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tv   The Five  FOX News  November 8, 2023 9:00pm-10:00pm PST

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jessica tarlov, jesse watters and her biggest fear is getting stuck in a glue trap, dana perino, "the five" ♪ >> greg: radical rashida tlaib refusing to back down on her anti-semitism after getting censured by congress. the house voting to punish the congresswoman after she blamed israel and america for the october 7th terror attacks and pumping out slogans you can find in the hamas charter like when she posted a video that included the phrase from the river to the sea. in tend they voted to discipline their fellow colleague tlaib balling her eyes out for being held accountable and painting herself as a free speech warrior. >> i will not be silenced or distort my words. the idea of the israel is anti-semitic is a dangerous precedent. i can't believe i have to say this but palestinian people are
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not disposable. the cries of the palestinian, palestinian and israeli children sound no different to me. why -- what i don't understand is why the cries of palestinians sound different to you all. >> greg: the squad having a screaming match while defending tlaib. >> every single one of them has not acknowledged the fact that palestinians are dying in the tens of thousands, but will continue to say it is us who are not acknowledging humanity. >> you lack the cognitive and emotional ability to recognize diverse opinions. >> it's outrageous that my colleagues are blatantly, blatantly attempting to silence the only palestinian-american representative right here. >> greg: oh, boy i have a headache. if rashida cared about the palestinian children she could call out the terrorists
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destroying their future, they're worth $11 billion and the photos of how they're living in luxury playing ping-pong stretching after an intense treadmill workout and flying private while gaza's people suffer. all right, jessica, you're a democrat but you're also jewish. congratulations >> jessica: it happens sometimes. >> greg: yes. would you have voted for or against the censures. is it censures >> jessica: i wasn't going to say nichlth i think this is tough and you saw that in the 22 democrats who voted for it but said it wasn't a clear cut thing for them. it was important because of the way this particular censures phrased last week there was one from marjorie taylor greene where this was really about making a sframent the house of representatives this they condemn anti-semitism and that's why they went for it in the end. she obviously has a first amendment right to be saying whatever it is and to be posting whatever it is and that's where
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jamie raskin who's jewish and lisa slotkin who's jewish and also from michigan came down on this but ultimately i probably would have voted for it because i don't think that she did the work to show that she believed things that she said in her speech. you know, we all make mistakes. right? we can say something that we don't know is offensive to a particular group. i think someone from palestinian knows how israelis and jews think about them, but let's say that she didn't. and it gets explained to her every which way, right, from colleagues who she's close with and works wall of her social media and every single newscast, why wouldn't you then just say, i apologize. i should take that down, i didn't mean that. the annihilation of israel is not my goal here. or that the video falsely claiming that is reel blew up the hospital in gaza is still up and that's something she continues to maintain. ultimately i think that's probably why i would have gone for it but it felt like like an
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alternative reality listening to them you're watching this and simultaneously there's footage of israelis tanks protecting gaza, wearing white flags thousands getting out, israelis protect them because hamas wants them to stay and continue living like that, dying like that. but, yeah, that's where i am. >> judge jeanine: you know, when you think about it, what you're saying is so correct. i mean, you're obviously on top of what the facts are. the woman is a congresswoman. she has access to all kinds of classified information, all kinds of reports. she can be briefed on anything. and yet she continues to leave out the fact that, oh, 500 palestinians were killed because israel is bombing a hospital. but, you know, if she really cared about the palestinians, which she's trying to convince everybody that she cares about, why wouldn't she go after hamas and the hamas organization that is not allowing them to leave,
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or at least move to the southern part of gaza or the billionaires that you talked about in the open, three of them worth $3 billion each and more, who are living a life of luxury while the gazaians or palestinians are unable to access food some of them. no one doesn't feel sorry for the palestinians. what the problem is is hamas. and when she says from the river to the sea, that is the hamas mantra, it's been the man tra from the plo, everybody knows what it means. and for a woman to say she doesn't know what it means or she didn't mean it like, you know, oh, i'm really a great person and the cries of the israeli children are the same to me as a palestinian. no they're not. when hillary vaughn asked you about what do you think about the beheading of the israeli children she couldn't even answer, but she cries when she talks about the palestinians. which is fine. but, i mean, she's trying to pull the wool over everyone's
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eyes and she should have been censured. but i think in tend i think what's going to happen is tall squad i think is being primaried now and i think the voters will decide whether or not they even stay in congress. >> greg: dana, do you think those precious little protesters are aware that the folks behind these so-called freedom fighters are billionaires living it up in mender while palestinians are encouraged to kill and die for them? >> dana: i don't know if they know but if anybody could tell them about that it would be rashida tlaib, right? she has their ear. she could do a lot of good on behalf of the palestinian people. instead, she complains about every other rich person except for these guys? i do appreciate that 22 democrats voted on the censures but i feel that the story maybe should be 188 democrats voted with her. >> greg: yes, yeah. >> dana: 188. and i understand also that there were some people who were saying, we shouldn't get into this censures back and forth, it's a waste of time stop doing
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that. but ilhan omar in defending rashida tlaib, she said well you are criticizing free speech she's free to say whatever she wants, but censures is free speech as well, it is making a point. that is something there. the last thing i will say is karine jean-pierre, when asked about tlaib's call for genocide against israel basically, she said it is important to be mindful about the language we use. and i'm pretty sure that's what emma says to jesse jr. in the morning right? this woman is a congresswoman. >> greg: do we have that piece of tape? let's play that. >> i'm not going to speak to the actions that congress takes. when it comes to the phrase that was used, from river to the sea, it is divisive, it is hurtful to -- many find it hurtful and also many find it anti-semitic. so obviously we categorically reject flying the term to this conflict. >> dana: if you guys have a chance, if you listen to some of
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the briefing remarks from white house spokesperson john kirby, super strong pushing back against some of the arab media that is in the briefing room pushing him to basically disa vow what he's been saying or what the administration's position is and he pushes right back at them strongly. >> greg: yeah. you know, jesse when you see the continuing protests and this kind of unhinged behavior mean the dc our politicians, i'm bondering if the river to the sea means the hudson river to the pacific ocean. >> jesse: i did not even know what river to the sea meant and i don't even think the binder knew until 24 hours ago. i'm learning a lot over the last couple days about the israeli/palestinian conflict and i think everybody is. but i have to say, this censures thing is a waste of time. get to work congress. don't they have like five more days before they have to pass a spending bill or we should have the government down again? and they're spending all day grandstanding about something this woman said? i think it's a waste.
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and who cares what she said. okay? they called trump a racist a traitor a rapist a clans washability everything in the book. no one got censured, so she says the president may be a genocidal maniac. okay. we'll give you that. here's what i think greg, if you're going to censures someone you do it with someone like schiff who abused his power, abused the intelligence committee to perpetrate a hoax. you do it with someone like charlie randall because he was taking kickbacks. but someone like paul goeser is putting out a meme or tlaib is saying the president's a bad guy, i'm not going to jump on the bandwagon of censuresship jessica i hate to say i told you so but i told you so. two weeks ago you said the squad is marginal, the squad does not speak for us >> jessica: yeah. >> jesse: you have millions of people on the streets right now surrounding the white house all over college campuses sounding exactly like the squad, and this is a huge problem.
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i didn't think it was this big. apparently it's bigger than anybody thought. and the squad is just the tip of the spear. you have a huge problem with these people and it's not just the squad, millions and now you're seeing it affect joe biden's base and he's now in a little bit of trouble >> jessica: we'll talk about last night' election in the next block. i'm pretty excited. what i was saying was, in terms of the government that rashida tlaib could not sound more different from democratic leadership, from joe biden, hakeem jeffries, nancy pelosi, chuck schumer. that was my point. i think we have a huge ideological problem especially with the gen-z cohorts. but my point stands. >> jesse: so i was right. got it. >> greg: we've got to move on. well done. up next joe biden taking credit after democrats have a good election night even though his party ran away from him. ♪ directv sports central brings your games,
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i'm the life enrichment director at independence village, the senior living community in waukee, iowa. everybody here really, really make you feel like family and that they love you. our goal with tiktok was to enrich the lives of our residents and just to be able to show people what senior living can be like. i think i am a tiktok grandma. my kids think i am. i mean, we're the ones that are being entertained. time goes faster when you're having fun. mara, are you sure you don't want -to go bowling with us tonight? -yeah. no. there's my little marzipan! [ laughs ] oh, my daughter gives the best hugs! we're just passing through on our way to the jazz jamboree. [ imitates trumpet playing ] and we wanted to thank america's number-one motorcycle insurer -for saving us money. -thank you. [ laughs ] mara, your parents are -- exactly like me? i know, right? well, cherish your friends and loved ones. let's roll, daddio! let's boogie-woogie!
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♪ ♪ ♪ >> jesse: joe biden trying to steal credit for the democrat's big election night despite the president's dumpster fire polling the party scoring some wins in kentucky ohio and virginia, abortion rights mostly driving the democrats to the polls. but never mind that, the braggadocious big guy thinking it's all about him. joe spiking the football saying democracy won and maga lost. politico reports how biden basked in the moment making call after call to the night's big winners. and how his dorky staff was sharing dark brandon memes in their group chats and binder praising her boss. >> jesse: >> if you look at what cameron
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did there, he spent $30 million, $30 million trying to connect the governor of kentucky, brashear to the president, right? and he called it a brashear biden agenda. beshear ran on infrastructure and lower costs. those are the president's agenda. >> the president didn't go out and campaign on that issue. >> it is rare for a president to go to a state that has been coined by all of you a deeply red state. >> jesse: the white house boasting about the beshear biden agenda but joe barely lifted a finger to help andy beshear win the governorship in fact they didn't want anything to do with joe biden. >> governor's race has nothing to do with what's in the white house it has to do with what's going on in your house and bringing in good jobs and expanding healthcare. at the end of the day this should be about who the best candidate is with the best plan and the best track record. >> jesse: all right dana perino, what happened last night? >> dana: lots of things.
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let's just take beshear, kentucky, for example. young governor, pretty popular, had a pretty good approval rating. abortion was an issue early on and i think daniel cameron, who was a great candidate, attorney general of kentucky, he had trump's backing, that's a state trump won by like 35 points or something like that, but incumbent are hard to beat, abortion is an issue that's hard to beat and get out the vote is difficult. you mentionedd the commercial break about fund raising, i don't know the details in terms of how much was spent in kentucky versus others but overall yesterday republicans were outspent by a lot. one of the things that's happening is that small dollar donors are really strong in the democratic party. right? basically they have this, it's called act blue and you just -- it's like throwing seeds into a field with lots of fertilizer that you saw out in california and it's like, oh, yeah, here everybody start sending money in. on the republican side of things, the gop primary is
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taking a lot of small dollar donations right? also president trump's pacs take a lot and some campaigns didn't have enough and republicans are getting swamped by planned parenthood fund -- not only the money that planned parenthood has but the organization is superb. so that is one of the things that happened. the other thing is in ohio on the abortion amendment is the writing of the amendment was so horrible i don't know how it was allowed to go forward. if you read the whole thing and try to diagram a sentence you would look like a mad scientist because it didn't make any sense. but the other thing is there wasn't enough engagement on the republican side. so people are thinking about that, that you cannot wait to engage on your position on abortion, however you're going to message it, however you're going to talk about it, talking about it is very important. so that is an issue. i won't talk the whole time, i'll move on. but i want to mention this, the democrats are trying to get abortion referendums on several different states that will matter greatly in the 2024 general election and that includes nevada, for example,
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florida, where you would have to get a 60% turnout or approval in order for it to pass. what kind of a turnout motivator is that for democrats. also pay attention to the young vote. they are organized, they are -- we saw this in wisconsin. when they did that special supreme court election that was also about abortion. you had an 88% turnout rate in the county where the school, the main campuses are in wisconsin. what do you think that's going to look like in florida or in nevada or if they get one in georgia? so it's a serious problem that republicans need to wrestle with. i do think glenn youngkin in virginia, i thought his messaging on abortion was the best i had seen on abortion for his position. i think he worked his butt off. in some places republicans were able to win but they came up short. for somebody like beshear, who will probably run in 2028, i'm pretty sure he doesn't want biden beshear as his call
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letters, right? he'll want to be beshear on his own independent and that's what he was trying to say on monday. >> jesse: so abortion and cash jessica, is that the story of last night? >> jessica: and pot. don't forget about our marijuana. no. that's not the only story. the main headline is democrats continue to over-perform in the biden era. you can't dispute it. it is blowing the polling out of the water. republicans haven't really had a good showing since trump won in 2016, and they really -- and i know that there are a lot of them, deeply conservative people that coming toornd the idea that donald trump loses himself elections and he loses the people that he endureses. >> jesse: he took the house in 2000, right? >> judge jeanine: 20 >> jesse: yeah, by 3--so remember -- no, 2022. that was your red wave remember where you said i'm getting a 40-foot wave and you got three
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feet and george santos. >> jesse: don't remind me >> jessica: anyway, dana's right the wording on the amendment in ohio was funky. but people understood what it meant. and forget often, and i think it should be more of a line of conversation that rowe was originally about privacy. it was a privacy decision. it wasn't about abortion it was never lifted which is why ruth bader ginsburg said it wouldn't hold up forever because it was not about abortion it was 7-2 with conservatives deciding with liberals the point is a decision as important as to whether you are going to carry a pregnancy to term or not is between you and your doctor. and that's what they reasonable on in ohio and talked about constantly. that's how they got kansas and kentucky, michigan, et cetera. and the gop will not get out of their own way on this. they have found no avenue to talk about this like civilized
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people. 58% think the gop is too extreme on this. and then you have the new speaker mike johnson the sponsor of no less than three bills that would make us have a national abortion ban. andy beshear was successful because he's a really good governor also how he managed the floods in kentucky was one of the main things people supported him for but the most effective ad was a young girl who was 12 years old when her stepfather impregnated her. looking into the camera, never mentions the word abortion. it's about freedom. it's about choice. and in the ohioville it's a heartbeat belt and it has no rapist section. on what planet do you think people are going for this? this is women and men. not just women. 20% trump voters in ohio voted to make sure abortion is legal. glenn youngkin, i understand you saying his messaging was better than others on this, bans turn people off. you cannot talk about abortion in that way. each pregnancy is so distinct and it is so difficult. you have pregnancys that are
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wanted that you lose. a majority of women who have abortions are people who have kids before. it's part of family planning. you look at the girl 12 years old, ten years old in ohio going to indiana for healthcare and republicans will continue to lose on this >> jesse: judge jeanine? >> judge jeanine: i look at it a little simpler. to me it was about ohio, kentucky, virginia, pennsylvania. purple states, two red states, democrats winning. and the issue of abortion is one that republicans either have to get straight on or they're going to lose on it. and the way they lose -- they can't ignore it. they can't make believe it's not there. so the question is how do you handle it? well, it's not really how the republicans handle it because right now they don't have 60 votes in the senate. so stop trying to pass a federal legislation. it's not going to happen. you're creating unnecessary turmoil for republican candidates down the ticket.
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the truth is that when beshear went out there and he brought -- and i prosecuted those cases with the 12 year old girls and the ten year old girls. cameron, who was a great ag supported not just by trump but supported by mcconnell, he tried to change his -- go a little more left. it didn't matter. women want freedom. and what's going to happen is that dozens of states are literally going to put these abortion initiatives, i don't care what you call it, privacy, i don't care, they know what they're reading, and they're going to win on that. and republicans have to understand this is not an issue they win on. this happened in 2022. it's 2023. and 2024 is right around the corner. and so all you have to do is throw out that word for democrats, they want to defend it and it motivates them. and it only helps the democrats. as for joe biden saying, you know, with the evidence, you
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know, strong, beshear said it best. he said biden had nothing do with my race. >> jesse: greg? >> greg: i have to say democrats are very lucky that they're running against a party with principles. because when you have principles you're less likely to compromise in exchange for power, right? so, yeah, sure, republicans can win and you'll get lower taxes and a stronger economy and more security and less crime, but if that means you're going to give in on abortion, i prefer to lose on principle. i think a lots of people feel that way. dems it's usually the opposite. power trumps principle. it's why they were okay with sore us funding das that destroyed our cities t country suffers but they won those seats. it's why the original party of free speech comes out in favor of censorship because it suppresses republican opinion and disinformation and they win. it's why they don't mind a non-border because maybe long term it will help them with votes, more voters. but, you know, this is how the
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chips fall when you vote regarding abortion. if this is how it happens, fine. right? you can now discuss it as an act and not a right. it's no longer a constitutional right. so you can have one and you can live with it. but we can still talk about it. it's a loss, it's a denial of transformational change. it's a decision for most people, i'm not talking about specifics, but for most people done out of fear. but we no longer have to pretend it's anything more than that. we don't have to have political discussions about rights. abortion is based on a fear that is greater than the actual reality. and if you don't believe me, talk to somebody who had a baby and then think about how they were before they had the baby. that's called a transformational change. right? the woman becomes a different woman than she was before when abortion was an option. and that drives the fear, once you see that, you can't unsee it, right? it's the best anti-abortion
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argument out there, and no one is making it. people do have their reasons for abortion. you mentioned a very, very tragic and ugly one. but people make decisions out of their careers or maybe their relationship, the person they're dating isn't the person they want to marry. but underneath all that is a fear of this transformational change. and if you admit that, that might actually move you to maybe a different stance that you have now. >> jesse: okay. coming up next, chicago's liberal mayor shutting down furious residents demanding an end to the city's sanctuary city status. y city status. ♪ ♪
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something unexpected has arrived from experian. the new experian smart money™ debit card and digital checking account. it finds payments that could raise your credit scores without the debt. get your new experian smart money™ account through the experian app. ♪ >> dana: america has just carried out air strikes in eastern syria against houthi groups after they shot down a u.s. drone. we want to get to jennifer griffin. this just broke. you have more jennifer?
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>> dana, this is, what i can say is that u.s. military sources tell us that the u.s. military has carried out air strikes in eastern syria. wouldn't have been against houthi forces but against iranian backed proxies who has been firing rockets and drones onto us bases. 41 attacks on u.s. troops and bases since october 17th. we're getting more details now but these air strikes were carried out, we're told, just moments ago. they're just getting the bomb damage assessment. we don't know how many locations, but you can -- based on the last pair of air strikes on october 26th, the u.s. would likely be targeting unmanned warehouses, storage facilities. the question is, how many of those iranian-backed proxy bases will they have targeted tonight? will they have used f16s, f-15s. as we reported earlier about an hour or two ago an mq9 reaper
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was shot down over the red sea by houthi forces in yemen. so far no word of any retaliatory strike by u.s. forces at this time but this is new and breaking as we speak based on senior u.s. military sources. >> dana: jennifer, why now? >> why now? i think that they have been watching -- there's a very dangerous matrix of events that are happening right now. obviously the deterrents of that pair of air strikes was not enough to stop these iranian proxies. but as we speak, cia director bill burns is in qatar trying to negotiate the release of american hostages in gaza. those are delicate talks being headed up by qatar. and so carrying out air strikes right now, it's a very delicate time. so i think there are a number of considerations the biden administration has said that they don't want to spread the conflict but they are also very clear that the iranians and
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their proxy forces don't seem to be getting the message. many of these rockets and drones are falling short of the bases but in the first few days after october 17th, there were 42 americans who were injured with concussions, some tbi, brain injuries, two of them had to be sent to land stool. nobody has been killed yet by these attacks but it's only a matter of time. and so there's a great deal of concern at u.s. central command that if they don't regain some sort of deterrence and iran doesn't get the message that their proxy forces need to stop these attacks. so that's why it's happening now. i think there were a number of reasons that they waited until this week, but we'll see. we'll see if iran gets the message. >> dana: all right, judge jeanine has a request he for you. >> judge jeanine: hi, jennifer. they're not just relying on the missile defense systems now, we're actually carrying out air strikes in syria. is that what you're saying? >> that's what's new tonight, judge. these are -- we don't know the
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number of air strikes but i was told on very good authority from a senior u.s. military source that u.s. has carried out a series of air strikes tonight. we don't know the locations. we'll be getting that information in the coming hour, i believe. but this is different than -- every one of these bases where you have 900 u.s. troops in syria, 2500 in iraq. those bases where they have been, some are small outposts, been attacked with these rockets and drones in recent days and weeks, they have certainly missile defense, they have means to stop those drones, and they have been shooting down those drones each -- most of the drones have been shot down by u.s. forces at those bases. this is different. this is sending in either f-15s or f-16s to carry out air strikes on iranian backed forces in eastern syria. interesting they're attacking in eastern syria and not iraq even
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though most attacks have been in bases in iraq by the proxy force. there's a great deal of concern that the highest levels of the pentagon and in the administration not wanting to destabilize the iraqi government. the iraqi government is -- you know, it would be very easy to have the, you know, there's a very delicate balance between the she a, the suni and the u.s. dot not want the iraqi government to fall and iran move in and that increases front tehran to beirut. >> dana: jennifer thank you for the breaking news. we appreciate it. we will will have more of the five and other topics coming up next. for the last couple of years. i just see myself on video calls all day and i really start noticing the lines. i'm still eric and i got botox® cosmetic. i'm seeing a lot less prominent lines than i did before, the results have been subtle but noticeable.
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♪ ♪ >> jessica: >> jessica: it's the eye -- i was thinking b about hillary 'st clinton and my brain got scrambled schmid the ideology
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taken over corporation school and college campus and now journalist bari weiss is calling for the end of dei diversity equity and inclusion writing it does not believe americausio is good country, at least no betteo than china or it calls itself progressive but doesn't believe in progress. it is specifically anti growth. it claims to promote equity butt its answer to the challenge of teachingng math or reading to disscrunched children is to eliminate math and reading tests. it demonizes heart worked merit" dignity of the individual. greg i want to come to you first because bari weiss has gone through quite a transformation from heransf uber liberal days where she is now but i do think that this argument thado tt soc, to its detriment, has been set up nowno as a battle between tht oh presser and the oppressed is having more resonance with more people especially in light of pe what's going ocin in israel. >> greg: it's a delusion. g it's a brain wash and can be applie.d anywhere and basically argues against any kind of a
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achievement because you're constantly blaming anybody who is successful as if they took ic from you. dei pre tends to be an earnest effort, right? but it really was just a corporat ie play to counter accusations of agreed. like for every $25 million bonus a ceo gets, he starts another equitya ce effort. but it ends up hurting the bottom line. if you're a shareholder you can't abide by a company that puts, you know, profit draininga over profit i mean you look at bud light, you look at did i see any, you look at victoria secret, the consultants and race hustlers are the only ones that make no money, nobody else does. equity is the opposite of pi equalityck. it picks losers and winners independent of skill achievement or experience. it's equality from above which means you have to get everybody down to do the same so the standards aruse lower because individuals are individuals.s they have different skills and h sets. that's why you've quality of
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opportunity. equity is the op it. >> jesse: dana do you think we will see a shift back to talking about e equal versus equity now? >> dana: when anything bari weiss writes i will read. i thin k she's an amazing voice of our generation. but i point you to also -- i o think it will matter because some stuff ies getting taken to court and they're winning. wall street journal today i remembered this an editorial about tennessee's racial podiatry. >> greg: podiatry? yeah. >> dana: podiatry? a group called do no harm dedicated to eliminating racial discrimination inatin healthcard two board seats come up but basically said only people thatm meet the racial mandates can be doctors onbe d this board, whic doesn't make any sense. >> greg: that's no easy "feat".
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>> dana: do no harm is a group filing these lawsuits to make sure that this kind of thing -- that is not right or constitutional. i do think it will change because of all the things greg just said but also because the e courts are starting to get involved andd gr groups like don harm are starting to lose these lawsuits over even beforn e youe to bring a lawsuit if do no harm calls you you tend to back off >> jessica: and companies are eliminating these rolls right? a huge surge after george floydd was murdered in 2020 and all these pieces saying they're quietly taking down the dei. >> jesse: it's good for shareholders succeeding a lot of cash outh ou of these companies. you can't have perfect .eputation you can't have equal outcomes. it's impossible. just because thing is are the w theyth are jessica doesn't mean someone's being discriminated against. thomas seoul writes in social justice physical sis, sports ani entertainment jessica over represented by the irish blacks and southernrish whites.
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doesn't mean there's discrimination. wine producers and chefs. a over-represented by the french and thentee italians. doesn't mean the e english bein discriminated whiskey and beer over-represented by thhe scottih and germans.ny you don't find as many successful jewish people in the steal or automotive but find them finance >> jessica: doctors, lawyers, we do it all. >> jesse: you do. notot steel and automotive. to 2017 all u.s. representatives werepret catholic and jewish. where it's overwhelmingly product ,stents.y did that mean they were being discriminated against no? . and then com it's overwhelmingl male because 70% of the compute science degrees go to men.
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everyone's different we come from different climates es experience and specialization that takes place over a period s what the this i result is. doesn't make it discriminatory. >> greg: are you saying women aren't better at that than men are in the world of sill col valley? >> jesse: are you saying, as you did yesterday, women are only better at, what, greg? >> greg: what? everything, that's what i said. >> jesse: yeah. [laughter] >> jessica: taking what jesse said, it is clear that there ar systemic challenges in society toare certain groups. do we risk over-correcting and ignoring those challenges? . >> judge jeanine: okay, do we riskhose over-correcting? yeah e throwing the baby out with the bath water, okay? and it's real simple. it is anti it'sti gotten to the point wher we're cancelling people how are good people working hard who are involved in truth, hard facts and reality.
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and we're trying to change the g culture to make people happy who, for whatever reason think they don't have the right to do x, y, or z. this is a country where the lawh supports you and you don't neede dei toed go into every company, every bank, every hospital, every school, to make sure that everybody has the same outcome. becausody e i don't want somebo flying the airplane that i'm flying o n who's there because ofn equity and inclusion and diversity. i want the smartest guy from the class. >> greg: "guy". [laughter] >> greg: dana? >> jessica: president biden's plans toase release a bunch ofx predators into their community. ♪ liberty mutual customized my car insurance and i saved hundreds. with the money i saved, i started a dog walking business. i was a bit nervous at first
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♪ ♪ ♪ >> judge jeanine: so joe biden is about to terrorize a quiets community by unleashing an apex predator. residents are revolting over his plan to reintroduce grizzly bears to the washington north cascades forest. >> we are not willing to die.
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>> judge jeanine: okay. all right. jesse, now bears are naturally going to work their way from a forest to food and water near where you live. of course. >> jesse: of course. >> judge jeanine: but what about their farmers with their crops and live stock. >> jesse: this is ideology over biology. naturally big-game hunters, men with guns, have managed the apex predator population for quite some time very effectively. and so what biden wants to do is get these guys with guns out of there and let all of the grizzly bears take care of the elks, the deer, the antelopes, things like that. doesn't work judge. people will get eaten.
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>> judge jeanine: greg >> greg: i love how we tied this to joe biden. well done producers. i'm going to play. so north cascades forest is now a sanctuary city for grizzlies, right? how soon before they march for free salmon and vote democrat but i am for this, i'll tell you why, it will make boring endeavoring like hiking all the more thrilling and you'll agree with me because i talked about this before. it will look murder look like an accident, right? another way -- hey honey let's go hiking in the cascades forest. whoops. >> dana: i closed my eyes for a minute. listen to the local people. they know better. and also pay attention to the folks that had to deal with this with the wolf when it was reintroduced. and also it is biden's fault because biden is putting this rule forward through the department of interior. >> greg: i stand corrected. >> judge jeanine: jessica? >> jessica: sure we won so big last night i don't care. >> judge jeanine: all right. one more thing is up next. : all.
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of tension. israeli forces remain on high alert. >> there will be no cease fire unless some hostages are released for live updates and continuing coverage. >> stay with fox news. >> one more thing. i'll go first tonight. what i show charlie arnold trails zone in i love him cat tip tiger assets tonight at 10 p.m.. >> let's do this. greg sports pirate news. >> you know you order food and then it doesn't arrive. well, look what happened here. they got their order of taco bell. and then what happened here? taco bell was stolen by the bear. but the jokes on him because just hours later, he sprayed the street with explosive diarrhea. >> be careful what you steal. >> all right, jack. kevin bacon, the pig was on the run for two weeks after kevin bacon, the actor, got wind of the news post on facebook. he shared the story and encouraged people to bring
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kevin bacon home. thankfully, kevin bacon, the pig found his way home. and now both kevin bacon's of the world are home at last. as many of you know, i was the proud owner of two pigs in my lifetime, the four legged ones, wilbur and homer. so pigs have a special place in my heart. >> and kevin bacon can bring home the bacon. oh, thank you, dana. >> jessica, i love this. a group of cowboys and ranchers from arkansas and montana paid their own airfare to israel to lend a hand. israeli farms are facing a worker shortage, as many usually tend to them have been called to defend the country following the attacks on october 7th. they are volunteers of a pro-israel christian religious movement and love to see jesse quick, the cowboys and the jews. that is an alliance i did not see coming here for everyone. you didn't want to plug your show. we'll go with jesse watters, primetime at 8:00. hillary was on the view today and it was spectacular. >> all right. that's it for us. have a great night. >> welcome to jesse watters. prime time tonightrs


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