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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  August 30, 2024 10:00am-11:00am EDT

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payment options are available, and if you call now, you will also receive a free 5 year warranty valued at over $500. the call is free, the quote is free, and there's no obligation to buy. call or go online now, so the next time there's a power outage, your home powers up. power your life with generac. call or go online to request your free quote today. stuart: is that an attempt at flattery? that's what it is. to the money this friday morning, dow up 60, nasdaq 188
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points going up. the ten year treasury yield is going up 3.87%. oil at 73 and coming down a couple of bucks and bitcoin around 59, 60,000. we just received an important economic read with the consumer sentiment number. what have we got? lauren: 67.9 the month of august. what, that would be less than expected. university of michigan exciting a balance. support from democrats who are cheered that biden is not in the race anymore, it would be kamala harris. inflation very much determines how we feel about things. 3%, how do we feel currently? the number went down but how do
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we feel about the future? that went up a little bit. final point when trump is in office, we are at -- stuart: congress is down 30% from the days of trump, people not feeling as good as they did than. that the politics of this. now this. it was unsatisfying, vague, practiced, well rehearsed talking points. kamala harris's first interview didn't get to the heart of the matter which is what does kamala harris really believe? democrats are asking america to take a gamble on a candidate selected just we could go by party bigwigs who can't explain her endless flip-flops. she said there is no question i would ban fracking, now she says she would not ban fracking but says my values haven't changed. she said that in response to whether flip-flops then, ban it then but not ban it now, her values haven't changed, that doesn't make sense.
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what has changed is energy politics, now it doesn't. he has failed to explain why she is changing her tune on so many issues. will the real kamala harris did, let me be clear, far from it. her answers were vague. and it is important to take seriously how to guard against -- her campaign says she will end the ev mandate. she was clear on economic problems, blames trump for inflation, she has been clear about taxes, she will raise them. dana bash did few follow-ups, harris played out:00, the interview ended with head about harris's niece and tim walz's son, 20 minutes on the air,
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this morning, kamala hers remains a work in progress. we don't know what she really believes. second hour of varney just getting started. it is friday morning 10:00 eastern, fired up tammy bruce. what is your main take away from last night? tammy:i think she is a finished work. i think that we learned everything about her last night, she believes in everything she was saying with passion about fracking, the riots never ending, her price gouging scheme, the fact that she refuses to be clear now means that she does have a position she feels is dangerous to express to the american people during an election. she has not been shy for decades and suddenly she's mary
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poppins, no she's not. this is why we learned everything about her. she was accurate, she was vacuous, it was not well rehearsed. her head was constantly down. she was looking away. she was trying to remember what she was supposed to say. any of us sitting here could be sitting here for an hour talking nonstop, surprised by questions on the teleprompter because we know what we stand for. on any issue that's normal life. we have opinions based on decisions we have to make. she can't do that because she is hiding something. for the american people she wasn't asked about the unrealized gains, she was asked about her niece, tim walz was asked about his son. they produced pieces. it was an infomercial.
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the american people didn't learn anything because they meant them not to learn something. stuart: donald trump promised to make in vitro fertilization free for women if he is elected. >> part of our efforts to help working families i'm announcing today in a major statement that under the trump administration your government will pay for all your insurance company will be mandated to pay for all costs associated with ivf treatment. ivf treatment. we want more babies to put it very nicely. stuart: 3 ivf treatment, is that his response to the abortion debate? >> it is it is a signal and he really believes that and there is a large american conversation about accessibility and ability to have children that is part of a
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american dream. when people think of the economy how is that going to happen? we remember the trump economy. i contend on the issue of abortion and reproductive rights is that women don't have reproductive rights because they don't have any money. you only have a genuine choice when you can be genuinely choosing whether you want to have a child. 70% of abortions happened because a woman can't afford it because of pressure from the outside but economic pressures. if you change the framework from those who are pro-life the only real reproductive rights, trump has adopted that phrase happen when women have financial security and that is about having enough money to make a plan for your future. if there's a surprise with anything, medical, having a baby, some kind of choice you need to make, having money allows you to have a choice and that is where trump comes in.
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it is about reproductive freedom but not as the left defines it. abortion is not freedom. something has gone wrong and 7 of 10 women are making a choice that's not a choice at all but and forced abortion and the economy is the conservative answer to this. it should be welcomed, people don't like that, blame obama, obama set that up and we have to answer to this. stuart: friday morning got to have tammy bruce. thanks for joining us come back soon. on a similar subject donald trump seems to be backing away florida's six week abortion ban. what is he saying? >> he would support a ballot measure to overturn florida's six week abortion ban. >> how you vote on that? >> has to be more time.
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i told them i want more weeks. >> you vote in favor of the amendment? >> we need more than six weeks. everybody wanted roe versus wade terminated 4 years, 52 years. i got it done. they wanted it to go back to the states. exceptions important for me, for ronald reagan and others that have navigated this very very interesting and difficult -- >> reporter: he would likely make it 24 weeks. stuart: back to the markets, check this out. green on the screen, dow up 70, nasdaq up 164. we just received the pce inflation number up 2.5% over the last 12 months. no impact on the market from that inflation report. lauren: that is lower than expectations. the fed is cutting in september.
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the question is is it 25 or 50. lauren mentioned michigan numbers. a lot of people, scared of the big recession word. this is classic normalization, deceleration but for now, we do see that soft landing, markets are rallying and excited about that. i also say this is a big week. nvidia crushed it. the market didn't like it yesterday because forward guidance a little light. with they have given a number the market like? probably not, stock is up one thousand%. %. a market that is really excited and hopeful for rate cuts. stuart: let's dabble in politics. listen to what kamala harris played the blame game for poor economic conditions. role it. >> what do you say to voters who want to go back when it comes to the economy specifically because their groceries were less expensive,
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housing was more affordable when donald trump was president. >> when joe biden and i came into office at the height of the pandemic, we saw over 10 million jobs were lost. people, hundreds of people a day were diane get because of covid. the economy had crashed. in a large part because of mismanagement by donald trump of that crisis. stuart: mismanagement by donald trump. >> the one who was fighting to keep schools open, the one who didn't want lockdowns, that is mismanagement, i don't think so. when they talk about housing and how uncontrollable it is and her plans to build 3 million homes, she can't build seven ev chargers with billions of dollars, how will they build 3 million homes? i don't trust the government to build 3 million homes when they can't do anything right, get the government out of the way, let's get regulation out of the
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way and let entrepreneurs -- stuart: a little sarcasm on friday morning. you are looking at the movers. i want to hear about diamondback. lauren: shall is down 2%, so is bp. reuters is reporting that opec plus is likely to increase their output starting in october. stuart: elastic. lauren: we are looking at it because it's down 27%. they wanted ai driven search platform and reported a quarterly loss to the tune of $30 million so they have a hard time closing deals because of tighter customer budgets. stuart: a design software company's audio desk. lauren: they raised annual revenue and profit forecasts. stuart: thanks very much indeed. kamala harris said she had no regrets about covering up biden's mental fitness. the new york times detailing
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how senate democrats pushed the president out of the race, details on that, bombshell story. colorado's democrat governor dismissing venezuelan gang get fears after this video showed armed men taking over an apartment complex. local councilwoman is speaking out. >> this gained has taken over several complexes. they hold guns to their heads. we need state and federal partners to step in. stuart: that councilwoman will respond to her governor's remarks next.
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my team and i will be demonstrating the smart money trading strategies that have made us famous. if you're serious about trading, you don't want to miss this unique opportunity to trade shoulder to shoulder with the pros. it's limited to just 100 people, so make sure you grab your tickets now. call 888-809-8058 to reserve your seat. that's 888-809-8058.
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ryan t. writes, "moving is stressful. can you help me take one thing off of my to do list?” ugh, moving's the worst. with xfinity, you can transfer your internet in just a few taps. just a few easy moves. did somebody say “easy moves”? ♪ ♪ oh no. no, i was talking about moving your internet. this will move the internet. ♪ ♪ ooh, ooh. -let's keep it professional. professional dancers! -ok! stay connected during your move with the best in home wifi. easily transfer your services in the xfinity app. bring on the good stuff. stuart: 45 minutes of business and the market is up 70, nasdaq up 145 points.
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big tech doing well across the board, amazon, microsoft, alphabet, meta, up, apple is down $0.95. back, sure you've seen this video before but armed venezuelan gang members taking over an apartment building in colorado. what the mayor of the war saying about this? >> he has lost control of these buildings, infiltrated the city and blames the biden/harris administration into the country deciding this week to restart the program that provides humanitarian parole for migrants from haiti, nicaragua and venezuela despite widespread fraud, migrants lying on applications, us sponsors using fraudulent identities including dead people. addresses that did not exist
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and traffickers demanding payment from those they sponsored and many believe that is what you will see here. the mayor of rrr saying of the administration is trying to figure out who to arrest and how to evict these people who have taken over the complex. >> state ownership, fallen to these venezuelan gains, needed everything they could to keep them out of the city. it is not our problem. this is a federal problem. >> reporter: under this program dhs is par rolling 30,000 cuban, haitian, nicaraguan and venezuelan migrants a month into the us so they don't overwhelm the border. >> funneling people into the united states with no expectation they will ever leave. >> colorado's governor says the
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video is part of misinformation campaign and aurora officials, residents don't see it that way. they are moving out, donald trump weighed in yesterday. >> we tried reaching out to the resources. we would have to wait until that was the issue. >> took over a building, machine guns, guns from venezuela, you haven't seen the beginning of this migrant crime. >> reporter: there's very little vetting for these migrants in this program because we don't have access to the federal records and most don't feud being deported because the countries won't take them back. stuart: more from mayor of aurora who is concerned someone is funding these apartment takeovers. >> whether it is federal
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government, these games are attracted to a concentration of migrants, pushing out property management, collecting rents, rest have been made but persons who know. stuart: the city councilmember in aurora, a spokesman, dismissing you, this is a figment of your imagination? >> the romero activation, spoken to these complexes and moved out of. this is one heck of an imagination. stuart: what are you going to do about this?
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>> bring this much attention to it and continue to bring this attention to what until this is addressed. i won't let this be downplayed or ignored. the governor can attack me all he wants and i will continue to expose this and going to these buildings and get as many people out as i can. be one going to get people out? what about people barging into these apartments? can we arrest them? >> i think that is where we need the help of state and federal partners. this is beyond anyone local law enforcement, this gang is here, they spread out, taken multiple apartment complexes. we need a group effort here. stuart: who is to blame in your opinion? >> the blame starts at the southern border. we need to shut down the southern border and put policies in place that are
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vetting these people. you can look at our state. the governor made our state a sanctuary state and the mayor of denver hung a banner on diversity hallford said we love migrants. can we event that? we have hundreds of guns, they are running whatever operations they are running. somebody needs to step in at the federal and state level. stuart: back to how the residents of these apartment buildings feel and what they are going through. >> every day when we come home we have to do this every time we check out the garbage. every time we go to bed at night and nobody can kick in the door. stuart: it has come to that. five locks on the door. >> that is one of the folks i was able to move out the other
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day and i hope nobody is listening to the governor, this is very serious, very real and it will spread quickly across the country if not addressed. stuart: thank you for joining me. appreciate it. still had the high cost of college driving students toward trade schools. there is a summer camp in new york hoping to capitalize on that teaching skills the girls as young as -- many teens losing interest in school. they are not being challenged in a positive way. why is this happening? cory deangelis deals with it next. ♪
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stuart: on markets this morning dow is up 60, nasdaq up one hundred 27. taylor riggs looking at the big mover is. mongo db. lauren: software and structure data. they are boosting outlook for
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next quarter, revenue up 13%. this is on cloud optimism, tech, leading the way, investors happy. stuart: intel is moving about $20 a share. stuart: folks at bloomberg, how to maybe split off part of the company. maybe factory portions, what portions are split off. 60% year to date think this is a zombie comp on a. they have to do that, if pat gillsinger can do it, he has to do that. stuart: this is a beauty company. >> warren buffett disclosed
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$266 million steak. they are worried about competition, they are not working great. top and bottom line, if they are figuring out a discretionary environment when consumers are pulling back, how they step up to that. stuart: tools and her tiaras teaches construction trade skills to girls as young as six. you are going to look at the school. what are they learning? lydia: got to put my hardhat on. they are learning safety on the job, learning real trades. electricity, got to see a painting workshop. this is commercial painting.
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check this out. most kids pack sunscreen and a water bottle for summer camp. in the shade. why do we have a shaving pick? james and kamala johnson bring a hardhat and paintbrush enrolled with tools and tiaras, nonprofit the teaches trade skills to girls. >> if you have a job or a career, do something you love to do. >> reporter: girls as young as 6 get lessons in carpentry, electrical, plumbing, and confidence for life. >> every day i wake up and i could go into electrical too. >> make sure it is on both sides. flip the brush again. >> how is that? that's not so bad. >> i have been killing it as a plumber for 30 years.
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>> this is the brainchild of julie cassidy, immigrant from trinidad who became a plumber when college was out of reach for her in america. cassidy is using her success to show the next generation a career in trades can empower them too. >> to think we didn't go to college because we wasn't smart and choose to have built and that is what we do. >> reporter: that shaping the next generation. you can see more tonight in a special program at 8:00 on fox business talking about education in america. stuart: a woman in construction making $53 an hour with no student debt. great stuff. taylor riggs, you have a daughter. would you sign her up? lauren: my daughter was born,
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should we start saving? don't worry because it will look different in 18 years. our daughter teaching teachers to code. we can do these things. a transportation company, guess who owns more than he does, who gets paid more than my dad does. the mechanic because you can't find them. stuart: a quick question. you mentioned younger girls, you know a welding torch, have you seen them? >> they are heavy duty equipment. they are dangerous but all supervise, highly trained experts teaching these courses. stuart: they are all laughing at me. thank you very much. a new survey found many teens losing interest in the idea of school. half say they have been challenged in a good way. cory deangelis at the american
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federation for children joins me now. why are kids bored with school? >> maybe we should have more focus on the trades, college is being shoved down their throats. that's not the right path for every one. when they are not being challenged at school or in a school environment, when they are in a climate they are in line with they will not be happy with it. children have an innate desire to learn. they like to seek out information. factory model government run school system that is 1-size-fits-all disaster squashes that innate desire to learn in children. it is why my wife and i going to homeschool our daughter but that's not the path for everybody. there's not a 1-size-fits-all all school model for people, we should have school choice so families can choose schools that interest their kids. stuart: nearly one in four
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children are chronically absent during the last school year, that's when a student misses 10% of school days. what can you do about this? >> they learned it from the teachers unions, monkey see monkey do. there for the gears starting in 2020. now the kids saw the unions don't care about them and their well-being and school was the bottom of the list for all of society because of the fear mongering by randi weingarten and the teachers unions. with the devastating learning loss that resulted from these school closures. that depresses kids when they want to come back into the system and are so far behind, the way they do this is follow states that passed universal school choice. allow folks to vote with their feet to schools that focus on the trades cover the don't push
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college for everyone, that meet kids where they are and allow them to focus on things they are interested in. stuart: i get the sense there's a pushback on school choice, pushing back on it. if kamala harris became president you have a serious pushback on school choice. love to hear from you again. thank you very much. if you want to watch wnbc star caitlin clark, you have to shell out cash, ticket prices for the rookie rematch hitting record highs. student-athletes offer thousands of dollars to endorse publicly democrat senator jon tester. tester's campaign says they have no knowledge of this. riley gains comments next.
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we're doing a live trading event in aventura, florida. at this incredible event, my team and i will be demonstrating the smart money trading strategies that have made us famous. if you're serious about trading, you don't want to miss this unique opportunity to trade shoulder to shoulder with the pros. it's limited to just 100 people, so make sure you grab your tickets now. call 888-809-8058 to reserve your seat. that's 888-809-8058.
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stuart: student-athletes in montana being offered thousands of dollars. riley gains is with us. tester's campaign is they have no knowledge of this. what do you think of money for college athletes a? >> let's first and foremost to be clear that this is tester attempting to gaslight montanans into believing he cares about female athletes and women's athletics. he does not. he's made that clear in his voting record for the protection of women and girls in sports act with 50 democrats, the senate has two weeks to vote on title ix that would counter the biden/harris administration's a rewrite of title ix. they won't vote because
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democrats don't want to be on the record saying they oppose biological reality and common sense. stuart: who is offering money to student athletes if they endorse publicly john tester? >> tester said his campaign has no knowledge of this. they've been caught at this point and say they have no knowledge of this. i believe his campaign does know about this. we when your testimony was emotional. you spoke about sharing a locker room with trent -- transgender, you tore into doctor angel cabrera for failing to intervene. big picture. are you winning the battle to keep biological men out of women's sports? >> big picture absolutely. people see what's going on, the title ix rewrite as i mentioned happening here but we saw what
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happened at the olympics with male athletes who previously were barred from world championships, for failing 6 eligibility requirements meaning they see this and understand the harm, the severity, the trajectory of where we are going if we allow these progressive policies to maintain it if we elect four more years of progressive leadership so bottom line we are winning, unfortunate that it takes circumstances like what happened to my cell. i listened to two or three hours of testimony from girls sharing the unfairness of the competition but also how they described in their own words sexually assaulted in the locker room. one who said thomas thrusted his male genitalia and looked at her with his male smile and said sorry, premeditated and sexual harassment at the hands
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of the georgia tech president and president biden and kamala harris. stuart: thank you very much for sharing that. appreciate it. come back soon. later today, caitlin clark and angel reese set for rematch in chicago. taylor: $334 up 16% month over month. it is one hundred $60. every other game a walk in, $15. that shows you the star power. stuart: what do we have on the screen, 135 -- lauren: a top price. in the wnba, to get more high-powered stars, to get people excited. that's how you close the pair
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gap between the wnba, this is a step in the right direction. blue when it one it is moving the right way. thank you. we want to know the most money you spent on a sports outing or concert. e-mail your responses to one of the plants and virginia violated federal regulations. date for he has the story next. so i can save on something special for a first date? wait! that's all for a first date? whoa. alright, c'mon earn big with chase freedom unlimited with no annual fee. how do you cashback?
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stuart: nine people have died to a listeria outbreak, one of their plants in virginia has violated federal regulations. what were these violations? >> many of them are discussing. over the past year they found 69 violations that include puddles of blood, mold, leftover meat on equipment, this was before the listeria outbreak. the cdc says is responsible for nine death sent 9 hospitalizations. here's both 70 meets impacted, several kinds of ham, baloney,
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bacon sausage, boar's head recalled 7. 2 million pounds of deli meat after samples of unopened products tested positive for the bacteria that causes listeriosis. 15 states are impacted. nine people have died. they lived in south carolina, illinois, virginia, new mexico, florida, new jersey and new york. they said a statement, quote, we deeply regret the impact this recall has had on affected families. no words connect press our sympathies and sincere and deep hurt we feel for those who suffered losses or endured illness. the cdc says it is the largest listeria outbreak since 2011. the plant where it came from is shut down while the company is disinfecting it. some people are suing after eating the products including the pregnant woman who claims she lost her unborn child because of the illness. >> people the developed symptoms most commonly will develop a stomach illness and
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have nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. >> those symptoms can sometimes take ten weeks to present themselves after you've eaten the contaminated food. stuart: thank you very much. lauren: is this when you buy the prepackaged or 1/4 pound of turkey. >> deli owners are the same thing, making sure it is not contaminated. stuart: doctor marty makary joins us. is there something wrong with the inspection system for this deli meat? >> there may be defects but it is hard to prevent. it is in the soil. there are violations from the reports that it is ubiquitous and there's about 1600 listeria cases, most ari symptomatically but not serious. in some cases it is serious and that's what happened here. stuart: how does it get into
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our bodies? >> the handling, it is cross-contamination. the animals in the soil who get the bacteria on the animal, didn't take a lot and the bacteria grows on its own, this is bacteria that has been well known in beef and poultry and it evidently was contaminating all three of those. stuart: that is what went wrong, the meat was contaminated by something in the soil and that is what went wrong? >> it may not have been consumed by the animal but is on the surface of the animal and is on the slicers, metal devices, that is where it contaminates the food. stuart: a new study links covid to hearing loss in young adults. that is kind of frightening. what do we know about this?
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>> we've heard of this in the past. we know there is general body inflammation, half of america was in bed for a day after the second dose of the vaccine. the body is reacting to general body inflammation that could potentially affect the ear. there is sometimes an antibody generated inflammatory reaction. there's not been a lot of interest in vaccine related industries were covid related complications, we have to see what the data bears out. stuart: it keeps rippling through, doesn't it? covid is kind of their. thanks for coming out this morning. thank you. harris continues to defend her support of president biden when his cognitive ability was questioned. taylor: she has no regrets at all which seems to be working, one of the latest pulled out
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this morning says she is tied if not leading in 7 swing states, no regrets at all but she is different from him. the new york times headline that came out this morning talking about the senator, mr. reed of rhode island. how biden -- they pushed him from the race. the decision by the normally taciturn mr. reed to be among the worst to speak out was notable but was more remarkable was what he said. according to two attendees if mr. biden wanted to stay in the race after disastrous debate performance that underscored concerns about his condition and mental acuity should summit to examination by two independent neurologists willing to report their findings at a news conference, that's a very interesting position to take by loyalists in the democratic party. stuart: there was a threat, wasn't it? if you don't submit to these tests, you are out. >> he said that to political
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aides of president biden who didn't tell biden, chuck schumer. stuart: they got together and they pushed him out. good story. check the big board please. on the upside, dow is up 55 points. we are heading into a long holiday weekend. intel at the top approaching $22 a share. amazon, boeing, microsoft on the list of winners, intel at the top of the list. hewlett-packard, american airlines, dollar general, marathon petroleum. who are the winners? intel is on the list to. marvell technology, thank you for sticking with us, we will watch you on "the big money show" at 1:00 eastern on fox business. still had, steve hilton.
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is he going to run for governor of california. can trina campos on the new plans for citadel headquarters in miami, a big impact from is that. patrick hehahn on gas prices falling. will the trends continue? 11:00 hour of "varney and company" is next. ♪ ♪
10:57 am
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11:00 am
>> she has not been shy. for decades. and suddenly now she's mary freaking poppins. no, she's not. the american people didn't learn anything because they meant them not to learn something. >> it's all going to end up coming town to credibility, doe, does anyone believe her now and her refusal to even acknowledge she's changed her mind on all these things from fracking to the border and everything else. she will say literally anything to get herself elected. >> they have known for a long time this was a threat to americans, and they never closed the border. and they never told the american people. >> these fed rate cuts are on course, they're on


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