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tv   Outnumbered  FOX News  November 6, 2023 9:00am-10:00am PST

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>> kayleigh: we start with the
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anti-israel sentiment surging around the globe and across american campuses and at our nation's capitol and throughout the democratic party altering the political landscape perhaps permanently and raising questions about president biden and other democrats reelection campaigns. hello, this is "outnumbered," i'm kayleigh mcenany. here is with my co-host harris faulkner and emily compagno. joining us host of kennedy saves the world podcast, kennedy, and fox news contributor guy benson. we begin in washington, d.c. tens of thousands of angry pro-palestinian demonstrators marched to the white house on saturday. some were chanting, some chanting f biden. and some chanting this -- >> [chanting] --
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[screaming] >> kayleigh: how many kids have you killed today? hamas killed many, many kids, burned some alive. protesters spraypainted antisemitism graffiti like glory to our martyrs, they call terrorists martyrs and death to israel on the israeli ambassador. they held signs likening jews to nazi and left blood-red handprints on the white house fence. protesters tried to scale the fence and get on white house grounds. democrat congresswoman, rashida tlaib, you can count on her for antisemitism. she doubled down on condemnation of israel and smeared the president for supporting them. >> mr. president, the american
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people are not with you on this one. [cheering] >> we will remember in 2024. ♪ >> kayleigh: yeah, she also posted from the river to the sea, we'll get to that antisemitism in a moment. guy benson, you were there and saw the protest live. >> guy: my mother-in-law was in town and we had made reservations weeks ago. restaurant was near the white house and we found ourselves caught up in this protest march. and usually even when i disagree with a group, i will feel like, okay, this is their right, they are expressing their views, that is true of many protesters. however, i was paying attention what was said. one speaker said at the d.c.
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rally, decolonnization ain't mot fore, palestinian have a right to rebel and free their land from the river to the sea by any means necessary and i do mean any means necessary. that got a big cheer. i don't know how to support that other than support of butchery by hamas and by tens of thousands people applauded that message in the streets near our capitol. defacing monuments and the white house fence. i guess we are supposed to say, this is normal, but a lot of people are paying attention. eyes need to be wide open. >> kayleigh: it defies belief, there are political issues in this country, you can see the other side. this is not one of them. these were children killed that were murdered in their beds at 6:30 a.m. and tens of thousands of people marching in the street in support of this. >> harris: i had two young
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students on today and i had not heard the call to globalize intifada, which is mas killing, it's a holocaust, that is what the students on campuses are yelling. the young girl with me, allison, the young woman, saying she is leading groups of students on campus, jewish students to ask for their safety and trying to put it into the bloodstream of universities, particularly her own at nyu that what is happening is a step away from violence. i put together a list, you might be a terrorist if -- you might be a terrorist if you yell words of terrorism and mimic spreading blood and threat like the red handprint. it is fake blood, we know what itten moos. you might be terrorist if you can't say anti-israel and
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chanting river to the city. we know what thatten moos and what sits between that. you might be a terrorist if you chant globalize intifada, which means mas killing, holocaust. i don't know how faculty members and administrative people can allow this to happen, it is happening outside the gate of the white house. if you or i put red paint on the white house, how fast do you think they come after me? how fast do you think they come afterus? what are you doing? do you hate america? you don't think they hate america? how much do they hate us? listen to what they say. >> kayleigh: listen to rashida tlaib, emily. shein splas from the river to the sea. that means eshg elimination of israel, that is what it means. here is how shein spla explains, aspirational call for freedom, human rights and peaceful coexistence, not death,
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destruction or hate. she is for peaceful coexistence, watch her condemn babies being killed. >> terrorists have cut off babies heads and burned babies alive, do you support israel right to defend themselves? do you condone what hamas has done chopping off babies heads, burning people alive and raping women in the street? you have no comment about children's heads being chopped off? congressman, why do you have a palestinian flag outside your office if you do not condone what hamas terrorists have done to israel? do israeli lives not matter to you? >> kayleigh: for peaceful coexistence can't condemn killing of children. >> emily: she can cloak or frame
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her words however she chooses, that phrase is antisemitism and we know it is 100% a call for the attempted eradication of people, the same congresswoman who fails to renounce all violence and use her grandmother as a prop. they said go see your grandmother, i'm too busy. she shrouded herself in activism and i feel we can't divorce all of the vectors amplifying this antisemitism everywhere. to your point, i fully agree, if there were red handprints made by pro-life activists, do you think any of them would not be splashed across every front page of every newspaper, vilified, prosecuted, i'm sure swat would
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arrest. anything representing what is approved and lauded and think how the media plays that part. go back to antisemitism, growing number of democrats calling for pro-palestine that is not that anden moos pro-hamas hate-filled antisemitism. we know in china, we learned israel has been wiped off the map and we know that executives at tiktok, hand-pick videos to go viral. there is human maturation and has to be accountability because they are working together from congress people to media to media outlets that vmifiy it and social media to those in the white house who refuse to condemn it with the ferocity needed to combat this. these are humans that will now and are now getting assaulted on places like campuses, where last year fat phobia was violent now
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spitting on a jewish person is not. >> kayleigh: to add to list of people engaging in despicable behavior, new york public dedefender. i was walking through town with my daughter and son and saw a picture of kafir. watch what the new york public offender does when she encounters missing children. >> why are you taking down pictures of missing children? why are you taking down pictures of missing children? why are you taking down pictures of missing children? why are you taking down pictures of babies? >> kayleigh: kennedy, she says that video misrepresented her actions and led to false accusations. i regret taking down words justifying killing children. the new york public defamationer
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office condemn this, accept her apology and she'll keep her job. >> kennedy: she should not keep her job or have salary funded by taxpayers, many who are jewish in new york. this is utterly reprehensible, i did not think in my lifetime, i would see anything like this. glorification of terrorism. i disagree a bit harris, i don't think we have to label everyone a terrorist who says or does something stupid. when people get caught up in a moment putting red handprints, i don't think -- >> harris: i said might be. >> kennedy: i would push back a little bit. that is someone who in her heart agrees with actual real terrorists who are actively committing atrocities we can't even speak about. the things you talk about and list, those aren't close to the worse of what hamas has done to
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jews in israel, in gaza and they want to do that large and it is like if you held up the okay sign accidentally, you were called pepe, the frog, people would say you are a nazi. here you have someone ripping down posters of families who are aching because they don't know where their children are. i don't know how you justify or rationalize that and keep someone like that employed. >> kayleigh: let's not forget hamas is killing innocent gazans trying to flee. >> harris: and christians, by the way. >> kayleigh: shocking poll show president biden losing to former president donald trump in several key battleground states, five of the six and among key voting groups. that is next.
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>> emily: stunning poll shows former president trump leading president biden in several battleground state. new york poll shows losing to trump in nevada, arizona, michigan and pennsylvania and remember, biden won all the swing states back in 2020 and now leading in wisconsin and by small 2% margin. bad news, does not end there. voters under 30 favor biden by single percentage point and biden holds 8% lead among women, trump has 18% advantage with men and poll shows president biden may be in trouble with minority voter. his lead among hispanics is down to single digits and black voters registering 22% for trump, a level unseen for a republican presidential candidate in modern times.
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now former senior advisor to president obama david axelrod is raising questions about biden's campaign. >> as i've said for a couple years now, the issue for him is not political, it is actuarial and you see in this poll, a lot of concern about the age issue and that is something that i think he needs to ponder, just do a check and say, is this the right thing to do? if he does run, i believe he will be the nominee and i'm not encouraging people to challenge him. i think the party should fall in behind him if he is nominee of the democrats party. >> there is if in your tweet, do you have information that is still an if in his mind and if not him, who? >> to the contrary, no. i don't. but that doesn't mean he
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shouldn't pause to think about it, enormous pressure on him right now, managing two global crisis and the question is do you add campaign to that and what is your ability to do all those things at the same time, we have lousy polling numbers in 2011, when i was working for obama and overcame the numbers and won. two things different are obama was 50 and not 81 and we didn't have donald trump on the other side. >> emily: this is a stunning reflection of quiet part out loud especially when you contrast him repeating someone else other than biden should run with other strategists who have been told please stay quiet about raising any type of criticism about president biden running. >> we're a year out, this is an early set of polling,
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catastrophically bad for the incumbent and i understand what axelrod is doing, not so subtle nudge. he is not quite putting his finger on the problem, age is the big factor hurting biden and we've seen in poll after poll, not rude to talk about it, reality in mind of voters. it's outcomes, if joe biden was too old in the mind of voters and they felt more secure under him, number would not look as bad. people based on this poll believe the world will be calmer and their personal finances would be stronger if president trump came back into power and "new york times" poll other republicans do extremely well against joe biden. nikki haley in particular in polling. biden is sucking wind right now and whether he can pull out of this and win a year from i
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believe a year from today very much remains to be seen and democrats i speak to are anxious. >> emily: kayleigh flesh this out, specifically 62% of americans feel joe biden has mental sharpness to be effective president, 52% does not think he does and 37% feel biden does better the economy and 59% say trump does. how do the numbers impact strategy for the democrats right now? >> kayleigh: they don't have one, i move joe biden aside, who is next in line, heir apparent is kamala harris and they polled donald trump and she does just as bad as joe biden, loses to donald trump. how do you move aside joe biden? it is so bad for joe biden, when you dig into the question in cross tab, any chance of you supporting the candidate. in two swing states, majority
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say not any chance i support biden. there are few movable voters this is battle of enthusiasm and i can tell you, i've been to doz knows if not 100 trump rallies and those guys show up. guys, men and women for joe biden, rains outside, tough day, your kid acting up, you may not show up, battle of enthusiasm, trump wins. we are still a year out, his num numbers among black voters un unseen. and that is before we get to how he's doing with latino voters. >> harris: those have been going down for quite sometime, that is tied to the economy. under trump, befores the pandemic, saw lowest unemployment rate among black men the country had seen -- in 50 years, five decades, now we
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see opposite, a lot of men, no matter race, culture, ethnicity, sitting home and be on the dole at this point or working silently off the books, if you will, some will do that. child care so the wife or mom can work in the household because that is so expensive. i had on mark penn and his pr polling company handled big names in politics, bill clinton and outside of elected office bill gates and he could not name a person who would take over for biden. he said one of the many governors. i said, is there one? i said what about kamala harris? i don't think she would make it out of a primary. they argue, he is not trump, i don't know if that works with democratic voters particularly younger ones and particularly
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black ones this time around. >> emily: on enthusiasm, so enthusiasm wanes with rallies issue the voting box is cohe'sion to rally around and without combating strat knowledgy of the gop, it will fail. talk about this potentially nuanced and game-changing poll with you, kennedy. same sienna new york poll, if former president is convicted, some people predict that, around 6% of voters arizona, pennsylvania, wisconsin say they would switch their vote to biden. it doesn't seem like enough, here the argument is enough to sway an election thachl is a really big if. what do you say about that? >> kennedy: that is a big if and people are answering in the hypothetical, but actual has not born fruit for democrats in terms of the former president
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being targeted, indicted, charged, photographed, none of that stuff moved the needle in democrats favor. they have to be careful about that. they assume he is facing let trouble there is high probability he will be indicted, i don't know if that will change people's votes. to guy's point, people were promised the world would be safer and there would be economic stability. january 20, 2021, as soon as biden assumed power and that has not happened. it's been opposite. if he is convicted in federal court, people go, we might as well keep politics weird, have the devil we know and maybe he will pardon himself and get the value of my 401(k) back, maybe interest rates will come down and i can take out a business loan, a lot of people are
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willing to take that gamble, where biden is at, it will not get better, it will only get worse, everyone knows that and that is massive elephant in the room working against him. >> emily: and it is not a hypo, coming up, more to come, including this. u.s. facing renewed threats of terror following israel's war with hamas. now there is growing fear that our southern border crisis may lead to another 9/11-like attack on u.s. soil. stay with us. directv sports central brings your games, stats and scores together... ...and now you can get it without a satellite. one more reason to finally get rid of cable. but getting rid of the cable guy might not be as easy. oh yeah, touchback! visit for up to a $400 reward card. go look at the sprinter gene. i wonder if you have it or that's why you didn't make the team. let me pull it up. sprinter... sprinter gene... don't have it. yup, i knew it. let's see. can't run. can't catch. too short.
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>> harris: america is facing growing threat of terrorist convenience. some people are saying that threat may come from our southern border. a caravan of 7000 is marching toward our border with mexico. they have been on the road for
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days. just last week officials arrested a known suspect from senegal, after he roamed the u.s. for two weeks. now the border crisis could lead to another 9/11 attack on our country. it seems just a matter of time before america suffering another blow or worse given team biden waved in thousands of immigrants from terror nations likely with little or no vetting and once they are in, impossible to keep tabs on there whereabouts or what they are up to. emily, all of that is true. so what do we do now? >> emily: enforce the law and take terrorists at their word, not the word where they blame israel, the word are we are recruiting lone wolves. we are getting reports jihad is
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doing that in gaza and being vulnerable, that is open door everyone floods through. there is data we are reporting, that is what americans need to do to put pressure on lawmakers, it kills me our vice president campaigned on fixing the southern border and named southern border czar and done nothing but increase vulnerability and risk. fentanyl is killing americans at a record rate and now the lone wolf that risk at this moment is fbi primary concern that is what we're dealing with, that southern border is paramount for our protection. >> harris: you know, guy, i'm wondering with the president set to meet with president xi jinping in china now and listening to emily about the fentanyl, i'm hoping that conversation comes up. but this president has been known to make things worse when
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he speaks. >> guy: yep and fentanyl is a china and border issue. as to topic we're talking about here, national security threat, what we're seeing at border is national sovereignty disagree, vast majority of illegal immigrants want a better life for themselves. that doesn't mean they have a right to be here, they don't. within that enormous group of people, there are really rotten apples and what is frightening there are killers, potential terrorists, gang members. >> harris: they all kill. >> guy: 2-1/2 million illegal border crossings in the last fiscal year alone. on top of that 600,000 gotaways we know of, if we are catching people on the terror watch list who are dumb enough or unlucky enough to get apprehended, who
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is lurking among the 600,000 plus people who got away in the last year alone? >> harris: go back to the president xi take another stap with you, kayleigh. the president will sit down, biden and xi respectively, fentanyl and border is something china benefited from as they send that drug and kill so many americans. what should our president be doing? should he be meeting with xi jinping at this point? >> kayleigh: he's been begging for this meeting, going in on weak posture, should meet with him and communicate american strength. he doesn't have good way of doing that. to the point of our border, 214,000 migrant come from senegal, china, india in that region, not children arriving at our border. biden indicated on politico as
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source, there would be willingness to include border funding with ukraine, he would be wise to stick with initial instinct. the "new york times" poll, 55% say we support a border wall, plurality, 49% support strengthening asylum. america wants answers. >> harris: we saw pro-hamas protesters, wall around the white house worked, walls work. you mentioned senegal, parts of the african area, senegal is one of them. >> kennedy: yes, there are a lot of bad actors they are not good at vetting people. the vice president, border czar, has done nothing to make the vetting processes, keep americans safer or that would improve them. she hasn't worked with congress
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to pass laws to streamline immigration or to bolster the border issues we've got. it is only getting worse, like trying to bail out sinking ship with a colander and i have little faith in the apparatus because the vice president is at the helm of it and i think americans and those coming here legally and lawfully who try all tend to suffer and they have absolutely no foresight, it is not getting better and i worry some point it will be too late. >> harris: coming up, billionaire and harvard alum who vowed not to hire students who blamed israel for the hamas terror attack is taking on harvard's president. it gets deep, stay close. liberty mutual customized my car insurance and i saved hundreds. with the money i saved, i started a dog walking business.
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>> emily: the billionaire harvard alum who vowed not to hire grad students who blamed israel for the attack is going after harvard president. he has lost confidence in the president for failing to protect jewish student while allowing anti-israel protest to take place at the school. jewish students are being bullied, intimidated, spat on and in several videos of one incident, physically assaulted. when you explain, he writes to the president, that harvard embraces commitment to free expression, you sent clear message that antisemitism statement of protesters are permissible on campus. he continues by accusing the
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president of failing to respond to the incident on the screen, jew student was surrounded by pro-hamas demonstrator. other faculty and students ask how would harvard respond if a trans student walked by anti-lgbtq protest and experienced what they did that day? how would you respond to white supremacist protest? rhetorical questions that drive the nail home that this behavior is unacceptable and lack of condemnation by the harvard president is equally unacceptable. >> kennedy: and harvard is sitting on massive endowment. they are essentially hedge funds. he is a hedge funder, he knows
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only way to hurt them is divest their gift. he is reaching out to his friends and they are pledging $1, because why should the spigget be open for places like this allowing hate and rage and evil to fo ment and it is malignant, it is metastasizing, hoo is a mentor to a lot of the students and he feels their pain. they are jewish students at harvard, cornell and the country who have been threatened with murder and rape and they -- you have to create safe spaces if you believe in free expregsz and they're not. >> emily: kayleigh, how do you feel about this? >> kayleigh: when i was at harvard, there were crazed students who wanted to silence
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the student body, it is from students not the fo culty. you cou yo you counted on the fo culty. the president represents all harvard when she speaks. this is -- you have first amendment right but not first amendment right to six-figure skr cushy job. call individuals out, supporting terrorism should have consequences. >> guy: my alma mater is south western, the president has been weak and equivocal and there will be pro-hamas rally in evanston, illinois, where northwestern is. the school says little about
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this stuff put out statement and prioritize concern about islamaphobio over antisemitism twieps in a row and describe this rally, listen to this as raising awareness about violence in the middle east. there were literal hamas terrorism flags flying. i hear from jewish students from northwestern and many other schools every single day who feel not the nonsense that we hear on campus, there was an opinion they heard that was triggering, actually physically issue literally unsafe and so-called adults in charge they have a lot of complicity in this. >> kayleigh: hypocrisy is so real, any other group, they would never allow this to have an inch -- >> harris: 40 or 50 years ago, no. look at where we are and where we have come and who marched beside us civil rights marches,
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people from jewish communities. i would say this, sometimes we lose track of what is happening, so on campus some leaders and faculty, administrators are told behind the scenes to be neutral. some coming from the fbi. i had a young student from nyu tell me this just last hour on "the focus" she said they don't want to fo ment words into violence. it is not cruelty by bad people, but silence by the good people, dr. martin luther king jr. if you are in the middle of the road, you can't stay there, you have to pick a lane, it is a binary choice now and i say it again, if you are at a protest where people are saying pro-hamas, kill the jews, you might be a terrorist. >> emily: there is no binary choice, it is clear it is evil,
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no choice to choose evil and yet for some reason harvard president and the like exert sympathy for this equivocation, it is abhorrent. israel prime minister getting slam for what liberal media is calling toxic masculinity and that quality is responsible for wars, terror attacks and even the climate crisis. that is next. with 30 grams of protein. those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks. -ahh, -here, i'll take that. woo hoo! ensure max protein 30 grams protein, one gram sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals, and nutrients for immune health. (♪)
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>> coming up on one month since the terror attack against israel. how long can israel wage war before president biden begs them to stop. pentagon makes rare move of sharing picture of boomer submarine heading for the persian gulf, will it keep iran in check. a man in the united states illegally who applied for asylum charged with potential terroristic intention, how did that happen and how many more like him are out there? pressure on joe biden to ride off into the sunset after new polls show donald trump could become the 47th president. all that and more coming your way at top of the hour on "america reports."
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>> kayleigh: liberal media amounting at prime minister netanyahu leadership during the war with hamas. with one writer accusing him of displaying toxic masculinity, they love that term. commentary titled in salon from 9/11 to benjamin netanyahu, toxic masculinity can't keep up safe. netanyahu tenure weighed down with threat of criminal sanction is hoping for repeat of what president george w bush enjoyed in the aftermath of 9/11 surge in polls. the piece warns mistaking toxic masculinity for skillful leadership led to one disaster after another from pointless war to spiralling climate change crisis. it is long past time humanity
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started valuing intelligence, calmness over theatrics of over compensating jerks. ken kennedy, it took him just a few paragraphs to get to trump. it dupes people to confusing big talk for real action and they say donald trump is auth or tearian man. i remember russia not invading ukraine on his watch, i remember peace in the middle east and peace deals. >> kennedy: we can have gender bifurcasion again thanks to overover simplification of i wonder if it will apply to ncaa swim meets. >> kayleigh: he talks about conservative figures who changed their tone and say shift of
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world view is noteworthy, maybe they feel soothed by biden's more feminine style of leadership, heavy on empathy while shunning overheated tough rhetoric favored by republican. i don't think anyone is soothed at this moment. >> i realize i'm avatar of toxic masculinity on the couch. i don't understand this. if we're talking about toxicity and not about people who butcher jews a few weeks ago, i think we're missing the real point. >> emily: save it sister, she can write for salon, meanwhile babies are being butchered. when she talks about netanyahu, what does hamas prove?
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everyone consider the source, this author, senior politics editor at salon was author of troll nation, trump-worshipping monsters liberal america and truth itself, a title we can't even read on national television, i hope she can enjoy the basement, israelis can't. >> kayleigh: harris. >> harris: all of it is making sense, we can't change it in the moment, one man who would come out of the white house and say take the red paint off the gate, will not do that, we don't have that acumen, apparently. they're going to replace him, those number are pretty bad. when they do? who is next and are republicans ready to take advantage of that situation? that is what i've been focused on, talk to the people who might step up. >> kayleigh: people feel soothed by biden's feminine style, must live in a fairytale land.
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>> harris: what we are watching that you can watch with us. awaiting remarks from president biden from delaware. he's set to tout bidenomics as well as the progress on infrastructure. also keeping an eye on donald trump who is back in court today. you know that. we saw him go in as he comes out, they are in a break for a bit now. as he comes out at the end of the day after testifying in new york city at the federal courthouse, we understand at that point we will hear from him. whether we hear from him before that, we'll of course watch for it. that's when we have been told that he will likely make statements. thank you so very much for being with us on "outnumbered." now let's get to "america reports". >> these are political operatives that i'm going to be dealing with right now, it's a very sad situation for our country. we shouldn't have to


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