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tv   The Faulkner Focus  FOX News  November 7, 2023 8:00am-9:00am PST

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>> thank you so much. >> bill: remarkable stuff. 241 hostages being held in gaza. >> dana: remarkable how many are children. >> bill: we assume them to be alive but you don't know. what the mother said talking to her son at the music festival she said i hung up and i regret that. the other gentleman that talked about his own family members who said you are next. and -- >> dana: meaning here in the united states. >> bill: or throughout europe. >> dana: if you don't act. >> bill: if you don't act and put it down you are next. really strong stuff. >> dana: the debate the congress unfolding. the republican party said as long as there is a republican majority, they will stand with israel and the aid to come. thank you for being with us for those two hours. it was good one. see you tomorrow. see you on "the five" as well. harris faulkner is up next. >> harris: and we have just seen suffering and heartache continuing since the october 7th
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massacre on israeli citizens living so close to the border with hamas killers. now the israel response, war. and they are on the ground and they have surrounded on that strip of land the city of gaza. israeli defense force with its ground offensive, their soldiers striking hamas command posts, weapons and infrastructure. they are also looking to push into the interior of the city and take out the terrorists who brutally attacked innocent israelis one month plus one day ago. i'm harris faulkner and you are in "the faulkner focus." the israel military today says it has gained control of a hamas stronghold in the northern part of gaza. they are pounding those hostage-taking serial killers'
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targets. [shooting] >> harris: president biden and the biden administration are still pushing for a humanitarian pause. others are calling for an all-out cease-fire. israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu, yeah, he is not planning to hold back. >> there will be no cease-fire, general cease-fire in gaza without the release of our hostages. as far as tactical little pauses an hour here and there we have had them before. i suppose we will check the circumstances in order to enable goods to come in or our hostages and individual hostages to leave. the only thing that works on these criminals in hamas is the military pressure that we're exerting. >> harris: you hear that. it's a laser focus by the israel military to destroy hamas's main advantage and network of
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underground tunnels loaded by booby-traps. once they go inside those tunnels, the idf expects to face brutal hand-to-hand combat like what we saw in fallujah and vietnam. they built tunnels in vietnam like this. they didn't have quite a money, but the enemy were doing it. in "focus" now former secretary of state mike pompeo. first team fox coverage, fox business's edward lawrence at the white house. we'll start with trey yengst on the ground in israel. trey. >> harris, good morning. israeli troops say they are now operating inside gaza city for the first time in decades. this is a significant development and the first time the israelis have acknowledged they made it into the largest city inside gaza since the ground operation began. as we talk about the movements on the ground and the israeli
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efforts to destroy hamas, we do have to remember the people who were slaughtered here just one month ago. we spoke with family members of two hostages currently being held by hamas, take a look. >> two years ago ramone and anything eve got married. they made a life for themselves in the kibbutz. >> it is an incredible place to grow up. a green supportive community she explains. what happened on october 7th turned our world up side down. incomprehensible. it has been one month since hamas militants crossed into southern israel slaughtering and kidnapping civilians. one month since the mother has seen her 34-year-old son. one month of agony. it's very hard. the pain is excruciating. i feel a hole in my heart. her daughter-in-law was seen in
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a hostage video released by hamas last week. the first proof her family has that she is still alive. >> on one hand we're very happy to see her alive, she says. on the other hand, we haven't seen or heard from our son. >> over the weekend i was reporting inside the gaza strip with the israeli military and noted the belief of the israelis is that the majority of hostages are being held in that tunnel network beneath gaza city. the israelis say they believe 80% of hamas fighters are inside gaza city. the battles that will unfold over the coming hours and days will be critical and very difficult, though, amid the urban battle environment. we know the israelis have tried to destroy more of the tunnel entrances comes as they are facilitating the exit of civilians in the northern part of the gaza strip. they say they have opened a humanitarian corridor and thousands of civilians waving white flags headed south.
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>> harris: all right, trey, thank you very much. the war across the ocean now has taken a toll on americans here and abroad. in southern california a jewish man died after a confrontation at dueling pro-israel and pro-palestinian demonstrations. witnesses say this is what they've told police, 69-year-old paul kessler fell backwards hitting his head on the ground during the altercation sunday. he died yesterday. authorities expected to give an update on his death at 1:00 p.m. eastern. there is a lot more detail to that story. we'll get it from those authorities as they begin to fill in and confirm hopefully some of the facts. last week in indiana, police arrested a woman who said she intentionally crashed her car into what she thought was a jewish school. several people were inside. no one was hurt. the number of attacks on the united states military men and women in iraq and syria has now
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crept up to 38 since october 17th. i'm sorry, the sound of biden's administration doing anything in response, can you hear it? of course you can't. most pinned on iran back groups are behind it. those are the terrorists that iran pays to go out and do its dirty work. this week it's focused on our men and women. secretary of state antony blinken was in baghdad over the weekend begging leaders there to deter attacks by iran proxies. one day after that meeting i iraq's prime minister was praising iraq terrorist. they didn't get the message and don't care we're talking. >> it's easy to see who your friends are there. harris.
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fox news confirmed through a source familiar with the ask by the administration, $320 until presags guided bombs will go to israelis, those dropped from an airplane as israel is going after the tunnel system where the bombs could play a big roll. the president pushing for a humanitarian pause. all attacks haven't been officially linked to iran yet but since october 17th, '38 americans sites have been struck, 46 u.s. service members have been hurt in those attacks. >> to ask for who is responsible, i think while we can't pinpoint a certain group on a certain day at this point, obviously these attacks are all coming from these militia groups that are backed by the irgc, the revolutionary guard corps in tehran. we'll do what we have to do to defend our troops and defend our facilities. >> the u.s. has responded by
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hitting two proxy sites in syria and iraq. house republicans say the administration needs to move more forcefully against iranian proxies. >> how do you negotiate a cease-fire with a group of terrorists that literally cut the throats of babies? and rape women and take defenseless civilians and americans as well hostage. this whole thing is convoluted. the only way we'll negotiate this is let the israelis at the end of a barrel of a gun. >> you talked about the secretary of state going around the middle east meeting with partners. in some cases other countries to listen to their concerns about how israel is playing out their ground offensive. >> harris: we're checking the date but it has been more than ten days since -- it was october 22nd -- 26th that we responded with that double hit on syria and iraq. look at all the things that have
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happened since then. that was the lightest thing we could have done. thank you very much. i will move on to former secretary of state mike pompeo now in "focus." i want to ask you. let's start there. so 46 u.s. military men and women hurt, 38 attacks, one dead, killed a u.s. contractor and we responded on october 26th sending in two planes and dropped a couple of things. >> great to be with you. your voice is exactly. i can hear it in your voice, this is nothing in the eyes of the ayatollah and the eyes of the president and the leader of the irgc external terror plotters. they see us shooting at two empty warehouses as literally nothing. a green light for them to continue this aggression. i think if we don't respond forceful plea not just against the proxies itself. if we don't take on the iranian leadership itself.
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don't get serious about responding to the the person who is underwriting training and providing all of the instruments of power that killed americans on october 7th, resulted in the death of an american yesterday. if we don't get those right. if we are weak we'll continue to provoke and increase the risk to every american in the united states. >> harris: look, being weak-kneed at this point is to ignore the facts. i remember under former president donald trump that when it was time in his estimation a red line, when it was time to hit syria, he hit them with tomahawk missiles. this was proportionality there off a battle ship. i don't know what we're doing now. he is ignoring the facts, the president of the united states. >> that's right. ignoring the facts and it is important president biden has said he will respond in the same way the trump administration. if we do x, we'll do y, when you tell them you will respond and you don't. obama's failure to fire missiles
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into syria when he said he would. when the red lines are crossed and you do nothing the bad guys will move around the cabin and do enormous harm. i'm worried about what could be happening inside of our own country. an open southern border, an ayatollah being supported by the chinese communist party and russia who are feeling their oats and feel there is no cost to their actions when they attack americans. got to get serious about this. we know how to do it and have all the tools. we need leadership that is prepared to deter the iranian regime. >> harris: the early year do that, the better off we are. fewer of our people have to die and be harmed. "politico" has gotten a leaked memo in which state department staffers are going after biden's administration's handling of the israel/hamas war marked a sensitive but unclassified document and reads in part we must publicly criticize israel's violation of international norms. failure to limit offensive operations to legitimate
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military targets. the message states when israel supports settler violence and illegal land seizures or employs excessive use of force against palestinians it goes against our american values so israel does not act with impunity. what do you make of that? >> harris, i wish i could tell you i'm surprised. having led that organization, the state department, this is the aoc, rashida tlaib wing of the state department. these are classic appeaseers who don't understand that israelis are acting in self-defense. they are taking out a terror threat that killed 1400 of their citizens. they have not only the right to do it but an obligation to do it. i saw it at the state department during my 1,000 days of secretary of state. there is a progressive element that sits inside of that organization that pulls and pulls and we've seen one senior person quit. i hope folks will all decide
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they no longer want to be part of an important institution the united states diplomatic core. >> harris: if only they could be woke to that and wake up one morning and decide job change. wow, thank you. rashida tlaib lane at the state department. that's troubling. secretary, thank you. what happens in virginia may not stay in virginia. what today's election from the commonwealth could mean for 2024. governor glenn youngkin crisscrossing the state trying to turn it all red. >> what's happening across the commonwealth of virginia is like in 2021. people are coming together and it is not just republicans. it is independents, democrats. we've determined that we are going to finish the work we started in 2021. >> harris: it's not just virginia. elections in some three dozen states will tell us what voters are thinking and which party has a leg up in 2024. the republican governor of new hampshire chris sununu in
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"focus" next. "focus" next. clear -ahh, -here, i'll take that. woo hoo! ensure max protein 30 grams protein, one gram sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals, and nutrients for immune health. (♪)
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>> harris: 37 states having elections today. people voting in state and local elections in their areas. in virginia, republicans are trying to maintain control of the house and flip the senate from blue to red. those races are getting national attention. why? because analysts are saying the commonwealth is a bellwether that could set the stage for 2024. governor youngkin earlier today. >> i think we see a real chance to get virginia into overdrive. in a state lost just 24 hospital ago, truly all blue has taken a right turn. it has been so exciting is that there is a clear recognition that common sense conservative governance wins, it delivers and
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people like it because it's common sense. >> harris: he has been so busy all day that he is still talking. let's go live to governor youngkin in virginia. >> concerned that tax relief is going out to virginians money. they delayed the signing of a budget that could have been done last march or april if they had done their jobs. this is at the end of day i hope people in virginia recognize the senate that has been controlled by democrats has truly been working against things like job growth, things like tax relief, things like excellence in education and safe communities. this is our chance to stand up as virginians and charge a different direction. i hope virginians understand we're the party trying to do everything we can to create jobs. 230,000 new jobs in the last 22 months. we've gone from near the bottom of job growth to three in the
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country in job growth. we have tax relief and working hard to reestablish excellence in education. i'm so excited about the insensitive tutoring program in third through eighth grade across virginia because of bad decisions by the previous administrations and school boards to block kids out of school. we are trying to forge a better day in virginia. what the other side stands for honestly is simply chaos. they are doing everything they can to strike fear into people's hearts over topics that the bottom line is we're moving forward in order to build a better virginia and we're the party of hope and hope beats fear every day of the week >> ask a gap between the party that donor class and the conservative activist how you close that gap and maybe through the prism of early voting can you tell us a little bit about the task, what is task it has been to get your party to show
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up to the polls to turn in early ballots this year. >> we're unified in virginia and we have a very clear direction that we have set. all the candidates are committed to supporting our platform and that's a unified republican party. it has been great to see. we launched early voting because i was tired of seeing virginians come to the poll on the last day and see republicans behind by tens of thousands and votes. we've invited everybody to vote early. good turnout. we've seen a major difference. had 500,000 people that voted for the great lieutenant governor and attorney general and me in 2021 that didn't turn out and vote in 2022 mid-terms. this was at the heart of our effort. i am pleased we've seen increased participation in absentee ballots and early voting and today on november 7th we have to get everybody out to
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vote. encourage everyone to vote as governor. as a republican i ask you to send me a team in richmond to work with me and not against me. we can unleash unlimited prosperity here and we have a plan that has worked. this is not about two philosophy, this is about proven results of job creation, of raising expectations in schools, doing the work necessary so our kids are prepared for the future. reducing taxes. this is real and this is what we can do even more of. i just need a team in richmond working with me. i ask folks here we are in prince william county. elect bill wolf to be the next senator and elect ian love joy as your next delegate. lets open up -- >> harris: just to let you know all 140 seats in virginia's general assembly are up for grabs. gop control would guarantee passage of youngkin's
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legislative priorities like abortion, taxes, parental rights in education, so on and so forth. you hear him making the pledge for people to let him do that once he is confident, it sounds like he will win but now get the legislature to change, too. you have all those seats up for grabs. he is hoping that republicans can do well in those races as well. chris sununu is the republican governor of new hampshire and he is in "focus" right now. i don't know, governor, if you caught the previous question there with governor youngkin. it was a really important one. how do you get republicans in 2023 and going forward to vote before election day when it has been so really put down? the left did it, they cheated at it and blah blah blah blah blah but now you know you have to get people out early. is glenn youngkin going to be part of that voice? how effective was that pitch that he says he has done in virginia. >> he has done a phenomenal job
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but making sure that as a governor he is talking about the citizens first, individual liberties, local control, limited taxes, pro-business. results matter. focusing on the results not just litigating the past or talking in hype that calls but a governor can do and asking citizens to say give me a team to work with. he has done a great juvenility i think we have a new governor in kentucky. i think reeves gets reelected. it could start galvanizing the party about winning. you can't govern if you don't win. >> harris: democrats have beaten republicans badly through the years because they get early voting. with the pandemic stepping in, you could get ballots sent to every house in america. it barely cost anybody everything. now campaigns have to pay for it. can republicans snatch that
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victory out of the hands of democrats to change republican voters' habits? what they've been told is most effective is vote on election day. if they wait until that day and you don't bank votes it will be uphill with no climbing sticks. >> there is no doubt in states that allow that, we don't do early voting or mail in ballots. people show up on election day. to your point where the efforts are allowed you have to play by the rules and be aggressive about it. i think they had some success in california in 2022 with new congressional seats. they focused on the early voting. they allow ballot harvesting and insanity. play by the rules. if you don't you'll lose. to your point where it's allowed play by the rules and get the right leadership in there and win elections to get things back to normal. >> harris: a razor thin contest in deep red kentucky. voters are headed to the polls as they are in 36 other states.
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incumbent governor andy beshear is facing a challenge from daniel cameron, the state's attorney general. it could map out a 2024 blueprint. andy beshear says it is not about president biden. let's watch. >> governor's race has nothing to do with who is in the white house but what is going on in your house and bringing in good jobs. not expanding healthcare. at the end of the day this should be about the best candidate with the best plan and the best track record. >> harris: i tell you, i've been watching that race a lot. he has a lot of competition coming from across the aisle among the republicans. >> without a doubt. by the way, if you have family in kentucky and know someone or visited kentucky call your friends and get them out to vote. cameron will make a great governor. what you saw is indicative of the democratic party over the next nine months. everyone walking away from joe biden. they will find another
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candidate. biden won't be on that ballot. they will find somebody else by summer of next year to take that convention. on the presidential side the republicans -- >> harris: now you put a date on it. i've been hearing you say this for months before anybody was talking about. democrats said it's not looking good for biden. after those polls came out and showed pretty much any republican could beat him at this point, you put a date on it. >> yeah. because i still think the bidens will collect all the delegates and figure out how to manage that. it could happen a bunch of different ways. the democrats will replace joe biden. if we sit there in the back seat and waiting for that to happen that will be whatrd to beat. we have to max that with another generation of leadership and voice out there. that's what the presidential primary is all about. finding the alternative to match the democrats what's coming. a ballot without the bidens on it. >> harris: your energy is
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contagious. i love all the optimism. >> we'll win this thing. republican party. >> harris: when you look at the polling against biden right now everybody is walking away. thank you very much for being with me in "focus" today. >> thank you. >> harris: the white house is finally clapping back days after far left democrat rashida tlaib accused the president of supporting genocide of palestinians. families of those murdered and kidnapped by the hamas terrorists are speaking out. two of those families gripped by loss and heartbreak are here with me to share their stories. we'll pray with them and hope with them. stay close.
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israel is under attack and jewish families are in danger. israel's enemies seek our destruction. the people of israel need immediate help. rockets have us squarely in the crosshairs. our people are targets in their own homes. many have lost everything and fear for their lives.
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maybe everything is -- we don't have a list of the hostages. we don't know their condition. i don't have anything. so i need your help. >> harris: a heartbreaking plea from a mom whose son is being held by hamas savages. a pro-israel rally is being held at the united nations. hostages and missing family forum highlighting those hostages and their families. [chanting bring them home] . >> harris: thousands of supporters of israel flooded the streets of new york city last night. a rally marked 30 days since the deadly hamas surprise attack on israeli citizens living in a very quiet, peaceful community across the border from hamas and
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palestinians. they are calling for the release of more than 200 hamas hostages. those rallies come after another weekend of anti-israel protests around the globe. this person has four family members who died by hamas bloody hands including his brother, the mayor of a kibbutz near gaza. and one man whose brother is being held hostage by hamas in gaza. all right. i will start with you because the war now has taken a different phase. i don't know what people are being told about those who you have lost. we're hearing more fortunately about the hostages but tell me about those you lost. >> so my brother, he was the mayor in this area. and he was the first to be killed on this morning of
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saturday, october 7th. he went to take his weapon, came back and was killed by really almost 200 terrorists that went into his kibbutz. then they killed his mother-in-law a few minutes later. and later on they killed his nephew, and his son. so it was a nightmare for us from an area that used to be called 95% heaven and 5% hell to a complete hell in one day. and, you know, it's tough to live in an area like this when we lost really our faith in humanity, when we saw what the terrorists can do to civilians, to children, to grandmothers, to
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grandfathers, and babies and in their kibbutz, in their homes. in their kitchen. even if the safe room. >> harris: don't lose your faith. we pray with you. >> yes, we are praying but it is really tough. we need to see a picture of something that will happen in the future. >> harris: right. and i want to talk with you about the hostages taken and the situation now with some of the focus now being on getting those people back. it feels late in the game to me, but how does it feel to you? >> well, for me it feels like time stopped the moment my brother was kidnapped. and every day that has been gone from there it is like an eternity. and we feel that the hostages,
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they need an immediate -- they need our help immediately. we don't know what happened with them. we don't know anything about them. and it is so hard. the time is against us. >> harris: the mom we showed previously said she doesn't have a list. each day we find out about an 8-year-old girl who had her 9th birthday while being taken hostage. her father thought she was killed. now they think she is a hostage and he cries and says it's so much worse because of the unknown. i want to take a look now. tel aviv. this is a vigil that is happening now. one month plus one day because it is a little later there. they are going into the night there since the attacks on october 7th. just look at that. i mean, we want the world to see
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the support for israel and we want people to know that we want those hostages back. some of them are american. many are from so many different countries. but what are you learning? what kind of support do you have from either the idf, from the government of israel? >> when it comes to support, we get two officers from the army that come every day to our home. >> harris: every day. >> every day, yeah. they came two days after the incident to let us know my brother is officially hostage. which we already knew because the video was published at 11:30 on october 7th. so we waited for too long for them to let us know about it and since then they keep coming without anything new to tell us. it feels like they more come from the psychological aspect of things. >> harris: tell me quickly about what you can tell when you saw video of your brother.
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could you tell anything about him, his condition or anything? >> well, his condition, he seems healthy in the video. the video was published from one of the first hostages video and that's the only video you can see someone already been taken and inside the tunnels of the hamas. he along with four other israelis that went to the festival. he was kidnapped from the festival and you can see in the video how frightened they are. one of the most horrible views i saw. you see he is not bleeding or hurt or anything. his shirt has been torn a little bit but he just seems shocked and afraid. he is on the floor saying his name. that's the video. >> dana: you hear his t-shirt. how much the two of you look alike. you changed your hair a bit. bring guy home now.
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>> he is the one who dyed my hair actually. >> harris: i noticed that right away. you look almost like twins. >> there are seven years difference between us. he is 22, i'm 29. he is my best friend and we don't have any distance at all. >> harris: you are both in my prayers. don't lose your faith. it still moves mountains and we can move this one together. i know it seems not enough but it is what we have to give, our love and our faith. >> we need the support of everyone because we are not alone in this game and the most important thing is to understand that it happened to us but it can happen anywhere in the world and it is time to wake up and work together. glfrjts bless you both. >> can i say two words. these kids kidnapped from the festival are free spirit kids.
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they celebrate life by peace and love. the best of the best in humanity. my brother has nothing bad inside him, only love. only he just care for others and he just so terrible what happened to them. >> harris: love and light to you both. thank you. thanks for being here. we'll be right back. a home improvement loan at a bank lately? good luck. some of those rates can be 12 to 15% or higher. our rates are a fraction of what some of those banks charge. veterans across the country are using the newday 100 va loan to get cash to update and improve their homes. whether you need to replace your roof windows or hvac or want to upgrade to your dream kitchen, call newday.
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internal communications between government agencies and academia, a group called the election integrity partnership, eip led by a group at stanford university. the documents show they worked directly with dhs cybersecurity and infrastrk tour security agency and the state department global engagement center to flag content they thought was misinformation to the 2020 election to tech companies and take action and censor the content. jordan said it was a loophole government agencies used to try to censor american's free speech but funneling it through the eip. the federal government and universities pressured social media companies to cran sores true information, jokes and political opinions. this pressure was largely directed in a way that benefited one side of the political aisle. true information posted you about republicans and conservatives was labeled misinformation. false information posted by democrats and liberals was largely untouched and
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unreported. republicans say many times posts were censored in the dark without being taken down so users didn't even know what was happening. >> conservatives were nine plus to one taken down or throttled. i repeat the last part. in some cases we were reduced in what was seen, not completely taken down. that's the cruelest of all types of events. you don't know that no one is seeing you but virtually no one is seeing you. >> we reached out to stanford, dhs and state for comment. we have yet to hear back. >> harris: thank you very much. the white house is finally responding to far left democratic congresswoman rashida tlaib. days ago she accused the president of supporting genocide. >> certainly members of congress have got to speak for themselves and for their beliefs about this. >> what she said was the administration was supporting genocide.
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>> well, of course we're not doing that. really, we don't agree with that description. we think it is an irresponsible way of describing this. we don't associate ourselves with that. >> harris: republican congresswoman marjorie taylor greene has reintroduced her resolution to censure tlaib. 23 republicans voted with democrats to kill it saying they objected to the word insurrection being used to describe a d.c. protest tlaib attended. greene replaced that reference this time around. >> censuring representative rashida tlaib for anti-semitic activity and sympathizing with terrorist organizations. rashida tlaib said she celebrated the holocaust, rashida tlaib tweeted that the slogan from the river to the sea, which calls for the genocide of all jews, is an
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aspirational call for freedom. >> harris: since the october 7th massacre by hamas terrorists on israeli citizens one month ago, rashida tlaib has supported the terror group and blamed israel a total of nine times publicly. who knows what this woman does in private? she even tripled down on the debunked claim that the israeli military hit a hospital in gaza. a, the hospital wasn't hit. it was the parking lot. b, most importantly, islamist jihadists through intelligence now we know hit that hospital parking lot. the hospital was not hit. gianno called well, fox news political analyst, richard fowler fox news contributor. never let facts get in the way of a good narrative. >> what we're seeing in the democratic party there is a loud, vocal anti-semitic wing of
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the party that spews nazi-like views. representative tlaib. this is disheartening for every american and should be disheartening for every american. i'm thankful that president joe biden has supported israel. what concerns me with the party and joe biden is as public sentiment sways, which we're seeing with gen zers and millennials president biden may take a step back and not support israel the way we should. what's being set on the left is used as propaganda for hamas. we can't be a party or a country that allows it to happen and we have to be vocal about that. >> harris: this is not about people disagreeing. we live in a democracy and speech, some of it, is protected. but when you call for things where people have been beheaded to happen more and more often like hamas and some of its mouthpieces do and some rallies in big cities and states across
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america, when that happens, then the question becomes is that a command and control situation? what happens when rashida tlaib does it nine times in public? >> thanks for having me. i do think there is a great red line that needs to be established. you're both correct. hamas is a terrorist organization. there are peaceful people who live in the gaza who want not -- don't want to be connected with hamas, children who want to live their lives and play like we do. we have to draw the clear bright line. america stands on the side of israel and children being allowed to play freely. i think that's where the white house has been on this. i think that's where rashida tlaib has not been. it is worth pointing out that marjorie taylor greene, is somebody known to speak at a neo-nazi rally in 2002. it is rich the condemnation is coming from her. the reason why 23 republicans joined democrats to defeat that
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censure motion. >> harris: they took exception to one word. >> and also to marjorie taylor greene. >> we cannot equivocate. the other side may have said this or that and i understand where richard is coming from. but we have to be clear. where we are going as a country and seeing the colleges and universities across the country, elite colleges supporting hamas, some that say we stand with the palestinian people and refuse to condemn hamas for the terrorist acts that continue to this day. and that must come to an ends. if we cannot unite and say what is wrong, slaughter of innocent people is wrong and they don't deserve that, where do we stand as a country? we can't have -- >> harris: it's complicated to conflate these things and richard, i appreciate people again having different points of view but what we know hamas does right now is kill people very viciously and you have a sitting
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member of congress who is pro-hamas. i will let you both go. we put out an all-call for people to join me. it's a big news flow we have now. be great to get you in the studio. fifth annual patriot awards next week. pete hegseth is hosting as he always does so beautifully in nashville, tennessee thursday, november 16th. a live audience for "the faulkner focus" at the historic grand ole opry where they used to shoots hee haw. very holidayish with the red seats and we'll hit hot topics. there will be voters in that audience. come and be with me. we have 200 seats. you have to do it quickly. go to the website up on your screen fox awards and get your tickets today. i hope and pray to see you there.
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