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tv   Hannity  FOX News  November 14, 2023 6:00pm-7:00pm PST

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research congress comes from the latin term which means hostile into counter hostile encounter. i don't know if i believe that or not i am reading it like it's true i don't have time to fact check it i feel like cnn during a trump speech and bill, how many times have you elbowed greg in the green room? if i elbowed him he would go down plus if i elbowed greg, that's a headshot. stuart from california can vince ricci be my neighbor? i would like to name him chief of police. james from new york why haven't you accepted me on linkedin? i don't even know what it is. i don't like it. i have been at the same company my whole life. i am not going anywhere i hope. >> welcome to hannity.
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we are hearing multiple reports that hamas made military command center underneath gaza's biggest hospital is surrounded as we speak by the idf where an assault may be underway. this has hamas cowering underground using healthcare workers and patients as human shields. we will have a report in a minute and it was a very tense day inside the us capitol complex warehouse oversight committee chairman james komar blasted his democratic colleagues after a quote bs personal attack. take a look. >> my father who was a dentist had some farmland. he died and my brother could not afford he wanted to sell it but he wanted to keep it in the family so i bought it from my brother. that story that you tweeted
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also said i had a shell company. that is bull. >> in the senate you have markable and nearly getting into a physical altercation was a union boss during a hearing. he will join us tonight. >> if you want to run your mouth we can be consenting adults and finish it here. you would like to do it now? you stand your butt up then. >> sit down. >> now they will both join us tonight by first outside of their capital a peaceful scene was unfolding nearly 300,000 americans gather in support of israel and a sharp contrast for the anti-israel, protest that has erupted around the country and the world. we did not notice any flagburning or vandalism or graffiti sprayed upon national
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monuments and there were no assaults no genocide chance from the river to the sea and no signs calling for a global violent religious but demonstrators draped in israeli and american flags held pictures of the men, women and children kidnapped and killed by hamas they prayed for their safe return in the case of those taken hostage a more peaceful world free from terrorism and anti-semitism. take a look. >> are you amazed at how many people have arrived here today to show support and solidarity for the government to speak out on what happened on october 7. >> it was a horrific day for the world. >> this is once-in-a-lifetime when jews come together and
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non-jews come together to declare we are on the right side of history. >> this country was founded on people escaping oppression. we are not marching down the streets calling for the death of anyone. we just want to live. that's all we are trying to do. >> what is the message you hope to get across to the american people? >> to bring back the hostages and hamas started this war there was a cease-fire and they broke it and they callously murdered thousands of israelis and it's time they let the hostages go so tara never wins. >> we are not going to stop fighting we will stand up we will be here in washington and everywhere else it takes to let the world know that israel is here to stay. it's not going away we will defend it. >> this is a david versus goliath battle against the rules only jewish state and a
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tiny strip of land in the middle east versus enemies clearly from every direction one of those enemies hamas and the south murdered over 1200 israelis in the single day many of these victims raped and tortured some beheaded many taken hostage according to reports hamas brought to children as young as 10 to take part in that attack on october 7. this is a barbaric group of terrorists and their under gaza city's largest hospital this has been their mo for years. they fire rockets from schools and hospitals and we believe a major battle is unfolding at this hour and according to officials this is where hamas chose to build their main military command center under the hospital again they are using patients there using doctors there using children nurses children as human shields israel has offered to transfer patients to field hospitals and provide incubators for babies but it is
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not clear that hamas is allowing anyone to leave that building they are using those people to hopefully save their lives and israeli soldiers unearthed another command center complete with weapons and explosives and grenades in their and rpg's in a children's playroom and evidence that hostages including babies are being held underground and there is no denying that hamas is pure evil now if you have a conscience if you have a soul if you have a brain that works on both sides of the aisle it's simple there is no ambiguity. you should have moral clarity but for some reason the far left those that cry about
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micro-aggression and this generator out in full force excusing the kidnapping, rape, torture and almost never hear a bad word uttered about hamas at the anti-israeli protests and enforcing on capitol hill some of the same idiots are congressional staffers. they recently staged a walkout. to protest america's support for the world's only jewish state elsewhere in the washington swamp more than 500 bureaucrats across 40 different federal agencies signing a letter rebuking joe biden's public support for israel privately he has not been there and publicly he is trying to say the right things this is what your radicalized democratic party is today so what is wrong with these people and where were they when arabs were gassed by sod and syria? i don't recall the processor may be during the obliteration during the battle of isis in
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the ongoing proxy war in yeatman where hundreds of thousands died. why have they suddenly discovered the word cease fiwhe israel is involved do they hate the jews? many openly say it.and the united states the abide administration is giving huge amounts of money to mosques, the abide administration and other islamic centers that have been preaching or have a history of preaching hatred against the jewish people and israel. that includes $100,000 to one california mosque run by a mom who prayed that the jews will be annihilated in a war over the holy land and abide administration is reporting to free up to another $10 billion for the in iran that is frozen in iraq iran is the number one state sponsor of terror. they turned a blind eye to them selling their oil that resulted
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in anywhere from 80 $200 billion in their coffers they helped plan and scheme and they are providing and training weaponry of terror that is being used against israel and has the biden administration lost their mind? why is there this obsession to give billions of dollars to the state sponsor of terror. they chant death to israel and death to america. the last time biden decided to unfreeze billions of dollars from iran a few weeks later iran's proxy, when hamas launched one of the worst terror attacks in history and our strongest ally in the middle east is in for a fight for the survival and they are
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going block by block and house by house in hospital by hospital against a terrorist organization whose charter calls for the destruction of israel there using limit in children against the defense of weapons and two months into this war they have reached the heart of the hamas military infrastructure and this critical battle is underway as we speak with the latest on the ground and it israel tonight jeff, the idf has confirmed this is happening as we speak. >> this has been ramping up forces have been moving closer and closer to the hospital tightening their grip in and around gaza city but tonight we are learning that the idf has moved into the hospital to undergo a precise and targeted operation against hamas. they're making it clear they are at war with hamas and not the civilians who call gaza home but over the last few days they have been giving out warnings that military operations need to be stopped
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with inside this hospital that hasn't happened so tonight they have moved into that hospital. they say that this is going to be a difficult and sensitive operation and they are going to be having medical staff on hand and arabic speakers their intent is not to hurt anybody they say the civilians right now are being used as human shields by hamas. israel has long stipulated that hamas is using this hospital as a makeshift operation zone inside and underneath the hospital they have denied that and tonight they have released a statement to fox news saying that the hospital has been stormed in their calling in a massacre against patients, casualties displaced people and medical staff the hospital is the biggest in northern gaza it has been reportedly without power over the last few days
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putting a lot of people who are vulnerable at risk but tonight they have put it quite simply they are telling militants or in the hospital to simply surrender. >> if that is their command center i don't think they have much of a choice here if any innocent people are killed that would be, that should be blamed on hamas for building their command center under the hospital but that is also the mo of hamas throughout the many years for they fired missiles into israel often from schools and hospitals and used those areas because they want the human shields so this would be basically the same tactics they have always been using. correct? >> yes it's important to know as much as israel is firing all artillery which we saw tonight into gaza, today and the day before we have been getting alerts and seeing the iron dome work there are rockets being fired into israel despite pleas
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for a cease-fire. it's definitely a two way street. >> for more reaction to all of today's top stories the house foreign affairs committee chairman michael mccall if this is the command center and not just this hospital but other hospitals it is the mo that hamas has been using for years firing rockets into israel. certainly israel has no choice in terms of military strategy but it has to be done delicately they are trying to set up field hospitals having doctors and nurses standing by i don't see that they have any option but to take that out. so there is no question the hospital is a military command infrastructure they put innocent civilians and hostages in human shields they bury them
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within the hospital in tunnels 500 miles of tunnels. i was just in israel i just got back i met with the prime minister benjamin netanyahu they are taking this delicately trying to save civilian lives as they circle gaza city heavy humanitarian core door through the barrier they have created into southern gaza but it shows what cowards really hamas are, to use their own people and hostages as human shields. stream if they have done this for many years. let me ask you this. it sounds like they are doing this with pinpoint accuracy and really trying every effort imaginable to protect the innocent and maybe the nurses, doctors and patients in the hospital the question is, will hamas be in the process of killing them to save themselves? >> while they have booby-traps in the tunnels. we met with the ministry of
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defense in israel two days ago he mentioned the casualties are a lot lower than they had anticipated because they are doing this in a slow deliberate manner surrounding gaza city and then allowing hamas to come out of the tunnels and then she may be free the hostages and innocent civilians and then kill hamas. hamas has to go they have to be eradicated from the planet if we can have any peace in the middle east moving forward. >> i asked this of the prime minister last night think he was reluctant to go there may be for obvious reasons but if we are going to define victory for israel doesn't it mean in gaza hamas can no longer use hamas as a staging area to fire rockets into israel? when they have to define success as eliminated all of the terror tunnels?will they
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have to declare victory by saying lebanon can no longer be used as a launching pad to fire rockets into israel and that would go to at some point somebody has to talk about the people facilitating all these proxy wars and that would be of course i r i iran fair the goal is to not allow them to reconstitute and gaza for they don't want to occupy gaza. nobody wants gaza to be honest with you they want to governance that can take place without israel and without hamas and that is simply all they want. they want peace. as you pointed out iran is the one. stream if they can't have hamas they can't have hezbollah they can have the rebels or syria firing at them but thank you we
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appreciate your time thank you and joining us now the south carolina senator lindsey graham prayed i want to go to the bigger picture and i understand the sensitivity having the prime minister benjamin netanyahu on last night. they say there can be no victory without the distraction of hamas but if we are going to define victory doesn't hezbollah have to be destroyed? doesn't iran on some level have to be dealt with? joe biden is offering to free up another $10 billion while they are lamenting this war they are involved in the training of the terrorist on october 7 while they are providing the ammunitions to fight these proxy wars joe biden is freeing up $10 billion for the iran. beam me up scotty there's no intelligent life in that white house. >> i hope that is not true that would be pouring gasoline on a fire that would be like giving germany $10 billion in world war ii. the evil is iran there is no
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hamas without iran. 90 percent of their budget comes from the ayatollah. and surviving on money from the ayatollah here is my belief if the ayatollah continues to attack our troops they open up a new front with hezbollah in the north against israel we should destroy the oil infrastructure of iran so they can no longer be the largest state-sponsored terrorism. biden wants to give them money i want to knock them out of the oil business if they believe we would knock them out of the oil business they would stand down and when trump killed solo iran went back in their box and biden's weaknesses letting iran out of the box they are trying to destroy saudi arabia and israel that's why they attacked them to get them in the war so they can't try to reconcile with saudi arabia
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which is a nightmare for iran. she would let me tell you what happened today. today the biden administration extended by four months a sanction waiver allowing iraq to continue to purchase electricity that helps make iran richford and that gives iran access to the money now blinking has signed a 20 day waiver and he said it's for humanitarian purposes i call total bs on that is roughly $10 billion in iraq he payments for electricity being held in escrow and accounts in iraq lie in the middle of this conflict, why now would joe biden enrich the iranians that are behind all of this chaos? all of these proxy wars all of the training and providing all of the munitions why would they
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do this now? >> it's pretty clear to me that the model they are embarking upon is to try to keep iran close and reward them if they promise to do anything if they do it or not. we paid $6 million for hostages and we got an attack by hamas against israel. the idea of trying to curry favor with the iranians is not working the only thing the ayatollah fears is a strong america. they are emboldened by biden's weakness if we give them one dollar of money after the attack on israel he will get more attack so prime minister donald trump donald trump would not give iran any money he would put them in the corner and if they try to do something to americans he would hit them militarily this is the most dangerous time since the 1930s before world war ii if biden gives them money he is basically giving money to a religious nazi. >> blinken signed the waiver. they're getting the money.
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>> all i can say is you are right. we have the wrong strategy and let me just tell the people at home why does this matter to you? israel is our best friend they give us information to protect our homeland five weeks after thousands of hamas fighters went into israel put babies in ovens raped women in front of their children, beheaded children and kidnapped citizens.the world is blaming israel. this hospital is a legitimate military target because hamas has made it so i don't want to hurt innocent palestinians but if bin laden were underneath that hospital or al qaeda leadership was underneath the hospital we would have a hard time not taking decisive action so we live in a world upside down. israel is the good guy and hamas is the bad guy and to those who say palestine from the river to the sea that's not free speech that's the
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destruction of israel we live in a world that is upside down and to israel we have your back for eternity how much should we help you as much as you need as long as you need it is my belief and that's what i will do as a senator of the united states senate. >> should the refineries of iran be taken out by israel after this immediate conflict is over and does the world have to consider what how different a place this world will be if in fact iran gets nuclear weapons which they have been trying to get in they have formed alliances with china and russia and north korea which tells me the likelihood is greater than ever? screw with the world will never be safe as long as the ayatollah is in power. and the sooner his demise is reached the better off we will be if they had a lethal weapon they would use it.
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these people are religious nazi's. they have gotten away with too much for too long and israel is paying the price we need a new strategy. >> thank you. coming up next oklahoma senator mullin almost got into a fist fight we have the tape in his reaction straight ahead with fox. runs deep within our dna. it's not just a discount... it's a commitment to making a difference. because every day is a chance for us to say thank you. bass pro shops and cabela's... your adventure starts here. the day you get your clearchoice dental implants makes every day... a "let's dig in" day... mm. ...a "chow down" day... a "take a big bite" day... a "perfectly delicious" day... - mm. [ chuckles ] - ...a "love my new teeth" day. because your clearchoice day
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(car engine revs) (engine accelerating) (texting clicks) (tires squeal)
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(glass shattering) (loose gravel clanking) earlier today a fight merely broke out between oklahoma senator mullin and o'brien during a committee hearing. here's how it went down. take a look. >> you treated at me five times. and let me read the last one. it said greedy ceo who pretends like he is self-made.
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i wish you were in the truck with me when i was building my plumbing company myself. quit the tough guy act. you know where to find me. anyplace. anytime cowboy. this is the time and this is the place. if you want to run your mouth we can finish it here. >> perfect. >> stand your butt up. >> stand your butt out. >> sit down. >> you are a united states senator. sit down please. >> oklahoma senator mullin joins us. i have to be honest i don't think this is going to hurt you i think your popularity will probably go up tenfold as a result of that. he called you out you called him out for calling you out and that's old school the way it used to be. >> it is and it oklahoma people tell me i've had media come after me is not becoming of a
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senator i'm a guy from oklahoma first we don't do this may be run your mouth in new jersey. i am not from new jersey but this is a mob boss and you are supposed to be intimidated because he is the boss of the teamsters he's been suspended by his own teamsters before for intimidation he has been in trouble multiple times in 2022 he said he wanted to bring a mob mentality back to the teamsters. you are still not going to run your mouth at me and you should've seen the fear in his eyes i am not joking i am not looking for a fight i used to get paid to fight professionally. i am not looking for it but i'm not going to set back and let somebody do that. >> let me tell you i love these people on social media keyboard warriors. usually in the basement bunkers in their underwear and they are all tough on social media and
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then you call them out on it and they are not so tough it's interesting when you think of the left today if you use the wrong pronoun in school the left will absolutely lose it. when i grew up it was a little bit of a different time. me and my friends we played football will you play basketball i played hockey. i don't think there was a single day that we were playing sports were we didn't drop the gloves or have a brief interlude of throwing fists and it would all be over and you pick up and you start playing again. when all of a sudden did we become that woke that the thought of two people one responding to a threat directly saying okay you threatened me here's your opportunity. take me up on it. certificates political correctness. all of a sudden you have to worry about somebody's feelings but the left can say whatever they want and i am not mad at the sky he said it i am just
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answering the call. if he wants to go out afterwards and have a cup of coffee let's go have a cup of coffee i am friends with a lot of guys i used to fight. i grew up in oklahoma. you settle issues and you went on and there was no hard feelings. a few times but if you lost you just took your looking and you learn from it and i don't think he was expecting me to answer the call and we need more of this to be quite frank i don't say more violence but we need people to be taught a lesson and be called out on what they say. soon the way i read the tweet to you. he called you out. he is the one who said he wanted this exchange and all you were saying was okay tough guy let's go. >> i think any other response would have been a little gutless. >> i agree with that. why do people want me to do if i didn't do that people in oklahoma would be upset with me.
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>> i think that's actually true and people in oklahoma again i'm going to predict your approval ratings will go higher let's go to the issue of unions and what you got into today that led up to this. >> bernie sanders is a socialist and he is in the union pocket or the union is in his pocket and they were touting about how good unions are for the country and i am not against unions fine join the union but there's a reason why 50 years ago 50 percent of the labor force was in the union and today is 10 percent and there's reason why oklahoma has a $4000 a year salary higher than union states because choice matters and people want to make a decision on how they work and where the money goes. smooth unions take rank-and-file money and they use it for political reasons often to help democrats get elected that's contrary to the values of rank and file.
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anyway i don't know if you guys get in the octagon i would volunteer i would be the referee i will call my buddy to see if he can work it into one of his events and you guys hit the octagon i will be the referee and you guys can have at it. let's see how tough he is in the octagon. >> we will do a pay per view for charity. i think it would be interesting. you are looking at pictures of san francisco where a massive palestine protest is underway while israel has undertaken military operations in a gaza hospital that hamas is using as the command center for terrorism. we will keep you updated on the developments throughout this hour. please stay with us.
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>> as we mentioned tonight it was a chaotic day on capitol hill for look what happened when one house democrat tried to compare james comber to joe biden. >> you o it to the american people to explain what you have gone on fox news and told people while the president was out of office he had a loan with his brother and in the way they were evading taxes that has come out that you also do business with your brother with potential loan so since you have framed that with the american people that joe biden did something wrong i would like to know if you would like to use some of my time. >> i would love it. you retreated that story. completely false. i have never loan my brother one penny my father was a
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dentist and had some farmland and died at my brother could not afford he wanted to sell it but he wanted to keep at the family so i bought it from my brother that story that you treated set i have a shell company. they went around and investigated all of this that ian sims is trying to tell people believed him financially illiterate people pick up on i went to the bank and borrowed money and bought the land i did not get wires from romania or china my family doesn't get wires. never loan my brother money. don't have an llc but you and goldman mr. trust fund continue to >> reclaiming my time. >> we can stop the clock you continue to you look like a smurf here going around. >> mr. chairman.
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>> house oversight committee chairman james comer this might be fight day in washington but in fairness to you you did loan money or you didn't and you are saying your digits and if you did there would be a record of that wouldn't there? >> absolutely i can prove if i loan money or received alone in about two seconds and i was not going to sit there and let moscowitz lie about me and my family. we are very transparent i disclose all of my finances that they want to come to my hometown in kentucky i said i would plor my plane ticket i would drive him around the shop every piece of farmland i haven't gone to great detail about high choir that farmland and if it takes me being in front of the house oversight committee to open up my books if that's what it will take for them to open up their books i will do that i will do whatever
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it takes to get the american people about the corruption of this biden family and what they are doing, sean sims is leading this for their political group out of the white house they are trying to discredit me because i continue to follow the money and provide evidence of criminal activity by the biden family. >> this is what it comes down to you have suspicious activity your committee has identified you have the shell corporations your committee has identified you have identified tens of millions of dollars in payments to at least 10 biden family members including grandchildren including one family member that admits they are addicted to crack you got a lot of money in the energy sector but they have no experience in energy and you also are caught dead to rights the president as a candidate lying about ever talking to his son, his brother
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or anybody about foreign business deals you have identified phone calls he has been with foreign business partners you have identified a specific phone call and a whatsapp message where they got $5 billion in a few days later from a chinese energy company in the whole mess i think what's going on here is you kind of struck a nerve and i think the democrats are running scared because if being laid out before the american people ends up to be true there might be a high probability that joe biden is guilty of bribery and that's what your committee is looking into. >> we found the fbi form where one informant alleged that joe biden took a bribe and now we know there were many informants that allege they check bribes in countries all around the world the fbi has covered the
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sub, the doj, the irs and thank god for my house oversight committee we continue to follow the bunny we continue to successfully subpoena bank records we found that joe biden that if it is from this that we will continue to move forward regardless of the biden family try to say to the media about being my family will get to the bottom of this and provide transparency to the american people about what the biden family has been up to have the risk they pose to our national security. >> you have this farm do you grow anything on it? is it a working farm? >> corn, soybeans, beef, cattle, timber. anybody who wants to see it we will show it to them. assume that coming up another day, another biden blunder. wait until you see what happened during yesterday's stanley cup celebration at the white house. lizpoor joe continues to strug no wonder david axelrod is
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begging him to get out of the race. straight m ahead. >> hown to heal & moisturize dry, sensitive skin. gold bond. israel is under attack and jewish families are in danger. israel's enemies seek our destruction. the people of israel need immediate help. rockets have us squarely in the crosshairs. our people are targets in their own homes. many have lost everything and fear for their lives. the international fellowship of christians and jews has launched an urgent response to rescue those affected by this violent attack. our teams are on the ground across israel delivering lifesaving aid. your urgently needed gift of only $45 will help rush food, water, medicine and emergency supplies for jewish families that have nowhere to turn. time is literally running out.
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what we need you to do is to act now.
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>> at this hour we are monitoring a massive pro palestinian protest in san francisco where demonstrators are getting more animated we will take you there is news develops but switching gears during yesterday's event the white house honoring the 2023 stanley cup champions biden forgot he was president. again. take a look. >> the 2023 stanley cup champion vegas golden knights. shall we do this the right way? smooth this year will be the new york rangers just guessing.
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who is in charge in the white house he has made the slip-up a number of times in the past he seems to forget here is a reminder. >> when president harris and i all kidding aside of course president harris is a proud howard alum. >> last week president harrison i. >> i asked president harris to travel to the region. >> president harris led this effort. so if this comes against amid growing concern over the reelection chance jonathan martin suggesting that he turned to lose cheney admit romney for help and with the reaction the podcast host dixon and fox news contributor 2.0 to riley's back. i don't know what to say. they made a big deal donald
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trump did have a gaffe. the guy talks for hours and hours and hours and he is articulate and informed i have sat there myself and interviewed him what has become a one hour interview becomes a two hour interview and at one point he mixed up obama and biden and i was like okay one time. this guy calls harris president is seems like a dozen times and yet the media ignores that part. why? >> i think they know what is going on i think he remembers very clearly his time as vice president and realizes when he is in the white house he is vice president or thinks he is vice president so he assumes she must be president that's the only explanation i can come up with because i think about this in my household my husband doesn't walk into the kitchen and idle occasional accident lyc?e to the girls go ask your mom you know what your title is pretty much just forget.
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>> you know i talk about this on radio you know some of my favorite stores i love to go to costco because they give free samples. i like free samples and i usually end up buying whatever the sample is because it's good. i like to go to walmart i like to go to target kmart when they were around in here is the thing when you go into a walmart or target they have what is called a greeter. usually it seems to me i'm just reading the room is seems to be a retired person kind of bored once a little extra income and enjoys people and they are the nicest people and you walk in and they welcome you to the store and they asked where is the sporting department and they tell you where to go. i don't think joe is capable of being a walmart greeter. am i wrong? >> you are correct and i think he will be reaching his 81st birthday in a couple of weeks. the man's brain is scrambled. it's embarrassing.he is going to meet the leader of china and he's going to gaffe. we know it.
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but he gets a pass from the mainstream media but everyone on this planet knows he is not mentally fit in addition the article is a joke. the country does not want 1/4 term of obama. if the election was held today donald trump wins by a landslide but the problem is this, they are stuck with joe unless they do a turnaround. looking behind his back is gavin newsom who will also be at this big convention or summit in san francisco. he has no chance to win but joe biden is a disaster for america. the fallback is. harris is worse. >> i have this debate with desantis and newsom. do you think gavin, he has denied it many times when i have asked him. i take him at his word. you think he is interested in getting in that race? >> let me think about that. yes. yes. yes.
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he gets on his knees every day and praise about it. >> he looked pretty comfortable when he flipped his jacket over his shoulder when he walked into the oval office that day. good to see you we appreciate it. when we come back we're going to value how ufc dana white reacted with a sponsor told him to take down a video of president trump a pretty powerful response. straight ahead. >> this is franklin graham. i had a veteran one time tell me, "is there such a thing as a bucket of hope? "my bucket is getting pretty empty."
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and maybe you feel the same way when you look at the wars in the world, the demonstrations, the political chaos. you just ask yourself, "what hope do we have?" well, we've got a lot of hope, if we put our faith and trust in god. you see, god loves you. he made you, he created you, he sent his son jesus christ from heaven to this earth to take our sins. he died and shed his blood on a cross for our sins, and god raised him to life. if you are willing to trust him right now, god will forgive you. just pray this prayer with me. if you haven't done this, do it right now. just say, "god, i'm a sinner." i'm sorry. forgive me. i want to turn from my sins. i believe jesus christ is your son. i want to trust him as my savior. amen. you prayed that prayer, call the number right now that's on the screen. god bless you!
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trump take a look. >> we are robert kennedy jr. on and we had a couple companies call after that and stay just stuff about him we're not advertising on this episode and advertisers were like you need to take the episode down. >> i posted a video for trump, right, on my personal social
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media and one of our big sponsors called and said take that down. you know what i said? go [bleep] yourself. you vote for whoever you want to vote for and i'll vote for whoever i want to vote for. that's how this works. >> sean: can you say it any better? well, we can't. and by the way mentioned rfk, can't mention rfk jr. without discussing this viral photo of the presidential candidate walking down the aisle of an airplane completely barefoot allegedly on the way to the bathroom. rfk responded to the viral photo with this tweet, i guess this isn't the last time we're going to see him barefoot on a plane. anyway here now with reaction, outkick founder clay travis. i don't know. i mean, can't you just keep your socks on or something? >> well, on a positive, he's flying commercial so if you're a donor you have to believe your money's well spent. that's a funny meme he shared at the end.
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by the way sean you notice how quickly everybody dismissed the fact that joe biden's secret service that's supposed to be protecting his granddaughter, they won't give protection to rfk junior? they're just firing their gun and missing in georgetown? nobody hardly talks about it? why does biden grand's daughter have protection, who are they shooting at and why can't they hit him? >> sean: i think we need answers. by the way only a 10-day investigation into the cocaine. you know, look, i like rfk jr. personally i like the guy. i don't agree with a lot of his politics. for some reason people think he's conservative. i see three issues he's conservative on. men playing women's sports immigration and a lot of conservatives like his position on some of his back scene issues. i don't see anymore conservatism there. do you? >> no, i don't. although, you know, i know you've talked to trump a lot. we talked to him recently. i do wonder whether, if rfk
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jr.'s really going to be a third party candidate, whether, and this might be a crazy idea, trump might consider him as a vice-president in order to cancel out the third-party impact because, sean, when i look at the numbers, i think rfk jr. hurts trump more than he hurts biden. by the way >> sean: let me ask you. does he hurt him now because people think he might be conservative? his record is pretty liberal. i called it out on it last time he was on. >> yeah. well, i think a lot of people agree a hundred percent with his position on covid and i think that's where most of this is coming from. by the way credit to dana white he's 100% right own whatever political opinion and don't back down >> sean: i have to go. that's all the time we have this evening. set your dvr never miss an episode we will be in nashville tomorrow night and thursday night. let not your heart be troubled, greg gutfeld is next. ♪