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tv   Outnumbered  FOX News  November 1, 2023 9:00am-10:00am PDT

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. [ whimpers ] [ plate dropping and breaking ] [ food hits table ] [ dentures plop out ] ahhhh! [ baby cries ] don't let this happen to you... always look for the grown in idaho seal. mlb chooses t-mobile for business for 5g solutions... not only enhance the fan experience, but to advance how the game is played. now's the time to see what america's largest 5g network can do for your business. >> kayleigh: checking several major stories at this hour,
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starting with new migrant caravan of 5000. we are learning 600,000 people evaded law enforcement before crossing the border last year. we have no knowledge of who they are or where they went or their affiliation. plus, fbi director christopher wray says threat of terror attack on u.s. oil is a whole other level. he is warning hamas action will inspire greatest u.s. terror threat since isis. first we begin with the white house's refusal to classify violent antisemitic threats as domestic terrorism. this is "outnumbered," i'm kayleigh mcenany here with emily compagno and harris faulkner. senior fellow for independent
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women's forum kayleigh and kevin walling. the white house is being accused of hypocrisy when it comes to hatred, you should be able to call hate hate. antisemitism, antisemitism. biden administration directed the fbi to direct concern parents, parents after they protested about pornography at the school board meetings in front of their young children. they had no problem targeting catholics, remember the fbi memo warning that radical traditional catholics, never heard of those, could be "violent extremists" and remember pro-life catholic innocent father that the fbi treated like a domestic terrorist. they arrested him at gunpoint, fbi agents in his front yard in front of his screaming children for defending his son against a planned parenthood volunteer.
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he was found innocent. when it comes to those making violent threats during surge of antisemitism, the white house won't call them domestic terrorists. >> the people in this country making violent antisemitic threats, are they domestic terrorists? >> i don't know that we're classifying people as domestic terrorists for that. i mean, that is really a question better left to law enforcement. i'm not aware of such a characterization of that. >> kayleigh: so not domestic terrorists, try extremists. >> does president biden think the anti-israel protesters in this country are extremists? >> what i can say is what we've been clear about this, when it comes to antisemitism, there is no place we have to make sure that we speak against it very loud and be very clear about that.
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>> peter: what about protesters making jewish students feel unsafe on college campuses? are they extremist? >> i have been clear, we are calling out any form of hate. any form of hate. it is not acceptable, should not be acceptable here and we'll continue to call that out. >> kayleigh: you know, i don't get it, kevin, the doj has arrested a student who published a threat to stab and slit the throat of any jewish males he sees on campus and to rape and throw off a cliff any jewish female and behead any jewish babies, that seems extremist to me. >> 100% extreme, 100% terrorist. should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. you played director wray's testimony before congress. jews represent 2.5% of americans in this country issue but faced
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with 60% of violent extremism -- >> kayleigh: why won't the white house say it? >> they should. when the president was in israel and since then before multiple audiences condemning antisemitism, call it out as ectremism. threats up is intoperable and disgusting and not who we are, call it what it is. >> kayleigh: there is gut reaction with doj, go after the parent, catholic, pro-lifer. where is the gut reaction from the white house to call antis antisemitic extremism? >> harris: they are caught between the 2.5 jewish americans and 2% of muslim voters, that is where they are caught. i don't know why they can't say to both sides, you say you are with the terrorists, you can change your message, in the meantime america stands with israel. >> and jewish americans, too.
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>> harris: absolutely. are you as frustrated when we watch from the white house podium preme to about islamaphobia in israel right now. two separate things. you can treat them equally, but they are not interchangeable. when i watch, i don't understand why she can't answer the question we're talking about right now and that is this is domestic terrorism. if they come here and attack on this soil, that is what it is going to be. >> you are right, we need to call a spade a spade. the president has been clear, we need to see moral clarity coming out of the white house. >> harris: why aren't we? >> i think you are going to see it. >> harris: is there a date coming up? >> she clarified her remarks earlier, because they fell short. >> kayleigh: that should have been a visceral reaction, you
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shouldn't have to turn to the tab in your mind, should be able to do that on command, gut reaction and she wasn't. here is a spokesperson asking about an antisemitic person. >> one more question, if you don't mind, senator chuck grassley written about fritz, bergram, employee accusing him of maintaining publicly available blog that includes a lot of antisemitic content. he calls jewish people the devil's children, state confirmed to us he is still an employee, has he faced disciplinary action? >> because of privacy restriction of every federal employee, i'm unable to talk about any employee employment file and employment status here at the state department. as general rule, we oppose antisemitism in any form. >> kayleigh: insufficient matt
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miller. look at this, emily, he can't tell us what is happening with taxpayer dollars. this employee has been issuing antisemitic remark for a long time. look at this letter from charles grassley, july 14th, it is november 1. july 14th, grassley said based on reports the state employees fritz bergram and he was assigned to unit that handles special visas for afghans. this was in the summer. >> emily: this employee is on administrative leave, which we are still playing for, they are enjoying watching tv at home and fruits of nefarious labor. point out in addition to examples you laid out, how our president articulated where his priorities are. do we recall back in january of 2021, he was first sworn in at
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the swearing-in ceremony for employees, he told everyone, he told the world, i will fire you on the spot, he said to employees if they showed any form of disrespect. he said he has a "zero tolerance for firearm dealers" that was june of 2021. if any of them go "rogue," in march he called governor desantis legislation protecting parental rights close to sinful. 11 hours ago we learned it is white house is creating combat -- wait for it, islamaphobia, that is where their priorities are and attention is. if he can be so clear, so quick to fire someone on the spot for disrespect and yet blatant, atrocious, hateful antisemitism, so clear here, there is silence, unwillingness to condemn, this is shameful. i expect nothing less. >> kayleigh: i believe the
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employee on leave is employee at dhs, there are two, at least two. this one seem to celebrate october 7 attack with picture of a paraglider, taxpayer dollars. >> kaylee: something kevin said, asking why administration is unable to provide moral clarity, because they spent last two years blurring lines and foaming out the mouth over things that do not matter. if you have ilhan omar calling jim jordan terrorist and the fbi smearing faithful catholics as ecists extremists, you have lost the ability to define what is right and what is wrong and that is why we are not getting moral clarity from the white house. >> kayleigh: if moral clarity is coming from the top, get the biden spokespeople in a room and get better answer.
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state department will hold a briefing and a massive migrant caravan is marching through mexico to the southern border and one organizer is slamming president biden for being used by latin american countries. with 32 years in the navy, i know personally what it means to be deployed and how much we want to put down roots when we come home. as a veteran, you've earned the right to apply for a va home purchase loan, with no down payment. with the newday va loan, you don't have to save up to move up. helping veterans buy a home of their own. that's what we do. from newday usa. welcome home.
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>> harris: the largest caravan coming over the southern border and heading straight for the united states. into our country and going to sanctuary cities as you might think and guess. the caravan organizers say have number of 5000 or more, just left southern mexico. one organizer is speaking out. arenio mieka is dual citizen of u.s. and mexico and describes
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himself human rights. out of control immigration crisis, he is calling out president biden for failing to address it. he is the caravan leader. >> watch. >> lost the ball, lost the power in america, has not opinion paying attention to what is happening. mexico has been ganging up with the countries to make sure all immigration go straight to the united states and that is what it is. every country has been providing rights, charges 20, 30, 40 dollars and pushing them in to the mexico border. i'm completely stunned. where is american intelligence? don't they know the countries are conspiring against united states to make sure they have this crisis being made. >> harris: just background on him, long-time activist, holds
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d dual mexico u.s. citizenship. he is stuck between the guatemala border and he has stuff to say. >> kaylee: he is at least telling it like it is, we can't get biden to acknowledge it is a problem at the border, he is saying this is deliberate cries being waged on the united states and where is our president? there were stats that bill melugin reported yesterday, illegal immigrants have entered this year alone, 600,000 gotaways, 500,000 entered through the biden legal system. this is unmanageable. we cannot sustain this and alejandro mayorkas cannot even call it a crisis.
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unbelievable. >> harris: that is not the only problem they are dealing with right now, mayorkas has been asked on capitol hill a handful of times, where are 85,000 children you lost track of. >> kayleigh: right, no clue, clueless or doesn't care, only two conclusions. to your point, yesterday john kirby was asked, is it possible somebody wants to commit a terrorist attack crossed the southern border. he answered, i couldn't possibly answer that question. this could end tomorrow. house speaker johnson said we passed hr 2, new border agents for enforcement, building the wall is part of that, part of that remain in mexico, revamping asylum system. take it up, schumer, lead the way, biden. >> harris: the money coming from
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extra irs agents, who is fan of more irs, other than the white house? >> certainly billionaires are not. >> harris: i am not a billionaire, i don't want them knocking on my door. >> the president put forward supplemental, 5000 new officers as part of the deal. 1200 new border agents, more processing in terms of expediting removal, that is important and affects people coming over. if we show we will turn people away, i think that is super important. question of working with new speaker. let's get something done. you are seeing movement with that supplemental. >> emily: that is like you are missing an arm in the hospital, we have a list of bandaids and you are sitting there with a
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hemorrhaging arm because that was not addressed. case in point, this week, senator mayorkas said i'd be pleased to provide amount of agents reassigned to the border. special agent testified in front of congress saying they had been reassigned from extremist cases, investigations, things of paramount importance to make sandwiches. mayorkas reverted to talking points, well, we are there to scower out fentanyl, that is not what we need, we need specifics and answers. you have people testifying 600 law enforcement men and women were reassigned to the border to babysit as fentanyl was flowing in and cartels are running central and south american country with our help and people are exploiting southern american
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towns and throughout all 50 states ands i will provide that number in the future. it is a weak talking point to the plight of americans and migrants being affected everything and especially law enforcement. >> it is a bandaid, we need congress to pass. >> kayleigh: they have, they passed hr-2. >> take up -- >> talk to schumer, please. >> mayorkas says the immigration system is broke and realize it is a serious problem and has been for a long time. >> harris: layering because of the threat. in 2017, fiscal year 2017, two people on the terrorist watch list crossed the border. now 169 over last few months. >> kaylee: the interview he gave is damning indictment, if we provide central and south america, that is kamala harris
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entire border strategy going down to countries to negotiate and he admits the more money, the more incentive to keep them flowing. >> harris: the man leading the caravan told us. when you get your truth from the caravan leader. coming up, fbi director christopher wray says threat of terrorism and attack on u.s. soil reached a whole other level, his stark warning when we come back. my late father -in-law lit up a room, but his vision dimmed with age. he had amd. i didn't know it then, but it can progress to ga, an advanced form of the disease. his struggle with vision loss from amd made me want to help you see warning signs of ga. like straight lines that seem wavy, blurry, or missing visual spots that make it hard to see faces like this one, or trouble with low light that makes driving at night a real challenge.
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♪ i wanna hold you forever ♪ hey little bear bear. ♪ ♪ ♪ i'm gonna love you forever ♪ ♪ ♪ c'mon, bear. ♪ ♪ ♪ you don' don't have to worry... ♪ ♪ be by your side... i'll be there... ♪ ♪ with my arms wrapped around... ♪ >> kayleigh: fbi director christopher wray giving stark warning about the growing threat of terror attacks on u.s. soil claiming our nation entered dangerous perjod after hamas october 7 deadly attack on israel. >> the reality is that the terrorism threat has been elevated throughout 2023, but the ongoing war in middle east
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raised the threat of attack to in the united states to a new level. it will serve as inspiration likes of which we have not seen since isis launched caliphate several years ago. >> emily: david has the latest. >> i've covered fbi wray for years and he chooses his words carefully. this was the senate panel. we cannot and do not discount possibility that hamas may exploit current conflict to conduct attacks here on our own soil. >> he says the fbi has multiple investigation into u.s.-based individuals with connection to hamas, there are direct ties and
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in other cases indirect ties, people that may be inspired. he is concerned about lone wolf attacks. he was joined with alejandro mayorkas dhs secretary and the counter terrorism senator who warn other terrorist organizations are watching and waiting. >> they are seeking to capitalize on this moment to galvanize supporters and organize for attacks. >> regarding rise in antisemitism across the country, wray told senators the jewish community is "uniquely targeted by most terrorist organizations across the spectrum." >> when you look at a group that makes up 2.4% of the american population, it should be jarring to everyone that same population accounts for something like 60% of all religious-based hate crimes. they need our help.
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>> he was asked point blank in the terror threat has elevated since president biden came to the white house in early 2021. he said yes, but added that law enforcement is better prepared to deal with those threats. back to you. >> emily: thank you. sobering, as you said, indeed. let's bring in retired navy seal mike sorelli, part of special command in support of global counter terrorism application. what do you make of the director's warnings? >> it should be taken seriously. terrorism was existential threat and is now and will continue into the future and underscore proactive intelligence community. however, how strong can we be without a secure border and what is getting passed us day-by-day
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>> emily: are we in a position to identify them and stop them? >> let me answer this way, 169 individuals on terror watch list were apprehended at the border. secretary mayorkas reported 600,000 got away, how many threats made it into this country? i love our law enforcement, they are better prepared after having been beaten down by the public. they can only have eyes and ears in so many places. be vigilant, if you see something wrong, contact law enforcement. >> emily: what do we need to understand about comparison between isis and hamas? >> i found that interesting. so there are parallels, isis was purely terrorist organization. with hamas, one man's terrorist
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is another's freedom fighter. with rise of pro-palestine and pro-hamas support and antisemitism we have increased probability of one, a mass well coordinated attack or the lone wolf scenario, which is like trying to find a needle in a haystack and why americans need to be vigilant. >> emily: your call for enhanced intelligence community, how are we to have faith in domestic and international community when point was failure and hamas ability to penetrate israel is why we're here in the first place? >> having worked with the intelligence community, they are completely professional, they have emotional buy in, they believe in this country. usually gaps in intelligence come from our government and political instability in support for them to do their job properly. >> emily: that doesn't surprise
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me, especially under this administration. thank you and thank you for your service. as referenced, florida senator scott asked if the country is safer under president biden, take a listen. >> is the united states safer from foreign terror threats since joe biden took office? >> i would say terror threats have elevated, but i think there are a lot the country has done throughout law enforcement to be better prepared to deal with them. >> emily: terror threats elevated and jewish community bears brunt of most hate crimes. this administration fails to condemn it. what say you? >> kevin: that conversation was so important, stay vigil, it is on all of us to protect the homeland and intelligence professionals are dedicated to protecting the homeland.
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director wray was a call to step up. i came of age during 9/11, i remember color coded days, red days and yellow days. we have to return to this. it is on us to do our part to push back on this. >> emily: kayleigh, reality is people on watch list are getting through the southern board, failed by our ic, we have incompetent commander-in-chief, big dumpster fire happening. >> kayleigh: takes one person, lone wolf terrorist, june 12, 2016, 29-year-old terrorist picked up a gun and unleashed hell upon the gay community, killing 49 people at pulse nightclub, injuring 50. one person watching al qaeda and
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jihadist videos decided to kill people. we had four years of peace during president trump's presidency. we must be vigilant. >> kaylee: threats are concerning when we have wide open southern border. something kevin mentioned stuck out, we have just as much reason to fear threats from within. look at protest on college campuses, students hate america. hate their own citizens and fellow neighbors. that is a threat in and of itself and that is concerning. >> emily: the director said it was homegrown extremism and domestic, as well. >> harris: it is radicalization and indoctrination happening at some of the richest schools in america and i argue many of them are more pricey than many around
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the world, our, lite institutions, you are seeing that happen. they are not prepared for when it turns on them. i say when because that is what law enforcement and fbi officials have been telling me. they cannot be perfect, it will take all of us. >> amen. >> harris: encourage people to talk about this, child over six or seven, sit down with them and tell them you will probably have more drills at school, come home and tell mommy what you are learning and we can put into perspective. we need to prepare them for what is coming. i don't want to be a nation that sits and gets hit, i won't be that person. >> emily: so much more to come, stay with us. u just take a few seconds to pray with me real quick. in the name of the father and son, holy spirit. amen. lord jesus, come to us now. help us to surrender ourselves completely to you. help us to listen to your voice. even when we're distracted or tired,
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we pray this in the name of the father and of the son of the holy spirit. amen. thank you so much. i just want to encourage you that if you want to join me in more prayer, check out hallow it's the number one prayer app in the world.
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>> emily: many in the lgbtq community rallying behind the free palestine movement, seen banners at protest and marches, despite being criminalized for palestinians with some facing death if caught. mike. >> there is suggestion this is a contradiction since gay and transgender people in the gaza strip face serious. queers for a free palestine, even though homosexuality is outlawed and violates social and religious standards there. not all are backing palestinians, but there is presence in the po test. official government account had a protester with protester holding lgbtq flag writing, looking forward to seeing hamas
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raise the rainbow flag across gaza as thank you for solidarity. gay rights activist says lgbtq people marching for palestinians are poorly informed. >> i think it is divided through a few different groups, groups that are obviously leading this efforts and groups that are misled and uneducated. unfortunately many, especially that generation are uneducated and don't know the history. >> some argue if you liberate palestinian territory that would free up queer palestinians to live their lives. emily. >> emily: thank you. kevin, what are your thoughts on this? >> emily, this is personal to me as member of the lgbtq community, i talked with leadership of palestinian
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authority pushing them on this issue. i think we have to make the differential and support folks that are lgbtq. we work to get them out of the country because they are prosecuted, through imprisonment and death and keep focus on hamas, which is terrorizing their own people in addition to the lgbtq factor there. israel stands as only true free beacon for lgbtq folks in middle east. i marched in the tel aviv pride parade and stood with our ambassador in 2016, marching in the streets. that is something you never see except in israel, in a place like the middle east. folks are trying to come from the west bank seeking asylum because they are so prosecuted. it is personal to me. >> emily: given that gravity, some argue for those that blur that line between hamas and palestinians referencing polls
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that they support hamas and signs say terrible things, the irony is they are engaging in willful propaganda doing work for hamas, engaging in hatred, but it would be them, too, slaughtered. >> kaylee: public polling, pew research poll found 94% of palestinians in west bank and gaza object to homosexuality, it is a deep-rooted cultural problem and persecution that gave people face is not a joke. in 2016, hamas shot one of its own leaders because he was gay. in the streets, they shot him. this is very serious. at the heart of contradiction is the idea of oppressed versus oppressor. they are approaching this in one
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size fits all fashion regardless of the fact palestinians do not support lgbtq rights and israel does. it doesn't matter to them. >> emily: give you opportunity to reply to that. >> i think we do get caught up to kayleigh's point to oppressive narrative. who is oppressing who? israel stands alone in middle east as advocate country for lgbtq folks and we need to highlight that and support that. >> harris: what would you say to young people who have that contradiction going on? >> my heart breaks for them, any country, it is in iran and saudi arabia, folks dealing with gender identity and sexual orientation. we are blessed to live in a country where our rights are celebrated, i can marry my partner alex next february and
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celebrate that in a church, in a cathedral down there. a lot of places, that is not the case. we need to work to support people within their own communities to push back and fight intolerance. >> kayleigh: 2015, headline tel aviv boasts the largest pride parade. >> marching in that parade, you saw flags from every single different country, multi nation effort in that parade. >> kayleigh: can't do that elsewhere in the region under pain of death. >> emily: more to come, including state department will hold a briefing, we will bring that the moment it happens. people around the globe ripping down posters of innocent hostages being held by hamas terrorists. leave it to "new york times" to find way to spin that hateful act. stay with us.
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>> coming up 1:15 p.m. eastern time, a press briefing with matt miller on the stance on the war in israel and where this is going next. 2:30 eastern time, patrick dye
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is expected in court, he was arrested tuesday for antisemitic threat. strong warning from the director of fbi and threats we face on the homeland as war continues to break out in the middle east. the latest on that, come join us live top of the hour. >> kayleigh: hard to believe, but vandals are ripping down posters of innocent children, civilians being held by hamas. some americans are understanding guard to protect fliers and yesterday nypd had to break up a fight over a protester tearing down signs of children. >> don't touch me. don't touch me. no. don't touch me. don't touch me. i don't give a -- get out of here. that is correct.
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>> what are you -- for? >> you are touching me. >> what are you touching them for? [bleep] [siren sounding] >> here he is. >> don't touch me. don't touch me. >> kayleigh: police are calling this a possible hate crime. "new york times" had a different spin on this behavior, they always do. how posters of kidnapped israelis ignited fire storm on american sidewalks. sounds innocent until this line. removing posters emerged as own form of protest. release valve and also provocation by anguished by what they say as israeli government mistreatment of palestinians in the years before october 7 and since the bombing of gaza began.
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tearing down signs of children, harris, who are missing and in the hand of hamas is a release valve. >> harris: in this country, if posters had black faces on them or other minority or other belief systems on them, it would be different. we are in a space where the push against the jewish community is epic and historic in the words of christopher wray, fbi director issue threats against them. we have to decide who we want to be, the one protesting the poster, that would be me, or the one screams, "kill the jews," which country are we? it is that binary. >> kayleigh: it is. the independent interviewed a family member of a hostage, those are real people despair as hostage posters are torn down. listen to her compassion, a woman whose mother-in-law is
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missing. love needs to be stronger, i don't have anger, just sadness. if they want a hug, i will give you a hug, but leave the posters there, i don't want enemies. >> victim blaming is same logic used to justify police going and taking down posters for themselves for fear it might disrupt the community. if you fear your community will be disrupted because of posters, might i suggest your community is the problem. you see many videos on social media and who is often the ones tearing down the posters? other young women. what has happened to you? when you take down a poster, you are justifying the attack on innocence, justifying kidnapping of women and children. what has happened to you that you can look inside yourself and think that is okay.
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>> in many cases, these are people who are educated, students on elite campus. one was a doctor. >> one was james simon, famous broadway producer from "death of a salesman," guess who wrote that, arthur miller, a proud jewish american. you have got to be kidding me. sinister insidious that have infected whatever community thinks this is okay and "new york times" decided as form of protest it is furtherance of hate shows how widespread and infected and infectious this hateful problem is. >> a child is a child, i don't care ethnicity or race, child missing should be something our hearts yearn to make not happen. >> you are right, maybe if only one good thing comes out of this situation, is to see new yorkers
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and other folks stand against people taking down the signs, allies to jewish community standing up for friends and family members. harris, you do a great job everyday, since 7th highlighting folks kidnapped everyday. putting a face to that. we can't forget these are children in tunnels and bunkers being held away from their parents and that is something that should unite us all. >> kayleigh: little cafir nine months old, now 10 months old, it's been nearly a month. es, with visible results in just one week. sounds like you've said that before. once or twice. neutrogena® retinol i suffer with psoriatic arthritis and psoriasis. i was on a journey for a really long time to find some relief. cosentyx works for me. cosentyx helps real people get real relief from the symptoms of psoriatic arthritis or psoriasis.
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>> harris: building for our big fifth annual patriot awards, hosted by pete hegseth. we will be in nashville, tennessee on thursday, november 16th, and i'm excited to say this, because we have not tried to do this before, but we are going to have a live audience for the falkner focus at the historic grand ole opry
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house. we have a lot of seats, we are is an excited. be with me for the live show. in addition to joining the focus audience, the opportunity to celebrate american heroes, your favorite fox personalities and so much more. you see the website on the screen right now. get your tickets today. i can't wait to see you, meet you, a prayer circle, we'll hang out. go u.s.a.. all right. >> what an amazing venue. >> so gorgeous there. >> it's amazing. >> since you've been there, you know theater. it's the old "hee haw" theater. >> it's amazing. >> thank you for those tips. awaiting today's press briefing. the state department just set minutes from now and you can watch "america reports" for that


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