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tv   Hannity  FOX News  November 2, 2023 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT

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i would have to say they're going to always love their bad, but they're better off with the mom. >> all right, julie. another topic coming up here? no. we ran out of topics. i'm sorry, we ran out of time. >> no problem. i love it. any time. we love having you. thank you for watching jesse waters primetime. see you this weekend on fox and friends from 6 to 10 a.m. pretty early. don't forget to catch from the kitchen table podcast with me and shawn. sean hannity is next.
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>> sean: wow, look at this crowd we've got. [ applause ] welcome to hannity. >> usa! usa! >> sean: what a crowd. we live in the greatest, best country god ever gave man. thank you for joining us at home. welcome to all of you in studio. all right. we got a lot of news. we begin with big news out of the middle east. gaza city has been completely encircled by israeli forces. now less than a week into their ground operation. two days after hamas vowed to conduct terror attacks over and over and over again until israel and every citizen there are wiped off the planet. don't believe me, look with your own eyes.
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>> sean: as i have said many, many times, this is now a real fight for israel's very survival. according to my sources, my president, your president, joe biden, is weak in the knees and not just when he's taking steps up air force one. instead of fully supporting our ally, israel, that has been a victim of the worst terror attack in their history and leading the world with focus and moral clarity, your president reportedly now is panicking over
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internal polls over this very issue. his support among democrats is slipping and slipping dramatically especially among -- i call them some of the hamas apologists even inside his own party. looking at states like michigan and minnesota. democrats are saying they're getting very nervous. at a closed door campaign reception in minneapolis, biden was heckled by a deranged woke quote trans rabbi demanding a cease fire. i didn't make it up. the president responded, i'm the guy that convinced bebe to call for a cease fire to let the prisoners out. i'm the guy who spent the time talking about general asisi out of egypt to let him open the door into egypt. joe, you need to be the guy that tells israel to win the war against radical islamic terrorists that attacked their country. that's the guy you need to be.
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but instead you're president joe biden. he is pressuring israel to allow fuel into gaza and is sending, wants to send over $100 million in aid. sounds great. problem is, hamas has used money in the past for humanitarian purposes to build a 300 mile network of terror tunnels and of course buy the rockets they keep firing into israel. the fuel that was stock piled for rockets and terror tunnel, they're stealing that, too. the terror group can stock up and aid on other supplies in their fight against israel. where do you think the money's going to end up? it will end up in the hands of hamas. they are in control of everything. they won't even allow innocent women and children out of the country to get to a point of safety. so joe biden needs to stop being the guy who wants to, quote, put a pause on israel defending their homeland and telling the world, oh, bebe, he may not be
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lasting as leader as the prime minister has to fight a two front war and it may get bigger. by doing that, there's no ally to israel and to ally to the cause of liberty. you can see how quickly he caves to pressure from the radical left in this country. he's not the only spineless democrat. take a look. >> is a cease fire needed now? >> i think it is. at least in the context of both sides agreeing. for example, the release of those who have been kidnapped should be part of the immediate release. that should be the beginning of it. an effort should be made to engage in conversation between the israelis and the palestinians. >> sean: lot of democrats are pressuring israel not to defend itself and their homeland less than a month after what was the worst terror attack in their history. extrapolate out israel's population compared to our population, it would be the
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equivalent of 38,000 of our fellow americans killed in a day. you have hamas openly vowing to strike over and over again. democrats, they want israel to back down? and just what? wait for the next attack? 1,400 israelis from all over the world tortured, murdered on october 7th. hundreds others taken hostage. now it's leading to, what, a wave of rabied anti-semitic events all over the world and in our own country and in the halls of congress and college universities and campuses. but don't worry because joe biden just tafrbged kamara harris with a brand new mission to uproot hatred in america. not the rampant anti-semitism we have all been talking about in our country and around the world or hatred against the jewish people or the swastikas or nazi slogans. no. the administration now claims
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they already have a handle on all of that. really? instead kamala harris announced the administration is leading the country's first national strategy to counter islamic phobia in the midst of the most anti-semitism the world has seen since the 1930s and beyond. the administration now believes that's their top priority? at least politically they do. new commission comes as hundreds of jewish people, including american citizens, are still being held hostage by hamas. men, women, children featured on posters, torn down by vile anti anti-semites. vandalizing jewish businesses, swastikas, threatening to murder, rape jewish students on college campuses. and tonight we're not sure how the administration plans to counter the sharp rise in this
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anti-semitism. so harris' top mission is to switch the argument to islamaphobia? slight detour in london. a speech about ai safety. that's their top priority. or civil society. or something else. i don't know who is struggling more cognitively, is it kamala or joe? how about we let you decide. >> i do believe that the voice that we have offered in this global discussion has been significant. it has been a priority, for example, for us to ensure civil society have an equal choice at the table. as i said in my speech yesterday civil society has always played a very unique and important role in holding public and private sector to account. as we are thinking about in particular safety issues and
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defining safety, defining risk and defining who is vulnerable in that context civil society has an important voice to add to the policy that will be developed. >> this administration is a dumpster fire. at the top we have a cognitively struggling, morally bankrupt politician and his backup, the vice president, doesn't seem to have a firm grasp on basically anything. together, they are failing our country day in and day out. they're failing the world. we now know what the world looks like when america abdicates its role of leadership on the world stage. make no mistake. the atlantic and pacific oceans, it's not enough to protect us from the chaos that is now erupting overseas. we've got two major wars. iranian backed terrorist fighting proxy wars for iran. attacking american soldiers on a daily basis. 27 attacks in about two weeks.
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officials now are concerned about the risk of a cyber security attack carried out by iran. really? putin pulled russia out of the nuclear test ban treaty. russia's wegner group is threatening to take systems to shoot down u.s. planes in the region. even "the new york times" is now admitting the latest conflict could threaten the fragile global economy. you think? it's only been a few years, but we are far removed from pwhafs the peace, prosperity, yeah mean tweets that some people didn't like from the last administration. the media mob, they don't seem to care. lock at this. maga and christian nationalism is a bigger threat to america than hamas could ever be. exactly. now want don't you tell that to families being held hostage by hamas and others who were murdered or tortured and raped
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by terrorists october 7th. or the american soldiers getting attacked every day in syria and iraq by iranian proxies. or the americans witnessing massive rallies in our cities where masked men are waving flags from another country and calling for revolution antifata against our way of life. this as prime minister netanyahu said is now a clash of civilizations and a fight for israel's survival. there will be no cease fire until hamas and hezbollah are no more. here with reaction former secretary of state fox news contributor. let's give a warm welcome to mike pompeo. [ applause ] mr. secretary. why would joe biden, as israel has now begun the ground operations, why would he be
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calling for a temporary cease fire? why would the president not stand with israel and say, go defeat your enemy and win the war? >> sean, there's no logical explanation. if you put america first, you definitely want prime minister netanyahu to do both his duty, to destroy hamas and to complete that mission in its entirety. you don't need him having a second front here in america. you're fighting hamas. now you're fighting the biden administration. a biden administration that's simply lost its way. it forgets just short of four weeks what actually happened there and is trying to restrain them. to hear senator durbin talk about a cease fire in exchange for hostages. we want all the hostages home. we want every american home. we've had americans killed. make no mistake about it. if netanyahu were to take that deal and get the hostages out in exchange for hamas to continue to threaten israel, it would only result in the death of more israelis and more americans. lastly, sean, i heard president
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biden speak today. i heard secretary blinken speak today. neither identified the real problems here which is iran. they continue to coddle. giving them $7 billion. it has fueled, set the context for the barbaric actions about which you've spoke and prime minister netanyahu has spoken. to give iran more time more money. >> . >> sean: how bad can this get? we already see possibility of a two front war. hamas, gaza, hezbollah, lebanon, the huttis, the rebels in yemen declaring war against israel. syria firing rockets into israel. now turkey threatening to get militarily involved. and iran, they're doing the sabre rattling. how bad can this get? what is worst case scenario, in your mind? >> there's enormous risk that
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this expands. it expands in ways that causes arab states to check out because they don't feel like the united states has their back because president biden called the crown prince a paroraha. this could spread not only to the greater middle east. you could not only have cyber attacks but cells in europe, cells that may be in the united states. we heard our fbi director talk about that just this past week. if the united states doesn't lead, if we don't re-establish the deterrence the trump administration had in place for four years. nothing like we have seen in these three years have happened. there was no war in europe or the middle east for four years. if we lose that deterrence. if america is viewed as weak, this could expand dramatically. we should all be reminded. president xi is watching our actions. the chinese communist party is
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hoping the united states will show it is impotent and unprepared to do the things to protect its own citizens, not on abroad but its own southern border. >> sean: i was speaking to a skeptical interviewer tonight. i brought up the issue that i believe when you and president trump at the time put together a coalition, i didn't think i'd see this coalition in my life time. that included the united states, israel. it included egypt, jordan. it included the saudis, the emeritz. led to the abraham accords. that was unprecedented all standing against iran in that region. all standing against a nuclear armed iran. all of that seems to have fallen apart. to what extent did your peace through strength policy, your policies and president trump's policies make a difference? and how do you think these world actors are reacting to both
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presidents? >> sean, we were pretty clear. we were going to put america first. when we drew red lines, we were going to force them. when general sulmani was threatening soldiers in iraq, we made sure he didn't kill one american. we didn't sepb the 82nd air borne we used america's power. we isolated the bad guys. iran was never as isolated as it was in the four years of the trump administration. that let the israelis, saudi, bahrainians, all join together to say america is gonna be with us if we have a bad day. it gave them capacity to push back against the largest state sponsor of terror, the ayatollah. we're just a couple days past the anniversary when that same regime held americans in tehran at our embassy. today the president spoke of prisoners. these aren't prisoners. these are hostages being held inside the gaza strip. the united states weakness has
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provided the context which hamas felt like it could do this with absolute impunity. now you have democratic leaders demanding that impunity be granted to them. >> i have no idea why the biden administration wants to give billions of dollars to iran. it makes no sense. or allow them to sell their oil and become an oil rich nation when they're the number one state sponsor of terror. secretary pompeo, great to have you. thank you, sir. this brings us to the dire threat posed by our own wide open border. look at this. in fiscal year 2023 more illegal immigrants successfully entered this country more than the population of 11 different states. this includes thousands of, quote special interest aliens from the middle east including a lot from syria and a lot from iran. now tonight senator chuck grassley is sounding the alarm about the terror threat posed by
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drones that are operated by illegal immigrants or mexican cartels just across our border. here now with more senior adviser to president trump steven miller. [ applause ] what do you make of this, steven? >> thank you. >> sean: what do you make of -- why would iranians come all that way to get to our border? why would syrians come all that way? why would tens of thousands, according to reports, communist chinese nationals. why would they be making their way to our southern border? russian nationals, why would they be coming to our border? >> because the red flags in their backgrounds would be so obvious and so glaring, that if they attempted to apply for a visa, they would be rejected even under the last standards of this administration. that's the point i want to get across. if you're an iranian, you can apply for a student visa under the biden administration.
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you can apply for a green card. but if you're not doing that, it's because you have something in your history, in your background that makes it so you know you would be denied that benefit. so you're coming through the border illegally working with criminal cartels. any foreign adversary in the world, any foreign entity in the world can get anyone they want to through that southern border working hand in hand with the cartels. joe biden has created a situation that is so dangerous, so untenable, so catastrophic, we are truly at the world of the world's worst actors. >> sean: i am 100% certain, but i pray i'm 100% wrong, out of the 8 million estimated, including got aways, illegal immigrants that have entered this country unvetted under joe biden, that among that 8 million, maybe 10 million by the end of the year, that there are terror cells that have set up inside our country.
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i don't have any doubt that i'm wrong. but i pray that i'm wrong. am i wrong? >> no, you're not wrong. there's simply no way that the people that want to hurt america and kill americans, terrorist entities and organizations around the world knowing that our border is open. knowing those numbers, that joe biden is resettling millions of unvetted illegals in this country, that they would not fully exploit that situation. criminals and terrorists will exploit any weakness they can find. this is the greatest national security weakness in the history of our country. president trump said all the time immigration security is national security. what joe biden has done is betray the security of this entire nation. >> sean: that would mean they're plotting, they're planning, scheming another 9/11 or even worse. i pray that i'm wrong. stephen miller, thank you.
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[ applause ] coming up fbi just raided the home of a major fund-raiser for new york city mayor eric adams. hunter biden speaking out and apparently looking for sympathy. we'll tell you what he said when we return. great to have you back in studio. good to see you. thank you for joining us at home.
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adult education centers near you. >> sean: earlier today the fbi raided the home of eric adams' fund-raising chief. bill malugan has the latest for us. what's going on? >> reporter: sean, good evening. this caused mayor adams to cancel some meetings in dc. according to the new york times the fbi served a search warrant at the home of breanna suggs, who was deeply involved in his campaign. times reports according to the search warrants, the raid was part of a broad public corruption probe where they're looking into whether or not adams' 2021 mayoral campaign conspired with a brooklyn construction company and the turkish government to funnel foreign money into the campaign
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coffers through a straw donor scheme. according the the times the investigators are particularly interested in trying to figure out whether adams' campaign kicked back any benefits to the construction company as well as any turkish officials. the times reports the warrants make it unclear if the investigation is targeting adams himself. however, as i mentioned, he did cancel several meetings in dc including one that was supposed to be with the white house. we just got a statement in from mayor adams where he is responding to this search warrant. he says in part, quote, i feel extremely comfortable about how i comply with rules and procedures. i hold myself to a high standard and i hold my campaign to a high standard and i hold my staff at city hall to a high standard. it is my responsibility to hold myself to a high standard and i will comply with any inquiry that is made and i am demanding that my team do as well. >> sean: thank you for that
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report. once again, zero experience hunter biden is back in the headlines, this time over an op ed that he wrote for usa today accusing his critics of politicizing his addiction in order to launch a quote vile and sustained disinformation campaign against joe despite growing evidence of his alleged involvement in hunter's shady by dealings. the guy that said not once did he ever talk to hunter, his brother or anybody about his foreign business deals. devin archer said he talked to people he knows of at least 20 times and there were meetings like rugs at cafe milano. one big lie. now we're finding the money. meanwhile, as hunter continues to receive special treatment from prosecutors, things are different if your last name is trump. both donald trump jr. and eric trump testified in the on going new york civil fraud case. left's latest witch hunt brought
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by new york attorney general letecia james. now, she ran for attorney general in new york and she made these promises to go after one man and one family, one organization. take a look. >> i will never be afraid to challenge this illegitimate president when our fundamental rights are at stake. i believe the president of the united states can be indicted for criminal offenses. that man in the white house who can't go a day without threatening our fundamental rights. yes, we need to focus on donald trump and his abuses. we need to follow his money. we need to find out where he's laundered money. we need to find out whether he's engaged in conspiracy. the days of donald trump are coming to an end. i look forward to going into the
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office of the attorney general every day defending your rights and then going home. >> sean: remember every contract that donald trump had with these lenders, every contract he had with insurance company, has very specific language telling lenders and companies, insurance companies to use their own appraisals and not to trust his. by the way, they have a fiduciary responsibility to do so. not one bank, not one insurance company, has ever complained. everybody was paid in full on time. so what's the point of any of this except pure political theater? here with reaction podcast host of the right view laura trump is with us. he first wrote get trump. has a brand new book out today called "the war against the jews, how to end hamas'
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barbarism." harvard law professor alan dershowitz. fox news contributor. laura, let me start with you. i have a lot of questions for all of you. i know your husband now for two days in a row has had to take the stand. i know donald trump jr. has had to take the stand. in the contracts, correct me if i'm wrong on any point, isn't there a contractual provision telling lenders, telling insurance companies to use their own numbers? don't they have a fiduciary responsibility to do so? did any one of these companies lose money or complain? my understanding is they did not. my question is, why are we here? who got hurt in any of this? if donald trump is telling the lenders and telling the insurance companies they've got to come up with their own valuations, that responsibility is on them, isn't it? >> you are exactly right, sean.
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you just heard the best of the best from leticia james there. when people tell you who they are, believe them. you heard it from there right there. she has never cared about the people of new yorking about protecting them. she has only cared about a political vendetta against donald trump. that is what this has all been about from the beginning. it is such a shame. at a time when new york is in shambles, you have crime through the roof, homelessness through the roof. jewish new yorkers so afraid for their lives that synagogues are having to hire armed guards. and where is the top law enforcement officer in the state of new york? sitting front row at a civil trial where, sean, you just said it. you have no plaintiff. you have no injured party. you have no damages. it is a completely ridiculous trial. then to add insult to injury and just to inflict maximum collateral damage, she dragged
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my husband and siblings into it knowing they had nothing to do with any of this. it is so sick to see what is happening. i want to say to leticia james that because of you, my daughter, who's 4, was in tears this morning because her dad was not able to be at her fall school show. my kids didn't get to trick or treat with their dad this halloween. why? because of a deranged attorney general in a case, sean, that never should have seen the light of day. >> sean: i want everyone to really highlight on professor dershowitz book. your book prior to this was get trump. >> named after leticia james. that's her title. >> sean: do you have to pay her any royalties? >> a counter suit might be in order. >> sean: the question is, you look at this case. what lender is going to lend you
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$0.10 if they don't do their own valuation? >> who gives the attorney general the priority to protect banks? protect insurance companies. >> sean: that aren't complaining. >> protect the ordinary people. protect the kids at columbia university who are being harassed and subject to anti--semitism. this is such a con traoeufrbed made up get trump case. i don't want to ever make comparisons to stalin and the soviet union. when the head of the kgb said show me the man and i'll find you the crime. that's what she did. >> sean: i have never seen it this bad. probably -- i have shown on this show two acre ocean front parts of land in palm beach. okay. two acres. i know this sounds crazy to everybody. two acres of land. it's just dirt. there's no house on it. nothing. $200 million asking price. an acre and a half on the ocean. one acre and a half.
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they're asking $150 million. this judge 20 acres of prime real estate on the intercoastal and the ocean with a huge historic building and club associated with it. close to $1 billion property. the judge says, no, i'm going with the valuation of $18 million? i'll buy it. >> i'll buy it. we'll sell it. okay. >> sean: all right. charlie, let's get your take on all this. >> it's really amazing. when you, the great thing about america is you have a city like new york. they can elect whoever they want to elect as their da or mayor or whatever. but, you know, they have to live under those rules and under that corruption. problem here is that it's expanding way beyond the borders of new york. they are trying to bring down a president, a former president, a
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president who's running for re-election. they're trying to prevent him from being on the ballot so that people can actually vote for them. most republicans want to vote for them again. i think a lot of people, independents and people who are not caught up in all of this insane nonsense would like to vote for him again. they'd like to bring back the policies that donald trump had. you have these corrupt officials in new york who are preventing the american people from getting a shot at this. it's insane. >> sean: laura, i'll give you the last word. we're going back to 2016. we already knew about stormy daniels. we're gonna talk about january 6th. january 2021. a documents case. hillary didn't have to deal with it, joe didn't have to deal with it. all these trials they want to happen in the election year. i don't think the president can get fair trials in new york or washington, d.c. or fulton
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county. where he's more likely to win on appeal that will happen the year after election. that sound fair to you? >> none of it is fair, sean, but everyone can see what this is about. the people of this country don't care about any of that garbage. what they care about is protecting our border. they care about being energy independent. they care about sky high inflation coming back down. us regaining our place on the world stage. they know one man can bring it to them, donald j. trump. >> sean: war against the jews, professor dershowitz, coming up next, things are not looking good for the climate cultist and joe biden himself is to blame. we'll explain. an investigative report straight ahead. my name is caron and i'm from brooklyn. i work for the city of new york as a police administrator. i oversee approximately 20 people
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>> sean: joe biden traveled to minnesota to tout, of all things, bidenomica. how's that working out? >> bidenomics is another way of saying the american dream. >> sean: let me be clear.
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it is not the american dream. it is a national nightmare. every day necessities are unaffordable for millions of hardworking americans. almost two-thirds of the american people are living paycheck to paycheck. so what about -- what about this embodies the american dream, president biden? can you tell us? it's not just affecting everyday americans. a biden backed wind power company actually cancelled their project despite receiving $1 billion in your taxpayer funded subsidies citing the burden of bidenomics. can anyone say solindra? auto company executives are finally coming clean. electric vehicles the government is mandating, it's not working for their business. the public doesn't want them. here with reaction lisa boom, co-host of the big money show on fox business.
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>> ouch. that says a lot. >> if he thinks this is a dream, what will the nightmare look like? if we have four more years of joe biden? my god. lot of these climate policies, it's about two things. re-engineering the economy and using these climate policies as the vehicle. remember when aoc's former chief of staff said the green new deal was about overhauling the economy? then i think the second thing is, they don't want us to own anything. the world economic forum said as much. if you look at electric vehicle, do you even have the washington post warning the electrical grid is not prepared for this massive push. and we don't have enough raw materials. it's incredibly expensive. what does that mean for car ownership for americans? then you look at states like california during a heat wave where they're like, you're not allowed to charge your car. yet we want to have a massive push for electric vehicles? it's insane. >> sean: in california you can
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only charge your car between these certain hours. >> they want to control us. that gives them the opportunity. >> that's a good point. companies are walking away from this. the big auto companies said we aor all in on the ev's last year. what are they saying this year? we're giving up because we can't make any money. ford said we're not making the trucks. even tesla, the one people want to buy, elon musk said i don't think the demand for these things is as high as it used to be. when companies get it and taxpayers start to get it, maybe we get away from the subsidies that are bankrupting us with all this green spending. >> sean: you have to literally pillage mother earth to get the cobalt and the nickel using big heavy equipment that uses diesel. 90% of our power grid, isn't that fossil fuel related that charges the battery? >> exactly. you know where they're getting these materials. now they want to mine the ocean for it. guess who controls almost all of
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that? china. they're going after it aggressively. nobody wants to get in the way of it. so you think about how vulnerable we are. we don't want these products. we're forced to get them. we have to get them from the guy who is funding iran and hamas. how did that make sense. >> for what? do you remember when senator kennedy asked biden's energy official. say we spend $50 trillion. how much is that going to reach temperatures around the world? he couldn't answer. what is the point of all this? they told people in the 1970s it was going to be the ice age. then it's warming. i think i'll stick to my air conditioning life in florida and live a normal life. >> sean: any more appliances, gas stoves, air conditioners, refrigerators. how about you just leave us the hell alone? leave us alone. all right. by the way, people who want to buy a tesla or an electric far, fine, let them.
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already lost 4.5 billion. i think it's bad business. >> but don't force people to do it. if it's so good why do you have to coerce people into it? >> sean: great point. all right. thank you both. coming up washington, d.c. has a whacky new plan. they want to combat car thieves and car thefts. by the way the city is now handing out gps air tags so you can track the journey of your criminals driving away with your car. that's straight ahead.
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mind-boggling, and unbelievable video footage that goes viral across the globe. "then we who are alive and remain "shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the lord in the air." (david jeremiah) when christ comes for his people, it will be in the twinkling of an eye. billions of people will exit this planet in an instant, but billions will be left behind. it will be chaos on our globe but incredible, glorious joy in the skies. (male announcer) capture a thrilling glimpse of the rapture in "the great disappearance." in 31 short, easy-to-read chapters, dr. jeremiah answers questions about the next event on god's prophetic calendar. "the great disappearance" by david jeremiah is available now everywhere fine books are sold.
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hi, i'm jason and i've lost 202 pounds on golo. so when i first started golo, i was expecting to lose around 40 pounds and then i just kept losing weight, and moving and moving and moving in a better direction. with golo and release, you're gonna lose the weight. >> sean: arizona the country
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continues to spiral out of control a massive spike in auto theft has become one of the biggest issues. take washington, d.c. the sewer, the swamp, where car thefts have doubled 100% increase in one year. so what does washington, d.c. big new plan to address this crime crisis? they're handing out free digital trackers. this is so thoughtful of them. so that car owners can actually see and watch where the car is being ultimately ditched. that's very nice of them. jimmy falan, good to see you. great to see you. this one is like so ridiculous. on a basic level. i think the dc mayor should resign. i'll tell you why. she's admitting she's not keeping anyone safe. if you were hiring a baby-sitter. they were like, look, i lose a lot of these kids but i have got a tag so we can find them
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wherever the heck they wind up. do you know what, sean? maybe we get a different baby-sitter. how did we get here? because of their woke policies. dc was so woke in the summer of 2020 they wanted to defund the cop in the village people. it was so bad. we had a very simple game growing up. we played two games in the yard. cops and robbers and cowboys and elizabeth warren. everybody remembers. okay. i wish i thought of that joke. >> come on. >> sean, you have to step up your game. you're the guy. >> sean: i have got to step it up. cops and robbers. cops were always the good guys. robbers were always the bad guys. these woke initiatives that have emboldened criminals have put cops on the defensive and put the bad guys on the offensive. dc is filming a sequel to "dude where's my car?"
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>> sean: gives a whole new meaning to the repo man. >> all the remakes are back. >> sean: check out this video that's going viral online. it shows a group of kids and adults totally emptying out a bowl of candy from a texas home on halloween. everyone has been weighing in on this. i always get in trouble every halloween. i tell what i think is a funny joke. teaching our kids on halloween to be socialists. knocking on people's doors and begging for free stuff. >> that's funny. >> sean: it's meant to be a joke. hannity thinks it's a bad holiday. >> hannity cancels halloween. >> sean: funny halloween story at the white house. biden wanted candy. he asked for 100 grand. hunter sent him a wire transfer from ukraine. it's obviously embarrassing for parents because of the type of behavior they're encouraging.
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if you want to know why we're the fattest country in the world look how eager everybody is to grab that candy. all the kids who come next can't get candy because of these dirt bags. that's one thing i would say that's a positive. we need less candy because we are the fattest country in the world. all the up side is kidnappings are down 93%. can't get them into the car. >> don't use the other f word. they use it on me every day. >> sean: stop it. i have been on a diet. i'm doing better. apparently oprah winfrey missed the memo on what biden inflation is doing for the economy an two-thirds of americans living pay check to pay check. she's out with her annual favorite things, holiday gift guide. jam packed with pricey expensive products from $1,000 pizza oven to a $600 coffee maker. i like my keurig.
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facebook's $500 vr head set. even an $80 so called luxury salt. plain salt or, himalayan is about as fancy as i get. >> tells you about the quality of the economy on biden. oprah used to give away cars. now she's like, you're on your own, people. go shopping. it's ridiculous. her price bracket is out of touch with most americans. i should ask you if you liked anything on the list. you have done so much for my career. i owe you a pizza oven or something. i do. i do. >> sean: okay. i'll take it. >> don't even feel bad. i'm putting it on gutfeld's credit card. >> sean: i am a salt addict so that might -- 80 bucks is a lot for me. all right. for all you bird watchers, i got to get this in. going to have to learn some new
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names. american society announced it will start renaming every bird in the u.s. and canada named after a person because the current names are exclusionary and harmful. >> i just want to thank the committee for taking on this necessary challenge, right, sean. sure, crime is out of control, none of the kids can read. more importantly there's a pigeon taking a dump on a statue in the park and i'll be damned if it does it by the wrong name. that's sarcasm. what do we rename big bird next the plus side bird? got to get kid of cuckoo birds. >> sean: that's all the time we have. live audience shows wednesday and gutfeld! is standing by to put a smile on your face. stand by and have a good night. >> i'm trace