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tv   Kudlow  FOX Business  August 30, 2024 4:00pm-5:01pm EDT

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kelly: if you aren't buying a home or you can't, and saw larry stocks where you can play, make some improvements on bathrooms and such you might put your money as folks make those trade offs. have a great holiday weekend. all right. you get a jump on the news, the dow closing at its second straight record, the 26th of the year, the s&p 500 and the nasdaq closing out the day and month higher, dow gaining 245 points, the s&p and nasdaq finishing at second highs. that will do it for "the claman countdown". larry: hello, everyone. happy friday and welcome to a special edition of kudlow, i'm david asman in for larry kudlow. vp kamala harris wanted to make one thing perfectly clear last night on cnn.
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"my values have not changed." in fact, she repeated that canned line five times to stress just how much they have not changed. problem is, except on everything from fracking to immigration, to healthcare and crime, the only consistency about her agenda is that it does keep changing. more with wyoming senator john barosso but first grady trimble is live from the white house with a roundup of last night's interview. reporter: david and vice president harris stopped short of calling bidenomics a success in the interview. she didn't even want to say the word but she did rad el off a whole list of economic policies under the biden-harris administration that essentially amount to bidenomics and she called them good work. she was also asked what she would do on day one, as president and here's the answer she gave. kind of vague about lowering prices. >> day one, it's going to be
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about one, implementing my plan for what i call an opportunity economy, extending the child tax credit. there's the work we're going to do that is about investing in the american family around affordable housing a big issue in our country right now so there are a number of things on day one. reporter: in that interview harris blamed former president trump for what she called an economic crash, even though as you know, david, inflation was at 1.4% when she and president biden came into office. now, she says, she's proud of bringing it down to less than 3%. no mention of the huge spike. harris also tried to explain away those changes in policies like her pass support of a fracking ban and green new deal, using that quote you mentioned, her values have not changed. the trump campaign is going after her today for that line and others. senator j.d. vance says harris has been coached to pretend to be moderate but that she's actually governed as "a far left person." >> if you think groceries are
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expensive now, what happens when we increase the cost of energy even further, making it hard to get the food to the grocery store? if you think the cost of housing is bad now, what happens when we increase the cost of producing the materials that go into the houses? she is pursuing a policy, guys, that is going to make americans poorer in their own country. reporter: former president trump is in pennsylvania today. he's about to take the stage in about 30 minutes or so at a campaign event and this will be the first time we see him on camera reacting to that interview last night. we'll see what he has to say, david. david: lot to react to in a pretty small interview without many follow-up questions. for more let's bring in wyoming senator john barrasso, chair of the senate republican conference. good to see you, senator. thanks for being here. it's not only the trump folks criticizing what she said, the same values. even nbc's ymachi alsinder is
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about as far to the left as nbc can get but she put out a tweet saying vp harris keeps saying, my values haven't changed, while not explaining why her positions have changed. i mean, that's really the question. what motivates this woman and how will she govern? the american people have a right to know, don't they? >> the american people do have a right to know, david. you're absolutely right but by any definition it was a softball interview with cnn. they just pitched little marshmallows to her but it's no surprise that kamala harris wants to flip flop on these dangerous positions that she's taken, because they are losing positions. she wasn't prepared for that interview and she's really not qualified to be president of the united states. if she can't go and stand up against cnn, i mean, how's she going to be going toe-to-toe with china or the kremlin. she keeps saying my values have not changed and i believe they haven't. those are the values the dangerous values of a san
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francisco liberal. the values that got us these high prices. the open border. you know, at the convention, she said we're not going back. people want to go back to the low prices. the secure border. the safe communities that we had when donald trump was president and that's why i'm do everything i can to make sure that donald trump gets re-elected. we get republican house, a republican senate to get the country back on track. david: well you know she's going so far, not just repeating the same line, my values haven't changed, but she's actually making up things about what she said in the past. she said during the interview last night that she actually said in the debate that she was not against fracking or she was not in favor of fracking but we went into the debate that she had with vice president pence sand she said no such thing and of course, in 2019, she was very specific about saying she banned fracking. here is the sound bite. >> there's no question i'm in
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favor of banning fracking. >> [applause] david: no question. i mean, no question. it's that simple. >> well that's just one number of things. one is she wants to ban fracking and that's going to drive up energy costs for all americans when she was running back then, she said she wanted to eliminate private health insurance for americans, but she wants to give free healthcare to illegal immigrants. she went and actually worked to bail out criminals in the united states but makes it easier for illegal criminals to stay here. so she's had all these policies and it's cumulative damage that she's done to this country. prices up 20%. 10 million illegal immigrants into this country, including members of criminal cartels, drug dealers, people on the terrorist watch list. that's why we need to get donald trump and j.d. vance into the white house and a full republican senate and house to help them get the country together and back on track. david: j.d. vance was on fox this morning, and here is his take on what he saw last night
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with her interview. roll that. >> i felt a little bad for him, because it was clear she wasn't totally sure-footed and she didn't totally know why she was saying the things that she was saying. she's been coached to pretend to be a moderate. unfortunately, guys, she's governed as a san francisco liberal and because of it americans are poorer. the world is more chaotic and our border is wide open. david: i mean, specifically, on fracking, clearly the reason that she's willing to actually distort or makeup stuff she said in the 2020 debate is because she wants pennsylvania. pennsylvania does very well with fracking. the people like fracking, even the democratic senator likes fracking, but the point is, is her past has been definitively against fracking. i mean, it's just clearly a political move, right? >> these are all political moves, by her, and she has been as j. d. just said coached to say certain things and certain buzzwords like laser-focused and
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on day one, david, her day one came almost four years ago, and that day she was laser-focused on opening the border for 10 million illegal immigrants, with free housing, free healthcare, free credit cards. she was laser-focused on attacking american energy, like fracking and that's what this biden administration has been doing. attacking american energy and our workers. that's why the gasoline prices doubled. that's why food prices went up so high, so i'm a lot less interested in what she said the last 40 days as i am the damage that she's done to this country. over the last nearly four years, and she wants a promotion. she needs to be fired. david: well as far left as biden himself has governed and of course she was at his side, but he clearly has been pushing things and maybe somebody was pushing him to push things that veered this country to the left, but it could go even further, and specifically in dealing with the law. her legal, if she becomes
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president, her judicial appointments or nominations could really reflect the far left views that she comes from. her brain trust after all is in berkeley and one of those guys by the way is the dean of the university of california berkeley law school. a guy named erwin sherminiski, and he doesn't want to amend the constitution. he wants to replace it completely. he was on msnbc earlier today to talk about it. i want to play that and get your reaction. roll it. >> rather than a series of constitutional amendments isn't it time to start thinking of a new constitution? isn't it absurd that we're governed in 2024 by a constitution written in 1787 for small slave-owning society? david: now one has to think that the dean of the university of california in berkeley where she hailed from is going to be top on her list of judicial,
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maybe even a supreme court appointment. we may have a justice of the supreme court who wants to tear up the constitution and replace it. >> well she's not going to get that even if she is president. i'm going to do everything i can to make sure she does not become president but i'm also going to make sure we have a republican senate so that somebody like that whose been nominated by a president, harris, which i hope never happens, that we will block that nomination, that confirmation from ever coming into play, but what do you expect from the wackos in berkeley. i want to tell you what she few people do in congress and very few letters do. the 90 days running up to an election i get the federalist papers and i read one a day and there's 85 of them and three or four pages. this is the basis for which the constitution was written. i think that the more americans understood the basis of our constitution, how much we would respect and admire what those founding fathers were able to come up with, we have
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an incredible system of government i'm going to stand by it, defend the constitution. that's what the republican party is going to continue to do and that's what we're going to continue to do if we're able to take the white house, the house, and the senate. david: but you know, senator, i don't mean to be the bearer of bad news but the dean of the university of california berkeley law school has a lot of sway in the legal sphere. think of the thousands of students in whose minds he's put these ideas about tearing up the constitution because it was created by slave owners. >> well, you know, justice scalia in his writing said the real problem is that there are not enough law students and law schools that teach related to the federalist papers who people don't understand the constitution and to your point we've had judges nominated by the biden-harris team who have come to hearings in the united states senate for confirmation and really didn't know the basics of the constitution of the united states. david: i've seen john kennedy go after those people, yes.
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>> very effectively. we need to get the country back on track and that involves republican house, republican senate and a republican white house in 2025. david: it's a critical moment when you think of the appointments that the could come of the harris administration if she ever becomes president, it be frightening. senator barrasso, good to see you. coming up, consumer sentiment is way down from where it was under president trump. we're going to be talking about that with john carney, when "kudlow" continues. your memory is an amazing thing,
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david: well, this morning, we got consumer sentiment numbers which came in a bit below expectations but these numbers in general during the biden-harris administration are way below what they were during the trump presidency. we'll show you in just a second. is this a reflection of how americans really feel about the biden-harris economy? joining us now is john carney brightbart economics and finance editor. this is so much fun. folks i don't as a rule like charts but this chart is so clear. you look at one side. you look at the other side.
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put it up on the screen if you can. this is on the left side of your screen is a fairly stable chart that you see there. that is the trump years, ladies and gentlemen. then, that grey panel in the middle, that is the pandemic. that thin, grey line in the middle is the pandemic so of course it came down very far, but then look at what happened on the right side of that line, that grey line in the middle. that is the biden-harris administration and john, it's crazy. you had that stability during trump and then this craziness during the biden administration. it's almost like the mind of some of our economic advisors you have the straight line of the trump team and then the sort of crazy gene spurling line. >> one of the things to notice about that chart is we're actually below during the worst days of the pandemic. david: by the way the worst days of the pandemic the numbers were 71 and we're at 67.9 so you're precisely correct.
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>> we were below there. what happened? why is that? during pandemic people said okay the economy will bounce back. i understand what happened we closed down businesses, we told everybody to stay home. what's happened after years of biden-harris is that people realize that if we get stuck with these guys as the leaders, we're not bouncing back at all. this is the economy we're stuck with. high inflation as far as the eye can see. that's what's really held down consumer sentiment for all of these years, because people really thought they were going to get back to normal and we never got to get back to normal because they came in and they passed these reckless spending bills that sent inflation to 40-year highs, and people were not prepared for that. we would have had a little inflation when we came out of the pandemic. we wouldn't have had as long, i mean think about it. we're now four years into the biden administration. four years away from when the pandemic hit, and we're still have elevated inflation, inflation that most people hadn't seen in their lifetimes.
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david: the other problem is, and a lot of people don't look at this number, you do. the business investment side is even weaker. you talked about equipment investment. that is weak. intellect out property investment is week as well. it seems to me that folks who have the investment money are kind of waiting to see what happens in the election because that could change their investment plans dramatically. >> that's white we had this big gdp revision that said second quarter was stronger than it looked but if you look mostly because of consumer spending. consumers are still spending money, but if you look under the hood of that, business investment was weak, and it got revised downward and that should, i think, frankly, should be worrying people because i think what people are saying is yeah, look. if we get this administration again, which frankly is what's going to happen. kamala harris can say she's not joe biden, but she's running on joe biden's policies extended for another four years and i think that's what's causing businesses to pullback. david: and she's also using
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the same rhetoric by the way about what she inherited. the disaster that she inherited. we have to bring it up all the time but first let's listen to what she said about that last night. roll tape. >> the economy had crashed in large part all of that because of mismanagement by donald trump of that crisis. when we came in, our highest priority was to do what we could to rescue america and today, we know that we have inflation at under 3%. david: how many times do we have to say it? how many times? the economy was in the middle of a v-shaped recovery after the pandemic. the last read on gdp growth was annualized at over 6%. the inflation was 1.4%. now they say well, that was because it was right before we were going to get big inflation anyway. not so. i mean, you see the inflation numbers pretty steady and a lot of the spending that trump was involved with was temporary
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spending. it was not this permanent upping of the baseline, the spending baseline. it was temporary and going to phase out and beginning to phase out and of course biden not only kept it but doubled down on it. >> that's right. one of the things people expected to happen was the economy would return to normal. we didn't get anything like a return to normal. instead we got these giant deficit spending programs that kept coming and coming. when kamala harris said their first plan was to rescue the economy, we were in the third quarter of elevated growth when they came into office. we grew more than at a more than 34% annualized rate in the third quarter. we grew in the fourth quarter of 2020 so the economy was bouncing back already as , you know, larry kudlow said, we're going to have a v-shaped recovery. we had a v-shaped recovery. the biden administration came in and kicked the legs out of the recovery by basically over-spending and driving inflation. david: certainly some of
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the supply chain problems that biden-harris had in the beginning, that would have happened under trump as well right? >> absolutely. david: that might have pushed inflation a bit as well? >> it would have been a short-term inflation. remember when the fed came in and said inflation will be transitory. we would have actually had transitory inflation if not for the over-spending of the biden administration. that's what pushed inflation to keep going for as long as it did and why now, four years later we're still suffering under biden inflation. david: john carney, great to see you appreciate it. coming up the biden-harris open border has allowed a migrant crime wave to sweep the nation. we're going to be talking about it with jason chaffetz and steve hilton, that's next. (husband) we just want to have enough money for retirement. (wife) and travel to visit our grandchildren. (fisher investments) i understand. that's why at fisher investments we start by getting to know each other. so i can learn about your family, lifestyle, goals and needs, allowing us to tailor your portfolio.
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put your business online in minutes with the power of ai. david: the migrant crime wave is taking the nation by storm, as the denver suburbs are now
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dealing with the same armed venezuelan gangs we've seen in colorado and new york elsewhere. fox news william la jeunesse is live in los angeles with the story. reporter: david a lot of finger pointing right now in colorado between the governor, the mayor, the police, but the problem again many say when the biden the biden-harris team opened the border migrant apprehensions jumped from 17,000 in 2020 to 600,000 in 2022 so the administration created this chnv program providing migrants from those four countries humanitarian parole, but auditors found widespread fraud, migrants lying on applications, sponsors using fraudulent identities including dead people, and traffickers demanding payment from those they sponsored. >> they're literally just funneling people into the united states under this program with no expectation they are ever going to leave. reporter: and that's what
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sources say we are seeing now, and a mix of innocent migrants along with graduates of the venezuelan prison gang extorting tenants for payment. >> there are several buildings, actually under the same ownership out of state ownership that have fallen to these venezuelan gangs. reporter: so, dhs briefly suspended that program but restarted it this week saying they have worked out the kinks, and inviting about 30,000 illegal immigrants a month from those four countries. critics say, however, there's two problems. one, we still have no way to vet these migrants because we can't get at their criminal histories and two, we can't send them back because their countries won't take them, which is why you see some of the gang member, david, appear to behave as if they have no fear of police, because if they are re-arrested they will simply be released and probably not deported and we have biometrics on all these people and yet they are carrying
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weapons illegally. nothings being done. david: you hit it though. it's the context for the law. we saw that from the venezuelans arrested for beating up cops in new york, who flipped the finger at the photographers when they came out of court because they knew they were free and they could getaway with it. it's just that simple. william thank you very much, let's bring in jason chaffetz, fox news contributor and steve hilton, also a fox news contributor. great to see you both guys. thanks for being here. jason, remember when trump first talked about venezuelan gangs being here and let out of prison. the media went oh, god this is trump again. this is awful. the same kind of lies have been spewing since 2016 when he came down the gold escalator. it turns out it was true and right and what kills me if you look at root causes for all of this , it goes back to what kamala harris was saying before about decriminalizing illegal
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entry into the united states. let me just roll tape from i think this is from 2019. roll it. >> raise your hand if you think it should be a civil offense rather than a crime to cross a border without documentation? can we keep the hands up so we can see them? david: biden timidly putting his hand up where first person up was kamala harris, jason. >> yeah, she's been an open borders person for a long time. she does not believe that there should be any sort of coordination when the federal government. democrats take this position and say oh, it's a federal issue but then there are sanctuary states and cities so if they do catch somebody and remember this is the criminal element. the criminal element of the illegal immigration problem, and they won't take those same people who have committed crimes or allegedly committed crimes and do that with the feds, in particular, i.c.e., to get them out of those communities and
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have them deported so in many ways they are treated better and softer and easier than they are an american citizen who would face much more severe consequences and then they run rampant and they cause this fear and intimidation in these communities and the governor just looks out over there and says oh, that's just your imagination. david: yeah, and steve, her take on this goes way back. it is rooted, again root cause, it is rooted in her ideology, in her values if you'll use her new phrase. way back i think this is from 2017 she put out a twitter, or a tweet saying an undocumented immigrant is not a criminal. i mean, way back then, and she tried to sneak away from it last night. i want to play a little clip from last night's interview where she tries to getaway from her past on this issue. roll it. >> one other question about something that you said in 2019 when you first ran. there was a debate you raised your hand when asked whether or
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not the border should be decriminalized. do you still believe that? >> i believe there should be consequence. we have laws that have to be followed and enforced, that address and deal with people who cross our border illegally and there should be consequences. david: steve do you believe that? >> well, what did she say? she didn't say anything. it's a perfect example of why much of that interview was such a joke. there was no follow-up to say what do you mean by consequences? what kind of consequences? she didn't talk about criminal sanctions of any kind, so she could still have the same position, so if you look at that interview, she's pretty clear about fracking, okay, she didn't give any kind of substantive evidence we should in any way back off what she said a while back. it's not that long ago, a fauciw years ago saying she would
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decriminalize illegal entry into the united states. she did nothing last night to counter that in any substantive way, and the final point i just want to make on this topic david is you used the term earlier respect for the law and contempt for the law. this whole open borders ideology is contempt for americans as well. contempt for our country. normal people look at what's going on to say what are the people in charge doing just letting this happen year after year and then they turnaround and say oh, we can't send people back to their countries. why the hell not? we've got the biggest economy in the world. the most powerful military in the world. if we want to do something we should be able to do it when people are here illegally wouldn't be in the first place. david: i disagree with you partly. because in venezuela they aren't taken back. they don't want them back and they don't have a good relationship right now with the us that when they were cozying up to them earlier in the biden administration so jason, you brought up another point that what's happening on the local level, particularly
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the disgruntled folks that live in depressed areas who have lost the little bit that they had, the little parks they had, or the little free healthcare centers that they had, that sort of thing. that's being diverted to the migrants so i'm just wondering if there's a sea change not just at the top of the ballot but down at the bottom of the ballot on local elections because of this. >> i hope so, because if people want to retake and claim to their communities they are going to have to realize there are tens of billions of dollars that are now being funneled to people that are here illegally as opposed to taking i don't know maybe like a veteran whose, you know, homeless and struggling with mental health issues. those types of things. the school rooms, the classrooms when your kids go back-to-school then suddenly a teachers having to deal with five kids who don't speak english. do you think that's going to have an affect on their community? absolutely, and by the way, kamala harris says oh, let's
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just there should be consequences and we should enforce the law. well the current law says if you don't come, if you come into this country, between the ports of entry, you're to be detained and deported, but that's not what she's doing so it's an empty suit. when she says that they are going to enforce the law, they aren't enforcing the law. that's the problem. donald trump will enforce the law. kamala harris has not enforced the law and she's the one in charge right now. david: well and steve it's such a mess right now because you have the problem on the federal side where they aren't vetting the creeps coming in, so they get a free ride by the way into the united states and they aren't vetted, and then you have on the state level, and sometimes a local level, you have these sanctuary state rules or sanctuary city rules and sometimes they conflict because the governor of colorado now, governor polis is saying that people are imagining this , that the local folks who think that the venezuelans are taking over housing projects and stuff are just imagining it.
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will we don't have to cmv majority in. we have the video tape. we literally have the video tape and he's doing the ultimate in gaslighting claiming what we are seeing on video that the stuff that's happening that we can look at and see and the stuff that people are suffering with isn't happening at all. >> i mean, it's just such an insult to everybody's intelligence and you're absolutely right about the state and local aspect of this as well and you have them here in california. i talked to sheriffs the whole time. they're absolutely at their witts end because they have all this crime going on and it's a sanctuary state there's nothing they can do about it and the extent people have to understand. just i was in the central valley in california one of the greatest agricultural areas in the world. i was talking to the sheriffs. what are the main crime issues and they said the theft of agricultural equipment. what's behind that? well, the cartels and are branching out if you can believe it to agriculture and farming. they are taking over the avocado industry so guess what they are doing? traveling up and down the central valley of california
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stealing tractors and other farm equipment, putting them in massive trail or s and taking them to mexico. i said how on earth is that even possible? why isn't it being detected? they can track it with electronic trackers, because they control the border. the scale of this is just ridiculous. david: that's another thing trump says. we've only seen the beginning. we only have about 20 seconds but i've got to get your view on this steve hilton because it's your territory. the new radical prime minister of the uk has thrown out or banned this wonderful portrait of maggie thatcher. he's trying to erase history. one of the most significant historical figures in british history, in politics at least in modern british history. maggie thatcher doesn't exist anymore, what's going on there? >> it's absolutely, i've got to tell you i worked there and it's a pretty small place. i used to, we used to call it the thatcher room and i used to love having meetings there it
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was my favorite place to have meetings. you could book the rooms, and there she was looking over us as we were around the table and inspiration. she's one of our greatest-ever leader in the uk. total disrespect that shows how far left and ideological they've become on that side of the fence. they have no respect for anyone else's opinion and this is a great and terrible example of it. david: gentlemen, great to have you on thank you so much for being here. have a wonderful three day weekend if you have one i appreciate you coming in. turning to another story now the house administration committee subpoenaed top officials at five different government agencies yesterday to appear foreclosed door depositions over concerns that federal bureaucrats have been deputized by the biden-harris administration to use federal funds to register voters and "encourage" voting. question is for whom? joining me now is wisconsin congressman bryan stiel, chair of the house administration committee. congressman, doesn't this date back to an executive order by president biden?
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>> you're exactly right. executive order 14019. the president has now engaged all of the federal agencies to engage in a partisan get out the vote scheme. elections are naturally partisan but the administration of our elections, the government's role is remain non-partisan. president biden has called on all of his executive agencies to put forward a strategic plan to get out the vote in a partisan nature. it's why we've called to get the strategic plan. they have re buffed that and i've called a number of federal administrators to am could in and testify and explain to us what they are doing with your taxpayer dollars. david: you say in a partisan manner. they are trying to get out the vote. i understand we're going to go into details about how partisan the deep state is in washington. the federal bureaucracy certainly is, but do you have evidence that it is being done in a partisan matter? regulation, they are trying to steer people toward registering
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democrat? >> well the fact that they won't give us the strategic plan that every biden administration agency has created tells you plenty. then we do have anecdotal evidence of how the administration is conducting this , even though they do refuse to provide us the strategic plan. we know the department of education is engaged with work study dollars on our nations liberal largest campuses, to get out the vote. we know that the small business administration has contracted with the state of michigan, a critical battleground state for this president. we know that the administration has work at the bureau of affairs and engaged children to get out the vote on critical indian reservations around the country so if the administration is not engaged in illegal behavior why are they refusing to provide the strategic plan as exactly whoever calls these individuals into testify under sworn deposition next week. david: do you suggest they are violating the hatch act or is this something more than that?
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>> well your federal taxpayer dollars should never be utilized in a partisan manner in a get out the vote effort. to do that be illegal. the administration has put forward this executive order to engage individuals in getting out the vote. what we want to see is this being done in a partisan nature. the fact the biden administration refuses to provide us the strategic plan in which they are strategizing how to use your taxpayer dollars. we know they've had meetings with a host of liberal organizations and the fact that they stonewall us tells us there's a lot probably in these documents. it's why the american people deserve to see it as to how their taxpayer dollars are being utilized. david: let's be specific about whose running the government, and it is anecdotal. it may not be definitive but i think it's 92% of the voters in washington d.c. voted for biden in 2020. 92%. i can't think of a major city in america where the numbers were that big.
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that's an anecdotal bit of information, but it may play on this. the johns hopkins university had a study, i think it was about six or seven years ago, in which they did a survey of 815 federal workers from all different agencies within the federal bureaucracy, and some of the stats they came out with were extraordinary and here is their final conclusion i'm quoting them. the beltway insiders, those who work in federal agencies on capitol hill and in other washington policy jobs tend to think americans are uninformed, no quote, very little about the issues, and have opinions that can be ignored. so, this is coming from johns hopkins by the way. it's not a partisan institution, and it's clear that that's the way the bureaucrats think about american voters, so they do apparently think they are easily manipulated. >> well we know there's roughly 2 million federal employees that are not members of the united states military but this executive order by
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president biden goes beyond just federal bureaucrats. it's leveraging federal agencies to get out the vote. again, elections are going to be partisan. it's fine if a partisan institution goes and tries to drive up the vote to their advantage. what we're saying is your taxpayer dollars should not be used in a partisan manner during the election. partisan activity and elections is reasonable. our federal government and all government needs to remain neutral during the process of administering our elections. david: that's what the hatch act is all about. congressman thank you very much appreciate it. thank you for coming in. coming up, flip flop flip flopping so harris claims she never wanted a fracking ban and doesn't want one now but we have her on tape saying she is in favor of one so which one is it? montana senate candidate tim sheehy is weighing in when "kudlow" continues.
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david: so, vp harris said and as you heard on tape that she was in favor of banning fracking and now, she's back pedaling saying she never wanted one and still doesn't want to ban beings r so what is her energy policy and how will that affect states that are heavily dependent on energy industry like, for example, montana? joining me now is montana senate candidate tim sheehy. tim great to see you thank you for being here.
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well, kamala of course broke the tie in the senate on the green new deal, also known as the inflation reduction act. it was a $1.2 trillion policy. your opponent, the guy you're running against, senator john tester wrote right after he voted for the inflation reduction act said it would unleash american energy securing montana's energy future going on to say would expand offshore oil and gas leasing in alaska, and the gulf of mexico. you know, i remember it was just a few months ago that they took about 13 million acres of drilling land off the table in alaska, so it certainly hasn't done that. how about in montana has it affected the industry at all? >> of course it does. the keystone xl pipeline would have been a multi-billion dollar economic boom for eastern
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montana and our largest source of cheap power in the state, coal strip, which is one of the largest coal deposits in that region of the country. there's 3,000 years of coal left in that mine and every day death by a thousand, you know, they are slowly shutting that plant down and john tester is nowhere to be seen. the democrats made very clear there's a war on american energy and they are in lock-step all of them across-the-board. they are trying to shutdown america's fossil fuel industry and why do you think we have 350, four, $5 gasoline these last couple years. it's time to actually unleash it. david: your state went heavily for trump. i think it was 57% for trump, about 40% for president biden, so how does he hang on? i mean, i think it remains me a lot of joe manchin who also lives in a heavily trump state who was re-elected and pulled himself out of the next election but how does tester hold on? >> well you've got massive spending. this is the most expensive election in american history.
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the democrats dumped money into this state every time. out of state dark money, number one recipient is the entire nation of all candidates running for office so by shear money flowing into the state, and of course you just mentioned what kamala is doing is the exact same thing tester does every six years. the last six months of every six years he's a republican. it's amazing. he wants a secure border. he wants to support american energy. yet for five and a half years he votes against gun rights, votes to open border, votes to wage war on american energy, that's why he has an f from the nra, he's helping to shutdown montana's industry but he has to run from his record from the last six months of every six years and he does so because of course the establishing media and $200 million in democrat spending wraps him in a republican costume, for the six months leading up to election day and unfortunately its worked for him but right now we're leading in the polls. we have to keep the pressure on for another 65 days and montana wakes up and realizes that john
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tester is another loyal big government socialist whose voting every single step of the way to put america last. david: by the way i haven't seen a lot of photos of either kamala harris or joe biden, the president, with tester. is he kind of avoided any association? even though he votes for their bills he votes for the green new deal et cetera but he doesn't want to be seen with him does he? >> no. it's masterful, and he recruited kamala harris to run for the senate in 2015 when he was chair of the sec, so responsible for her national political rise. just said at a pearl jam concert in montana that the most port thing in the nation we can do is elect kamala harris for president but then the next day refused to actually endorse her for president, so it's a classic game the democrats play nationwide. john tester is the best player at this game which is they spend 95% of their time in office undermining our economy, american security and then they want to fool us the last six
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days before election they haven't done that. david: tim very quickly there's something called montana together. it's a move by tester to get money from students. riley gains is on to this. she said a little bit about it i just want to play that sound and get your reaction. roll it. >> this is tester attempting gaslight montana and really americans into believing he cares about female athletes and women's athletics. he does not. he has made that very clear in his voting record for the protection of women and girls in sports act along with 50 other democrats. david: so, he's trying to get money from female student athletes, but at the same time, he wants men in their locker rooms. you've got five seconds. >> well no, actually he's paying them to endorse him. that's what he's trying to do. runaway from the fact he voted to let boys and girls sports. david: great to see you my friend thank you very much for being here. more kudlodaw right after this.
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david: well, thank you for watching this special edition the of "kudlow." larry is back on tuesday. have a wonderful labor day weekend. tammy bruce in for liz macdonald right now. tammy: hello, david. it's great to sort of be on tv with you. [laughter] david: we're sort of there. tammy: welcome, everyone, to "the evening edit." i'm tammy bruce in for elizabeth macdonald, and you're taking a live look, live look there to man himself, former president donald trump, rallying in johnstown, pennsylvania,
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following vice president kamal


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