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tv   Kudlow  FOX Business  August 29, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm EDT

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wish we had more time. thank you, jay, for joining us. >> appreciate t kelly. kelly: the number we were looking for is 159 and up 250 s&p and coming for nasdaq and finishing down for the day. that's going to do it for the "claman countdown" and kudlow starting next. keldavid: hello, welcome to a special edition of kudlow. i'm david asman in for larry
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kudlow. it's go to be a pretaped joint inter-screw and we have the interview wrapped and we may in this hour get little clips from the interview and of course it's with her vp nominee governor tim walz. many americans are asking the same question, why can't she handle questions from kamala friendly cnn without tim walz by her side. president trump is campaigning in michigan as we speak holding a town hall with full seizure disorders gab bard in wisconsin tonight. honored to have them both here with us this afternoon and again, folks, we may have these clips coming in and telling me in the ear it's ready and covering it live if we hop to get them and get your reaction and meanwhile, katie, why does kamala harris need a male
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chaperon in this interview? can you explain that? >> we may cover the clips live, but the interview is not live. says a lot alabama the candidate's capability to do a live interview and says a lot about her integrity and ability to do a live interview and in terms of her showing up to the first interview, she'll get lots of credit for finally doing it. that'll be the narrative tomorrow and with her vice presidential candidate, there's been a lot of argument that it's customary to be the nominee and vice presidential nominee. that's not the case if the nominee at the top of the ticket hat not given any interviews throughout the course of them being in charge of the democratic ticket. i done know why she wants her vice president candidate walz there with her. and the woman that wants to be
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the first female president of the united states of america wants to go out as independent person and independent nominee and plant her flag in the ground and ask merri bowls for their vote and take leadership. but instead she's bringingerer vice presidential candidate along with her. david: time to see for our ifs she can handle the job on her own. the president of the united states isn't commander in chief incidentally. the fact that the president is the commander in chief means he or she has to make these decisions on the fly themselves. if you can't do an interview on the fly, you can't handle an international crisis on the fly. i have every sin l bit of it and you guys think we're going be disappointed in all the things that it does not cover.
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also by not doing any interviews at all in all of her time as a candidate set up a strange dynamic with tim walz, which is we don't really know right now what kamala harris' publicly stated positions is on oonumber of serious issues like immigration, healthcare, taxes, all that kind of stuff. well, tim walz doesn't really either and couldn't come out and do interviews as long as the presidential candidate hasn't established their positions. almost like they had to come together to tell you what they think. david: there's a bunch of them dealing with all different subjects but this position change on the border wall, katie, is fascinating. back in 2017, kamala harris had a tweet and i'm going to read it, trump border wall is a stupid use of money. i'll block any funding for it. that was in 2017. she's -- we've also got a whole
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bunch of sound by bytes regard regarding border wall and her attempt to block it. >> on the subject of transnational gangs, let's be perfectly clear, the president's medieval vanity project is not going to stop that. he has held up the united states government and its workers around his vanity project called a wall >> this president's medieval vanity project called a wall. >> he talks about that wall and wants everyone to be prooccupyed with the multibillion dollar vanity project. >> this is a vanity project for the president. david: not only has she converted to the vanity project that was his, donald trump's that she called medieval, but a lot of it was destroyed. there was all the materials just waiting in the wind sitting in the rain, rusting and world ware
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to buy it again at full price. it's a waste and it just leads you to believe what kind of decision maker she really is. >> april 2021, went to arizona to do a ride along with the pinataal county sheriff's office and see the differences between the biden administration policies and trump administration, and i drove by one of the los where the wall was sitting there not up on the border but 90 miles north of the border waiting to be taken down there and put up. so i think you're giving her too much credit when it cops to flip-flopping and chaining position and as far as american people are concerned, they should take her at her word and at her record. she talked about it being a vanity project for donald trump and voted against funding for it
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while in the senate so this is something she's embraced both in word and in action. david: other things she's embraced and a big one and biggest issue according to voters all across the country is bidenomics and she was the main cheerleader for bidenomics and now she's trying to distance herself. talking about how bad inflation is and how much middle americans are hurt by the innation her administration caused as though she had nothing to do with it. let me play a little sound clip of her touting bidenomics. roll that one. jowlier very proud because bibs is working. it's working. bidenomics. bidenomics is working. bidenomics. and bidenomics is working. david: her delivery might be a little better but the message isn't. americans still feel on the most
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part that the economy is at best fair and most people thinks it's bad right now. i mean, how does she back away from bidenomics? >> she did something and came out and gave a speech on economic terms and talked about how expensive everything is and has gotten and allowed the trump campaign to put together clips of that speech, which is what you vs. played and her clip of bibs is working lines. her solution is very, very unclear at this point. before that speech, there was talk thanksgiving she was embracing price controls and after the teach, her staff anonymously again, because that's how they all operate talk about no, no, no. that's not what she was talking about. she was talking about
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anti-gouging legislation and wouldn't apply to our situation today because gouge asking like when there's a hurricane and people locally start charging $20 a gallon for gas. something like that. this doesn't fit that emergency. david: but jean serling came on last thursday and he was going full bore saying clearly he was one of the people behind the whole price gouging, price control thing. he was saying no, no, no. we have information about certain companies that have done this and you mention trump and it's now the campaign of inclusion and that's the word that democrats thought they owned 100% and talk about rfk jr. and things like that and tulsi gabbard and jd vance spoke about this yesterday yesterday, i believe it was in wisconsin. let me roll that and get you to respond. roll it.
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>> are we thrilled to have endorsement of rfk and tulsi gabbard. we are. it's funny as much as media says that trump is the candidate of vision of reality and we from nikki haley and brian kemp to rfk and tulsi gabbard and donald trump is the candidate of common sense and cutting out craziness and going for them and and party of unity is president trump. >> watching the media and always trying to paint trump as far right figure when really throughout his career he was more of a democrat and actually became more of a moderate and then as going for the first independent president that ran and won in 2016 all though he was running on the republican ticket and they're coming and it's very interesting with the theme of why they're all coming
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it. going for these elections and you had rfk and vice presidential candidate and nicole shannahan talking all about the lawfare and deputies have thrown at them. millions of dollars and hundreds of millions off the ballot and that's not democratic and not how it's supposed to be. he's faced a lot of lawfare and we're coming together or implement policies. david: forgive me for jumping in, katie. we have we don't have a clip but a versus frequency bit and trust my reading on it and hot off the press and i think and i'm quoting kamala harris here and "i think the most important and most significant aspect of my decisions is my values have not
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changed. byron, what do you think of that? essentially see when you say on the one hand border walls are terrible and on the other hand using them and it's not changed and going for 2019 presidential campaign which sensorineural ran firmly in the progressive lane going firmly and going value of change and i'll be very, very cheiroyous and i think one more thing on the wall thing and wall story was a general list ick creation and the basis was as we all know and support immigration bill and decide until the senate and never past the house and
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wouldn't contain thepex pendture of the money for the wall and i don't think she's changed her position on the wall right now. david: right, katie, i want to give you a chance to jump in on this. my values have not changed the statement. what do you think? >> very vibey statement that has no substance or detail whatsoever. so it's very on brand for kamala harris and that's what they're trying to use to coast her to november but on the issue of immigration and 2019 positions and believed in abolishing immigration and custom endorsement and kk and and today in aurora, california, and number of gangs and going right in and going for them reported to the mayor and ice going in and taking those people out and i want to know if she's going to keep them there or deport them
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or if that's against her values. david: yeah, the values that she has represented historically and up till about a month and a half ago. it's allowed for all of the decisions to be made and values that these particular continue to do so and one would suspect that whatever she does if i elected president -- if elected president and reflecting the policies we've seen and not the new policies she says is her epiphany of a change of use. it's my opinion but that's what i think. katie and byron, thank you for jumping on. appreciate you being here. gdp growth and profits came in higher than expected today but after the recent 800,000 plus downward job revision and it's a
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sucker's bet in asking ken hassett when kudlow continues.hj ♪ fers. jen x. jen y. and jen z. each planning their future through the chase mobile app. jen x is planning a summer in portugal with some help from j.p. morgan wealth plan. let's go whiskers. jen y is working with a banker to budget for her birthday. you only turn 30 once. and jen z? her credit's golden. hello new apartment. three jens getting ahead with chase. solutions that grow with you. one bank for now. for later. for life. chase. make more of what's yours. ♪ limu emu... ♪ and doug. (bell ringing) limu, someone needs to customize and save hundreds on car insurance with liberty mutual. let's fly! (inaudible sounds) chief! doug. (inaudible sounds) ooooo ah. (elevator doors opening)
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david: hey, head ward. reporter: hey, u.s. supreme court squashed dreams now and vice president kamala harris and keep trying to forgive student loan debt up till the election and wait and having themed a jute indicate before the student loan bailout is given out and still seeking applications and going for them with $168 billion to forgive student loans and going for 4.8 million people and i want to tweet the vice president saying we're also fighting to defend our save plan. which has lowered payments for millions of americans we won't stop fighting to build an economy that works for every american and white house spokesperson and angela fernandez said our administration will aggressively defend the save plan and critics say this is all political.
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>> they want to say the only reason they're not giving them $20,000 in student loan four giveness is the mean supreme court and we'll fix that and get you the 20 grand. reporter: the model projects that the total cost of student loan bailouts out to $536 billion over ten years and that's about $54 billion a year in taxpayers and the supreme court ruled that congress has the authority to appropriate that much money for a program and biden harris changed rules on existing plans to widen debt forgiveness and rules that changes that's what's being litigated in the lower courts. back to you. david: edward, thank you. bring in kevin hassett and economic advis advisers and howh power and money and lawlessness this administration wants to take from congress and the supreme court.
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don't you think? >> during covid, you recall i went back to the white house to help coordinate the economic recovery and at one point there's a mee meeting and everye thought about all the options that one could possibly have and stimlouis for the lock downs and absolutely unconstitutional to forgive student debt and can't do this during the covid emergency and this is they have the right to do it and going for the way they're founded in the language and deny of education saying it's unconstitutional and we don't have the this is right authority and the thing that's most interesting about this case
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to me is the astonishing partisanship of the justice department that career people during a national emergency said it's 100% unconstitutional to forgive student debt and then where did those people go and president biden said i want to do this. david: $500 billion is going to be requisite by the congress and that's in the constitution. even with that. >> it's merrick garland's job saying you can't do that and it's unconstitution 23458 and a couple of weeks ago and it's
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profoundly disgusting. they have no respect for the rule of law in the justice department for allowing this to happen. david: turn to the economy and easier to deal with numbers and these things and here again, and the gdp coming in and second read of the second quarter came in up more than expected 3% growth of gdp now after that 800,000. that's expected to be 2.8% and revised upward of 3% and remember all the jobs revisions and eventual revisions down by 818,000. do you believe these numbers about how strong the economy is this didn't account for the big revision to the jobs number and there's no way that the downward revision to the jobs numbers wouldn't also feed through to gdp. like so what happens is in a
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economy you've got inputs like labor and output and if we had way fewer inputs than we thought and unless there was some miracle and negativity and there's this much output for the labor and going to be that and expectation going to have it and revising the numbers and perhaps after the election and right now it looks like on the gdp side the numbers are strong and where we're going to find what the truth is and these are befuddling numbers and this is the next jobs report. it's a recession and jobs number and they're going to revise them. david: i can't get over the image of popeye eating spinach and that's the miracle. could the miracle of output be all that government spending? in terms of buying jobs
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essentially and god knows whether they're adding anything to the economy and if they're government jobs. is that the "miracle"that might explain the number s? >> no, the numbers are too befuddling for that. one way to look at it and statistical discrepancy and supposed to be the case that you add up how much income everybody has and then you add up how much out put there is and supposed to be the same number. and the gap is the biggest i've ever seen. i think the output numbers just don't make sense, and i think for me given the labor market stuff and how reliable that's been historically, what will happen is the output numbers will revise a lot. lot. but if we get a strong jobs report on friday, then that means that actually it's stronger than kevin thought. david: let's get political and put aside your suspended ands pieces that you're wrong. assume for the moment that
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you're right. it's her wealth tax and raising corporate rate to 30% or more? isn't that exactly the wrong thing you want to do if you're going into a slow down? you want to increase incentives for presbyterian and not make them tougher to produce. >> yeah and don't forget when barack obama came in, he had campaigned aggressively about how evil the bush tax cuts were and then they came in and he cans tended them twice much the point is there are these extremely pal informed people that apparently -- mall informed people that vote democrat and love to hear absolutely economically literal and do stuff with the tax rates and then they actually have responsibility politically for
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the economy, then they blink and they extended the evil bush tax cuts twice. this is the a base that wants to say seize everybody's wealth and they're doing that with the 65% estate tax proposal. with the realized gains and the bottom line not getting away and till vice president harry tells us her policies and throwing out ten policies and nine being ridiculed by nonsupporters and then we didn't really mean that and that's what we're going to do. so feels like there's sort of murder bordering and testing thing withs the media without committing to policies and we should stop playing that game. tell us what you're going to do
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and then we'll have a look at it. if you're going to do the tax increases, make a vow that you're submitting that as the first bill. bill. david: some people were expecting, not everybody. i wasn't expecting some details to be anno announced in the intw and apparently getting snippets of cnn interview that will come out in full tonight already and not talking about flip-flops saying she has the same volunteers ands now that she always had. of course that's the policy and i don't think we're going to get it in the next 24 hours and, kevin, great to see you my friend. >> great to see you, david. david: coming up, california democrats passed a bill offering, get this, up to $150,000 in assistance for illegals to buy hopes. what happens if kamala's
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california brain trust comes to washington? heaven forbid and talking about it with former heb secretary doctor ben carson joining us next.tles ♪ and the engine finally roars the thing you care about most is a job well done. ♪ but when you get your tools from harbor freight something about the job feels a little different - your wallet. because we believe no matter what you're working on you need high quality tools at a great price. and that's what we're all about. ♪ whatever you do, do it for less, at harbor freight. ♪
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david: california taking kamala harris' subsidies one step further and passed a bill offering down payment assistance up to $150,000 thomas mancino illegal imgant home buyers and dr. ben carson, former housing and urban development and it's great to see you again. as former head of hud this, is wright up your alley and most americaning and particularly first time home buyers are struggling with 7% mortgage rates and high monthly payments and getting $750,000 for illegal migrants and what elected to the
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housing market. >> well, david, i got to tell you, having a home is a essential part of the american dream and it's long put for people coming here and what about the american citizens? people contributing to the united states budgetary entire life and what about them? people that won't by approved ever and it's a political ploy being utilized to gain the kind of traction they don't otherwise have. at some point, we have to start doing things that make sense. i did crease the regulatory burden and that's what's driving up prices, particularly in california. you can take 150,000 unit
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highest home ownership in the trump administration and particularly amongst minorities and we should ask ourselves what do we do then? i see that kamala is starting to talk about decreasing regulation and she's starting to talk about it and adopting more of the trump policies and that's good. i hope peep realize she's just talking and doesn't really know anything about it. david: it's coming back to bite them and she -- that's where her brain trust is in california. that's where she learned how to do the business of governance if
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you ex-clues the expression. screwing up the market and i remember very well the subprime loan crisis that led to the 2009 financial debacle and worst crisis of my lifetime and i'm no spring chicken. these are people that we virtually know nothing and we don't get to vet these people and if we can't vet whether they're criminals or not, we certainly can't vet what their financial background is and we may be letting into a bad subprime area. >> there's no understanding of the market system whatsoever and what you mention is very serious. we don't know who these people are and looking at a story this morning, aurora, colorado, where gangs are going into apartment building ands taking over and
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terrorizing the people. we don't have enough police. people aren't volunteering to become police officers anymore because they don't get back what they can potentially be put in jail themselves. it's almost like like there's a master plan for destruction. david: we've seen that the most vulnerable of all in our nation are the children. we saw it in all kinds of dei -- by the way, we have a program coming out tomorrow night at 8:00 p.m. on fbn called education in america. this relates to the fact that so nun america, our children have been experimented on and the worst part is when it's in dei programs and critical race theory programs and teach them bad lessons and meanwhile they're not learning how to read or write. they're not learning their math and they're graduating from high school and learning level on the
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side of sixth grade herbs o less. >> it's shameful. you go back and look at sixth grade exit exams from 150-200 years ago in this country. we'd be very impressed to see what you had to know to get a sixth grade certificate and very embarrassed because we're dumbing people down. david: absolutely. >> in the past one of the reasons we rose from nothing to the pinnacle is because we educated our people. they knew what they were talking about and we educated them. people came to me because youthy i was good and they were going to get good results. that's the way it should be in america. it'll stop the foolishness and what makes the person the color of their skin, texture of hair or shape of nose or is it their brain? e maybe we should concentrate on what's really important.
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david: on substance and not super-fish y'allty and that's what dr. -- super officialty. thatthank you, dr. carson. texas removing 1.1 million ineligible voters from voting roles. how much more is happening around america that we don't know about? texas congresswoman beth van van duyne and florida la laurel lee. we thought texas was doing a good job of monitoring in stuff and how did you find out about it and can it happen again? >> they're doing what they're supposed to do and they're calling and cleaning up their voter roles and they're looking at people who have died and it's probably half of the number of 1.1 million that you mengeed and people that have died and people that have moved and people
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illegally here about that 1.1 million and tampa bays is leading the way and doing what it should be doing in contrast to see what democrats are doing and they're happy to have them come in and they're hoping to vote. they're going to have them vote on housing and it's prevented them from voting and only five democrats going for that . david: congressman lee, 81% of americans want voter id. 81% and that's a pew research poll and gallop with a poll that's better and of it going on the line. >> the failure is going to be like so many other good policy and the house republicans are working on this and here's why
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it's important. also ensure that going with state and election officials and keeping those claim and also state a good job making sure that voter roles are reviewed and they're regularly updated and texas is clearly also leading in this way. get access to information like that and the social security administration has and department of homeland security has and that they can look at those data ba bases and help vey who belongs on the voter roles and who is a citizen and who isn't and who may be deceased or moved away and do their part to be up to date. david: yeah, congresswoman van duyne, we got a clip from the cnn interview with kamala and i want to run a bit of it and i read out some of what one of her
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statements was and it's that she hasn't changed her values. let me run a clip and get your reaction to it and it's hot of the press as they say. roll it. >> interested in the green new deal and that value doesn't change and my value around what to do to secure the border. it's not changed. david: she's in favor of fracking and her people say she's in favor of fracking. this is what she said not long ago. let me roll that tape and get your reaction. roll it. you have that tracking tape? >> when you commit to implementing a federal ban on fracking your first day in office? adding the united states to the list of countries who are banned this devastating pact >> there's no question i'm in favor of banning fracking, yes. david: she says her values are the same on green energy but she was in favor of banning fracking and now she's not in favor of
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it. she's getting caught up in too many contradictions. >> take her at her word and what they've done in the last three and a half years as far as policy and there's more in illegal immigration in this country than we've ever seen, 15 million people that have come over and more deaths and violence and crime in communities as a direct result of her inaction at the border and the accounting standards boards of taking away the policies that were working as well as adding catch and release and only added to the horrible conditions at our border. also look at from fracking, i'm from texas. that would decimate our state. if you think about what they've done in policies they've added and regulatory burdens they've put down on any company and they've devastate that had industry and now she's trying to walk that back? same one saying biden was at the
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tom of his game a few weeks ago. they can't be trusted and look at what they do and not what they say. david: congresswoman lee, only about 20 seconds but your reaction since pennsylvania is a key state that she's trying to get. to win in the election and they rely on fracking and people overwhelmingly favor frabbing. isn't that why she's prevailing on this issue? >> absolutely. look at positions and she's clearly stated over the course of her political career. and the policies she's an integral part of and she's trying to run from these positions so that the american public won't recall what a radical she is. that's the reality of who she is. she absolutely would destroy energy independence in our country and she does not sport the police and law and order and criminal justice and most
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importantly she's been one of the architects of the disaster at the southern border. voters need to remember who she is. she is who she's always said and this new re-invented kamala harris is purely the design of the political strategists going in an election. david: i wonder on the pushback from cnn dana bash and should have been push back and going with con vasting at various times. congresswomen, great to see you. thank you very much for coming in. coming up, what does biden and kamala abby sense from this week's memorial for troops killed in afghanistan tell us about the definition of commander in chief? miranda devine will weight in when we continue. ♪ progressive makes it easy to save with a quick commercial auto quote online. so you can get back to your monster to-do list.
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david: miranda devine writes in the new york post callous biden shows true colors by tesla and metaing on the beach in the anniversary of afghan who robin lou and joins me now to talk about it and post columnist and fox news contributor and thank you for this column. it goes way back to the incident itself but when biden came out in the convention and said no
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troops died in the withdrawal and you remind us of this and a few memoirs four troops died under his watch. he's showing himself and it's outrageous and you put a wonderful fine point on that much. >> thanks david. the contrast between the empathy that not been shown by joe biden is kamala harris to these gold star families, the 13 service members killed in botched withdrawal from afghanistan. it's very different from the empathy that donald trump is showing them and it's not un-characteristic and even though democrats like to portray donald trump as some sort of unfeeling monster. he actually seems to have victims interest at heart. ...
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jot gold star families invited him to arlington national semi-tourist to commemorate the third ab verse reigns leading of the death of the abby gate suicide bomber and dign dignifid much more dignified than that the family members themselves and going for that and the charges of his life and he was infuriated and that's members since and kamala harris posted and she was the last person in the room and intimately involved in those disastrous decisions
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that joe biden >> kamala harris has come out with his interview with ian and we only have about 20 seconds more than forgiveness, but she said that he did that interview, my values have not changed analogous those values include, not attending a memorial service for the 13 dead troops. >> will yes and she was in washington dc and she had no appointments for engagements and she was just to live with the staff and i guess prepping for these interviews. and it's really quite pathetic and i think that it shows a certain callousness. >> it doesn't been in a really really strongly recommended everybody out there, to look the new york post, get brenda's call, really s&l the head and thank you so much miranda, really appreciated it moreng i kudlow after this.
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>> thank you all so much for watching the special edition of kudlow. tomorrow will have center john bruce and jason just to break down kamala harris interview come this to be funded first, this should be fun, tammy bruce, and for elizabeth mcdonald and thank you. >> the world is ours and thank you very much so i appreciate it, and everyone welcome for the evening edit and i am tammy bruce and for elizabeth mcdonald coming out former president trump delivering remarks


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