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tv   The Five  FOX News  November 9, 2023 9:00pm-10:00pm PST

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brad raffensperger, georgia secretary of state, good seeing you. here comes "the five." ♪ ♪ ♪ . >> dana: hello everyone, good to see you, i'm dana perino along with judge jeanine pirro,
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jessica tarlov, jesse watters and greg gutfeld. it's 5:00 in new york city and this isse s "the five" ♪ty >> dana: republicans trying ic seizane momentum after sluggingt out after another contentious debate. the big talk obif the night was the bblowup between nikki hale and vivek ramaswamy whicmah devolved into a series of personal insults. >> i want to bole careful to avw making the mistakes from the neocon establishment of the past. do you want a leader from a different generation who's going to put this country first or do you want dick caney in d three-inch heels. >> all right ramaswamy. >> we have two on stage tonight. >> they're 5-inch heels and i don't wear them unless you can run in them. >> im un cn the last debate shea fun ofde me for actually joinin tik tok. her owktn daughter wasll actuali using thnge app for a long timeo you might want to take care of your daughtef r first. >> leave my daughter out of your face. you're just scum. >> dana: candidates digging into issues that americans care most
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about. watch. >> everything involving very bidenomics, i'm going to rip it up and throw it in the trash can day one. >> i have a son in the audience tonight who's 30 years old. if he can't adjust to social security retirement age over the next few years i have biggerer problems than social security payments. >> ukraine is not a paragon of democracy so to frame this as a bat of of good versus evil don't buy it. >> my foreign policy is simple. you cannot negotiate with evil. you have to destroy it. >>stro we'll put 25,000 more bo patrol andwi ice agents on the ground and let them do their job.d we will defund sanctuary cities. >> dana: of coursewe once again the gop's front runner was not there.he instead he held his own rally a about ten miles away and mocked hiys republican rivals. >> i wasub watching these guys. they're not standing in front of tens of thousands of people right now and it's on television.
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that's a hell of a lot harder to do than a debate. >> dana: we can't forget the biggesget headline of the night. it was a short moment. you might have even missed it. >> you think if democrats would actually hire greg gutfeld to host a democrat i believe debate? they wouldn't do it. >> dana: grenog yourw name was invoked you get 30 seconds to po respond. >> greg:nd well, you been what? i can't tell if that was a compliment or an t insult. you know? they wouldn't do that but to me it would be a i demotion because i'm here saving the world. and, also, they could not handlt me moderating a debate. i would outshine them all.s that was why the last time dana i said dana perino. because i said they needed dana's lightness to balance outo thute intellectual death of univision. anyway, nicky's response, calling him scum, was a little harsh. it revealed the personal animosity.on i don't think they're going to sharoie a ticket.or
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but my favorite part watitt at e end where both used their families as buffers, right? it was like hamas wasn't the only one using human shields. they were like noplde i got my d here i got my kid i thought that was interesting. i thought vivek won the night because he was the most mum separable and unapologetic and his voice by far is the strongest. you know, desantis is a good a leader but he's not get at this and it doesn't shine and tim scott i couldn't remember a thing. but him going -- vivek going after the rnc for their inexplicable choices with the ch bots in the room, that takes some r serious word rhymes with talls. and it's true because bias democrats asking questions that'st usually guarantied they'll be loaded with and taking niche means you have to untangle the question before you can actually talk about whether you're qualified or not. i think the tik tok thing, i thintik what vivek -- he made a
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good point. that it's not about data collection. republicans keep talking about data collection.ut it's about brain collection. soout you've got to look closeo home. you've got to look at the kids. you can't talk about tik tok if your kids are on it. and tik tok is that rare phenomenon that can get healthy kids to mutilate themselves under the delusion of gender affirmation.ou m it's what wering young minds. i don't think you can rail against tik tok unless you say i don't want my kids on there. because it isn't about data it's aboutll what's happening t kids. >> dana: there were no complaintsana: really though ab the questions that i saw confession i ve a didn't want the touch debate. i was changing diapers. >> dana: important job. >> greg: you were at the white house? [laughter] >> jesse: very good greg. that's why you should have co-hosted that debate. but what i did -- my impressiona was thats vivek dominated and whatever it is about vivek he's
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able to capitalize on the format because he's incredibly edib charismatic and articulate and creates these break through moments that everybody talks ab about.e th now is he the most charming cha person on the stage?la he probably lacks a little charm and that's his deficiency but he's gotten to the sweet spot of populism where you are thrashing around at the powers that be, a little isolationist and you not don't sound leak a politician. and vivek doesn't sound leak a politician and he's connecting people out there. nikki haley, smart, earnest, liked what she said about on abortion. sometimes she doesn't reallyso translate with the grass roots, if you know what i mean.he and the attack against desantis for not drilling in the ever an grade, i don't know if anybodyy would drill in the ever grades or off shore, the beautiful beaches off there. desantis, i agree, greg, i looked on line after the debate
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trying to find moments. what happened with desantis? d i couldn't find anything. and then i had to look, and i looked at what he said. sounds good, makes the right points. but there's no, there's no sizzle with desantis. and i just don't think this race changes at all after that. >> dana: judge jeanine what did you think? >> judge jeanine: it's interesting. >> ji think that the -- nikki h calling vivek scum was over the top. and i ran for office five times, i get it when they come after your family.te believe r me, i get it. but i think greg -- and i agreeg withre you on i think that her reaction was w more about vivek saying not just that you're dick chain why i in three inch heels but that she's on the board of raytheon and lockeed and she's a neocon who wants to go in and bomb e
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everybody and i thought that he that's what got under her skin for her to call him scum. i thought just -- >> i didn't take it that way. >> judge jeanine: i did. but i think that vivek is very much, as jesse said, he's a populist. he said a lot of things that people wanted to hear. the biggest applause in the audience, and the crowd went crazy, when vivek went after -- is it kristen welker? and he said, you know, you basically did a russia conclusion hoax for four years and you're up here moderating this and the audience went nuts. so, in my non-scientific and ce certainly random twitter poll of 20,000 people today and i want to thank you for answering. 79% of those people thought that vivek won. i think that nicky on abortion and that whole issue, she is so
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well -- she's thought it out so well and i think that she is rely on top of her game there. i think that in the end, desantis, he can do the job, bud he's not -- he can't get any excitement. i mean, you just kind of looked at him and l go, oh, it's him again. you , know, does he have his ag cowboy boots on again? there's really nothing to say. >> dana: jessica. >> jessica: as a target demographic for the debate last night i'm pleased to share my opinion. >> dana: okay, great ion. >> jessica: just kidding not voting in the gop primary. but i did think that vivek wentr too far. i thought it was about the daughter that she got so upset. i mean, she's run for office for a very long time she knows what it's like to be personally a attacked. that was vis a visceral mom mov that didn't feel like a raytheon thing. of course she doesn't like beina called neocon establishment and things like that but frankly it's benning her and she should lean into itle as much as
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possible. because there's two lanes, the populist lane and the establishment lane and donald trump owns the populist lane. until donald trump is out of this race, for raver reason and i don't expect that he will be, certainly how he's talking about it, that leaves one other spot and desantis, chris christie and nikki haley who blew up his whole -- been a slow roll blowup. when he looked at the frailties the night before and said we need a 15-week national ban it's over.hing that is the most inhe will can't thing you can say after people p in ohieoo told you, conservativ in ohiseo told you that they dot want to talk about abortion rt bans.ion but nikki haley for me presented as the most feasible candidate that could win a general election. if it's nikki haley versus joe biden and i saw this popping up in liberal's twitter feeds last that's something theyco could go to bed on election
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night and not worry what the next four years going to look s like, if it's in icky haley. vivek alleys line about ronna mcdaniel and what's going on wa with the gop i thought was really meaningful, that he considered theer election resul, and that's something, if f republicans want to change this culture of losing that i think is important to do, i continue o to like chris christie. i think the way that he talks d abouabt the pro life movement ao including people suffering frome addictiorin was really meaningfi and i don't knowng why that doesn't happen more often, that you consider everybody.. it's not just about preserving life in the womb but also taking care of mean are on the outside. and i just want to note, you know, donald trump was having his rally and he was throwing out lines like kim jong-un rules 1.4 billion people and they have no doubt who the boss is and they wansst me to say that he's not an intelligent man? that's the perfect juxtapositiot for nikki haley to talk about ou
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the fact that we don't praise dictators like that. we don't talk about other leaders. >> jesse: we just pay themal t >> jessica: okay. >> dana: up next far left a: democrat rashida tlaib's anti-semitism getting directly called out by israel's prime minister. ♪ far right anti-semitism getting called out by israel's prime minister. ♪ ♪ talib >> the chase ink business premier card is made for people like sam, who make- everyday products, designed smarter. like a smart coffee grinder, that orders fresh beans for you. oh, genius! for more breakthroughs like that- i need a breakthrough card. like ours! with 2.5% cash back on purchases of $5,000 or more. plus unlimited 2% cash back on all other purchases. and with greater spending potential,
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sam can keep making smart ideas- a brilliant reality! the ink business premier card from chase for business. make more of what's yours. i'm sarah escherich, i'm the life enrichment director at independence village, the senior living community in waukee, iowa. everybody here really, really make you feel like family and that they love you. our goal with tiktok was to enrich the lives of our residents and just to be able to show people what senior living can be like. i think i am a tiktok grandma. my kids think i am. i mean, we're the ones that are being entertained. time goes faster when you're having fun.
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♪ ♪ ♪ >> judge jeanine: new anti israel protests breaking out in new york city. c this as republican candidates callis out the disturbing rise s anti-semitism on collegem campuses and radical protesters whve bo have been terrorizing jh
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students. >> and leadership at the top in the united states of america u thatni restores our founding va values and has no place for this kind of anti-semitic hate.miti and what does biden do? not only is he not helping the jewish students who are being percent executed, he is launchinllg initiative to comba what's calle d islamophobia. no, it's the anti-semitism spiraling out of control. >> we are about taking care of people not making them go and live in fear because of some other terrorist activity says they want to destroy them. >> judge jeanine: compare that with j the unhinged anti-semitim spewing fromoc the democrat par. recently censured congresswoman rashida tlaib got asked point blank to explain what she meant whenen she endorsed the pro ham slogan frotom the river to the a which calls for the eradication ofl. israel. >> i'm asking my colleagues don't distort the words of my residents, many about u
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palestinians havhee always centered around coexistence you hear them calling for that saying nyoo matter your faith, your ethnicity your background you should be able t o live without fear, without discrimination without any kind of quality that netanyahu's extremist party and his le leadership has been pushing. >> judge jeanine: and now, radical rashida's anti-semitic comments are embarrassing america. a bret baier has an exclusive interviews with benjamin netanyahu tonight at 6:00 p.m. t israeli prime minister is the slamming tlaib's comments. >> were you surprise sd by all e pushback, not just in the united states with these protests, but around the world. >> well, the river to the sea. >> tha mt means fromea the jord river to the mediterranean, the tiny area that encompasses israel, there is no israel. what i this congresswoman is calling for is genocide the elimination of the jewish state one and only jewish state of the
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jewish people. that's absurd and i salute congress forsen shoring her. the prost tests, i'm sure it includes some naive people but a lot of people know exactly what they're saying. >> judge jeanine: jessica yesterday we talked about what we thoughter she meant but toda specifically. and she says that from the river to the sea is actually about peaceful coexistence. >> jessica: yeah. i don't think so. ani d if she really thought tha itll wouldn't have taken her several dales to stress that answer. that's something if yos u are pn of the palestinian community and it's a phrase you use so regularly that it's chanted in your community, that you know how to explain it. so i maintain my position from yesterday, that emma he not buying it. i also think this you know, you run to a friendly interviewer t it, put out an 0 ed, do interviews with h everybody, everybody who wants to talk to me about this, my past comments
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made on the intersent podcast a few years ago, talking about ti 1-statone solution and i'm pret sure heris 1-state solution is t that is reel rules over gaza and palestinian it's the other way around. so i'm not into it. it's interesting to hear netanyahu talk about what's going on here.ny i think this is the first time that we've heard comment from him on it. and it really speaks to the power and the important of rt what's o happening across ameri and in huge met policy like london and paris and how ur disturbing it is especiallbiy f the leader of israel. i'm not fan of netanyahu and his policies but it's very striking to me to harry that, and that he called out that there are for sure some people who are naive h buatt he doesn't buy that most people don't understand and i think maybe we're giving too many hall pass persist to people absorbed on their tik tok fees n
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and peoplede understand more th we think on this. certainly the faculty that the i university andve people in possession of power and i continue to be deeply distabt b. what's going on. >> jeanine: youw >> judge jeanine: dana last night the candidates talked about how they would handle the anti-semitism that's going on on the university campuses. did you have a chance to hear about what their plans were? >> dana: i listened to the whole thing. i think poverty it was about the visas, the student visas, that is something you'll get in a free speech debate on that but maybe that's a debate worth having. i also think, though. >> that there is a deep -- i think maybe, i can't remember which one it was, talked about this is a leadership issue. i it may have been vivek. but there was no disagreement openly the stage on many issues including this one. rashida tlaib, she has no incentive for this to end. show's making a gazillion small combingss because she was censured. she's getting all the attention
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she's ever want. her people that support her love this moment so she has no incentive to stop. that's not going to end. the mass ball on the idea of tolerance is about on the nose as you can get. the protesters went to that venue on purpose because they wanted to attack them. the other thing is, can you imagine today if a muslim man had been murdered by some white, that's all we would be talking bhaving a conversation right now about witness. instead the media's not coring that at all and the protest is pretty much consistently coming from one side. and it's not the people who are accused of being the oppressors. >> judge jeanine: you know, greg what dana referenced was the gal gideau screening of it and she god video of what's going on. why do the hamas people want to
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suppress the reality of what happened? >> well, they're living -- in order to maintain the conflict of the past you have to deny the present atrocity. because if you -- you can't say so-you have to have the historical context and then you have to question whether this really happened. i'm noticing really weird bed fellows young white women who damey restacked massage any and patriarchy. marching alongside the most anti female men who had a ball in front of the museum of tolerance. i would warn to liberal women, the reason why they haven't come to you yet is because they're busy with the jews. don't worry they're going to get back to you and put you in your place. hamas isn't for equal rights in case you hadn't noticed. in my neighborhood, posters all over of gas a victims, right? to which i say request for you,
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that's your right. but guess what? they're still up. young juice so far haven't been tearing them down. that's the contrast between conclusion and dean situate. tearing down posters is caused by a delusioning that denies atrocity so you can tear it down. the other is just want their kids to get free afternoon are okay with their posters. what's brought up amazing how paul kessler's name came and went t details are in dispute but it was ruled a homicide but none of the main stream media seems to care about that. they're not picking it apart or analyzing the individual yoechlt of course if it was a young pro palestinian we would be back to 2020 and on cnn and msnbc hearing about mostly peaceful riots. and then there is a need to relate to anything related to jews. because he's not part of the
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class he vanishes much like the trans killer manifesto. if it doesn't fit not the narrative there it goes. >> judge jeanine: all right jesse. go ahead. you want to talk? go ahead. >> jesse: i would say this seven years ago is charlottesville jews will not replace us and joe biden and the democrats seize order that chant. joe biden ran for president based on that. and they made everybody in the maga movement look anti-semitic. remember when you went like this in a picture? that was anti-semitic. just the other day hillary called trump hitler. they had articles on nbc that going to the gym meant you were a neo-nazi. and really it was about saving lives when the rubber hit the road and is real was attacked, who circled the wagons around otherwise. they immediately did but large sub sets of the left, not only didn't they circle the wagons they sided with the people that attacked the jews.
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and now you're seeing massive protests by these people all over, and they're chanting some pretty nasty stuff. and i just remember, if you're in a rally -- let's say you went to charlottesville that day and you didn't want these status torn down for his f his reasons. and the guy next to you is laughing. i might march the other way. no these marcheses are not getting thinner these marches are building and that tells me this is a growing anti-semitic movement entirely on the left and the democrats and the media cannot reconcile it because it doesn't go with what they've been selling the last eight years. >> judge jeanine: okay. coming up, forget about joe biden's pipe dream of electric.
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♪ >> jessica: president biden's bold plans have americans ditch gas cars for electric by 2030 is hitting road blocks. an electric powered shuttle bus for google employees crashing into multiple vehicles after losing power and rolling down the hill put one person in the hospital. a new report says consumer enthusiasm for electric vehicles are waning, so no wonder top climate aids the president thinks we need more way to lower the reliance on cars. >> whether we have to go faster it's absolutely yes whether it's on electric vehicles, whether it's on electric fa indication,
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cleaning up rails, and it includes increasing choices for transit, micro transit, and being able to live closer to where you need to work and go. >> jessica: dana, i want to start with you about this. i thought it was interesting that the enthusiasm was waning and they were imemploying it had something to do with the safety risk versus the price because i think it's usually a price issue, but do you find even talking to people that the enthusiasm is --. >> dana: it's probably both. the cost is crazy and people do care about safety that's why when they arbitrarily raised the miles per gallon standard to 55 people don't want to ride in the cars because physics doesn't let you have them that safe. it's all a shell game but it's funny, epa is having this video context this they put on twitter asking people to share videos of how electric vehicles are making
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their lives better and they're offering up to $3,000 in prize money funded by you the taxpayer, called the hashtag ev video challenge. what happened? they ended up with all these videos of people saying mine ran out or i got in an accident or couldn't do this or that, and if you look at the applies it's pretty bad. the other thing, what his climate advisor is, it's never going to be if you ever. they could do everything that guy just said could be implemented at the end of the week and then by monday say we have to do more, because it will never be enough. one it's a political issue the other is an issue of physics. last thing joe manchin today from west virginia democrat decided not to run for reelection. and if you went back and said what was the point he screwed up, it was when he voted for the
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inflation reduction act >> jessica: i was bummed about that for sure and i'm not eking the biggest manchin fan. >> jessica: greg iyes >> jessica: obviously you're going to say whatever you're going to say. >> greg: am i? >> judge jeanine: >> jessica: usually that's how it goes. don't you think it's important to talk to people about the benefits of alternative energy and green jobs and electric vehicles, even p it's not -- if the talk is true, if the talk is honest but we've been bam boosled. a phrase i don't use often i'm pro electric car and i hope we get there but you need a system where you see progress in the manufacturing of it, that means infrastructure, battery improvement, cost reduction but it really is all about manufacturing. the democrats don't get that. in a way this is a mechanical diversity hire. they have the goal, even if the
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candidate for the job isn't ready yet. right? it's like dei. let's put the cart, in this case the cart, before the horse. so quotas before competence, and then we'll just pack fill it later. you adopt that with really expensive items. you need deal with efficiency and competence. here's my other problem i have a severe charge anxiety. i spent so much of my ta thinking about whether my laptop is charged, i have two phones, you know, lawsuit. charged, my vape needs to be charged. i whiffed all appliances were plugged in and you didn't have to worry about it. >> jesse: go back to cigarettes. >> greg: yes i don't want that with my car, i don't want the same charge anxiety of my car. i know you can obsess over an empty or has full of gas tanks. anywhere you can get gas. being low on a charged on a car would give me a nervous
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breakdown >> jessica: i agree with that one. jesse what do you think? >> jesse: greg said it the best i don't have much to add xoecht we just discovered 11 billion barrels of oil off the coast of south america and have carved triples of dollars into a meal and it's falling apart. did you know half of of the windmill project on theest coast are now cancelled? cancelled. >> i'll not going to take all credit i'll take half. then cancelling these joint ventures for these ev battery plants and losing billions of dollars on cars because no one wants them. jessica they just had joe biden's favorite electric bus company went bankrupt because the buses kept. >> no eb bentley's jesse. >> jesse: geraldo hardest hit >> judge jeanine: $7.5 billion
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on electric vehicles charging, ten vehicles on clean transportation, seven billion on e v components and you have this bust in csn philly dot com where if it runs out of energy they go backwards, can't even break and somebody ends up in a hospital. if you want to rupp out of energy the brakes don't work on the bus. this is kadey. now they're talking about what military planes that they want to have electric planes? but the best part it trying to convince us that this is the right way to go and the cost of electric vehicles have gone from like 60,000 now to 50,000, and now only 31% are likely to even purchase it. not to have it, are likely to even purchase it. and what i think is the funniest part of all of this is that joe biden sees newsom go to china and dries that electric vehicle and it's like he got jealous so we had to compete and talk about
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electric vehicles by way that nobody wants to talk about. nobody wants an electric vehicle. i made the call where the charge was, and he said i hate them, there's never enough charging. why would i get myself involved in that? >> jessica: well you don't have to because he was where the uaw workers. >> forceded into this position. >> no. >> general motors, the quarterly results, they lost in the last quarter. >> and the charges piling up and the dealers are satled with them. >> and they're terrible. coming up, chicago about to hold another meeting on its sanctuary city status after the last one went completely off the rail.
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♪ >> jesse: chaos in chicago over biden's border crisis. residents taking over a council meeting furious over efforts to stop a referendum that would allow people to directly decide whether the windy city should remain a sanctuary city and putting the question on the ballot next spring. >> do you as a resident of the city of chicago believe that we should remain a sanctuary city? it's a simple question. >> but despite the community in outrage the city's far left mayor brandon johnson ultimately blocked the measure that would allow residents to weigh in. they'll be meeting again in the next hour so we'll see how this all shakes out. dana i thought you were supposed to kind of serve the people. the people want something maybe you would let them vote. >> and wants to listen that's an idea. i think it's pretty interesting that they never thought anybody
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would call their bluff on the sanctuary city. they're not a boarder towel. they can be virtue signaling as much as them and then all of a sudden you have this. this is a top issue for voters going into 2024 and for the biden administration i can't for the life of me think what it would take for biden to actually care. you even have brandon johnson, the far left mayor, goal to the white house last week. he got nothing, big goose egg, that's all they got. they might be able to get more money for the border patrol but there's no policy changes coming so you have to wonder what in the world would get biden to change course on the board snr i'm actually dumfounded by it. jeanine they're going to have the dnc inin chaebol. . that will be a joy. >> jesse: are you going to clean up the migrants like did you the homeless in san francisco. >> judge jeanine: yeah. with the democrat there's something called direct democracy where the democrats
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feel like they've got a say and that the people who represent them represent them for their best interests. and when you see a new mayor like brandon johnson, what is he in a year now? and he's basically shut ughh down the opportunity for chicago residents, american citizens, to have a say because they are losing, on the losing end when the illegals imfor healthcare housing meals start and all that stuff and they end up losing some of the ability to have their kids go to work, parks or whatever it may be-that the illegals can come in and they won't them vote on the whole thing. it is really amazing. my understanding dana maybe i'm wrong i thought they wanted five billion and i thought they came out with 1.4 billion. but even that, i mean, they should be -- the people should be given the choice.
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that's what democracy is. >> jesse: yeah, we were hearing about democracy for years, greg, from the democrats. now, no one's allowed to voted. >> it's weird i was soliciting to the city council and all i heard was. they replaced lori lightfoot with a scare yes sequel, like aliens and the second aliens. the policies tell you you're racist if you speak out against the city against their illegal immigration. this is once again a sedation based on the idea of 1-party rule. without a republican influence, right, it's like a classroom full of delinquent kids. you need to have two responsible parties there, contrasting systems. >> people you disagree with to keep the country in a comfortable middle so you can hear the other side and then work with them but without republicans, every city you're seeing is veering into progressive decline.
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it's because they have absolutely no system in place. they just have these lofty goals. >> jesse: is it racist to not let black americans in i can vote >> jessica: yeah but that's not what's happening. >> jesse: yes, it is >> jessica: no. first of all i have a lot of things to say. america city american liedership, just until a couple minutes ago, jacksonville yet, in your face jessica. >> no, colorado springs. >> jesse: back to two >> jessica: all rights, democrats accept election results and want people to vote look at what happened on tuesday tonight. >> jesse: can we just run and say that she actually just said that. >> to the judge's point, i have
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in my notes. i think the referendum should be in all sanctuary cities and that part of what democrats believe and espouse is that government is supposed to be reflect i have of the people and also the things like the constitution are living breathing documents that you need to update based on circumstances and these circumstances have changed dramatically. so ask people what they want and you go back to the biden administration and you say. >> i think the results on those referendums would be the same as the argues referendums in the red states. >> jesse: but then that's your answer. >> dana: no one wants to be a sanctuary city. >> jesse: too bad they're suppressing the vote in chicago. with an attack on democracy. . >> jesse: up next.
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♪ >> greg: welcome back. college students are turning their books dating apps. 79% polled nationwide said they don't use dating apps even as infrequently as once a month. the overwhelming majority prefer to find someone in person. that's encouraging dana, dating apps prevent a seven from visually becoming a ten in person you throw the charge and when it and charisma.
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as a ten i have to dial back those variables because it's. >> dana: are very generous and thoughtsful. i know a people who have met on-line and they have great relationships and great marriages so it has worked for some but i understand preferring to meet someone at a work, at a bar. the old follow it jesse. >> so men are not only losing important skills in wooing, right, men are losing the skill to determine what is quality because they're just looking at height and weight and hair color. >> jesse: some would say in college it's quantity over quality. i wouldn't say that, but some would say rng and it needs to be rekinled. you don't need a dating app in college because your dating ecosystem is maybe two square miles. you actually don't need a dating anything because who dates in college ithat is so true, you
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know jessica my wife is about ten inn five o'10" as a tall person you wouldn't look twice at me if you were single and i was single, right? you would have to be six feet tall bigot. >> wow, democrats don't goat vote in chicago. but i am a bigot. >> dana: emphasis on the big. you're right about the ecosystem because you're like they're on this all the time credit don't they do this as well. college seems to be more hookup culture but i do think dating apps are a wonderful you have to his couch. >>. >> greg: they have ones for famous people. >> judge jeanine: here's the problem, with a dating app you're competing with the whole
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country. in the old days it was like your town, your school, this or that. now it's the world and a lot of schemers are those apps. >> greg: that is true. i'm on three apps. [laughter]. >> greg: all right, one more thing's up next. [laughter] all right, "one more thing" bass pro shops and cabela's stands tall in our unwavering commitment to honoring our heroes. we extend our gratitude... beyond words... by proudly offering a legendary salute discount to those who protect our freedoms. our dedication to those who selflessly serve us runs deep within our dna. it's not just a discount... it's a commitment to making a difference. because every day is a chance for us to say thank you. bass pro shops and cabela's... your adventure starts here. moderate to severe eczema still disrupts my skin. despite treatment it disrupts my skin with itch. it disrupts my skin with rash. but now, i can disrupt eczema with rinvoq. rinvoq is not a steroid, topical, or injection.
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with hard working, plant powered blends that nourish for radiant, healthy looking skin. >> trust in your skin truly craves israeli forces push deeper into the gaza strip. the exodus of palestinians continues a major concern for the families of these hostages. pentagon officials said they have ramped up the defense of u.s. bases in iraq and syria . >> live updates in continuing coverage. stay with fox news stop for one more thing, jesse. veterans day is right around the corner. we believe that our veterans deserve to live with dignity and independence, not on the streets. that's why we're making our commo our cause and support of honor. us vets the campaign. you can join us by making a donation and wearing camo. this veterans day, i think it's saturday, but you can do it on friday and sunday and monday. >> two. is it friday? post your camo and social with hash tag honoring us vets to donate and learn more info on how you can help end veteran homelessness visit honor dot us vets .org slash fox forward
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tonight jesse watters prime time tiffany the plain lady will be on awesome. >> oh how did you find it. missed her. i will go as fast as i can. photographers at a gold photo notice shelter dogs needed better website photos because phu know, that'sbes that you ned to get adopted. so they take the initial intake photosf th of the animals.n they don't work. so then these guys come in andnt gold photo has gone to theng tampa tampa humane society and their efforts are payingyoe off. you're more likely to get adopted. also, check out the movi e that my friends in need on netflix. it's based on the true story anet. >> annette bening and jodie foster are amazing. greg all right. tonight we >>ht, grea got a great show, guy benson, liz mcdonald, cat temp jamie, jamie, liz out.e that's 10 p.m.. i'm so excited that we get to take this free camera stuff. >> yeah, yeah, yeah. so ns o matter where they haven it, right, get that? >> yeah, that's it for us. have a welcome to jesse watters prime time tonight


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