelp. yelp has complained google gives its own reviews
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preferential placement directing people away from yelp reviews which the company argues are better but this is the first time they have sued and the first lawsuit since a federal judge sided with his about what of justice ruling google's search business is an illegal monopoly. in a broad post yelp's ceo said cases about google, the largest information gatekeeper in existence putting its heavy thumb on the scale to stifle competition and keep consumers in its own wall garden, google is pushing back. it argues yelp has been lobbing federal and state regulators for years to bring what it calls failed self referencing claims and google points out none of those regulators have done so. a google spokesperson says similar claims or put out years ago by the ftc and the judge in this case. in other aspects of the decision to which yelp refers, we are appealing, google goes
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on to say will vigorously defend against yelp's meritless claims. annette doj case we are still waiting to see whether the judge will break up google or take another approach after the antitrust ruling against google so what is ahead is next week possibly we get a sense of where things are headed. there's a hearing and easy to determine a fixed what the judge is determined is an illegal monopoly run by google. we won that will be something else. it is possible in the distant future. changing the subject is something you will like. new data shows the number of millionaires in america is surging. this is due to the stock market's performance. ashley: all retirement accounts that are surging thanks to consistent contributions but robust market returns. put it that way means a growing
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number of retirement savers now have a million or more in their rras or 401(k)s, the number of ira account orders at fidelity with $1 million or more saved a jumped 6% of 398,594 at the end of june up from just over 376,000 at the end of the first quarter. by the way, there are also 497,000 million retirement savings in the 401(k) plans at the end of the second quarter, up 2.5% in the first quarter and the average 401(k) savings rate stands at 14.2% was a combination of employee and employer contribution and it adds up pretty quickly. stuart: i keep telling my children you've got to get into an ira no matter what you do, got it to get into that. still ahead, she says she was fired after exposing the hospital for ill legal billing
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practices related to gender affirming care for children. that whistleblower is on the show next. ameritrade is now part of schwab. bringing you an elevated experience, tailor-made for trader minds. ♪ go deeper with thinkorswim: our award-wining trading platforms ♪ unlock support from the schwab trade desk— our team of passionate traders who live and breathe trading. ♪ and sharpen your skills with an immersive online education crafted just for traders. ♪ all so you can trade brilliantly. ♪ moving forward with node-positive breast cancer. my fear of recurrence could've held me back. but i'm staying focused. and doing more to prevent recurrence. verzenio is specifically for
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we're doing a live trading event in aventura, florida. at this incredible event, my team and i will be demonstrating the smart money trading strategies that have made us famous. if you're serious about trading, you don't want to miss this unique opportunity to trade shoulder to shoulder with the pros. it's limited to just 100 people, so make sure you grab your tickets now. call 888-809-8058 to reserve your seat. that's 888-809-8058.
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stuart: the dow jones is up 253 points, nasdaq up one hundred 78 points, s&p up 36, solid gains across the board today. to amazon stock, that is also on the upside, the teamsters say amazon workers will join the union strikes against unfair labor practices. the strike will be in georgia, california, kentucky and new york, no impact on the stock. our next guest blue the whistle at a children's hospital after she saw fraudulent billing practices related to transgender care for children. she was fired from her job and is challenging that in court. nessa savage joins us now. tell us what you saw. >> reporter: thank you for
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having me and i'm a pediatric nurse for the last 6 years. i've been i been working at texas children's hospital, the most prestigious pediatric center in america and two weeks ago i received a call that i was fired in retaliation for blowing the whistle two months ago when i came forward to expose texas children's hospital with utilizing texas medicaid to cover across x hormones and puberty blockers for children in violation of the law. i noticed this because i was working where confused children were coming to be seen by transgender doctors. healthy children with come in and leave with a prescription for puberty blocker. i knew this was wrong but i didn't realize the hospital was hiding it from the public and lawmakers. they had scrubbed the transgender program from their website, nobody knew about it
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until whistleblower came forward in may 2023 exposing the existence of this program to the public. i came forward after that whistleblower because i was working in the clinic where it was taking place never imagining what would happen in july of 2023 when i got a knock on my front door. two fbi agents mobilized to come to my home and intimidate me into silence. they could not protect me unless i helped of them and they threatened my safety and in that moment i knew i had been targeted for my faith and beliefs that affirmed biological truth and men and women are distinctly made in the image of god, that's what my faith tells me and i know i had to come forward to affirm that. stuart: you are coming out against transgender care for children. what is the response to that, give me 30 seconds. >> i came forward in june two months ago to reveal that not
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only is texas children's illegally using medicaid but also misdiagnosing patients. for that i was fired and i am fundraising for my legal defense, people can donate to my front. blue and we will leave it there. thanks for joining us. we will follow up on this. now this. the cdc reporting more drinks -- deaths linked to boar's head listeria outbreaks. lauren: this is a forthcoming, privately owned, nine people are dead, 57 second and hospitalized in 18 states, this is the largest listeria outbreaks since 2011. the bacteria were discovered a couple weeks ago. the company recalled all the meats from one of its plants in virginia, 7 million pounds of ready to eat meat. the deli counter when you get your called cut sliced, that meat has not been recalled but
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some deli meats have particularly the liverwurst. people are dying including 188-year-old man who survived the holocaust and died from a sandwich. stuart: chuck todd called out the harris campaign for dodging the media for so long. watch this. >> the way they have handled it has been a mistake. now just playing into her perceived weakness. any fumble now is going to get overly scrutinized. stuart: brian kilmeade deals with harris pretaped interview with cnn next. ♪ the fence. daughter: it's a lot of fence. dad: you wanna help me? dad: aim at the wall, but get closer. daughter: (gasps) what the?! daughter: alright. dad: side to side. when you work with someone who knows a lot and cares even more...
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avoiding interviews. >> it only reinforces this negative stereotype she had coming into this race which is she hand rings too much, take too long and this is a fine line between being deliberative and being paralyzed by decision. the way they have handled it has been a miss calculation. >> can you think of a time in recent memory the president a candidate went 38, 39 days without giving a press conference or sitdown interview? >> playing into her perceived weakness. any fumble now is going to get overly scrutinized in this interview. stuart: it's not good enough. a presidential candidate takes 40 days to give an interview and can't do the interview alone. not good enough. that's my opinion. >> i haven't seen anyone on the other side of that. i don't think she needs to sit down with us. what are you doing your job for? why are you and your job? why don't you just work for the campaign?
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you don't want to be a journalist or reporter, everybody would want a chance to talk to a leader whether it is argentina or america if you have the opportunity. number 2, this is not her strength. when she is off script she's terrible. watch the 60 minutes interview, lester holt, absolutely terrible, see some of her appearances with erin burnett and others and i'm sure trump has looked at this like he looked to the debate where she is sure of herself is when she's in the senate and scrutinizing some of the nominees trump was trying to put in his cabinet from john kelly to justice brett kavanaugh. that's when she is good. you should keep that in mind during the debate. when you have to ask her why are you for fracking, what are you going to do to get iran to stop their nuclear program, why have you not been ukraine the
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ability to hit russia while in all phases possible to win that war. are you going to give zelenskyy permission to go for. stuart: do you think cnn will ask those questions directly to her? brian: i think this is -- they have 2 buttons this, i watch all the sunday shows every week, helps me for this show especially. i watch all those channels anyway. it's the follow-up. when you have a trump official they have for 5 follow-ups and you saw with tom con this weekend and for 5 follow-ups, are you going to have an abortion ban, what happened on january 6th, the team same subject all the time. what dana bash will ask what about fracking, why did you change your mind, what about health insurance, why did you change your mind? and tim walz who is a really strong surrogate or biden, when he told us biden is in great health he will be a great president, don't know what happened to that question, he will be there and the risk will be does it look like the man is
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taking care of a woman who doesn't have the answer to a question. people hate that appearance. we went president biden in delaware during a second straight week on vacation. obvious question, who is running the country? brian: we know president bush can go to crawford and run the country. we watched them do it at camp david. what president biden is saying in defiance, you didn't want me so i'm not going to do the job, the other thing he's doing is going to the beach three years to the day when 13 americans were killed and a horrific exit from afghanistan while donald trump goes to arlington and places a wreath, meeting with the families of those who lost their lives to illegal immigrant criminals who have come into this country. he says i will sit under an umbrella on the beach. if you want me to leave california i will do the same
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in delaware. you can't tell me he is zoned in on the west bank and gaza while our men and women serving in the persian gulf have to sit with two aircraft carrier strike groups and extend their stay. we want doesn't look good. see you later and watching cnn tonight. still had, marsha blackburn on dodging a cnn host to asked about harris's fracking flip-flop. new fox ball showing harris leading in sunbelt states. how does trump turn that around and the former education secretary on a new poll showing americans have a more positive view of our education system. is that justified, the 11:00 hour is next. ♪
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