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tv   Outnumbered  FOX News  November 2, 2023 9:00am-10:00am PDT

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>> harris: americans stuck in the war, gaza, and we've learned
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they may soon be getting out. sources telling fox news 400 or so american citizens and their families who may or may not be citizens, have been cleared to exit the gaza strip through the border with egypt. that could begin as early as today. we've seen just a handful of them be able to get out up until this poen. it couldn't come soon enough, that situation is getting worse by the hour, more violent. hamas is so evil with people. they wanted to block their own people from getting to egypt to safety and block our americans from doing that. with their families, the 400, about a thousand they wanted to block. this was getting more complicated. why? because they are feeling it. israel is on the ground and surrounded them by three sides now. hamas is saying it wants to
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repeat october 7, the massacre that started all of this and they want to do it over and over and over until israel is annihilated. this is "outnumbered," i'm harris faulkner, here with my co-host kayleigh mcenany and >> emily: and joining us today, host of kennedy saves the world podcast, kennedy herself. retired nypd inspector and founder of, paul mauro is with us, great to have his expertise. when it comes to ceasefire, it appears president biden may be considering reversing course. via spokesperson at the white house, no ceasefire. he changed. biden stated he standed firm with israel right to defend himself. here is what he said a few weeks ago, for example. >> president biden: from this moment, we must be crystal clear, we stand with israel.
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respond to this attack. >> harris: last night president biden confronted on the issue speaking at fundraising. a rabbi aligned with jewish voice for peace interrupted his remark, demanding a ceasefire. >> mr. president, if you care about jewish people, i need you to call for a ceasefire right now. >> get out. >> harris: oh, sit down, get out from the crowd. president biden response was not on camera, he did comment back calling it pressure, political pressure. he said, we need a pause to get prisoners out. give time. everybody is correcting him
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because they are hostages. with more on the latest, go live to trey yingst on the ground in southern israel. trey. >> trey: harris, good afternoon, there is no kaindication of pau in fighting on the border with israel and gaza. israelis are engaging hamas militants who are popping out of tunnels and trying to ambush troops. israelis sending out another name of a soldier killed in gaza this week bringing the total to 19 israeli soldiers killed in the battle with hamas militants behind me in the gaza strip. israel chief of staff described what the plan is in the coming weeks to encircle gaza city, they have been on eastern and western side of gaza and trying to cut the strip in half to attack gaza city and destroy as many of the hamas tunnels and command centers as possible. this does come as number of hostages being held in gaza
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raised to 242 people, confirmed and excluding the five people let out, four released as part of deal brokered by qatar and one rescued by israeli forces inside gaza. when you go further south to rafah crossing between gaza and egypt, it was open today to allow some pressure to leave the gaza strip. hundreds of citizens waiting to get out. 400 american names were on the list, i talked to two individuals that made it to egypt and are on their way to c care /* cairo. >> the war escalated so fast, a lot of people are dying and under the rubble of buildings. this is my fifth attempt to leave. we evacuated our house about 19 days ago. right now i'm between ice and
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fire. i do don't know if i'll be able to see the family i left behind or friends i left behind. >> trey: development on southern front come as northern front remain active. rockets have been fired today, hamas says they were responsible using southern lebanon branch. reality is hezbollah has to sign off on fire into israel. this is indication things are ramping up in the north. >> harris: wait a minute, i have to stop you there. hezbollah has command and control? explain that. >> trey: yeah, any sort of fire from southern lebanon is -- has sign-off by hezbollah, iranian backed militia controlling much of lebanon. reality is that lebanese government and military doesn't have control they promote. hezbollah has full control over many areas and part of reason
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israeli military mapped out their targets in southern lebanon and not targets of lebanese military, they are hezbollah targets. hezbollah is working with the iranian regime, smuggling precision guided missiles aimed at israel. >> harris: u.s. sanctions just got lifted after the massacre, iran doesn't have to sneak much anymore, those were un sanctions and nobody from the u.s. fought them. we could have kept some in place, that is interesting and powerful information you give us. thank you, stay safe. kennedy, i come to you first for your thoughts? >> kennedy: it is nice to be back with you all. this is very very trying for families and those are first people i think about.
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factions in a much grander war and my worry is as our president tends to make missteps and misstatements, who is the grand diplomat here who is going to bring peace or cool tensions and allow those americans and others to be free? and that is my biggest worry right now, we don't have a calm and confident hand here who is helping to ease the situation. >> harris: you're talking about the white house and i don't think you get much pushback
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since the president according to general jack keane doesn't know the difference between a pause and ceasefire. he says he must be making some political or policy configuration of the meanings of the words. secretary of state blinken will be back in the region tomorrow, he's going back to israel, he's talking to regional partners. >> kennedy: do we have full confidence in him, either? >> harris: he is not president. he is secretary of state. i don't have great deal of confidence in either of these actors and according to the president, he thinks the prime minister's days are numbered, as well. >> kayleigh: "wall street journal" just reported wagner group may provide air defense missiles to hezbollah. reason i bring this up, this is not just happening in middle east, it is new aextingxis of md
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power. mike johnson just gave a press conference and he's said he has not seen this constellation of problem in the world and our country since the civil war and he has a right to say that. i bring that up to say do we have faith in president biden? what you need at moment like this, number one, resolve. we've seen him say, resolve is tempered. number two, clarity, on world stage, taiwan, suggested we might defend them militarily putting into question u.s. policy, what happened, white house official declined to be named, had to clean that up. putin, he said this man cannot be in power. one thing if it is minor incursion, jen psaki had to clean that up, we can't afford to have clean up on aisle.
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we don't have clarity. >> harris: everybody blood pressure going up over that. guess where president goes next? china, to meet with president xi. we will cover it stem to stern. your thoughts on what we were learning from trey yingst. vivek ramaswamy told me last hour he could see why we wouldn't want to hit too close to iran as bases are being tacked by iranian backed terrorists because hezbollah might get air support from hezbollah. take a look at that. >> paul: round one to iran because right now the -- >> harris: ouch. >> paul: abraham accord are dead and that is driving this entire thing. even hamas is a loser. one of two things happen relative to hamas. they badly miscalculated, which i don't believe or in league with iran, they were sacrificed. if you are sitting where iran is, you damaged your main proxy,
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hamas. hezbollah has not gone in fully, they don't want to lose both. hamas may end up here out of power in gaza and leadership dead, what did they gain? who gains? iran. >> harris: emily >> emily: you brought up wagner group, the recent attacks, said have nothing to do with israel or gaza. from october 7 to the hospital blast on 10/17, zero attack on u.s. troops in the renal region. two weeks since, 28 attacks. to kennedy's point about blinken, i don't trust him because after the afghanistan botched pull-out he told us there were 100 to 150 americans still there.
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it was reported there were 9000 americans left behind. we are faced with the fact five u.s. citizens and other foreign nationals have made it out after we covered the fact no one was getting through that gate. put that in line with the fact this weekend matt miller thanking qatars. and did we cut a deal with qatar? did we call for a ceasefire publicly so many times over in exchange for prisoners? if that deal is worth it, why don't we know about it? i fear for potential of hundreds of americans left behind, john kirby says he knows it will take some time. i don't know how much time we have. >> harris: you brought up qatar, they know they are giving housing to former leader of hamas right there in qatar running the offices and communications for what we're
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seeing right now. >> kennedy: statement they put out right after the terrorist attack. they were on the side of hamas. this is a nation that just hosted the world cup. >> harris: we'll move on. plus 6 billion parked there, temporarily frozen so iran can't get it. biden administration announced strategy to counter islamaphobia. we see rise in antisemitism in america. with 32 years in the navy, i know personally what it means to be deployed and how much we want to put down roots when we come home. as a veteran, you've earned the right to apply for a va home purchase loan, with no down payment. with the newday va loan, you don't have to save up to move up. helping veterans buy a home of their own. that's what we do. from newday usa. welcome home.
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>> biden administration facing backlash for rolling out national strategy to counter islamophobia at time seeing rising level of antisemitism
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across the country that skyrocketed above 400%. vice president harris made the announcement on social media and had this to say. >> for years muslims in america and those perceived to be muslim have endured disproportionate number of hate-filled attack, biden/harris administration will develop first national strategy to counter islamophobia, comprehensive and detailed plan to protect muslim and those perceived to be muslim from hate, bigotry and violence and to address the concern that some government policies may discriminate against muslims. this week jewish students at cornell faced terrifying online threat of violence. student appeared in court yesterday charged with threatening to shoot up, stab
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and murder and rape jews on campus. the school will not have school tomorrow allowing community day for self care. i don't think the kids need community day, need to be a hard line drawn that antisemitism will not be tolerated and the filth coming out of pro-hamas demonstration and vile rhetoric coming out of student mouths will not be tolerated. >> kayleigh: it starts at the top, you are right, no moral clarity on behalf of administrators who don't fire a professor who celebrated aublth 7 and he's on administrative leave. it starts at the top at the white house when karine jean-pierre asked about antisemitism, talks about islamophobia, cleans it up next day, should have been a gut answer. it starts with kamala harris. what we are seeing, loob at fbi data, 37% increase in
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antisemitism. highest of any religious group with jewish people being targeted six times more than muslim counter parts. this happened and you have antisemitism up 300%. the hate happening right now is antisemitism and must be addressed and not equivocated. >> kayleigh: we heard strong rhetoric coming out of the president's mouth, usually for anything, but this, there was zero tolerance for firearm dealers who go rogue. he said anyone who acts disrespectfully would be fired from his administration, the list goes on, where is condemnation about antisemitism now without equivocating it and bringing in anything else but this particular situation? >> remember something, kamala harris is supposed to be the border czar, that is a clue
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here. federal initialives go to die, nothing will get done here. we are in trouble in michigan and we better do something, we're losing votes here in the detroit area, etcetera. it is just political move to make sure they assuage for the general not primary. what it does ignore is what kayleigh articulates, far more antisemitism than islamophobia. you sitting where i used to sit, violence resides there, including this latest arrest. federal government and intel in america will have to reposition themselves against that stuff and i can tell you now, they were not in same way they have to reposition themselves against hamas, never considered a domestic threat. these are newly emerging things, watch video of what is going on
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on campus to realize there is eshg normous new potential suspect pool regarding violence, domestic violence, the agencies are ret cents, that has to go, there is trouble on campuses, we've seen it and have to get over that. >> emily: we needs 21 jump street. i'm a sucker for johnny depp, i appreciate the reference. >> emily: yesterday walking home, i saw a short box truck and on it was absolutely vile antisemitic comments and imagery and concepts and the like that i had to watch drive through the streets of new york and contrast with "new york times" calling people that are pulling down the kidnapped by hamas posters as a
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form of protest. now the white house comes out with islamophobia plan. no wonder what we're seeing, it is growing and acceptable, social contagion issue yet nowhere is that black line being drawn, since it is clear to the rest of us. >> kennedy: to rationale people, it is clear, i look at this, the social media post from glorified vice president and thinking, who is running policy? is it rashida tlaib and ilhan omar? >> harris: yes. >> kennedy: people who should be censored for some comments they may have made, this is not anti-israel, this issance and it has codeified and people feel they have permission to not talk about the bds movement but eradiation of israel off the map.
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that is what they want, they are not holding back. i'm glad the trustees and donors to big schools who sat by for decades are sitting up going, where are my millions going to? this is it? this is what academia has become? yes, it is and it is terrifying. think about kids who want to dine in the kosher dining halls and they can't out of fear they will be attacked. they are trying to normalize radicalization and that is dangerous on college campuses, which will only bleed into culture as a whole when these people enter into adulthood. >> harris: just saw example on that, at cornell, patrick dye, he made that threat against the kosher dining hall. i want to point out something i don't think is getting any coverage and we focus on
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campuses that are anti-israel and some are pro-israel, the zoel on my phone is 19 pages. arizona state university is an enormous college campus, when the president of asu, says we are pro-israel, michael m crow put his name at the top. florida state university, connecticut state college and universities, all of them, dillard university and bushnell, in org, florida international, hbcu's are on this list. it goes on and on and on and it is pretty amazing that doesn't get covered. there are people who will look at other schools and universities that are not among the most expensive in the world. elite bastions you might call
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them of real democracy they like to look and talk and whatever. they want to look at places where they want their kids values furth erred. >> paul: i was going to say, opposition that kennedy is talking about is well funded and well organized. where is the money coming from? >> emily: more to come, including this, democratic mayors will meet with biden administration begging for help and money from the federal government to combat what is coming over the southern border. most of them are from sanctuary cities. we start with sustainably grown cotton from the rich red soul of north alabama, here on our family farm. then we partner with family owned mills from maine to mississippi
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>> emily: democrats mayors from the biggest cities are meeting with senior biden administration
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officials today over the influx of migrants flooding to their cities. the mayors of sanctuary cities urgently requesting today's meeting, they are warning they are being overwhelmed by historic number of migrant entering our country. must feel like texas now. group is asking for three times more than the 1.4 billion president biden is requesting of congress. we request 5 billion to cover expenditures our cities have already incurred. paul, you call yourself a sanctuary city, but have no plan to provide sanctuary? >> i said before on the air, six most expensive word in the english language, we are no longer a sanctuary city.
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per eric adams, those words are worth 2 billion each, he just won't say them. you can't be all things to all people. he said i want the border to be open, but i'm concerned. we heard he went to d.c., got on the ground and turned around and came back and never met the administration to try to resolve this. just to link to prior segmentes, south america and venezuela has significant hezbollah presence. the former vice president of venezuela is hezbollah linked and wanted by the u.s. government for -- you ready? providing false pasport to hamas and hezbollah, what could go wrong? >> harris: border patrol chief owens just posted something a couple days ago. for the first time in a long
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time they were sending the first flight back to venezuela, deporting people coming across and there were concerns for people coming for the first time they are starting flights back to venezuela. they are flying them back, not delaying. >> controlled by cubans and venezuelians, cubans train their intel, putting venezuela 90 miles off from florida. >> kayleigh: asking for a bandaid. speaker mike johnson, house republican passed hr-2, border security legislation and senate should take it up immediately. we have provisions we'll pop up now. restart construction of border wall, border agents reestablish remain in mexico. fixing the amp at aeded arm. >> emily: i love the speed with
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which speaker johnson got this passed. the border czar campaigned on her words, the broken immigration system and on restoring southern border legislation. we have seen nothing from her. in fact, we've seen detorioration of it. highlight one case i often reference, it is tragic to me. when we talk about so many statistics that are fire hose driven, it is sometimes hard i feel to grasp it. bandy larson, a mother in san jose brutally stabbed to death by an illegal immigrant who had six ice detainers placed on him for things like battery of a police officer, battery of other people, occupying a property, violent crimes and she gave her life for that, for the sanctuary city that bay city was because they refused to cooperate with
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the feds. when sanctuary cities come out and ask for more of my money and more of our government resources, i find it unacceptable because all of these years the americans crying and families mourning and people like us voicing the entire time that laws exist to shield law-abiding citizens, they are used to shield criminals, terrorists and everyone coming across the border that flies in the face of everything we are supposed to stand for. >> kennedy: government has not been good separating people who are good, hard working and decent and make the country better and those who wish to harm us. that is who sanctuary city protect, any rationale person will go, if you mean us harm, you can't come here, that is not antiimmigrant, that is
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pro-sanity. these cities all have big problems with homelessness, this is going hand in hand. they don't have resources to take care of bad policy they created and you have massive tax base leaving the cities because they are no longer liveable, they are too expensive, homelessness is getting worse and a surge of migrant thats that cannot be cared for, they are no longer able to offer services to anyone issue let alone those seeking asylum. >> kayleigh: before you push kids out of sports for single males. calling out president biden for questioning information coming from hamas terrorists. he hits his mark —center stage—and is crushed by a baby grand piano. you're replacing me? customize and save with liberty bibberty. he doesn't even have a mustache. only pay for what you need.
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>> kayleigh: "washington post" calling out president biden for not taking death toll numbers reported by hamas terrorists. why would he? last week president biden cast doubt on number provided by gaza ministry of health. >> president biden: no notion palestinians are telling the truth about how many have been killed. i'm sure innocents have been killed. that is price of war. i have no confidence in numbers palestinians are using. >> emily: leave it to the "washington post" to claim the president was misinformed. the fact checker, he doesn't check dems, he will protect hamas. good record with death numbers over the years, it is part of hamas run government and biden
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is in a position to do that. kennedy, glen targets republicans and often leaves democrats alone, he wants to defend hamas and goes after biden. >> kennedy: look at white house press secretary delivering propaganda on behalf of the president. you don't expect a member of press whose power codified is prop propagandaizing hamas. you could have taken a pause because the "new york times" stepped in it repeatedly when they came out and did their reporting, base reporting on hamas talking points. they got it wrong and had to issue a retraction and this is just one aspect where you wonder what happened with reporting? it is upside down and ideologically driven. >> kayleigh: how can mr. kessler
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be sure the numbers are correct? deaths are tracked and the ministry has been reliable. the un says it, it must be true. >> emily: he can keep references liar after liar and enemy after enemy, it is not credible, it is farce and he is a farce for furthering the numbers. he is not alone, do they call them terrorists or gunman? they called them hamas terrorists and then gunmen after that and despicable assumption by the bbc, when they said surely it had to be israel. that was the firepower. the assumptions pull the curtain back on antisemitism and the fact they are doing hamas for hamas.
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>> kayleigh: paul, good old glenn, hamas talking points and rashida tlaib talking points, listen what he says about the hospital. source of the explosion remains unclear, "washington post" visual investigation found damage is not consistent with airstrike or artillery shells. >> paul: they are picking a side, same folks who bought into the 51 intelligence officers who signed laptop letter and we're supposed to take this guy seriously. some point, you have to pick a side here and hamas caucus emerging in congress and clearly has a presence in media, likely folks who were similar in college, graduated and they were interns. they drank the same coolade, and
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now in a position in government. i don't understand the following and this is why "new york times" and wapo, why aren't we hearing that hamas did it? leadership of hamas resides in american ally qatar. our biggest middle east base there and six major university with major presence there. imagine if after 9/11, ubl lived in con, would we indict them? where is the indictments? hamas leadership and get them back here. >> harris: great question. look, emily, i mean, you nailed it. the united nations today decided it would give prestigious job, chairship of the human rights division to iran. that is happening as we're on the air.
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that is going to be their position now. they gave it to iran! human rights. they treat women like animals, they want to kill. then they hire terrorists around the world to be proxies and come after us. this is crazy. they're on our soil with the ability to say the trash they say about beheading and killing and wiping, annihilating all jews off the planet and they want christians and exhibit who is a soft arrow, whatever that means. i asked vivek ramaswamy, he said he would get rid of it, pull us out. pull us out? kick them out. >> kayleigh: if hamas puts babies in ovens, they should not be trusted. vice president kamala harris just spoke about the 400 americans cleared to exit gaza. >> i will also say that thanks
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to the president, received safe passage for american citizens out of gaza. a significant number crossed today, we have more work to do and it is critically important to us that american citizens have safe and quick passage and we will work to make that happen as soon as possible. >> kayleigh: 400 americans getting out of gaza issue good news indeed. more "outnumbered" in just a moment. are getting out of control. not long ago, you could pay off a car in a few years. now, car loan rates have climbed to 15% and can take five years to pay off. so get this, the newday 100 va cash out loan. our lower rates let you use the equity in your home to pay off high rate car and truck loans. and you can save $500 a month.
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>> 400 americans may be able to leave gaza today, the white house briefing coming up in the next hour. president biden calls for a pause in fighting in gaza, but would that play into hamas hands in former secretary of state and defense are with us today. with antisemitism on the rise, what is it like to be jewish student on campus these days? we'll talk to two of them. and jason chaffetz on the border crisis, is biden about to launch a blue state bailout? i'm john roberts, join meats the top of the hour. >> harris: presidential
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candidate vivek ramaswamy joins me in voter voices to talk about important issues. here he is and his response to one voter and whether or not he can be trusted. >> as son of immigrants who policies are anti-immigrant, as double ivy leaguer, wants to eshg eliminate department of education, how can your voters believe you won't turn on them if they give you power? >> i went to relatively poor public school through eighth grade before i had opportunity to go to catholic high school that put me on the path i was. i want every kid in this country to live the american dream i was able to live. i am not anti-immigrant, ilet anti-breaking the law.
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we need to solve and fully address illegal immigration crisis. >> harris: this was a vigorous conversation and the democrat guest you saw had a point of view everybody on the panel did. it was interesting to see him in that. you can tell this far into and this close to the iowa caucus, all candidates now are pretty honed. >> kayleigh: it was fascinating, the voters, so smart, great questions, diplomatic. vivek ramaswamy in the face of hostile questioning, he keeps his cool, he welcomes protesters to rallies. did this change your votes? i want to know the answer. >> harris: we check back the next day and ask them via e-mail and i'll put that on social, we'll do more of these, we have been doing voter voices since live on election night two years ago. we love doing it.
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having a candidate, they came with their game asking the questions. it was fascinating. >> emily: your take on vivek ramaswamy as a candidate, you have been following him and interviewing him. my question, as you sat with him today in front of the voters what struck you about him? what changed, if anything, or developed about him for a candidate? >> harris: i don't think he ever mentioned trump and he always did before because they were aligned in so many ways, especially on israel and the middle east. he has been able to hone in on what he wants to do now and i think that is a big difference. no one mentions trump as much as chris christie, that stood out to me. we are going to see you in just a moment, we'll take a quick break.
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>> we have had 50 to 60 trucks a
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day of assistance going in. we need that and want that to increase, i expect you'll see that in the coming days. at the same time, we have been working to make sure that our nationals and other foreign nationals could get out and over the last two days you've seen americans and their families begin to come out of gaza and we expect that to continue over the coming days. this has been a very deliberate effort on our part, working with other countries to make sure we can get passage out for our citizens and citizens from other countries. of course we are intensely focused every single day on the hostages and taking every possible step that we can in concert with others to secure their release. third and finally, we will be talking about how we can set the conditions for a durable, sustainable peace, durable, sustainable security, for israelis and palestinians alike. we are focused on the day of.


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