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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  November 8, 2023 1:00am-2:00am PST

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laura ingraham, this is the "the ingraham angle". races have just closed. in virginia, control of the legislature, all 140 seats up for grabs and slew of school board races and county races. the outcome in the commonwealth of virginia may be a bellwether of what is to come in 2024. we'll see. we have kentucky, incumbent democrat andy beshear trying to fend off daniel cameron. beshear's dad was also governor and popular in 2015. polls are still open in ohio for 30 minutes and polls in mississippi close in one hour. governor tate reeves fighting for his second term and will make his final push on the angle in moments. these elections come as democrat
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anxiety, we talked about this last night, is building nationwide as biden poll numbers among key demographic groups continue to drop and we've seen democrats are fracturing over the middle east as young voters, airc arab americans are threatening to stay home and not vote and pointing to israel as the reason. some have given president biden a new name. genocide joe! genocide joe! >> laura: i think he would rather have sleepy joe than genocide joe. what they embraced the radical anti-american left, what did they think would happen? they helped nurture them in universities and knew what they were being taught. we have belligerent noo-socialist protesters and now the agitators have their own
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voice on capitol hill. my perspective is needed here more than ever. this movement for ceasefire is bigger than one person, it is growing every single day. we will continue to call for a ceasefire -- >> time is expired. we'll continue for liberation until every single -- >> gentle lady's time is expired. this is the place where our black and brown speak of racism and sexism and islamophobia, getting pushed off elevators in this work place. >> gentle lady's time is expired. >> laura: did she say get pushed off elevators? now tricky dick durbin and jan jakowski circulating draft memo insisting the united states and we predicted this would happen, that the u.s. should open the immigration flood gates and take in lord knows how many gazans
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displaced by the israeli counter offensive. good idea, import another nightmare in our country when we cannot keep track of the eight million biden already let in. how does all this, the economy and penitentiary issues affect next year's election? and how will coherent joe biden stand up to this political pressure? unpack all this later in the show. polls and number of states just closed moments ago. i voted in virginia. my daughter voted for the first time, it was very exciting. most political poll watchers suggest virginia could be portending what might happen in 2024 and key driver of governor glenn youngkin ambitions gchl to stafford, virginia, rich edson is standing by.
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rich, what are you hearing tonight? >> they made the call, polls have closed in virginia, they are packing up right now. governor glenn youngkin has been out campaigning throughout the day and hitting a number of loekszs. we met him in fredeicksburg, virginia. he's been campaigning and close districts, a handful where this race will be decided. he expectses it will come down to a few hundred votes whachl know republicans are trying to do is keep control of the house and flip the senate and let them pass their agenda youngkin believes what they are doing in virginia, trying to pass in virginia is going to set the conversation or be a big part when it comes to general election next year all the way going through november in the
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presidential election. if know ares get control of the house and senate, some things are stronger penalties for fentanyl dealers, parent at notifications and gun measures and pushing limits on abortion after 15 weeks. that is gun control are big issues democrats have been speaking about and calling in political names across the democratic spectrum. former president barack obama reported a robo-call and tweeting about the election, trying to get voters to come out and vote. in really tight races that will decide this talking about issues, as well. former house speaker nancy pelosi was in virginia, maryland governor wes moore, a democrat, was campaigning in virginia thchl is a real national focus we've had here and national and state money.
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glenn youngkin's pack raised 18 million, national and state democrats spent several million on races. now voting is know iffed, they had six weeks of early voting inform-person voting was today, they will open up ballots and count. unclear if we will get a count tonight. this will be a tight election and narrow districts we'll be watching, this could go long. that is something we'll find out right now. back to you. >> laura: thank you so much. the left is desperate -- >> is it too bold to say that after tonight we will understand how the political climate shifted from 20 to 22 and now into '24? >> virginia will tell us if we are operating in a world like 22 or it is further deterroriorating for democrats.
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>> laura: the left is desperate to hear good news out of virginia after a number of abysmal polls for biden. joining me to discuss this is newt gingrich, former speaker of the house and fox news contributor. start with virginia. what will these races tell us about 2024, given the number of democrats as rich just said who turned out here in virginia to demonstrate the power of the party machine and they put enormous money into virginia and in ohio and in kentucky. they outspent republicans by quite a margin. >> well, i think this is a fascinating test, first of all because governor youngkin has done a great job at 57% approval. he is bringing a lot to the table and he's raised fair amount of money. democrat understand, if they lose badly tonight in virginia,
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that is terrible omen for '24 and will increase demand biden quit running for reelection. there is a lot at stake here. good test of whether you can take governor who is very problem-solving, go into the suburbs, which are heavily federal employee and dominated by the wash post coverage and virginia has been uphill for republicans. youngkin is taking it head-on, done a great job, had an intelligent program of early voting and i'm looking forward to precincts. i want to see what the american people, who cared enough to go vote, it is very important test of what is going on out there and you will see in kentucky, new jersey, in mississippi, local races in new york. very interesting test of whether
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biden has depressed democrats and whether the issues have aroused both republicans and independents and i'm looking forward to the results tonight. >> laura: an unhinged man went after a republican poll worker handing out sample ballots in arlington, in northern virginia today. watch this. >> overthrow the election, you might as well have been walking up to my head and putting a gun to my head and trying to tell me how to vote. you try to steal my vote next year, i will -- you personally. bible-beating bigots and freaks. >> laura: i wish we played the whole thing, it is hilarious, these people are so absolutely untethered to reality, i don't think that message of radicalism and anger really does work. i think it looks desperate and
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sad. >> look, i tell every audience, what you see on the hard left is not a political problem, it is a mental health problem. these people are out of touch with reality, live in a strange, paranoid world. people, for example, who can rally in favor of cutting off the heads of babies are pretty sick temperature is not a political argument. people you showed on the floor of the house babbling, some almost incoherently, they are defending level of terrorism back to the middle ages thchl is barbaric and in their mind, it is appropriate. they could have been the person walking up to the poll worker in virginia and tells you how deeply fanatical the hard left has become. >> laura: what happens if trump wins next year?
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i don't think we have enough ment at health counselors to deal with the grief they will feel. in 2016, we saw what happened when hillary lost, they were wailing and nashing teeth in the streets. >> left wing democratic project in june of 2020 trying to came out what they would do if trump won reelection and it was genuine effort of thinking through insurrection. when trump won and they were shocked, they had meetings in eight cities the following day. not like, let's give them a chance, immediately they decided to undermine and defeat him. i'm writing a series on the american spectator trying to explain the current disaster. the level of paranoia and degree to which they don't just hate israel, they hate america, they hate the concept of the
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constitution, eshg normous problem. >> laura: thank you so much, great to see you. latest result for kentucky gubernatorial election starting to come in. we'll have the latest in moments. plus ohio polls are closing in just minutes, abortion and weed on the ballot there. we will get to the polls closing in mississippi, why governor tate reeves fighting for a second term. there may be court challenges to keep the ballots open. the last stop tonight, tate reeves will join us on the angle. don't go away.
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>> laura: poll s in kentucky just closed in heated race for governor. andy beshear is trying to ride his last name to a second term. he'sic facing dynamic republica attorney general in daniel cameron, who tried to link beshear ine biden, who is not popular. the poll aggregator had beshear leading for most ot a f summer fall. released last week had the race in dead heat. if elected -- monica harken is
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standing by.hi hongw do things look tonight? >> laura, it is a good part of the evening, folks drinking bourboun, listening to music and enjoying. we have beshear and coleman. what is happening now as polling locations start to report how things are going. governor andy beshear has key counties reporting in his favor historically a republicavon county, with 23% of votes in for the state, he's up by nearly 17 points and that is what we needn to look at, is the county by
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county count. governor beshear has faced adversity. in 2020, a global pandemic shut downol the country, we had weather. governor besheared we need to in get through this together pointing to how he carried througand h points of tragedy ae he's said he wants to be the winning team andrs. keep the ub winning coach on for another four years. candidatnde daniel cameron, current attorney general touted his ties to former president donald trump and has republicano common sense values. we're just getting started, there will be more numbers as
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they come in. >> laura: thanks so much that rowdy 40pp minutes from polls closingn mississippi as tate reeves tries to win against daniel presley, cousin of elvis. reeves joins me now. what is your message for the people of mississippi tonight?wh a lot of folks watching thinking why would this be so close in mississippi, the answer is?y >> well, 80% of brandon presley money from california, new york and washington, d.c. literally liberal billionaires spending millions of dollars in mississippi, over 12 million, my opponent will spend in mississippi this year, 80% from out of state. we are a confident people will show up at the polls today. are
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we have 40 minutes to get out. if you are in mississippi and tu you have not voted, go vote and honor a veteran. vote to keep mississippi red. we know what blue states did and what they would do to our state because that $10 million from california and new york, that si ain't charity, they don't want to just change the governor, they want to change mississippi. >> laura: "new york times" wrote this of your opponent mr. presley saying presley's campaign is built on bet his pu human touch and populous platform can form coalition of black and white voters, republicans among them, robust i enough for them to win.o governor, he's trying to deposil himself as dem cat populous maybe trying to poll maga crowd his way. does that ultimately fly in your
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state? what i would tell you, what an older gentlemen told me 10mpai days ago, he said, look,t you need to say in every group. if a man stands up and tells you he's a democrats, best thing you can do is believe him. fact of the matter is, my opponents supported hillary clinton in 2016 and joe biden in 2020. for anybody in mississippi or anybody watching tonight that thinks joe biden is doing a good job in america, elect this guy ' to run mississippi. if you don't believe that, we o have 40 minutes to vote for true conservative leadership in the state of mississippi. >> laura: state of mississippi n is an up and coming state. we wish you best of look, we'll be watching. new cnnpoll just dropped, former
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president trump leading biden in 49-45% amongsi registered voter. inside the numbers, things get t bleak for democrats, among voters younger than 35. 48% supporting trump and 47% biden. amonlag latino voters, trump getting 46%, which would be , historic for a republican. joining me, kellyanne conway, former senior counselor to un president trump and fox news contributor. kellyanne, thihis reflects the sienna "new york times" poll no that came out a few days ago thachl is not an out liar, that other poll, this is a >> kellyanne: this im.s a trend and becoming accepted wisdom. swin theg states mirror nationa numbers, which is not always the case and everything coming up of trump for a couple reasons.
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trump's one term in office and his accomplishment and partly because of biden's one term in office. few people including his own party haveyou confidence in hi competence. joe biden suffers a gender gap, among men, nonwhite men, young men, just men, so abysmal, any fair reading and analysis of the gender gap should not be the republican party problem with women, it is the party with men based on law enforcement, economic and inflation, crime, ukraine, israel, the border is number two issue to that group. so i think donald trump is reallyif h poised to if he's nominee, poised to win a record number oollef noncollege educat nonwhite voters, hispanic and en african americans. democratic party is openly hostile togi sociaonl issueless
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religion e itself. they won't sayayer thoughts and prayers. it is wee offer thoughts and e nonwhite voters look at that anv thinesk we spend our weekends i prayer and you are hostile to lo thatok. any way you look, bidena flailing and failing and trump is ois on the rise. one thing i would like to mention, biden goes from like 4y to 45 in every single poll. you can stick an inch worm between the two. i trump will have, he is de dominating moon independents, 42% of voters call themselves en independent.tchi >> laura: people watching tonightinut thinking with biden numbers continuing in downward trajectory, how are democrats stileithl maintaining strength are winning? how does that work? >> kellyanne: i'd say three , number one money, number,
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two, you and i live in the d.c., virginia area, every democratic ad is the word abortion 20 time. and number three, they are stilt holding onhi to january 6 and showing that footage. this year could be like 2021, when we saw this guy glenn youngkin, won governorship of virginia and new jersey, read the tealeaves here. biden'ves party is in trouble. i think every democrat should be known the biden failures. >> laura: e i think abortion in kentucky and ohio, they are using that to drive turn out. thank you. meta employee found out something very disturbing about what is happening to his daughter on social media. now he decided to tell congress about senator josh hawley is on it. c
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could the bidens testify in front ofjim congress? congressman comer has all the details next. shipstation saves us so much time it makes it really easy and seamless pick an order print everything you need slap the label on ito the box and it's ready to go our cost for shipping, were cut in half just like that go to shipstation/tv and get 2 months free
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>> laura: companies collaborate with government to censor and shadow ban those who challenge their covid edics, ignoring emotional damage being done to children on their platform. a whistleblower testified before congress today about predatory behavior he found most popular apps feature. he learned this courtesy of his daughter. >> my 14-year-old daughter joined instagram, she and her daughter had horrible experiences. she reported incidents to the company and it did nothing.
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we don't tolerate unwanted sexual advances in any other public context. this is urgent. >> laura: unsolicited graphic photos and perverted comments about the girls bodies. it seems companies were already aware of the issues, but refuse to address them. joining me is missouri senator josh hawley, who was at today's hearing. senator, will we see bipartisan agreement on fixing this for the sake of the kids? >> if we can't agree on this, i don't know what we can agree on. this ought to be easy. here is the thing, this whistleblower said he presented evidence that one in eight girls, kids between 13 and 15, talking about young girls, one in eight in seven days on instagram has been propositioned
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sexually. almost 30% of girls have been propositioned in the last two weeks or more. it is unbelievable. he presented the numbers to mark zuckerberg and what did mark zuckerberg do? nothing, he didn't even reply. they can censor post on covid, vaccine efficacy or school board about what your child is being taught? >> laura: the whistleblower raised really important point about the culture in the company itself. watch this. >> it seems to me that the company culture is one of see no evil, hear neevil, we don't want to understand what people are experiencing and we're not willing to invest in tools that will help. >> laura: anything congress can do to root out, this is
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obviously predatory behavior that is happening regularly online that could be dealt with, but it is a hands-off, the company doesn't want to do anything about it. what can be done? >> we can let parents sue. it ought to be that if your kid gets sexually propositioned on instagram, you ought to hold them accountable or if your kid is exposed to sexual abuse material, child porn, you ought to be able to sue them. right now you can't, the companies are immune. let parents sue and protect their kids, that would get their attention real fast. >> laura: that is why they spend so much money on lobbying and
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contributions to capitol hill, that keeps them quiet. not you, thank you. let me ask you a question, isn't it time the bidens testify? anyone that received money or through foreign entities, should be hauled in front of congress and forced to answer simple questions. details of checks from james biden to joe, why hasn't james, joe or hunter testified about the money trail. house oversight committee chair james comer joins me now. congressman, will you bring everyone in for questioning? you won't get the president, how about the siblings? >> we will bring them all in, we have the bank records. you asked about specific transactions. we didn't know about the checks to joe biden until three weeks
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ago. this has taken a long time to subpoena the bank records. can you imagine how many different bank accounts and companies, most shell companies, that we are dealing with. we had to find them all, request information, subpoena the information and hope and work with the banks to obtain it. we have it all. hard part was to trace the money. now we can look at specific transactions and trace them through the shell companies through the money laundering process to 10 different biden family members. i expect soon 10 different biden family members to come in front of congress and conspire specific questions. >> laura: the washington examiner is reporting the white house will not release evidence biden family payments were for
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loans. $240,000 in checks from james biden to his brother, financial transaction between the two family members at time when both were individually private citizens. congressman comer, your reaction to that? >> they called some reporters in to jamie raskin's office ands when we disclose the checks that these were loans and republicans had the evidence they were loans. we do not have evidence they were loans, far from it. if you have the evidence, show it to all of us. when we found the first wire from china, about six months ago, it was robinson walker llc, 3 million dollar wire and hunter biden got 1.3 million of that
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through a series of transactions. the white house said that is a capital investment. no. two checks to joe biden, they said those were loan repayments. there is no evidence those were loan repayment, the president has a serious problem on his hands. that is one transaction, we have many more and want to ask the bidens specific questions. >> laura: we need to hear from james biden and keep it going. thank you. there have been 40 attacks on u.s. troops overseas in the last few weeks, what is the biden administration doing about it? i will explain next.
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>> what we've been trying to do is sended signal of deterrence to any actor, terrorist group, now is not the time thinking about deepening this conflict. there have been additional attacks, that does not mean the war is widening. >> laura: john kirby says additional attacks, 40, 40 total
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attacks. biden administration is sending a strong message of deterrence. how does that work? joining me now is richard -- we have threats tonight from second in command of hezbollah saying they are waging their own attacks and alliances to take pressure off gaza. they call it agents of resistance, that is happening and the white house comments, how is this message received? >> i disagree with mr. kirby, we are not sending messages of deterrence, but messages of appeasement. they have not shut down bank accounts, 10 billion out of iraq. they have not stopped oil flow they have been allowing. have not brought back sanctions on iran. what have they done?
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brought in a new carrier strike group going to the persian gulf, on its way, almost there. remember, deterrence is two things, capability and will. the president is amassing military capability in the region issue but not shown iranians will to use that capability and therefore he is failing to restore deterrence. >> laura: president biden is asking netanyahu for a brief three-day, not calling it a ceasefire, a pause to make themselves feel better to release more hostages. netanyahu rejected the idea and says he doesn't trust hamas and seems biden is listening to conferring in the street and pressure being brought to bear on the white house over the weekend. your thoughts on the pause suggestion? >> this is same white house that brokered hostage deal paying 6 billion for five people. who brokered that hostage deal?
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qatar. who is brokering this deal? qatar. who harbors hamas? qatar. there is 240 hostages, let's not talk about a ceasefire to let hamas live to massacre another day for 12 people. talk about the release of 240 people or we put maximum pressure on qatar. >> laura: they are not worried about qatar, they are worried about politics back home. thank you. we'll have another live report from virginia as election results trickle in and the return of jimmy failla, we need that tonight, don't we? stay there.
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shipstation saves us so much time it makes it really easy and seamless pick an order print everything you need slap the label on ito the box and it's ready to go our cost for shipping, were cut in half just like that go to shipstation/tv and get 2 months free >> laura: the results ar >> laura: results are coming in in virginia. let's go to fredericksburg, virginia, rich edson is standing
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by. where do things stand now? >> well, you know, the returns are just coming in, polls have been closed since the beginning of the hour. reporters and candidates are coming in. district 27, joe griffin is the democrat here. this is something in an area and district that governor glenn youngkin visited earlier today. he was here yesterday, part of six separate stops across the commonwealth today. he's visited this area a number of times. close districts republicans and democrats identified are going to be the difference in this race here. republicans trying to hold on the house and flip the state senate, giving them unified control of the state governor temperature is the way the governor has been invested in.
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governor youngkin will watch in richmond, probably will not hear from him until we have a sense of where this is going and whether republicans have been successful. he told us he's feeling hopeful, it will be tight and probably come to a few hundred votes for each race. this will go down to the wire. republicans look to get a clean sweep and take control of the house and senate and push their agenda through. >> laura: what the jimmy failla? jimmy, it's been too long. i missed you, thank you for being here tonight. the pro-palestine protesters at colleges across the country, they have been repeating hamas talking points and gotten so
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absurd a israeli tv show is mocking them in a skit. watch this. >> i want to be there with you. >> you can, you can come to gaza any time and we will throw you from the roof, you homosexual. >> you want to throw me a rooftop party? >> they are so welcoming and inclusive. >> you can come to america. we will come, first we finish with israel and america is next. >> laura: it does point out h hypocrisy or ignorance on the left >> they got mad at this group. starting a group gays for palestine, is like starting a group wives for oj.
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protesters in america, good majority are idiots, we have anti-semites. many think gaza strip is a gentlemen's club, they have no idea what they are doing, good on the sketch group. >> laura: there are pajama boy types desperate for friends and show up with their -- like their costumes. they go to wardrobe and get costumes and make signs when we have to show you, they are so stupid, they don't know how to spell the word israel. >> no! we know this woman truly supports hamas because she's clearly not allowed in a library. this is a dumb person, committed to shariah law. i have never been prouder. i make fun of myself for going
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to community college, never been prouder of not getting into harvard than i am right now. i'm not stomping for a terror group right now. >> laura: it is pathetic. moving to your favorite stit of california, washington free beacon is reporting the state spent $4 million on taxpayer money on surgical sex changes and gender affirming enhancements for 157 inmates issue including four on death row since 2017. this includes laser hair removal and facial feminination. >> taxpayers are funding death row inmate to get rid of his junk. this is the most bizarre time
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ever been. when you send a death row inmate to the electric chair, it is not to get a perm. should we be surprised? no, but this is california. you can't have a plastic straw, but if a female inmate want to attach a straw to her body, way to go newsom. >> laura: new meaning to the word super max, that is the enhancement. the happy couple harry and meghan took a break to fly on a g-4 owned by an oil heir to a catastrophicy perry concert. there is no double standard or hypocrisy here.
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>> they should have not gone to see katy perry. this is beyond hypocrisy, it is a 40-minute trip, you know how many flights there are from lsz and vegas? they are not just being hypocritical, they are using a jet like running errands. >> laura: you are unfair, they live with the simple people, the regular people in santa barbara, they don't live in l.a. they don't want to drive, they want to fly. >> they just wanted privacy in the concert. >> laura: i will see you next week at the patriot awards. can't wait. jesse is next.


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