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tv   The Five  FOX News  November 4, 2023 2:00am-3:00am PDT

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that they're against taking care of kids. say nothing coulnothing be furte from the truth when you actually drill down. >> and we've had this argument over the pas hadt couple of yeau the policies that they're teaching are racial preferences . the policies they're teaching are producing children who are not good at. they're not skilled. >> and they and what they're supposed to be taught. when we took our out of ricci's public school, which was a top one. exactl y when we took our son out of a top d.c. public school and moved him to a catholic school in virginia. teachers at first were worried because of how far behind he was in readinry, theyg. they thought there might be a learning disability there. we got on the phone and told them no he just got outd they of public school. they were shocked and said he's fine. it turns out he just wasn't gettin sd he cg and he caught up quickly in a good school. >> ryan and chris, thank you bothy and he. : th that's it for us tonight. have a great weekend. don' us, me ont to follow me onl media x, instagram, of course, and facebook. te remember, it is america now and forever. brian kilmeade in for jesse and he takes it from here. hello, everyone. i'm dana along with kayleigh
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mcenany, harold ford jr, will cain and greg. >> it's 5:00 in new york city and this is the five. >> president biden pushing for a pause to the fighting in israel. but top terror groups, they've got other ideas. m hamas rockets from gaza are still raining down on the jewish state. a dramatic scene unfolding while train gangs was live on the air. one of those rockets landing right near him. >> a rocket just slammed into sm >>e building right next to where we're at in terms of a cease fire. >> it's -- it's challengingto to to have a cease fire while rocketefirs are still raining dn on israel. and that's what's being called for here. and that's part of the reaso ann that the prime minister, benjamin netanyahu, sayst of he won't have any sort of cease fire because the fire still ceasefe continueths into israelh plus, you have the issue of the hostages. ther.e are 241 israelis being held and some of them
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are foreign nationals. foreigbut the majority of them are israelis being held inside the gaza strip. >>s, and hamas keeps launching attacks from gaza. the leader of hezbollah is signaling. a second front in the war could break out in the north. the terror group has bee signaln their missile strikes on israel and its chief is now directly threatening america. thres a fully responsible for the warre prevailing in gazasponsi againss people. israel is merely executive arm. america is preventing a ceaseirn fire in gaza. it is the grea gt satan. it is the guilty party number. >> iitt is the united states directing the war in gaza. >> it must pay the price. up, >> while tensions ramp up,biden the biden administration is sending secretary of statstrt antony blinken back to israel to meet with that country's cabinet this morning. t blinken, echoing biden's call for a humanitarian pause. we remain relentlessly focused
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on securing the release of hostages, including american citizens. we believege that each of thesec efforts would be facilitated woulby humanitarian pauses, p by arrangements on the ground that increase security for anvilianents on s and permit the effective and sustained delivery of humanitarianhumani assistance. >> all right, let's take it around the table here, harolan ford, jr, what did you think o about this idea of a pause ifif hama hamass not going to pause? >> you can't pause if there's not going to be an agreementt for a pause. t that's the whole purpose. as i listen to secretaryheo se blinken and i feel for him and the president because i can. my senseinken an is they don't i a pause either, but they understand some of the globathl some of the geopolitical pressures that they're facing. and weures israel is going to militarily dismantle, disman decapitate hamas. >> i think the question for the administrationd , others is after that happens, what is our role? what is the israelis roleis in and the in gaza and outside
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of israel? these are questions that have to be answeredthese av. hardes i know they're trying their hardest to answer them. i'm not an unapologeti ansr c and unconditional fan of bibi netanyahu,napologe but right no. i am. and i think he's right. i think a pause at thi s withouu there being agreement on both side s doesn't allow us to achieve any constructive end. s again, those who want a pause i on the other side, and i wis whe didn't show the the hamas leader, but i guess we have. to make big news today. >> yeah, but i think the fact t that that that voiceha out there just and we see it, it, it only inflames perhaps generates a kind of support that we don't want. i'm noe wantt blaming anybody fr doing it, but i'm just saying it is it is a tough thint g. , but no one nyoo one and you head more and more people, no one is calling for the release of the hostages on that side. hostn thatb leaders are callings the release of the hostages. >> if the hostages were releasedta hostage, my voice might change. >> and i think others may cha at leastng reconsider whether a a pause or even a cessation
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a period of time would be the right thing to do. but you can't take imagine someone took 60 500 americans hostage. >> that's the equivalentk 6500.t you look at 235 israelis or 35 times bigger than we are, 35 times bigger than we are, and kill a 50,000 of us.ed 50, i can assure you no american president, no united states congress, perhaps mith the exception of a smalitl minority, would be saying, don't go in with great force. >>on't g other thing is thateet the speech that nasrallah gaveha the up to it in the arab world was like preparing for the super bowlas lik with a pree show in which they showed suleimani, for example, also brought up the marine barracks bombing in the eighties under president reagan. and america by saying those bas guys are still alive and,erica blamed all of this on the united states, but thena said, but we really didn't have anything to do with it. >> yeah, it's ridiculous. the leader of hezbollat with, diculo the attacks on syria, american troops in syria and iraqus will we need resolve. we need moral clarity. we need strategic clarity.
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and we're not getting any from the biden administration. i spokc y ane with former colle. of mine, general keith kellogg, and he told me an anecdoteth a.l back in 2019, there wereamerican one american troop who died because of an iranian proxy attack. se ohe said that was met with fn within two days. then at th twoe us embassy, ed a they were worried it was coming under attack. they were burning documents, unr he he got president trump on the phone at 3 a.m.. hepresident trump said, get soleimani within two days. soleimani dead. trump got out publicly, said 52 iranian targets will be hit. and then they backchannel througll be hih the secretary oe mike pompeo, through the swiss. >> that next step was khamenein and within ten days, according to kellogg, that entiri.e situation de-escalated. we need strength. we need action, not this fecklessness from president biden, the humanitarian pause, a ceas e fire will in. hamas broke it in 23, 27, 28,ra
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2014 several times. so it's difficult to forbrok the israelis got we got hit. and to harold's point, in terms of the atrocitierold'ss they are witnessing, the grief that they're feeling and the resolve that they're feelingandv to have the united states be saying, well, you really need to be careful about civilianl ao as if the israelis didn't know that they know that. >> yeah. set against the backdrop.>> of e reality that war is and i i think i and i'm not suggesting i'd be alone at this table oris of anyon tablee watching as well don't feel for the citizens of of gaza but againbu realityll is war is . so what would a pauseould a what would a cease fire accomplish? i'd be curious because hamas, to my knowledge, hasn't put fort h any terms or they haven't set forth any demands. so what do f you hope to do?? do you hope to allowrom more gazans to escape the area that'sga e not happening outside of a trickle that happened today. something like today 800 people. let into egypt today. >> but so ifyo you took a pause, you took a cessation. you don't have any demands meat would wouldou are on the table to me. you don't have any refugees that could escape gaza. so what woult haves tod differee
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end of that cease fire? only thing that would be different would he end o be, honestlyceasef a victory for hamas. >> greg gutfel d saved the best for last. oh, where was that? no, i'm kind of with harold on this. >> i don't feel that needs to hear from him, whether it's news or not. kill the peace. >> that's. well, i'm not against that either. yeah, no, exactly. but we don't need to hear that. and it's the first questionstio i asked you when. this all began. ho, should the viewer digest this overwhelming and relentless barrage of newsan about horrible, despicable act, you have to keep it simple. this is this is to help the viewer. do not let the media confuse or complicate what is a very, very simple story. a despicable act took plac stoei that, requires decisive action. that's the end of the storonhe >> and we need to be reminded of that every single day. this attacdak on october 7th
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crossed the line that existsthin apart from anything before it. >> so context is no excuse for terror. >> history is no excuse. come terror. the media has become contaminated. there no proportion figureof t that catch catchphrases you're hearing. therheche is no proportionality when it comes to mutilating children and womeortionalt com which is what the other side keeps saying. collective punishmenint is another catch phrase. talking about the history of unrest or calling an open air prison. >> the goal here, by using caisons, is to preserveto pre the free punch againstse israel- your goal is your goal as as viewer is to keep simple. don't think about this other than what happened on octobe r seventh. u >> you want an epiphany? this is courtesy of tom shillue. he waswanted epi on the show la >> we're both in high school around the same time in the high sam. r nineties you never heard about the israeli-palestinian conflict when you were in high school y l any muslim conflict, for that matter. >> then you got to collegei-e an
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and then suddenly that was all you heard. as all youthat was where this ps delivered. >> it suddenly became everyboddy problem. you were made to believe that if you weren't the recipient of this a information from the shouting activists, there was something wrong with you. ct thyou had to be.stan you had to take a stand.d. you had to be parte of this conflict. you have to realize the media comes from the same place. ct. that amplifies the conflict. they are being groomed for the historicngor t justification of terror, which is why you have to ignore them. they are not reliable.relate bring up another point related to this. if you look at all the major to this. today, they all have one thing in common. the journaliste don't understad it. if you talk about the debt, if you talk about theit. middle ea if you talk about the border, if you talk about crime, seems likebout cris like all of theses are just way too hard for them to understand. to unde so instead, what they do is they overcomplicated because that's their.d they that's it. so they and they rely on other people's opinion rels. thing. again, it goes back to one
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simple thing for you at home. u atkeep it simple. all that matters is what happened october 7th and what israel is going to do as a decisive d a action. >> all this other stuff. if a protester is yelling at you on the street , you can s say, i don't care. >> that' s not my issue.issue. >> have a lousy day. yeah. decent d people know who the god guys are. yeah, but. but the thing is, we people att home right now are seeing this every single day, and they're adding it likeseeing game of je. all these different angles and things. am i supposed to carjengere about this? am i supposed to care about that? oh, there's something over here. what about iran? what about hezbollah, iran, whah >> no, no, no, no, no, no, october seventh, decisive. . get on with your day principles. okay. coming up, do democrats secret plans to replace president biden in 2024? >> how sounds like cash.p you re
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available now on the apple app store android. and i'm taylor >> well, looks like some sneaky democrats are working behind the scenes to sendooks lik joe n to the retirement home of his choice. according to a new report frome axios. members of joe's party are quietly jockeying bietiremenf biden in 2024.etly if the big guy does, in fact bow out, some are beefing up. their political organizations going to early presidential primary states and embarking on resumé building foreig pn. ding probably explains why gavin newsom was out in chin an and plowing into children. this was a charge herald newsd ply notnitel a block. >> it was a charge, and it was embarrassing. you would thin wask kamala is te shoe in to replace biden. >> but check out this headlineto from, the messenger quote. kamala harris tries another reboot to win over a skeptical
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public. what is this, like the millionth reboot for to ? kamala? and just like all the other attempts to remake her image, it ends once gets in front of aof a microphone. >> one of the greatest threats to democracy micro is myths and disinformation. now, the fact of ms. and is not. new. but what increasingl y happened with the evolution mi technologpened wiy is myths and disinformation can spread quickly, and with ai quickly in particular can take on a form that makes it veryt ve difficult for the receiver of that information to distinguish diffior between r fiction. >> i don't know what we just heard. >> just think it wasd. about a.i.. harold, i'm going to ask a.i you first here again, let me just get this straight. some real con corey booker is putting the fun together forr reportedly for 2026, of course, dean philips, j.b. pritzker. >> the list goes on and on. >> what are they doing here with 2024? i don't know. i think that anyone is seeking
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to undertake a quiet campaign for the nomination. his or her political party will win. the best campaigns, which are winning campaigns, are bolld ,they're loud, they're engaging, they're strategic, bold, lou they're these kinds of things happen on bothstrategi. es it gets it gets a lots more attention, rightly, of the1 last one or two cycles because we have third parties and you're able to raise money differentland you y. diff but i don't suspect that anyone will quietly beat joe biden. you're going to have to loudly beateayou ha incumbent in a par. we've not had an incumbent president defeated in primary. >> you know, they've been challenged and those be, i think,have they weakened them in the general. >> but i think they're probabl y i'm not i'm not naive about this. >> they they're probably believing that if somethinnaivgf president biden decides not to run for some reason, they want to they want to be prepared t to run . >> it looks as if that'sing. what they're doing. yeah, and dana, the option is it'>> anda,s not simply beats
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in a primary. there is the outside option as well, replacing him at th e at the convention, whicha: is messy because then you have to figure out how to get them on the ballo you hgure outt. also very difficult. dean phillips is the minnesota h congressman challenging biden. he had his first town hall. heck of a delegate. yeah, that did do well. his first town hall. i encourag not do e to read upn a little bit about that. that seemed like a real doozy. but , sei would like to imagine the democratic governors grouphe chat on text and, hey, you go you go to new hampshire. i'm goin g to go to southhave carolina. you go like, we got to figure out a way to do this. but they're also t a way plottic against each other. >> so then the subtext under the text messageh ots wouldages probably be like a fun thing to say. i also think that the white house uses theseg to kamala rebootse kama as a distraction for conservative medialaeboots so to don't focus on the other things like the economye or the border or crime. even though voters are paying attention to all those thingres conservative media you like watch kamala's speech kamah, i, i gotcaus, to comment on that because what was she talking about in terms of i so i also would endn
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on this. the biden team saythiss fundamentals of the race show we are still in a strong in mpositionsh. in my experience, if you are saying the fundamentals of the race are strong, you are really worried about what's happening. romney used to say that. mccain used to saywhat's happe h both lost. >> that's and that's the that's the entirety of they bote issueg greg, i mean, joe biden will ben pressured to leave the racen or whether or not it's a convention or being beaten in a primary, if it's seen that he'll los ia e a generalat election. and right now, i mea an, to you, point, dana, that language is being used. there's certainly no stron danag he's going to win a general election. yeah. feels like the plot of succession, you know,>> greg: with all the kids jockeying because the dad has a hard probleth m. they're all kind of just sitting there waiting for the right time. fo all once. do itare wait i think i'm going to use an analogy using ait r travel to describe joe's presidency. >> if you're on a shortravel ttr of a flight, you never really settle in, right? >> you keep your jackeflighterty
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>> you don't grab a thick book because it's going to be over soon on,. >> so don't get too interested in the experience. that'sr soon s joe right. ri >> you need a young president who's going to be on that planyou neede for a whie because then he makes sure that the experience is livabletn . this has been my problem p with joe for the last three years. your problemroblemh joe fos he r as part of your life. he sees them as part of his life and he's nearing the end of it. d he'she sweat the small stuff. right. i've had a good lifef,. >> he takes everything in stride, whether it's the border takesg in, whether it's , it'seer it's inflation, becaus all those consequences, it's you know, i'm not going to be around , yo for this. >> we need a presidenteed who actually is going to feel the consequences of their policies. we need somebody conseq young in there. >> you know, kayleigh, it's not just a name. the list of names i just read off to herald. there's also rfk jr. out there and a no labele s party potentil putting a candidate forward. i mean, there's a lot of things
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,the way of joe biden winning lt a general election and then, oh, yeah o, a republican nomine. >> yeah. everyone likes to focus on trump and the challenges in the generalthe elec. goodne but my goodness, to your point, rfk jr. if he gets on enough ballots po in the right states, that is a deal breaker potentially. ighthat, is look, 6% was the amt of voters who went third party in 2016. that was when hillary clinton ran. it was 2% in 2020 and 2 to those voters broke for v joe biden. >>oter a third party candidate could be his undoing. a lot of people argue it was hillary clinton's undoing and then enthusiasm. >> 38% of people say we're voting on jo e biden.becaus >> we like joe biden. 50 8% say we're votinge on joet biden. >> we hate trump. and then it flips fore trum trump wherd te it's nearly 60%y we're voting on trump because we like trump. he hasump beca enthusiasm probl potentially a third party problem. so for all the talk about trump ,look at joe biden. >> he's got a lot of troubles heading into 2024, nancyproble i said that no labels represented a threat to our democrac
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y. >> that's sound like trump. so yeah, so anything that represents a threat to our power is a threat to our democrac y. all right. up next, high school students in virginia walking out of class and protestinupg woke anansgender bathrooms. it's gonna raise and rain down . wash everything away. desi, the chasing s premiere card is made for sam, premiere card is made for sam, who makes everyday product purcs designed smarter. genius. genius. likeility! on purchases of $5,000 or more. so sam can make smart ideas. >> brilliant reality chase for business. make more with yours. >> stanley steemer is proud to clean over a million homes across america every year with custom made vans and cleaning equipment. our professional cleaning technicians have the knowledge and skills to get your home cleaner and, healthier, get the best for your home schedule cleaning with your local stanley steemetomer war today. >> cracked windshield on your new car. bring it to safe place. she didn
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>> keep in mind, this is then same school district kic that kicked off the fight for parental rights. thr, the father a of a girl, assaulted in a unisex bathroom by a boygirl wearing a skirt that was twice that boy engaged in that behaviory a bo. s twic >> he erupted in fury over the school's cover up at a board meeting and wa engs facing jail time for his protest. until virginia governor glenn youngkin pardoned him earlier, youngkin offereduntil his to the students. >> all students, all studentsd must be ensured dignity, respect, safetort to ty, privac. and in this case, we hav pe a large group of students who ar e standing up saying, you are not respecting y, our safety. and again, this is a school system that has demonstrated stated that they are willing to hide things when bad things happenthey are. . >> and that is just unacceptable. danad , of those protestersa, said half the girls in the school feel the same way and thatneprotesto actually hold to go to the bathroom throughout the school day out
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of fear of what will happen. >> i did that in the seventh t gradwille on the first day becai i couldn't i, i didn't know where the bathrooms were and i didn't know how to open my locker. and 7th grai ran home from thes stop. >> i ran all the way home. i had to go so that wei ra lived in rural america. >> oh, my gosh. i'll never forget it. so, girls, please do not dl l nd that. >> here's the thing. so trans bathroom policies are wildly unpopular., like 8020 issue, meaning 80% against havingopular having bathrooms that the that the students are protesting today. and what governor duncan said when he came in is that students will allrnor you e bathroom of their school registration. right. so if you are registered as a boy, register as a girl, you're going to use those bathrooms.boy, girl, in addition, he said theredditio are single use bathroomsn,hools throughout the schools that other people can use. to me, that sounds like a very reasonablethe . you just listen to him. he is a very reasonable person and the left called him today bigoted and hateful. the onl which i think is only going to continue this thing where i saidg it's like an 8020 issu. >> that's not going to change. yeah, no doubt about it.
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not in happy ending. >> you didn't even have an accident. it was let me say how close it as. like, really. i remember i was wearing i had a red shirt on and then these pa i thoughtrrible rn an they were cute red. >> and it's like junior high. i never want ljunior do it agai. so i feel for the students that are adding thisi feel of st to their day. >> greg, since i know you love the word pe on thi s show, i thought i'd quote one of the protesters. >> we hold our pe unti lovel. >> we can't. it is the ultimate irony. and he touches hol on it that activists use invasion of privacy when parent.s want to say what's being poured into their kids heads by woke educators. st use ibut then they're willing to invade actual privacy by sending boys and girls bathrooms. that's a literal invasion minus the tiniest biological exception . >> trans kids aren't born. they're made. d why and why are they made? because they aren't bornar mad to combination aren' zealousbinn activists and impressionable parents, some of whom welcomedzu the newfound respect of the enlightened guardian.
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and this is imprinted on a child going through a temporary phase. we're goind childreg to look bo this and especially to look back on the surgeons who participated in this. and we're going to look at those people that are making money off this as monsterseople . it's a they're in it. it's also about the parents participatiolso abt thn. is an here is another analogy. i'll call it a clumsy one. you know what a parentot leavese that big bowl of halloween candy out because they aren't going to be homeg bowl and thea assume that it'll all work out, right? no, it doesn'tllk . left unattended. they'll be three, bad actors i f . you will. that will empty out the entire bowl into their sacks. and whll t the eny? because no one wasone wa watching that education. d if you don't participate in your child's school experience par, other people wi. >> that's why they created the right to privacy for kids. so parents couldn't participatem in one of the most intimate conversations you can have with your child. cosations that we're seeing a swing back to sanity, because for so long we assum
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e that the crazed left wouldn't go after the kids. we even mockedcrt go right wingw for predicting that would happen. we for at them. >> now, a lot of them were lot nutty, but maybe they were on to something. >> i mean, the fact that thie ts is discussed, it would be hilarious i f. >> it wasn't so damaging in the long term. i will say i left the halloweent candy out and the kids didn't steal it, but maybe they stole my ring cameras. >> welanl, that's true. >> one thing i would add to what you had to say there, greg, is thaast some cases it's not just external sources, meanincases,g school. it's the parents themselves. yeah. not all the time, but there are some parentse mesome par ars as a way to almost project their own virtue through their children their o, which is even more severe to munchausen syndrome. >> yes, that's exactly. >> and into your analogy of the halloween candy, it's the odd thing about this particular situation, loudoun county. it's the children are the adults in the room. so it was 500 kids that staged a walkout. right. in support sane bathroom policies where the adults, the school districkidst, whoeveo
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else is driving this policy, are the ones who devolved into pureli, e adults. yeah, and it's worth mentioning tuesday's elections and wants to take the senate and he won on education. republicans don't wint wi on education. >> he did. look, i don't know what's going to happed.n very well.going could have had some success on this issue hereto. mycan't imagine my daughter, who's nine, having a little boy come to bathroom who accordingwh to the policy, because he feels cokehe a woman or a little girl that day comes in the bathroom. then maybe while he's inme the bathroom, realizes he's a little boy. the safety risink and invasionfk of privacy. >> there's a there's an answernr to is a much better answer. i believe in people's right, in the freedom to be whoe inm you want to be and express yourself. but you can't put kids in dangeexpresr. e inva >> and if they're the invasion of privacy, the safety to mef ,e more important than anything else, and for the life of mer te can't quite figure out where adults are in trying to helpgurp
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>> i can't solve dana's problem from when she was in seventh grade, but iro she wasn can't. this is a solvable problem here in a mature adults. put aside your party. solve the problem. we shouldn't be talkiny. gtalkin about what's easy in wisconsin when an 18-year-old biological male ends uisp bat in the bathroom with three girls underage? that's common sense. it's. it's legal. the problem is that it's a hysteriairls and have to look ae like it's a hysteria that is a contagion. this is something that didn'toti exist a few years ago, five years ago. and all of a sudden it's start i . that's hysteria. it's a delusiot n. >> bingo. the fact is, up next, just takes a tractor. another upon the plow across the grass. it stands up and down the page. >> he says more, i never complained. >> i never can be
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l thosegal, t tiny mail swimsuit that you got on. >>hey male but my husband, who't a hunter, said it's feet. >> don't take a picture during a deer, sa with a deer during rutting season. that's mating season. and you've got to expect this. >> look at your first look the at the you see the two.- those are called brow tines right there. this one's goinge . he's lucky he's not stabbed. right. broken ribs. okayt . >> that looks like a brow tine k right into the liver. caleb, do you have shorts like that? >> well, is that you guys with a gross>> harh is? i don't herald. it's not so much about the length. it's the color and patternld of how the length is knee deep. about thiit'ssthink ? >> i think we see e this ove r and over again. people don't respect and they peopl should. but i really want to know is what the picture look like? yeahe t wildli and i see what rr the photograph. >> yeah. what happened? actually, it is pretty funny how you would never just walk up to a haire lookedy stranger e woods or on a subway and take a selfie. yet you would do it with a hairy large stranger with a tak, huge antlersbr
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weighing £600. >> that could kill you tooai muh bambi. >> they watched bambi. up next, a restaurant in ruraluc georgia taking some heat after slapping parents with a $50 check. this out. >> bad parenting fee ifa their kids misbehave. >> dana, what do you think about? well, i get all of my advice on parentings . kennedy and kennedy has a podcast called kennedy saves the world and. she did this topic the other day, a monologue for 16 minutes. really . ou n knd what you need to know as a parent at restaurants and also about tippina g at and how you should help clean up after your children at restaurants yoa and. if you are somebody who has ever made a living trying to get tips that you kno etw hard har . >> it is.d and so she was she was for thii- she was for this. >> greg, what do you think when you in restaurants, you got to see this? set hav don't have kids, so no really qualified to opine on this matter because don'tecae know the challenges of eating with children. >> i avoid that. so ie i might when you and jesse go to dinner often. >> it is disgusting you can barely get things into
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his mouth. >> i feed, but i mean, it is actually, it's not. it's about being a bad parentst you know, we've seen a decline. i mean, it's sound old, a decline, normal discipline and parental obligations. >> and that has stop you share. >> i actually mean on the angry i don't this this doesn't offend me this charge i mean unless it's my kid t has everybody else needs to get their kids in order stop running around the restaurant. i'm againscharge, t ipad at thee for dinner and yes. >> so what do you do this. >> i see your face. you need to socialize your children. here's a reall socialy healthy. >> you need to they need to learn how to be adults. okay. i have a three year ol to d anda ten month old, they are very well-behaved. >> they sit through church masses an hour. the evangelical church goes about an hour and a half. i take them to lunch rough, m tn >> they're very well-behaved. so at first i'm like, i'm all for this. but then i read the reviewsevies one was was watching a tablet and got charges watchid that's e kid was doing watching a tablet wrong and onwae mother rocked her four month old baby. >> that's it and apparently got hit with this charge. somonth-ol that's ridiculous. >> that's overkill.
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i think they should start 100,. t in t $100. when people are adults, they act right and the rest of it. but it finally here's something that will knock your socks off. an australian podcaster says she caheand t willn what people what generation people are just by looking at their feet. >> this is exactly how you can tell the difference between a millennial and genhe just by looking at their feet. are their socks up or are theye th wearing hidden ankle socks because gen eiz wear their socks up and millennials still wear ges? sock >> as to the test, how you wear your socks? i listen to this. this is an for foo.t fetishistsv to look at women's feet. >> you know what you're doing this is very clever me see s your let me see your socks. >> anybody who asks you they're foot fetishists like to see who would do the data exactlyti about socks. >>sh. you start feel different types of socks or different types of shoes. >> and i actually, i hate socks like especially in the winter socks that fal socl.
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i hate that. fal i hate socks that are toot ar tight. i like the ankle socks. i do like those. but then if you have shoes that wear the tongue of the shoe picture leg when you you're walking, that's annoying. so you have to have a longer sock for tha that.t. >> if you have to and run, rund home. now you know what it's like to be a 50 year old man. that podcast is correc run home >> i have my kids.ou kno well, it's not about what we're wearing right now. i have teenagers>> ortrue, one teenager and it's true. they wear their socks up anf he'll make fun of me ir the have like no show socks on with shorts or something like that. you know, that'sha what we usedof as to think of as dad, dad and old like a sock is pulled is actually what's cool and young. >> now. you know what it is? they're they'r cool and>>e they're they're ankle shaming. they have terrible esteem about theilengr ankles.f yo >> be proud of your ankles. let them rip. i'm a millennial . >> i only own ankle socks.ia i was told if your socks cover your ankles, you're not cool. >> so she's exactly right. well done. phoebe, what is the millennialno
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what, millennial. >> my sister's a millennial, too. she's not up until>> m five ishl i think. now, currently, that's too young in the morning. >> so kind of socks. do you wear my hair up to my knee? i meane are up, what are you tat about? i got a nice guy here. he's got garters. when you wear tennis shoesers , got garters on to keep him up. our ankle cover ankle in my >> as, mail. >> venmo fraud is up next. sta gundy. >> it's the final game of this one wins this area struck out with the cheap seats important things aren't worth compromising at farmers. we offer both quality insurance and great savings. we are farmerswe c. we come from. people we can be proudve the g of seeing all the places i come. of seeing all the places i come. from
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beginning to end. >> shop now at show allegiance .com. >> a terrible absolutely terrible fan mail friday we're answering your questionsn mail d one from frenchie f. wonder who that is.s a gowhat of neighbor are you? >> dana.f ne i goig to you first because i think you might be a difficult one. >> why? >> i don't know. you get that impression. a lot of stuff you offou tha. l >> literally run into the bathroom. and i'm actually a very quiet neighbor, but i am. i benefit right no, buw from lig in a building where i hear no one above, belowhe the side. and i perceive got through the ball every night. 100,000 times down the hallway. i've never had one complaint, so i'm in a good building
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right now as a good neighbor. but it's a weird thing in new york, you could live on the samn hae with 12 other apartments and never see ny ever. >> it's a really strange thing. so i got a pretty good neighbor. neig p >> i do.>> gre you borrow people's like lawg:n supplies and not return them their eyes. >> when i'm doing maurn n stuff? yeah. shirtless. i'm a good neighbor. no, i don't dong man that. i >> i'm a quiet neighbor. i introduce myself, and then there's not a lot interaction,io which i don't. >> i don't like that. i don't like that the way it is in new york. and i wishn't like it isn thath i lived in a neighborhood where ghborhoodou know, my backyar out. >> yeah, that's where it should be. america you're a creepy neighbor, harold. louder. >> gre son likes to play bounce and kick soccer in the house. so hou it's i'm sure i'm louderr than i was a year or two ago, but i'm friendlyo and i blame t on the kids here, but i'm probably flashing that smilet friendly and they're like, dang, he should run for president. >> yeah. kayla is next. >> i'm a great neighbor. i mean, halloween, i realized
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i was a good neighbor because i go to the neighborhood partye and i'm like, hey, hey, i know, you, i know you. >> so i'm a chatty neighbor. oh, i'll tal k to. >> you can people borrow stuff from you like a cup of sugar? of course. yeah . p of >> come on over. i know that you i'll be described as he mostly kepto. to himself. self >> a recluse. yes. he wrote a line in the obituary. yeah. yeah. he mostly kept to himself. seemed like a nice guy. i was so when i read the paper . >> what class would you want to take over again if given the chance that i often have dreams about this, harold, hau, from dreams about yo what class would i want to take if given? >> you know what i almost didn't pass property and law school. i wish i had to take a little tim, e. n >> i didn't enjoy eminent domain. i didn't enjoy. wow. wow. you guyseminen are a barrele of laughs. >> yeah. real fun over here. propertya ba. property there's a class called property. there is? wow. what school was that? >> monopoly blues. university of michigan lost.
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>> michigan has a law school. good for them. a la >> seven, eight years. it's unbelievable what they had caylee. i wish geometry. i will be like of course this little square is going to fit in this rectangle in my closet and it never fits. i have terrible spatial awareness need job. >> they teach math wrong. i could go on for hours about that becauseet, i ha ter s of math are more interesting than the application of it. >> i could do sex ed go back to the way they're doing it now just go. >> no, that's not, noti can't change genders, you know, that's the honest truth is i love history, so i'll do that. but i do that on my own. sot the one that would i'd neeo is is finance. >> i just i wish i knew more about financee, i everybody does. >> that's so true. data home. that's what that was fine. i love to make i made a cupcake pillow that was also in the seventh grade. >> do cupcakes sleep, knowllow,l i mean, it was out of theeep? matter. and then i remember i got the that the egg white thing that souffle i accidentally
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spilled it on the oven door when it and the home ec.want i don't really want to take that again. no, thankstake. >> i would take world lit againn so i could. what would you take? what would you take? right. i don't know. i meanuld yo, i, i guess i'd, id take calculus again. >> jus, t i got a d in it. yeah. one. yeah. ye. i don't understand. like it's still to this day it that keeps me upe at night. you know, those nightmares. it's about the calculus. finamares,l. >> i don't blame you. yeah, so i'd like to take y that again. and i'm always naked when i'm takingou it, which is exacte what i did at berkeley. >>d en i one more thing is up n guess it's time. remodel your bathroom. but you don't want the hassle. you just want it done. re bath from start to stunning call us or visit rebecca com to schedule your free and home consultation
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the to get the hug. you call them to give him a hug . yep. >> at 4:41 a.m., the boy's mother explained he didn't even know what 911 was. so deputy park used the opportunity to teach him when he should dial the emergency line and when he shouldn't. these are the kind of interactions that are far more common than we see. and frankly, are what we love to see. >> so we love to see it. but i think the kid was just thinking it was like i'm about to get in trouble. so i said, i want to give him a hug. i won't get in trouble. you should hire him here at fox right away. >> fox great show. tonight we have ashley st clair, michael kat timpf. >> this is a fun one. hey, let's do this. greg costume. >> can i set up a pumpkin on my front porch and i put a little camera inside and watch it? >> this is what the children came dressed as. >> this kid is so amazing
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costume. i know. i have a little owl, and that's. that's timmy from next door. he's a hairy little. what is that? yeah, it's amazing. isn't it? and the funny thing is, i fed them nothing but, like, birdseed and. and unsalted almonds. oh, you were that. yes i was. >> you know, he reminds me of my. >> oh, my thanks to damage. yeah. any. >> do you eat seeds before sleep tonight? all right. thursday night's tcu texas tech game was interrupted when a wild awesome decided to get on the field. the critter was seen running across field near the ten yard line as fans cheered the animal on. >> and he really enjoyed the attention. you got caught, though, and he played possum and no, he was mad. he did not want to leave. >> and they had one of those little pincer things. you know, the pincer movement. they tried the pincer move on him. they go, all right well. >> all right. an estimated 300,000 people took to the streets of arlington, texas, to celebrate my texas rangers
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winning their first world series in th e 63 yearsanchis of that franchise. it was glorioue.oriouss i was hg i wasn't at the parade, but it was a starring in a veryion vide embarrassing cringe celebration video on your screen right now.i >> regrets love it wheny. you're happy. >> and we played creed, by the way, that was the theme of the race. >> no excuse for that. well, it is not 4th of july,well but it's, i o about look like it here. although we are 52 days from christmas. no one's counting this is in british columbia, a trailer on the back of a picku a trailpi was hit on set off an hour longt fireworks display. d >> thankfully, no one died in that. but one person had minor injuries. >> wow. yes. that is some sor was t of. so that was that's pretty amazing. british columbia, hope they hahd . >> i hope so. you right. only dana would remembers.that's


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