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tv   Gutfeld  FOX News  November 4, 2023 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT

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was i the worst person you've ever seen question of maybe someone on crutches or someone is worse? >> actually are not that bad it takes a lot of time to brexit you hear that america not that bad. [laughter] thank you. special thanks to i love dance studio in manhattan. i think i will leave dancing to the professionals but thanks for watching fox news saturday night pet site tbr to 10:00 p.m. eastern every saturday at right fox news do not forget to follow us on social media app and it saturday night come check me out live november 8 at the hard rock hotel for the near comedy festival. tickets enabled now. good night from new york city. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> good evening this is a fox news alert new s and arab
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leaders at odds over how to handle the ongoing conflict between israel and hamas. u.s. secretary state entity blinken met with foreign ministers from the middle east and jordan earlier today to discuss the conflict. leaders of egypt and jordan are strongly condemning israel's offensive and are demanding an immediate cease-fire. blinken opposes a cease-fire he is pushing for israel to allow pauses in its assault on gaza. >> united states believes all these efforts would be facilitated by humanitarian causes. we believe pauses can be a critical mechanism protecting civilians, getting aid in getting foreign nationals out. while still enabling israel to achieve its objective to defeat hamas. israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu is rejecting calls for temporary cease-fire saying the country's military will only pull back when hamas frees all of its hostages but he adds his
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country will continue to block fuel from entering the region. meanwhile u.s. state department is urging americans in lebanon to quote leave now. it comes as hezbollah leader starting to interfere in the warpwarper the u.s. and middle n leaders are working to prevent a conflict from escalating. >> countries across the middle east and beyond i have played an essential role in preventing its spread. we all agreed on the importance of using our respective influence and capabilities. to deter any states or nonstate actor from opening of the front in this conflict or taking other destabilizing actions. all of us have a direct interest in this. >> saturday marks a one month since a deadly attacks by hamas on israel sparked the conflict now back to in seven-figure headlines log on to
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b6 yes, thank you, thank you. [applause] thank you.u. thank you. all right, that is enough. when it comes to twitter he isge no quitter is anyone to the rights knows twitter prior tor elon musk had become theto bullhorn of the wealth disseminwelkdisseminating amplim driven antipathy toward anyone who did not before the altaram d divisive identity politics. divisive identity politics. uused to censor conservatives a lot. true on twitter the rights were less popular than the veggie trey in the lives of the green room they the even through the hollers of babylon and be off the site the bad blood be a satirical outlet to the free-speech maidens come toof their defense?f no they saw the b as an enemy because it rightly made fun ofof them and so if you tweetedu something that went against the prevailing liberal left opinion t like bill hemmer left opinion from a nude beach. [laughter] can't say they blame him for it.
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anyway ex formally known as twitter claimed they do not acensor anybody that is what hard-core leftist do they stifle dissent and then they lie about it. they would have got away lef wi they would have got away lef wi 44 billion bucks to turn twitter into acts and explained what he did on joe a rogan. >> we wish twitter was simply an arm of the government was notve rnwell understood by the public. estate publication is way toto think of twitter a state publication. republicans were suppressed at0 10 times theti rate of democrat. >> interesting. but what was it that ultimately led him to make the decision to do it? waaks he worried it was having a corrosive effect on civilization? >> what was it ultimately that led you tot makone the decisioo do it? >> i wasu ak worried i was havia corrosive effect on civilization. if you walk around downtown san
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francisco right near the headquarters it's a zombie apocalypse. what philosophy led to that outcome? that philosophy was being pipedr to earth. it would ordinarily be quitear niche and geographicallyilhy q constrained so the fo follow-up area would bphice limited. greg: first of all i love it rogan has done with his hair. he looks like the one woman left after last call at your local after last call at your local [laughter] that is noigant an insult but mk isbu right he calls old twitter information technology weapon to propagate a mind virus to thech rest of thnoe earth. walking around san fran shows you the results of the mind virus the end of civilization because if you could not walk to work without stepping in a pile of human and dirty drug needlesu of course you want to share that utopia it with the rest of the world. as opposing viewpoints you needp pto silence the people who
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recognize how harmful your nizepolicies are. i censorshipsn is not a byproductf leftism that is leftism becauseo of people can hear opposinplgey ideas they might think did he ditch us and the gulags is not as fun as they said it would be. censorship and leftism you cannot have one without the other. they're like brian kilmeade in the went men's warehouse. but the onlys time they did not like the way they looked. musk also said george soros is trying to erode the fabric off civilization. that sounds like hyperbole you have not been to a city lately begs for the comparison between these twheseo soros used his vast fortune torw target local races because seeing it that is where hisoc monealy could do the most damag not in presidential races. the result arise and resent of this violent crime and decriminalization of everything from larceny to carjacking. e turnve it once a great cities ic opener petting zoos for junkies,
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thugs, maniacs meanwhile what did musk do? d protect yourid freedom of expression as opposed toom o limiting your freedom fromee musk understood hocrw a small number of people had commandeered forced ideology on a nation. he knew history you do not need a majority to create tierney just a minority living a five square mile block in northernth now what they try to do to twitter is what biden wanted to wado now with ai, get the same. people in charge of the sameeopl horrible outcomes. if all that is too heavy for yo at most reported plans to add a fully fledged dating component to the app nexk t year. talk about hooking up with her ex. [laughter]ghte no. t do we really need another dating app? frankly i miss the days ofda getting to know someone the ysf old-fashioned way you stood outside the bedroom window for hours while they
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hours while they in and everything app he looks to way to inject newcastle into the company is now worth almost is now worth almost so is he stupid for doing this? no he was brave this might be the biggest financial sacrificeh anyone ever did on behalf of ala country but then again he is he' worth 225 billion set him$2 44 billion is like a haircut fo4 jesse watters. so no wonder he let's joe rogan shoot an arrow into the site is a brand-new cyber truck.ruck [laughter] [inaudible] look at the blue the arrow apart through quick spots in the tip on the era progress is going to be my next car. be my next car. you'll yoube chased by liz warr.
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[laughter] that was a set up. as for musk comments on the lefs is in the people scoffing at him orm leftists would have benefid from twitter censorship namely mainstream journals a year ago they predict of the company would collapse and they were licking their lips like jeffrey epstein at spring break. said they'll think tank is the a media's ratings their numbers are falling faster than joenu biden on amb maybe not all of elon moves have been great he's doing it for the right reasons.ns musk believes in free speech ifh you do not believe it just insult him ht e will not block u but he will mock you and they a certainly will not send thnde f after you. let's welcome tonight suggests he is the inspiration behind the american in the interment paleface fox news contributor tom shall loot. [applause] sheet talks about hoops and tics of terrorist groups hoop chaper roemily
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to get on her good side throw her a handful of birds in your r time bustling author fox new s contributor kat. and finally knuckle sandwich can beat a family of five "new yorkh times" best selling author world champion, tyrus. tom, it's kind of interesting this is what he would choose to spend his monekiy on, what do yu think of it? works chooi love elon musk i loe the guy. he has every right to be an evil billionaire buddies just note. being one.'s it's really amazing and he is so open ho e spent three hours with joe rogan he will go anywhere he joe rogan he will go anywhere he anything. billy does a ver cy guarded thee would not give a three minute interview i more guarded than elon musk emily a thousandan there.d he is like bruce wayne for. >> he does not need the costumei for. >> nobodies having a ball and i love it. i wish he did not change the
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name of twitter but he makese mistakes twitter was a goonad ne for the company change it to x. i like twitter are like the wayt he say ts it. s i bought twitter for i $44 million. i just think he is an interesting guy it's a perfect contrast between him and georger soroges you'd never see him he hides like the evil villain thae he is. the other thing you notice he's referring to earth he saidis twitter was sending messages to earth. he is already on the article look ts at earth as just another place for him. >> he is right when you see of the world is going ominous points. emily have you been thinking but the twitter dating app at all?y, >> i would not join it i would wait outside somebody'i s window and i think it's more like personal m.bu but i will be really happy itld would primarily be conservativea thuse left was to boycott ex i
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don't think it's a bad thing for conservatives to start procreating maybe we we can hae four, five, six children buildd conservative armies and triebud out number the lefd t little bua they're not going to be on the app i would be elated if hen could do that and conservatives could just genetically of smarter kids and then maybe soros would not want to destroy civilization if he would be smart to be friends with elonli you get on oneza of us rockets d you have that f you money youu you have that f you money youu develop it if i were him that's what i would do big. >> wish i had a billionaire best friend. the things i would do. it would be amazing.e don't you wish you had a thousand arab best friend? >> i do. [laughter] greg: what do you make of let's take twitters and progress he'si losing a lot of money he'sng losing advertising but it isni definitely -- practice a lot of misinformation not let's btee
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honest it actually feels like ao goodne thing.g >> yes the dated thing i don't know. you arty arty can do that. anything is a dating app if youc arree creepy enough. quickset is true progress doordash customer service. my food wasn't cold but i am. in bed at night. over. at night. [laughter]. i wonder if that would work? probably wouldonde. >> probably would anything can w be datinoug app i don't know wht would that mean that dating app i think he's trying stuff seeine what will work. seeing what won't work you could also arty probably find some and also arty probably find some and what you're looking for people offer me all the time but i'mpe opnot asking.i' [laughter]g: t quickset is so true britt all right tyrus, what are you looking at? [laughter] i am listening to everything please do not make that token called doordash. [laughter] >> i'm goingt too. when they come up to my house
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ti'm going to say what you doig here? where's i was joking, i was joking, i was joking.u there arkne certain times in lie you see somebody enough andno ugdecided think i want to be friends with this guy i think eddie spieth one of the guysd tothat text it to him by panama. the [laughter] do i himt. i think he's getting to the poink t now he starting to haveo much fun being the hated cool guy's outfits are getting weirder he's got in ascot and the cigar and he he changes hist from time tois time.he's he is having fun and talks abouo eartuth because he starting bou mars. i want to be able to text template you need to buy and arctica see if we can turn into a rain forest bigwigs you know the perfect example is a bouy tr twitter because he was madai thy banned babylon.. quickset so i went to be friends but did to be at a point when
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you don't like something like i am watching cnn and somebody kisses me off on their i called the accountant and liked by all the stocks on cnn. by it all.y it do we have it? cool felt stelter he asked where clown suit every day or is fired that's the stuff i would do aat feeling elon will be's the guide to call me did you just make and where clown suit? watch thishi somewhat buying abc wait till you see soap operas this week.wa i feel like that's kinda cool. >> i would be so petty if there was like a salesman or somebodyh that upset me i would buy the company so i could fire that person. >> after you do the correction. after you make them feel like it's going to be okay then youen ybring them in and crush their soul. what's up next liberals ignore th e jews jamaica's lava phobiatron the news. [applause] to defend against erosion and cavities.
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plus people taking mounjaro... ...lost up to 25 pounds. mounjaro is not... ...for people with type 1 diabetes or children. don't take mounjaro if you're allergic to it,... or your family have medullary thyroid cancer,... ...or multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2. stop mounjaro and call your doctor right away... ...if you have an allergic reaction, a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain,... changes, or diabetic retinopathy. serious side effects may include pancreatitis and gallbladder problems. taking mounjaro... ...with sulfonylurea or insulin... ...raises low blood sugar risk. tell your doctor if you're nursing, pregnant,... ...or plan to be. side effects include nausea,... ...vomiting, and diarrhea,... ...which can cause dehydration and may worsen kidney problems. (man) i can do diabetes differently with mounjaro. (vo) ask your doctor about once-weekly mounjaro. >> g
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v6 here we go. v6 here we go. as it jews are harassed left an right the white house takes on the muslim plights. by the administration is facing a backlash after announcing a plan to fight islam a phobia america will hate crimes are on the rise added to joanie's tone deaf a secret service code is marley medlin. [laughter] when the fbi director and associate anti-semitism is him reaching historic levels in thet u.s. but they arise working onsr that too after they tracked out every grandma the police let in on january 6. and who did they put on the case question at the person least likely to get anything done old then diagram herself. >> four years of muslims in america and those perceived to be muslim have endured a disproportionate number of hate
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fueled attacks. i am proud to announce the biden-harris administration will develop our nation's first national strategy to counter islam a phobia. this strategy would be a comprehensive and detailed plan to protect muslims and thosetect to protect muslims and thosetect greg: that assessment is brought to buy a box of wine.y [laughter]e. she says muslims endured a disproportionate number of attacks. compared to what exactly close to work this is not were returning a videocam of arty used at walmart. we're going to be receipts garlic meanwhile people across america ripped down posters ofs the jewish hostages in gaza leave it to the "new york times" to defend the violennd tt acts really cause any form of protest a release valve and also provocation by those anguished by what theyby t say was the isi government mistreatment of palestinians.e,
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they t are the victims how dare you present us with actual victims of atrocity you are victims of atrocity you are here's why they're really defending people turned on the posters, they got caught. also the truth of what is on the posters just way too hard to posters just way too hard to the oppressed versus thelter oppressor so they've got to get rid of it may be attacks on jews won't exist if we hide it from you. according they are just provoket protesters seeking a release valve. they make more bad excuseske m didn't meet when i get asked to donate to charity. >> i have seen it. i'm surprised poster chairs don't demand treatment for papet cuts. they probably asked for a jewish doctor. that is real. >> i like that i thought thati was good. verygh strong emily. as a young jewish woman whichhi yochu are, do you find this
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relativism sensible the idea that there is a jewish atrocities you got to speak outi aboutyt that but we also have to speak out about this. >> and want to preface what i'm going to say is a llama phobia of course is an issue, it is it's not muslims versus jews it's the world against terrorism g said jewish andainst terrorism hate crimes being at 330% right at the white house priority 3 should be finding th38e people are hunting down jewish students on campus started to shoot at cornell make a jewish students feel safe onwish campus again td make people not afraid to walk around wearing the star of davig that should be their priorities of kamala harris wants to make it anti- islam a phobic initiative you might as well do anti-semitism to it is so sillyt the three week'ss were jewish he crimes are its peak higher let's talk about racism now mustn't brink g somethinabg that is sol' irrelevant into this equation
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but the point to diminish jewish crimes is so insensitive. crimes is so insensitive. she did have data on the othernh stuff that's a trick of politicians like to do. every time they give something to c, she never gets it done you to c, she never gets it done you >> that is my question what is. >> that is my question what is. i watch the video three times i got that it is comprehensive and detailed. not one detail. so were all talking about this so were all talking about this i do not know how can i knowout what to think about if we don't know what it is. know what it is. >> just so you know there is a plan. i don't think that's a plan saying there is a plan first wer have to identify the number of m attacks and if they do they have to say how many there are aho ditto be dwarfed by what's beene happening to jews they can't as' you to the second step in.
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>> in general whenever it's wartime it's usually a war are directly involved in. but you worry about them taking certain rights of hillocks surveillance, limiting speech so i really want to knoch sw is ine plan always, always want to know the plan. >> you think it'ow ts a stratego get, ouch? giving her this role? >> and start giving the vp some credit [laughter] i'm getting tired of this.ent she apparently can keep greatea secrets. you cannotdn't tell by that speh he had an amazing plan but it is a secret she tells the plan the bad guys will see us everyone knows that. [laughter]king [laughter] the joking has to stopas right here and not joking going to get real for a minute. why do we keep asking and i texn you sometimes, why do we keep, asking or treatingwh this likent they can change? p why is that we're all trying to
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pretend like we don't know why they're so anti-semitic. this is who thane woke have been from day one they have just move their stuff around first it was white meant you all had to gole you were responsible forev everything especially you paleface all of you. you all had to go out. [laughter] for. >> i'm glaadd he pointed at you. >> then it was sexual alpha males had to go. then women, women did not matter anymore what is a woman? we have no idea unapologetic women getting spieth up and thee streets they shouldn't have dressed that way they should not have acted that way they are out the media's not getting it wrong the getting it right when they g said every white woman in c america and 1940s and 50s was in danger from a black manan like me coming to get them, they wish. that was the hysteria there were no facts there was no truth to it they just said if they're not going to come out and say what they need to say. they need to say. terrorist act there's all these
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horrible things. nothing that happened happened to muslims nothing because supposedly it' s hamas but we are the only side that separatespa hamas inra palestine they don't because if you courted them and say hamas is bad they won't do it. then you will hear things like they are freedom fighters. soad they're all one thing progressives and active progressives and active that is the point we need tofigu stop trying to figure this riddle out there laying it out. this is who they are they're nog going to change we need to start being aggressive with them in being aggressive with them in people ripping down the stuff just thi like if a person wasin walking on fox news putting posters saying the big nigro needs to go, gutfeld you'd see that there be a scathing e-mail when you get this racist guy out of this building is not going td talk to somebody like that we need to do something with theng jewish community it's the same exact thing when their turn isam
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over than it will be someone else. it's not acting like this is ane anti-semitic tactic anyone is not part of thige program. [applause], i >> tom i have to remind you to stop putting up those posters abou thot tyrus. there's other ways to get a spot on the show i understand that. [laughter] look, i agree. what tyrus said is so accuratein it's been going on for so long. you remember when you were in college in the late '80s i'm a college ago that i'd never hear anything about this and then tishow up on campus late '80s people are telling me israel is the most genocidal nation on earth unlike i've never heard that one i'm 19 i never heard that before it all. i thought i'm sure they arege i thought i'm sure they arege done something wrong in israel g to get these guys so angry then you find out they did not doey anything wrong this is been a 5n fifty-year lie and they continue
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with it. it iand,s funny, they are obvioy murderers hamas' e is evil murderers but they also have a lot of goal. the head of hamas was like he-f called for air cease-fire andre they're what you're going to but your guns don't question you know wown?e need to kill the israelis. >> and want to play tennis with you but you don't get a racket. [laughter] are of got to move on thera yelling at me. a parole liberal towards want to rename birds.
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welcome to fox news at live i am jackie in new york aftershocks continuing to rock in the paula search and rescue crews look for survivors filling friday's deadly 5.6 magnitude earthquake. the quake and killed at least one or 57 people and injured nearly 200 others. hundreds of buildings were also destroyed it is the worst earthquake to strike nepal since
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2015. former president trump florida governor desantis facing off for the first time ever at an end out republican summit in florida saturday f per the two gop presidential hopefuls were joined by several other candidates all vying to become the party's nominee. trump seemingly came out of the event on top after persuading a handful of state legislatures to flip their support from the santos ticket to his the summit coming days ahead of gop next primary debate in miami former0p president trump are once again not participate. now back to get gutfeld. >> applauding racism i see. people, places, things and words now there's even racist birds is is true it's awoken is never truly ends they change the names of our feathered friends. the american or anthology society plans to remove all bird names derive from a person and an attempt to make birdwatching
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more inclusive. there is the word inclusive. that's mak what keeps them blac, brown, trans people looking at creatures with the beak is theip names not that birdwatching isat about as exciting as waxing joy behar to chin hair. [laughter]bun hair. sorry. according to the wokcorde stores dozens of famous words of names clouded by racism misogyny and genocide for example the audubon shearwater mono monologue be lid to audubon society founder james audubon because he owned slaves with that stated how about the blac k folks whose last names are washington, monroe or even jefferson should they change shtheir names? thank god sherman hensley is not alive to see this. [laughter] i miss wheezsn'ty two. we seek? thank you the name changes will initially focus on 88 species. 8 having got bored with schools and streets and monuments now it is birds is there any merit to
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the new renaming a what about m the birders themselves? t turns out they could be racist and not just a jim crow. >> here we go. g >> take a listen. >> if we still had slaves i would have to build my own snowman. what a shame. say they're fido seeing as we say they're fido seeing as we think about joining me for good old-fashioned cross burning? >> a g mr. leghorn how do i talk just like you question a process is a little one just use your favorite racial slur, like this? our mark. >> terrible. gre tyrus as an animal lover will t hethis solve the bigotry that so rampant in the birdwatchingit community?
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>> i really hopey? so. it's about time. yoyou need to change the name fm blackbirds obviously. [laughter] dark birds. [laughter] this is so stupid. i am ble sorry.he the first bird should have been the woodcock let's get rid of that one that's a little offensive li mckay come to the forest we can look at woodcock change that these people are s wo stupid. the audubon society is changing the name of the shearwater bird because it's named after shearwater audubon but they don't change theirscr au name. [laughter] a bird if you saw you would be like a sparrow and go about you. day. this is the most random stupid virtue is signaling thing soy many birds arebi going to send them thank you notes. my whole life i've been oppressed being named after somebody successful it happen in the wrong time. is the dumbest thinge du
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change the names but first on the list if you're going tog change in a name get that woodcock out of that's ack lot. >> kat are we running out of racist things are basic at the bottom of a birdcage?ot >> i feetol like a birdwatchinge probably the most inclusive thing out there bie already. nobody has ever been like sorry you are not cool enough. [laughter] you can't come watch birds. [laughter] there is no bouncer. >> there isn't, there isn't. >> also i went to africa that's it. [laughter]. the safari guide on my safari i went to in africa he said he thanks people could change names they need to keep buying books. see you go to africa you learn stuff. >> you're going to tell us went to africa every day as i was there as like i can feel this
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becoming my entire personality. i'nom not going to stop. >> is when michael scott went to jamaica i hate about sandals ann jamaica came back with a big brass and jerome remember?>> our site also saw that k. >> that was good. >> kat is the college he will spend the semester abroad in >> spend the semester abroad in >> just in paris for me it only took a week. [laughter] greg: tom as a racist you must be very upset. you actually do birdwatchingu? don't you? >> of course i've done it progress i watch them, and watcm them and then i shoot them. [laughter] you shoot them out of the sky. >> that's actually a biggerle problem.m. what about the windmills? what's the white windmills killed minds of birds a year. it's better not be blackbirds for.>>ns
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>> he just outed himself he made a joke the birds were racist but blue jays are racist against blue jays are racist against they are always attacking me the blue jays attacked me and theye attack my dog the dog is not a race but my dog is white. i mean. [laughter] those of blue jays come at you though they do. and at tires they are change in the audubon society have not done it yet that the calendars anocied everything once the grif all the counters in the station of the going to changeey their name for. >> they never will. this anyone here own and audubon calendar you too may leave. [laughter] emily do you think there is any. kind of sensible reason for t this? >> know i'm very relieved ericamerica's priorities are ald like world war iii is nearing we are declining as a society,g elections arase coming up on climate change the names of
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birds can you name meets threene birds even three species of birds? >> actually i want to go for >>o hummingbird mockingbird, parent. white's crazy parents wake up every day in their green >> you didn't say penguin and>> you love i kt penguin? was this not considered a bird regrets turkey. those two people left you canda comey back. as he penguin a bird? >> enough of the birds. allcoming up and adorable pall cleanse from greg's animal friends.
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♪ if you love all the birds and trees, all the fishes in seas if you take videos of pets, is as good as it gets, this segment is for you, we hope your dreams come true, it's time to
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time for greg's animal friends a panel tries to outdo each of the thbest edible videos around. thbest edible videos around. >> this halloween i did not fee like driving around trick-or-treating so i cam feeei with this, i kinda can help witt a great idea with my daughter. and her mom that have a spooky petting zoo. too they took my little lazy, and turned it into this event - applies being clever my daughr was smart one candy to hold the animals to candies for a picture she set up her little shopho shattered dwarf enter tortoises and are hollowing snakes. she had it all out her geckosit and stuff. people started coming from all over and it spread like wildfire we had lines down the street waiting to hold stuff it was really cool because my daughter, e is holding with they daughter, milk snake she set up during her things and her girlfriends came
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off from trick-or-treating is nine -year-olds and 11 -year-olds per group of high school boys came up to want to hold stuff and i was way because as a dad you're leading forward, because little boys can beecau stupid my daughters has the best line no, you guys go boys are dumbg. you don't know what you're doin aand not allowed to hold animals the girls to form a wall and said keep it moving, keep it moving and semi- said what he going to do about it? and she said dad. it was a great time they it was really a lot of fuy n and reall. cool to starting things are really cool. [applause] tom? >> i am tired of people are sheep they are sheep there just passively got the crowd. sheep are pretty tough to take a look at this sheep arithmetic o. instagram this in the sheephe attacking summit look at this the guy walks in theep pennant look at that watch the white pen sheep right there he comes out bouma. yeah.
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rhonda, this is our time, run it is our time does anyone havey ha films questioning theory is again when he walkhes through. it's the white went right varies like i don't like that guy. t >> you think it's a back story to this? what they were trying to wer ese when it tricked him and he walks past me make a move, watch, what she comes and not yet, not yet, now, now got him. freedom. i said a clear-cut path to correct some of them knew how to open the gates prickett cap wase your animal friend?g: is the pricing of initial video from [laughter]al k atbut i'm actually not i going w show you thi ss video of thishi raccoon with these fish andmi tells mend how it reminds me of this one time when i was in africa. [laughter] our tour guide leading us to our tour guide leading us to lions and hippos and stuff he said to me i really want to see a raccoon he said have you ever seen a raccoon i said yes but iu
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you're an africa that you do not see raccoons. >> it's like austral it with. koala verse who want to see a cold wall of air they just want to kill them. >> i've not been to a story buti i have been toll africa. [laughter] at: i went on a safari.n [laughter] >> they will never invite you back up. e invited. >> i know you went to africa but if you had been to thailand iner the monkeys there are bread dibreadeddifferently out there d cocaine growing up thef thy are really different cut from a different cloth. i've heard stories my dad's sister weneardt there a monkey l grab or something like that butb that monkeys in thailand. >> when i was in africa, a monkey watch me shower got away. watch me shower got >> quick smart monkey joking s progress he wahos good after tht i guess because these monkeys entitled arch grade they are thr professional pickpocket or's six sunglasses some people while they are tannic beer organized
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crime out there progress i was inas i thailand i thought i went home with a monkey. home with a monkey. turns out it wasn't a monkey. >> about you wanted to be a monkey? >> as a valid point regrets-we t learn to not ask them questionsu cap next a woman's age revealed a first her socks are above her?
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hi, i'm stacey, and i've lost 60 pounds on golo. (guitar music) i decided to try golo when i had an international flight coming up, and i realized i couldn't fly being the size that i was. my sister-in-law tried golo and had lost 50 pounds, so i thought i'd give golo a try. i didn't expect the results i got on golo. i was hopeful, but i did not expect it to be like this. golo just makes sense. this plan works. (announcer) change your life at that's
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>> a story in five words a.>> >> socks and giv ge away your a. tock are the sounds like sur a. the truth so she could tellhe someone's age by how they wear thei r socks. millennial's where hidden ankle socks and genz the people who are younger born after 1997 where their socks up. thoughts? thoughts? this topic. g th[laughter]wear might wear my socks up even though i am old. i am 35. i know eggs are scrambling everyone keeps telling me.ling [laughter]br brutal. greg: emily did you buy this? what's i thi didn't know this wa think i'm 22 the definition of gen see i wear socks like literally up to hear. so she is right. s they are alwayocs bizarre like i
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wear socks from pink that sayt chill out or stay chil chiller l eyes funky lookingreal socks i t know i thought everybody likes hi socks. there christian ate their warm regards tom there you go. you also have garters don't you? >> it's compressive whenever we travel i saysa greg at compressn socks is the key that is how yot tell that's my generation coppeo fit compression socks. [laughter] soc [applause] >> tyrus? >> what is happening? >> was like 12 of our sick grandpa got on the booze. [laughter]oing greg: is gonna fall to the christmas tree.he >> there is a nether weight. [laughter] you can just ask him. grow up. [laughter] excuse me ma'am how old are youe a question we can tell the agem, of someone that stupid really,
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who doesn't weartupid really, socks aren't lost? judge them in the elevator? is a punk thing sees agendas either w se know she she's borne 70s this is down these reports we are all dumber for this you want to know someone's age soht , bad it be a human being and sy hi how are you?ei >> still there while progressing that's cool in africa but hereri in the states progress or thailand., hey, how are you doing? ankle sin be coveredt' up?ed keep that for the imagination i do now to see your ankles justg [laughter] nessdon't go away we will be rt back. of thousands of fans with reliable 5g connectivity. now's the time to accelerate your business. if you have chronic kidney disease you can reduce the risk of kidney failure with farxiga. because there are places you'd rather be. farxiga can cause serious side effects,
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♪ greg: we are out of time. their studio audience, love you america. [applause] a. [cheering] ♪


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