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tv   Hannity  FOX News  November 10, 2023 11:00pm-12:00am PST

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in gillibrand's office are going to be hunted down and jailed for breaching the. yes, absolutely. one of them's in solitary confinement now.ela brow dave from kansas,ng to alexis mcadamsbe should receivet combat pay. alexis mcadams was an amazing man on the street. walk and talk there almost as good as do see his wife. >> we love you guys. >> almost as good as your field hockey. paul from new york could trump his the non-binary identity defense. listen, if i get pulled over,os i'm using non-binary, anxiout ae indigenous all day long. >> rick from pennsylvania we should invitr binary,e leaders to our southern border so they can clean that up nexfromt >> let's do it. she come on over, help us out. always remember i'm waters and this is my world.
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welcome to this special edition of "hannity". happy veterans day. i'm kayleigh mcenany. and for sean.teran' and we begin tonight with newsse from the whitean house. joe biden is set to meet with xi jinping next weeouse. k, but only after china's dictator decided to snub the leaderee of the free world. do you remember this story? >> march? biden aide speaks with china marcterpart as tensions spikes. here's a quote the biden is looking to arrange a phone call between joe biden arran and china's president, xi jinpingetween prg. >> u.s. officials had hoped that that would have happened by nowficials , but china at ths so far rebuffed to arrange a conversation. that's right. the dictator china ignoringng the leader of the free world. in fact, it's been almost a year since biden she met. the last time that happened was in bali, indonesiaet. , last
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november, two months ago. listen to this. ident bi president biden trying to explain away why tryit of china has no time for him. >>th my my team, my staff still meets with president xi'steam, people in his cabinet. and, in factmy, i met with his number two person here in excuse me, in india today. so it's not like there's a a crisis if i don't personally speak to me better if i did. but think, look, this is nothim. a criticism. it's an observation. he has his hands full right now ? nobody likes having celebrated in international meetings. if you don't know what you want you don'ton't hav have a game plan, he may have a game plan. he just hasn'the may ha game sht
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with me. >> that's what the president of china sees. he just had his hands full. doesn't have a game plan. no, he has a game plan, joe. it's to take advantage of youras feckless foreign policy. that's why.his he had time. the president of china to meet with a congressional delegation . that was the first time in eight years she found time folegation first tr that. he found time for congressmen, but not the commander in chief. heh is this. >> she sees american weakness. he smells blood in the water and he's taking advantage of it. you who else is iran? iranian proxies continue proxi to attack american forces tog more than 40 attacksn 40 att in the last three weeks alone. 56 americans wounded, some with life changing brain injuries. brain what's biden's response? order a strike on two shedse mid in the middle of the deserts of syria. a rdlyle show of strength.
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>>br iran's counter response for new attacks against u.s. forcess in iraq and syria in the last 24 hours. >> it appears our country the most powerful country on planet earth, we are the world's hegemonic power. but we have lost the ability to deter our enemies. what happened to american hegemony? what happened to peace through strength? that's what trump did. no, under biden. russia invades ukraine.? hamas unleashes terrorhr in israel and china'ough s putsa show of force near taiwan. gonee near are the days of peace through strength. under biden, it is violence through weakness. >> here now with reaction, retired army lieutenant general fox news contributor keith kellogg. general kellogg, it's a pleasure to have you. and i want to start off the back l kellog with peace through strength. that's what we had with trump. now we have violence through, weakness. >> you shared with me a riveting accountut of a time when president trump got a3am
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phone call. acen esident can you share that with our viewer s? yeah, kayleigh, thanks for having me. well, that was when 's in baghdadembassy or have was under siege and attack and the embassy was actually burning documents, which means your embassy is about ready to get overrun. and that was right after there was a strike that killed a on american we responded with their 15th pretty heavy hit. they attacked the and we walked the president and the vice president up. we and i was on the phone with robert o'brien. we werdent and e actually talkinghe together the situation room and both called us pretty early in the morning rob i was talking to robert and i said, robert, we need to wake the president. and er robert, we i like the vi so i we picked up the phone and we called the presidenant, the vice president simultaneously and put him on the speaker. and we said, you know, ent of our embassy is under attack. and what are you you kno tt w, this is who's behind it. se had the iranian proxy force in iraq behind it. and the president said, well, who is actually driving this ? we should have the quds force led by soleimani.
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so let's get soleimani. so within two days of us striking and them striking a an american position in erbil, killing a contractor, which we to. two days later, they attacked the embassy. 2 days l they atthree days lated soleimani. and it was in was we set up a a a policy of what we calledation escalation and putting your opponent at risk. wellantting your, really, the interestingto thing behind that, kayla, the story was we wry washed e rt to. we reached out through the swiss because they were our emissaries to the iranians, because we had no contact with our diplomatic contact with them. there's our what's called a protecting power. and we told the iranians very clearly, if you respond to usia aftens verr kill soleimani, we are going to kill the supreme leader, khamenei. wow. and nothing really happened after that attack.that the attack outside air base doesn't really happen. but here's the tell. and it was the interesting one. we knew we'd we'dit actually achieve was our goal. people don't realize this, but seven days after that attacrsity weed our gk, tht
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down a ukrainian airliner leaving tehran airport. and through intercept, we realized that they thought it was just coming to get khomeini. through in when we said within a ten day period of strikes and counter strikes that they had said, okay, the americans are really serious. let's back up. and then it went dead quiet for the next year with iran. they just not want to mess with us because we put something at risk that they didn't want to have put at risk. and that was their leadership. and we said, we're coming for you. if you attack, kill anotherng american and not another american was killed in the next y had sat year. they knew president trump meant business and thereforeus. t risk ther american lives were saved. i mean, i just can't that that story. killed is so amazing to methet because you have this 48 hour window. oramazin me. president trump the administration takes action, takes out soleimani. we've had attacks on american forces and in iraqe had at and a for weeks. and there's a pen pick strike, pin strike in the desert of syria.
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and then iran's back to business today through their proxies attacking americans. what should be done right now? well, what we need to do is the thought process ought to be that there is thing called the escalation ladder, and you got this escalation ladder and they're doing a for tat, you know, a little bit here, a little bit there. you need to put something at with the iranians because they're behind hezbollah, hama s ,these attacks as well. and what i mean, you put id put sg at risk, something they don't want to lose, and that needs to be transmitted through them. and the president to transmit it or either the secretary of state. and what i mea atn, you putneed t at risk, you pick up the phone and call the iranians, shakeo t the supreme leader is a risk. are there infrastructure at risk there using drones? all of your drone factories are at risk. your navy is at risk in the area right now. we have an incredible capability and capacity. leader with those two carrier strike groups and amphibious ready riskp, the bataan and also a ana ohio class ballisticnd guided missile submarine with over 150 tomahawk land attack missile
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sclas on it. and each one of those has a range of 1500 miles,e list o 0 warheads on each. you can virtually destroy iran with the firepower we have in that area right now. and we need to tell with the iranians, knock it off, this is at risk, and then we needth to follow through. my concern, carly, right now is we have all that capabilitytn ,but we don' wt have the will cn to do it. and that is being proven day in and day outcerne right ave ae attacks now are at al-assad air base. over one third of those attackse now have gone in there. and that's where the predominan. of the in t of americansre thp are. that's where the risk is. and sooner or later, they're going to kilredominaf a. and then what? and the longer you wait to respond, the worse going to get. it's harder to put it back in the box. and that's where we're headingl down. and t >> it's frightening and it's frightening to think about what it wouldhelonger y be like to wakeightenin president biden up at 2ami just don't have faith at this moment in our commander in chief and general keith kellogg, thank you. >> at this hour, we are monitoring a large anti-israel in new york city cit
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which has forced grand central statioy grand n to close. this is a critical transportation hub in the city. we're going to keep you posted. look at that all night as thespa situation on the ground unfolds. >> but nowtithe city. on to the president's anemic support of israel with his party divided over our allies right to defend itself from terrorisnfolds.the presm. sm. >> biden's knees have become noticeably weak, but there won' t no cease fire until hamas is no more. watch. >> a cease fire with hamas means surrender to hamas surrender to term and the victory of the iran'rrender s of terror. so there won't be a ceasel be a fire without the of israeli hostages. that's not going to happen. we just had a congresswoman from michigan censured by the house of representatives, congresswoman rashida tlaib, for using and posting from the river to the sea. >> from the river to the sea means there's no israel, from the jordan river to the mediterranean, which is a tiny area, by the way,
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that encompasses israel. there is no israel. and so what this congresswoman is calling for is polish and , s the elimination of the jewish state, aencompas the one and onf state of the jewish people. so that's that's absurd. and i salute t. >> the congress for censoring her. while israel vowth the s to eliminate hamas, biden's weakness is once again inviting aggressionate n. iran's foreign minister now says that an expansion of the israel-hamas war, quote, has become inevitable. joining us now, florida congressman matt waltz, along with monica crowley, podcast host monica crowley. you know, congressman waltz, thank you for being here. thank you for your service. you were a green. servic and i've got to wonder, you can't look at thisreen and situations in isolation. ukraine and israel and what's fs happening with china. it really feels like a loss of american hegemony. >> your thoughts? >> well, it does. and the and the american people
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see right through it. that's why you're seeingright t and according to the ap poll that just came out , 63% of americans do not support biden's handling of the war. he's talking out of both sides of his mouth. on the one hand, he says he stands with israel. on the other hand, he literally stands in israel and lecturesnet them about humanhe and talks about cease fires, which bibie-e netanyahu is absolutely right. that means surrender. nobody wass about cease fire in the wake of 9/11. we were talking about puttingtht bombs on foreheads of terrorists, period. kelly i have faced this evil. i have been shot at from within schools. i have been shot at by terrorists hiding in women's men's s. we'll hit back for propaganda value. there is only one thing to do with this kind of evil, and thatue. is exterminate it. and israel has every right to do just. and it is hamas that's committing the war crimes by hidin that. committig behind these
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civilians. that's what we should hear from biden's mouth. vilians.and by the way, you are a former press secretary. by tnaven't we seemo the president go to a synagogue in the united states and speak from within the synagogue about anti-semitism and pushism back and say enough is enough? this is from the river to the sea. that's what you're talking about. you're talking about a second holocaust. and you have ignorant collegeki students being supported by ver y devious professors and with a lot of dark money moy that we need to get to the t the bottom of. from an investigative standpoint bottom of fative he. but why isn't the president doing that? that'snt. congres what we need to be asking karine jean-pierre in the next white press briefing. >> it's a fantastic question. it's not something i would have had ask my former boss,ss president trump, to do. but, monica, why that's not happenin. not g is because of what's playing out on our screen. i want to draw our viewers. look at what is happening on our screen right now. >> this is in new york city. sent
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these are people protestingour on behalf of the palestinian people, they say. >> but many of them are supportive of hamas. that is what's happening right now in our country. and meanwhil e, if you're concerned, monica is the innocent gazan people, the civilian concernes. e to t i spoke to the idf today. they have located entrancehes to tunnels under children's beds in gazad entran. so if you want to protect the gazan children, you don't stand with hamas. stand >> monica yeah, and you know, look, the gazan people elected hamas to govern them by huge margins. and recent polling shows that the people of gaza would t hamas to govern them by even bigger margins. so, yes, there is a sense of responsibility that perhaps some people of gaza are now experiencing because they elected this terrorist organization to govern o look, the president of thevern united state thes is sitting a p
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the democrat party that has long been radicalized in a lote of different ways. one of those ways, kelly and mike is anti-semitism. what's particularly disturbingws ,i think, to many americans is p the fact that this kind g anti-semitism that we're seeing on the left was always just kind of bubbling underneath the surface. and now becauskind of bubblingee on israel, it's now ragedo to stage. we have a hamas caucus in the democratic party which this president refuses to condemn. we did have 22 democrats agree to the censure and contempt proceedingtos live. but this kind of antisemitism yod radicalism that we're seeing now on the streets of new york city, this is a hugerk problem for the democrat party. it is riveting. this party. ty. and they need to deal with it in a very strong way. but unfortunately, thi s president is weak in every way. he and he will not raiseill not his hand to these kinds of anti-semitic anti-semites in his own party.
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>> congressman, only 22 democrats voted to censure richar congresd italy.m i talked to one of them today about something you're doing. >> you sent a letter to anthony blinken, a bipartisan letter. he did not sign on.u're d >> i asked him about it. listenoi a lette. >> one of your colleagues, gerard moskowitz, we've had him ur colleagw. am a fe he partnered with michael waltz in sending a letter, ram a anthony blinken, secretary of state, saying that we must he pllace. e houthies as, in fact, terrorists. i didn't see your signature on that letter. but now, in the wake of thefactt houthis firingerature on down, r drone, our reaper drone would, you encourage blinken, along with jared moskowitz and others, to designate thiss group as a terrorist group? >> you know, absolutely. i thingroup k it underscores the and the necessity right now to make sure we freeze that 6 billion in iranian assets as well. iran is behind all of these attacks. anand ned that seems to be very
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clear. >> congressman walsh, to have another democrat, you. do you think there are more democrats willing to call out this president?re are mthey're going to come our waya one way or another? haley y because, look, i mean, iran's not going to stop and the not only are we not seeing the president speaking from a synagogue, we're not hearing him reverse on his iran policy under president trump. iran re not h broke. they literally, whether it was the houthis, hezbollah, hamas were all complaining that they were running out of money. they couldn'he liter t they didn't have enough funds to buy arms, to buy ammunition, to pay fighters, becausefund president trump's maximum pressure campaigto buyn cut off the oil, cut off the hostage money, cut off the loans from the imf and the world bank, oi where itayatolllahs hurt the most in their wallelat >> they don't care about their people. they care about the irgc business interests, which abou carl about 30% of the iranian economy.
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but when their currency was tankinercent og and their coffee dry, they couldn't support terrorism. and theibut the democrats, now they're rich. russia is rich. iran is rich. china is rich. and they're going they areri on the march all over the world because they smell weaknes marc this white house. but here's the good news. we are 360 days from getting donald trump back into the white house. none of this would be happening. back ine white americans wealt. our border was secure and the world was literally not at war. >> and the middle east was marching towards peace. and that's what we have to get back to. if we can only make it 360 days. no doubt about it. i want to draw attention. there's a scuffle on the screen at that protest. now we're going to monitor this . these are pro hamao dos protest ,many of them in new york city. at this moment. we'rmany oe going to keep you u as you watch that. right now, new york'sep you grand central station closed this evening because of this..
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also tonight, the fbi has just seized the phones of new york city mayor eric adams. we'll have a live report. plus, congresswoman, in atmayor, least sephardic filed an ethics complaint against the judge rtoverseeing, former president trump's civil trial. more on that. congl explai n when we return. i see. >> had i worked fast, it makes it less feel power of contrast. there. >> so you can rise from pain. i see the perfect gifts. >> diamond pendants, 99 tennis bracelets for 99 per carat, three stone rings, 199 half carat, 399 one carat, 699 carat, 399 one carat, 699 and one carat studs thousands of gifts guaranteed to appraise for double the jewelreighbor?y exchange di. >> hey, i just got a text. w. >> my sister. you remember ric, her neighbor? sure. he's the 76-year-old guy who still runs marathons,
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sellers. go to ship station .com slash try and get two months free. >> welcome back to the special edition. hannity earlier today. the fbi sees new york city mayor eric adams phone just weeks after raiding the home. >> his fundraising chief. kevin corke has the latest. kevin, even in kayleigh, the divisive season, the mayor, at least a pair of cell phones and an ipad were reportedly returned within a few days, according to authorities. meantime, they are said to be conducting an investigationri
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into whether adams's 2021 ayoral campaign conspired with a brooklyn construction company and the turkish government meant to funnel foreign money into the campaign through a straw donor scheme. this latest probe is the latest, frankly, in string of investigations into his political apparatu. sa stri and surrounding his campaign. you may recall earlier in novembengr, fbi agents searched the home of adams, his chief election campaign raiser, brianna suggs. and back in july, manhattan's d.a. alvin bragg announced the indictment of six backle thacampt he claims used a straw donor scheme to generate publicbeing matching funds for the adams 2021 campaign. no funds for t comment from them about seizing adams's electronicno coms. a spokesperson for his campaign says the mayor has not been accused any wrongdoing and continues to cooperate with the investigationelectron.t >> to be continued. indeed kelly. kevin corke, thank you very much. >> we're still monitoring an intense anti-israel protest
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right here in new york. >> you saw that scuffle moments ago. we will bring you the latest as we look at that troubling situation hour.n new switching gears, earlier today, house goyoffle momp chair elisek filed a formal ethics complaint against the judge overseeing the trump civil fraud trialy hos in new york, citing his, quote, bizarre behavior and biae ir el he said he didn't even want to hear from trump. that happened this week. >> meanwhile, republican senators are now demanding answer d thiss on shocking new allegations that the doj spied on congressional staffers during the russia probied on ce and it's been a busy week for house oversight committee chairmanprobe. james comer, who finally that much anticipated subpoena of hunter biden and a number of people related to the biden impeachment inquiry. it happened. hunter joe's brother, james. so where do we go from here? joining us now, author of the
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constitution of the united states and other patriotic documents, news legal analyst, analyst gregg jarrett and former floridas brothe attorney general pam bondi. >> greg, iweret wa to s describa by by the hous ae committee, james colmer, that he was taking a deliberate strategy. those subpoenas were coming, a dehe had to subpoenas those around the bidens first. he analogized it to the banking records. did it go straight the g putting for a piece the family? it was a piecemeal process. what do you think that the straw this week to say, now's the moment, let's go. >> >> it's the accumulation, incriminating evidence. >> caylee hunter's lawyer laughably insists, oh, he's eager testify. then he said at the right time, which means translation, never. they'll resist with all kinds of demands. delay tactics, vacuous excuses,l because frankll kindy hunter hao way out. now, in face of thce of a ept t subpoena except to lie under
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oath, which would constitute evenli more crimes. the problem, kelly, for the committee is that congress no power to enforce subpoenas. >> only joe biden's own department of justice can do that, and they won't do it. wiof justi the doj and the fbi,e been running this protection racketj and th for the bidens. >> so, you know, merrick garland will dither even though we move very quickly against anybody connected to trump. and comer is also asking, as you point out, for these voluntary interviews of othertev bidens, won't happen. i promise you the familyiewsdens this phalanx strategy of delay and deflect and obstruct. they don't want to be forced under oath to cough up incriminating testimonand y of obvious influence peddling, tax evasion, money laundering, maybe bribery and foreign lobbying crimes. so influ we'll have to see where this goes. >> but i'm not optimistic any of the people subpoenaed will eventually testify. >> you make a very importantm no point, pam. t ophat any it is biden's doj ts
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to enforce the subpoena we saw them hold some in the trump world in contempt of congress. doj is the one to enforce it.of is the dojth goinge doj to holn in contempt of congresfos? >> of course he's not. of course they're not. of course, merrick garlandof cos is not. >> but you know, what congress done is he's done what any doner would do.he's f he's followed the money. and by following the money, m he's found all these checks with these loan repaymenfound a what a joke. from family member to family .leadersmillions transferred from china, romania, russia. after joe biden went to romania. his granddaughter. her money is funneled to his granddaughter from romania. so they have plenty of evidencei for the american people to see that doj should get involved, because greg is absolutely right. hunter biden cannot testify. enn he'll have to take the fifth. given everything we know
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about him, givenno will ha all e checks and given the millions that he's taken from these foreign entities and you're referring to the 200,000 and the 40,000 that we know went from james to joe. but jamie comar said they're going to start talking about these as loan repayments. takegn what do you mean by that? why is that language important? yeah, well . ge impor >> well, so joe biden, it was 10% for the big guy. there's a $400,000 payment from a foreign entity through thesern companies. and then they're sayin throughga loan repayment from joe biden's brother to joe biden. how did joe biden haveen. that much money to loan his brother that money? and they can't prove what the money was for. yeah, one word for it.n't prov sketchy, maybe illegal. we'll find out, we hope. the monh, one wshady. shady. greg, pam, thank you very much. coming up. joe manchin announced he is not running for reelection and democrats are. they're panicking. we'll explain why and get reaction from senator marshaanno blackburn. and we'll continue to monitor reelectil proteston fronce
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the cowboys against the giants wow. it all begins sunday at 11 a.m. eastern on fox with a pre-game special check for the game in your area. >> when you can't watch. listen get the latest news business and news headlines on sirius xm anytime, anywhere. fox news audio on sirius xm america is listening. >> this is a fox news alert. welcome back to this special edition of "hannity". grand central station here in new york city. a lot of people go through grand central. it remains closed after this. anti israel protesters. it's on your screen right now. they march nearby grand central causing chaos. they had to shut down. you saw brawl at the top of the hour. i understand there were some arrest. we'll continue to monitor the situation. back to washington. joe manchin is set to retire from the senate. and now democrats face i'm calling a two front nightmare.
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on one front. >> republicans are now likely to pick up manchin, see a guy named jim justice. a popular governor, is running there in deep red virginia, putting them within striking distance of winning the senate. and now all eyes are on sherrod brown in ohio, jon tester and montana. they're also in red states. but on this other front, the second nightmare front, democrats to navigate a mansion, white house bid potentially next november. >> take a look at this. i have made one of the toughest decisions of my life and decided that i will not be running for reelection to the united states senate. but what i will be doing is traveling the country and speaking out to see if there is an interest in creating a movement to mobilize the middle and bring americans together. >> joe manchin wants to create movement, a nationwide one. sounds like someone's considering bid for president. remember, manchin was speaking at a no labels town hallidering earlier in the year. he discussed a whiteesident. hor
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this way. th angry that i have win a small amount of races to win. and if i can raise some of little weird, he's in it to win it. >> no labels. that group that, once a unity ticket, already has ballot access. they're on the ballot in ten states and they're working to get it on the ballot on allob 50 states. a third party candidate that could be a deal breakert i joe biden. and look at this from nbc. accordin biden.g to their 2020 t poll, 5% listen closely. 5% of national voters who cast their ballot in 2016. that was hillary v trump. those who cast their ballot for 2016e and.rty candidat the 2020 election then broke for biden to two one. that was the ratio. they moved from third party to joe biden, cornell west, rfk jr. mansion, jill stein, all these third party candidates, they could be the reason joe biden deniedabbar a second term. here is reaction. tennessee senator.
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marsha blackburn, senator blackburn, thank you for being here with us on a friday night. you know, actually, axios is saying democratsenator,r blae senate think this is a nightmare. >> are you hearing that on the hill night? u hearin >> everyone has expected that joe manchin would make that decision to not run for really shining caitlin. i think what this points out is democrats know that people are not responding to their message when it comes to our national security, inflation, the border crime in the streets. and they know this is going be a tough year for them. looks good fora us, but we have to make certain us what we have and that we pick up those seatsa and i'm one of those incumbents that is going to be running next year. t >> so, marsha blackburn, i'm certainly working hard on my race to make certain that i win and that we do take the senate and that we have
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president trump back in the white and we take nothing for granted. >> to your point, i mean, what do you say to republicans voters? right. i mean, 2022 wasn't a red wave. 2023 these elections weren't great on tuesday. trwhat do you say to voters who say this all looks good,a but we're worriered d and i hope that that pushes them to get active in 2024. ctions w woule cannot have freedom loving patriots sitting on the sideline and people know that preserving our freedoms, preserving our rightatriots . nt preserving that constitution. recognizin g that we're a nation of laws and that we abide by the rule law. >> all of that is going to be important. and these races in 2024 will determine what road we're going to travel. when i talk to tennesseans. they are all about makingwe are certain that we retain the the
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america that they have known, where everyone has an opportunite y to live outthat t their version of the american dream. >>he senator blackburn, it's had to believe you've been there six years. you've done a great job. thank you very much. the bad news for democratsyears. didn't stop with mansions. the jobannouncements 2016 greey presidential candidate jill steinnews. has decided to launch a 2024 bid, sparking fears that she may take votesan away from joe. >> jx news nownounce contributor joe concha and pollster doug schoenco. joe, those third party numberso, for biden are stark, the onesar i laid out. but it also i mean this is a hodgepodge of candidates, some with ballot access in arizona florida. >> it's really hard to predict what's going to happens a hodg. >> oh, yeah. and we've got a year to go, carly. right. so many things can happen. and gallup has a poll out showing 63% of voters saying there is a need for a third party. so that's what's driving
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candidates like jill stein into this race, along with the fact, th course, that joe biden is polling lower than, you know, gas station sushi at this point. >>. andidates and we're already seeing the patently unhinged reactions to jill stein coming in from the left on social media, accusing her of being a pawn for putin and the fro >> and that's what the left does, right. rou just go afte your competition by calling him a russian stooge. i believe that's been done before by a former bossrussia of yours, at least two. >> so when you add it all up now, loon that'ser boss k at als we have in this race who are republican, jfk junior, cornel west, democratic congressman dan phillips, jill. and then there's a lot of chatter about a no labels ticket putting together a mittt romney joe manchin duo. i mean, who's next to meomney, ? anybody checked in on ralph nader lately? i mean, gary johnson, you going to jump in? ansion d yone cheh why is hillary clintoo much media lately? exactly. so more candidates on the left means the pie gets split up. more on the left. and in a close electiochn, thes candidates can make all the difference and make donald trump the 47th president. >> doug schoen summing up the week of news.
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two things are true.oug there was very bad polling for joe biden. there were very bad election results for republicans. and summing the attitude among democrats, politico playbook said there's two camps. there's the time to chill out camp and the time to freak out camp. the chill out camp says, look, the polls are one thing. the votes are different the freak out. camp says we won in spite of joe biden, not becauseid the joe biden on tuesday. >> which camp are you in? , i'm in my own camp and ispite see it that the off elar elections were largely about abortion. they were not about issuesons lg national security, the economy, crime. and i think it's a completely different dynamic when you have an incumbent like joe biden on the ballot, they tend to beic referenda on that incumbent and his weakness and his h weakness with democratave s, the three, four, maybe
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five possible candidates that joe concha mentioned coulds all hurt the incumbent president, which is i guess ifch i had to pick a camp, i'm closer to the freak oue 5 t camp. >> are you chill out or freak out? joe concha? i'm always freaking out, kelly. i have. i have two kids. you know, it's always stressoutp around here. but -- but in terms of your rout jon, yes, i would rathe be in the donald trump camp right now or as a republican than a democrat right noe 'm alway w, given the polling that is looking a lot better. yeah, i could not have said it bettermp as a myself. thanks, you guys. we continue to monitordemocrat the anti-israel protest here in new york city. you're looking at it. we w shut down grand central station. these protesters really support hamaere looks. some of them do. that's up next. we'll learn about some of their crimes. sean interviewed the family members of those taken hostage by hamas. >> as you watch that protest next. >> fox nation is forever grateful to those who have put this great country first. we're continuing to offer
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sellers. and wolfgang puck go to ship dot com slash try and get two months free. >> welcome back to this special edition of "hannity". recently, sean spoke with two family members of hostage that were taken by hamas during the terrorist attack on israel. as well as jordan sekulow of the american center for law and justice. >> here's that interview i following their brutal that attacks on october the seventh, hamas. >>hamas du the they took over 240 hostages, bo llaccording to the idf, the israeli military. >> now, one of them alone, shar. morris, was taken hostage from his apartment in gaza who, alone according to his family, was fighting with his kibbutken hosz defensive squad, trying to defend his neighbors beforeao . >> hamas terrorists took him captive. on capitol hill, familie took hs of hostages, they joined house republican leaders at a press conference where doris lieber, you'll meet her in a minute. >> the mother of a 26-year-old i
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hostage guy, a lose made this heartbreaking plea for help. listen. >> it's been 30 days. every day it's like eternity to me. i'm part of your people. you're pardays evet of israel. and america has been, like, the best allies. and i'm so proud like th of bein american, being an israeli as . ll >> but i do need you now. she joins us now along with alan sharma, his brother, yonatan and the executive director for the american center for law and justice. our friend jordan sekulow is with us. >> welcome, both of you. i just want you to know and i. speak from my heart, i can'ti cm imagine the pain, the suffering that you or your familiesfami and loved ones are all going through and all the other of victims of the 1400 murdered, the 240 hostages. so please understand you have my deep felt sympathies for
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what you're going throug. h. >> doris, let's talk a little bit, if we cas, let'sn about what happened with your son anabd have you heard anything? >> well, i did here and not you know what i'm hearing now is a lot of mind games. i got a clip from the al-jazeera news, a hamas guy with a coffee so he's not identified says that guy was actually killed in a in a bombing, an israeli bombing in gaza. in i then get another callnother that says the exact opposite, that guy is on the top of the list and he'll be rescued like in any minute. and i should just immediately
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give all the information, including his i.d., his passport picture, any, you know, ids. and of course, i do that. and later on, i discover that it's just another mind game. and yeah, that's that's, you know, continuing the torture. >> and, you know, what you describing, it's like a mental torture. it's horrible. dinother mind and it's your lovd you don't know. >> now, yonatan, yonatan, you lost your brother. ne and your brother was taken, captured alone y. >> have you heard anything? no, not really. ten days after the 7th of october, the idf told us that is apparently been kidnapped. >> i mean, there is no certainty about this. so we are still hoping for some information about his condition. and markthey tol his whereabouta
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but nothing more. >> jordan, i love what you and the aclu are doing. i'm glad you're involved in this. it's a terrible dilemming aatio because, i mean, israel now is fighting in gaza and hamaabas in the south are fighting hezbollah and lebanon in the no north are getting shot at from the houthis who have declared war on israel. missiles are coming, you know, coming in from syria. >> you got saber rattling by erdogan and in turkey and the mullahs in iran and,he you know, i would argue this could you know, this could become north a powderkeg here. >> and israel really in many ways, this is a fight for its survival. and i can totally sympathize with these families. saber ryou just wishing that te hostages were the only issue that israel has s to deal with.brand. >> but that's not the case. well, as you said, john, i mean, this is torture for these families and they didn't
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want to be in this situation to where they're having to decide, you know, if should i be advocating for my family member or is that going to lead to larger conflict like you just talked about with these these other conflict? but what i've seenrvival. on cal hill, what we saw from republican leaders, we saw from democrats as well,just wis is bipartisan support for these familiesly issue, whether they e israeli families, israeli american families and think what we can see is that members of congress and what the aclu is going to do is to take this to the u.n. as well. we're going to work to do everything wfamie can to get dos that answer, to get that first answer is her son alive? >> that's that'seaders a the fia question these families have. where is my where's my child?at >> are they still alive?coof can we reach them? congrll ijay ii just want to say to both of you, i know i speak for my entire audience and many americans. you are in our thoughts. you're in our prayers. fa pray for the safe return of your loved ones. . jordan, keep upmi great work you and the aclu are doing. and i'm prayinyou. g for your families.
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and i'm praying that israel wins, the war against radicalp terrorists that, you knogrw, jut want nothing but to kill, take hostagesc ellija. and it's just tragic all the way around. our prayers with >> thank you both. coming up, you won't believeta this video. a group of migrants chanting for biden as they make their way to our southern border. tomi lahren reacts as a special edition of "hannity" continues . hey, dad. >> would you rather time travel to the past from the future? that's easy. and all the time back to 20 minutes. but to eat this and turkey and beef roast all over. >> but you could just go back that holiday buffet right now. >> then i would get the time travel. let's go. wait. i want to read a pterodactyl. what do you trip? >> i don't sit at the wrong table again.
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>> wow. here now with reaction, the host of tomi lahren is fearless on outkick. tomi lahren. tommy biden has nothing to do with this. the borders closed except they chant. >> biden, biden, biden. yeah. no, kelly, you would think that this would look really band for the biden administration and for democrats. you would think that this wouldn't poll, well, having an open border and those invading our border chanting the name of the current sitting president, allowing this to happen. but i fear, kelly, that thiswouh is actually music to every democrat'suld look ears. think t music to joe biden's ears, femply because this has beenwelv their end goal all along. they want these people to come into this countrarto y by the millions. they want them to then be resettled intino cities and states across this nation, scattered about, and then they win another election.
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they want to give these illegal immigrants amnesty, votingher ec rights, whatever it takes. and so them in the streets thanting for biden orthe st whatever democrat that that happens to be. biden or music to their ears, because that is their goal. they don't need to appease american anymore. they've imported what they hope to be millions of futuremusic ts . everything according to plan. that's what i truly fear here. this is very strategic, so i have to hand it to them. they've been working on this for a few years and it seems thispthey are right on the cus what they've been working on. there's a reason the president of mexico, obrador, calls biden the migrant president. but what stuns me about this o, i mean, look at this. these are single adult males. these aren't unaccompanied minors arriving. and this comes at a time, as we know, 214,000 migrants thisrs year were from senegal and mauritania and china. this is a huge national security threat. these are single adult men a huge national security threat? and again, there needs to be >> hg done about the
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definition of asylum seeker ore refuge e, because it's quite obvious that when you have, like you said, military age men coming across the border that are quite obviously able bodiedn you ha age men, they're, whatever they're coming for, we don't know. tht thisrder wer is not an asylm seeking process, is not a refugee status. maybissylum e they are coming hr work, but economic migration is still not asylum seeking or being a legitimate refugee. so that has to be fixed here. >> but another thing, we have to quit losing elections if we ever want to secure that southern border. and we want to prevent millions of people becoming new democrat voters. we have to elect republicans that have the intestinal fortitude to do something about it. haley, you know as well as i that we sat there for yearscarea when we had every chamber and we had the presidencbo bordy didn't do anything. no doubt about it to be a lesson to republicans. ye2 years bes.r and doubt and terrorist as well. keep that in mind at the border. that's all the time we have for tonigh that t ast. over to greg