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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  August 29, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm EDT

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your shipping manager left to “find themself.” leaving you lost. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit >> weakness in nvidia is a buying opportunity and we're in the early stages of this powerful ai investment theme. and nvidia is in the center of it. >> buy on the dip and everyone took it as a shock ask they'll jump in.
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>> yesterday was crazy after market, stuart. it's going to give us lots of opportunity. lots more upside through the next year. >> this is a crutch and not a sign of strength. interview and one of them is walls. no one would care. >> her first interview in over a month and she can't do it alone? think we're in trouble under joe biden, what do you think would happen with a woman that can't sit down with a friendly interviewer. stuart: what music our producers come up with and going through the interview tonight. taylor swift, speak now. it is thursday, august 29th and nasdaq up and s&p up and nvidia all over the place and mostly
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lower and still down. 2% lower, earlier down 4 bernards healthcares and down 1% and that's volatility but it's still on the downside. and show me big tech. all of them on the upside with the exception of nvidia and apple, microsoft, amazon, alphabet moving higher. 10-year treasury yield was moving up earlier and moving up now. 3.88% is the yield. now this, the strategy of the harris campaign is to get their candidate and her running mate in front of a friendly camera and a friendly questioner on a thursday night in high summer right before a long holiday weekend. it is kamala harris' first interview since joe biden left the campaign, and she's getting a lot of help. tim walz will be with her. "the wall street journal" calls it her interview crutch. he's there to take up at least half the time to jump in when it sounds like a word sackmary lad is coming sr. sackmary lad is coming. harris is being shielded and her campaign wants to avoid cacoward
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questions on the flip-flops. when and why did chechen her mind on the border? ev mandate, medicare for all, and fracking. when did she know that joe biden was competently challenged and couldn't stay in the race? when did she know? harris wants to gloss over all this and voters deserve real answers to strong questions. her campaign, according to axios, is badly split between holdovers from the biden campaign and newcomers from the biden camp and drafted in to sure up a new candidate this. is quiet a headline and the frankenstein team and highly compromised and new york times brought in one of their reporters that interviewed harris in 2023 and hernden said she seemed unwilling to articlate her vision and reluctant to label herself politically. that's not what we want and time to come off the fence. strong questions and clear answers and it'll not help her
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campaign if she ducks. third hour of varney starts now. stuart: clay travis with us so morning. clay, what questions would you ask kamala harris? >> first of all, i think the whole interview should be live, and we shouldn't have any edited segments at all. so we should see every question day that bash asked or -- dana bash asked or kamala gives and start off with you selected tim walz as your running mate and raised money to bail out all the looters and rioters and violent protests that did millions in damage to min y'all luisa including -- m minneapolis and burning down the precinct and do
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you regret raising money for the protesters and regret saying police should be defunded? open right then and there. i would then follow up with you criticized donald trump for build ago wall and it was racist and subhuman and crazy vanity project. you now support build ago wall on the border. is that because over 10 million illegals have come into the country on your watch? why have you changed -- at least 10 million illegals, why have you changed your policies on that? those would be the first two that i would ask. if i was asking one of walz, i would ask him, hey, do you regret setting up a snitch line during covid to allow neighbors to turn in neighbors for having thanksgiving dinner together? do you regret keeping schools shut down for multiple years? and why did you lie about the dui that you got in 2006 in your first congressional campaign? those would be several things off the top that i'd want to
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ask, stuart. stuart: that would be a good start, but don't expect it to happen. fox news polling showing kamala harris is leading donald trump in three key battleground states: arizona, georgia and nevada. by very, very small margin. how does trump turn this around? >> it's a kamala sugar high, i really do think that. she was the least popular vice president in american history just about a month ago. and right now media has decided to treat her about getting barack obama and ronald reagan and martin luther king jr. all rolled into together and at some point, that begins to grumble his support is not going anywhere and his race, i believe, trump will win georgia and north carolina. that's what the betting market suggests. if he does that, he really only needs to win probably one of the
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big 10 states. i think he's going to win pennsylvania and win this race. that's the easiest route. if he wins georgia, he wins north carolina and pennsylvania. it doesn't matter what happens in michigan, wisconsin, arizona, or november he'll be present in the united states. stuart: kamala coming off the shy ga sugar high. thank you, clay. stuart: back to the market u big day today and solid rally for the dow up 260 and nasdaq up 186 points and over 1% up for the nasdaq. lou basenese with me for the hour. let's talk nvidia. are you suggesting that the earnings don't matter? >> sacrilege yous, i know. look -- sacrilegious, i know. everything isn't pinned on nvidia outperforming and investors are realizing they can't keep up on the break and growth and it's okay if nvidia doesn't propel the market higher and every other company in the s&p 500 reporting strong earning
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ands revenue and the economy isn't doing that. stuart: not buy ago dip. that's a dip, 121. >> it's a dip but i don't like to play the game of musical chairs of stocks trying to predict the growth. there's a lot of other opportunities in the market that are cheaper and more affordable. stuart: you made the point that everything is up except the mag 76789 mag 7 is doing okay today. >> today. stuart: fair enough. before today, everything else was up and mag was not. >> yeah, we used to talk about only seven coming up and 493 weren't and we've seen a nice pivot in the market and seeing later in the bull market and seeing every other stock contributing to the rise and showing you this bull has legs and can keep running and what we want to see as the economy is continuing to do. lauren: mag 7 is customers of nvidia. >> 40%. lauren: yeah, 40% and thinking about it like that and they're all up and going to compete against his own customers and
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fill the demand. demand. stuart: hoping mag 7 stocks are way up and going to go and staying with peak spl for the hour. now this -- me for the hour. lauren, come in. look at affirm. lauren: 30% to the upside. paypal is up 3.5, upstart is up 7. these are buy now pay later companies and they're surging after affirm projects profitability and sales last quarter rose almost 50% and buy now pay later is modern lay away. you can't afford it and they're moving more transactions on the platform and the large project customer is struggling. stuart: show me dollar general and it was way down. way down. lauren: down 29% and dollar tree down 8% and the core customer is constrained and traffic is up but the receipts are down and going in more and buying less and spending less money.
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they have a lot of competition from wal-mart, temu and amazon and go to other stores than just dollar store. stuart: we call it hp now. lauren: this is a nice gain. revenue did rise but not saying the pc market is super strong and they said consumer pc fell by 1% and aipc that is encouraging and they're also saying they're going to be "aggressive with their cost cutting for profitability reasons. stuart: thanks, lauren. new tech firm pours money into artificial intelligence and ai exhausting the power grid and race is onto find a solution. this week marks three years since 13 service members were killed in the botched afghan withdraw. jd vance thinks kamala harris handled it horribly. >> to have those 13 americans lose their lives and not fire a single person is disgraceful. kamala harris is disgraceful.
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she can -- she can go to hell. stuart: senator marsha blackburn has a lot to say about that and she'll be on the show. donald trump hitting two battleground states today and laying out economic plan to voters and aisha aishah hasnie a preview from the campaign trail, next. ♪ you can cashback 5% on travel purchased through chase with freedom unlimited and... buy better plane seats. switch to a king suite. or book a silent retreat. silent retreat! oh! hold up! earn big with chase freedom unlimited with no annual fee.
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stuart: president trump is on a battleground blitz through michigan and wisconsin. aishah hodsny on the campaign trail in potterville, michigan.
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it's all about the economy. reporter: it is potterville indeed. we're outside al row steel and this line is extending all the way over here and it's a closed event so there's only so much space and they're going to try and cram as many people as they can inside and a lot of people in this area want to see the former president and want him to talk about the economy today and that's exactly what he's going to address jobs, manufacturing, inflation especially as he tries to target the independents and working class and middle class voters in states like michigan and the rust belt and he'll have to put energy into the sun belt states because take a look at this brand new fox news polling here, it's very interesting what's happening in some of the sun belt battleground states and harris leads arizona by a single point and in georgia and nevada,
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she's up by two i want to bees and trump has a one point edge in crucial north carolina. very important to know this is all within the margin of error so really neck and neck and it's interesting because she's closed the gap some and trump was beating president buyen by five point-blapoint-blank layupses if the states before dropping out and harris improved upon the numbers and women and black voters and younger voters and trump campaign women out came out with a brand new ad for the black voters featuring a dozen black women from battleground states and on the ad denouncing harris that he's not with her and trump visiting michigan and wisconsin and running mate with wisconsin last night reminding voters that harris is a fresh face candidate? >> she's been the acting president for three and a half years in the country and her citizens are suffering and not
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feeling joy but she should be feeling shame. reporter: trump is getting a lot of help from the governor of georgia today, brian kemp headlining him and following weeks of a public quarrel between those two and trump cannot win the white house without first winning the beach state. >> former president trump has been doing it and he can continue to do it and whether you're black, asian, hispanic, indian, white, whatever,s money in your pocket is green and you've got less of it now than four years ago and that's what the race is going to be about. i want the democrats muck noticing when the trump vance ticket is doing and now president biden is scheduled to visit wisconsin, rust belt state next week. that's on the agendarme back to you. stuart: harris campaign failed to explain the vice president's
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fracking flip-flop, roll it. >> vice president changed her position on fracking in pennsylvania. do you know why? >> listen, she's been very clear here. she's proud of the work she's done as a part of this administration making sure that american energy production is at all time high. >> on fracking, was there shotgun that changed her mind specifically during the four years of the biden presidency? >> listen, again, the vice president is very proud of the biden harris administration's record on energy production and the economy writ large. stuart: senator marsha blackburn, tennessee, joining us now. they completely dodged the question, will voters accept this kind of nonanswer on flip-flop s? >> i don't think they are, stuart because kamala harris has a defineable record on energy and it is anti-american, anti-tracking.
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going back to when she was the ag in california, she actually sued the obama administration to ban offshore drilling. and she said she was for banning fracking and she goes to the senate and supports banning tracking and she supports banning offshore drilling and she cosponsors that $93 trillion green new deal. as vp, action number one, they ban the keystone pipeline that kills 11,000 jobs. they continue to take u.s. land off the table when it comes to drilling and of course she continues to ban fracking. so they can't explain this, they cannot explain the flip-flop and kamala is not a mod separate she's a d moderate, she's a
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leftist and it would be the most liberal policies we've ever had. stuart: that would be correct. senator, listen to what jd vance had to say about kamala harris' handling of afghanistan withdraw and addressing the 13 american soldier's death at abby gate. >> to have the 13 americans lose their lives and not fire a single person is disgraceful. kamala harris is disgraceful. we're talking about a story out of the 13 brave, innocent americans that lost their lives. it's the kamala harris is so asleep at the wheel, she won't even do an investigation into what happened and she wants to yell at donald trump because he showed up. she can -- she can go to hell. stuart: strong stuff. what do you say about that? >> well, there's been no accountability and these families are still seeking accountability. they want to know exactly what happened and, stuart, they deserve that.
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what you've seen is they've kicked the can down the road on giving us answers -- on this so for them to come out against president trump, who went to this ceremony because the families asked him to go to the ceremony. this is all a distraction. they're going to continue to do this. they want to run a basement campaign. they want to make it all about donald trump. they do not want to talk about their warn out flip-flops. they don't want to talk about what their policies are. and what kamala harris believes and what she and tim walz, her wingman, what they would do if they were elected. stuart: i don't expect we'll get much don't but we'll see. senator marsha blackburn, thanks for joining us. college athletes are being offered cash to endorse a political candidate. this is in montana.
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which candidate, ashley, and how much are the college athletes getting paid? ashley: yeah, it'll be john tester and hundreds of thousands of dollars and all college athletes at university of montana have to do is make an endorsement video for democrat senator tester, whose seat is very much in play in the upcoming election. according to the university's athletic director, a group called montana together actually approached athletes and made offers anywhere between $400 and $242400 in exchange for videos promoting john tester. tester's campaign tells fox use digital they have no knowledge of these actions and not in communication with this and the name, image and likeness if it's unclear and exactly how many agreed to promote the democrat. stu. stuart: it's just not right. that's just not right. that's not right. thanks, ash. back to the markets.
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here it is. keep track of them. i see nvidia with a little bug on bottom right hand corner of your screen and down 3.4% and the dow is up 260 and nasdaq up 170. show me the ev makers please. got a story here. jaguar has a new warning about their 2019 i pace electric suv and said the batteries could catch fire. they're telling owners to park suvs outside and away from structures and there's been three documents fires in the u.s.. this is not good. coming up, most parents under major stress as school year kicks off. >> she'll be fine. >> super late. >> stuart: surgeon general calls parental stress an urgent health issue. the supreme court blocked biden's latest attempt at
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student loan bailouts and edward lawrence breaks down the next stem for the white house after this. ♪ clem's not a morning person. or a...people person. but he is an "i can solve this in 4 different ways" person. you need clem. clem needs benefits. work with principal so we can help you with a plan that's right for him. let our expertise round out yours. did i read this? did i get eggs? where are my keys? memory and thinking issues keep piling up? it may be due to a buildup of amyloid plaques in the brain. visit
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stuart: markets on the green side and up 280 for the dow and 175 on the nasdaq side gaining around and lou basenese he's here again and he's brought his very famous and well known and popular stock picks. what is carriage services? >> i don't think too popular. it's a little morbid. nothing certain in life than death and taxes. this is funeral homes and cemeteries and this is a recession resistance business and she's doing well up 31% on sales recently. outperforming s&p 500 and great small cap, conservative small cap way to play the rally. stuart: how did you find that? >> three publicly traded cemetery services in the company. this is one of the most compelling. do your research and two others if you want to invest in death. stuart: okay. let's go back to one that you recommended some time ago.
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>> the bio-tech index is one year high asks large position as large pharma replacing the pipeline and it's a jockey and a horse story. it's a very good he's a proven operate torr and came on board and seeing something compelling in the science and this is a good bio-tech individual stock to look at and playing that rebound. >> it could from here and trading at double from the spot and before the past history as high as 45 and i think the phase one and see this being right around $40 a share. >> ouch, okay. stuart: supreme court blocking biden's latest student loan bailout. edward lawrence is at the white house.
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supreme court could have stopped into the lower courts and the merits of the case and the courts ruled against them and only congress has the constitutional authority and amount of money need for student loan bailout and finding total cost of taxpayers over 10 years up to $536 billion for all the changes to existing student assistance plans and about $54 billion per year to pay off loans for some people and cost taxpayers $168 billion. >> they want to transfer the payment of the lobe loans and paying off their loans or americans are hard working and they done have loans and it's
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not a forgiveness program. this is a transfer program for taxpayers as a whole. >> a spokesperson says the biden harris administration remains committed to supporting borrowers and will continue to fight for the most affordable repayment options for millions of people across the country and white house spokesperson fernandez hernandez going to continue to aggressively have the safe plan and going to have vote buying or adds unnecessary cost to the federal debt out of control. stuart: new gallop poll showing adult satisfaction is k through 12 education. seven points. it's up seven points this year from education secretary betsy devos joining me now. is 7 point satisfaction improvement justified in your opinion.
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>> first of all, when you're in school and get below 50% and that's failing and one on the school system and it's a failure and it's failing and granted there are things that have improved in the last couple of years and millions more families to give access of information and policies going for the state. millions more have chosen other schools ands unnecessary union driven school lockdowns and mask mandates here and it's going to be a failure and fundamentals haven't changed. 70% of the fourth graders cannot read at grade level. stuart: 70%. >> 70% of fourth graders in the government-run schools cannot read at grade level. stuart: what are parents most
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dissatisfied with? >> well, it's a whole range of issues and they're not, the schools are not mer children and going with freedom to take the thing and money going to intend for their child to a school or education setting working for them and instead of looking at this poll, we should look at recent poll that showed that 70% of -- 77% of democrats, three quarters of democrats and 72% of republicans support education savings accounts, which means the money for their child follows that child to the school or setting of the parent's choices. stuart: a clip from 2019 shows kamala harris calling for removal of police officers from
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schools. roll that tape, please. >> we need to take a demilitarizing our schools. and taking police officers out of schools. they need to deal with the reality and truth and inequities around school discipline. in particular black and brown boys are being expelled and or suspended as young as in elementary school. stuart: madame secretary, that was an ideological response. a racial response. has nothing to do with educational standards; right? >> nothing at all. and again, it's another issue that pans are concerned about. their children's safety in schools they're assigned to and very valid concern and the concern runs high among minority pop layings so she's -- populations and she's totally off base and off base on everything when it comes to
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education. stuart: leave it right there, betsy devos, thank you again. the surgeon general has a warning for stressed out parents and this is your issue, lauren. what is he saying? lauren: it's a mental health advisory for parents. what -- it calls attention to urgent pub lib health crisis around parental stress and surgeon general said 41% of parents are so stressed they're literally paralyzed and can't function, 41%. stuart: 41%? lauren: yeah .x then pass that stress onto our children and he calls for more support for parents and care gives and more mental health days and why is it so much more stressful now? i don't get it. always stressful to be a parent. stuart: is social media the difference? lauren: i would say that does increase the stress level and not just blaming social media. >> 41% means one of us up here
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is too stressed out. lauren: to function? that's crazy. when you decide to have children, you're taking on more stress, financially and emotionally. i think people are more in tune to stress and emo for emotional and anxiety for parents and kids. stuart: what is the surgeon general going to do about this? lauren: more services and days off and child care. stuart: we spoke to a whistle blower earlier on the show saying children's hospital fired her after she exposed fraudulent billing practices related to transgender care. watch this. >> i was working in a place where confused children were coming in to be seen by transgender doctors. i saw how -- how many children would come in and leave with a prescription for a puberty
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blocker or something and i knew this was wrong. what i didn't realize is that the hospital was hiding this from the public and from others and describing the transgender program from their website and nobody knew about it. stuart: texas children hospital released a statement in part request a quote "to be clear, texas children's physician have not engaged in any unauthorized agenda affirming treatments or procedures. false reports relied on erroneous allegations of former nurse and interpreters and inappropriately accessing to share and baylor college of medicine surgical resident and records of patients not under their care included information related to hormone implants and treatment of procedure and some using in to lead people to believe that our physicians performed far more invasive procedures. this is false". nearly half of college students are ditching dorm rooms to stay
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call finance of america and get your free, info kit. call this number. stuart: got o check nvidia and now down 3% all over the place and right mow down $121 a share and down 3%. chris roll len is a senior semiconductor analyst and joining me now. why is nvidia down 3%? >> well, spectacular apparently isn't high enough bar for wall street. and i would say this is just a
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simple whisper number and they were probably a billion short of the whisper number and it's beyond perfect and it's a challenge for the stock at least. jacqui: you see nvidia going to $160 a share. that's your target price and is that within the next year? make your case. >> those are 12 month targets for and yous my case for nvidia is the applications for ark i and they're proliferating and nvidia is at this point in time a virtual monopoly coming to ai hardware and this is due to walk in around their software called kuda and so we think they are for now the only game in town. stuart: we thought that the
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chips, the blackrock chips would be a problem, but turns out they're going to rotate and have a new chip almost every year. that's now become a big plus i take it. >> that is. in this report, they talked about and touched on the anticipated and rumored black wall delays and they do appear to be about two months delayed. but they are coming to market in a reasonable time frame, and then we'll have a one year cadence of new product releases after that, which will make it very difficult for competitors to it rate at that same one year annual cadence and so arkansas so that will help them further create competitive modes in this market. stuart: chris rolland, another bull on nvidia. thank you for joining us. see you later.
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lou basenese, what do you make of that on nvidia? >> that's a condition servetive price target -- conservative price target and nvidia would become a $4 trillion cap company and they have to deliver perfect results and i don't like those on investing and bet that apple beats nvidia to the $4 trillion market cap on the hope of ai and they're going to be propelled by new ai growth and for nvidia, that's priced in and i'll take a dollar bet with chris that apple gets there first before nvidia does. stuart: just incredit card and will hold that money. thanks very much indeed. art initial intelligence is straining the power grid. ash, come on in, please. tell me, how much power is ai using? ashley: more every day by 2030 and davis centers in the u.s. alone could consume as much electricity as much industrialized electricity and
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energy supplies are falling because of coal fired plants in the next six years and computer warehouses to power the interpret and, yes, ai could require up to 400 terra watt-hours of electricities and more produced by the uk than in 2022. the effort to replace fossil fueling of clean energy, solar and wind taken a lot longer than expected thanks to supply chain and funding issues and critics claim that had renewables are simply less reliable and now there's a growing number of tech compcompanies that believe hookg data centers directly to nuclear reactors is the fastest and most cost effective solution. fascinating, stu. stuart: thanks, ash. my next guess is a 26-year-old woman working in construction and it's a stable job and didn't require taking down student loans but it is physically demanding. is it worth it?
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we'll ask her because she's our guest after this. ♪
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stuart: well, listen to this,
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the new york post reports that abc news has rejected the bid from kamala harris to change the rules in the september 10 debate. she wanted both candidates microphones on for the entire 90 minutes. abc has reportedly declined and will keep the mics muted. i think kamala harris wanted to use the expression i'm speaking now, but that won't apply if the mics are muted. trump can't interfere much that's into us. next case, my next guess is a 26-year-old woman working in construction and she earns $53 an hour and has no student debt. she joins me now. great to see you on the show. is it worth the physical effort that you have to make in construction to avoid paying student loans? >> hi, good morning. yes. i think it's been one of the best choices i've made considering not having touchdown catch debt. that's like the cherry on top of
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it all. the process of the whole apprenticeship. stuart: did you need any training you had to pay for to get the job in construction? >> no, so i went through an apprenticeship where i was able to go to school and get hands on experience on the actual job sites, which i was able to be on the side of the school that i was apart of through the apprenticeship program. stuart: the apprenticeship program, you were paid to work and get trained? what's how it worked in >> yeah, a lot of people like to see that as getting paid to learn because what heir doing is going to work and we'd take one week off to go to school and learn like the theory and more of the base work of the industry. stuart: do you come across many women in construction?
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>> i'm starting to see a lot more women being employed in the construction field. personally i have not worked with another woman side by side. stuart: okay. are you happy with what you're doing? happy with the job and going to stay in it? >> i find it very fulfilling to be a part of like the process to be able to see the plans and kind of have thought or idea about it and being hands on, and seeing the outcome of it is very satisfying. there's a lot of pride into the work that's being done. especially in the communities that i grew up in. stuart: that's really cool. thank you very much for coming on the show. you should be very proud of what's going on. you're a trailblazer. come and see us again soonl rig, physically demanding job like construction. worth it for a woman to avoid a student loan? >> woman, man, young child. i think it's a smart decision to avoid economic just gravity of student loans and think about
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this, she's starting out now in a trade and she's a smart woman. she's going to learn the business and may be physically demanding and could be a supervisor one day or project manager and lot better chance of her learning an actual skill on the job versus four years in the classroom. stuart: not everyone has to go to college. >> no. stuart: not everybody has to. >> we need a resurgence of trade schools. my father owns a business, diesel mechanics and hardest thing for him to find is people that know how to turn the wrenches on these vehicles. stuart: time for the trivia question. how many public schools are there in america? 89, 92, 95, or 98,000. we'll be back with the answer.
11:56 am
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that's 888-809-8058. neil: stuart: a wild guess unless lauren has looked it up. lauren: i see this on education. stuart: how many public schools. lauren: i don't remember what i read. stuart: number 3. or second today. ashley: number 2, 92,721.
12:00 pm
stuart: got to be precise about this. i'm going to go with the loan number. 89,445 and the answer is. 98,000 public schools, i did not know that. thank you for staying for the entire hour. the intraday high, solid round and send your friday feedback, varney coast-to-coast start in five seconds. ashley: remarkable in that nvidia's selloff is not hitting the other big magnificent seven stocks down 3. 5%. %. when we look at this, remember where we were afth


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