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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  November 3, 2023 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT

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number of hate-fueled attacks. >> the jewish community is uniquely, uniquely targeted. >> being a just jew at nyu is . >> we fought in a place called syria. >> they're trying to disqualify my father for 2024. >> joe biden is very much alive and running for re-election. >> bret: all right. a reminder set your clocks back one hour before you go to bed saturday night. daylight savings time ends. standard time begins sunday. that's it. thanks for inviting us into your home tonight. all week long. that's it for this "special report," fair, balanced and still unafraid. we lose an hour -- we lose an hour of sleep. that's all right. you can still make it a great weekend. "the ingraham angle" is now. ♪ ♪ >> laura: good evening,
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everyone. i'm laura ingraham. this is the ingraham angle. well, well, well, trump's gag is off. in one case and at least temply. this is after a federal allweleyn pat court stepped. in i'm going to explain this later. but, first, hateful, peacemakers that's the focus of tonight's angle. ♪ >> laura: the rule is that you don't negotiate with terrorists, right? you don't give them an inch because they will take a mile. in the case of hamas, we know they will use a lull in the fights to burrow, in resupply, and stoke more anti-israel sentiment worldwide. to survive, hamas needs a break in the action. they know it, and hezbollah knows it. >> the first objective we have to work on 24/7 is an end to aggression against gaza, an end of war against gaza. the second objective is victory for gaza.
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victory for the palestinian resistance in gaza. and for hamas in particular to be victorious in gaza. >> laura: now, remember, their goal is to destroy israel, period. and they will use endless pro-palestinian propaganda to keep hamas alive which keeps their dream of destroying the jewish people alive. and despite claiming to be staunch supporters of israel, the white house is playing right into their hands. secretary of state tony blinken flew to israel again with a clear message to netanyahu, stop. supposedly they just want more time to get more hostages released. of course, we all want the hostages released. but as the angle predicted, hamas is using its hostages as bargaining chips. releasing a few yesterday, which the administration cited was proof that their efforts were paying off. and then, anonymous administration officials told cnn that in conversations with
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netanyahu, biden has warned that israel will be judged harshly by the international community if it doesn't take steps to significantly ease humanitarian suffering and minimize palestinian civilian deaths. now, this is what you have to understand. biden's team is leaking these details because they know that they're losing political support at home from his pro-palestinian voters who, as we have seen, have taken to the streets because they are trying, the biden people are they are trying to send signals of we hear you to the pro-hamas wing of their own party. but are biden's calls for this temporary pause actually working? well, more from cnn. netanyahu explicitly rejected some of those calls on friday as blinken visited israel and met with the israeli war cabinet. the prime minister specifically said that his government opposed any temporary cease-fire in gaza unless hamas freed all the
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hostages it holds. well, of course netanyahu is making the right call for his people and the survival of his nation. the idea that you can trust hamas to have any humanitarian instincts is absurd. they are still firing into israel. >> hamas has been using mortars to hit this area and also small rockets. just a lot of shrapnel marks on this wall. you can see all of these holes here. all of this on the side of a kindergarten. it's painted these colors because normally in times of war, before hamas committed the massacre against southern israel, kids were going to school here. this was a kindergarten that was used by the southern community. most have evacuated since then but you can see there are still soldiers and police officers in this area because it sits just over the border from the gaza strip. >> laura: don't expect the far left democrats on capitol hill to tear about what is happening
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and still happening to israel. 17 of them signed on to a resolution by cori bush that reads like it could have been written by that hezbollah leader himself calling for an immediate deescalation and cease-fire in israel and occupied palestine. and four other house democrats are calling for a straight cease-fire. and over in the senate what is happening? well, when his view what should do. trick dr.y dick durbin used typically weasel words. >> is a cease-fire needed now. >> i think it is at least in the context of both sides agreeing. >> laura: this is redicks. ridiculous. he knows that israel is not agreeing and can't agree a seats fire. durbin also knows that the political price his party could pay in next year's election is significant. so he is kind of trying to have it both ways there. i was thinking about this today, i thought isn't it a good time to ask this question?
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why have democrats taken such a different approach with the war in ukraine? >> it is impossible to explain to my constituency why, when the ukrainians are in the midst of fighting and dying every single day for their nation that this congress somehow or another managed to pass a spending bill and not include more funding for the ukrainian cause. >> laura: now where's the peacemaker? thousand of lives have been lost, at least 9,000 civilians or probably more in ukraine and hundreds of millions of dollars in damage that we're going to be called on to fix. and, yesterday, it's own defense chief in ukraine said the situation is at a stalemate. so why didn't biden call for a humanitarian pause there at any point in the last, what 21 months or so? well, there is plenty of suffering. and more u.s. fund something only going to ensure that the suffering continues. if there were ever a case where
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interested parties should call for a pause to conduct negotiated settlement, ukraine is it. in fact, last year when provens progressives on the hill did negotiate with russia they were told quick to back off and they have been quiet ever since on ukraine. but, with israel, it's different. well, the truth is the squad types don't believe israel should be allowed to defend itself. even month has now passed since hamas has carried out that attack slaughtering 1400 innocent civilians. now, we should offer military advice there if asked. but, otherwise, stay out of this counter offer. and the advice that we do give should not be based on what democrats elections prospects are next year. but when it comes down to it, biden doesn't really have a foreign policy. they have a plan for biden's reelections. and they do just whatever they think is going to help with that. is the white house knows the hard left hates israel and they are afraided that the war is going to hurt them politically.
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but the hard left likes zelenskyy. so that war can just go on forever as long as the democrats are concerned. they don't care. but a real president would focus on what is best for the united states. no, of course, we don't have a real president. we have a figure head president surrounded by folks who want him reelected so they can make down the road a lot of money as lobbyists. and that's the angle. >> laura: joining me now is steven miller, former senior adviser to president trump and founder of america first legal and jason rantz author of what's killing america and radio host. the difference is that the left thinks ukraine helps biden but they think that they can tie trump to putin and all that. and they think israel's attack on gaza hurts biden because it splits the democratic party. the irony here is sad but somehow delicious. >> to your point about the fact
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despite the enormous human toll and the threat of nuclear war, the democrats refused to call, have refused to even suggest the idea of a peaceful negotiation in ukraine proves your point. they are wed to a 2024 just like a 2022 narrative that republicans are allied with evil putin in a great war against democracy and the fate of all freedom in the world hinges upon mighty struggle in ukraine against putin. no matter how many people die and how many lives are sacrificed it's worth it. in israel the democratic party has a shifts base, especially with mass migration bringing in a lot of people who themselves hate israel that is very much anti-israel, has a large strain of anti-semitism, and that believes the fight against israel is resisting colonialism, resisting the oppressive settler class. the same kind of rhetoric you hear in america in critical race theory. so, this is the unifying point here. it's about whatever is
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convenient for democrats politically and nothing to do with saving lives let alone america's national security interest. >> laura: well, i think israel is a proxy for the u.s. they pretty much hate tradition in the u.s. or israel is our traditional ally. it's one of the same for the hard left. now, jason, there were protests, i know, in seattle today. and one protester climbed a ladder to access an awning of a building to hang a banner calling on senator patty murray to demand a cease-fire. enough to, jason, i'm glad they have these skills to climb up to put a banner up. but they are being bullied, are they not, by their base to support terror, the democrats. >> yeah, i mean, first of all, that's the only thing that they can do, which is just virtue signal their positions and scream and yell and do what they can to bully folks into a position. and i think they have learned from the past that they can be successful taking on that particular tactic.
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look what happened during the black lives matter movement where there were riots, there was antifa thugs out on the streets and they had very specific policy goals in mind and all they have to do is get violent and shout people down they are hoping that same tactic will happen here they will get patty murray and others who are maybe a little bit more vulnerable to start to side against israel. i think you are already starting to see some of the coverage, frankly, becoming anti-semitic, leaning into some hamas propaganda which is going to make the job of these protesters a whole lot easier. when you have the media on your side, when you are able to really threaten the power structures for the democrats and the base does do that i'm hoping that israel is not going to really give a damn about how protesters on the ground in seattle or portland or new york care about what it is. >> laura: i don't think they
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care. >> simply trying to exist. >> laura: yeah. well i think the v vin venn diagram antifa same group. steven, congressman clarify posted a video today accusing biden of genocide basically advocating for genocide herself. watch. [chanting] >> we will remember in 2024. ♪ >> i hope that makes him appear moderate if he is being attacked by her. michigan from the river to the sea. i would say is that the state's new tourism slogan?
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>> michigan, sadly, has a massive community of american haters, israel haters and haters of jews in general obviously we see with congressman tlaib blood line in israel saying they are guilty of genocide. that is pretended to be the pretext for justifying the behavior, murderous behavior. when you say israel is guilty of genocide. that would then justify in the minds of these monsters the savagery, the bruit blood luslusting savagery of hamas. that's what we're up against in this country. members of congress, political leaders who truly support these jihadist aims and it is more phiing. as you said, laura, antifa, blm, israel later harts, radical leaders. anti-israel, anti-america,
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anti-christian, anti-jewish, any tie everything that makes america great. that's really what is on the ballot in 2024. >> laura: jason, do you agree the antifa, black lives matter, pro-pal is all the same. >> it's not completely the same but there is definitely overlap. i have covered antifa for a very long time and i recognize the faces in these groups. some people have asked how is it that they were so ready to march. how did they get everything organized so quickly. it's not because they are being funded by shadowy folks. it's because these people have been organizing for various causes over the course of the last several years. so they already have their network of radicals that they couldn't call upon to go ahead and show up in the middle of a morning or the middle of the day at a college campus or in front of a federal building. so they are really just taking advantage. >> laura: they are professional. >> yeah, these are professional athletes. >> laura: professional protesters. their goal is cultural marxism and they are at it.
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this is what they do. perpetual agitation. steven, jason, thank you. coming up, deep fake porn made with stolen images of your kids and posted on social media. does it sound like a nightmare? well, it is. that just happened to dozens ever girls at a new jersey high school. one of them joins me tonight. but, first, a major win for trump in the courts. jonathan turley, sol wisenberg join me next to explain it. ♪
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♪ >> laura: big news in trump's 2020 election interference case. a federal appeals court granted the former president temporary relief from that gag order issued by judge tanya chutkan. and who were the three judges on that appellate panel? two were obama appointees and one a biden appointee. huh? now, their decision granting the trump team temporary relief through that motion they filed gives the court more time to consider the merits of the first amendment claims. oral arguments before the appeals court will happen in less than three weeks on november 0th in washington, d.c. but, in trump's new york civil fraud case, a gag order was just expanded. judge arthur engoron ordered that it now include three of
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trump's attorneys, citing inappropriate comments about his law clerk, huh. he warns of serious sanctions if they fail to honor it. joining me now jonathan turley, professor of law at g.w. university and sol wisenberg former deputy independent counsel. both are fox news tributers. jonathan, let's start with the d.c. circuit. now, does this temporary freeze signal that there is likelihood of success on the merits with the trump legal team's first amendment claims for lifting that gag order? >> well, laura, it's hard to say because we have to wait to see how the panel reacts in its review, ticklely the oral argument. they are essentially freezing any action here. they could have left it continue, to continue while they reviewed it. but, they decided, perhaps in an abundance of caution to order this stoppage until they can give it a full review.
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the reason i think this could be quite significant is because i think the order is unconstitutional. i said that when it was first issued it's a very odd concept of an order. because the court here insisted on having this trial before the election, sort of shoe honored it before super tuesday. and everyone in this election is going to be talking about these cases, except one person under this gag order. and this is donald trump. he can't criticize the prosecutors he can't criticize witnesses. and special counsel jack smith just asked for this order to be expanded in an equally unconstitutional way. that has drawn the criticism, even of the aclu, which is a staunch critic of donald trump but the aclu has said look this is flagrantly unconstitutional. >> laura: sol, substantial likelihood of success on the merits and, you know,
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irreparable harm, potentially for president trump. i haven't been a lawyer for as long as you guys. seems like a decent signal that this is not going to go the way judge chutkan would probably want it to go. >> well, they didn't say he had a substantial likelihood of success on the merits. in fact, they went out of their way in this two-page order to say that we shouldn't construe this as a ruling on the merits. but, as jonathan says -- >> laura: no, but it's a temp -- hold on, sol, isn't it a t.r.o.? didn't he grant a temporary freeze of the order? , right? >> they granted an administrative stay. if we're talking about the d.c. circuit of appeals, they granted an administrative stay. so, that's right. her gag order is not in effect. that's very important. i just -- you know, i wouldn't take any more from it right now. they also, basically, briefs are due. the trump's team brief is due november #th. as you said the oral argument is
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the 20th. they are going to decide on this really quickly. >> that's fast. jonathan, msnbc is really worried because there are 17 days of unfettered free speech for trump. watch this. >> the testimony is that actualized threats, threats against their lives, threats of violence and harassment ensued. do you have any concerns about what happens in the 17 days between today and the hearing? >> i absolutely do. >> laura: jonathan, it is that a legitimate concern? >> well, you know, that's part of the disconnect here about this gag order is that much of this election is going to turn on these prosecutions. millions of people believe that the criminal justice system has been weaponized. now, whether that's true or not, when you hold these trials before the election, everyone is going to be talking about it. and there is going to be sharp criticism. usually when you have these gag orders, it's to protect a jury
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pool so that they're not influenced by all of the publicity that might be generated. well, you know, that ship has sailed. you just ordered a major trial before an election. and so the question for the court of appeals is, what is the real purpose of this? if you are silencing not only one of the leading candidates in the election where this is being debated, but he can't even criticize his former opponent, michael pence, or the witnesses bringing evidence against him. that, i think is, pretty problematic. and she is going to have hard time, the court is, to sustain this, if not from the d.c. circuit, the supreme court. and if it goes to the supreme court, that could very well cause issues with her sche scheduling. >> laura: sol, what about the new york case expanding the order? different set of facts, but now expanding the order to the lawyers? >> he is very, very sensitive
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about his clerk. he mass made that clear. and now he is covering the lawyers. and there is so much wrong with the new york civil case, i don't know where to begin. but he has a very visceral reaction. >> jonathan sol, great to see you. have a great weekend. we have long wondered who is really pulling the strings behind the scenes for joe biden? well, tonight, we have new evidence of why it might be someone you remember in the white house just a few years back. we'll explain it. plus, parents, listen up, a.i. is being used to create child porn. so, could your daughter be next? we talk to a brave 14-year-old who was targeted coming up. ♪
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israel is under attack and jewish families are in danger. israel's enemies seek our destruction. the people of israel need immediate help. rockets have us squarely in the crosshairs. our people are targets in their own homes.
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many have lost everything and fear for their lives. the international fellowship of christians and jews has launched an urgent response to rescue those affected by this violent attack. our teams are on the ground across israel delivering lifesaving aid. your urgently needed gift of only $45 will help rush food, water, medicine and emergency supplies for jewish families that have nowhere to turn. time is literally running out. what we need you to do is to act now.
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kind of a fancy thing. first of all, it's two letters. it means artificial intelligence. >> laura: your a.i. czar, ladies and gentlemen. two letters that woman isn't in charge of the border and she sure as heck isn't in charge of artificial intelligence. we always assume that obama was still pulling some of the white house levers and we were right. in fact, he has been secretly crafting the administration's a.i. policy. obama even helping to draft a new executive order on a.i. according to nbc news, obama quietly advised the white house over the past five months on its strategy to address artificial intelligence, engaging behind the scenes with tech companies and holding zoom meetings with top west wing aides at president biden's request. well, that begs the question, what exactly is in it for obama? remember, his dream has always been to transform america and
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artificial intelligence may just be the best way to do it. >> if a.i. ends up eliminating entire categories jobs, if it means as much stuff or as many services can be produced with fewer workers, we may need to consider bigger changes. and we should start talking about that now. things like a shorter workweek or a universal basic income. or guaranteed income. >> laura: that's what we need. a shorter workweek. now, sounds a lot like obama has this dream grab bag of policies. hello, guaranteed universal basic income. all right. while we are on the subject of artificial intelligence, parents beware. because, as we know, a.i. can create images, sound, video, that is so realistic it's hard to tell what's real from what's fake. a.i. generated nude photos were
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circulated around a new jersey high school using faces of young female students. now, you can only imagine how emotionally shattering this would be to girls who were victimized by these sorts of deep fakes. we're told that this happened to dozens of girls, including my next guest. 14-year-old francesca manny, she alerted the principal after she found out that one of the nudes was using her face. she is also with her mom, francesca, first of all, thank you so much for telling your story. how did you find out about this? >> so, basically, the principal informed me that i was one of many a.i. victims and after that i just felt like betrayed because i never thought it would be my classmate. and when i came home, i told my mom and i said we need to do something about this because it's not okay. and people are making it seem like it is.
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>> laura: well, how did it make you feel? i mean, did you actually see the images or you just heard about them? >> no. i didn't get to see them. it made me feel very betrayed and i just felt very uncomfortable knowing that he was walking like the hallways of my school. and i just don't think it's okay. >> laura: deroda, do you know if any of these images stayed local of your daughter, so to speak? or did you ask the school principal if the images made it anywhere else online to the extent that they could track them? >> right. very good question. as per the email that the principal sent out, the images are gone. as per the conversation that i had over the phone with the vice principal, the images are gone and i should not worry because it was just a snapchat. it was distributed through snapchat. so, you know, i know, there is
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such a thing as digital footprint that lasts forever. and even though they have been distributed through snapchat they are somewhere out there. we are fighting right now to figure out where and how to retrieve them and through this whole process we have been so disappointed in the way that the high school has been handling this situation for all the girls. >> laura: well, so, we haven't confirmed how many people this actually happened to or how many people -- we don't know how many people saw these images. i presume you don't either. it sound like you are thinking of filing a lawsuit. as a former lawyer it kind of sounds like that's where this is headed. how can the school actually control or why would you say it controlled the senate account of students. the school does not. >> that's their approach. they believe i didn't do it, it was not on my device. it was not on my -- as per the
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cyber harassment policies, this should not have happened and there should have been consequences. so it's more than just kids sending pictures on the snapchat, right? there is a bigger issue here, there is bullying, there is cyber harassment and there is administration who is pretending that nothing has happened administration are not listening to the girls that have been victimized and other girls who feel this is not okay and who feel -- they feel up comfortable. they feel traumatized. they feel hurt. they feel betrayed. and nobody listens to them. actually, yesterday, let me add one thing -- >> laura: francesca, have you -- i'm going to ask your daughter if you don't mind. francesca, have you talked to the other girls or do you know their names, fellow students to whom this also happened? again, their faces were put on nudes that were then circulated,
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according to these reports, on senate. have you spoken to them? >> yes, i have. they feel extremely uncomfortable knowing that he? our school. they are also really mad that the school is not really doing anything about it and not trying to help the situation. and they are just mad that. >> laura: do you know who did it? francesca, are you aware of who did it or do you have a good idea who did it? don't say the name. i don't want to hear the name. do you have a good idea who did it? >> yes, i do. >> laura: oh, you do. >> yes. >> laura: well, seems like that's kind of where the liability lies. francesca and dorota, any type of cyberbullying, cyber stalking, any of this involving students, these deep fakes it's horrific. thank you very much for speaking out. we appreciate it. >> thank you for having us. >> laura: up next, a world leader ridicules joe biden to his face and a white house
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official strains to make it up with casual fridays. raymond arroyo has it all. details next, friday follies. ♪
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♪ >> laura: it's friday and that means it's time for friday
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follies. for that we turn to fox news contributor raymond arroyo. all right, raymond, biden hosted heads of state today and it was called the americas summit. >> that's right, laura, look. biden hosted officials from 11 countries across the western hemisphere. they were discussing migration and infrastructure. apparently everyone has gotten the memo that joe biden enjoys his time off and days at the beach. this is the president of the dominican republic. >> mr. president, we look forward to welcoming you soon to the dominican republic at the next summit of the americas in 2025. and that summit will be where have you time to be on the beach. thank you. >> thank you very much. >> raymond: laura, it's funny but it's not funny. it's a glaring sign at a moment of global crisis that the u.s. is neither respected nor feared. this is a man, joe biden, he
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spent 40% of his presidency on vacation. and the world knows it. >> laura: raymond, at l least in punta can that they have all inclusive resorts. they have all the food and all of that all one price afternoon spending the day in maine border crisis. joe and jill biden are now on their way to rehoboth beach for the weekend. that was just announced. so true to form. true to form. >> laura: well, these people -- mean, they are pretty unbelievable. but they are kind of predictable at the same time, raimondo, well, i think i have to grant you three wishes. >> raymond: oh, three wishes, thank you. okay, laura. this week the white house sent their omb director shah lang go young out to pitch their bloated supplemental budget. my first wish is that the white
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house would add a few bucks to that budget for laundry services hey, shalanda, can you tell us about the domestic supplemental funding that the white house has sent to congress? >> absolutely. >> raymond: laura, the white house posted this video of the omb director why is she wearing a t swhirt a big stain. do you see the stain there and sweatpants. i mean, is this to add an emotional layer of pity to their supplemental pitch? i don't know quite what is happening here but, the big stain. at least wear clothing that is decent in the white house. >> laura: a throw back in the reagan white house you only wore dresses, skirts, or, you know, coat and tie, it wasn't casual fridays, ever in the reagan white house. forget the budget though, raymond. what's your second wish? >> raymond: oh, my second wish. i wish people would stop putting
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halloween candy out in bowls. man your door and hand it out. i also wish people would stop impersonating bears to steal all the halloween candy. the poor kids in south florida. look at this. this neighborhood, they didn't have any candy left because smoky showed up first. >> laura: raymond, that's a real bear. that's actually a bear. >> raymond: that's what everybody said about that sunbury remember that zoo in china? everybody said that was a real bear, too. no, it was a guy in a bear suit. i'm not buying it. maybe this is a real bear. whether it's real or not, he shouldn't be stealing the candy. and the homeowner should answer their own damn door and hand things to the trick-or-treaters. do they leave thanksgiving dinner out on the step for relatives? no. you invite them in and serve it and that's how halloween should roll. >> laura: in some cases i think putting the food at the door for certain in-laws for different families across the country, they don't all get along. maybe that's a way to give but
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not be present. >> not at my house. >> laura: time for third and final wish. >> raymond: i wish joe biden would learn the names of foreign dignitaries and whether they are the prime -- anyway. >> canada is joining the united states with funding the launch the accelerator. i think prime minister trudeau -- i think prime minister trudeau and president lahaye lay -- and i also think president chavez for i want to thank them. >> he doesn't know the name of anyone at the table. he is hosting a summit of people he knows nothing of. and cannot even pronounce their names. i mean, this is -- it's funny but it's tragic. it's tragic and the world understands what is happening. >> laura: president joe, okay. president joe. i don't know show talking about there. all right, raymond, thank you. up next, the most important elections you haven't heard enough about. the details that lies ahead next
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tuesday, in moments. esist peeli, with an array of active ingredients... and sizes to relieve your pain. salonpas. it's good medicine.
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>> you know the angle always says no state left behind. every election matters. sometimes you get lost in the shuffle. the joe biden administration want to label parents as threats, we went through that routine, and we know the truth. parents are fighting for what is best for their families. we have highlighted on the show no matter what they are trying to stop teaching, to make sure that your daughter isn't sharing a bathroom with a biological male, you know, we need more parents like you to get involved, especially the folks in the local school board races, many have elections this tuesday. we have the founder of the 1776 project pack, also working with
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me is chris bedford from the commonsense society. ryan, may i ask you what are you focused on and why? >> you know, blue valley kansas. in johnson county, wealthy county, but even in a state like kansas, this is a school district where they banned to bl a mockingbird because it was possibly two offensive. huckleberry finn. and there are four conservative candidates, and all four of them are essential. because they are small in these off year elections. and the biggest red county, pennsylvania is another one, partisan school board elections. and the department of education
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talks about teacher curriculum, cultural assessments on how they teach people. in pittsburgh today announced that they are doing a 50,000-dollar deal to make mathematics less racist in the city of pittsburgh. this county is ground zero for all this nonsense. and virginia. early voting is down 33%. and they are like okay, we can flip the county, show up big time. the last one is in ohio. abortion and pot on the ballot. teachers unions are spending so much money for local blue aid to bring critical race theory into everything. >> laura: people think this is an off year election, the big one is next year, but the nuts and bolts of campaigning, democrats are really good at it,
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even in the off year elections and republicans tend to like the big events. >> it is a difference philosophically always. oftentimes republicans will go back and say hey, if you want to change things in america, come back in two years, give us a donation, they never say wait until the next election to their face. they say be the change, be the activist, be the person that shows up. and that is where a lot of these things come from, people taking control, when i went out to the county, i was amazed, the sections that have become politically active. who voted for barack obama, about half of them raised their hands. many never critically acted. grandparents, aunts and uncles, people were suddenly a part of this, and that is the kind of thing that can change this.
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>> laura: there are many other things going on, but focusing on this county, one of the candidates running for the open seat on the school board is actually an employee at the department of justice. working under merrick garland. running as a democrat. that is the same department of justice that basically targeted parents as potential domestic terrorists, no they want to be on the school board, i have to say that they have you know what's to actually do that. >> then yesterday, in the county, they said no to policy 8040, and even the students were saying hey, you cannot do this in our schools. and if the students understand this, it shouldn't be up to
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these people, a lot of times who don't have children and they say okay come out we should experiment on these children and it is wrong. >> it is time to fight back. and also, north royalton, ohio, this is a school board race, candidate is basically disguising herself as a sensible moderate and then they get in and they are complete radicals they say that we do not support these individuals on gender identity, systemic racism, antiracism and inclusion and so this is the moderate. the moderate in ohio. what has happened, chris? >> reading some of the national public radio stories are just awful. a group of parents against diversity, inclusion, taking
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care of kids i'm a they say nothing could be further than the truth, you drill down and we have had this argument, the policies that they are teaching our racial preferences and they are not skilled in what they are supposed to be taught. this is one of the top ones right here, moving them here to virginia, many worry, they thought that there could be a disability. and they said he caught up quickly and he was able to continue on. >> laura: that is it for us, follow me on social media, twter and facebook. it is america. now and forever. thank you for watching "the ingraham." next we have "jesse watters


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